Cheating Wife Said Me: 'You Can't Control Me. I'll Dance & Do Whatever I Want. Revenge Audio Story

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Crazy Pepper Stories
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[Music] for as long as I can remember the Wilderness has been my refuge life here isn't for everyone but I've grown to love its rugged Beauty and Solitude my days blur together filled with chopping wood fishing and watching the weather it's a simple life but it suits me especially after the noise and Chaos I left behind here amidst the mountains in the sea I found a piece that had long eluded me I moved to this remote Alaskan territory a couple of years ago and mostly keep to myself the town is small just a handful of
buildings along the shore I only go there when necessary mainly for supplies with winter approaching a trip to town became unavoidable months had passed since my last visit the settlement home to about 300 people has a couple of gas stations a grocery store that doubles as a hardware shop and a small flight service I needed to stock up before winter fully set in as I tied up my boat this morning I unexpectedly slipped and fell into the icy water Amber was there to help with the lines she's about 19 or 20 and always on the
dock when I come to town while she's friendly I keep my distance she's much younger than me and I respect her family it's obvious she has a crush on me but she's just too young for me to consider as she was tying up the bow line a reckless boater sped into the dock area they came in Fast and slammed into reverse sending a huge wake across the water Amber with her back turned was thrown into the water as the wave hit the dock without hesitation I dove in after her the cold shock nearly took my
breath away but I managed to swim to her I glanced up to see The boers Laughing anger surged through me but I focused on getting Amber back I grabbed her under the arms and dragged her to the dock another person helped pull her up and I used the cleat to haul myself out the water was around 38° and we were both shivering uncontrollably we needed to get warm immediately the best option was the shower on my cabin cruiser which was nearby and had a full water tank go get Lacy teller Amber fell into the water
she's at my boat and we'll be in the shower warming up she'll need to change her clothes you got it JW I watched Ben take off down the dock for a man of 65 he moved like he was 20 I was impressed I managed to stand up shivering uncontrollably then bent down to pick up Amber who was curled up and shaking I had little time before I'd be too weak to move I carried her onto my boat started the generator and rushed to the lower birth I quickly turned on the shower and exposed off Amber's
wet clothes pushing her under the warm water she leaned against the shower wall as I exposed down to my boxers and joined her rubbing her arms back and legs to get her blood circulating I was grateful for the ond demand water heater I'd installed it wasn't burning hot but it was warm enough the tight shower stall made it difficult but I kept rubbing Amber's body to warm her up feeling my own temperature r slightly too she had been in the water for about 5 to 8 minutes and I had been in for almost as long
the cold had chilled me to the Bone but after 10 minutes Amber started to come around I took a chance and stepped out to heat up water on the stove we needed something warm to drink dripping wet in my boxers I struggled to light the stove with my shaking hands just then Lacy came in behind me as I nearly whined in frustration whoa JW you're nearly unclothed where's Amber in the shower with hot water running need to make hot chocolate you get back in the shower I'll handle the water Tom will be here soon what
happened later get in the shower now I didn't think about how it looked being nearly unclothed in the shower with Amber their daughter I was just too cold to care Amber was still shivering with her back to me so I kept rubbing her to warm her up your mom's outside and your dad will be here soon damn move rub we need to warm up I'm warm now this is a dream come true for me you saved my life JW I just pulled you out of a bad situation you didn't think twice you saved my life
yeah and almost froze doing it move your arms and legs your mom's making hot chocolate a few minutes later I heard Tom her father Come Aboard I knew it was time to get out of the shower and into dry clothes then it hit me their daughter was unclothed what would they think I stepped out first wrapping a towel around Amber her mom handed her clothes as I dried off quickly and pulled on jeans and a sweater Lacy handed me a cup of steaming hot chocolate here you go JW there's a bit of Irish in it
thought you both could use it thanks Lacy how's Amber oh she's fine just had her first shower with a man she thinks a lot of and one she's now seen most of Lacy said dryy I know I blushed it was the fastest way to warm us up I didn't mean anything hey J W we know we'd have done the same you do what you need to survive that water is freezing Tom nodded how long were you in about 8 minutes for Amber 6 for you felt like hours I admitted with how low your body fat
is I'm not surprised you were so cold you both were close to hypothermia Lacy gave Amber a once over Amber blushed and looked away yeah I'm just glad we were close to the dock when it happened I knew JW would save me he's that kind of man Amber said her voice full of admiration it worried me a bit what happened Ben mentioned that big Cruiser came in Fast and its wave knocked Amber into the water he said you dove in without a second thought I can't thank you enough JW you saved my baby's life Lacy
said talking quickly sensing the awkwardness in the air yeah I jumped in because I saw she was struggling to breathe that cold water can cause muscle spasms that are hard to control she's lucky she didn't swallow a lot of water whatever you did you saved her life I can never thank you enough Lacy replied looking serious well we should thank that girl on the boat for our cold bath she came in way too fast and the Wake was at least 4T High I said letting my anger show probably that actress she's been here with her
