JESUS' Secret Teachings, The Lost Wisdom of Jesus

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Awakening Wisdom
The Lost Teachings of Jesus and the Path to Christ Consciousness that Can Lead You to Enlightenment....
Video Transcript:
the most powerful teachings of Jesus were never meant to be found in the Bible you know teachings so powerful they've been kept hidden for over 2,000 years most people will never hear this your moments away from learning the real secret teachings of Jesus knowledge that has the power to awaken your soul if you dare to listen for centuries the world has only been told part of the story The Jesus you think you know taught far more than what what has been passed down inside these ancient texts lie hidden messages teachings meant to elevate you to
a higher level of Consciousness if you miss this you might never understand the true path Jesus laid out for us all one what are the secret teachings of Jesus the secret teachings of Jesus can be viewed through the lens of mysticism focusing on the inner transformation of Consciousness rather than external religious practices these teachings aim to reveal Christ Consciousness a state of spiritual Unity with God accessible to all human beings the esoteric wisdom of Jesus was not about Dogma but about realizing the divine within let's unpack these teachings through profound examples from scripture viewed from
a mystical rather than literal perspective teaching one the kingdom of God is within you Luke 17:21 Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you this is one of the most essential and esoteric teachings the mainstream Christian interpretation often places the kingdom of God in the afterlife but this misses the mystical depth Jesus was pointing towards an internal reality a state of divine consciousness where the soul realizes its Oneness with God this inner realization is not limited to Saints or prophets it's accessible to all individuals who seek to awaken spiritually in mystical traditions this teaching
parallels the understanding of Enlightenment in Eastern religions where the true self or Atman is realized as being one with the Divine Brahman Jesus was teaching that salvation and Heaven are States of Consciousness that can be experienced Here and Now by going Inward and recognizing one's Divinity teaching two I and the father are one John 10:30 when Jesus says I and the father are one he is not just speaking of himself alone but is offering a universal truth about the potential of all humans this teaching expresses nonduality a central Concept in mystical teachings across the world
nonduality refers to the realization that the apparent separation between the individual soul and the Divine is illusory in truth there is only Oneness this statement invites people to recognize that just as Jesus realized his Unity with God so too can every individual the path of Spiritual Awakening involves transcending the ego the sense of separateness and merging with the divine presence teaching three the eye of the single Vision Matthew 6:22 in this verse Jesus says the eye is the lamp of the body if your eye is single your whole body will be full of light this
teaching often overlooked or misinterpreted refers to spiritual vision and The Awakening of the third eye a concept found in many esoteric Traditions the single eye is the spiritual center or ajna chakra in yogic terms that allows an individual to perceive higher realities when Jesus speaks of the eye being single he refers to the state of pure Consciousness where all distractions and illusions of the physical world fall away when the third eye is activated it brings inner light or Divine wisdom flooding the entire being with spiritual Insight this teaching aligns with e mysticism where focusing on
the third eye in meditation is a key to Awakening higher Consciousness teaching for Rebirth of spirit John 33 Jesus told Nicodemus no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again this is often misunderstood as a simple conversion experience or baptism but in its deeper sense it refers to spiritual rebirth a profound transformation of Consciousness being born again is an Inner Awakening a shift from identification with the physical and egoic self to the realization of the divine nature within this concept is closely related to the teachings of Kundalini Awakening or the rise
of inner energy in various esoteric Traditions to be born again is to experience a higher state of consciousness where one sees reality not through the limited perspective of the ego but through the Eternal eyes of the Soul teaching five the Narrow Path Matthew 7134 Jesus says enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it this teaching refers to the spiritual journey the narrow
path is the eso teric path of inner transformation and spiritual discipline many follow the broad path of materialism ego and worldly Pursuits but only a few are willing to tread the challenging path of self-discovery meditation and surrender to the Divine in this context Jesus is speaking about the initiation process into higher Consciousness where the Seeker must leave behind the attachments of the ego and the world to ascend to a state of Divine realization teaching six the vine and the branches John 15 5 in the metaphor of the vine and branches Jesus says I am the
vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing this is not just a metaphor for dependence on Jesus but a mystical teaching about the unity of all beings with the Divine source Jesus represents the Christ Consciousness the Divine Essence within all living beings the branches symbolize individual Souls that are connected to this eternal source of divine energy by aligning with this inner Christ Consciousness individuals can tap into their Divine potential and manifest spiritual fruits in their lives who did
Jesus teach these teachings to too Jesus did not share these secret teachings with everyone in fact his deeper spiritual messages were reserved for those who were spiritually prepared he often spoke to the masses in Parables to conceal the full depth of his message revealing the true meaning only to his closest disciples this distinction is clear in Matthew 13:11 where Jesus says to his disciples the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you but not to them his inner circle of 12 Apostles along with a few other key followers such
as Mary Magdalene were the ones who received these deeper esoteric teachings many scholars and Mystics believed that Jesus taught his closest disciples a mystical path of direct Union with God something that was too profound for the general public who were not yet ready for this level of spiritual truth the GOP gopel of Thomas the Gnostic Gospels especially the Gospel of Thomas contain many sayings of Jesus that are deeply mystical and not found in the canonical Bible in this gospel Jesus teaches about the need for self- knowledge as the key to Salvation when you know yourselves
