Karoline Leavitt DESTROYS Whoopi Goldberg On Live TV

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voters do not agree with these despicable women on The View they are wildly out of touch with the vast majority of Americans and frankly they should seek immediate help this is why of course she's on The View and not working for the most powerful man in the world because Caroline would wipe the flaw With You bit up banshees any day Joe Biden knows how to do this yes he knows how to do this he's he's quite good at this and you know you can't refute anything with him because he just when I say him I
mean he Rambles uh Trump trump he tends to just but can I mention one thing a few days ago we brought you the intense verbal clash between the new White House Press Secretary Caroline levit and whoopy Goldberg but what we didn't get a chance to show you thanks to time limits were the full details of the encounter and those jaw-dropping reactions so get ready because what you're about to see will leave you stunned and hey don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you want to catch more Unforgettable moments like this one I too am
a working mom and always have been I I've you know been a professional woman since I graduated from college or law school but now there's I think a good thing which is like the restoration of valuing so-call traditional you know moms and and that's great the women who take care of their kids full-time most of my best friends are doing exactly that but it seems like in the right there's like some a bit of a shift toward like you can't do what Caroline's doing that's that's actually like an unsafe or a dangerous or a bad
choice for families for children which I reject wholesale but you hear it more and more yeah what do you hear that what do you think of it right off the bat the woke mob did what it does best lose its mind and try to Mom shame her because apparently if you dare outwit the self-proclaimed queen of woke whoopy Goldberg her Army of minions will swoop in like Twitter trolls on a viral hashtag and with the woke Brigade nothing and I mean nothing is off limits not your arguments not your character and certainly not your family
so what was their brilliant comeback after levit verbally suplexed Goldberg on national TV did they challenge her facts or professionalism nope they went full 1950s and asked why a mother of a seven-month-old was even working yes folks the same crowd that screams women can do it all suddenly hit pause and decided this particular working mom had crossed the line apparently if you embarrass a daytime talk show host you're supposed to go home bake cookies and reflect on your life choices hypocrisy at its finest self-awareness nowhere to be found I would reject that it's a bad
choice is it a tough choice absolutely you know as a mother you want to be with your child 247 you have that maternal Instinct 27 not all the time well right now yes cuz he's seven months and just squishy and lovable but I'm sure that will change um no but you know you do have that maternal Instinct but also recognizing like I'm doing this work for my son and for all children to make this country better and it's a Once in a-lifetime Opportunity honestly Caroline is making some solid points and I have no idea why
people are hating on a hardworking mother in the first place let's see what she has to say next it's also very it's temporary right in four years my son will be four years old and the president will no longer be at the White House and then I'll move on and do something else but you know this chaos of 24/7 work is a temporary matter and that's what at least I tell myself to get through these very long and hard days but I would reject that you can't be a good mom and be good at your
job I think you can do both um it certainly not it's not for everybody um and it's takes a lot of of work and will and faith and prayer um and it's hard but it can be done and you know I would reject that and just like that Carol levit effortlessly smashes the woke outrage like swatting away a fly with a sledgehammer she calmly drops what should be common sense yes it's totally possible to balance motherhood and a career without having to sacrifice one for the other groundbreaking right someone call the think tanks but here's
where levit really flips the script she unapologetically Embraces Traditional Values admitting that juggling work and raising a child is tough and not every woman is cut out for it shocking I know a woman actually daring to say hey my lifestyle isn't one siiz fits all unlike the lefts you can have it all or you've failed feminism Mantra levit offers a more mature perspective she gracefully points out that women who choose full-time motherhood deserve respect not condescension because believe it or not nurturing the next generation is just as valuable as climbing the corporate ladder in the
end levit doesn't just win the argument She lays bare the left's hypocrisy for what it truly is performative empowerment with a of mom shaming but if you thought the left couldn't sink any lower they managed to surprise you with a brand new rock bottom conspiracy theorists I mean I got to ask you because they said it are you aware of any plots from Elon Musk to push president Trump down the stairs absolutely not let me be unequivocally clear about that and watching this clip I couldn't help but think how ironic that whoopy Goldberg and joy
