HOA President Karen Kept Parking in My Driveway, So I Got Her Car Towed—Twice! r/EntitledPeople

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When an entitled HOA president thought she could use my driveway like her personal parking spot, she...
Video Transcript:
I'll never forget the first time I realized my home was about to become a battleground. I had just finished a grueling 12-hour overnight shift at the local hospital where I work as a floor nurse, and the only thing on my mind was my couch and a few precious hours of sleep. I was mentally drained and physically sore, with a dull ache starting at my lower back and radiating up to my shoulders.
But as I turned onto my quiet suburban street that morning, something in my driveway made me slam on the brakes. A strange silver SUV was parked right there, smack in the middle of my driveway—my driveway. At first, I thought maybe it was a medical emergency or someone had car trouble and needed a spot to pull over, but there was no note, no neighbor standing by looking guilty, nothing—just that SUV, as if it belonged there.
Frustrated but hoping it was a simple mistake, I found a spot on the street and carefully slid in, already annoyed at how rare street parking was in our neighborhood. I got out, scribbled a quick polite note: "Hi, this is private property. Please don't park here again.
Thanks," and tucked it under the windshield wiper. Then I trudged inside, heart pounding from the unexpected confrontation. My dad, who's in his late 70s and struggles with mobility issues, was staying with me for a few days.
He depended on my driveway's easy access to get in and out. The entire point of clearing that space was so I could help him safely. I dropped onto my couch, thinking maybe it's just a fluke.
Little did I know that SUV was about to be the start of something far more sinister. Hey, before we jump into this wild story, I have a small favor to ask. If you could take a second to hit that like button and subscribe, it would really help our channel grow and bring you even more crazy stories like this one.
Also, we love seeing where our audience is tuning in from; drop a comment below and let us know which city you're watching from. It's always amazing to see how far our community is spreading. I woke up a few hours later, still groggy from my night shift, to find the SUV still in my driveway.
My polite note had been crumpled and tossed into the nearby bushes. That's when my blood started to boil. I had to leave soon for an appointment with my dad's doctor, so I needed my driveway clear in case I had to help him walk out with his cane.
Irritated, I wrote a second note, this time firmer: "This is private property. Do not park here. Final warning.
" I placed it on the windshield again, figuring that surely the driver would take the hint. But life never seems to go the way you plan, does it? The next morning, bright and early, I walked outside for a quick grocery run and found that same SUV lurking there, as if it had every right to my driveway.
My final warning had been shredded into pieces and scattered on the ground. I stood there, adrenaline spiking, thoroughly done playing nice. My elderly dad needed an easy route to the door.
Why on Earth was some random person ignoring basic courtesy? Was this a neighbor's friend—a stranger who thought my driveway was public domain? That's when I decided enough was enough.
A day later, I mustered up the energy to confront whoever owned that SUV directly. My first chance came early in the morning. I was outside studying the offending vehicle, trying to figure out if I could legally have it towed without conflict.
Just then, I noticed a figure emerging from the house across the street—Karen, the newly elected HOA president. She had that trademark Karen look: angled blonde bob, crisp white blouse, a permanent scowl that seemed etched on her face. I'd heard stories about her from neighbors—rumors of her being overly strict, harassing people about minor yard infractions, sending violation notices for grass that was half an inch too tall—but I never had a reason to talk to her until now.
Karen marched straight toward me, eyes laser-focused on my face. "What are you doing near my car? " she snapped, her voice echoing through the quiet morning air.
My eyebrows shot up. Her car? This woman was the driver who'd been hijacking my driveway!
I struggled to stay calm. "This is your SUV? " I asked, forcing politeness into my tone.
She crossed her arms, a smirk forming. "Yes. The street parking in this neighborhood is ridiculous, and I have important HOA business, so I use your driveway sometimes.
It's not like you're using it constantly. " My jaw tightened. "But you're parking on my property without permission, and you've ignored my notes.
I have an elderly father who needs easy access! " She let out a derisive snort. "Look, I'm the HOA president.
I know all the rules. You don't own this street," she jabbed a finger at my driveway. "Besides, if you were that concerned, you would have spoken to me sooner.
" I felt my cheeks get hot. I tried to talk politely through the notes you tossed away. Karen shrugged, stepping into her SUV.
"If you want me gone, you'll have to do more than scribble on scraps of paper. " Then she slammed the door and reversed out with a squeal of tires. So this was the HOA president.