then you will be known and you will realize that you are the children of the living father but if you do not know yourselves you live in poverty and you are the poverty this teach teaching is a clear call for Inner Awakening and realization of one's divine nature one what are the verses in the Bible that are stemming from Jesus's teachings but have been interpreted wrongly many of Jesus's teachings have been misunderstood or misinterpreted over time here are a few key verses that have been particularly misunderstood John 146 I am the way the truth and
the life this verse is often interpreted to mean that Jesus is the exclusive path to Salvation however in the esoteric sense Jesus is speaking as the Christ Consciousness the divine presence that is within every person I refers not to the historical figure of Jesus but to the Divine self present in all of us Jesus was teaching that the path to God lies in Awakening the Christ Consciousness within not in exclusive Devotion to to his physical form Matthew 2546 Eternal punishment Jesus says and these will go away into Eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life
traditionally this has been interpreted to mean a literal Heaven and Hell however from an esoteric perspective Eternal punishment refers to the suffering caused by spiritual ignorance when one lives in separation from their divine nature they experience the suffering of the ego eternal life refers to the state of Enlightenment Union with God that transcends time four did Jesus teach his female disciples yes Jesus had female disciples and among them Mary Magdalene held a special place she was not just a follower but a spiritual equal to the apostles often receiving teachings that others did not some Gnostic
texts such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene suggest that Mary Magdalene was a key figure in receiving and transmitting Jesus's most profound teachings in many esoteric Traditions Mary Magdalene is seen as the embodiment of the divine feminine and Jesus's teachings to her likely focused on the balance of masculine and feminine energies within the soul this is closely related to Mystical traditions where the union of masculine Consciousness and feminine energy leads to Spiritual Awakening Mary Magdalene may have been entrusted with teachings on Divine love spiritual transformation and the inner Mysteries of the heart how did the
teachings Jesus learned from other Masters help him in his own teachings though the canonical gospels do not explicitly mention Jesus studying with other spiritual Masters many esoteric traditions and historical accounts suggest that Jesus traveled and studied in places like Egypt India and Tibet during his so-called lost years it is believed that Jesus may have been initiated into the spiritual practices of these ancient Traditions particularly those involving meditation breath control and energy work such as Crea yoga his teachings about love compassion forgiveness and Oneness with God Echo the teachings of Eastern mysticism for example the concept
of divine Oneness in Jesus's teachings parallels the idea of V vidanta nonduality in Hinduism his emphasis on inner transformation aligns with Buddhist teachings about the purification of the mind and the realization of the true nature of self how did Crea yoga help Jesus Crea yoga is a powerful system of meditation and breath control that helps in The Awakening of Kundalini energy the inner spiritual energy that lies dormant in most people although Crea yoga is not mentioned directly in the Bible esoteric Traditions suggest that Jesus practiced similar techniques in the context of Jesus's secret teachings Crea
can be understood as a tool for Inner Awakening the practices of Crea involve controlling the breath to still the mind and awaken Divine energy within which aligns with Jesus's teachings on being born again in spirit and Awakening The Light Within six secret teachings of Jesus the Kingdom of Heaven is within Luke 1721 this teaching emphasizes inner Spiritual Awakening the Kingdom of Heaven is not an external reality but a state of divine Consciousness available to all who turn [Music] inward the eye of the single Vision Matthew 6:22 Jesus refers to the third eye or the spiritual
eye that when opened allows a person to see beyond the illusion of the physical world and into the realm of divine truth rebirth in the spirit John 33 the phrase Born Again refers to a spiritual rebirth The Awakening of higher Consciousness where a person sees the world not through the lens of ego but through the Eternal Christ consciousness The Narrow Path Matthew 7134 the narrow path is the esoteric path of spiritual discipline and meditation that leads to Enlightenment few follow this path because it requires self-surrender and ego dissolution I and the father are one John
1030 Jesus expresses the unity of the individual soul with the divine this teaching reveals that Enlightenment comes from realizing the fundamental Oneness of all beings with God the True Vine John 155 the vine represents the divine Source Christ Consciousness and the branches are individual Souls by staying connected to the source individuals bear spiritual fruits and remain in harmony with the Divine Jesus's secret teachings were mystical he teric and aimed at helping individuals realize their Divine potential and awaken to their own Christ Consciousness these teachings often hidden beneath Parables and misunderstood by many offer a profound
path to Enlightenment by understanding the true spiritual depth behind Jesus's words one can embark on a journey toward inner transformation Divine Union and the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven Within in the end the purpose of these teachings is to awaken Humanity to their innate Divinity guiding them toward the higher states of spiritual consciousness and ultimately to Union with the Divine call to action Engage The Audience these six hidden teachings of Jesus hold the power to transform your spiritual life if you're ready to dive even deeper into these Mysteries hit that subscribe button now and
make sure to give this video a thumbs up trust me you won't want to miss what's coming next join the community of millions waking up to the truth and comment below with what secret resonated most with you remember the path to Enlightenment begins with a single step and you're already on it let's walk this journey together see you in the next video
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