crew scouting locations for a movie She's a terror from what I hear Tom added sounding disgusted after some more talking tom Lacy and Amber left before stepping off the boat Amber hugged me tightly and gave me a hot kiss on the lips I managed to pull away before things got more awkward in front of her parents as she spun around and left I looked at Tom and Lacy who were laughing looks like you've got something to think about JW better watch out you might get hitched Tom teased loudly Amber not far down the dock blushed
and turned away Ben stayed behind chatting about my heroics while I tidied up I needed to head to the store for supplies the whole reason I was in town Amber's reaction troubled me it was the first time she'd tried to kiss me and she did it well what were her parents thinking later I headed to the general store to pick up what I needed I overheard talk about the Hollywood group that had flown up to experience Alaska I rolled my eyes a few weeks here wouldn't teach them what living here was really like too many
people were showing up each year I missed the days when there were fewer people and everyone minded their own business I've become a bit of a Hermit I'm 35 living off my land in the Alaskan Wilds made enough money in the '90s to set up here so now I mostly live off the land and sell things online to cover some expenses I enjoy the simple life a few years back my fiance left me months before our wedding looking back I realized I dodged a bullet since then I've decided I don't need or want a relationship
at least for now as I approached the store counter I overheard some chatter she's here to film a movie set in Alaska one man said flying out at the end of the week in her fancy jet from ketchican JW you should meet her she's a looker and about your age maybe she's searching for a real man Jacob teased cut it out Jacob I'm not interested in any woman especially a movie star she almost got me eliminated today I snapped why so cranky you just took a quick swim someone else chimed in why don't you try
that swim and tell me how nice the water is I shot back and stop trying to set me up I'm fine relax JW Jacob laughed but Emma thinks you could use a woman around yeah right like I need that headache I muttered Emma walked in just then what's this about J W you do need a woman trust me please stop trying to find me one I don't want her need it I was lucky when the last one left I replied irritably Jacob changed the topic got any more of those Cedar picnic tables ready yeah I've
got four I'll drop them off in a few weeks or maybe Paul can bring them if he stops by Paul's crabbing again Emma asked thought his wife would have stopped that heun's providing for his family she should appreciate that I defended women prefer their men alive Emma Shot back not everyone wants to be tied down I replied blame the one who left me not all women she was never right for you Emma said dryly maybe but I'm less angry now I admitted after a round of laughter at my expense I settled my bill it's $374.58
Jacob said I paid cash grabbed my supplies and headed to my boat with these Provisions I'd be set for winter I had a knack for reading Nature's signs and I felt a harsh winter was coming I ran back to the store to get my mail inside a crowd blocked the walkway I need some lotion my Skin's drying out you probably don't have anything good but I'll take whatever until I can get something flown in an annoyed voice saides ma'am I'll get it for you Jacob replied practically stumbling over himself I chuckled as I squeezed past
her what so funny she snapped him I pointed to Jacob I've never seen him move that fast he never helps me like that you must be royalty if anyone else talked to him like you did they'd be thrown out you find strange things amusing she huffed learn some manners and how to handle a boat you nearly eliminated someone today I shot back her bodyguards moved in but I warned back off or you'll get hurt they tried to intimidate me but I faced worse you're the guy who jumped in right she asked yeah that water's deadly
hypothermia sets in fast you're overreacting you seem fine she said took 45 minutes to warm up after just8 minutes in that water you almost eliminated her and me I retorted maybe you should take a dip and see for yourself grabbing my mail I pushed past I can't stand people who think a short visit means they understand my world you're a rude idiot she called after me yeah you have a nice day too I replied holding back from saying worse as Emma entered this actress reminded me too much of my ex- fiance spoiled and self-centered as
I walked out I overheard her asking Jacob about me I missed his response but I knew he'd smooth things over he ran a business after all her attitude irritated me but I couldn't deny she was the most beautiful woman I'd seen in years not that it mattered beauty doesn't excuse recklessness most women in town were either married or Too Young no single women my age and I had no interest in a married one besides I was already dealing with keeping Amber at a distance I realized Amber had grown into a beautiful woman which shook me
since I'd always seen her as just a kid heading back to the cabin I Chuck L picturing Jacob rushing to fill the actress's order he acted like she was special but to me she seemed snobbish just looking for publicity back at the cabin I unpacked and started dinner as the stew warmed on the stove I looked out to the beach and spotted some Driftwood to collect in the morning some of it could be used for making tables and the rest would become firewood or material for home projects my workshop is powered by a generator and
the cabin sits on a hill with a stunning view of the ocean and mountains I own 50 acres debt-free so my expenses are minimal over the next few days I gathered driftwood from the beach and offshore Towing it with my D6 cat I cut it into planks and firewood enough to keep warm through winter and make more picnic tables my shop is decorated with glass floats I find while beach combing most are green but sometimes I find blue yellow or even red ones locals admire the setup but I just see it as adding a bit
of color a few days later I was on the mountain collecting branches for chair making the weather was awful but you can't wait for perfect conditions here during lunch I saw a white streak with black smoke in the sky at first I thought it was a meteor but it was a small jet with a burning engine the jet came in fast at a bad angle the pilot tried to pull up but the left wing hit the water spinning and breaking apart with each wave I knew it would end up on the spit a dangerous spot
