How To Use The Paradigm Shift In 2024

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor talks in depth about paradigm shifts, what they are, and how they can affect you and how...
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it's um I'm going to share some information with you that it could change the direction of your life like night and day and when I say that I want you to really stop and take a look at your life um take an honest look at your life I I was thinking just before I start to make this we have actually been conditioned to kid with ourselves to lie to ourselves to um not really take an honest look at the results we're getting I want you to take a real honest look at your results and when
you look at them ask yourself am I living the way I really want to live you see most people aren't one of the first questions I ask a person that comes to work with me I want to know what's the most they've ever earned in a year now I really don't care what the answer is but I want to know what the answer is because as you see if um if a person says the most they've ever earned in a year is $50,000 I know where their mind is programmed um if they tell me the
most they've ever earned is $250,000 I know where they're programmed and then I want to find out what they want and I know then what has to shift because their mind is programmed and if they're really going to live the way they want to live they U they've got to change the program and if they don't change the program then nothing really happens now what I'm going to share with you I've been studying for a long time I'm going to uh put some PowerPoint slides right up here and on those PowerPoints um I'm going to
tell you a story and it's a story about me and it's a story about you and it's a story about what we're capable of doing what we're really capable of doing you see see I um I started to study this information um 54 years ago in fact last October I started my 55th year of studying this now that's longer than probably many of you are living maybe longer than your parents have been living but I've studied it every day I've become absolutely fascinated with this information and as I go through this I think you're going
to be fascinated with it now I didn't always have this information today I have a company that operates all over the world I earn millions of dollars I have some wonderful friends and I live an interesting life when I wake up in the morning I know that I'm going to be doing what I love all day long and I'm going to be extremely well paid for it but you know it wasn't always like that I have to go back to 1961 and in 1961 a man gave me this book and that's when everything in my
life started to change the book is Think and Grow Rich and there was a huge shift in the direction of my life now I'm not going to be on here long maybe I don't know an hour but in that hour I'm going to suggest that you could change everything in your life you see today can be the turning point in your life by making a simple decision but if you don't make decisions you're going to stay right where you are we have to make decisions if we're going to change um we have to change the
direction that we're going and when we change the direction we're going um then we want to make sure we're going in the right direction because if we're not um we're going to either go backwards or we're going to stay where we are now I um I had something pretty interesting happened when I committed to study this material every day and and follow proven Direction uh the change that took place was enormous and you know it can be for you now there's one thing that you absolutely require if you're going to make a big change and
that's discipline see without discipline nothing happens now I found that discipline is the ability to give oursel a command and then follow it now I'm going to suggest as we go through this and I um I suggest you make some decisions don't look at somebody else and say what are you going to do you see what they're going to do has absolutely nothing to do with where you're going it's what are you going to do that's what really makes the difference now I've worked with tens of thousands of people all over the world and I've
watched some absolutely phenomenal changes take place I've watched kids go from a CN D average to a an honors Mark almost overnight I um I would have have difficulty counting all the people that have gone from ordinary incomes to multi-million dollars you see earning money is not difficult it's just that hardly anyone knows how to do it and for good reason we can go right to our school system and no one ever teaches us how to earn money and for good reason they don't know how to earn money now is earning money all this is
about absolutely not this is about living the way you want to live now I've been traveling all over the world I I started to study this and a great change took place and then I wanted to know why I changed and so I started to study it from a different perspective I want to know what happened to me which I'll talk again about in a moment and so I began to study and then when I figured it out got the dots to connect all I wanted to do was share it with other people and everywhere
I've gone uh around the world I have found that people are essentially the same now I've worked in China I've worked in South America I've worked in Australia New Zealand All Over Asia um across all over North America and certainly all over U Europe and uh people are essentially the same doesn't matter where you go I don't care if you're in Shanghai in Caso or in New York City I have found that there's three things you know frequently after a seminar I'll sit around and I'll chat with some of the people uh maybe that were
late leaving the room and I'll call him aside and I'll say what do you really want and I found that not everybody wants to be really wealthy but what they do want they want to eliminate any Financial concerns in other words if they want to get a new car they want to be able to get it if they want to take a trip they want to be able to take the trip or if they see a sweater or a dress or a suit they'd like they want to be able to buy it they don't want