bayar and the rest of the ladies on The View spend their time calling Republicans the conspiracy theorists but they have been wrong about everything they have said over the last couple of years they likened president Trump to Hitler they have mocked him they have shamed him they have lied about him consistently on their show and it was a joy to watch them on November the 6th when they realized that tens of millions of Americans do not listen to the lies that they have spewed these women are completely out of touch with reality Yes you heard
that right the left the self-proclaimed champions of facts evidence and logic have officially swapped their science-backed yard signs for tinf foil hats they've dropped to the level of lowbudget conspiracy theorists you'd expect to find shouting on a street corner with a cardboard sign and their latest jaw-dropper of a theory brace yourself apparently Elon Musk the guy who's busy launching rockets and revolutionizing transportation has secretly hatched a plot to take down Trump by pushing him down the stairs yes really because nothing says billionaire master plan like schoolyard tactics and leading this intellectual Crusade none other than
the View's finest the daytime talk show harpies who've somehow convinced themselves they're running a congressional committee from their coffee table why because levit had the audacity to destroy their queen bee and now they want their pound of Flesh so who better to Target than levet's boss Donald Trump and his buddy Elon Musk it's like watching satire write itself but Caroline levit was is n about to let that nonsense slide she hit back with a few Choice words that didn't just debunk the lunacy they had the conspiracy crowd scrambling to cook up their next half-baked Theory
a lot of women are preparing themselves for the impact of the incoming Administration which has led to this growing Mantra from male right-wing inels your body my choice say that to my face never one to back down easily whoopy Goldberg gathered what little courage she had left to take another swing at Carolina levit though of course it was indirect even she knows the kind of verbal obliteration that awaits anyone foolish enough to challenge levit headon so instead of confronting levit directly Goldberg took the coward's route she turned her sights on Trump and that's when she
did the unthinkable right there on National Television Goldberg spat after uttering Trump's name like a cartoon villain tasting defeat for the first time classy right because nothing screams intellectual rebuttal like spitting on Q well levit didn't let that one slide she fired back with the Precision of a surgeon and the force of a freight train this is what passes for debate now levit scoffed when you can't win on facts you resort to playground Antics imagine being so triggered by one man's name that you start spitting like a toddler refusing broccoli it's beyond embarrassing no wonder
daytime TV ratings are crashing and she didn't stop there levit called out the hypocrisy loud and clear these are the same people preaching civility and respect yet here they are turning ABC into a slapstick comedy show by the time levit was done Goldberg's bold move looked less like Defiance and more like desperation the internet took notice memes flooded in faster than the views producers could hit the commercial break many who witnessed the heated exchange threw their support behind the White House Press Secretary one user posted these women are going to have to hide at some
point I wouldn't feel comfortable walking down the street if I were any of them others pointed out that Goldberg spat in the face of all Americans who voted for Trump one commented literally she spat on the face of trump supporters that's half the American people some even thought Whoopi's Antics were just a ploy to grab more views as one person wrote I'm convinced they pay her extra to act foolish you must have really wrestled with how you were going to meet the high bar set by Karine jeampier was that sorry sorry was that out loud
no she was terrible yeah I mean come on yeah so how is your approach different would you say um I think it's vastly different and if you ask people even in the Legacy Media even the Trump haers they will tell you the approach has been much different not just for me but the entire White House oh absolutely they come in my office every day and they'll admit that off the Record maybe not on the record but they will say they appreciate the access and the transparency and the preparation that goes into my briefings and everybody
on our team now I'll admit I'm getting a bit off track here but did Caroline levit just expose the Legacy Media and Trump haters in one swift move because this part is pure gold think about it these are the same people who've pounced on levet every chance they get from questioning her credentials to Mom shaming her the woke journalists have practically made it their side hustle to drag her at every turn if levit even breathes wrong there's an oped about it within the hour but here's where it gets juicy off camera when the outrage is
Switched Off and the blue check Mark bravado Fades these very same critics are reportedly sneaking into lit's office to congratulate her yes you heard that right they're privately thanking her for the media access they couldn't get under Biden's press team so let's get this straight publicly they're painting her as some right-wing villain privately they're all smiles handshakes and Whispering thanks for actually doing your job you literally can't make this stuff up but honestly should anyone be surprised hypocrisy has practically become a job requirement on the left it's not just the view it's the entire media
