Abraham NOW - March 21, 2020

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Abraham-Hicks Publications
This is the first of 40 live broadcasts. If you want to see more visit https://www.abrahamnow.com. W...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hey hey everybody I'm glad you're tuning in with us this is something new and fun hatch the idea seems like yesterday and here we are already doing it thanks to my amazing peoples over here I'm not gonna talk to you very much right now in fact I'm not gonna talk to you at all because I'm gonna go get our friends who are eager to visit with you I know they are they told me so I'm just gonna relax just takes a little bit of time if you know anything about this then you know I'm
gonna go get a brain if you don't know who Abraham is good luck with that right okay I go we are right here we are right here right now and we are extremely pleased that you are here it's nice to have an opportunity to visit and so we want you to know that it doesn't matter where you are it could be here in the room with us or anywhere else but as you are focused here with us your you too are broadcasting in this vibrational atmosphere in which we all live and so as you broadcast
we'll receive you and as we broadcast you whether you're watching something like this or not you have the ability to receive us Esther thought that this might be a fun and good idea an opportunity for us to chew over some things together and and remember who we are to put everything that is new like always into perspective it's a nice thing to remember that things are always changing that you are living in a dynamic environment that is and always has and always will be changing and you are adaptive beings and by that we mean not
just adaptive to your environment but adaptive to the energy stream that you are about you are an extension of Source Energy if you've been listening to us for a while you have heard that from us often you are here in these physical bodies as an extension of so much more and remembering that so much more part and acknowledging the right now existence of it and transmission of it it's really good for you because as you acknowledge that there is that part of you aware of where you are right now aware of what your perspective is
and what your opinion about your perspective is your inner being is aware of right now your right now right now - and so as your inner being is aware of where you are in relationship to where you want to be your inner being is always calling you in the direction of who you really are of who you really all are of who all of you really is of the whole of who you are calling you toward that because as you are moving in the direction of that wholeness as you are moving in the direction of
the desires that are new in every moment that's where you feel not just ease or not just relief but in time enough momentum that you feel true satisfaction true exhilaration true sense of wholeness a true sense of well-being and not just well-being in the sense that something troubling is being resolved but well-being in the sense that here you are all of you the physical you and the non-physical you focus together in thought and focused together in attraction if you've listened to us for a little while we know that you know that we talk never-ending ly
about the powerful law of attraction and how it is the manager of all things and we talk to you about managing your thoughts by paying attention to the way you feel and blah blah blah you've heard all of it you know that we know that you understand and know that and recently we've been describing to you with a little more emphasis that you are often if you are like most humans giving your attention to what is manifesting around you and therefore that's what you're calibrating - in other words the vibrational output that you are generating
is happening because of what you are observing that's normal not altogether helpful for you but understandable certainly and in that sense normal certainly so as you are observing what's happening around you in any point in time by your attention to that you are offering a vibration which is you calibrating to that and you therefore establishing a stronger point of attraction and the law of attraction is responding to what your vibrational output is but we really want you to remember that while that's happening with you from your human perspective from your thoughts that you are thinking
that there is another part of you of much larger part of you who is at the same moment in this same time in this now in this Universal now we're non-physical and physical co-create or conspire that non-physical part of you is also offering a vibration now that vibration is exciting for us to talk about because that is the vibration that's really the whole of who you are that's really the present tense of who you are because as you're in your physical form when you know what you don't want you are launching a rocket of desire
about what you do want and that vibrational emission is transmitted from you and received by your inner being and your vibrational reality is expanding we call that your vortex we want so much for you to accept it as something that is real and something that is now especially since it's where your inner being is your intervenes standing there as the never-ending always in the moment culmination of all that your life is causing you to be so that vibrational reality is vivid but the most important thing that we are wanting to say about that right now