to be wondering am I going to have enough to pay the mortgage they want to eliminate Financial concerns the second thing they want is is they want to wake up in the morning and be excited about how they're going to spend their day see a lot of people are tied up in traffic going to a job they don't like working for somebody that is possibly even incompetent um you got to spend your days doing what you absolutely love to do and the third thing they want to mix with people who were really upbeat who are
enthusiastic people that are getting becoming very creatively productive now that is a pretty good way to live you don't have any Financial concerns you spend your days doing what you love with people who are upbeat and creatively productive that's a good way to live that's the way I live today but it wasn't always like that no it sure wasn't I had a man sit down with me and uh he did essentially what I'm going to do with you right now he said Bob I want you to take a look at the results you're getting in
your life really take a look at the results and then he got me to think he said how do results happen Bob how do they actually happen and I didn't know he says do do results just happen well of course results don't just happen and this is where this is where the man approached me back in 1961 he U he said I want to magnify the results that you're getting in your life really take a close look at it because he said people are just fing short in a couple of areas and he pointed out
that we're only limited by weakness of attention and poty Poverty of imagination in other words we got to stay focused and we've got to use our imagination to build the kind of world we really want now I think that's what you want to do that's what I want to do I don't think you were looking for something to do when you sat down to watch this you see I believe that you do want to improve the quality of your life and a man named ree Stanford sat down with me a long time ago in 196
one and he put an r on a sheet of paper and then he put an H he said Bob that's happiness he said that represents health and that represents wealth now he said I want you to look at those three areas of your life are you getting what you want to get are you doing what you want to do he I need to tell you something about results results always tell the truth by their fruit you'll know them results always tell the truth you can kid yourself all over the place if you want but look
at the results I have people they'll tell me how much they know about this or about that take a look at the results the results tell the truth if you're playing golf the scorecard the scorecard tells the truth you see now think your bank account tells the truth your sales s tell the truth your position in life the health of your body and he looked at all these areas and he said do you think I'm a healthy guy and I said yeah he seem pretty healthy to me he said have you ever seen me sick
I said no he said have you ever seen me broke no you think I'm happy guy and I I mean this he was a healthy guy happy always had a roll of money on well he said you know something you're the one of the most miserable people I've ever met and I was and he said you're always sick and he said you're always broke now he was being kind I um was earning $4,000 a year at the time but look at this I owed $6,000 that is not a good position to be in you see
if I had taken every cent I earned for 18 months and paid debts I would have just broken even it was an impossible situation ation he said Bob why don't you change your results do you know something I don't honestly don't believe that that ever entered my mind I really don't you say well I must have no I don't think it did I think I got up in the morning and I just went to work I did whatever I was doing and hoping things would get better but never sitting down and talking to someone that
really knew how to make it happen if you want to fly a plane you don't go to a barber and ask ask them how do you get the plane off the ground if you want to um learn how to dance you don't go to a mechanic you go to a damn good dancer it doesn't matter what you want to do if you're going to do something go to someone who has demonstrated be now this guy had demonstrated he was happy he was healthy and he was wealthy and he said do you ever read anything and
I said no I can't read now that wasn't true I could not well but I could and that's when he introduced me to this book Think and Grow Rich and he said Bob if you do exactly what I tell you and you study this book and do exactly what the author tells you he said everything in your life will change now he said the man that wrote this book Napoleon Hill spent his whole life putting this together it contains the best thinking of over 500 of the world's most successful people listen I've been reading this
one now since 1961 now think about that's a long time he said he spent his whole life writing this he said I think it would be a very prudent move on your part if you spent your life trying to understand and apply it now I don't know why but I decided I would now let me explain where I was starting from I told you I was earning $4,000 and I owed six see I had two months High School two months high school that was my formal education I had never had a half decent job I
just bounced from one job to another in the bar working in a bar uh in the Navy out of the Navy working in factories I've never had a half decent job now I had every reason why I couldn't win he said Bob there reasons why you can't you got to quit thinking of those you got to start thinking of how you can he said do exactly what I tell you and said you know something I decided I would one year later I was earning $175,000 my life changed like night and day you say well what
