F*ck Winter Arc Unlock Your God Arc

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Nero Knowledge
F*ck The Winter Arc, it’s all about The God Arc. Manifest your desired reality and get into your hi...
Video Transcript:
enter your God Arc everybody's always talking about entering their winter Ark but the thing about the winter Arc is that it only utilizes one plane of existence and all successful manifestation requires unity and synchronization across all three planes of existence physical mental and spiritual and more often than not it's actually our prioritization of one particular pain of existence that actually leads to our suffering and our difficult difficulties in reality in order for you to enter your desired reality you need to enter your God Arc which is the highest level of Consciousness that you've ever been
in and I don't mean that from a degree of being enlightened I mean simply operating Beyond these third dimensional realm Illusions and placing yourself above them in order to actually enter your desired reality because spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity people's winter Arc is about gyming and drinking [ __ ] vegan smoothies or whatever the [ __ ] it is none of that shit's going to get you into your desired reality and I'm going to explain why I'm also going to explain three crucial steps that will get you into your do
so as usual let's get to it I know some [ __ ] thought I was going to say you're going to get some long time we kill man so we C the end like man I you're welcome listen Jamaicans make good music when you [ __ ] aren't being hella horny like you like make great music I just can't listen to them sex songs where it's mandm singing sex songs like how do you like listen to that R&B artist do that not like the arst not like the arst not like the arst okay okay so
first things first before I actually get into the three crucial steps I'm going to have to set some foundations in per usual now here's the thing chances are you've either watched the people that you love grow through this you saw them experience this and maybe you're experiencing it yourself but most of the world and let's just say for the point that I'm trying to make let's say 90% of the world simply operate from one plane and when I say one plane of existence I just you can just substitute the word plane for level so one
level of existence but you exist on three and this is also known as mental physical spiritual and other Traditions it's also known as Body Mind spirit and biblically esoterically it's father son Holy Spirit there's always this three triun nature that reflects you as a microcosm even up to the highest of the microcosms most people simply operate from one particular level of existence and that is the physical plane now as I've told you you exist on three levels so utilizing one plane of existence is about utilizing 33% of your power now please I know some [
__ ] going to be like oh 33 he's amazing shut up man just shut up Man simply for the point that I'm trying to make you're utilizing onethird of your potentiality and as I said all successful manifestation requires a synchronization across all three planes of existence it is fundamental so you see these spiritual [ __ ] that are talking about I'm just going to manifest and it's going to come to me and I don't have to do anything for it that's just completely idiotic because once again they're missing planes of existence and I will show
you how to utilize all planes of existence relax you're going to get some but as I said crucial to understand that you getting out of your Human Arc or winter Arc whatever the [ __ ] [ __ ] are talking about and getting into your God Arc is going to require you to separate yourself from what 90% of the world do which is to utilize one plane of existence because the thing about the physical plane is that the physical plane is the illusionary realm now I will explain why it is the realm of Illusion your
eyes can only see 0.035% of what actually exists and this is due to the fact that visible light is a tiny portion of the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum now understanding that what you see is a fraction of reality you see a fraction of reality you don't see the entirety of reality so bear in mind illusion you can conceptualize the word illusion as simply things not seeming as they are in other words it is a trap and so long as you are continue operating from the realm of Illusion and its confinements you will be trapped
and then your desired reality will be trapped any progress that you attempt to make on this physical plane is almost going to seem like you just can't get to where you want to be you been trying to materialize particular desired reality for a while but it's just not materializing and more often than not it's because you're confined by the third dimensional realm Illusions which you're going to get into because in order for you to enter your God Arc you need to transcend yourself above these Illusions and I will show you how to do that relax
you're going to get some now as I said the physical plane is the realm of Illusion because you see a fraction of reality and the physical plane is the existence of the ego when I say ego I'm not talking about the got ego I love it Big E it's too much like you don't know that song Beyonce now you weren't singing it wrong you weren't singing it right anyways it is the realm of Illusion is directly attached to the ego which is just your five physical senses I don't mean an unpleasant characteristic it's simply your