that that is your most powerful point of Attraction knowing what you don't want maybe what you and your human thoughts are thinking most about but this vibrational reality that you have been and are generating that's really what is most powerfully being responded to we have said over time that that point of Attraction is millions of times more powerful than what you're giving your thoughts to right here right now and that's why we can always say to you with absolute certainty that the well being is dominant and will always prevail but there is a question about
how much you torture yourself in any given moment in time as you focus upon the now reality rather than focusing toward the solution reality you cannot focus upon a problem and a solution at the same time but we are not asking you to do that you came knowing that you would focus upon what's happening around you knowing that by knowing what you don't want that there would be culminating within you a vibrational launching of clarity of what you do want and you knew it was a good idea you did not say I'll go forth and
be surrounded only by things that please me in every moment and therefore my vibrational offering will be easy because it will just be a knee-jerk reaction to what I'm observing you said I'll go forth into this new environment into this new environment into this always new environment physical environment ever-changing environment and as I focus there I will continuously steadily launch rockets of desire and those rockets of desire will really represent Who I am you knew that before your birth into this physical body and so we want to remind you that that is really what's going
on this vortex version of you this non-physical version of you this preceding version of you this getting ready to be ready to be ready to manifest version of you this is pure positive energy and your inner being focus their source energy is focused there and the well-being the collective well-being of the collective consciousness of your planet right now has caused this vortex to vibrate and summon with such power and clarity that as you are able to just get a whiff of it and turn your attention to it just a little bit you will feel not
just relief from focusing in opposition to the larger part of you but you will begin if you stay there for just a little bit to feel your momentum join the momentum the vibrational frequency momentum of this enormous flow of well-being that is happening around your planet you get to be in on the leading edge of all of this of course it doesn't matter if you are or not in other words terrible things aren't going to come to you because you're focused in a way that makes you feel fear or despair it doesn't work that fast
it's not like that you have a huge buffer of well-being you have more well-being than you know so we are not encouraging your attention toward the solution part of who you are or to the hole of who you are because there is an urgency or a desperation for you that requires it we're encouraging it because we don't think for a moment you should feel fear we don't think for a moment you should feel despair we're talking in terms of how we would feel if we were standing in your physical shoes we would focus ourselves as
best we can in the direction of what feels best to you moment by moment we also want you to know that what is in terms of your now reality is in other words we're not asking you to deny it or to fake it or pretend that it's something else because you are adaptive beings and you can adapt to your environment you can adapt to these temporary can ditions you can do it with greater ease than you may know right now so we're not asking you to just all of a sudden turn your attention to something
that feels better it's not even possible really to do that it would be like seeing someone who is just coming off the ski lift and they are headed down the ski slope and they hit some rough snow an icy patch something that trips them up and now they are tumbling downward on the slope and you could not look at them and say to them stop right now stop and expect them to do that because they've got some momentum going and it's alright that you have some going too but when you remember that while you have
some momentum going in response to what you're watching on television or hearing from one another or from social media while you are naturally responding to what you see no one's asking you to stop thinking that way or stop feeling what you're feeling because that is irrational but what we are encouraging you to do is to recognize that you do have an inner being who has a different perspective and overview an inner being who always at all times knows right where you are standing in your human perspective and form in relationship to where you want to
be and we want to say that you have never launched such clarity before your inner being is offering a vibrational frequency frequency to you with such clarity that the likelihood of you tuning into it is much greater now than ever before Esther used to tease with us and with Jeri and she would say Abraham why is it that I always seem to shine in a crises and what she meant was didn't matter if there was something going wrong it seemed to cause her to rise to the occasion and we always teased her and said because
the crises makes you focus and we want you to realize that you have the opportunity to focus not upon the crises but upon the solutions not upon where you are right now but where your vibrational reality has come to be as a result of what you have been observing we want you to feel the wholeness of who you are or at least we want you to acknowledge that there is that wholeness of you that is broadcasting to you and that it is possible for you to find that frequency and when you do you will feel