were you doing I was cleaning offices and then I took it over a million dollars I started cleaning one office I would do anything H us to earn money I was earning what $100 a week and I got an office to clean where I would wash the floor twice a month and I get $30 then I got another office $65 a month Kirby's construction now I'm up to an extra hundred a month do you know in less than 5 years I was cleaning offices in Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta and London England went right through
the roof now if You' ask me what I was doing I couldn't tell you I would say I'm cleaning offices I'm reading thinking Grow Rich but you know a lot of people were cleaning offices they weren't doing what I was doing a lot of people had read thinking Grow Rich they weren't doing what I was doing now I was trying to figure out how the heck did this happen see I had been raised to believe if you're going to earn a lot of money you got to be really smart well I knew I wasn't that
smart but I was earning a lot of money I was raised to believe if you're going to have a good job you have to have a good formal education I didn't have a good formal education I didn't have a good job I owned the whole company and so I started a study you see I thought I'm believing in lies you don't have to be smart to earn a lot of money there's people that are functionally illiterate they can neither read nor write and they're earning millions of dollars there's people heading up large corporations that never
been inside a school now this is I'm not anti-school I've made sure all my kids went through school I just changed the question I didn't ask them if they were going to go I ask them where they were going to go I mentioning this because I believe anyone can do anything if they can sit down and write it out on a piece of paper and then work at changing what's going on inside see in 1990 um Joel Barker wrote a book it's called paradigms he said to be able to shape your future you have to
be willing and able to change your Paradigm now I had no idea what a paradigm was and you might ask yourself do you really know what a paradigm is do you understand how the mind works because the Paradigm has something to do with the mind I knew nothing about it but the man that encouraged me to study this put me on a track where I just kept going from one great mentor to another I was living in Chicago at the time and I heard about a man in Vancouver I was trying to figure out why
I changed I left my own business I went to work with old n Gil and Lloyd cornet in Chicago ended up being their Vice President of Sales I would have gone there I would have paid them to let me work there I wanted to work with Earl Nightingale and Lloyd conette because I wanted to study I wanted to know why did I change I knew I wasn't lucky and I heard about a man in Vancouver somebody said Bob you should go and listen to him so I got on a plane and I flew out to
Vancouver at the end of the seminar I when the guy got on the stage I knew that he knew what he was talking about there was just such certainty in his talk and so at the end of the seminar I said I would like to uh I would like to sit down with you for a couple hours but he said you know I'd like to probably sit down with you for a couple hours but he looked at his watches I got to get out of here and I said I got to go now too I
he said where you going I said I'm going back to Chicago he said what are you doing out here I said I come out to hear you speak now I think he was impressed that I had traveled so far to listen to him so I said said look I'm not going to be in Chicago anytime in the near future but I'm going to be in Toronto and I said I'm from Toronto I'll fly over I'll meet you over there and so the two of us sat down in the Skyline Hotel and we were there we
were supposed to be three hours we were there for about 3 days and he and I were as thick as thieves right up until he died now he introduced me to this idea that I'm going to introduce you to and what I'm going to show you is without question the most powerful idea I have ever learned and if you don't understand this the odds of you make making great changes are very very slim I want you to look at the mind and then look at paradigms but let's personalize it let's look at your mind and
your Paradigm now let that drawing represent your mind that by the way is the most valuable concept I have ever learned there's the conscious mind the subconscious and the body okay now the conscious mind is the thinking mind do you know that the average person does not think do you know that thinking is a subject that's not taught in school you'll say everybody thinks hardly anyone thinks I remember old Nale used to say if the average person said what they were thinking they would be speechless do you know what we do we confuse mental activity
with thinking that's not thinking listen to what most people are saying they'd never say what they're saying if they were thinking watch their behavior they'd never do what they were doing if they were thinking back in 1981 one I picked up a paper from Dr Lawrence rampel listen what he said thinking is a skill which can be learned just as we learn skills such as typing and playing the piano few public school schools offer courses devoted expressly to teaching thinking rather we are expected to learn and teach thinking as a byproduct of learning mathematics reading
History Science a trade and so forth and we do learn a lot about thinking in that way the trouble is we learn our thinking skills and bits and pieces and we never put it together as an overall picture if asked to describe what all is required in order to think effectively most of us would be at a loss to give a complete account thus we are unable to assess our own thinking skills or systematically teach the skill of thinking to others well it's with your conscious mind you think this is also we call the educated
