ODA BLEW EVERYONE'S MIND!! Imu's true secret power in One Piece is SHOCKING! Luffy & Nika are COOKED

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Imu's true SEA DEVIL power and secret connection to the Gorosei explained! Can Luffy's Nika fruit be...
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the crazy truth about emu's secret power could be the sickest and most insane twist in all of One Piece and with each new chapter Oda has been revealing more about emu's powers and his strange connection to the five Goro is emu a devil fruit user or is he an actual Devil with the power to Grant demonic powers to his servants the true story of nerona IMU is even crazier than we could have imagined so let's get into it you guys all the drill if you enjoy my one piece content and you want to see more
in the future leave a quick like and comment right now for that YouTube algorithm and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you can get all of my crazy one piece theories in your recommended now even though we've known about the GTO for like 900 chapters for the longest time there was this big debate within the fandom about whether or not the Goro were even Fighters or whether they were just like figureheads and politicians that question was finally answered for us in chapter 1085 when old the Goro and emu were revealed to
have animalistic Transformations back then we only saw silhouettes of these Transformations but it was clear that these individuals did have impressive combat abilities and that they were certainly not just politicians then during the Egghead island arc the Transformations and true power of all the gay were revealed and based on the fact that they all have yo-kai inspired beast and hybrid Transformations and also based on the fact that when they transformed they had have swirling clouds around them that are very similar to gear 5 Luffy's clouds only dark most of us concluded that all the goo
say just happened to have extremely powerful mythical Zone devil fruits with how much attention mythical zones have been getting lately and with Luffy's own devil fruits secretly being a mythical Zone all along the GTO say reveal made sense and most people just kind of went with it however there were always some details about the powers of the GTO that just didn't seem to fit with our traditional understanding of how devil fruit powers are supposed to work the G can be summoned halfway across the world using mysterious magic circles that wreak of black magic and they
appear to be immortal and have incredible regeneration abilities that make them practically indestructible they also seem to share a telepathic connection with each other which allows them to maintain psychic channels of communication open even from halfway across the world and when their devil fruit Powers were first introduced in the manga they were not introduced in the traditional way instead of listing the names of the devil fruits themselves the chapter simply named the mythical Beast or yo-kai that their powers are based on these discrepancies between traditional devil fruit powers and the powers of the GTO led
many to conclude that they may not be normal users of mythical Zone devil fruits after all but if they're not devil fruit users then what could they possibly be and why do they possess powers that are so similar to the powers of a mythical Zone Oda might have given us an extremely important clue in chapter 1,12 22 of the manga when The Iron Giant EMT Unleashed a blast of incredibly powerful hockey that had been stored within him centuries ago by the original Joy boy the force of the hockey was so powerful that it forced the
four Goro who had been summoned to Egghead from marija to forcibly return to marijua and to their human forms against their will only Saturn remained at Egghead but that's because he had already been in Egghead to begin with he wasn't summoned to the island from somewhere else he was there physically the the most important thing about this scene is not what happens to the Goro rather the most important detail is what happens to IMU Sama himself even though U was still safely inside his garden in marijua and even though he himself was never summoned to
Egghead the insane hockey blast that hit the g seemed to have a direct effect on emu as well in fact U seemed more affected by the hacky than the Goro after all the gor except for Saturn are forcibly returned to marija they seem manhappy about it but they don't seem injured at all however right after the hockey blast emu fell to his knees he was breathing heavily and he looked genuinely shaken he immediately knows that the one who was behind the hockey blast was none other than the original Joy boy himself and this short scene
provides us with a potentially massive clue about the true nature of emu's power and its connection to the Goro the fact that U was seemingly more affected by the hockey blast that struck the Goro than even the gor say themselves suggests that there is some sort of strange Supernatural connection between emu and the five Elders this scene seems to suggest that the goros are not just ordinary devil fruit users who act independently of emu but still choose to worship Him willingly this scene suggests that the powers of the Goro may not come from a devil
fruit at all they may come from emu himself and so just like the Goro have a telepathic connection to each other they may have a similar connection to EMU a connection that is so strong that it makes emu feel their pain on his own body if the attack is strong enough now one popular theory is the idea that the only real devil fruit user here is emu himself and he somehow used his own devil fruit to bestow demonic mythical Zone like powers on the Goro basically he must have some kind of special devil fruit that
allows him to share his powers with others while also maintaining the ability to transform himself because as we saw in chapter 1085 emu can transform into some sort of monstrous creature right along with the Goro this could be possible but the idea that one devil fruit could do so much seems a bit unrealistic imagine a single devil fruit that can not only give amazing power to its main user but it can also give absolutely overpowered abilities to at least five other individuals and we're talking about allowing these guys to have multiple transformations to be practically
indestructible to be able to communicate telepathically to freaking tell tort across the world and so on I just don't think that a single devil fruit could do all of that although to be fair we have seen some absolutely overpowered Dev fruits in one piece I can't list them all here but obviously we have Blackbeard's fruit we have NAA which is a power so op that is considered to be the most ridiculous power in the world and if you think back to the Dress Rosa Arc Sugar's hobby hobby fruit is absolutely insane it can turn a
massive amount of people into toys erase their memories enslave them for long periods of time and on top of that it gives its user Eternal youth so is it possible that emu has a devil fruit that is like a superior version of Sugar's hobby hobby no Me Maybe allowing him to turn toys into Immortal superpowered people or something along those lines this would mean that the gor aren't human at all but rather toys or something else that is not human but took on a human form thanks to emu's own devil fruit power this is definitely
