welcome back to our Channel welcome I am Lisa and I'm Eric do you want to improve your English easily if so you're in the right place so let's get started and make English learning easy so Eric what are the words today the first word today is loose then we will continue with apparently and to gather then get by and the final one is jump the gun okay let's start with the first word our first word is loose loose loose loose is an adjective it means that something is not tight or not firmly fixed for example
if your shoes are too big they are loose it's a useful word for describing clothes objects or even situations Eric can you give us another example sentence sure Lisa the first example is my tooth is loose it means that my tooth is not firmly attached and might fall out soon great here's another one he wears a loose shirt it means that his shirt is big and not tight on his body remember loose is an adjective so it describes nouns don't confuse it with lose which means not having something anymore it sounds like lose but lose
has one o and is a verb good point Eric don't mix them up now let's listen to a short dialogue using loose be careful with that dog the leash looks loose Oh no you're right I need to fix it the dog might run away if the leash is too loose thanks for telling me I don't want to lose him in this dialogue loose is used to describe the leash that is not tight and Tom doesn't want the dog to run away because the leash is loose so Eric do you think loose is a common word
yes Lisa it's a common word we use in daily life I agree do you think it's more formal or informal loose is neutral it can be used in both formal and informal situations you can use it in any situation that's helpful to know when do you use loose most often Eric I use it a lot when talking about clothes or objects that aren't secure how about you Lisa same here I also use it when describing relaxed rules or schedules like we have a loose plan for the weekend that's a great example it shows how versatile
this word can be remember everyone you can use loose when you talk about things that aren't tight or fixed in place and be careful about the spelling and meaning it's a useful word great advice and that wraps up our explanation of loose let's move on to our next word the next word is apparently apparently apparently is an adverb that means something seem seems true it's often used when we're talking about something we've heard from others but we're not sure that's right we use apparently when talking about the information we got from someone else or something
we read let's look at the first example sentence apparently the train is delayed it means that I heard or saw that the train is late but I'm not sure if it's true good example here's another one she is apparently moving to Canada next month it means that it seems she is moving to Canada but maybe we did not hear it directly from her we often use apparently at the beginning of the sentence but we can also place it after the verb for example they have apparently decided to cancel the meeting sometimes we put it at
the end of the sentence he didn't come to the party apparently now let's listen to a short dialog using apparently did you hear about the new Cafe no what about it apparently it serves the best coffee in town really we should check it out yes apparently they also have live music on weekends that sounds great in this dialogue apparently is used twice to share information that Emma has heard about the new Cafe right she is telling Mike what she heard but she was not there herself so so Eric do you think apparently is a common
adverb yes it's quite common in everyday English people use it to share information that they are not sure about is it formal or informal it's neutral you can use it in both formal writing and casual conversation that's helpful it can make your English sound more natural definitely also using apparently shows that you you are careful with information you are not saying something is 100% true good point Eric it is polite to use apparently when you are not sure exactly so to our listeners try to use apparently when you want to share information you heard but
are not completely sure about it will help you communicate more effectively well that's all for apparently do you have any final thoughts Eric just that it's a very useful word I encourage everyone to add it to their vocabulary great advice let's continue to our next word the next word is gather gather gather gather is a verb and it means to bring things or people together in one place for example you can gather your friends for a party or you can gather information from different sources and we can use Gather in different way ways sometimes we
say gather with around when we want people to come closer like gather around the table it can also mean collecting or picking things up like Gathering flowers let's look at our first example sentence we need to gather information for the project it means that we need to collect information from different places to complete the project great example here's another one the children gathered around the teacher to listen to a story this means the children came together and stood near the teacher to hear the story good job Lisa so remember we use gather when we are
bringing things or people together sometimes you might see it with prepositions like around or together and now let's use Gather in a short dialogue to help our listeners understand it better Tom we need to gather volunteers for tomorrow's event that's a good idea Maria I will gather a few people and meet you here in an hour perfect I will also gather some of the materials we need for the event sounds great let's gather everything we need to make the event successful in this dialogue gather is used to talk about collecting volunteers and supplies it shows