mind and I'm going to come back to that because I'm going to show you just how far off track we get with that now this is where our intellect is resonant and it's the intellectual factors that give you the ability to be the creative ability you say you're created in God's image well that's where the creative faculty comes in in our intellectual factors you have perception the will reason imagination memory intuition now the subconscious mind is quite different from the conscious mind that's what we call the emotional mind see the conscious mind can think so
therefore you have the ability to choose you literally choose where you're going now the choice may be unconscious but it is a choice you have the ability here to accept or reject information when we see something come on the news about the economy the economy's taking a dive say maybe for them or you but not for me you've got the ability to reject information somebody starts to tell you a bad story reject it now think you have the ability to accept or reject in your conscious mind you have the ability to originate ideas in your
conscious mind you can originate any idea you want now your subconscious mind has no ability to reject it must accept and here's something else whatever's placed in the subconscious mind is going to dictate your world it really will and your imagination or your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what you imagine and what's real so if you imagine something happening and you get emotionally involved it's actually starting to happen you may say well that's ridiculous well the right Brothers didn't think so Ed Hillary didn't think so Steve Jobs didn't think so think about it Thomas Edison
didn't think so Alexander grah Bell see we listen to them and think well they're different no they're not different they're exactly the same as you and me now look here for a moment I've given you the basics about the mind now let's look at this today you're H being inundated with information in your conscious mind from radio from other people from TVs from newspapers and you have the ability because you have a reasoning Factor you have the ability to think and you can say I don't want that information I'm not accepting that and you can
cause it to go away but you know something we don't do that not only don't we not do that we don't even think about it we don't even think why we leave our mind wide open and it goes right in what do we say about the subconscious it has no ability to reject it must accept why do we do that because we're programmed to do it that's why we do it that's our Paradigm how did that happen how did it happen that we go around leaving our subconscious mind wide open because it's what's going on
in the subconscious that dictates what you do well let's look at it for a minute let's close the window here and open it it over here now I'm hoping you're paying attention to this because this could be worth millions to you it can cause you to live in a healthier body it can cause you to build your business see this is you as an infant not today this is you as an infant and what's going on whatever is happening around you goes right into your subconscious mind and it just keeps going in over and over
and over see you're programmed genetically that's why you look like your relatives there's a little particle of energy from m a little particle of energy from Dad came together and that was the nucleus of you and 280 days later you made your debut on the planet but you have all that DNA moms and dads going back for Generations you're genetically programmed many of your beliefs have just been passed from one generation to the next and many of them are absolutely ridiculous well you see your self-image is formed when you're in your little life when you
don't even have the ability to think now me just just one idea a multitude of ideas are a paradigm look at the people we're surrounded by you know he um Robert heining said in absence of clearly defined goals we become strongly strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it now think about that in absence of clearly defined goals we become strangely loyal to to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by now think of the number of people that you know that are enslaved to daily trivia they talk about
nothing they never accomplish anything they get the same results if they're short money now they were short a year ago they were short a year before that they're forever getting a car on payment the idea of when rting a check is just out of their mind why well you see that's probably what the people were doing that we surrounded by as we were little kids and the ideas that just keep going in over and over and over again form the Paradigm a paradigm is nothing but a multitude of ideas that are fixed in the subconscious
mind and so here we are as hard as it is to believe 20 30 50 60 years later living exactly the same as we were programmed when we were little kids do you know that most people on welfare are fourth fifth generation welfare recipients it's rather strange now what do we do well we leave this situation and we go to school what does school do well let's look at it school gave us valuable knowledge however school never taught us anything about paradigms therefore we frequently do not do what we already know how to do now
think Superior knowledge think about it inferior results what does that do that causes confusion and frustration now think about this for a moment we've gathered great knowledge but we know nothing about the Paradigm so watch here here's the drawing there's the model there's all the knowledge we got in school we've got it packed in there but you know something it doesn't equate to the results we're getting you're going to find absolutely brilliant people getting very bad results you're going to find people that are brilliant they know exactly what to do but they don't do it