five physical senses now you have to understand the thing about the ego is that it is solely reliant on one particular thing and this one particular thing is exactly why more than likely you're playing the game of reality backwards and that thing that the physical plane is directly reliant on is action you guys see I've been killing this whiteboard so much that my pen is starting to tap out the wet you think the board's wet it's not wet enough pause anyways it's action it's solely reliant on action but the thing about action is that action
is the lowest level of Consciousness action is the lowest level of Consciousness meaning action has the lowest impact when it comes to changing reality you will not change your desired reality you will not enter your desired reality through action alone more important than physical action is the prerequisite of correct mental action that's a bar write that down and I'm going to show you how to do this but I just need you to understand that most people operate from the lowest level of Consciousness they think I want to change my life so I'm going to take
this physical action but action being the lowest level of Consciousness means it makes the lowest amount of impact hence why some of us you know I see I saw all the time growing up especially in the ends or um the ghetto for the Americans growing up in the ends you see people work themselves to the Bone and it's never enough and it's never enough because they're relying on the lowest level of Consciousness as opposed to riging themselves on the high degrees of Consciousness and that's exactly what I'm going to get into now for the [
__ ] that clicked on this video because it says God AR and you thought I was going to be telling you to pray and go to church or some [ __ ] oh you're here now you might as well stick around didn't it you might as well stick around so I'm going to explain to you why action is the lowest degree of Consciousness physical action is not going to change reality because the thing that I actually didn't write down but I write it down just for clarification is that the physical plane is the realm oh
no oh no m to wet it up some more where's that CL I got the cloth here but the red one the red Mark has being a bit stubborn it knows how I light my board nice and clean by the way guys by the end of this video Once you understand how to enter your God AR you'll be S I understand it now because how many times do we seasonally get our attempt to get our lives in order we when winter comes [ __ ] say I'm going to get in shape I'mma do this I'll
do this I'll do that we kind of you know make progress seasonal but the god Arc isn't a trend it's a lifestyle and that's what we're going to be putting you in we're going to be giving you instead of eyesight God sight and I mean that esoterically and it's important that I actually do kind of lay down what I mean when I say God Arc in clear definitions so that you're not confused to any degree somebody said guys I'm not sure if Nero is human that's even like a crazy compliment or like a crazy allegation
on the nature of my Humanity which I do not feel comfortable revealing at this particular Moment In Time thank you next was acting more suspicious or you think I'm acting suspicious yeah bro hey bro [ __ ] think I'm a reptile a clone a robot I'm whever you want me to be whever you want me to be I'll be that pause yeah no CU I know some people want me to yeah never mind as I said like I said let me actually Define what I mean when I say God Arc God Arc is your ability
to act from the highest level of Consciousness when I say Consciousness Consciousness is also interchangeable with the word frequency frequency isn't about feeling good like these spiritual [ __ ] will make you think frequency is expressed in our physical vessel as a degree of awareness so a high level of awareness to navigate this third dimensional realm through a high level of awareness which essentially means being above the illusions of reality this is what the god Arc is because once you understand what God is God isn't some personality who's dictating the course of human events saying
you know what these people aren't doing what I like they've pissed me off whoosh and you know they just wipe them off the face of the Earth and any degree of you know this temper tantrum or this lack of control which is typically expressed in these Biblical scriptures or even religious scriptures in general and of course there's The Duality of the Wrath and the love which are nothing more than the expressions of the two vibratory rates that exist within you and on this um Earthly plane but when I say God I'm simply referring to an
impersonal degree of Consciousness impersonal level of Consciousness it doesn't dislike you it doesn't like you it is impersonal while simultaneous ly personal and the reason why it's personal and impersonal is because it's above Duality which is something that I'm going to break down but when I say impersonal for the mere fact that you can conceptualize it like electricity electricity doesn't shock the bad [ __ ] and it lets the good [ __ ] go it's not going to be like oh my God you know what let me see you know he did help that you
know he helped that lady cross the road the other day you know yeah he carried that woman's bag no it's going to shock you regardless because it is impersonal and this is the same degree through which the nature of God acts and you can see this in Acts 10:34 where it is stated God is no respector of persons God is no respector of persons it doesn't particularly respect what you may do on this physical plane it respects something much more greater and that is the thing that's above the illusion which is your mind which is