My frustration shifted into pure outrage. For the next few days, Karen actually stayed away. I thought maybe she got the message and realized how serious I was.
My dad was relieved—no more precarious maneuvering on the street. But sure enough, peace lasted less than a week. One evening, I returned from yet another exhausting hospital shift to find Karen's SUV not only in my driveway but… out a piece of paper from her pocket.
"I have the HOA's rules right here," she announced, waving it in the air. "And it clearly states that I can park anywhere in the neighborhood as long as it's not blocking a fire hydrant! " I scoffed, crossing my arms.
"That doesn’t include my driveway, and you know it. The rules don’t give you the right to break the law. Just because you have a title doesn't mean you can bully people.
" Karen’s face turned a deeper shade of red. "You think you're so clever," she spat. "But I won’t let you win this.
I'll bring this to the next HOA meeting, and we’ll see who gets voted out. " "Go ahead," I replied, unfazed. "But you'll need more than just your little notice and some trumped-up claims to win over the neighbors.
They know you’re overstepping your bounds. " I could see her plotting her next move, frustration radiating from her. "Just wait," she hissed.
"This isn't over! " With that, she stormed away, and I closed the door, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. This confrontation was far from over, but I was determined to stand my ground for my father's sake.
“Out her phone? Fine! I'm calling the police; you're harassing me!
” She punched in the number with shaking hands. I shrugged. “Go ahead, I'll wait.
” A tense fifteen minutes later, two police officers arrived. Karen ran toward them like they were her personal backup team. “Officers!
Thank God you're here! He had my car towed for no reason! This is theft!
” The taller officer, Reynolds, sighed. “Ma'am, slow down. What exactly happened?
” Karen pointed wildly at me. “He took my car! I was parked here because there's never street parking!
I have important HOA duties, and he's been harassing me! ” Reynolds turned to me. “Sir, did you have the car towed?
” I nodded, showing my photo evidence of her SUV in my driveway multiple times. Reynolds barely looked at Karen before saying, “Ma'am, a driveway is private property. He has the legal right to remove unauthorized vehicles.
” Karen's face went pale, then twisted in rage. “No, that can't be right! I'm the HOA president!
” The second officer, Martinez, let out a tired sigh. “Ma'am, that doesn't give you the right to park on someone else's property. If you want your car back, you'll need to pay the towing fee.
” Karen gasped so dramatically I thought she'd pass out. “Pay? You expect me to pay for this?
” Reynolds crossed his arms. “That’s how towing works. ” Karen's hands shook with fury.
“This is a conspiracy! You're taking his side! ” Martinez narrowed his eyes.
“Ma'am, you called us for illegal towing. If you make another false report, you could be charged. ” Karen’s breath hitched; she realized she had lost.
Desperate, she turned back to Reynolds. “So that's it? You're just going to let him get away with this?
He should be arrested! What kind of cops are you? Do you even know who I am?
I control this entire neighborhood! If I say someone is breaking the rules, you listen! ” Reynolds raised an eyebrow.
“Ma'am, the law doesn't care who you are. It's his driveway, his property, and his rights. I suggest you start reading the laws instead of trying to make them up.
” Karen's face twisted with fury, her fists clenching as if she wanted to throw something. She turned, shooting me the nastiest glare I've ever seen. “You'll pay for this!
This isn't over! ” I smirked. “Oh, I'm sure it's not.
” With that, she stormed off. The officers gave me a knowing nod before leaving. I exhaled, finally enjoying the peace of a Karen-free driveway.
For now. For about a week, Karen vanished from my driveway. She avoided me, casting dirty looks whenever we both ended up outside at the same time.
I naively thought that was the end of it. I poured my energy back into caring for my father, who had upcoming surgery. Meanwhile, I tried to keep up with my hospital shifts, which were physically and emotionally draining.
The last thing I needed was more drama from Karen, but drama has a way of finding you when the other person craves conflict. One calm Saturday morning, I woke up planning to take Dad to a follow-up appointment. I opened the curtains, and my jaw dropped.
Not only was Karen's SUV back in my driveway, but she had a second car parked behind it, totally blocking me in! The nerve! I rushed outside, furious but also worried.
Dad's appointment was in two hours—I didn't have time for Karen's nonsense. The second vehicle was a smaller sedan, presumably belonging to one of Karen's friends or family members. Why on earth did she think my driveway was a communal lot?