why it's the Paradigm that controls the Behavior now listen I studied this for over half a century I had no formal education I have no business experience I earn millions of dollars I'm 81 years old I've got more energy than most people that are 21 I have a sister-in-law that says he's 81 he looks about 60 and he exact like you're about 30 well she done that down pretty good because that's just about the way it is why it's because I understand how to use the mind now look it if you want to change your
results if you really want to change the results there's something that you've got to do you've got to know how to change the Paradigm and if you don't change the Paradigm I don't care what nothing's going to happen you find people going back to school because I think if I got some more knowledge no no you're not short on knowledge we're short on behavioral patterns and that's really what we have to do let's think about it let's really think about it paradigms what are they a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control
over our habitual Behavior now think about that and here's what you want to remember almost all of our behavior is Habitual when you get up in the morning you follow our routine if you're married your spouse follows a routine and you don't mess around with the other person's routine that's just the way it works now let's take a look at what a paradigm is and how it controls us this is really important your Paradigm let's look at the areas of your life your Paradigm has enormous influence over your Paradigm controls your perception Paradigm programming I'll
frequently go up to a person and a seminar and I'll say if I ask the audience what color you were what would they tell me they'd say they'd say I'm black okay and you'd say I'm white but the truth is you're not black and I'm not white now everybody looks at me where is he going the person's skin may be dark but it's not black my skin may be light but it's not white if you ever saw a white person you'd probably scream and run see the problem is we don't see with our eyes we
see through our eyes we see with cells of recognition in our brain our perception is messed up we see something that isn't even there and even after I say that they say no no no no he's black no no no no not white that's what you see you see with sells of recognition in your brain well when you shift your perception everything in your world changes you see my perception of what I was capable of doing like that started to change when I had the right information see you've got to spend time and you've got
to spend money if you're going to change you back around 1970 Elvin Toffler wrote a book called Future Shock and the idea behind it was the future is going to shock people and it was a prediction of what was going to happen over the next 40 or 50 years and I remember reading a book I was working at Nel kette in Chicago at the time and it was quite a popular book and everybody said wow this couldn't possibly happen well we thought Elvin Toffler was really daydreaming and he really was but he fell short we
did far more than what he projected now recently tofler come out again and he said the illiterate of the 21st Century are not going to be the people who cannot read and write they're going to be the people who cannot learn unlearn and relearn now think about that they're going to be the people who cannot learn unlearn and relearn this is really important our Paradigm causes our perception our Paradigm controls our use of time everybody gets exactly the same amount of time they get all there is you see it's what we do with our time
that makes the difference one individual will accomplish more in a week than another person will in a year some people can earn more in a day than other people will in a year how are you utilizing your time people buy time management programs that is a joke time can't be managed no one can manage time the only thing we can manage is activities now think about it do you know the Paradigm controls our creativity we'll find people say say well I'm really not creative why do we have great big companies and little we creative departments
because we're raised to believe some people are creative and some are not everybody is creative we have these creative faculties what we want to do is learn how to develop them think how about being effective our perception controls or our Paradigm controls our Effectiveness you see the Paradigm is a is a program in our subconscious mind that controls the vibration we're in therefore it controls what we do and it controls what we attract into our life our Paradigm controls our productivity it literally controls our productivity as I shift my Paradigm my productivity goes right through
the roof our Paradigm controls our logic and you know something logic is that ceiling we keep banging against when those two young bicycle mechanics back around 1903 from Dayton Ohio said we're going to get a plane in the air everybody thought they're out of of their mind but they got it in the air now somebody said but they only kept it up there for 14 seconds it was a matter of perception they said we not only got it in the air we kept it in the air for 14 seconds and look at today you know
last week I flew to Dubai on Emirates and uh I had a little room to myself I had a shower I had a shower going over and I a shower coming back the floor is heated when you get out of the shower this that 35,000 40,00 th000 ft going a few hundred miles an hour long ways from where the Paradigm was changed by the right Brothers the whole world believed we couldn't fly they went through logic logic has changed the world believed that you couldn't get to the Top Mode ever I had the Good Fortune
of working with Edmond Hillary on two or three occasions the only difference in him and anybody else is his size he was a big man he's gone now God bless him but he changed a lot of paradigms your Paradigm also controls your ability to earn money that's right when you change your Paradigm like that your income starts to change you see you should spend everything you've got and all the time you've got to really get in and understand this concept of paradigms because it'll change your life now look it you're boxed in the way you
