so how do you cause something to go from the future to the past if I were at an intelligence agency and I heard there was a guy with the highest IQ ever recorded who was contradicting the liberal establishment agenda I'd probably have a file on that guy have you uh have you had any run-ins with the some interest has been shown most of us have an IQ of 100 score in the 140 range and you're in the genius to near genius category 195 to 200 well you're talking one in several billion people now historians figure
that Einstein and Franklin scored about 160 Darwin 165 Galileo 185 Isaac Newton 190 that means Langan could possibly be the smartest person in the world so for those of us who have an IQ that's a little bit lower than yours I'm I'll admit it I with no false modesty and no uh undue confidence the first question we have to establish does God exist [Music] yes the reality has an identity okay the identity is that as which something exists okay matter of fact when you say the word reality you're naming an identity it is you're identifying
something this I'm I'm smiling because your your answer on this is so beautiful it it just reminds me of of Moses at the burning bush and Moses at the burning bush says who shall I tell the people that you are talking to God and God says tell them I am that I am that's right I am identity itself I'm being himself exactly that's exactly right that's what the ctmu says it's just comes up with the mathematical structure that you need to build a reality out of that you see so you come up with that identity
and then you search it for its properties you see you once you've built the preliminary framework then you start deducing the property of this identity and you find out that those properties match those of God as described in most of the world's major religions the reality isn't just geometric which is what Einstein thought it was Nor is it just linguistic it's a blend of the two right Russell saw it as being linguistic Einstein saw it as being geometric okay so I decided that reality must be logico geometric putting the two of them together of course
then I realized well I've got to put together a theory constructive theory in which reality is actually logical geometric and so that's where the ctmu came from and the ctmu is the cognitive theoretic model of the univers cognitive theoretic model of the univers this is your Theory of Everything my theory of everything and it's all in the name if you take a good close look at that you've got cognitive theory and of course you know a theory is a kind of language theoretic language okay and then you've got cognitive theoretic model you've got a model
and then you've got Universe you've got a language you've got a universe and then the model is the mapping between them ctmu says those are all the same thing all of those terms all of those those those properties are distributed everywhere over reality reality can have only one structure when once you realize that and you implement it in theoretical form but this is so important that you're not just talking about this siloed aspect of thought or this you know philosophy over here language over here math over here physics over here but you're presenting something that
is universal correct correct absolute and Universal to get the absolute invariance the absolute truths of reality you know things that are true everywhere you go no matter you know at what time you exist or in what place you exist it's the same H so so we're not just we're not just defining God out of existence sometimes you'll hear people uh say God exists and and but they'll give God such a a weak shallow definition that the god that they're describing has no uh no relation to the god that we conceive of you're saying No this
God is God God himself is conscious and and therefore personal yes you can establish a personal relationship with God we're images of God you know what an image is it's basically the product of a mapping God Maps himself into each human being right that's a very personal thing that God is doing for us right and I don't understand how anybody can say that it's any different we reflect the structure of the universe each one of us we're carried by it everything we do we exist in a medium what is that Medium right where did it
come from what holds it together what is the unifying coherence the source of coherence of that Medium now is your claim that is your claim a pantheistic claim that God is the universe or the universe is God and that's that or no or is God outside of the universe and created God is greater than well what is the universe damned if I know you ever hear the simulation hypothesis yes okay well simulation hypothesis is basically the idea the reality we see around this physical reality is simulated on some sort of a an automaton or or
a or a computer yeah some some aliens somewhere have just uh they've fooled us the idea is that you've got some kind of an automaton running you've got a simulation running on it and God it's more panentheistic you know what panentheism is I do uh I think I do but that means that uh we are in God in let let me know how I've gone wrong we are in God and God is in us and it is not merely that God and the creation are one and the same but they are quite related is that
something approaching pantheism a little bit yes there's uh there's the idea is that you've got the physical universe that you see around you but God is Not confined to the physical universe okay see there's a an ordinary pantheist thinks assumes that God is somehow confined to the universe that there is just what we see around us and God is in every piece of it God is distributed over it yeah but it's uh it's a little bit more complex than that because this part of the universe that we see around us cannot exist just by itself
yeah okay there are certain things that it entails and when you go into those entailments that's how you get to God that's how you get to the identity of reality okay and now to get back to the to the reality self simulation or at least that's what I call it self simulation but to get back to the simulation hypothesis that we're living in the display of that simulation in addition to the display there is also a processing aspect okay and God it captures both of those things it captures both the display and the processor what
