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Assembleia de Deus Bonsucesso
Mensagem pregada no Templo Sede da Assembleia de Deus Bonsucesso. Nosso endereço: Rua Frei Jaboatão ...
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let's open up our bibles to the book of romans chapter 3 we're going to read verse 23 through verse 27 glory did let's go the lord in prayer father i come before you in the name of your son and i know that apart from him i have no part with you jose a party but i know that i am in christ my jose visto increased and so i ask in his name that you would speak to your people tonight that you would teach them that they would listen that they would be conformed to the image of christ and father for those who are here tonight who do not know you know i pray that this night they might be born again that they might be made to live tornados by the power of the holy spirit amen please take a seat a few years ago i was preaching in a church in ireland and during the worship everyone was singing with all their might they were screaming out praises to god but when i opened up the scriptures and began to teach about jesus jesus they were bored it is but they did not love the blesser i believe better things for you tonight [Music] amen i mean but here's what i so long that tonight we look at the cross and maybe learn some things about the cross we've never seen before for who he is dying of hunger and thirst we can still shout praises to his name because we love him now if while i'm preaching you become disinterested there's only two possibilities i'm not preaching the truth you don't love the truth for all have sinned all have sinned for a person to become a christian and if you are truly growing as a christian you will begin to hate sin more and more and more joseph my you are probably so let's look at sin for a moment in order to understand how ugly sin is one of the most important things you can study in the bible and in the church are the attributes of god have you done that says this do you know god yes can you open your bible and tell me what he's like the more you see of him the more light you will have and the more sin will be exposed and the more you can confess it and the cleaner you can become in [Music] and the entire universe was cast into corruption you see when you sin against god you are not sinning against some mayor of a little town or even the president of brazil god commanded the stars to put themselves in certain places and they all obeyed him he commanded the planets to move in certain orbits very you will only come to hear and go no further and the sea obey you will and then he tells you to come and you say no because it is no you should be afraid of sin now let's look at how sinful man is before he comes to know christ let's hold your place and go to the book of genesis vomiting is then the lord saw the wickedness of man that it was great on the earth and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually in the original text original it emphasizes that man's heart was evil continuously now i want to apply this to the sinner before he comes to christ before a man comes to christ for salvation every thought of his heart is displeasing to god because it is not directed toward god for the glory of god if you are here tonight and you are without jesus christ and you are without jesus christ then nothing that you do is pleasing to god but everything you do adds to your condemnation just how evil is your heart it says evil continuously now maybe you say i don't believe that and i could show those thoughts back here on the screen you would run out of this building and you would never show your face here again you would be ashamed before us even though we are just like you important so how great will your shame be your shame will be impossible to describe and when god sends you to hell all of creation will stand to its feet today this is worse than cancer is are you right with god if you died right now do you have biblical assurance that you would be right with god then the lord smelled the soothing aroma and the lord said to himself i will never again curse the ground on account of man for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth no but a rebellious sinner i hear these songs that are written today that if only children would lead us the world would have peace no we would immediately go into world war iii and i can prove it your boss provides you take a child beg five years old put him in a room and put every toy that exists around him and you also find the toy that he hates throws it away bring another child into the room sit that child in front of the first child that child wants that toy aquela he doesn't want any of his other toys and if he had the strength he would kill to get it is you think i'm exaggerating read the newspaper layers are nice we are sinners rebels before god red belgium and we can't free ourselves and let me share something else with you let me let me tell you a story i was at a church one time and people were getting up giving testimonies and and one person said the devil made me do this and i told them when i was coming into the church i had a vision of his own he said because all those people in there are blaming me for the things they're doing the devil could take a vacation to palm springs [Music] and this is why we need christ you know you don't just need religion you don't just need a church you need a redeemer now let's go on to to the book of isaiah chapter 53 libra jesus capitalism i'm sorry let's go on to to isaiah 64. verse 6 versus for all have sinned and become like one who is unclean and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment and all of us wither like a leaf and our iniquities like the wind takes us away my one of them is so bad i can't even mention it tonight but the other one is leprosy have you ever seen a leper let's see my grandmother worked with lepers in manaus back in the 1930s i have been in leper colonies jose steven colonias it's a horrible thing because not only does the flesh rot so let's imagine that we have a leper here tonight but let's say that all of us want to do something to make him more presentable but then what's going to happen the corruption of his body is going to bleed through the cloth that's