the true temple of God which we're going to be getting into but simplistically this is the god Arc and how you can conceptualize it now back to the point that I was saying earlier about physical action and the physical plane is that you have to understand that the physical plane through which most people operate from from is the realm of effect you cannot change an effect by changing an effect that is backwards that doesn't make any sense which is why our lives don't make any sense when we attempt to do better because you're attempting to
do better on a plane of existence that is the lowest level of Consciousness now this doesn't mean it's the least important it just means this is the lowest and I say this free from these um characterizations that people want to perceive being low for you can see as bad high frequency is good that's not even the case because if you truly understand the true nature of Duality and the lower polarity as you transcend outside this third dimensional realm are conceptions of good or bad and negative and positive are nothing more than how our ego simply
simply likes to categorize things but everything is a sense of Oneness now the physical plane is the realm of effect hence why it doesn't make sense to change an effect by changing an effect for your God Arc whatever it is that you want to do whether you want to lose weight make more money enter your desired reality manifest the job manifest more clients in your business manifest a partner by the way AJ [ __ ] keep asking um if I should make a video on how to attract you like I'm not doing all that SP
[ __ ] I don't even like I don't even like that I don't even I don't even I don't even like that phrase but I actually could make a video on how to manifest somebody that you want but technically you can't manifest anything that you want because wanting indicates the universe that you don't have and if you don't have you can only have what you already have so yeah but maybe you think we should do that maybe maybe maybe I'll see if he whips me into doing it pause um like I was saying physical plane
R effect you can't change an effect by changing an effect that's what most people try to do now earlier I mentioned that action is the lowest level of Consciousness let me get on my knees as usual no didy so action is the last thing that we do as human beings what's preceded what's preceded by action is actually the things that we are compelled to do sometimes you're just compelled to do things right there's a little voice in head that says do this do this do that do that what's the prerequisite to being compelled to do
anything is intuition intuition is comprised of two words inner tuition inner teaching inner guidance that inner guidance is prerequisite to something that is far more greater and that is your frequency your frequency can also be conceptualized as your mental attitude also known as who the universe has you registered to be because whoever that is that is what the universe is going to reflect to you because you can only see what you are nothing exists in your reality that doesn't exist already within you and the word will not and cannot give you anything until you've given
it to yourself but your definition of giving it and getting it is completely [ __ ] up because you think manifestation is the physical expression of what you want no manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change and at that point when you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change it can then be physically expressed into your reality manifestation is is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change now like I said this is the largest domino
if you can change your frequency this will have a domino effect on the intuition you receive that will have a domino effect on the things you're compelled to do and that will have a domino effect on the action that you take to make sure that you're taking right action which most people take wrong action because most people have [ __ ] up frequencies and attempt to take action of things that they're not in the frequency of but your frequency is the boundaries of anything that you could ever materialize your reality I'll give you an example
let's say that somebody wants to take the physical action of going to the gym and losing weight cuz it's winter right they take the physical action of going to the gym they go to the gym they go to the gym but eventually their frequency catches up to them because their mind is in the state of somebody who's unfit even though they're trying to take actions of someone that is being fit this is the largest domino that has a trickle effect on their intuition then when it rains they're going to be like it's kind of raining
today like look it's raining outside and when it's cold outside they going be like it's cold oh look at the time it's 6 oh no everyone's just going to be getting from work and you'll almost be silently but subtly compelled to be pushed back to the very thing that you're trying to get away from and it's all because you haven't changed your frequency because if you was to change your frequency you change your intuition you'd be compelled to do different things and then for the actual people that are in a state of being mentally fit