what do you mean I I hate to put it in the in well I mean okay here's the display you realize the display contains States y okay you see things the objects contain states are static that's why they're called States okay static how do they change well they have to be processed something has to process yeah yeah yeah and and in the calculus for example those are tiny little infinite decimal intervals okay but they are not actually contained in the states themselves they have a neighborhood a little tangent space or or what have you you
know where you can sort of draw little vectors that suggest that some kind of processing is going on but the idea of being a state and being a process those are two different things to the in the ordin ordinary way of looking at it okay it turns out that you can't properly describe reality and causation at all unless you put those things together somehow and that's what it takes God to do okay God provides the processing functionality for your state you have an internal State an external State you're a material human being yeah right like
to explain how that is changing through time you and maintaining its coherence through time even as it changes that's what you need God for yeah I I certainly agree with that entirely and so I might not be sophisticated enough to F to parse all of the quibbles that there might be but broadly speaking as a Christian so much of what you're saying resonates as obviously true for me the idea that uh well I'm a member of the body of Christ the idea that God creates the world in this uh great Act of love this great
Act of Charity self love and and yeah yeah self love don't forget you're an image of God so in loving himself God loves you and God and and this and you're supposed to love God back right and this ties into something like the Trinity right the idea that God is three persons in one Divine Unity so all of this is making a lot of sense to me so now how do I how do I make sense of Consciousness well it turns out that in order to quantize that theory that I was talking about that that
theory of identity where you've got the display and you've got the processor and it's handling both it turns out that in order to handle both of those things you need a certain kind of quantum that Quantum is called an identity operator God is the identity so obviously these little quanta they have to be they they're doing things they're processing so we can call them operators right they are identity operators okay the identity operator has basically it takes input from the outside world recognizes it or accepts it using syntax processes it and then returns it to
the world as external State okay so things come in then they are processed right there's throughput which is you could call that the subjective or internal state of the identity operator and then it's returned to the external universe so what I'm saying is that's Consciousness and I'm saying that it Consciousness exists in every part of the universe because those are the quantum no that's that's what I'm asking are you telling me that this table is conscious in that sense yes generically conscious but it's relying on our Consciousness to do it we have there's there's levels
of quantum okay these are tertiary Quant they're all put together using physical localistic forces right but those are underd determinative they don't fully determine what happens why the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for example it tells you that you know you know the the the quantum rules they're probabilistic right they don't actually determine events okay so what determines events we do we don't know how we do it but we do it when everybody's will is put together we're all creating the best possible Universe we can for ourselves and God is what harmonizes all of our different perspectives
and makes things happen for all of us at the same time and if we were doing things correctly this would be the best of all possible worlds sadly however we often times make mistakes and that's what we have to get out of doing but we can't get out of doing it until we understand what reality is what we are and what the relationship between those two things is do we really do much of anything at all in the sense do we have free will yes we do we have to have free will basically what you've
got is you've got a bunch of quantum fields and superp position and then those fields consist of little fluctuations little Quantum fluctuations right where is the fixed array we talking about a manifold right with a bunch of Zero Dimensional points y okay those two things are not compatible okay Quantum field Theory and that that that fixed array manifold where you can parameterize all of the causal functions using the manifold that doesn't work okay those two things don't fit together well often the conversation especially these days becomes this sort of shallow uh discussion of well this
caused this and uh I'm going to describe a totally deterministic system and so as a result of this causing this causing this causing this you don't have free will and you're saying cause is actually more complicated than just cause that's correct in other words talking about Free Will in those terms was oos means nothing y you can't get anywhere with it okay reality is actually generative okay it's not a fixed manifold everything is being created all the time not just our states our states are being recreated right you know I can cross my leg I
can uncross my leg that's that's the uh that's The Changing State yeah but uh but the medium around us is changing when I look at you I'm seeing Michael noes okay I'm seeing you sitting there but that means that I'm seeing your boundary I'm seeing what distinguishes you from the external environment right there's a medium around you so I have to be regenerating that as the same time as I'm regenerating your state in my head okay when I say regenerating the reason I'm doing that I could also say I'm recognizing Michael nolles I'm recogn iing
your state right now but I'm also recognizing the state of the medium around you because otherwise I wouldn't be able to distinguish you from the medium and you wouldn't exist at all right right well sort of like a a little baby right has trouble uh recognizing the limits of things and recognizing what some individual object might be from you know the the glass on the table they have trouble distinguishing those precisely y okay the baby has to learn to distinguish those boundaries and it has to receive the right visual cues at the right age so
