Governo e Tecnologia | Expresso Futuro com Ronaldo Lemos

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Canal Futura
Como a tecnologia pode ajudar o governo a prestar melhores serviços? Ronaldo mostra como as GovTechs...
Video Transcript:
[Music] Express pootaroo Eurocentric illogical DNA technology identity a technology modo to do mundo cinema Medora musical Madonna's apogee communica so my Spanish in space in boolean function were practically losing there are so many moving pieces because people know what they feel is right yeah but then there's sort of how do you make the institution's aligned with what our human values you know most young people in an older people too are used to the idea now that you can get instant feedback instant access except in politics accepting government where everything moves the old way boys estimate
80% of despotism Brazil humanistic when college mahira since transformation todos ellos your chimneys are so generous on the city's fast [Music] engineers and construction police and fire protection water supply Health and Welfare and even working until three we didn't do all that we hope to do there just isn't time to get all the work done that needs to be done then why can't we do something about getting a new form of government for our town that we'll be able to get this work done [Music] como hosana technology apart Jimin we're a bureaucracy a mill arrived
save this públicos share our transparency it was eco hoop so yet another contest Milla ride a village todos nós a sketchy triphala wish wah-wah ominous noises mice important stuff Montesano Blasio phenomenal that stack tops TK use some pequeños impresses creators poor guy wrote to cigar with [Music] spaces impresses Thomas Wando tambay SAV Essos vovinam entice creando Roberto's natividad's Assange in Theresa public Oh Rama Laura as Moses Vedas it prevents commuters voice OS Todd non-conservative de forma exchange SSO as both text Ezra's a lotta lychee seppuku lot o le fedora eg retorted o Brasil ah yes
Malaysia to systemize rebellion question 1 div tags in Versace procedure you know no civil movie Nova ka-chow water supplies most of their surgical pathology Solano's okay Kansas City should have said it if safety is exertion chose a technology may dispose Melora mementos do CVS public Ozuna space hasta que todo mundo con cuando yo estado new Brazil a moon to bureaucrat aleem to assisting kalibanos NOS documents younger Roberto same cage in fujian Soviet to do is applicant bay a technology but it's nice to see you nice to see you too hmm officer judy hopps zpd how
are you I am doing fine well what hang in there can I do well I was hoping you could run for you well I was hoping you today is rifle agua de Myka c3k funded or yo Civic Hall Aquino stands Unidos eso es pass okay hey Mooney organizations traveling find AG technology Savickas Osage use our technology our winter EC public book when Parkman technology doesn't do anything it's people using technology in pursuit of the public good what the public good is and whether a technology and its use produces public good is really where the debate
has to be it's different than using tech just to make money we're actually trying to change the status quo for me the Civic piece of the definition is about a choice that people are making about how to use tech how to use their tech skills to improve the lives of many or improve how we handle some problem in the public sector but inherently there's nothing about any technology that ensures it will only be used for the benefit of all and that's where people come in you absolutely can increase people's ability to speak what we don't
necessarily get in response is that government listens more and if you are only increasing voice and government feels like there's no cost to ignoring all this increased voice nothing changes voice alone isn't enough you need teeth you need an ability to hold you know or take away power from government and shift it into other hands everybody has a platform everybody has this that but it doesn't mean that they're listening more if anything we have more noise and less ability to listen it's a little bit of a paradox this is a devastating security breach that was
leaked out of the Pentagon the most highly classified documents of the war the time says 7,000 pages detailing at the White House has been lying about the Vietnam War for 30 years the way they lied those days have to be over we used to think that tech particularly social media was a democratizing force I think you can't say that anymore it's clear that anti-democratic forces have also figured out how to use social media to get power or maintain power the danger is that it's leaving out people and just giving concentrating more power in the hands
of technocratic engineers and and you know secret agencies police forces and so on do we get access to the data too are we included as meaningful participants in the process that's the key question for me about all use of technology is what does it do with power does it concentrate it does it spread it out does it make it more accountable does it give it to people who don't have or does it keep it in the hands of just a few [Music] America technology approach fazer difference' Hadassah wuji technology podium pollution alcides inclusive services públicos
Nosara reshuffle agua raka Patricia Ellen Page arataura de Optima Brazil our optimum projectors on cannabis mice technology it dubs Rama Laura not services salvaged from palakollu [Music] at recess ejecting Chehalis oh gee technology ago via technology apart c'est une grande facilitated or debarred over no Gina presenter Venus casino Brazil Pomona populist Oh Christine vice town functioning Tao a technology AMA for Modell's in travel agua que de sundays ago dodgy oportunidad SSO services nitrous esse sodomize qualidade assess edo castle Segura 802 mundos de que de present rajala Venkanna technology will on Oprah Farah from inner ravi