what happens when a man gets religion without jesus jesus he gets religion without the holy spirit he may look nice for just a moment this is another reason why you cannot save yourselves by your good deeds because apart from the blood of christ your heart will corrupt everything that you do that's just what the bible teaches now let's go back to the book of romans for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god what does that mean fall short of the glory of god it means this significant you were not made for you you were made for god joseph you were made for his glory joseph gloria and the reason why this world is so messed up is is because men do everything for their own glory gloria and that is one of the greatest offenses against god yes some of those greatest offenses as a matter of fact in romans chapter 1 we have a long list of horrible sins but the greatest of all those sins is this although they knew god imported they did not honor him as god there is no glorification nor did they give thanks to do things for our own glory gloria is to seek to take the throne of god significa it's to practice the deeds of our father the devil and we're miserable we are miserable and sick now even for the christians you need to understand that because even as genuine christians we can begin to live for our own glory gloria and when we do like john the baptist said i must decrease now all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god now we're going to get to the good news in verse 24 now he's talking about christians it is they are like goats among the sheep son do you realize that there are probably people here tonight that do not know christ even though they're members of the church but what's even worse is christ does not know them you say well brother paul how can i know. are you trusting in christ alone or are you trusting himself secondly you will know them by their fruits and you can hide that from even the best of prophets but you cannot hide it from god examine yourself it's a ministry where are you tonight i want you to say do you wear a mask being justified as a gift by his grace now what does it mean to be justified do you realize this is one of the most important words in the bible it doesn't mean that the person who believes in jesus no significant jesus at the moment he believes he becomes a perfectly righteous person that he's totally transformed so that he never sins again that's not what it means because even believers still sin for bismuth a forensic term the moment the sinner truly believes in jesus christ to be legally right with him forever and god treats that person as legally right with him you say oh yes he was raised from the dead no i'm talking about something else jesus lived a perfect life jesus before the throne of god the moment a person believes in jesus christ that person is declared legally right with god that person that believer is becomes clothed in the righteousness of christ now i'm not just talking about the pastor you know because jesus is greater than joseph jesus jose now why did i say that you see this joseph had a coat of many colors jose matunica that he would not share with his brothers but jesus has a coat of infinite righteousness and he clothes every one of his brothers and sisters in that coat what's wrong with you [Applause] jehovah is a shield and that shield is the righteousness of christ yes you see when you look at the christian life but now you are in christ [Applause] you are [Music] yeah that's right man i tell you what i think even this baptist is going to start dancing it's wonderful that's why nothing should steal our joy i'm saved because it is so hard for us to believe that salvation this great could be free myself so a young man came down beside me and he was praying he said god this is i just want you to give me what i deserve i grabbed him i spun his head around i said don't you ever pray that again because all you deserve young man is hell mercy is when he does not give us what we deserve no medicines [Applause] now it says justified as a gift justification the phrase as a gift is translated from a greek word now this word is important because it's used somewhere else and it gives us an idea of what paul is writing here they hated him or they hated me without a cause and it's talking about christ that those who hated him had no cause to hate him jesus never gave anyone a reason to hate him jesus that same word is used here amis [Music] you only gave him reasons you in deuteronomy chapter 7 god actually does something that we call a taunt or tauntology it is and basically what's going on there is this contest it's like israel is saying why did you love us it had everything to do with me with who i am he's saying your soul that's amazing fantastic [Applause] it's it's absolutely beautiful we are like that baby that the prophet speaks of prophet that's and he points down and he says this one it is was born in zion i have chosen this one for myself and i will clean her yo and i will dress her in robes of righteousness and she will be a beauty for all the world to behold my dear friend that's grace there was no reason why he should have saved you no but now we come to the greatest problem in the bible now what is it let me give you a few illustrations before i answer i once looked at a group of university students i was teaching the bible and they were laughing so i wanted to get their attention i'm now going to tell you the most terrifying truth in the bible is nothing banks they begin to laugh it's coming santa he well that's good news is some boys jesus what's the problem with that what's the problem with that listen to what i'm saying god is good and you're not and so what does a good god do with people like you if he is good he must judge them and someone has killed your entire family and the murderer is standing there in the room with blood on his hands constantina's please takes him to jail but then one day he's brought to court he stands before the judge it is he's completely and totally guilty and the judge looks down at him and says this jesus i'm a very loving judge and i'm full of compassion therefore you're free i forgive you how are you going to respond isn't that the problem in my country and yours yes have you ever read proverbs 17 15.