if it crossed it'd be lost along with anyone on board I raced to the beach jumped on my four-wheeler and sped to the spit next to the burning wreck I grabbed my fire extinguisher it was a 10-lb unit nowhere near enough to put out the blaze but enough to buy time I aimed the nozzle at the smoking fuselage and emptied it hoping to get inside and help whoever was still there I saw a limp figure in a seat release the seat belt and dragged them away I went back six more times until the Flames blocked
my path the pilots were likely dead given the crushed cockpit I tried to get closer but was forced back by the heat the bodies I pulled out were the movie star and her her group she was the first one I had rescued though I hadn't realized it at the time one of the five men I saved started coughing his cough was more like a before end of life rattle with blood coming from his mouth ears and nose weakly he grabbed my shirt tell my wife I'm sorry I love her then he went still he was
gone I checked the others another man had likely died before I pulled him out both bodyguards were dead the fourth man was badly injured his gray face worried me I covered him with my raincoat the second person I pulled out was a young woman part of the actress's group her arm was clearly broken she needed medical help but the worsening weather made it doubtful the Coast Guard could reach us the actress the first one I rescued had some cuts and a head wound but seemed mostly okay I HED she could help are you hurt I
asked her concerned my arm and back are sore but I think I'm okay she responded wincing how's Sam the guy with glasses chinos and loafers she hesitated her voice breaking he didn't make it he asked me to tell his wife he loved her I felt a pit in my stomach oh no what about the others Janice Paul Jim the pilots rest she said quietly trying to steady herself Janice's arm is broken Paul is in bad shape Jim the pilots and your bodyguards they're gone I could barely speak no you need to get help Paul is
my only Lifeline I can't move him she replied urgently it might make things worse go sit with him and Janice I'll make calls and grab supplies I'll be back in 15 minutes understand she nodded dazed I watched as she walked over to Paul and Janice none of them were dressed for the cold they probably thought they'd be in La by lunchtime I hurried back to the cabin and radioed the Coast Guard the response came quickly but filled me with Dread we can't fly out until at least the day after tomorrow 75 knot winds and zero
visibility the Cutters grounded too you're on your own J W I trusted the chief if he said they couldn't come it was bad but I was desperate can't you send anyone the man won't make it without help the chief's voice was Grim what about the others Pilots are dead I answered flatly four others Dead one woman with a broken arm another with cuts the man's in bad shape his pupils are uneven could be a concussion or worse I'm sorry JW we can't risk it I'll have the surgeon talk you through some things I'm not a
doctor I protested feeling overwhelmed I barely keep myself out of trouble here you can do this the surgeon will guide you and we'll come as soon as we can I swallowed hard what should I do it's getting colder the doc says to move him carefully with a blanket I'll try using the trailer's lift bed I muttered formulating a plan be careful he warned get him inside and near the radio you might need to set the woman's arm too got booze yeah but not for for me right I joked half-heartedly trying to lighten the tension no
for her have her drink before you set the arm set her arm I repeated my voice Rising I'm not trained for this the doc will guide you the chief assured me it'll heal faster if set now just relax you can handle this I was in shock one minute I was having lunch the next I was playing doctor I loaded blankets pillows and jackets then sped back to the wreck I parked close to Paul to limit movement the women were by his side visibly shaken the actress looked at me her eyes wide did you call emergency
help is coming right I shook my head trying to keep my voice calm in this part of Alaska emergency is you and me Coast Guard can't come this is a rare storm her face paled but what about Paul and Janice I called the Coast Guard I replied a doctor will guide us it's the best we can do that's not good enough she cried her voice breaking you're not a doctor and I have no training listen I said firmly trying to keep control we're all they've got help me move Paul keep his head aligned she was
frozen for a moment but I didn't have time to argue it was getting darker and we had to act fast we managed to get Paul back to the cabin stripped off his wet clothes and put him in my bed I had a king-size bed for the women and took the couch I radioed the chief again my voice tense is the dock available the injured man's here barely hanging on yeah the the chief replied quickly give him the vitals temperature pulse skin condition listen to his heart okay hold on I said taking a deep breath before
getting to work Janice surprisingly calm gave the vitals weak pulse around 40 cold and clammy swelling on his right side head wound weak breathing Paulk in serious trouble the doctor said but we can only wait he then explained how to set Janice's arm I was nervous but Janice made it simple she took a swig of whiskey and said you have to do this it's a simple fracture you can do it I've never done this before you'll be fine trust me somehow I managed to set her arm without more damage splinting went smoothly when she came
to Janice said Lucy let JW check your head no I'm fine Lucy shot me a glare my arms broken so I can't help you your cut is still bleeding let JW bandage it Janice insisted the booze gave Janice some courage but Lucy shot me a look I couldn't quite decipher part superiority part fear I didn't want to focus on her right now there were more urgent injuries to deal with JW do something Janice urged her voice tense Lucy's losing blood damn it I muttered under my breath shek hate this she doesn't want me touching her
and how do you even know my name Jacob and his wife told us Janice explained and she doesn't hate you it's the opposite I do not Lucy snapped glaring at Janice for siding with me he's a an idiot a dirty bum I shot back I'm not a bum if you weren't so stuck up never mind you need help or do you want to pass out and have me take care of you when you can't argue about it enough Janice cut in clearly done with the bickering Lucy lie down JW get the first aid kit Lucy
