Man Wakes Up and Finds Himself In The Far West, Armed With A Super Weapon

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Welcome to Movie Shortens. A mysterious stranger awakens in the Arizona desert with amnesia, and som...
Video Transcript:
The opening scene shows a rugged landscape  and a man has just regained consciousness. He has a wound to his side and a strange  bracelet attached to his left wrist. A photo of a woman is lying on the ground.
Behind  him, three riders on horses and a dog approaches him. They try to take him but he fights back.  In a matter of seconds he has killed the men and takes clothes from one of them then rides off on a  horse with the dog following him.
Who is this man? What happened to him? This is Movie Shortens. 
Follow us today to a movie title: Cowboys and aliens 2011. Be aware: there are spoilers! He rides into a small town, then walks into a house which appears to be empty.
Suddenly a man  called Meacham, holding a rifle approaches and takes his gun. Meacham asks the man his name but  he can’t remember. It seems like he has lost his memory.
Meacham gets the man to lie down on the  table and he stitches up his wound. As Meacham talks, he reveals himself as the local preacher. All of a sudden a bullet comes through the window.
Meacham and the man go outside to see a young  cowboy named Percy, shooting randomly at anything. The saloon owner known as Doc and his wife Maria  walk out of the saloon. Doc is upset because Percy is reckless and never pays for his drinks.
Percy  calls Doc over to him and knocks his glasses to the ground. Before it gets out of control, Meacham  walks over and picks up Doc’s glasses and helps Doc. Percy thinks it’s funny, so he takes up a  collection for Doc but when he approaches the man in a threatening way, he knees Percy in the crotch  and Percy folds over then the man pushes him to the ground and walks away.
A woman called Ella,  wearing a gun, looks on from a side alley. Percy gets up and threatens to shoot the man but fires  a shot wildly and hits a deputy in the shoulder. Just then the sheriff named John Taggart rides up. 
Taggart tells Percy he’s gone too far this time so he’ll have to lock Percy up. An Indian man named  Nat, who works for Percy’s father, tells Percy he’ll let his father know what’s happened. Now we see a herd of cattle grazing while three men drink coffee near a fire.
One of the  men called Roy, goes to the river for a crap when suddenly there’s a huge explosion and he  falls under the water. When he climbs back out, the other two men and the cattle are  all dead and the trees are burning. Back in town in the jail, Taggart tells  Percy a Federal Marshal is taking him to Sante Fe for trial.
Taggart notices  a Wanted Poster, which finally reveals the man’s identity as Jake Lonergan. In the saloon, Jake is drinking a whiskey when Ella approaches him and asks him about the  “Bracelet” he’s wearing. When Taggart and his men enter the saloon Jake tells Ella to move  away.
Taggart calls Jake by his name and asks him to come to the jail. As one man pulls  a gun on Jake, he manages to disarm all the men without shooting anyone. Ella hits Jake over  the head from behind and he falls to the floor.
Now Jake is having visions of a small cabin and  his wife Alice. He sees a table with gold coins, an alien creature and a group of people  looking upwards in a dazed state. Jake wakes up in a cell next to  Percy’s cell.
Percy is talking nonsense to Jake so Jake knocks him out. Back at the cattle camp a man called Woodrow Dolarhyde is threatening Roy, to find out what  happened to his other two men and the cattle. Just then, Nat and another man ride up and  tell Woodrow that Percy has been locked up.
Woodrow lets a horse drag Roy off into the  night. They head into town to retrieve Percy. At the jail, Taggart takes Jake outside  and puts him in a wagon with Percy, to be transported to Santa Fe’ for trial. 
Before the wagon leaves, Ella talks to Jake through the bars but he tells her to go away. Before they can leave, Woodrow and his men ride in. Woodrow demands that Taggart release his boy.
Now everyone is looking at some strange lights in the sky that are approaching the town which  are actually spacecraft and they start firing weapons at the buildings and the people. Jake’s  bracelet lights up. The spacecraft are dropping lines and pulling people up to the spacecraft. 
Maria gets pulled up as Doc watches. The wagon takes off but tips onto its side. Taggart tries  to get his grandson named Emmett but suddenly Taggart is pulled up into the sky.
Jake’s bracelet seems to be activated and he points it at the back of the wagon and blasts  it open. Woohoo, what a weapon! He climbs out and walks away.
Woodrow gets Percy out of the wagon  but a line comes down and pulls Percy into the sky. As a spacecraft turns to come back again,  Jake aims the bracelet at the spacecraft and shoots it down. Jake and Woodrow slowly approach  the crashed spacecraft but it’s empty.
