It was nice while it lasted.

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Nathaniel Drew
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Hemingway referred to Paris and his experiences there as a Movable Feast I think I get what he was talking about now it feels like the time you spent in this city sticks with you wherever you go once you left Paris is a demanding place it both gives and it takes I'm stating the obvious here but the places we spend our time shape us and I'm saying goodbye to a place that profoundly marked Me 2 years uh since we came here in so much so happened so much has indeed happened here and soon this beautiful place
is going to be someone else's home I didn't think this was going to happen quite this quickly but then again runs in the family on average my parents changed homes every 3 years over the last three decades uh I can't believe we're undoing what we did exactly 2 years ago we came to help you put the the apartment together furnish it the walls and all of it lots of work it's okay life is an adventure okay chapter's over you've got you got to go with what's next what feels right this is how it goes Paris
was a place for me to try a lot of things out life is a series of experiments right maybe the thing I love the most about this place is how it feels like culture and ideas and all kinds of different people just pop up into your life here for example is a little encounter with someone I did not know at all you want to take myage now I want this lesson this Italian man who may or may not have been a little bit tipsy decided to join us and teach me a card game from Italy
what language are we speak we we canose we what's your name 1 there's a bit of a magic for me in these little moments these little moments that made up my life over the last few years a very old way to play CS I have to admit I was a bit surprised by the amount of responses I received when I first announced this decision earlier this year and the very top comment was a quote that I have come to really love you're under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago now
of course that is no excuse or justification for misleading people that's obviously never my intention and that's kind of what happened with my relationship with bears your new life is going to cost you your old one it's going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction it's going to cost you relationships and friends it's going to cost you being liked and understood those are words from Banna Weiss and yes that is a price I'm willing to pay some of you were upset with this decision and I'm sorry to let you down if
you were enjoying what I was doing here but to my great sense of relief you know who isn't upset about this decision my friends and family when you are in this mode of always self-exploration the only thing you can predict is the unpredictability because the more you peel you know trying to discover who you are what you like what makes sense it you know it's a journey and it has a lot of surprises and you got to roll with it I won't be able to capture everything and everyone that was a part of this chapter
of my life but here are a collection of moments from the camera roll on my phone oh my God already looking so good wow all right what's going on we're sending an email about an apartment okay let's write this email this is a real deal 23 more minutes all right I love how gross this is get really up in there love [Music] oopsie so it's sort of like this wow um and that's awesome Jack made this I feel feel like like we decided to reenact the Always Sunny in Philadelphia conspiracy theory meme I fre love
it now it looks like it's 3:00 a.m. so I am getting all of these for the lights in my apartment progressively this is good this is the explain to me the situation issue I don't even know it's cold it it's called so that's this is Wayne scotting [Music] I don't regret a single instant my heart feels full when I think about these last few years when I think about the feast that has been my life in Paris but of course I'm making this because something has changed I've changed and I think I'm ready to take
the feast with me and that is what is leading me to my next chapter this is actually the first episode in a new series chronicling what comes next but first I want to thank the sponsor of this video whose support is making this upcoming series a reality I am deeply motivated to learn more about myself and that should be pretty obvious if you've been watching my videos for a while but I have found time and again that this is the best possible thing to invest in I was raised in a household that valued investing in
and developing emotional intelligence and more than ever I feel like this is what is helping me navigate and make big life decisions like the ones you're sort of witnessing unfold in real time so thrilled to be working with better help for two reasons first is that they make therapy more financially accessible as well as just more flexible in general you can do it online in whatever form of communication that you most prefer whether that's text phone call or video call you can freely change therapist if you're not clicking with who you're talking with which is
important I mean you got to feel comfortable with whoever you're talking to about your emotional situation whatever you're going through but I'm also grateful for better helps support of this work that I'm doing of sharing my journey of navigating life if you will and continuing to develop my own understanding of my own experiences it's really easy to sign up and get matched with somebody right away you can just go to the link in my description if you want to check it out or go to methani Drew clicking the link supports this channel so that's
something to keep in mind but also when you sign up using that link you'll get 10% off your first month with better help thank you better help for your support of this Channel all right so where were we what's the plan now what comes next well as you can tell I'm in a little bit of a different place than usual why am I here well like so many things in life I think it kind of just snuck up on me a little bit I didn't notice what was happening at first it started with the occasional
visit to the countryside to escape the city then it became every other weekend then it became every weekend the Tipping Point came in February there SP a week at my parents home in the countryside alone I was dog sitting for them and it was just a little too good I didn't know it at the time but that was the straw that broke the camel's back as if a switch had been flipped in my brain things just weren't the same after that I didn't come back to Paris as the same person I think I had just
glimpsed a little too much of a different life I could be living without meaning to I had bitten from the forbidden fruit what do you do when you find out a whole new world you haven't explored awaits you it was time to pack up the feast that had been my life in Paris and take what I could with me and just like that once again my life was about to change forever I don't know where I'm headed or how I'll get there [Music] or who I [Music] meet in which [Music] country on witch Street a
which [Music] table we'll have a [Music] seat but that's oh okay I'm okay with how it's going without [Music] knowing when I'm scared I close my eyes and a little voice in my head replies take your time don't don't worry you're okay don't [Music] hurry so I don't know what comes next and I never will trust me I've tried and failed [Music] so now I think I'll let it be yet another mystery [Music] [Music]
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