then they are naturally compelled to just say yo go to the gym let me just go to the gym they get pleasure from going to the gym going to the gym isn't a battle in their head it's because their head has been arranged in the correct way but your mind's not arranged in the correct way but you're trying to take action opposite to it's not going to work and this is what entering the god Arc is all about is about understanding that your frequency is going to be our Focus today because once we can move
that everything else Falls in place hence why relax you're going to get some and make sure you're taking notes and make sure you drop them notes in the comments as usual now let's get into it I need it wet as possible pause now the wet the better pause speaking of which somebody asked if I should um if I could do a guided meditation I don't know about all of that stuff I don't know how I feel about people you know closing their eyes being all relax listening to the sound of my voice breathe [Laughter] deeply
oh my clients always say that if they could get that but then again we just record our sessions and they listen to them speaking of which if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue ceiling and you're in a break out in the next 7 weeks and two to five extra Revenue then Link in the descript description I actually had a client who had been trying to close this deal for exportation um sorry importation of some farming Goods in Africa he's from Kenya it's actually like from a pretty prestigious family anyways he the deals kept
falling through it just wasn't working this guy closed a 1.2 mil deal in less than 6 weeks of us working together shout out to you Sean shout out to you when I come Kenya you I know you got to take care of me pause that's it it's hard it's cool isn't it it's really really cool so let's begin with seeing the god Arc so in order for you to truly be in your God Arc what you have to do is to have the eyes of God and I don't mean this in an egotistical sense or
particularly Blasphemous point of view CU all of this stuff can come off blasphemers and I need you to understand the true blasphemies is the externalization of God they taught you that God is in a church so when [ __ ] are in church they they walk like this they say hi sister Joy hi oh so good to see you and then when they're out the church their state of consciousness is complete devilish and that's exactly why they live in a degree of experience that is reflective of suffering and evil and Misfortune so on and so
forth and scarcity simply because you need to understand that the true temple of God the dwelling place of God is within you and you have to understand that these particular religious scriptures aren't meant well one thing that I'll say say is this when it comes to religious scriptures you don't actually read the Bible you don't read any religious text you don't read a book you don't watch a TV show you don't listen to a song you actually read your level of Consciousness you see your level of Consciousness and you hear your level of Consciousness this
is why I always say 8 billion people on the planet there's 8 billion worlds there's one planet now the first place that you have to understand or you need to see God to enter your God Arc is in the world in enter in order to enter your God Arc you need to see God in the world and what I mean by that is this if we understand that God quite simply is consciousness then you have to understand that Consciousness is the substance of reality and being the substance of reality you have to actually understand something
that most people are never ever going to get to discover and that is the true relationship between Consciousness and matter now one thing that I need you to understand is that a phrase that is commonly said is mind over matter which is spoken without understanding that the truth of the matter is is that mind is matter now for this example that I'm going to use mind is interchangeable with Consciousness Consciousness being the substance of of reality that's what God is God is in all things the all is in all and the all is in all
and all are in the all don't get too trippy with that but Mind Over Matter isn't the case the true case is mind is matter and the way that you need to conceptualize it is this I'll give you an example so you have to understand that in this third dimensional realm we are subject to a law called polarity polarity is a fancy way of saying separation but it's separation that only exists in our third dimensional realm only in our third dimensional realm that's the only place that the illusion of polar polarity exists so you see
things in separate negative positive masculine feminine Rich poor etc etc and the way that I can get you to conceptualize this is think about the example of steam and ice so if we say Steam and Ice Steam and Ice are the exact same energy they only have one difference and that is their rate of vibration the exact same energy the only difference is their greater vibration and truth of truth of the matter is that this is the exact same thing with mind and matter you can't touch steam you can't particularly touch the mind or imagination
or Consciousness so let's put mind over here the same way that you can't touch steam but you can touch a whiteboard you can touch a pen you can touch a spray bottle you can touch a car you can touch a door handle an elevator button a doag Shades a hoodie you can touch these things and matter is similar to ice in a sense that it is something that is tangible and touchable but in the same way that Steam and Ice are the same energy the only difference is their rate of vibration matter and mind are