ecosystem pretending to fight the dragon while secretly feeding its scraps under the table and levit she's just standing there seat in hand watching the whole charade unravel according to an IG report from the Social Security Administration there was 71 billion doar worth of fraud in one single fiscal year that we know about and so that is a lot of fraud to be clear that $71 billion was from 2015 to 2022 so it wasn't in just one year and it was 71 billion but it but it wasn't one year just over multiple years from 2015 to
2022 so are you defending 71 billion in fraud Peter that's a lot of money why is the media so against cutting waste Fraud and Abuse from the government I don't get it I just ask question we won't be deterred we will not be deterred from people like you and the press and there it is exactly what I've been talking about fresh off her verbal Smackdown with whoopy Goldberg Caroline levit barely has time to catch her breath before another woke journalist swoops in ready to set the record straight was this journalist concerned about the actual issue
levit had just exposed you know the massive fraud sitting there like a neon sign of course not that would require critical thinking and we can't have that instead they zeroed in on attacking levit like a hall monitor Drunk on Power it's almost like these people attend the same training Camp step one ignore the Scandal step two attack The Whistleblower step three congratulate yourself for saving democracy levit being levit didn't just roll over she hit back with the kind of calm cutting Precision that turns internet clips into viral gold oh I'm sorry she quipped I didn't
realize exposing corruption was less important than satisfying your factchecking fetish and the best part the journalists clearly flustered doubled down because when you're losing why not dig a deeper hole they kept pressing nitpicking words while completely ignoring the elephant tap dancing in the room by the time levit was done it wasn't just a debate it was a full-blown demolition the journalist walked away looking less like a truth seeker and more like an unpaid PR rep for the very fraud levit had just exposed it left me wondering how exactly levit prepares to face the Press because
she sure seems to have her finger on the pulse of just about every issue take a listen how do you prepare because you can't know everything and you could get asked anything and unlike Karine jeanpierre you're not out there reading and furiously flipping through your tabs to try to find an answer somebody else has written for you so how are you preparing so I did prepare a binder for the first briefing my great assistant Keegan put it together and then I showed up to work and it was like this thick and I was like I
can't even move this I I can't use this it was too cumbersome for my brain and the way I learn and think and study to to have that it felt like added weight and I said I want to just go in there and speak from my mind and from my heart like your boss like my boss and that right there is the secret behind Caroline lit's Lightning Fast responses and devastating clapbacks she's not reading from a script or running her words through a woke approved filter she speaks from the heart plain and simple unlike her
woke counterparts who need a focus group a PR consultant and a thesaurus to churn out the perfect inclusive yet outraged sound bite levit skips the theatrics no hypocrisy no obfuscation just raw unfiltered reality the kind that lands harder than their recycled talking points ever could while the left is busy doing mental gymnastics to avoid offending their own Echo chamber levit is out here saying exactly what everyone else is thinking and the best part she doesn't just talk the talk she she backs it up with facts receipts and the kind of confidence that leaves her critics
blinking like deer in headlights it's almost unfair while the woke Brigade is busy crafting the perfect insult thread on X formerly Twitter for those still pretending it's 2016 Levits already five steps ahead dismantling their arguments before they even hit Post in a world drowning in virtue signaling and performative outrage lit's authenticity isn't just refreshing it's a threat to those whose entire platform is built on smoke mirrors and selective outrage so hearing Joy Bahar and whoopy Goldberg reduce such an obviously intelligent and talented woman to her looks it's not just disingenuous it's downright disheartening I think
she's probably been put in there because according to Donald Trump she's a 10 you know that's what it is I want to be clear though it's not her first job it was her first press briefing she worked it's starting to seem like the women on The View aren't just offended by Caroline levit they're envious envious of her sharp intellect her Poise and naturally her rapid Ascent to fame because let's be honest Levits achieved more in a few years than they've managed after Decades of yelling into the abyss and when jealousy takes over reason tends to
go out the window so what's their game plan easy say whatever they can no matter how absurd Petty or blatantly hypocritical just to bring her down it's like watching High School Mean Girls but with worse opinions and a much bigger budget they can't go after her record it's rock solid they can't challenge her arguments she destroys them effortlessly so they fall back on the classic move from the woke Playbook character assassination oh she's only successful because of trump they whine conveniently forgetting that levit was already Making Waves long before she ever stepped into the White
House Press Room they cry as if they'd ever make the same accusation about a liberal mom balancing work and family it's absurd the more they flail the clearer it gets this isn't about politics it's about Envy levit is winning the culture War just by existing and the more successful she becomes the louder the Tantrums grow no one makes this more obvious than Michael nolles she's a very nice looking lady but it it isn't true that that's why she got the job she got the job because she was the national spokesman for the campaign and she