an interesting Theory and I saw through read by three scal Joe over on Twitter about this very idea that emu could be some sort of toy maker who breathes life and Supernatural Powers into dolls but if you think that having a single devil fruit be this strong is a bit too much there is also the theory that emu is not a devil fruit user at all according to this Theory emu is actually a Devil Himself and this is why he has the power to Grant devil fruit like abilities to other individuals such as the Goro
we know that the idea of an actual devil is mentioned in one piece in the form of the sea devil who may be the one who is behind the creation of devil fruits in the first place and that is why anyone who consumes a devil fruit is no longer able to swim because they've stolen from the sea devil or something along those lines now the theory that emu could actually be a sea devil has been around for a long time especially because the world emu in English can be read backwards as II and in Japanese
II means Ocean or sea one potential problem with this theory is that neona IMU appears to have been a historical person who lived during the void century and he was one of the 20 Kings who came together to form the world government during that time Ivanov believes that this historical emu and the Emu Who currently rules the world government is one and the same emu being an actual devil would explain why he is seemingly Immortal and why he is so powerful but that doesn't seem to mesh with the fact that 800 years ago he was
just a normal human King who may have achieved immortality some other way like using the opop om's perennial youth operation so either emu was just a human who became the ruler of the world government and then achieved immortality with the opop pomi or he was something else all along maybe emu really was human once but at some point he became possessed by an actual devil and that devil simply assumed the name and identity of St emu of the nerona family alternatively emu could have been a devil all along who merely pretended to be human in
order to fool the other kings into accepting him as their Ally so if emu really is an actual devil and the sea devil in particular that would explain a lot it would explain his immortality his insanely overpowered abilities including the ability to create op demonic minions like the GTO and it would explain why he is trying to flood the entire world the sea devil trying to turn the whole world into one large sea would make a lot of sense but if emu isn't a literal devil and if he did start his life off as a
regular human then we have to explain how he came to be so powerful how he came to be immortal and how he was able to Grant such amazing powers to the Goro one possibility is that emu used Advanced science of the ancient Kingdom to scientifically engineer the Goro kind of what vinm smoke judge did with his children but even more advanced perhaps the GTO were genetically modified before they were even born and maybe their genes were spliced with the genes of animals or even mythical creatures in order to give them their incredible powers without needing
to rely on devil fruits at all now if this were the case it would mean that emu is an even better scientist than both Saturn and Vega Punk since even their own research seems less Advanced and it cannot achieve comparable results personally I kind of like the idea that emu did start off as a normal human but he made some sort of deal with the sea devil in order to win the ancient war against Joy boy during the void Century in return for victory in the war and in return for immortality the sea devil may
have possessed emu's body and compelled him to turn the entire world into one big ocean an actual devil being able to bestow his minions with demonic powers without needing to rely on devil fruits would make a ton of sense and it would also explain why emu takes such great care to conceal himself from the world and also to conceal the truth about the void Century I imagine that the people of the world wouldn't be too happy to learn that the secret ruler of the entire planet is an actual sea devil who intends to flood everything
in the world and turn it into one big ocean and this train of thought kind of gets me thinking we are already in the final Saga of the one piece story and yet Luffy and the straw hat still have a lot of enemies to defeat even if we exclude the more friendly Rivals like the cross Guild we still have Blackbeard and his crew the Admirals the gods Knights and their leader figuran Garling plus a mysterious man that some believe could be shank's twin brother or related to Shanks in some way and of course we still
have emu and the Goro we already got to see the straw fighting all five of the G during the Egghead island arc but we know that all five G survived the fight without any major injuries so because of that the GTO will continue to pose a huge threat for the straw hats in the future even though we already had one major battle between them so what does this mean are we going to have to have a rematch of the fight between the straw hats and the GTO sometime down the line when the straw hats are
even stronger or is Oda planning to cook up something a little more unique what if Vega Punk's ability to split himself into different parts was actually foreshadowing for what is going to happen in the final showdown between the straw hats and emu and the Goro hear me out if emu really is a genuine devil and if he bestowed some of his powers upon the Goro so that they could serve as his minions then what if during the final battle emu is able to take the Demonic powers of the five Goro back into himself in order
to return to his ultimate form the sea devil in all of its terrifying superhuman Glory so instead of Oda having the straw hats fighting the Goro yet again he simply merges the gorto together with emu into some sort of ultimate love crafty and Megazord creature that serves as the final villain of the whole story now that would be a shocking twist and a fitting final boss for Luffy and his entire Straw Hat Fleet if this happens then I hope the design of the final villain is something absolutely out of this world I'm talking like a
giant epic monstrosity right out of Elden ring what do you guys think what is the true nature of the relationship between emu and the Goro and what is the secret source of their power is emu a devil fruit user or an actual devil are the GTO say normal humans or are they demons or maybe even artificial beings created by emu drop your theories down in the comments below and let's get an epic discussion going if you're looking for another insane one piece video to watch next check out this video that explains the power of Alor
and and which yo-kai each of their Transformations are actually based on link on screen and in the description if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like and of course subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you don't miss my future one piece videos
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