are there's actually a box around all these areas you try and you try and you try you try to get more out of the day you know you try and and and earn more money but we're boxed in we're boxed in and I don't care how hard you try you hit those walls and next month will be much the same as this month I could go to any sales manager and I guarantee you just go on your computer and they will tell me what any one of their salespeople are going to do in August and
they won't be far off they can predict what the sales are going to be why because people don't change much you don't change much unless you understand Paradigm and then you can change anything now look at when you decide to change the Paradigm at that moment watch the walls come tumbling down that doesn't mean anything changes but now it can change and I want you to just imagine how you're entire life will change as you begin improving any or all of these areas my goodness I watch people and the change is enormous imagine the change
can be huge the change can be huge and here's something else when you change the Paradigm the change is permanent I have never gone back never gone back I keep going ahead I keep earning more I keep having more fun I keep becoming more productive think of it it this way for a moment let's suppose you just mastered the use of your time you managed your activities when you wake up in the morning like that you're productive you really get things flying have you any idea if that was the only thing you changed how much
more money you'd earn it would be enormous you know all you need to do all you need to do is make a decision it's so simple and so misunderstood now of course you're going to be laughed at by almost everyone when you tell them that you're involved in this program or you're going to do that they'll laugh at you do you know I like um what James cookie said he said do just once what others say you can't do and you'll never pay attention to their limitations again just do once what others say you can't
do I really don't pay any attention to what anybody tells me when they tell me I can't do something I know I can now I'm going to take you through a process here that is it's Earth shattering if you really understand it I want you to let that represent you now the X represents that's the algebraic equation for the unknown everybody has a paradigm everybody I've got one and when you change it then you've got to change it again you're forever upgrading it just see your spiritual DNA is perfect you were created in God's image
you've got phenomenal potential locked up within you deep reservoirs of talent and ability that you can bring to the surface we're going to say the Paradigm represents X the Paradigm controls the vibration that this thing is in the body is a molecular structure it's a mass of molecules and a very high speed of vibration your body vibrates so fast it appears to be still if you had a a curly and photography uh or curan camera you could actually photograph the energy leaving the body your body's in a very high speed of vibration and the vibration
dictates what you attract into your life what kind of thoughts do we think there's a par there a power flowing into our Consciousness we can think anything we want we think thoughts that are in harmony with the Paradigm and I want you to listen really carefully the Paradigm controls the vibration on a conscious level we say the vibration is feeling somebody says how do you feel they say I don't know I don't feel that good today now what they could say is I'm consciously aware that I'm in a bit of a negative vibration or if
they say I feel phenomenal they could say I'm consciously aware of being in a very positive vibration we choose thoughts that are in harmony with the Paradigm because it doesn't upset the apple cart it keeps us in the same vibration now people are in a vibration that's giving them results they don't want but they're comfortable in it that's what you call a comfort zone they're thinking thoughts that are in harmony with what they're doing they may not like the results but they feel comfortable now this is a process we're going to go ahead so watch
this for a moment now that was called bondage this one's called reason we're going to say a why idea comes into the conscious mind now somebody may be giving you a why idea about how you could change the direction of your life right now I'm giving you one right now I'm going to ask you to make a decision it's a why idea some people have a why idea my brother-in-law when he was in his early 50s he had built three safety supply companies for other people he had run them and built them an opportunity came
for him to buy a small Safety Supply Company they were scared my sister and and my brother-in-law were scared they were in their early 50s they mortgaged their house they took all their savings and they bought this little company they were scared stiff I said go for it well today that company's a multi-million dollar company they're sort of semi-retired their son and his sons run the company it's operating all over North America very successful company see it was a why idea now many people entertain why ideas I I get a y idea maybe I'm going
to move to another city I get a y idea I'm going to buy an buy something buy a new car I'm going to um I'm going to quit my job and start a business that's a y idea as long as the idea remains in the conscious mind everything's cool nothing happens yet when you get emotionally involved in the idea when you go to act on it that all hell breaks loose now let's look at this here we are here the why idea is impressed upon the X-Type energy you move into what's called an XY vibration
