hello everyone welcome back to my main Channel we're no longer in New York check this out I got beat up by a man in New York and then he stole my salad just kidding but it kind of did happen but just in a different way this different from my coping it used to be so bad if I am lacking in energy today my voice is off it's because I'm actually really sick like I really shouldn't be filming but I was like I have an obligation to my YouTube community and it's very ironic that I'm filming
a health video today because I'm not in good health today however this is the first time I've been sick in many many many years okay and it's because my body is just so exhausted from the streets New York so these are 14 Health SL beauty tips no one talks about and honestly guys I'm going to be making these videos forever because I'm getting very into like Chinese traditional medicine and I'm very into the fasher and how the body works so I'm always going to have something to share in each of these videos the first thing
I'm going to be talking about is getting regular massage es and this can actually link to point two we need to take care of the fascia so what is fascia fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ blood vessel brone nerve fiber and muscle in place it does more than provide just internal structure it has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as our skin and when it's under stress it will tighten up so massaging our fascia like releasing it with an exercise ball or even getting actual massages is
going to be so beneficial for your body but also your skin for example if you hold a lot of tension in your shoulders it's going to really reveal on your face in particular in your forehead area and under your eyes when I was in New York my entire body was just in so much pain and I went to get this Chinese massage by the way if you're in New York or see them oh my God oh my God they're like miracle workers Kathleen and I went we were in so much pain that our body like
purged for a week after it was like purging everything out we did a Meridian massage as well which helps to align your energy and also relief health issues so that was the first massage I I got from them and I realized after I'm like why are the dehydration lines under my eyes which I've been complaining about for a year I've tried every freaking skin care under the market I've increased my water intake I've done like actual treatments like getting exms and skin boosters and nothing worked I'm like why after this massage in 3 days had
those lines disappeared it's cuz now there is more blood flow and the energy is like flowing better throughout my body and a week later I went and I got another massage from them before my flight they released all the freaking tension in my neck I store so much in my neck and my shoulders I have a rotated shoulder that it's been like that for like 8 years he like really went in there he released it and suddenly I'm like wait why is my posture even better now I'm walking around I don't need to like oh
my God like let's pull our shoulders back I don't need to remind myself to do that I'm just walking around like like this all the time cuz he released the knots he released the fascia and now every day I make it a part of my routine to get my exercise ball and just like go up against the wall and massage that area try to get a regular massage if you can't afford it do the massage yourself with a ball and yet release your fascia every day point three avoid cold food and drinks it's very very
bad for our body in Chinese medicine because it's harmful for our stomach and it can cause digestive issues and also especially with women like when we're in our periods we should especially be avoiding it like don't drink cold water don't eat ice cream don't eat cooling foods which we'll talk about a little bit later always be drinking lukewarm water or warm water especially if you want amazing skin you ask yourself why do you Asians look so young it is because like we grew up with all of these principles I grew up with a Chinese mother
telling me this all the time and by the way my Chinese mother who is 60 she looks in my opinion and other people's opinion she looks like she's 45 she her skin is incredible and she's never had any treatments done whatsoever so I don't know why more people don't talk about this maybe it's commonly known I don't know but have you guys heard of the acne face map so this is related to Chinese traditional medicine too and it suggests that each part of our face is related to a particular organ in our body let me
pull it up so if you're getting acne around your chin this is like very very hormonal I find you see I'm getting like I had some breakouts here recently cuz my hormone must have beenin out of whack if it's on your cheeks dirty pillowcase makeup brush or cell phone if it's in your forehead poor diet hair condition stress improper digestion in Western medicine they just treat it with like here some benzil peroxide and they never try to fix the actual like root issue Chinese medicine why I love it is because they really like try to
get to the root issue Western medicine they just try to put a Band-Aid on things and don't ever try to actually fix it properly your forehead is your small intese here bladder heart is just above your eyebrows and N is like your reproductive system which relates to your mors we talked a little bit bit about food when we were talking about avoiding cold drinks we have something called ying and young Foods Ying is Cooling and moistening then Yang foods are warming and drying and it's very important we have a balance of this for example if
you have too much Yang in your body which is too much heat you're going to get a lot of acne as well and if you have too much Ying you're also going to be very cold and have a lot of moisture building up in your body and moisture building up on your body just going to cause a lot of illness I mean too much of either is going to cause illness but it's it's important to find the balance another thing that's so important is if you have stored trauma in your body like yeah it's going
to show up in your muscles our body holds all of the tension our Hips store so much trauma for women so often when we release it like we cry like years of trauma just starts to come out so that can be like a good starting place for you if you guys have anywhere tight in your body like try to release that with the massage ball and you can also like read up online what this means for you getting therapy I actually recommend commend therapy to everyone even if I think you don't need it you should
get therapy it's a great way to know yourself better in order to know yourself better you actually can understand other people better and therefore have better interactions better Human Experience thank you better help for sponsoring today's video better help will connected with a licensed therapist who's trained to listen to you to help you with whatever you need all you need to do is fill out a questionnaire and usually within 48 hours better help pred you with a perfect therapist for you afterwards you can schedule a video call a call or even a messaging s session