reluctantly lay on the couch still fuming I grabbed the kit and went to work while Janice hovered nearby keeping a watchful eye when I touched Lucy's head she flinched hold still I said trying to keep my voice calm I'm not going to hurt you just need to clean and cover the wound she flinched again but I focused on being as gentle as possible the bandage wasn't perfect but it would do the job once I finished Lucy tried to sit up but Janice gently pushed her back stay put Janice ordered softly JW will get you a
blanket and pillow I thought you two would take the king-sized bed I said glancing between them I can carry her in there Janice shook her head no she needs to rest here I'll sleep in this chair you take the bed no way insisted you two take the bed I'll carry her in so you can both sleep better it's a king-size plenty of room my house my rules later that night I woke up to find Janice standing over me she bent down kissed my forehead and adjusted the blanket you didn't have to do that I murmured
still half asleep what was the kiss for to say thank you she replied softly you saved us no I just helped I said brushing It Off Paul's still not out of the woods and Lucy's sleeping too hard you should get some rest your arm must be killing you I took some Tylenol and more whiskey hard to sleep with the pain hey that's good whiskey I teased no it's not Janice shot back smiling faintly bet it cost you about $14 maybe I admitted grinning but that's not the point it doesn't matter she said her tone more
serious now what matters is you're not as bad as we thought you really tried to help us yeah well it just means I can't mind my own business you're a real pain you know that she teased I'm sorry Janice I said softening it's been a long day you need to rest help might come by morning she shook her head slightly help is already here in the form of you I'm not much I muttered trust me you are she replied quietly the next day was quiet except for the storm raging outside I called the Coast Guard
again but they still couldn't fly or send the cutter I made a fire to keep the cabin warm as I stood by the stove I heard someone approached from behind what are you doing Janice asked her arm still in a sling making breakfast I replied eggs bacon pancakes and toast she raised an eyebrow how do you have a toaster out here generator out back I explained got a toaster microwave TV even Internet TV she asked clearly surprised satellite not cable I'm not as backwards as you think she smiled faintly how's your arm need more Tylenol
I'm okay I assured her took some earlier can I help I shook my head just sit and talk you shouldn't be moving around with that arm it's my arm not my leg she said a bit stubbornly I need to do something I owe you you don't owe me anything I insisted and if you try to help I'll carry you back to bed sounds like Macho Neanderthal talk a voice chimed in I turned to see Lucy standing there armed crossed looking skeptical she's supposed to rest I said defensively I'm not an idiot despite what you think
Lucy shot back yeah and you've got a chip on your shoulder about me both of you stop Janice snapped irritated Lucy letun go check on Paul leave JW to cook Lucy rolled her eyes I'm not hungry whatever he cooks would probably eliminate me anyway that's not fair Lucy Janice said firmly you need to apologize Lucy glanced at me with a mix of contempt and something else I turned back to the bacon it's fine I muttered she doesn't need to apologize there was a pause before Lucy spoke again her voice softer yes I do I'm sorry
JW all right I replied trying not to sound smug Lucy's eyes flashed angrily that's it all right she snapped clearly expecting more I was caught off guard but before I could respond Janice stepped in Lucy stop he accepted your apology Let It Go but what about how he's treated me Lucy demanded Janice sigh come talk to me Lucy leave JW alone fine Lucy huffed the two of them left to check on Paul what they didn't know was that I had been up several times during the night checking on him he was hanging on but I
was growing more anxious hoping the Coast Guard would arrive soon after breakfast I went to my shop for some peace and quiet I didn't realize someone had followed me until I heard the door Creak open a gust of wind nearly sucking the fire out of the stove wow you've got quite a place here Lucy said her tone surprisingly friendly it unsettled me it's how I make my living I replied trying to keep things professional you made these she pointed to my latest table clearly impressed yeah I said from Spruce and Cedar I collect from Driftwood
she seemed genuinely surprised those ugly logs turn into something this beautiful I cut dry and shape them into tables or whatever else I explained what else do you make she asked asked her curiosity peaked cabinets bed frames chairs mostly for log homes I answered you're quite the Craftsman she said her praise making me blush slightly I've had some practice I replied feeling a bit self-conscious all by hand she asked stepping closer mostly I said nodding I have some power tools but I do a lot of it the oldfashioned way amazing she murmured reaching out to
take my hand your hands look rough yet they feel soft she traced her fingers along mine and I felt a sudden stirring inside I quickly pulled away my heart racing uh I need to check the generator I muttered trying to escape the tension Lucy looked disappointed as I rushed outside confusion and nerves battling inside me why would she be interested in me I had nothing to offer someone like her for the rest of the day she watched me starting conversations that made me uneasy I'd find an excuse to leave Janice seemed amused laughing at my
discomfort that night I insisted they take the bed I settled on the couch the next morning the storm raged on the Coast Guard said they still couldn't fly out I followed the doctor's advice but wished they could take these folks off my hands that morning both women borrowed my clothes Janice wore an oversized shirt while Lucy's borrowed clothes fit better Lucy stayed close her usual sharp comments gone making me more nervous later I secured some logs on the beach as I struggled with the cables in the rain a hand appeared to help it was Lucy