the same energy their only difference is their rate of vibration the world that you live in can be conceptualized as Frozen imagination that's a bar write that down once you begin to see the world around you as Frozen imagination you actually Elevate yourself beyond the perspective that you've been given on how to see the world we see a physical tangible world so our mind inherently unconsciously subconsciously perceives the word as something that is unmold something that is unmovable something that is fixated and permanent but if you to take a powerful microscope and put it on
this white board that isn't moving at all you see that the particles within it are jumping around and moving so even objects that appear to be still really truly aren't still this is what they speak about in the Hermetic tradition when they talk about the law of vibration and this is the understanding or Rhythm it's one of those the fact that nothing rests everything vibrates yes it's the law of vibration and it's the exact same thing the world that you live in is frozen imagination and I need you to stop doing one thing I need
you to stop seeing the world as it is I need you to stop seeing the word as it is I need you to see the word for what it truly is which is essentially like I said the realm of Frozen imagination I want you as you're walking around I want you to look at your phone and don't think oh I need my phone look at your phone and say I'm touching Frozen imagination when you open your car door I'm touching a frozen imagination when you open your door in your house touching Frozen imagination as you
see cars driving by lampost and buildings all of these things all of these things first had to exist in the mind of somebody before they could be materialized onto the physical plane you have to understand that mind and matter the exact same energy that only difference is their rate of vibration so everything that we see around us was first a conception in somebody's mind nothing exists that Humanity's created that wasn't first a conception in somebody's mind think about the first humans before they could ever fly planes what they used to do was to see birds
and if you look at the structure of a bird because we're so used to seeing that that degree of that example entered our subconscious mind so which we then physically Express because as above so below as within as without and there's so many more examples that I could point that out to you but you just have to understand for now that the world you live in is frozen imagination and what you need to do is to re Al what you need to do is to alter your perception towards the world you're not touching a computer
you're not touching a table you're touching Frozen imagination and the more that you begin to do this and the more you consciously say to yourself oh I'm not touching this I'm touching Frozen imagination I'm not seeing a building I'm seeing someone's imagination Frozen the more that you begin to do this the more you're training your mind to see your world as something that is moldable because right now you don't see it something that is moldable and if you don't see your word something that is moldable then how could you ever mold it to begin with
and in order for you to enter your desired reality you need to reconstruct your reality but the beginning the prerequisite to a reconstruction of your realities a reconstruction of you because you can only experience the degree of what you are internally externally I repeat you will never be able to materialize anything externally until it first exists internally and this reconstruction this rearrangement will then lead to the rearrangement of your world because once you begin to start to see everything as mulle then it becomes very easy for you to see yourself actually creating and molding your
reality beyond the illusion of what you've been taught of what it is so B right that down I Want You to Breathe Me let me be your let me your body how [Music] de you know what's crazy that whole house period of like 20 like the 2010s was insane music legendary music that we will never touch again what you know about Hey Brother Hey Brother [Music] you don't know that song I know that oh when falling down for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do and and when I met you in the summer
yo that's straight FIFA music in it D my heart be sound we fell in love as the Le turn brown cool the next place that you need to begin to see God is in the people that you meet what do you mean what I mean by that is this everybody that you meet is nothing more than the physical expression of God no matter how ignorant they are no matter how idiotic they are I know their NPCs and they're Bots and you're so [ __ ] W and you just see everybody around you as Sleeping Dogs
that's how spiritual [ __ ] actually see sleep that's what that's how that's a good game you ever play Sleeping Dogs you never played it it's a really really good game it's a really good game it was like a it's basically a Chinese GTA yeah yeah yeah you have to understand that each and every person you meet is a physical expression of God and what I mean by that is each and every single person is a mask that God is work that's a bar right that down damn that's a bar each and every single person
that you meet is a mask that God is wearing now this is the true Transcendence of Duality because remember I told you that one of the illusions that we experienced in this third dimensional realm is polarity which is the idea of separation when you see somebody for example AJ is not separate to me I'm in him and he's in me all the time 24/7 pause now and this can be extrapolated to any single person that you meet strangers that you see on the road so on and so forth everybody you meet is the physical expression