with your therapist by the way you can message them at any time which I personally love and if you're struggling to afford therapy they do have financial aid available because they want to make it as accessible to everyone so guys let better help connect you with a therapist who can support you today go to my link right here better help to cl/ Sone Square to get 10% off your first month of therapy another thing if you're not moving your lymph nodes and you have lymph stagnation in your body there will be illness so we hear
people getting like lymph massage and we see it on Tik Tok a lot and it people primarily do it for like a physical effect they want it for like a physical effect they want to appear slimmer and skinnier we actually shouldn't be needing to do lymphatic massages our lymphs should be draining by themselves and they should be able to drain by themselves unfortunately modern people were not that healthy so sometimes we need to actually manually do it ourselves jumping on a trampoline in the morning is really great for moving that length when I was in
America the food there is so terrible I was waking up with a puffy face every day and now I'm sick now that I'm back here I'm sick I woke up with a puffy face every day and it was from the food and my limps were not drain draining like my lmph noes were literally swollen the whole time I was in the United States you can jump on a trampoline or even just like go like this in the morning and there are some routines on YouTube you can look to also move that around another thing people
don't talk about enough is consuming caffeine lateer in the day I mean obviously we know sleep is important for Health and Beauty but we want to have high quality sleep so if you're having caffeine late in a day which has a half life of 2 to 10 hours or an average of 4 to 6 hours that is staying in your body for that long which means you really shouldn't be drinking tea or coffee after 3:00 p.m. if you want that high quality sleep follow your period cycle I think women like we don't have enough information
on this online I'm going to quickly go through it with you say the beginning of our cycle menstrual cycle our hormone levels and our energy levels are very very low which means we actually shouldn't be doing high intensity workouts but we can do gentle workouts like yoga or some light stretching or just some walking we should be eating foods that are high in iron and then we move into our follicular phase our energy start to rise so does our estrogen and then we can gradually increase that workout intensity it's also a good time for us
to learn a new skill and challenge ourselves see men they don't operate on this cycle like us they operate on a literal like 24-hour cycle like I'm tired today okay that's all they got to deal with we have to deal with our hormones after fcul we move into ovulation our estrogen Peaks and go do high-intensity workouts it's a good time to increase your fiber intake as well and do heavy weight training we move into our Lugal phase day 21 to 28 our progesterone is peaking and our energy levels start to decrease as we're getting ready
to move into menstration again so it's good to do some resistance training and strength training with medium to light weights and also need a lot of like healthy fats and protein but actually I think this should be prioritized throughout the entire month but it's especially like during this month it's very very important something else in Chinese medicine that that my mom would like yell at me for not doing is wear socks even if it's summer you need to keep your feet warm so if you're someone that has bad blood circulation I am one of those
people this actually can wreck havoc on your skin later on because if you actually want to prevent wrinkles and like have a healthy complexion you need to have good blood circulation when I come out of a sauna or like a heavy workout my skin looks radiant and it's simply because I don't have good blood circulation so in order to keep your blood circulation good as well you should be moving quite often and also keeping your feet warm which means you should always wear socks hands and feet always warm especially in the winter time so another
thing we can do to move our energy around and boost blood circulation and overall health is practicing Chone there is so many like temin videos on YouTube which I love and it improves circulation Vitality mood your mental health guys like 10 minutes a day if you're going to choose meditation or Chone like you only have 10 minutes I would actually do Chone cuz it is almost like a meditation when you're doing it but you're actually moving the body so if you're someone that suffers with freeze mode a lot like me where we don't want to
get out of bed and we feel very stuck and sluggish meditation is not always good for that because we're actually not moving the best thing to do for us is to move also I think I've spoken about this but I just think everyone should be incorporating turmeric into their diet or at least like taking a capsule every day it is phenomenal for reducing inflammation in our body in such a natural way and it's just very good for you and it's very safe so try to incorporate it more into your cooking I feel like this point
is not as lesser known to the public as I think it is but I'm going to put it in here anyway your gut your gut is your second brain so if you're having a lot of skin issues you probably have poor gut issues look into that by the way I'm having Greek yogurt 30 GS of protein in here Greek yogur very healthy for you probiotics good for the gut why is it taste expired I just bought it the [ __ ] I'm crying something I want to end with in Asian cultures we drink a lot
of tea so green tea is phenomenal for your skin I mean it's shown that people who drink at least two cups a day slower the rate of Aging of green tea by the way and also we talked about the ying and yang hot foods a really great tea if you have excess heat in your body like and a lot of acne is chrysanthem M tea I think that's how you say it is that how you say it cryan M chrysanthem Mt you can get it at like a local Chinese store honestly guys like go pay
a visit to your local Chinese store in New York I actually brought back so many Chinese supermarket things because we just don't have them in Dubai so Sesame powder is another product that is really good for your skin and you can make this into like a paste and eat it for breakfast put it in like your oatmeal or whatever and then Juju bee amazing this is a heated food and then I have I need to get some grocy berries and like soup mixes but here chrysanthem M tea amazing hope you guys enjoy this video stay
tuned for more Beauty and health tips and I'm posting again on my second channel [Music] so neighborhood kiss you're in the like a and the summer F away nothing we make [Music] it neighborh [Music] nebh [Music] fch diamond ever ever like diamonds CL over honey over and over honey over and over honey over and over honey you mine be jealous of your if you mine [Music]