do you know what it says to justify the wicked is an abomination to the lord think and god's word cannot be broken in romans 3 romanus we are all very happy because it says god justifies the wicked but in proverbs 17 it says anyone who justifies the wicked is an abomination to god so how do we put the two things together that is the greatest problem in all the bibles it's what the gospel is about wherever you instead of being god must be just they'll stay even when he's loving even when he's loving ms he must maintain his justice and the justifier of the wicked you justify the answer is found in two words redemption and in verse 25 propitiation university vince cinco prophet what does it mean it means to pay a price significa to set a captive free whom did there was a great heresy in the early church in which they said that christ died to pay the devil uh and that even continues today yes it is but that is not biblical now his death sets us free from the powers of the devil but not by paying the devil then to whom did he make the payment braking he made the payment to god what you need to understand is this the justice of god demanded satisfaction for all your crimes and since you could not satisfy the justice of god and for his people justice was totally satisfied down to the last penny so the payment was made to god and here's what you need to understand when the payment was made justice was satisfied the wrath of almighty god against you was appeased so that the believer will never again experience the wrathful anger of god and that even when god disciplines the believers and he will do that he will do it in love whom god displayed publicly as a propitiation in his blood propitiation is a sacrifice a sacrificial that satisfies justice and makes it possible for a just god to forgive the sinner jesus is on the cross jesus is he cries out my god my god why have you forsaken me now listen to what he's saying jesus is saying that god has forsaken him [Music] what does that mean okay go over just quickly hold your place go to psalms go to the book of psalms chapter 22. verse one my god my god why have you forsaken me christ cries out from the cross these words jesus christ his complaint why have you forsaken me i cry by day and by night but you do not answer me in verse four gives an argument our fathers trusted in you they trusted in you and you delivered them he's saying there's never been a time when a righteous man has cried out to you that you did not deliver him of you but i'm your son and i cry out to you you [Music] you are holy when christ was on the cross con christi all the sins of his people were thrown upon him you and i are unholy by ourselves someone and he was separated from god in our place now remember justification what does it mean and he treats us as perfectly right with him he separated from his only begotten son and then god crushed his son under the full force of his wrath every bit of wrath that should have been poured out on you was poured out on the sun have you read in isaiah it pleased the lord to crush him do you remember when jesus was in gethsemane he prayed three times let this cup pass for me what was in the cup what is the cup many people think it refers to the roman cross the whip oh oh she caught you the crown of thorns no no listen after jesus rose again from the dead for the next 300 years thousands of christians were crucified and the testimony of history they went to the cross singing hymns with great joy so are you going to tell me that christians got crucified with joy crucifix but their captain of salvation is is praying in a garden and and sweating blood capitan was christ afraid of a roman cross jesus no no then what was it go home look up the word cup and you will find particularly in the book of psalms in the book of jeremiah if whatever that the cup represents the wrath of almighty god it says something like this and they will stagger and die yet is one simple is meant to say this through there's one more here on the cross christ took the cop and now we are free from the wrath of god christ drank it [Applause] to do that jesus had to be a man jesus christ the blood of bulls and goats cannot bring and he does not share that title with anyone if christ is our savior see jesus salvador then christ is fully god would you trust anyone else to save you but god [Music] another reason who can withstand the wrath of god and rise again he had to be deity suffered god's wrath as a man and his deity did not make it easier his deity held him up so he could continue suffering the wrath of god to its fullest degree why did he have to be god deals this is my favorite part how can one man could make a warning suffer a few short hours on a cross here's the reason because that one man was worth more than all men put together he was a savior of infinite value and that's how he died for us right before he died be anxious [Applause] on the third day i have not preached the gospel yet no because if we only have a dead savior we have no savior on the third that it was god's public declaration foreign is god's public declaration that he has accepted christ's payment on our behalf in the book of acts says that the resurrection of jesus christ god's declaration that this world not only has a savior it has a king and it has a judge now what does it mean you and i separated from god even now on this earth ms maguire although we have been reconciled although we are children of god we do not yet experience the full glory of what is waiting for us [Music] so how do we know it's there go to the book of psalms and we'll finish here we know there's a resurrection because he has risen and we know we will ascend you know into glory gloria because he has ascended gloria he ascends up into heaven ourselves he comes to the very gates of glory gloria and this is what he screams psalms 24 7.
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