dismissals my samaritaine to come across a Melora GOG traveler to go then you lose the mais exchange the sequences publisher queries cars save you jack cont research e kt v'm applications technology wiki give him his italic cephalopod so Kira Jeff as a yacht resides in colonies preguntas paradises fasoulas now G same file Sajida Castle cigarette scam Muay Thai port range masochist animal very - to me facility' Muay Thai Vedas facilities have a service that's the transverse animal tribology mail you adhere to punish a mental Brno latest angles knob that essica so duct-taped I got some
new trends - oh my pharmacy boy leakage Calaca visa when I said Melbourne it is a visa on Gmail when I see da Vinci minutes because days so the more of each minute Stratasys Vasquez mais important again for Telegraph it down my skull and Osetra body in novi art can be a key a new plan one New York City nearly stained into the plan okay master - according to me notify our technology badass armas that really made a paradox is not this punishment and when Jack was a Kohaku saying to those Frank just some cheap
really goes on Jackie was a croco Cross Hospital across muscala position we take a course a to the hospital's new Brazil human is still in college he restores pilots progress new commotion is a some passion fruit Canyon localizer so you just turn just come across every month El Paso my here's a message for my son todos there is your chin is that such jarasandha's this past Easter washes of embarkation physician technology get out GD - no never - become Jerry's cusp is such a thing the surgeon jealousy very my dream impact Rajesh Tama Vedanta gingerbread
dough mr. Jai fait des moines regards the moon seppuku hey no need to count Systema public universe our kimono so Elizabeth Alamut cinema telephony or pillow sighs jack jessee promise i thinkI suzhou kazoo kazoo sarah criticism hospital job apoplexy dodgy oh no don't take todo mad matryoshka pyramid versified about homage in the toys for suitors inclusive economies my servants odd how in fact the technology appraiser damaja hinder district huge new highly compressed space by huge lava rock by in crevo chancellor docket hora de música de moda a keeper example modern pesos coma Angela Bassett Seattle
is the film in black panther yakaza gee happy eskimo Aesop Rock or Puff Daddy don't by mute important place toilets Tanzanians the Globetrotters the team was formed in 1926 and was made up of all African American players because at the time they weren't allowed to play in the NBA bohemian frente de Gaulle died problema sushi ice faltered in primo you Masergy que esto es comprehend play gentrification neutral agua rockin clayton banks el creaminess achiever Shimada silicon highland ma bring Khedira Tekken Silicon Valley la DeCosta Oh ashes Tanzanians ya dare do silicon Harlem a crea oportunidades
parece bajo de frente Sisyphus loser no technological former GM primo in podium n2 y sobre todo opportunitites von phul Achmed Silicon Holland was really focused on technology and innovation as being an economic driver for communities that have often fallen behind from a technological perspective and the reason why is is not because technology is cool and great the reason is the same reason since we've been alive people want access to great health care people want to get you know a good education people want to get a good job people want to get certified and if they're
a trade in today's world you can't do that unless you're online what is the inspiration for you guys I would always find myself going downtown for a conference or going downtown for Meetup for example around some technology or a discussion about broadband or whatever mm-hmm and I said to Bruce my co-founder what if we were able to do a meet-up in Harlem we were like hmm boy that'd be cool but you know let's see if we can get 30 you know people to come out and 500 people came out what was most important was we
were really good at writing white papers and technical papers and going to Congress and tottenham mayors but you have to have the community you have to galvanize the community to make this work so it actually put silicon Harlem in the position having the community at our side be able to have a voice at the table Harlem land of Swing and jive where the world learns how to sing and dance so now when they talk about hey let's make a let's have a test about next-generation technology it doesn't just get heard downtown we get to hear
it and we get to propose why not do it in Harlem this is the best time ever yeah in Brazil's history in our history in terms of infrastructure that's going to be built for what we call equity the infrastructure of Brazil and the infrastructure of the United States have often been built from one prism means men its middle-class men or better with a lot of college degrees you know the engineering degrees that live in the suburbs or live somewhere where there's a nice garage and a grass to cut we're at a different time now mm-hmm
where the infrastructure of Brazil and the United States has to be upgraded mm-hmm it now should require every voice to be involved from everyone the women the poor person the rich guy and to allow us to move forward in a positive way rather than get stuck or or continue to have an infrastructure that keeps us divided so the idea is to create a perception that Harlem is not only a home for music and food and conversation and poetry and all these cultural strengths but it's also a hub for technology for innovation for new ideas intelligence
is distributed everywhere evenly there's brilliant people in the favelas mm-hmm but what happens is if they don't have access and exposure to the tools yeah they can only go so far and that's the thing that we have to dedicate ourselves to to our children is give them as much access and exposure as we possibly can so that we're not leaving talent behind [Music] my virginity phallic you blockchain you modest technologist my's important prep fsy who services publics your corneas Ohi conversating brian behlendorf couch illustrator hyper legit cameras technologies nice importance but I was G block