together we secured the logs I was surprised she came out in the nasty weather it made me rethink my opinion of her as we walked back I saw Janice watching smiling that night after dinner we all sat and talked mostly about me and my place later I woke up to see a shadow over me a soft hand touched my face you're my night in shining armor she whispered I pretended to sleep thinking about her words on day four I checked the wreckage for salvageable luggage there was nothing but Rags when I returned Lucy was folding
clothes sorry I was gone so long your luggage is all charred looks like Youk be wearing my t-shirts again tonight they're comfortable she teased giving me a look I couldn't Place fine take any shirt you want I muttered retreating to the kitchen while I washed dishes Janice Stood Beside Me attempting to help with her one good arm after realizing she couldn't do much she simply watched you know she's falling for you she said quietly no it's just a crush you put a small group of people together and it happens once this Camp is over she'll
move on she'll find someone more suited to her life back in Hollywood I know Lucy better than anyone she's changing and it's different this time she's falling for you JW don't hurt her me Hur her once the Coast Guard gets here this will just be a memory some Adventure she'll romanticize until someone new comes along you're underestimating her Janice insisted she won't forget you Janice we haven't dat kissed or done anything lovers do she's just in summer camp mode Janice laughed oh you're in for a surprise it'll be interesting when Lucy gets back to Hollywood
you mean when she goes home no I mean Hollywood she thinks of this cabin as home now Janice it's been 4 days there's no way she's in love with me it's just summer camp syndrome trust me that night at dinner I thought back on our conversation maybe my comparison wasn't perfect but it was was close enough Lucy hung on every word I said almost embarrassingly so I'd handled women who thought they were in love with me before like Amber so I figured I could handle Lucy too later I woke up to a shadow standing over
me in the dim light I saw it was Lucy I pretended to sleep as she softly whispered I love you JW you're my night in shining armor her hand touched my shoulder and her lips brushed my cheek it took all my will not to react even after she left I felt the warmth of her touch linger I spent the rest of the night arguing with myself while checking on Paul I told myself it was just summer camp syndrome but I kept wondering what if it's not by morning the storm had calmed and sunlight began breaking
through we had breakfast and I prepared Paul knowing the Coast Guard would arrive soon half an hour later we heard the helicopter approaching I stepped outside hoping the doctor was on board he was the doctor and a medic entered the cabin quickly hooking up IVs and getting Paul ready for transport wek take him and the young lady to kakun the doctor explained gesturing to Janice then wek come back for the others he turned to me you did a good job JW Paul's going to be okay I'll stay with Lucy for now Janice said firmly the
doctor hesitated but eventually nodded in agreement after the helicopter left I noticed Lucy staring at me visibly unsettled what I asked confused by her gaze tears wed up in her eyes you saved Our Lives lives she said softly I Shrugged just did what anyone would have done she shook her head no you saved us they'll be back soon to get you too you'll be out of here soon Janice looked at me her expression full of a newfound understanding you really did save us JW Paul wouldn't have made it without you and you set my arm
like a pro the doc was on the radio I replied trying to downplay it yeah but you did the work Jenice insisted fine I muttered you're wel welcome all of you Lucy gave me a long look you really don't like praise do you she asked her voice soft but teasing I just did what anyone would do I repeated feeling uncomfortable no hero here it is to us Lucy said her tone more serious okay okay you're welcome I muttered again feeling the weight of their gratitude Lucy Let It Go but the look in her eyes told
me she wasn't finished with the conversation later the Coast Guard returned to pick up the women I was relieved their presence had been making me increasingly nervous as Lucy prepared to board she surprised me by hugging me tightly then before I could react she kissed me on the lips I was stunned what was that for I asked still processing the moment for helping us she replied with a smile for saving our lives and for not being as nice to you as I should have been you're my night in shining armor could you apologize to the
girl who took the swim I feel bad about that sure I said still taken a back take care of yourself Lucy maybe things will go smoother if you come back I'll visit when I'm back for filming she said looking over her shoulder if that's okay with you of course I replied smiling despite myself the doors always open for you as the helicopter sound faded the place felt different in five days everything had changed I realized a few things Lucy wasn't as bad as I thought I could handle emergencies and most troubling I needed a woman
that last realization hit harder than I wanted to admit just those days with Lucy and Janice had changed my mind the FAA investigators came not long after they never found the cause of the jet fire gradually life returned to normal months passed but that feeling of needing a woman only grew stronger I knew I had an issue but didn't know how to handle it at Christmas I got a package from town gifts from Amber the delivery guy said she'd asked him to drop them off if he was in the area it made me start thinking
about Amber differently now I had two women on my mind winter dragged on but eventually the snow melted and spring arrived it had been a long harsh season but I got a lot done I finished 25 table sets and some end tables I decided to take them to town myself since I hadn't been able to reach Paul to see if he'd made his crabbing trip safely when I arrived in town Jacob seemed to be in a mood hey Jacob how's it going I greeted him pretty busy he replied the film crew brought about 100 people