what it feels like from our point of view you'll feel clarity because that's what we feel and you will feel stability because that's what we know and you will feel eagerness because new ideas are flowing you will feel newfound creativity Esther said it feels like my brain is firing on all cylinders it's like many thoughts are coming one after the other and many times on different subjects but still there is a continuity to it all she is not feeling overwhelmed or confused as normal life sometimes causes her to feel because there is a stronger asking
globally a stronger asking from her personally and all of that is serving her when she gets in the vicinity of us of who we are and it will serve you too so there's lots to think about we know and there are many opportunities to think about subjects of large variety from different points of view and we want to remind you that it's normal to have a knee-jerk response to something that when you're calibrated to that that that energy will call you to in other words there's a certain momentum that will feel maybe some urges or
something that may even feel to you like inspiration because it's a momentum that is calling you to something and while it's normal and we are not encouraging you at all to try to not do that because that's like asking the skier on the slope to stop that momentum just because you want him to but we do want you to remember that there is another momentum that is so much more powerful and it's going to be it is much easier for you to tune into the frequency of that and when you do that momentum will give
you not just a feeling of relief it will be that and more not just a feeling of relief but as we just said feelings of clarity and feelings of eagerness and feelings of newness and feelings of creativity feelings of more clear thoughts and feelings of all that is now coming as a result of what you are living when that happens to you it's it's interesting to watch you because it could be something as you might call it we don't but you might call it something as insignificant as feeling like oh I think I'll make my
bed right now or I have some time I think I'll take a moment and clean out this drawer I've sort of been tripping over it's messy contents for a while you will find yourself feeling these urges Azur urges or impulses that will be inspiration from source energy because remember your inner being knows right where you are and knows where you want to be and knows what the path of most allowance for you is and so don't wait for big blasts of writing on the wall don't wait for the big thoughts don't wait for thoughts of
exactly what you should do about everything now and later and later and later let it come to you in the frequency and in the momentum that you're able to receive and let that be enough don't ask yourself to be more receptive than you feel just ask yourself to be as receptive as you can be it's a really really good idea something that we are always encouraging under all conditions for you to not push against anything don't push against the situation and don't try to identify blame somewhere within it and don't push against yourself for where
you stand or anyone who's up close to you because when you focus in an attitude of pushing against something what you're focused upon becomes the point of attraction that you are at and then the law of attraction gives you more momentum about that so don't even push against not being able to help from doing that for a little while what we're asking you to do is give yourself a break and everybody else to this is a wonderful opportunity for a sort of planetary rebooting a restructuring of ideas and of priorities and while there will be
for sure what you will call uh sort of getting back to what you want to call normal we want you to know normal is not ever going to be what it ever was before it's gonna be so much better because of the upheaval of your own thoughts because of the launching of your new rockets and because of the collective consciousness the collective vortex that is summoning in a powerful way sometimes when you are in a situation that you don't want to be in you don't recognize that this situation is helpful in you getting ready to
be ready to be ready to be ready for things you really do want you've been asking for a lot of things you as an individual and you as a mass consciousness you as a cluster of people or you as has global consciousness you've been asking for a lot of things and you've been asking somewhat in an attitude of doubt about them at the same time and already you're beginning to see planetary improvements clear water in some places wildlife returning clear atmospheres already things that you have been complaining about not being possible just with a little
bit of adjustment to what's going on you are seeing that there are solutions ready solutions ready to manifest solutions and in just that way there are ready to manifest solutions about everything everything that is personal to you everything that is more broadly asking that you are more broadly asking for like things around your family or friends or community these are really good times and we want to say that to you as we stand in your vortex because that's the place in which we stand those who have not come to realize that there is a vibrational
reality and that is the precursor to all things that manifest they might find reason to criticize when things look grim or troubling to hear someone say things really are well and it's alright for them to not understand that right now if we were standing in your physical shoes we would not try to convince anybody of anything because their path of least resistance is what has them focused right now and for some their path of least resistance is anger because their inner being is calling them forward toward who they really are and that's a long way