that Gathering can mean bringing people or things together in one place well it's versatile we use it to talk about collecting things bringing people together or even understanding information Eric would you say gather is a common word in English yes I'd say it's quite common especially when organizing events meetings or collecting information you might hear it in both casual and more formal settings I agree it works well in both formal and informal contexts so to all our listeners you can use it when you talk about collecting or bringing things or people together it's a handy
word to know and that's our third word for today gather we hope you enjoyed it stay tuned because we have two more words to explore in this episode if so let's move on to our next our next phrase is get by get by get by get by is a phrasal verb and it means to to manage or survive with what you have especially when you do not have much for example you can get by on a small salary or you can get by speaking only a little of a language when traveling yes and we often
use get by when we are talking about managing with limited resources like money or skills let's look at our first example sentence even though she doesn't have a lot of money she can get by it means that that she manages to live without much money that's a good example Eric here's another one I don't speak much French but I can get by when I travel to France it means that the person can manage to communicate even with limited French language skills exactly the word get by shows how someone can handle a situation when things are
not perfect or they don't have everything they need yes and remember when we use get by we often use it with prepositions like on or with for example get by on $50 a week or get by with only a few words perfect now let's listen to a short dialogue to help everyone understand how to use get by in conversation Hey Jake how are you doing with your new job it's okay but the pay isn't great I have to be careful with my spending but I can get by I understand when I was a student I
used to get by with very little money yeah it's not easy but we manage that was a good example Eric it shows how get by can be used to talk about managing difficult situations yes and it also shows that getting by is often about struggles or challenges now Eric do you think get by is common in English yes absolutely it's very common especially in everyday conversations people use it often in everyday conversations about money work or life challenges and it's mostly used in informal settings you wouldn't really use it in formal writing it's very useful
in daily life that's true we use it a lot in casual conversations with friends or family good point why do you think it's an important phrase for English Learners to know well it's a realistic way to talk about managing difficulties it's more specific than just saying I'm okay or I'm struggling it expresses common life difficulties that many people can relate to exactly well I think we've covered get by pretty well shall we move on to our last word today yes let's do that remember listen listeners even when learning English is tough keep trying and you'll
get by great reminder Eric okay what is the last word the last word today is jump the gun jump the gun jump the gun jump the gun is an idiom that means to start something too soon or act too quickly before the right time that's right when we say someone jumped the gun they did something earlier than they should have it comes from the idea of starting a race before the starting gun is fired exactly Let me Give an example sentence Tom jumped the gun and sent the email before the boss approved it it means
that Tom sent the email too early before he got permission from his boss good explanation now it's your turn Lisa sure here's my example don't jump the gun to decide to buy a new car until you've saved enough money it means that you shouldn't make a decision to buy a new car too soon before you have enough money now let's hear a short dialogue using the phrase jump the gun hi John I heard you have already started working on the new project yes I was excited to begin is there a problem well you jumped the
gun a bit we haven't finalized the budget yet oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump the gun it's okay but in the future please wait for the green light before starting that was a good example Lisa it also shows how jump the gun can be used in a workplace setting yes and it also shows that jumping the gun can sometimes cause problems in professional situations absolutely So Lisa do you think jump the gun is a common idiom in English yes it's quite common people use it in various situations both personal and professional that's
true is it more formal or informal I'd say it's more informal but it can be used in semi-formal work situations as we saw in the example dialogue we gave just before good point why do you think it's an important phrase for English Learners to know well it's a useful way to describe a common mistake people make it's more colorful than just saying started too early I agree it helps Learners Express themselves more vividly in English exactly so let's get started and make English learning easy so Eric what are the words today the first word today
