Signing Potential Client, Getting 2nd Phone & Suprising My Assistant | Vlog

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
Video Transcript:
alright guys so I thought I would do a little bit of a more vloggy video for you guys today I'm actually heading off to Westfield or just like a shopping center here in London going to the Apple store because I'm actually about to pick up a second iPhone and I thought I'd use that to kind of discuss social media how it's [ __ ] you up how being in communication with people 24/7 is completely [ __ ] you up how I go completely against the grain with most people in terms of the whole networking you
got a stay on behind you gotta I have like a very strong of pain I've done the whole networking thing before I've done the whole like a DM and reach out to as many people as possible and do this and do that at cetera et cetera and I just kind of found what works for me now in my work schedule in my communication and how willing I have to communicate at certain times so let's go pick up this phone and then I thought I'd uh kind of discuss the main points potential 16 17 year-olds I'm
on no no I would love to get no I know you when I get what didn't last 30 seconds all right guys just got off the phone with someone from my network a long time ago just came in has any potential client why say potential but pretty much the entire call was like it was a great call so probably 90% chance we should have to have a meeting close everything up and yeah what kind of move from there so guys really gets that today now I've got a head off and pick up the second work
phone I guess so we are in Westfield about to head off the Apple I think they're pretty like weird about recording I remember the last time I went to go do that iPhone 7 good way if you guys remember that like one the first things once I started making a bit of money was and I gave away an iPhone 7 to one of my followers I remember they're a bit iffy about food so we're ahead in there and I'll talk to you guys what's wrong is whenever it now is black so pickup wipes is less
to me you should me so guys I told soul that I had a little surprise and a little gift for him so pick which one you want no wait I'm getting one for me and I'm getting one for you so basically souls weren't always Souls works for me for around a year now I had like you know I got a lot of love for him I don't think I'd be able to do what I do as efficiently without him so yeah dude pick pick out a phone and alright guys so as I said his funny
soul had absolutely no idea right up until and you seemed a bit surprised I'm a [ __ ] joke basically what happened was he went to Italy on a trip he left his phone he lost his phone turns out he told me when he came over to my apartment this morning that someone actually recovered it and it's were like TfL now but by the way it was an iPhone 5s I have a 5s some [ __ ] that we can't have an igt member working on that thing so I just said picked him up a
I phone X so yeah hope you enjoy that dude and the second iPhone is pretty much the purpose of this this video so this is my first phone and guys by the way it doesn't need to be an iPhone X this thing can be like a cheap piece of [ __ ] you can have two iPhone 5s like that's not the point of this the point of this is the fact that like on here let me tell you may see what happens to it and around nine oh I go to bed 10 p.m. at 9
o'clock I turned my phone on airplane mode what I'll do before then is I will download a podcast I'll open up the strides app and track all of my goals and my progress for that day and I also just make sure that you know there are no fires to put out before bed so from 9:00 to 10:00 my phone is turned off not from 10 I sleep usually around 10 I wake up around 5:30 now from 5:30 my gym opens at 6:00 or sometimes I will have tennis at 6:00 now my gym opens at 6:00
and I now have a training partner so most of time what I'll do is I'll take it over to the gym now the issue is when your phone is on airplane mode for example you know it's on airplane mode the issue is you know when you like I have to turn it off to order an uber or you know I have to turn it off to order and for example to get to tennis I actually I have to get over otherwise it's continuing like twice as low and three times as long so what usually will
happen what I'll do these days is I'll just turn my phone off in airplane mode and I'll slow it on to my couch so all of the notifications come through I have notifications turned off for everything except just important ones on whatsapp iMessage Hoover stripe Pay Pal those are the only ones that have notifications turned on for nonetheless that still gives me so much not exact like anxiety and like you know it's just like it's a [ __ ] in the morning and for example if I'm listening to music in the gym I have to
take this thing with me now at one swipe I can instantly have so much dopamine go through my system add one swipe to turn off airplane mode I can have an influx of messages and influx of say client invoices that come through customer payments come through I can check my affiliate dashboard like you know what we're very lucky with the whole digital marketing space because like there's so much opportunity and so much happening every single day and by the way I don't mind this super like oriental music we're just in the shopping mall but you
know the issue with that is your brain gets absolutely fried with all of this dopamine stuff so that's why I've picked up this new iPhone and once again guys it doesn't need to be an iPhone X for me I didn't want to get something where I could still like for example uber say after tennis you know taking uber back home I need sort of Wi-Fi and dating Romo so I'll get it I'll get a contract now another thing I need you to understand is this is on this is own company card this you know soles
phone it just came out of my own pocket so keep in mind for example for example this when this cost a thousand pounds I have to make around like two thousand one hundred pounds send it to my personal account and then I get this with this I don't get that fifty percent markup because it's through the business and this takes down my profit saving me more attack so big big benefits to running it through the business here so that is one thing you need to understand you know if you're starting out I would recommend even
if you're just going to the gym just get an iPod [ __ ] look at it like an iPod Touch they cost like 200 pounds or 200 bucks or whatever and leave your phone at home you know rather than using your phone for the music because guys honestly I know that if I have a good morning I have a good day and I know that I have a good morning when I don't touch my phone when I wake up at 5:30 I get my exercise I meditate and I don't touch my phone until one o'clock
so you know guys even when I'm playing music between work blocks or mine on my speaker I have to play the music off of here now I don't turn up off of airplane mode but you know I just want and this is also something you know I've been kind of holding off on getting a second work phone for a long time but some of my mentors craig ballantyne you know he has to work phones his friend bedros cool Ian he has to work phones you know like all these people Steve Larson for example you know