chain want to go Vietnam mental wrongful act when do you think governments can be changed for better using for instance blockchain technology if it's deployed the right way it can be used to build systems that we can have trust in because we can verify because we can see that it's not a central database controlled by a central actor who can fudge things inside without our knowing but is a shared infrastructure and a shared data set where all the changes to that are our auditable and we can see what's going on some governments are creating like
CTO positions or chief technology officers or something like that yeah do you think this is the way to go I think that's an incredibly valuable set of roles to have CTO CIO chief data officer but it's also important to institutionalize an understanding of what does what is open-source mean right what does what does technology architecture mean alright and to have some capacity inside of government also for experimentation right to have a labs have a team of developers who do the initial prototypes for things right and obviously to work with universities work with other companies run
hackathons you know but try to make sure it's it's not just a top-level thing where that can be in the policy and the executive kind of level conversations and decisions but also its carried out through the middle management and through the people chartered with implementing at the same time the technology platforms are partly through thanks to Bitcoin partly thanks to blockchain technology in general and these distributed Ledger's now we know how to build cooperative systems cooperative directories without having to appoint Facebook or Google or a government at the center of those networks and so the
policy and the and the technology and finally the consumer sentiment you we're starting to realize the dangers of giant social networks and the aggregation of data behind the scenes and so all these three pieces of the the stool are kind of coming together and creating this demand for a different approach as a trifle Aguada quite Joyce Searles a luminous precise consuit auras nada de consumo a technology a la specialist for example nacreous on GDG Dada's digitize euro Trezza strategies para proteger o consumidor cuando escucho technology von phul aqua in brazil you have so many problems
of waste in the government and like poor management bad governance if you change this structure that you basically use for identifying citizens do you think government can improve even in local governments in the US it's 90% of the cost of it it goes to administration yeah and only 10% to the services so if we can even reduce that by 10% more goes to the services yes so the idea is to really take out the stuff that's very redundant however we don't want to take out the stuff that is actually when a human really needs to
solve the problem and so I my my worry and the caveat is that we don't go for efficiency and put efficiency in places that will not help the human we have to put efficiency into the the parts that will make it very make the system efficient and so that humans can spend their times on services and I'm actual problem solving and and so I think if if governments work with sort of NGOs and civil society that has these kinds of ideas I think that will be better so countries like Brazil and many others we have
a lot of bureaucracy in all red tape and that sort of thing you have to bring your document to five different agents the agencies they basically don't talk to each other do you think that can also help solve that oh there's some really wonderful solutions that are starting to happen around that and I've seen some some demos and some some governments like there's a Canadian one of the Canadian state governments doing a very interesting project internally in within their own systems to test how their agencies can talk to each other without making making the citizen
go from like a bee from flower to flower to each to each office to get done what they need to get done yeah so it will benefit the citizens certainly yes but the governments are starting to play with forward-thinking governments and that's what I really like is that within individual local because everything if it starts from the top down you don't really know what the problems are but I love it when it's a local government whether it's a city government or a state government that will start to their techies kind of get together and say
yeah we saw this specific problem because that's becomes the demo cell to build up from there to a larger sphere como jizya Roberto u o povo sabaki care my stamp of care okay no sabe Yosh Conchita no momento de technologically Caesar if each one in she comes to the solutions mellow a risk to visiting the neat thing of co-invented this yeah so that's really good thank you so much is K proceeded services public Estonia Louis pronto Brazil - Casa del garda tech technology aplicativo VN m UT portage quanta Mises each applica is Oh Roger ah
if si si si es millones para no see dad owns a sh k hy 10 watt was Muto Granger we are waiting for elected representatives to demonstrate that they will govern in a different way the young people have to have the access and exposure not just your general education that we want to provide publicly give them as much asset access and exposure so they can find their passion and really be a contribution to your community and to your city into your country yeah there are some risks that were discovering that maybe we don't need to
maybe there's ways to store data in a distributed way to store data at the source as people are talking about I'm still waiting I mean and now we're like two decades in to the Internet age and and we still have the same old-fashioned politicians as you set for here is so brief food employer as the start tabs as organization instant promos and oh it's a cheaper juice constancy of the technology for your protein C allergies are Amelia Rasmus as leaders my program [Music]
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