is remarkable then we will continue with trait and to convince then come clean and the final one is that ship has sailed okay let's start with the first word the first word today is remarkable remarkable remarkable remarkable is an adjective that means something that is very special or unusual in a good way it's something that makes people notice it yes when we say something is remarkable we mean it's special or amazing exactly now let's give some example sentences to understand better sure Eric why don't you start with the first one okay Lisa here's an example
despite her young age she has a remarkable piano Talent hm good sentence can you explain it Eric it means she is unusually good at playing the piano especially considering her young age great explanation let me give you the second example the view from the top of the mountain was remarkable it means that the view was very beautiful and special different from what you usually see so the view made the person feel amazed exactly now let's give our listeners a little sample dialogue using the word remarkable ready always ready wow look at this painting it's so
beautiful you're right the colors are remarkable I've never seen anything like it and the detail is remarkable too how does the artist do it I don't know but but it's truly remarkable work the whole exhibition is remarkable I agree this Gallery visit has been a remarkable experience that was a good example Eric it shows how remarkable can be used to describe different aspects of something impressive yes and it also shows that remarkable things often cause strong reactions or feelings so Eric let's talk a little more about this word what do you think is the word
remarkable common in everyday English yes it's fairly common people use it often when they want to express that something is very special or impressive that's true is it more formal or informal well I'd say it's neutral we can use it in both casual conversations and more formal situations good point why do you think it's an important word for English Learners to know well it's a powerful way to describe things that are special or amazing it's more expressive than just saying good or nice that's right it helps Learners Express positive opinions about things well I think
we've covered remarkable pretty well shall we move on to our next word yes let's do that remember listeners your progress in learning English can be truly remarkable if you keep studying great reminder Eric and now let's move on to our next word our next word is trait trait trait trait is a noun that means talking about a specific quality or characteristic someone or something has for example a person might have the trait of being kind or funny it's often used to describe personality but it can also describe physical traits like having blue eyes or curly
hair let's give our listeners some example sentences Eric you start with the first one okay here's the first example honesty is an important trait for a leader nice sentence now can you explain it sure Lisa honesty is the trait we're talking about it means that being honest or always telling the truth is something that a good leader should have great explanation let me give the second example her best trait is being very patient with children can you can you explain that one of course in this sentence her best trait means the most important or strongest
characteristic she has it means she stays calm and never gets angry even when children are noisy or difficult to handle now let's look at a little sample dialogue using the word trait I really like our teacher she has a lot of good traits yeah me too I think her best trait is how she always listens to us carefully I agree being a good listener is such an important trait for a teacher that was a great example in this dialogue Mike and Jane used the word trait to describe the good qualities of their teacher first Mike
says she has a lot of good traits meaning she has many positive characteristics then Jane says the best trait is how she listens carefully which is an important quality for a teacher yes it shows how we use the word trait to talk about the characteristics that make someone a good person or good at their job now Lisa do you think trait is a common word in everyday English hm I think trait is used more informal or specific conversations like when people talk about someone's personality or behavior Behavior it's not a word we use every day
but it's very useful in the right situations I agree it's more common in school work or when we're talking about someone's personality in detail yes but it's still good to know because you'll hear it when people talk about what makes someone special or different absolutely so that's the word trait okay Eric let's move on to our next word the next word is to convince to convince to convince convince is a verb we use when we make someone believe or agree with something if you convince someone it means you help them change their mind or make
them understand your idea exactly Eric you convince someone by giving reasons or explanations and after listening to you they believe or accept what you said so it's about helping someone feel sure about something let me give you the first example here's my sentence I convinced my friend to come to the party what does that mean it means that I talked to my friend and gave him reasons to come to the party finally he decided to come so I helped him change his mind or make a decision great example here's my sentence the ad convinced me