Suddenly a woman screams, so they go to investigate. They  see a strange shape flashing by the window. Nat finds tracks left by the alien.
Woodrow wants  Jake to help him but Jake decides otherwise. The next morning Jake rides off but  Ella is following him. Back in town, Meacham is preaching to a small group of  people.
Doc is trying to save the wounded. Jake catches Ella and pulls her off  her horse to find out what she’s doing. In the town, Woodrow is preparing his men to  go and look for the spacecraft.
Doc says he’s coming along to find his wife. Emmett and  the dog join them and Ella comes as well. We see Jake ride up to a small cabin with a large  hole in the roof.
He walks in then has a flashback of when he and his wife are talking and he shows  her some gold coins. In his vision he sees the gold coins shaking, then the roof opens up and  a line comes down and takes his wife up. He sees people all staring in a gaze and an alien creature  also.
Now he rides off, away from the cabin. Woodrow and the others are riding along  when Jake rides up and joins them. As night approaches, it’s raining and they  come across a large riverboat upside down, so they go inside to take cover from the rain.
Nat  tries to talk to Woodrow but Woodrow talks badly to him. Woodrow gives Emmett a knife to keep.  Meacham is teaching Doc how to shoot a rifle.
Meanwhile, Jake is talking to Ella when the  bracelet lights up and they realize the alien is nearby. Woodrow’s men are sitting near the  fire when the alien suddenly attacks them. Emmett goes to investigate then hides.
The  alien finds him and looks Emmett in the eyes. Meacham shoots at the alien then it jumps and  pins him to the floor. Jake fires his gun at the alien and as it jumps up and away.
He fires  the bracelet but misses. Ella comforts Emmett while Meacham is asking Jake to help save  the people. A moment later Meacham died.
The next morning Nat has found the alien’s tracks  again. After burying Meacham, they ride off. They follow the tracks into a canyon but a band  of men jump out and hold them up.
One of the men named Hunt, recognizes Jake as their boss. Jake  makes the best of the situation and pretends that he knows what’s going on. His memory is slowly  returning.
They ride back to the gang’s camp. A man called Pat tells Jake that he runs the gang  now and he beats Jake to the ground but Jake fires the bracelet at Pat and he flies through the air  with a hole blasted in his chest. He tells the gang to drop their guns then he and Woodrow’s  group ride off, being chased by the gang.
Suddenly, four spacecraft appear and start firing  at the gang. Jake and the others ride off but one of the spacecraft starts firing at them. It  fires a line at Jake but he ducks and shoots the spacecraft.
It flies in from behind and hooks Ella  with a line and flies off with her. Jake turns and gives chase. Because it’s damaged, it flies low  and slow along a canyon and Jake gets close enough then jumps onto the spacecraft.
As it flies over  a lake, he fires the bracelet into it and it dives into the water. Jake and Ella reach the surface  and swim to the edge. Suddenly, the alien appears and strikes Ella through the air.
Jake turns  quickly and fires the bracelet, killing the alien. He rushes to Ella but she’s badly injured. Jake  carries her but he struggles to keep going.
Woodrow, Nat, Doc and Emmett find them.  Woodrow tells Jake that she’s gone but he won’t believe it. They look up to find they’re  surrounded by Indians.
The Indians take them as captives to their village. They throw Elle’s  body wrapped in a cloth, onto a large fire. Woodrow is arguing with the chief when  suddenly the fire flares up and Ella appears naked from out of the flames and walks  towards Jake.
He wraps a blanket around her. Now they’re all sitting around the fire talking.  Ella can speak the Indian’s language and she tells the chief that she has come from a place  above the stars.
The chief says they will join Ella to fight the aliens. Ella says Jake  can find them but he says his memory is gone but the chief has a way to restore that. They give Jake some Indian medicine and his memories start flooding in.
He sees inside the  alien’s mothership, an alien performing surgery on his wife, then she is incinerated. The alien turns  to him and inserts a laser instrument in his side but he pulls it free and cuts the alien’s  face then steals the “Bracelet. ” He remembers escaping the alien mothership and now  he remembers where it is located.
Now the Indians with Jake, Woodrow and the  others on their way to the alien mothership. While they are watching the mother ship, two  spacecraft arrive and enter the mother ship. They realize they don’t have enough men to attack  the aliens.
They look around to see Jake riding away and they think he’s deserted them. Back in the bandits’ camp Hunt and a man called Bull, are arguing about the  gold they have when who should turn up but Jake! He convinces them to ride with  him one more time, to fight the aliens.