a barrier comes bouncing up we call a terror barrier worry fear and anxiety strike and like that you're right back where into bondage that happens at warp speed you've got to realize you're dealing with a central nervous system the most complex electrical system known to man and that's what you're dealing with when you get onto a track that you're not in harmony with everything goes crazy listen what Joseph Campbell says that cave you fear enter holds the treasure you seek you should never absolutely never ask someone else what they think you should do unless that
person has already done what you want to do go to The Experts for advice somebody ask me should I mortgage my house and buy a business I say is that what you want then go for it because I'm going to tell you I would not want to be real old tied in a wheelchair or in a cribed bed my mind is sharp as attack but my body spent looking back over my life saying gosh I wonder what would happen if we had done this I wonder what would have happened if we had have done that
I wonder if I had have listened to Proctor that time that I saw him on the computer I wonder what would have happened if only I could but you can't wouldn't it be much better if you ended up there at the end of the road reliving all those beautiful moves what do you do look it when you want to do something you know that Terrier barrier is coming up when you want to do something that you've never done when you're going off into a space you've never been before crash right through that Terror barrier just
go zingo right through now when you do that does that eliminate the fear no it doesn't but at least you know what's causing the fear you see you've got to go where you've never been Steve jobes put it very well you cannot connect the dots looking ahead you can only connect the dots looking back backwards the people that make it they're going into the unknown all the time now if you're following someone who really knows what they're talking about I really know what I'm talking about when it comes to this subject I train psychiatrists in
this I train managers in some of the largest companies in the world I've helped I don't know how many people become very wealthy you've got to go through that Terror barrier and when you do that everything beautiful starts to happen now I'm going to show you another thing you're got to make a decision to do that and when you keep impressing that over and over the fear is still there but one day the old conditioning is gone and now you're really comfortable in your new spot now you've experienced that in your life you've you've already
experienced it now you know what happens the why turns into action you start all over again and that's how you keep going up up up all the days of your life keep getting better better is a nice word but you got to make decisions now I'm going to show you something about decisions most people never ever learn look at this for a moment let these lines represent levels of vibration now levels of vibration are more commonly referred to as frequencies and you and I think on frequencies we think on frequencies so let's say that these
puffy little clouds are represent our thoughts and our thoughts produce our results that's where we started doesn't it take a look at the results why do we get there because of the way we're thinking so we keep thinking this way we're going to keep getting the same results but we say that's where I want to go that's where I want to go I'm going to do that as soon as I get the money I'm GNA do that as soon as the kids are out of school I'm going to do that as soon as what the
results aren't going to change because the thinking changes you see you see you've got to say I'm doing that and the second you make the decision you flip your brain onto the frequency that you have to be on to think the thoughts you have to think to get the good you want just think in your past look in your past you'll say I want that you it didn't matter that you didn't have the money you say I'm going to do that and you'd always find the money go take a look in your your house take
a look at all the stuff in your house most of it you don't need you know why you got it cuz you wanted it when you really want something when you say I'm going there I'm going to make that happen I make the decision boom boom boom you get on to a new frequency do you know I've started I don't know how many companies I've never had a business plan I just have the picture and then I go for it you never heard Martin Luther King say we have a strategy no no he said we
have a dream you got to have a dream when you have a dream then you act like the person you want to become you see yourself already with it now look it you've got to think you really have to think now you're aware you may not be really aware I mean I went over that fairly fast but now you know how to make decisions it's not whether you can afford it it's not whether you have the time it's do you really want it we had a lady come to a seminar in 2006 right around the
time the secret head and she started to hear me I was teaching I was teaching actually a program the science of getting wrench she had never heard somebody talk like me before now this lady wasn't just some ordinary gal she was a lawyer a banking lawyer she had graduated from University The Number One banking lawyer in all of the United States she had been educated in some of the best schools in America and in Great Britain she graduated she had bachelor's a masters a doctorate she graduated right at the top so naturally the big firms
in wall Wall Street grabbed her and she worked on Wall Street for quite a while top firms then she went back West cuz she was from Seattle and she went into business with her dad who was also a banking lawyer then he left to take over a bank and she took the business over and she built a banking practice she had done hundreds of millions literally billions of dollars in business buying Banks selling Banks merging Banks IPOs but she had never heard what I was teaching and she made up her mind she was going to