did a very good job in that in that role and the campaign was hugely successful and communicated very effectively that is why she got the job even if Caroline levit weren't a pretty lady even if she were a male Gremlin monstrous looking fellow she still would have gotten the job based on how effective the campaign Communications was furthermore Caroline levit ran for congress I I was talking to Roger Stone about this when we were trying to figure out who the picks for the administration were going to be he said I think Lev's going to get
the White House Press SE job I think she earned the job and I like that she has been in in the fire she's a run for office Caroline levit isn't just outsmarting the woke crowd because she's sharp though let's be real she absolutely is it's not just books smarts or witty onliners This Woman's got real experience remember her Congressional run she didn't just show up like some token gen Z candidate chasing retweets she won the Republican primary crushing her opponents like a freight train with no breaks and who got left in the dust Matt mowers
a former Trump Administration official who was supposed to be the front runner spoiler alert he wasn't sure levit eventually lost to the Democrat incumbent Chris papis but it wasn't some crushing defeat she made the establishment sweat proving she wasn't just another talking head she was a fighter that campaign wasn't just another bullet point on her resume it was a crash course in real world Politics the kind woke pundits like to pretend they grasp while sipping lattes and drafting their next fact check so when levit steps up to the podium and delivers those quick Sharp comebacks
it's not just youthful confidence it's the hone skill of someone who's been in the trenches taking blows and coming out tougher no wonder the left can't stand her she's everything they claim to support but secretly fear smart resilient and actually effective now to the cackling witch herself Joy be her from The View whose jealousy is something to behold here is her assessment of Trump's new White House Press Secretary Caroline levit I think she's probably been put in there because according to Donald Trump she's a 10 you know that's what it is I want to be
clear though it's not her first job it was her first press briefing she worked in the previous the ever empowering feminist Joy herself everyone and this is why of course she's on The View and not working for the most powerful man in the world because Caroline would wipe the floor with you bitter banshees any day yep as we've already pointed out the ladies on The View aren't just annoyed by Caroline levit they're jealous and who could blame them while they sit on daytime TV recycling the same tired talking points and talking trash levit is out
here working for the most powerful man on Earth let that sink in they're complaining from a cushy Studio couch while levit is shaping narratives from inside the White House it's not just a difference in job titles it's a difference in relevance and here's the kicker they know they can't compete with her intellect composure or political Savvy that's why every time they try to go toe-to-toe with her it ends the same way levit schooling them armed with nothing but facts and a killer smile whoopy and her crew throw Tantrums levit throws receipts they stir up outrage
she drops truth bombs it's like watching a pro spar with armchair critics the jealousy isn't just obvious it's downright tangible Because deep down they know that if they ever had to swap places with levit they wouldn't last 5 minutes in her shoes the CNN guy um Jim aosta oh oh wait he's not on CNN anymore that's right he was like so not it was just so I would say you don't mind the aggressive questions you take the aggressive questions but it was just always to the point that it was like how do you destroy Donald
Trump how do you destroy the individuals of St staff it was it was so when they do say Trump derangement syndrome and I do think that there's also Elon Musk deranging syndome happening too with the media because they don't know how to handle it how do you view that differently from the first Administration till now well first of all since you brought up Jim aosta he's been uh saying some not so nice things about me online and I've resisted responding but since you brought him up I'd like to say to Jim at least I have
a job Jim okay the say another brutal clapback from the Undisputed queen of comebacks Caroline levit at this point it's like watching a Master Chef school someone who just figured out how to boil water and this right here is exactly why whoopy Goldberg wouldn't dare face off with levit in a real Showdown it's not just about losing it's about getting obliterated in front of millions whoopy might be loud but noise doesn't win battles levit plays chess while Goldberg's stuck playing checkers with half the pieces missing every insult whoopy tosses gets thrown right back at her
but sharper with a side of bless your heart deep down whoopy knows the truth she can put on a show all she wants from the comfort of the View's Echo chamber but in a a real debate it would be a knockout before the first commercial break and with that we wrap up today's episode if you enjoyed our sharp take on the latest political Buzz hit that like button and subscribe for more thought-provoking content thanks for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
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