Back at the site of the mother ship, the chief  says he will not let Woodrow lead his people. Nat tells the chief that Woodrow is a good man and  a good warrior. Just then, Jake turns up with his old gang.
Now they feel that they might have a  fighting chance. That night the Indians do War dance and Woodrow sees Nat in a different light  now. Ella tells Jake she won’t be around for very long, so he holds her and kisses her, then tells  her not to do that again.
Ha ha, he did it! The next day they all ride off to  the mothership, ready for battle. The Indians take positions on high ground while  Jake and a few men approach from below.
Jake, Hunt and a man named Bronc, climb up the front of  the mother ship with dynamite charges. Jake lights the dynamite and throws it up into the entrance  then they quickly scramble back down. As they’re running away, the charges explode and soon after,  the aliens come out and start shooting at them.
The aliens are attacking the men ferociously.  Meanwhile, Jake and Ella find the pathway to enter the mothership from below. They follow a tunnel  and find where the aliens are extracting gold.
Meanwhile, outside, the battle rages. One  of the aliens knocks Woodrow off his horse but before he can kill Woodrow, Nat lassoes the  alien to pull him away. The alien pulls Nat off the horse then bites him on the neck.
Woodrow  starts shooting the alien but Doc fires the shot that kills it. Before he dies, Nat tells Woodrow  he always dreamed of going into battle with him. The chief arrives and looks at Woodrow.
They  ride off to fight together, killing many aliens. Now we see Jake and Ella entering the mother  ship where all the captives are being held in a hypnotic state. Ella tells him not to look into  the light but he looks up anyway.
Shortly after, Ella shoots the large luminous balloon and liquid  falls to the ground. The people start to awaken from their hypnotic state. They begin untying the  people then Jake runs off to stop the aliens while Ella continues to release the captives.
As the aliens approach him, Jake kills them with the “Bracelet. ” More and more aliens keep  coming through the tunnel and Jake keeps shooting all of them. Ella returns to tell him all the  captives have now escaped.
He turns around but when he looks back Ella is running further  into the mother ship so he follows her. Outside, as Emmett watches the battle raging, the  dog barks and one of the aliens starts climbing up towards him so he tries to hide in a small  hole in the rocks. The alien finds him, but as it tries to grab him he stabs and kills it.
Back inside the ship, Jake finds Ella. She tells Jake she can destroy the ship if  she can take the bracelet to the core then detonate it. She kisses him and the bracelet  drops from his wrist.
She reprograms it and takes it into a portal but Jake can’t follow. An alien  starts shooting at him so he makes a run for it. Outside again, an alien knocks the chief to the  ground but before it can kill him, Woodrow kills the alien.
Emmett looks up at the ridge with the  telescope to see all the captives walking out. Back inside the ship, Ella is climbing  through a tunnel towards the core. Jake has found the area where all the gold  is being extracted and transferred into the ship’s power reserve.
Suddenly, an alien grabs  Jake from behind – the same alien Jake wounded when he escaped before. Jake is held down on a  table but before the alien can operate on him, Woodrow appears and shoots the alien in the back.  Jake jumps up and shoots as well and together they kill the alien.
Jake shoots the gold extractor  and the ship’s equipment starts to explode. They both make a run to escape. Ella is being followed  by an alien as she crawls through the tunnel.
Outside, we see the mother ship preparing to  take off. As it is lifting off, Jake and Woodrow just manage to escape in time. As the ship lifts  into the air, everyone runs back out of the way.
Ella has finally made it to the centre  of the ship. She activates the bracelet and holds it to her chest as it explodes. By this time, the ship is high in the sky and as everyone watches, it explodes in a massive  fireball.
The Indians and the bandits yell with joy! Emmett finds his grandpa, the chief finds  his wife, Woodrow finds Percy and Doc finds Maria. They are all reunited with their loved ones  – all except Jake, who is standing alone.
Jake rides back to the cabin, to leave  some flowers to remember his wife. A small hummingbird hovers in front of him  then flies up through the hole in the roof, as if to say goodbye. He rides off alone again.
Back in town, everyone is in the saloon, celebrating, dancing, drinking and having a  good time. They’re all paying with gold from the mothership. Even Percy seems to be a better  man now.
Woodrow stands at the door and everyone stops! He calls Percy and as they leave, he tells  Doc the next round is on him. They all cheer.
Woodrow and Taggart are on the porch when  Jake rides up. Woodrow offers Jake a job but he declines. They understand each  other now.
Jake rides off, out of town. Like and Subscribe to watch more videos  like this, and don’t forget to turn on your notifications. That really helps my  channel.
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