of God the physical materialization of God and until you can see the god in them they will not be able to see the god in you and the funny thing about life is that until you change the way you look at life life won't change the way it looks at you and that's because your perception is actually your projection and we don't exper we don't understand this because we're so used to having our perceptions altered if you look at strangers to be [ __ ] [ __ ] and you see everybody to be idiots around
you then guess what the word is going to reflect back to you in your physical experience when it comes to people it's the exact same degre ree because everybody's a mask that God is wearing and you have to understand that more often than not the mask is what you give them and I've got a whole video about this what's that video called like uh you can't you can't create reality you can't control reality until you control people I think that's the video which is so funny because somebody was like you know on our video um
how to be paid by God somebody was like I'm going to be watching this video at least once a month you actually need to just rewatch all my videos if you watch them and I say that to say this what you're going to pick up is different remember what I told you earlier you don't see your level of you don't read a book you don't watch a video you read your level of Consciousness and you watch your level of Consciousness have you ever I remember when I was reading um any book that I've ever read
reading a book for the first time it's like what the [ __ ] am I reading this is so difficult and then you come back to a couple days later and now it's clicking you come back to a week later and you're like yo how did I miss that you come back to it a month later and you're like damn and that's the game because your Consciousness is always elev ating and it's always altering itself and because it's always altering itself what you're going to be able to pick up in your experience when you interact
with something is always going to be different now as I said you have to begin to see people in that way because here's the thing once you begin to start seeing every person you meet as God and once again I need you to reconstruct your mind as you're walking down the street say there is God there is God there is God there is God there is God how often do you look in the mirror and say there is God and I don't say this egotistically I say this for you to understand that you are the
physical expression the materialization of God and it's important for you to understand that because what the world has done is beating your self-esteem to such a degree that you see yourself as a lowly worm without realizing that your selfworth is the ceiling of anything that you could ever materialize in reality you may not even have a problem manifesting you may just have a problem with a lower degree of self-worth because until you can transcend that self- worth that the word has given to you whether politically whether economically whether even spiritually in these particular religious systems
and they talk about original sin and Order [ __ ] to give you a sense a degree of guilt and something that you feel like you're in some type of spiritual debt that you need to work out without understanding that the two M of the universe which I spoken about in a video called um The Beginner's Guide to the universe is magnify and then maintain if you come with this degree of feeling like a burden and their guilt then the word is going to magnify that emotion Out of You by using people conditions circumstances and
events to further magnify that and make you feel even more like a burden and sh's just not going to go well for you and then after that because the universe likes a degree of energetic convenience or as I call it energetic equilibrium it will then seek to keep you maintain that degree for its own convenience not because it hates you or anything along those lines now as I was saying separation once you begin to start seeing everyone as God you actually transcend out of it and you enter the true definition of the degree of Christ
Consciousness and all you have to do is simplistically understand Jesus's Golden Rule or Christ's Golden Rule and Christ is nothing more than the unification with the infinite intelligence a lot of [ __ ] think that Jesus last name is Christ but that's not the case there was actually 16 christs before Jesus some to name Krishna um Enoch or also known as the prophet Idris in the Quran also known as Hermes also known as tahti or jouti also known as Mercury right um ya of Indra um who else oh who else who else who else who
else no one else is coming to the top of my mind at this moment in time but Christ is a particular degree of Consciousness to which you are in direct Unity with the infinite intelligence or God hence why Jesus said I am my father are one it's the understanding that the physical expression of God through that particular energy if you see your body as a degree of physical Avatar your ability to harmonize yourself with God in the infinite intelligence is what's going to change the suffering that you've been going through because anytime that we experience
a degree of suffering with the scarcity Misfortune failure or anything that's particularly negative that's simply because we are direct out of alignment with the infinite intelligence and with God and the moment we can get back into that stream then our reality is going to change but it's going to take for you to understand Jesus's Golden Rule or Christ Golden Rule which is treat others how you'd like to be treated and and this is like something that they even teach in like primary school or or like elementary school or whatever it is for you guys but