that it can actually learn learn how to do that yeah so now now we're at metac causation so what does metac causation how what causation works from past to Future Okay medicalization works from past to Future and from future to past in a closed loop it's called a consens of cycle so that's basically what we have to do to quantization in order to make causality wor and of course when I say causality I mean metac causation okay so how does because ordinary past to Future causality parameterized by a fixed array that doesn't work so I
get past the future this seems pretty simple I pick up the glass of water I put it over here and now I remember 2 seconds ago that water was over here and then I caused it to go over there right so how do you cause something to go from the future to the Past can't go anywhere unless there's some place for it to go in the universe everything changes with time you're actually you know in the theory of relativity for example all the points are events y okay and that means that there's a Time parameter
involved okay so when you take that glass and you move it from there to there okay you think that there's a point right there yeah where you're going to move that glass that's false okay the point to which you are going to move that glass is actually in the future when you pick up that glass it's still in you understand what I'm saying yes okay that makes sense getting back to God I guess we're always trying to get back to God God is outside of time and space God God is distributes over time and space
and there's some left over time and space is static it's a display imagine you're a little homunculus inside a computer display like the Matrix for example okay God not only distributes over that but there's a whole other domain where God exists and that's the processing domain that's the non-terminal domain in the ctm we're in the terminal domain right and most physicists when they try to reason about the terminal domain they reason under physical confinement okay well I can only look at at physics and I have to use what I know about physics what I can
observe about physics to explain everything else that I explain so they have that kind of explanatory closure y going right there do I I'm not going to ask you if I'm going to go to heaven or hell but will I go to either heaven or hell you will persist after you die where you go depends on who Michael nolles really is I and you would know that better than yeah I I hope I know that better than but you're you're telling me I'm going somewhere yes you're confident of that I don't just uh evaporate I
don't just turn into Oblivion well you can if you displease God that's exactly what's going to happen to you God is going to cut you off and he's going to say I can't see him anymore he's going to turn away from you and then you won't be able to reunite salvation will be impossible for you because salvation means that God has got to pull you back into himself right okay but God doesn't want to see you anymore he doesn't even know you exist he knows your physical body is there but he's not interested anymore because
you hate him you deny his existence you offend him so he's not going to look at you right so now what happens well okay you're dead you still want to live there's something in you that still desperately wants to live so it's still going to be there what happens now well you try to create your own world for yourself but if you're a bad person or you're an evil person what kind of world is that going to be it's going to be an evil world and that's what we call he this is what John Milton
says in the mouth of Satan he says the mind is its own place and it can make a hell of heaven or Heaven a hell now you got it so the things that people see when they're on psychedelics I usually write them off and I tell people you know you're just uh hallucinating but but you're saying maybe that's not not all it is they're they might be seeing something real well once again what is reality is reality just stuff out there no reality has a mental aspect y right and once you admit that basically everything
has a metal aspect then of course what's going on in your mind is real it takes on a kind of reality it's not the same as physical reality it is nevertheless real are angels and demons real yes yes I think so too God is real angels are real demons are real is the devil real oh yes yes well it has to be you know we were talking about Michael NES being surrounded by the medium and you know you got a boundary well God has a boundary too he's got a very tight boundary he's a perfect
he's perfect he can't take anything resembling imperfection right he can't take it into himself because that would be a contradiction okay so God needs an antithesis in order to be properly defined what is that antithesis anti-god or Satan so it definitely exists now Satan isn't coherent because you know he he basically hates existence nevertheless he gains Co through human beings through secondary Tor as they're called in the ctmu in other words Satan can nucleate power structures for example things like corporations and governments where you've got people in there that can be acquired as resources and
there's a kind of skeleton you know a corporate organization a governmental you know organization that's holding them together holding them in place that can be exploited I say so you're not describing manism you're not saying there's God and then the opposite of God and there's some maybe equivalence between the two you're you're saying that God obviously there is an antithesis Christ has an antichrist but that it's incoherent and and in in are you saying that he sort of lack that the devil sort of La lacks substance or La that's why he needs the humans I'm
saying the devil likes coherence coherence is what brings everything into superp position right with itself in other words it allows something to this is going to sound a little bit paradoxical allows something to communicate non-locally with itself right all of its possible states are in superp position they exist all all at once