to buy the phone this means that after seeing the advertisement I believed buying the phone was a good idea so the ad helped me decide to buy it perfect now here's something important when you use the verb convince it's often followed by to for example convince someone to do something in the sentence I convinced my friend to come yes that's an important grammar rule for example you don't say I convinced him coming you say I convinced him to come exactly now let's hear a short dialogue that uses the word convince I wasn't sure about the
project but Jack convinced me to join really how did he convince you he explained how exciting the project is and how much I could learn from it so I decided to join great example in this conversation Emily wasn't sure about the project at first but Jack convinced her to change her mind and join the project Eric do you think convince is a word we use a lot I think we use it often especially in everyday situations it's not too formal and it's not too casual you can use it with friends at work or even in
school when you're trying to make someone agree with you I agree it's a useful word because we often try to help others believe in our ideas for example you might want to convince someone to try a new restaurant or convince your boss to let you take a day off yes it's really helpful in all kinds of conversations I agree okay I think we've explained to convince pretty well let's move on to the next word Eric the next word we'll talk about is come clean come clean come clean come clean is an idiom it means to
finally tell the truth about something you've been hiding when you come clean it means you stop lying or Keeping a Secret and you say what really happened people often say it when someone tells the truth after hiding something for a while let me give you an example after a long time he came clean about breaking the window this means that he didn't tell the truth about who had broken the window for a long time but after some time he finally told the truth and admitted he did it so he came clean great example Eric here's
my sentence I decided to come clean to my parents about failing the test it means that I told my parents the truth about my test results even though I didn't want to tell them at first so when I came clean I stopped hiding the truth from them that's right one important thing about this phrase is that we usually use it in situations where someone has been hiding the truth so if someone has been keeping a secret or not being honest and then they finally tell the truth we say they come C now let's practice using
C clean in a short dialogue I knew about the surprise party for weeks but finally came clean and told Rosa really why did you come clean I felt bad about keeping it a secret so I told her before the party happened in this conversation Sarah had kept the surprise party a secret for a long time but then she decided to come clean meaning she finally told Rosa about the party so Eric do you think come clean is a common phrase in English oh yes it's very common in informal conversations you'll hear it often when people
talk about admitting something they've been keeping secret it's not formal so people use it with friends family or in casual situations I agree it's a useful phrase especially when you want to talk about being honest after hiding something exactly so remember when you need to tell the truth after Keeping a Secret you can say you're going to come clean good summary Eric okay we have reached the last word today what's the last for today Eric the last word today is that ship has sailed that ship has sailed that ship has sailed that ship has sailed
is an idiom that means it's too late to do something now you missed the chance when we say that ship has sailed we mean a chance is gone and we can't change things anymore exactly Let me Give an example sentence I wanted to apply for the job but that ship has sailed the last day to apply was yesterday it means that the opportunity to apply for the job is gone because the time to apply has passed now it's your turn Lisa can you give us another example sure here's another example Tom wanted to apologize to
Sarah but that ship has sailed she's already moved to another city it means that it's too late for Tom to say sorry because Sarah has already left and isn't coming back good example now let's hear a short dialogue using the phrase that ship has sailed hey Emma are you still thinking about joining the basketball team I was but I think that ship has sailed the tryouts were last week oh no I'm sorry to hear that maybe next year maybe but for now that ship has sailed I'll have to find another hobby that was a good
example Lisa it shows how we use this phrase when talking about missed opportunities yes and it also shows that we often use it when we accept that something can't happen now absolutely So Lisa do you think that ship has sailed is a common phrase in English yes it's fairly common people use it often in casual conversations about missed chances or things that can't be changed that's true is it informal or formal I'd say it's more informal we use it mostly with friends or in relaxed situations not in formal writing or speeches good point why do
you think it's an important phrase for English Learners to know well it's a colorful way to express a common idea it's more interesting than just saying it's too late I agree it adds flavor to the language and helps Learners sound more natural exactly L well I think we've reached the end of our today's podcast we hope you found today's episode helpful thanks for listening keep studying your English and stay tuned bye for now