from the despair that they might have been feeling and it's an improvement to them but it won't help you and it won't help them if you get into a strong conversation with them about a vibrational reality they may accuse you of fairytale thinking and we assure you it is not but it's hard for some people to believe something that they can't see and since you are humans who for the most part have been focused upon what you can see and hear and smell and taste and touch with your physical senses we get it that that
is the reality that you want to describe and defend we also want you to know that this vibrational reality is real also and while it isn't something that you can see or hear or smell or taste or feel with your fingertips it is something that you can sense it's what your emotional guidance system is all about you are closer to tuning to it when you feel what you call positive emotions and not tuning to it when you feel negative negative emotions in other words you can tell by the way you feel which way you are
leaning and so you know how when you are headed out on any journey and there is an expanse of distance and time between where you are now and where you believe your destination is and it's natural to want to stop and take score to notice where you are to line up and think about what you want and then stop and take score to see if you're lining up has done any good did my positive thoughts improve my situation I want to take score right now and while we get while you why you would want to
do that we want to remind you that when you stop to take score because you want to see it and hear it and smell it and taste it and touch it what you're really doing is setting your guidance system aside and not exercising you're improving and increasing ability know things before they happen to know what's coming to let the good stuff in our favorite words that Esther is found to describe that is to be in the receiving mode of it because your tuner is always on so you are always your tuner meaning your point of
attraction is always on and the law of attraction is always responding to what your vibrational output is and so if you are tuned to what is then you will be a perpetuator for now of what is but as you tune to what is in this vibrational reality and you know that you've done it not because you can see the evidence yet but because you feel a little better as you do that as you become really good at doing that what happens to you right away the manifestation that you can take score of right away is
the improvement in the way you feel and that is everything an improvement in the way you feel that is everything an improvement in the way that you feel that is everything there isn't anything not a situation a condition a relationship a pile of money an empire there is nothing that you desire for any other reason then you think you will feel better in the having of it and what you have an opportunity to come to know is that you don't have to have it in order to feel it but by feeling it and feeling better
now you are closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be and you will see day to day evidence of that right around you there is so much around you in your immediate vicinity that will guilt to you improvement but here's the thing sounds a little bit like a contradiction we don't want you to need or look for that improvement not right now because in your need or in your premature looking for it rather than in the way you EAL then you redirect your focus and it's not like stepping back and
it's not like being held back but it does it does perpetuate a momentum other than the momentum that you really want to perpetuate so what is the momentum that you really want to perpetuate well we've been telling you this story for a while yet you are an extension of Source Energy and you came into this physical body and we always like to say splash because it sort of emphasizes the moment in which you emerged here and began to observe and this physical point of Attraction began to really take hold or come into sharper focus as
you began to settle into your physical environment and observe it with your physical senses and as you are observing just naturally observing your life around you people around you the situations around you the nature around you the environment around you through that exposure to this magnificent leading-edge time and space you are automatically doing the step one that you knew you would do when you decided to come into this environment this physical environment into this body and create you knew that the environment would activate within you clarity of wanted and unwanted you knew it would help
you to focus and you knew it would be the reason that you would launch rockets and desires so we call that step one it's the asking life causes you to ask it just does you don't have to work hard at it you are globally asking like never before it is a magnificent thing to behold so you are asking now step two that's where non-physical comes in that's what the vortex is about that's what the vibrational reality is about and that's what law of attraction responding to that point of focus which is the non-physical you is
about and it makes us say in pointed words when you ask it is given when you ask it is given now complain well then where is it and we say it's given it's a vibrational reality and you say big deal I don't want a vibrational reality I want a reality I can see in here and smell and taste and touch and we say we know you do but you also want a reality that you can feel and this is your opportunity beyond ever before to feel this reality this more textual vibrational reality you can feel