My father came to the door, leaning on his walker. “Everything okay, son? ” I clenched my fists, trying to remain calm.
“Karen's at it again, Dad. She parked two cars this time. ” He sighed, shaking his head.
“That woman has no respect. ” I placed a supportive arm around him. “Don't worry; I'll handle it.
” I tried knocking on Karen's door again—no answer. I called out, even asked a neighbor if Karen was home. Nobody had seen her.
She was either ignoring me or genuinely not around. Either way, I had to do something; my father needed an unobstructed path to the car. Dan's advice echoed in my head: “You can legally tow any vehicle parked on your property without permission.
” So that's what I did. I called the tow company again, explained we now had two unauthorized cars in my driveway. They chuckled, remembering my last call, and said they'd send two trucks right away.
Within thirty minutes, both trucks arrived. The drivers shook their heads, amused at how blatantly these vehicles were blocking me. They hooked up Karen's SUV first, then the sedan.
I felt a pang of nervousness—Karen was going to explode—but I also felt relief. She had shown zero respect for my property or my dad's condition. Enough was enough.
Watching those tow trucks drive off with both cars was almost surreal. The adrenaline rush left me shaky, but inside, I felt vindicated. Let Karen try to spin this any way she wanted; the law was on my side.
The meltdown came two hours later, right on schedule. I was helping Dad finish his physical therapy routine in the living room when we heard a car screech to a halt outside. Through the window, I saw Karen practically sprinting up my driveway, face twisted in rage, phone pressed to her ear.
I walked onto the porch, bracing for impact. “Where is my car? ” she yelled, voice cracking as she pointed an accusatory finger at me.
“Both of your cars were towed,” I said matter-of-factly. “Parking in my driveway is trespassing. I'm done playing nice.
” The look on her face was pure shock and fury. “You? !
How dare you! I'm the HOA president! This is harassment!
I'm calling the cops! ” She started pacing in circles, babbling into her phone about how she was being targeted. Spit flew from her lips.
As she demanded an officer come immediately, my dad, peeking through the doorway, shook his head in disbelief. When the police arrived, again it was the same pair as before. Karen ran at them, gesturing wildly toward me.
"He's had my car towed twice; this has to be illegal! Arrest him! " One officer sighed, turning to me.
"You have pictures? " I nodded, holding up my phone. "Cars parked in my private driveway, no permission, blocking us in, just like last time.
" The officer said then he faced Karen. "Ma'am, as we've already explained, he's within his rights to tow unauthorized vehicles on his property. " Karen let out a strangled cry.
"But I'm the HOA president! " "That doesn't give you the right to park wherever you want," the officer replied calmly. She started hyperventilating, shouting that I was ruining her life, that she would destroy me with HOA fines, that I'd regret this forever.
Meanwhile, the officers looked like they just wanted to finish the paperwork and get out of there. I stood by, arms folded, letting Karen fling her words like daggers. She was so enraged she could hardly form a coherent sentence.
The meltdown peaked when she realized both cars were already at the impound lot; she'd have to pay towing and storage fees for two vehicles. I'd never seen anyone so enraged—she practically shook with fury, face bright red, tears threatening to spill as she realized there was no quick fix. The officers just told her in the most professional tone possible that there was no crime committed on my part.
Then they left, leaving Karen in full meltdown mode. Karen turned her glare on me, her voice trembling. "I hope you're happy!
" she spat, stepping closer, ignoring my father who was watching from the doorway. "You've made an enemy you can't handle. " I stayed silent, my heart pounding, every muscle tense.
Part of me felt sorry for her, imagining the embarrassment she must be feeling, but mostly I felt exhausted. All I'd done was defend my property and my father's well-being. Her phone rang, likely the tow lot calling back about the fees.
She glanced at the screen, curses falling from her lips. Our eyes met again; in them, I saw absolute rage, but also the realization that she was powerless to change the situation. She started to say something else but then bit her tongue, pivoting on her heel.
Without another word, she stormed off my property, shoulders shaking with anger. I watched her retreat, face set in a furious scowl until she disappeared down the sidewalk. I inhaled a shaky breath, stepping back inside.
My father placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his eyes full of concern, but I just shook my head, leaning against the wall as the adrenaline faded. Karen's meltdown was as dramatic as I expected, and though it wasn't the last confrontation we'd ever have, it was definitely the turning point in this HOA war. She'd taken a stand, and so had I, but this time the law was on my side.
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