learn everything that I taught she bought all of our programs she became a consultant with her company then she made up her mind she was going to be my closest adviser today she is my business partner and she was listening to all this and she was thinking of the boardrooms that she was in when they were trying to merge Banks and they couldn't get along they couldn't figure out how to make decisions and she thought if they only had this information so she made up her mind she was going to put a program together and
she studied everything and she put a program together it was a phenomenal program that would help people change paradigms it's called thinking into results this program is designed to change paradigms it's all over the world today it's a self-contained seminar you study this for six months you'll study it for the rest of your life your world will never be the same again never don't look at somebody else and say what are you going to do what they're going to do makes no difference it makes no difference you see it's your Paradigm that you want to
think about it's your not their Paradigm it's your Paradigm you make up your mind that you're going to change you you didn't sit down to look at this by accident you have been attracted to this and it was attracted to to you this can change your life just like mine look it I've gone into prisons with this information maximum security prisons I've gone into schools I went into the presential of America the largest insurance company in the world we raised our sales by hundreds of millions of dollars one senior VP said that he thinks we
put it over a billion I've traveled all over the world with this literally all over the world you have an opportunity here to really study in depth what I'm talking to you about here if you really want to make things happen I guarantee you this will help you do it and when you get into this you're with us forever and I guarantee you a year from now you're going to need a telescope to look back and see where you were this program is designed to change paradigms Sandra Gallagher is the lady that invented it she's
the president and chief executive officer of our company the Proctor Gallagher Institute she's my business partner she's absolutely brilliant and she took everything that I teach and put it in a very organized manner that changes paradigms now let's remember what a paradigm is a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is Habitual now when people had a bit of a tough time what's the first thing they do they start to lower their standard of living that is a terrible error a terrible error
never let that happen don't ever lower your standard of living to meet your income make up your mind right now that you're only going to think of how to do it and you're going to do it you're going to take your income up to meet your standard of living I'm in a beautiful Studio here it's in my own backyard I can run four cameras in here all at the same time I can broadcast all over the world in here I was sitting in my backyard under an umbrella and I was thinking I could build a
studio back there and I got the beautiful idea in my mind it's all lit up I've got the sound I've got everything and I'm streaming right here from the studio it's about 12200 sare ft absolutely beautiful Al soundproof top equipment you know why I had a dream I'm living in it I had a dream that I was going to do this business for the rest of my life I visited Earl Nale one time in Chicago at 333 North Michigan in the early 60s and I spent an hour with them and when I was finished I
said ear what's the real deal well he say there's no deal he says there's no secret he said you just simply figure out what you love to do and dedicate your life to it I got so excited right at that moment because I knew exactly what I'd love to do I'd love to do what he was doing that was around 1963 64 in 1968 I left my own company I was earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year over a million some years years I took a job for $118,000 a year 5 years later I
was earning 33,000 but I was doing what I wanted to do I was working with my mentor I got an education that you couldn't buy and you know something I've been repaid time and time again five years later I decided I took this pen in my hand and I said I'm going to build a company that operates all over the world the Proctor G your Institute is in a 100 different countries this is the best information you're going to find I don't know anybody else that's teaching this I really don't not the way we're teaching
it people often say Bob Proctor is a motivational speaker I'm not a motivational speaker I don't ever want to be a I'm I think I'm a teacher I teach people what paradigms are how they're formed how they can be changed I'm under contract right now or our company is to U write a new book paradigm shift for Archer penguin largest publishing company in the world I love this subject don't ask anyone what they think you should do make a decision you're going to do this you're going to get involved in this you're going to I
don't care if you have to go and borrow the money from your grandmother you're going to make a decision right now today that you are never going to lower your standard of living you have the potential that God gave you you've got all the potential in the world anything anybody else does you're quite capable of doing but you've got to make a decision to do it and don't worry about where the money or everything's going to come from it'll come when the maharashi yogi decided to take Transcendental Meditation to the world somebody said where's the
money going to come from it's going to cost a lot of money he said wherever it is right now when you make a decision You'll Always Find the money the way will always show itself I want to thank you for giving me your attention I think it's fairly obvious I love doing this I've really enjoyed it and I hope you have
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