it if you want to you can feel it if you'll let yourself because it's broadcasting to you in a louder stronger more persistent Momentis wave than ever before so that's step three that's when you are receiving that that's when you feel clarity you feel an idea you get an idea that would help right now you get an idea that thrills you when you think about it you get an idea that rings your bells and and and makes you buzz a little bit you feel and it might just be an idea hereis and understand us about
cleaning out a drawer it might be that idea doesn't matter how graham do you think it is or how insignificant you think it is when the idea comes from Source Energy because you are no longer offering resistance you're in the receiving mode we like to explain that the receiving mode is like a cork bobbing on the surface of the water let's call that receiving mode tuned in tapped in turned on now you can hold that cork under the water with worrisome thoughts or focused upon things that cause you to feel uncomfortable but when you let
go of it it's gonna bob back up and that's what you're like you Bob back up if you will just let yourself in other words if you're not focused upon worrisome thoughts and we know this is the last moment in time where you really want to hear that because there are a lot of worrisome thoughts that are sort of being atmosphere d'orange you nobody's asserting them into your experience but they're available for you to tune into so when you aren't thinking that fault that causes you to feel bad then your cork flows you get into
the receptive modern that's step 3 receiving that's where impulses come from that's where thriving comes from that's where your replenishment comes from that's where your cells of your body are nude nourished in other words it's it's a replenishing mode replenishing of thoughts replenishing of point of Attraction replenishment on all levels it's the receptive mode it's the receiving mode it's pure positive energy and it's it's raining down all around you you just have to let yourself open to it let yourself open to it and feel it we are sitting in a room with a tin roof
and the rain just began to rain down emphasizing that well-being is raining down all around you in other words an instant manifestation that demonstrates to you that the majority of what's going on on this planet is still well being raining down around you and your core can float if you will just let it now how do you go about letting your cork float some want to take hold of it and just goose it up a little bit that's not a good idea we don't want you to try to force anything just try to relax a
little more try to think more positive things about more things in other words look for reasons to feel good right where you are and of course the easiest way for your cork to really float for you to really accomplish the receptive mode the easiest way for you to do that is by quieting your mind altogether quieting your mind is not a difficult thing it's a focused thing it's a focusing on things not interesting or focusing on things with not much momentum in other words if you do it earlier in the day it's easier for you
to quiet your mind if you wait until your mind has already activated around many other things it will be less easy for you Esther has explained to people she visits with about meditation that sometimes it takes her four or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten attempts at refocusing into quiet because there are already thoughts that have some momentum going and they are attracting her that's what the point of Attraction is accomplishing but if you can find something to focus upon you may be able to hear the rain that is raining
down or there may be some sound in your environment that you could focus upon but if you can find something that calls your attention but not much of it like the sound that comes from a fan or an air conditioner or even the sound that comes from a dripping faucet or the sound that comes from rain raining on your roof to demonstrate for you that here is something for you to focus upon if you will focus upon that your mind will quiet because your thoughts will slow down because you are not feeding the momentum you're
focused upon something that is more singular or you could focus upon your breathing that's how a stir first meditated breathing in and out counting her breath wanting to give her attention to that and only to that and so what you'll discover as you get better and better at releasing thought and easier and easier at allowing your vibration to rise what you will begin to accomplish is more time in vibrational alignment with the broader part of you which means more time in vibrational alignment with the desires that you've been projecting or launching into your vortex more
alignment with the desires that you have launched that your inner being has called into the vortex more time more airtime more practice time more vibrational time and before you know it you'll find that at any moment in time you have the ability to put yourself in a place apart from others if you can close your eyes get comfortable and focus inside your own being and feel what your inner being is feeling now at first what you'll feel will be feelings what you'll feel will be emotions in other words you may feel ease or maybe some
relief initially you'll feel some maybe movement you're intervene may direct movement and you may be a clear recipient of it and so you may find yourself moving to the rhythm of what your inner being is offering in other words think about what's happening there's no assertion you're intervene isn't moving your head there's only attraction but when you quiet your mind you become one with that point of attraction that matters so much imagine being in alignment and at the same point of attraction as your inner being who stands where all of your solutions are leading you