this is something as adults that we begin to shift away from without understanding the true esoteric profoundness in that degree of treat others how you want to to be treated because you're not treating others there is no others there is only you and until you understand that people are only you you'll be trapped by the illusion of Separation polarity and if you're trapped in an illusion your degree of process progress in this third dimensional realm will also be trapped it's important that you need to elevate yourself outside of this oh and I'm glad you I'm
glad you like the new piano sound as well it's good in it I I made I told AJ he's got to switch it up if you go over to AJ's Channel I'm over there playing the piano for him so he playing real good real good that's a crazy pause bro what do you mean I play it real good what do you mean by that the piano real good what do you mean by that well I'm just a chill guy as if you pull that off [Music] oh I don't think I've ever screenshot a meme so
many times that Meme is I'm just a chill guy man just a chill guy that creates his desired reality cool so the next thing that you guys have to understand in the way of the god Arc is that God sees causes not effects now back to the point that I dropped at the start of this video you have to understand that this third dimensional realm is the realm of effect typically what most people do is that they experience their reality and they are satisfied with themselves but they're unsatisfied with their reality and there can be
no outer change until there's first inner change your physical is directly reliant on your mental spiritual nothing can exist physically until it first exists vibrationally on Earth as it is in heaven and this is the understanding that in order for you to truly be in your God Arc you have to look at your reality and the things that you're experiencing from a degree of cause not effects and what I mean by that is this you may be experiencing something something that you don't like you may not be with um the Romantic partner that you want
to be with you may not be happy the way that your life is going you may not be happy with the patterns that you keep running into the same patterns you may not be happy with how much money you're making you may not be happy with your job you may not be happy how much your business is making whatever the case may be it's important for you to not look at your reality and be unsatisfied with with your reality you actually need to give all the attention to you because you are the cause what a
lot of people do without realizing it is that they externalize their reality and they make false gods of the world if you want to know what a false god is esoterically a false god is anything that you submit to from a degree of being causality in your reality anything that is external to you that you determine is a causality that's a false god because nothing rules you except your frequency except your Consciousness and that's the truth and the Empire that you exist in is always going to be spearheaded by the frequency that you're in and
it's important for you to understand that you must see the causes not the effects so instead of thinking how can I change my reality the question is how can I change myself if you could just ask yourself that question and begin to see what aspects of you need to be rearranged in order for you to enter your desired reality then everything will change anything that you experience in your life by the time it happens by the time something happens in reality it's an effect which means that the cause was long set in motion so you
actually need to be able to draw your attention to yourself in order to change your reality but what the world wants you to do the world wants you to think oh nah if you want to lose weight you just got to try these supplements you got you got to use the o zenic oh if you want to make more money you got to do this you got to do this you you got to do that you have to do this and as I said in a previous video I don't remember which video it was but
I said you need to stop doing more and stop being more and this is the true understanding of what I was saying at the start of frequency being the biggest domino that's going to alter things and your frequency the causes when I say you the simplistic way that you can understand this when I say you I mean your frequency and if we want to break down what your frequency is comprised of pause is your beliefs your attention your emotionally charged thoughts your identity one two three four I feel like I'm missing one which one am
I missing ah and your emotion SL mutes or attitudes interchangeable with that too that is what your frequency is comprised of and if you want to enter a different effect then you need to alter the cause and if you want to alter the cause then you need to make sure that your beliefs are reflective of the desired reality you want to be in you want to make sure that your moods and your attitudes and your emotions that you hold on a base level throughout your day are reflective of your desired reality you need to make