so I've had to double my orders oh they're filming now I asked trying to make conversation yep he nodded that actress has been asking about you seems you made quite the impression nah I just helped when they needed it I said brushing it off not what I heard Jacob said with a knowing look curious I pressed him what exactly did you hear before he could answer Emma walked in and Jacob quickly busied himself with something else frustrated I tried again what have you been hearing nothing nothing at all Jacob said avoiding ey contact JW has
Jacob been feeding you stories about the movie folks Emma cut in giving Jacob a playful scold I'm not sure I admitted he mentioned hearing something about last winter but now he's clammed up Jacob you should know better Emma said wagging her finger at him then she turned to me that actress has been asking about you JW she really interested wants to talk and thank you for the care you gave her it was nothing I Shrugged feeling uncomfortable with the attention it was something to her Emma countered and to Paul and Janice too Paul survived you
know and he's been asking about you they all have especially the actress shek keen on you I was just lucky to help I said trying to deflect couldn't save everyone but saving Paul meant a lot Emma said her voice softening they'll never forget you got a thing for her JW she's quite pretty no I replied too quickly feeling a bit embarrassed Emma raised an eyebrow clearly seeing through my attempt to deny it uh-huh she said not buying it you do like her and she's interested in you too stop Emma I said feeling cornered don't go
there JW you need a woman Emma insisted her tone more serious no man needs a woman I shot back might want one but need priests and monks do fine without Emma side I won't argue your choices JW but you're wrong you've been angry ever since that woman left you for that doctor now you've got a chance with a good woman and that actress might be the one an actress no way I scoffed shaking my head she's human beautiful well off and has heart Emma replied pointedly more than I can say for some I frowned I
thought you were my friend Emma you're not helping I am helping JW Emma insisted this Hollywood gal might be just what you need it's time to move on yeah right I muttered unconvinced why would she be interested in me I'm just a Hermit I helped because I was there that's all she had no other choice Emma was smiling looking over my shoulder I turned to find Lucy standing behind me Janice stepped closer to me causing Lucy to move aside so JW where's this flight service you mentioned her eyes sparkled with Mischief I knew I'd have
to point it out but not as close as I had with Lucy my face turned red and Janice noticed JW that blush says it all looks like you just realized you didn't need to get that close to Lucy earlier go on show me where it is it's over there I said quickly pointing I could hear Emma Jacob and a few others in the background snickering you're about 6 ft away from me now just like when Lucy was standing here why did you get so close to her but not to me Janice pressed I stammered trying
to come up with an answer I I wasn't thinking Janice grinned and softened her tone relax I'm just teasing Lucy moved beside me hooking her arm through mine I could smell her hair which made me even more nervous Janice still smiling said maybe we should leave you two love birds alone to sort this out we're not lovebirds I snapped surprised at the harshness in my voice Lucy looked up at me her expression unreadable before stepping back Janice's smile quickly faded and she started to apologize sorry JW Janice said softly stop Janice I replied shaking my
head all I was doing was pointing to the flight service oh really Janice teased her mood shifting yes really I said firmly Janice raised an eyebrow then you weren't about to kiss Lucy uh no I stammered feeling cornered I was just standing close and your heads were inches apart Janice pressed you both know you were about to kiss Janice stop Lucy interjected her voice calm but insistent JW was just being nice Janice wasn't convinced you two were at each other's throats last time she reminded us then when you got back to La Lucy you were
complaining non-stop you even started researching Alaska specifically JW you both clearly like each other more than you admit I shifted uncomfortably trying to leave the conversation but Emma's voice cut through stopping me in my tracks JW Emma said firmly you need to explain yourself to this young lady trapped I turned back to Lucy who was watching me with a mix of fear and hope in her eyes uh Lucy I hesitated unsure of what to say I wanted to find the right words but nothing came Lucy stepped closer her gaze locked on mine yes JW she
asked softly batting her eyelashes in a way that left me utterly lost I'd like it if you came to the cabin this Saturday I blurted out before I could stop myself her face lit up I'd love to she replied quickly Janice and Paul have been talking about your place since last fall we've missed it you were only there a few days I pointed out feeling awkward but you took care of us Lucy said her voice softening you saved us I was just in the right place at the right time I insisted trying to downplay it
and you helped she continued stepping even closer yeah I helped I muttered my heart racing and I owe you for that she added her eyes never leaving mine no you don't I said shaking my head she moved even closer our faces now inches apart I could feel her warm breath and for a moment I didn't want that feeling to end thank you she whispered her voice barely audible you're welcome I replied softly in that moment her lips met mine and without thinking my arms wrapped around her instinctively she kissed me passionately holding on tight and
I found myself kissing her back suddenly I felt a presence beside me Janice was inches away grinning hey you to my turn next blushing we pulled apart Janice stepped in kissed me lightly then smiled at us both I'm hurt you won't love me like you do the fair Lucy she said theatrically Janice Lucy said sounding annoyed trying to lighten things up I said Janice is right we shouldn't have kissed we don't really know each other that well oh JW Janice cut in you have a lot to learn about Miss Lucy she's been digging up info
on you all winter Lucy blushed looking a bit frightened shek entitled to find out whatever she wants about me I said I'm not hiding anything oh how about your feelings for one particular lady Janice shot back Janice you come on strong when you want to I replied you're not ready for how much Lucy is focused on you Janice continued I think you need to be warned Janice Lucy nearly shouted on the verge of tears I felt for her I was the center of her interest and it made me blush too I turned to Lucy look