through the path of most allowance or as we usually speak it to humans through your path of least resistance to emotions first feelings first bodily sensations first you may find some feelings of twitches and itches as energy moves about within you it's all good and there's no right or wrong way just acknowledge that you're tuning in and don't think too hard about the fact that you are tuned in or that you'd like to be tuned in just be easy and your thoughts about it and the momentum of your alignment will increase when Esther first began
to meditate she tuned in to us rather quickly and even in the first attempt at quieting her mind and then she and Jerry meditated every day for fifteen or twenty minutes for about nine months didn't need to be that long but they were enjoying it each day wearing comfortable clothing and focusing on their breathing and as Esther achieved vibrational alignment with us we began flowing expressing streaming what we really began doing was thinking thinking in a frequency that she could hear and so thoughts began to occur to her but she didn't know that they weren't
her thoughts because they were being translated by her in other words she was the receiver of our thoughts but we want to be clear we and you and us it's our thoughts in other words we're thinking them and if you're getting them then you're thinking them too that means you're in alignment who you're in alignment you're in alignment with the well-being that you've been asking for for a long time you're in alignment with the well-being that you've just been asking for recently you're in alignment with the collective consciousness well-being that is being asked for globally
in other words you're tuned in tapped in turned on and thoughts are going to begin to flow to you better said you're going to begin to receive the revealing of these thoughts the revelation of these thoughts has been going on for a long time with you but you are going to be tuned with your floating court to the frequency of these thoughts and you're gonna feel it and you're gonna know it and you won't be wondering about it and the you won't be wondering about it is because especially now in your now manifested reality where
you are launching stronger desires than ever before there is a greater gap between where most people are and where their inner being is and you're going to feel the tuning process happen within you you're going to know it sometimes we've said in previous conversations that we like it stay with us we like it stay with us we like it when you get your back up against a wall sometimes because that causes you to launch rockets and it also causes you to focus and what we mean by that it causes you to do more deliberately what
you came here to do you are a powerful creator you are pure positive energy in a physical body you're a creative genius you are brilliant creator and not one of you said well I'll go forth into a physical existence I'll go forth into a human body but get it all cleaned up first get it all looking really good get all the bugs worked out and when it is pleasing to me then I'll come forth and I'll observe the things that are there then not one of you said that instead you said I'm eager to jump
in because I know the variety and contrast will activate within me my personal preferences so I get to be a personal deliberate creator and you also said and I know that my inner being the larger part of me from whence I have come will remain non-physically focused and will receive each and every desire that I launched and will hold steady those desires in a frequency of pure positive energy so that anytime I get in the vicinity of that I will feel it and I will feel the inspiration of it and I will be guided I
will be called toward not just the end result because the end result is what I'm looking for but called along the journey to the end result the end result that won't stay the end result because there will be another and another and another and another you will never get it done and you cannot get it wrong and the reason you can't get it wrong is because it's never done wherever you stand is causing you to launch new requests which are being granted immediately by source and non-physical energy and your intervene and so whether you are
deliberately meditating and deliberately quiet your mind whether you are deliberately focusing whether you are wanting to be a deliberate creator still everything is working as you knew it would you knew that contrast would inspire new desire and you knew that your inner beam would get hold of that and become it and you knew that in that happening that the whole of you would have a stronger point of attraction and you knew that the evolution of your species and all other species is based upon exactly that you knew that the well-being would happen whether you were
consciously letting yourself be deliberately in on it or not that's why you jumped in with such eagerness and so we know that all is well whether you get hold of these ideas and are able to deliberately apply them but we want you to feel not just the ease of relief we want you to feel the delicious satisfaction of being a hands in the clay deliberate creator nothing is more exhilarating then - for life to cause you to identify a desire and for you to recognize you're not in the vibrational frequency of that desire right now
you can feel you're off because you filled out you have a desire but you filled out and maybe the doubt usually in the beginning is stronger than the desire but because you know about this and you know what doubt means and you know what feeling better means because you know what your emotions mean because they are the indicator of what you're doing vibrationally and how you're closing the gap and whether or not you are leaning in the direction of who you really are or leaning in the direction of who you were which caused you to