all these mentors and coaches of mine they all have two phones and they build a fence around them and that's sort of the main purpose of this video is the person sitting behind this camera soul he's my executive assistant now no offense so I could get someone who's way more experienced who's worked for huge companies or huge CEOs who's very professional who's like all this stuff but I like soul because he understands my industry he's been me he's been with me for a while and to me like that's the most important thing now soul his
sole purpose is make sure that there is a fence around me and I'm protected in terms of my attention and my for example anxiety you know guys the thing is you know the song like more money more problems more money more business more responsibility and with responsibility comes anxiety comes stress so you know the person behind this camera he is as I said he's my executive assistant he is the person that makes sure that all of the customer support all that stuff has managed you know I still do a lot of it myself because I
like to have that relation for example if you send me a DM it's me responding but you know some of that other stuff you know from 5:30 until 1:00 o'clock there could be a fire going on in the business or at least the online digital side of things even my marketing agency with client relations he will make sure he will vet and make sure that there's nothing that needs to be put out immediately and F it is if it if it is an absolute must then it needs to be put out immediately then I have
a work phone that three people will know the the contact number of so guys what I'm trying to get to here is read a book called deep work by Cal Newport one thing that I see a lot of entrepreneurs do that I don't agree with at all is they are constantly spending their time on they're on Facebook trying to network Facebook trying to network Instagram trying to network this thing trying to network this thing trying to network guys that's amazing but I talk about Chris record I got this from him income producing activities from 5:30
until 1:00 if I do my if I go to the gym if I have my tennis lesson if I go steam room sauna if I do my meditation right and I'm in the zone and by 8 o'clock I'm at my desk I have [ __ ] crushed it if I work from paint o'clock till 1 o'clock I will get more done in 4 hours than most people who say they're hustling and they're grinding will you know in a week any time someone says they are hustling or grinding trust me understand that place that that you're
coming from because I was at that place too you know you're at that place where you're just starting out you got a [ __ ] chip on your shoulder and it's all about like just pushing through but at the end day guys I can tell you the best results you'll get is when you just discipline yourself you know the only reason you don't have the car you want the only reason you don't have the lifestyle you want the girl you want or the guy you want or or the gratitude in your life that you want
is literally you so you know I think it's so important to discipline yourself I think it's so important to have those power hours where you can just focus and you can get to the most important tasks in your business and for example with me if we look at for example let's even just look at my calendar today you'll see that so let me know how well that shows is that fine it doesn't need to show specifics but yeah does that like come through okay so for example you'll see from 5:30 until 1:00 absolutely nothing then
from one on I have a call at 2:00 a call at 2:41 at 3:00 one at 4:00 one at 5:20 like these are all money calls these are all potential clients potential customers potential consulting clients and potential like collaborations I'm happy to do that I am happy to network I'm happy to see all these incredible people out there but no one is gonna sacrifice the most important thing and the most important thing is having a better service for example if you're in marketing having a better service for your clients if you're an affiliate marking having
better offers and promotions for your audience if you have digital products like me having a better product and delivering a better service you know if you're doing Amazon FBA like that is the most important thing that and selling it and putting the free works in place to sell it you know so guys thought I'd do more of a blog style as I said two main kind of takeaways first of all first thing I want to say is you know it's made 2018 now this none of this would have been possible a year ago guys the
most incredible thing about having money let me tell you something 8th April last month tax season just started or the new tax season just started if my company starts doing you know we're roughly we're around 70 60 to 80 thousand dollars a month profit if my company starts doing quarter million a month profit I don't take any more money last month I took three thousand pounds out of my company to live off of you know I have my I think you guys saw the on my Instagram story I have you know I'm working with my
accountant now just to put forward a six-figure tax advance I have my apartment paid off for eight months I have employees paid off for three months you know I've tried to give it advances to people and stuff like that that I believe in so you know this would not have been possible a year ago the cool thing about money when you start getting good money is you can afford for example with me like a meditation coach you can afford to have two phones for maximum productivity you can afford to have you know some of my
coaches and mentors charge $5,000 or $1,000 an hour $5,000 for a one-day shared with mastermind $30,000 for a mastermind group you know that for me that's the exciting thing about once you start making a bit more money you can get really healthy clean food delivered to your house every Sunday you know you can there's just so much heavy lifting than the people around you for example the person behind this camera my executive assistant which I'm so [ __ ] grateful for you know they can do some of the heavy lift that I can focus on
the most important things and the things that are just gonna make the biggest impact in my life and my clients and customers life so guys I really hope you took something from it number one as I said take care of the people around you because when you find high quality team members outsources contractors keep them around because you know as I said that they're hard to come by and number two you know make your life easier limit distractions Network I'm not saying don't network or don't you know don't respond to DMS I respond to pretty
much all my deals don't I know I'm not saying don't respond to Facebook messages what I'm saying is first things first move the business ahead and then you can dedicate your time to all that other stuff so guys hope you enjoyed this video you saw me talk to you a new potential client pretty much a guaranteed plan you saw a bit it to my mind yeah hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you beautiful [Music]
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