I think I like you more than a little I'd like to get to know you better but I'm just me what you see is what you get Emma and Jacob were beaming I felt like this was all happening too fast and in the wrong place backing away I said I'm not one to discuss personal matters in public if you want to come out the door is open use the flight service if you want to save time I've got to go as I walked down the dock I glanced back Lucy and Janice were arguing on the
porch while Emma and Jacob stood there smiling waving at me they'd never waved at me like that before I almost missed seeing Amber as I stepped onto my boat she was coming out of the store I hadn't seen her inside so I wondered where was she during all that the whole incident felt like grade school do you like her she likes you I didn't like it then and I wasn't a fan now despite missing Lucy I hoped she'd get too busy to come back I didn't want complications and I could tell being part of her
life would be just that Saturday morning I heard the float plane approaching it banked hard then descended toward my dock it was Joe himself flying even though he was in his 70s I wondered why he took this flight instead of one of his other Pilots as he docked I grabbed the line and tied it off Janice stepped out of the plane first followed by Paul and then Lucy Lucy looked around nervously until her eyes landed on me her face lit up and she started walking toward me as she got closer she broke into a run
throwing her arms around me and hugging me tightly she kissed my cheek and before I knew it that kiss turned into a passionate one Joe standing nearby cleared his throat uh when should I pick you up tomorrow he asked Janice smiled over at him 4 in the afternoon we'll work okay Joe nodded bringing back any Fisher game Janice chuckled I doubt it maybe just Lucy and her big old bear she teased Janice stop it Lucy said stamping her foot in protest no Joe just us Joe nodded again then untied the plane and climbed aboard see
you all tomorrow take care he called out waving as the plane taxied out and lifted into the sky we all stood watching as it banked and headed back Paul turned to me offering his hand glad to finally meet you standing up he said with a grin thanks for saving my life last winter you're welcome I replied shaking his hand firmly come on up I'll grab your suitcases Lucy Lucy shook her head I can carry my own stuff thanks Paul interjected giving Lucy a teasing look let him help Lucy you argue more than any woman I
know Lucy blushed slightly then handed me the larger suitcase without further protest Janice laughed Paul you should have been up and about back then you could have quieted them both faster than I ever did Janice Lucy snapped her frustration clear don't make me forget how long we've been friends oh relax Lucy I'm just teasing Janice replied A mischievous smile on her face then turning to me she added by the way mind if I kiss your boyfriend to thank him like you did heun's not my boyfriend Lucy exclaimed struggling to keep her composure I was just
glad to see him that's all great Janice said with a grin then you won't mind if I do this before Lucy could respond Janice stepped forward hugged me tightly and kissed me on the lips the kiss lingered longer than I expected startled I let go of the suitcase and hugged her back before gently pulling away I saw a look in Lucy's eyes that hinted at jealousy see I wondered briefly why but the moment passed as we headed up the path to my cabin you girls can take the big bed Paul you get the other bed
in there I'll sleep on the couch I pointed out the rooms knowing Lucy and Janice already knew the layout we don't want to put you out JW Paul said I can take the couch no take the bed Paul it's no problem I sleep on the couch most nights anyway I didn't catch the look Lucy and Janice exchanged it wasn't until later that I realized how much I'd given away with that state sometimes what seems innocent reveals more than intended we spent the morning catching up since the crash I noticed Paul and Janice seemed close almost
like they wanted to kiss but held back meanwhile Lucy seemed unaware of their tension which made me wonder after lunch I gave them a tour of the property the last spot was the point a flat clear area at the highest part of my land with an incredible view it always took my breath away why didn't you build your cabin here Paul asked the view is amazing building here would ruin this place I might put a bench near that Sitka Spruce someday but nothing else it's perfect for meditation I replied meditation you Lucy looked surprised yeah
I meditate when I can this spot calms me I said smiling to show I wasn't offended you keep surprising me JW she replied oh look I have cell service I can make calls or get messages here don't count on it reception is spotty at best I said she looked disappointed focusing more on cell service than the view as we headed back I noticed a small skiff approaching the dock it was rare to have visitors so I was curious Lucy took my arm you know we could put a cell tower up here and get reliable service
why would I want a cell tower messing up the view I don't need that kind of Technology here I snapped she looked stunned and it wasn't until we were near the cabin that I realized she'd said we could put in a Tower it made me rethink what kind of relationship she was imagining the person from the skiff was walking up the trail when they got closer I saw it was Amber carrying two large salmon hey JW thought you might like some fresh salmon just caught these an hour ago she said glancing at Lucy and the
others oh you have company thanks Amber we could have a salmon bake if you'd like to stay I asked curious since this was the first time Amber had shown up alone that sounds good I don't want want to intrude though you're not intruding Lucy cut in taking my arm Amber right I'm Lucy this is Janice and Paul we're just visiting for a couple of days JW invited us Amber stayed cool though I caught a spark in her eyes as Lucy linked arms with me I began to rethink my invitation but it was too late Amber