become more when you are understanding that and feeling yourself not energized that's not that's not what we want you to feel feel yourself feel yourself called and trust even before the evidence that we've got you your vortex has you it is you it is you but sometimes you be a holdout to it because what you want to call real life it isn't what you want to call real life because it's manifested has your attention and it's got you right now just for a little bit pinched off from the whole of who you are imagine you
or the people you love or imagine a world letting in more of who you are all that you are like that word imagine because imagine isn't you projecting a thought writing it down trying to shine it on a screen imaging imagining is you and the receiving mode receiving blocks of thought from that larger part of you and those thoughts being translated by you because you're in the receiving mode into images imagine let yourself let yourself see who you really are let yourself live now all that you've been asking for so do we know that you're
gonna get it we do and do we know that you're gonna get down the road and look back in acknowledge how much how much has happened within you because of these manifested old news times you the cusp of a reawakening a reawakening to who you are to all that you are but don't misunderstand us we're not asking you to do this so that you create more stuff but you will that's good or so that you can have more things but you will and that's good we want you to feel like you intended to feel when
you decided to come you know how you feel when somebody else has an idea of something that you should do and direct you and sometimes you're willing to be cooperative and you will do it and sometimes not feeling that great about it sometimes just doing it because somebody's asking you to do it and and it's the path of least resistance not to evoke their wrath so you just do it but you still have resistance within you while you're doing it you're not doing it willingly you're doing it but not really willingly that does not feel
good but you know what it feels like when and ideas hatched within you and and it's your idea and the idea is calling you and you feel that eagerness and then that idea grows to another and another and another and another that's how you're supposed to feel life is supposed to be fun that's what satisfaction is satisfaction is not you closing the gap between somebody else and what they want for you to do for them satisfaction is what happens it only comes when you close your own gap when what wife has caused you to ask
for is being allowed by you because you are focused in that direction rather than in opposition to that and so there is eagerness here where we be we feel eagerness about the newness that you have created and about the closing of the gap that you were upon and out most of all the independent exhilaration that you will feel as you allow yourself to be in on your creation much of the world launches rockets and doesn't go toward them that doesn't feel good much of the world launches rockets of desire and feel like they can't go
toward them and then looks for others to blame about why they're not able to do or receive what they want but you live in a vibrational universe it's a universe that is attraction based and you are a vibrating being and the law of attraction is responding to your vibration so everything that comes to you is being invited by you whether you meant to do it or not sometimes people don't like to hear that and they'll say I wouldn't have attracted that to me I don't want that and we say we didn't say you wanted it
but we do say you attracted it by your attention to it and so now don't freak out that doesn't mean that everything you think about is barreling in upon you but the point that it we are making is that it's such a wonderful thing when you really get it that it's attraction attraction attraction no one is doing anything to you it's attraction attraction attraction and at first before you feel secure in your ability to quiet your mind and in your ability to allow your vibration to rise and in your ability to tune into your vortex
and in your ability to receive those impulses at first knowing that you're attracting it might feel a little uncomfortable but in comparison with the notion that someone else is asserting something that you don't want into your experience oh it is such a big difference to know that as you get hold of this as you get hold of the way you feel and as you care about the way you feel and as you direct your attention to things feel better and better as you focus into something that you can do something about and that's the thing
that we want to focus with you now just a little bit about because as you are giving your attention to what's going on around you and different parts of your government or your healthcare systems or or family and friends are asking you to do things that don't feel normal to you to separate yourself one from another and allow things to settle down a little bit think about what they're asking they're just asking that you help in allowing the momentum of this thing that is unwanted to subside a little bit to let it flatten out a
little bit to allow it by by you not perpetuating it now they're asking you to not perpetuate it by doing some things and we're in vibrational alignment with that but there's more that you can do that will help you so much and that's understand the vibrational perpetuation of things the vibrational perpetuation of things that are important to you so here's the rule of thumb that we would follow make a decision and line up with it don't make a decision and then push against it make a decision and line up with it and you know you've