sure the things that you're giving your attention to and your focus to reflect your desired reality you need to make sure the thoughts that you experience are reflective of your desired reality you need to make sure that the ident idti that you're align with is reflective of your desired reality if you can tick off each one of these things I promise you your frequency will change you will change the cause will change and then the effects will change the issue is too many of us play the game backwards and you need to stop playing the
game backwards you need to stop seeing effects stop seeing effects stop thinking I'm not making the amount of money that I want to stop thinking I'm not in the shape that I want to be in stop thinking I'm not you know at the point of my love life that I want to be in stop thinking all of these things because all of these things is you externalizing and projecting your importance and your attention on the aspect of reality that by the time you experience it has long been set in motion and what you actually need
to do is to shift it to yourself to see the causes in your reality so I want you to ask yourself in any degree or any aspect of your life that you're unsatisfied with ask yourself how am I causing this what is causing this which part of me is causing this are my beliefs aligned are my emotionally charged thoughts aligned are my moods and attitudes aligned is my identity aligned is my attention aligned more often than not if you're being honest then here's the thing you can lie to me you can you can lie to
F you want but you can't lie to your mind because your mind will always be out pictured outside around you and it's the funny thing we think that people can hold secrets and to a degree people can hold Secrets but truthfully Secrets the thoughts that some somebody holds will always be reflected in their reality all I have to do is look at somebody's condition of reality to know it and I can know what's in their minds and it's funny cuz I can meet people and in less than an hour see where their subconscious blocks are
or where they're going wrong it's really weird it's really really weird I'm telling you grab somebody sexy tell them hey give it everything bro I'm telling you that whole I don't know if it's house or EDM you know I see why people take drugs imagine hearing them Tunes in a club and you're just off it like that's M serious Chun serious somebody was like after watching Nero I can't look at spiritual people the same anymore I need to still practice them telekinesis you know and the guys do the I need to practice that stuff show
me that [ __ ] will have telekinesis and then wake up in a reality they don't like how the hell does that make sense and see this is why I say guys spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity it's very cool talking about how you're a psychic and how you can do all of this and you're Clairvoyant but like if you're waking up in a reality that you don't like what is the purpose of it cuz [ __ ] like me if I could do telekinesis that' have to arrest me final thing
final thing God for your God Arc you have to detach yourself from the illusion of time and what I mean by that is this you have to understand that in order for you to manifest your desired reality you actually need to go beyond the illusions of this third dimensional realm so long as you're confined to operating with operating sorry within this third dimensional realm you'll be confined because remember illusion iions is a fancy word of saying trap and that means your progress will be trapped in order for you to not be trapped you need to
go beyond the Trap and above the Trap by elevating your Consciousness outside this third dimensional realm and one of the illusions of this third dimensional realm is time outside of our reality there is no time everything everything is happened SL happening and everything is one which means that your desired reality has already happened but your degree but your definition of am I my desired reality is if you can see it by the time you see it is by the time it has already been created because what you see is the expression of manifestation that's what
you're reliant on and you have to understand that if you elevate yourself above the illusion of time you need to start operating as if you're desired reality is already here and that the truth of the matter is it is already here but when I say here you're thinking about reality which means you're thinking about the realm of Illusion which you need to disconnect yourself from when I say here our definition of your reality already being here is if you feel it within to such a degree that you don't need to see it without I repeat
manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotion dependent upon seeing reality change and the mistake that a lot of people make is thinking one day I'm going to be rich one day I'm going to be in the shape that I want to be one day I'm going to be with the person that I want to be one day this one day that I know I will be that soon D D D D and for the mere fact that you make your own laws you actually created a barrier in between you
and your desired reality or for the mere fact that you are adhering to this third dimensional realm constrainment of time you actually need to see your desired reality is already here and then when you see as already here the true process of manifestation isn't creating something that doesn't exist it's actually making and taking what is invisible and making it visible by becoming the vibratory alignment of that desired reality to such a degree that internally you shift to a point where you no longer need to see it manifest in your reality for you to feel type
away when you're good with it and you're good without it enter your God AR
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