was already inside the cabin Lucy tightened her grip on my arm Janice looked like she was barely holding back laughter while Paul just smiled at me I was starting to regret having company inside Amber went straight to the sink got a fillet knife I'll get these ready for baking she said flopping the salmon onto the counter I handed her the knife and stepped back Lucy Janice and Paul watched as Amber expertly filleted the salmon leaving the skin and guts in one piece both salmon were done in just minutes I noticed all three of them had
a yuck look on their faces Amber finished and there was a brief silence before I spoke up Amber worked at the canaries and high school she's had a lot of practice Lucy stared at Amber then at me with a look I couldn't read Janice had a similar expression while Paul struggled not to laugh Amber looked at me with an oddly personal gaze the silence grew awkward so how about I get the grill going Paul can you help me I asked Paul nodded and we stepped onto the back deck the women stayed inside Talking looks like
you've got your hands full Paul said yeah I'm not sure what to do I admitted well you have three choices go after Lucy pursue Amber who seems already hooked or get on your boat and take off he said he nailed it all three options had crossed my mind what would you do I asked if I weren't into Janice I'd go for Lucy she's changed a lot since last summer and you're a big part of that but if I were you I'd probably choose Amber she's used to this lifestyle and seems level-headed in other words I'm
on my own I sighed lighting the grill yep it's up to you partner but you might need to act soon he said with a knowing smile that boat is looking pretty tempting I muttered Paul laughed he was a solid guy who knew I had to work things out myself the day had opened my eyes I had to decide who I really needed in my life the hard part was knowing someone would get hurt for a moment I seriously considered Paul's third option could I make it to the boat without being caught dinner quickly turned into
a verbal duel it started with Lucy's question to Amber so Amber are you planning on going to college this fall Amber glanced up before replying probably not my dad's a guide and I'll likely join the family business she answered with a smile I'm sure taking some business classes could help with that Lucy suggested clearly probing the University of Alaska offers online courses and I'm already taking some besides my man lives nearby and I want to stay close Amber replied glancing at me Paul and Janice exchanged amused looks ready to laugh it was clear both women
had a common Focus me getting out and seeing the world could be good for you honey Lucy pressed on you might find better opportunities Amber's gaze turned icy I've seen the world honey and I know what and who I want in it her tone was dripping with sarcasm Lucy kept pushing but a girl your age could learn so much by going to a university why limit yourself to this small place Amber's eyes locked onto mine we both know we want JW I'm not leaving just so you can swoop in I love him just as he
is I was stunned I hadn't expected Amber to make such a bold declaration Janice and Paul shifted in their seats bracing for a possible confrontation Lucy took a deep breath I'm closer to jwk age and I can give him a more stable life I do a lot for him Amber's expression hardened you'd probably try to change him build a mansion here and leave them alone while you're off filming and you'd plan kids into a strict schedule with nannies to raise them each word was like a dagger aimed at Lucy's lifestyle Lucy's face flushed with anger
I have a career that requires planning I make my money by being present not hiding away in some Backwoods Place Janice quickly stood and dragged Lucy outside Paul glanced at me the humor gone from his eyes he silently followed them outside leaving me alone with Amber Amber turned to me regret on her face I'm sorry JW I didn't mean to upset her but I had to Stand My Ground I think I should go now in that moment everything clicked I realized why I'd felt uneasy about Lucy her career would always come first and I'd always
be second Amber on the other hand was ready to put me first but she didn't know that I was already in love with her I loved Amber Amber got up to leave and I followed I pulled her into my arms and her tears began to fall I'm so sorry JW Amber sobbed Her Voice breaking I always mess things up when I'm close to you I just love you so much much I gently kissed her on the top of her head go clean up we need to talk I said softly guiding her toward the bathroom once
she was inside I stepped outside and found Lucy and Janice deep in conversation as I approached Janice stepped aside sensing the tension Lucy we need to talk I said quietly Lucy nodded tears brimming in her eyes I know she whispered you and I won't work I do love you but I can't walk away from my career it comes first first we should call Joe and leave today I pulled her into a gentle hug she kissed me softly the kiss carrying the weight of goodbye more like a farewell between friends than lovers after a moment Lucy
and Janice walked away together to find Paul as they left I turned to see Amber standing in the doorway looking sad and uncertain I motioned for her to come closer your parents know you're here I asked gently yeah she said nodding I told Mom I was going fishing it's late to go back by boat I pointed out do you want to fly back with Lucy Janice and Paul Amber's head snapped up her eyes filled with fear and reluctance no she said hesitantly I'd rather stay Amber I said my tone soft but serious do you know
why Lucy is leaving today she shook her head no it's because we both realized that we wouldn't work out I explained her eyes dropped to the ground and I could see her confusion I took a deep breath and I realized I love someone else her eyes widened in Surprise who you I said my voice steady I love you Amber without hesitation she leapt into my arms covering my face and kisses I love you JW she whispered her voice filled with joy we saw Lucy Janice and Paul off there were no hard feelings just the acceptance
of what wouldn't be after they left I turned to Amber think you should call your parents and let them know where you're staying tonight I asked curious about how she'd handle it amber made the call I heard her tell her mom she'd be spending the night with me her mom's response was something I'd never forget well it's about damn time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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