made decisions about things that your environment that is asking cooperation from you has asked in other words sometimes in your house when someone asks you to be quiet because they're trying to sleep you've cooperated with that idea and if you lined up with it you didn't resent it you actually enjoyed the soothing yourself in your environment when the stoplight is red and you want to cooperate so that you don't come crashing into one another you've lined up with that you don't sit at the light railing against it mostly occasionally we get it you get impatient
but mostly you've lined up with that and so we want to remind you that how you feel is about what you're doing with your energy and since your inner beam is calling you in a very strong way to all kinds of things that you've been asking for long before just lightly as your inner beam is calling you toward those things as you line up with your desires by focusing in the direction of them the tug-of-war that you're feeling which always feels like negative emotion will subside within you and that's such a lovely thing when you're
in control of your own vibrational offering which means you're in control of your tug-of-war how strong it is or whether it exists at all you're in control of your emotions you're in control of how you feel you're aware of how you want to feel your tuning more and more to the hole of who you are and you're feeling more satisfaction because that's where satisfaction comes from and delicious ideas are flowing into your mind that are so strong that you cannot help but act upon them and that's really what we were wanting to lead up to
there are actions that are being required of you and we encourage you to not push against that we encourage you to line up with that but what we encourage first and foremost is that you line up you line up because when you're in tune with who you are you don't miss anything in your environment the broadest of environment standing on a hilltop and looking out over a great distance of beauty of this planet is something that can be very satisfying but it does not matter how vast your view is it's the lining up that causes
you or better set allows you to see the beauty right where you are we are very pleased with the beauty of yourself that you are in the process of discovering and the beauty of those with whom you're interacting we like the clarity that is rampant on your planet right now we like the energy that is flowing on your planet right now we like the increase in the vibrational reality or as we like to call it the vortex that is happening right now the heavens are thundering in confirmation of same in other words all that is
is excited about what you dear heart's creators on planet earth are doing hearing now so in wrapping this time together up I first want to say how delicious it is and next we want to say don't make a big thing about anything and don't try too hard and don't test yourself to see if you're doing it you're doing it you've got this it won't be difficult in fact you're going to rise to it in a way that's going to give you a newfound reference point and how you feel about you and in how you feel
about others Esther awakened just a few mornings ago and as she opened her eyes and came into her human brain consciousness she was in the receiving mode of this idea for this broadcast and she felt the exhilaration of it immediately thoughts were streaming and she felt eager about it and then she gathered together with her magnificent partners in crime here at Abraham Hicks publications and began expressing her desire and they began to chime in about not just their eagerness for it or their desire for it but they began to their minds began to fire off
on how to bring it about what equipment to gather up and how to make it so and as Esther left that first conversation with Tracy and Mark and Michelle she felt exhilaration beyond anything that she has felt maybe ever because of the feeling of appreciation that she felt for the brilliance of these three people who she watched right before her eyes rise to the occasion of this new desire and she thought wow we've never clicked like this before we've never felt like this before I've never loved like this before I've never appreciated like this before
I've never felt eagerness like this before and that's what we're talking about that's what you are about to witness globally that's what you are already witnessing in some regards globally that's what you signed on for when you said you wanted to come forth into this physical body you said I'll go eagerly willingly happily and I will carve out personal desires and I will know by the way I feel how much in alignment with them I am or not how much resistance to them I am offering and I will tune myself because I care about how
I feel - the frequency of all that I am and I will feel satisfaction because life is supposed to be fun there is so much love here for you and so much appreciation for the part that you play life is supposed to be fun and we promise you that it's just a little bit of tuning you're gonna remember that too and for now just for a little while we will not broadcast through this lens but you can find us if you want to because we are projecting to you tune into us close that gap there
is not one of you who is not an extension of Source Energy not one of you does not have source energy flowing to you each of you has what Esther is demonstrating here the ability to tune in but in the meantime Esther's eager about doing this often three hours a week for now what fun there is great love here for you and for now we remain stubbornly and happily in your vortex [Music] [Music]
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