Put God first in everything you do. And we all know, you only live once. So do what you love, be passionate.
Take risks professionally. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Don't be afraid to make big mistakes.
And don't be afraid to dream big. So have dreams but with goals. Goals for life.
Goals for the year. Goals for the month, for the day. .
. And understand that to achieve those goals you need to apply discipline and consistency. To achieve your goals, you must apply discipline in everything you do.
And consistency every day. Not just on Thursday and skip a few days. You have to work on it.
Every day you have a plan. You've heard the saying, "That we don't plan to fail, but we fail to plan. " Hard work works.
Hard work is what successful people do. And remember that just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're accomplishing a lot more. Remember that just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're achieving a lot more.
Don't confuse movement with progress. It doesn't matter how much money you have, you can't take it. It's not about how much you have, it's about what you do with what you have.
The most selfish thing you can do in this world. . .
help someone else. Why is this selfish? Because the satisfaction I get, the well-being I get from helping others.
. . nothing is better than that.
understand. Nothing is better than that. Not jewelry.
Not the big house I have. Not cars. .
. but the joy, there's the joy in helping others. That's where success comes from.
And finally I pray that you'll put your slippers right under your bed tonight. So that when you wake up in the morning you have to kneel down to pick them up. And while you're there, give thanks for the grace.
Say thank you for mercy. Thanks for the knowledge. Thanks for the wisdom.
Thank you for my parents. Thank you for the love. Thank you for your kindness.
Thanks for the humility. Thank you for the peace. Thanks for the prosperity.
Say thank you in advance for what is already yours. And the true desire that wells up in the heart is good. And it is God's proof for you sent in advance to indicate what is already yours.
If everything you want is good , you can have it. So claim it. Work hard to earn it.
When you do, look back, help someone else. Each one. Teach someone.
Don't just aim to get rich and make a living. That alone is not enough. But remember.
. . dreams without goals are just dreams.