Betrayed by Blood: Why Your Family Rejects You – The Shocking Truth Revealed | C.S. Lewis 2025

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C.S. Lewis Jubilee
Welcome to C.S. Lewis Jubilee! In this video, we explore: Betrayed by Blood: Why Your Family Rejects...
Video Transcript:
welcome chosen ones this message is not for the fainthearted but for those who have endured the crushing weight of their own family's rejection for those who gave everything love obedience effort believing it would be enough to earn belonging respect and unconditional care only to be met with criticism control and shame you've carried this burden long enough today it ends as CS Lewis said hardships often prepare Ordinary People for an extraordinary Destiny this is not just a hardship it's a calling to rise above from the very beginning something about you set you apart you could never
fully name it but you felt it deep in your soul in their eyes you were always too much or not enough too loud when your joy spilled over too quiet when your thoughts turned inward too strong when you stood in your truth and too weak when you let your emotions show no matter what you did your existence seemed to be a problem that needed fixing and so you tried to change you bent yourself into impossible shapes trying to fit into a mold that was never made for you you changed your tone your words even the
way you moved believing that if you just tried harder peace and love would follow but no matter how much of yourself you gave up it was never enough their approval remained Out Of Reach the goalposts always shifting that's when the shame crept in a quiet yet Relentless whisper that told you they were right you started to believe their words questioning your worth your identity and even your purpose anxiety became your constant companion self-doubt your closest critic and in your darkest moments the pain turned inward for some it emerged as self harm a desperate attempt to
numb the ache for others it manifested as isolation a silent Retreat from a world that seemed to Echo the same rejection but then something broke through you saw it a glimpse of what family could be you saw parents who celebrated their children without conditions siblings who were allies instead of competitors families where love wasn't a prize to be earned but a gift freely given it wasn't jealousy that filled your heart it was grief grief for what you never had for the love that was your Birthright but denied to you that grief was your wake up
call and with it came the truth it wasn't you it was never you you were not the problem you were the scapegoat the one they used to project their insecurities their failures their hidden pain your light wasn't unseen it was resented it exposed their darkness and instead of celebrating it they tried to extinguish it as CS Lewis wrote in the problem of pain God Whispers to us in our pleasures speaks in our conscience but shouts in our pain it is his megaphone to Rouse a deaf world that pain wasn't meant to destroy you it was
meant to awaken you and when you began to see this everything shifted the rejection you carried became a testament to your resilience the shame they handed you became a reminder of their own Brokenness not yours their inability to love wasn't a reflection of your unworthiness but of their own blindness now is your time to step into the light you've dimmed for too long to recognize that you were never meant to fit into their mold you were designed to break free from it you were designed to break free from it your worth has never depended on
their approval you are chosen not by them but by the one who created you stand in that truth let their rejection be the fire that refines you not the chains that bind you you were made for more and this is just the beginning slowly you began to distance yourself not out of hatred but out of self-preservation you realized that every time you stepped into their presence your peace was Disturbed they didn't want to build you up they wanted to control you and when they saw that their grip on you was loosening they panicked they did
what they've always done they turned you into the villain they accused you of abandoning the family and you were ungrateful selfish even cruel they Twisted The Narrative to make it seem like you were the problem once again they played their games pulling others into their web of manipulation hoping to isolate you but this time it didn't work because this time you knew the truth yes there are times when their words Pierce through times when their accusations stir up Old Wounds times when you question if you're doing the right thing but in those moments you must
remember this God sees your heart he knows the battles you fought the tears you've cried the prayers you've whispered in the dark he is your Refuge your strength your comfort Psalm 5522 urges us cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you he will never permit the righteous to be moved the most painful battles are not fought with strangers but with those who share our blood our memories are past family the ones who should protect nurture and uplift are often the ones who wound us the deepest their words their actions their judgments these
are the arrows they sent to pierce your heart but you are not defenseless you are not without wisdom strength or the power of God to Shield you today I will teach you how to protect yourself from their attacks how to disarm the manipulation and how to keep your peace first remember this foundational truth their attacks are not about you they are about them their words are often rooted in their own fears insecurities and need for control you became their Target because you refused to fit into the mold they created for you you dared to be
different to shine your light to walk in your truth John 15:18 says if the world hates you keep in mind that it hated me first this applies even to your family their resistance to your authenticity is not a reflection of your value but of their inability to accept what they cannot control or understand when they come at you with accusations when they try to guilt you into submission remember you are not obligated to respond to every attack silence is a weapon too not every battle is yours to fight and sometimes the most powerful response is
no response at all the Bible tells us in Proverbs 17 28 even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and Discerning if they hold their tongues your silence denies them the reaction they crave and keeps you in control but what about when you must respond when silence is not an option and their words demand an answer this is when wisdom becomes your armor and your words become your Shield speak with calmness and Clarity refusing to engage in their emotional games say I hear your concerns but I need to make choices that align with my
peace and purpose this response disarms their attempt to bait you into conflict while affirming your right to live according to God's plan not their expectations when they accuse you of abandoning the family of being selfish respond with truth cloaked in Grace say I love this family but I cannot sacrifice my well-being to meet expectations that were never meant for me I hope one day you'll see that my boundaries are not rejection but self-preservation this doesn't give them room to twist your words but it also holds them accountable for their behavior without hostility protecting yourself also
means setting boundaries firm unshakable boundaries firm unshakable boundaries boundaries are not walls to keep others out but fences to protect your peace say to them I will not participate in conversations that are disrespectful or demeaning if this continues I will remove myself then follow through your boundaries teach them that their behavior has consequences and they cannot simply trample over your well-being understand that their attacks may not always be overt sometimes it's the subtle digs but you must Counterattack with scripture Isaiah 5417 declares no weapon formed against you shall prosper not their words not their manipulation
not their manipulation not their judgment and let us not forget prayer prayer is your Ultimate Defense pray for strength pray for wisdom and yes pray for them not because they deserve it but because it frees you from bitterness say Lord I release their words and actions to you transform their hearts and protect mine prayer is not a sign of weakness it is a declaration of trust in God's ability to fight battles you cannot there will be moments when their words awaken the child in you the one who still craves their approval who still hopes for
their love to be unconditional when this happens remind yourself of a greater truth you are already loved fully and completely by the one who matters most Psalm 139 133 14 proclaims for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb you do not need to earn his love and his opinion of you will never change they will accuse you of being cold distant even heartless when you begin to protect yourself but remember distance is not cruelty it is Clarity say I am choosing distance because I need Clarity I still love you
but I cannot allow this relationship to harm me anymore your words must come from a place of strength not anger let them feel your resolve not your resentment when their words manage to slip past your defenses and they will because you are human do not let guilt or shame take root take those wounds to God immediately lay them at his feet and say Lord this pain is too heavy for me to carry heal my heart and remind me of my worth the enemy will try to use their words to pull you back into Old patterns
of self-doubt but you must Counterattack with scripture Isaiah 54 17 to declares no weapon formed against you shall prosper not their words not their manipulation not their words not their manipulation not their word judgment and let us not forget prayer prayer is your Ultimate Defense pray for strength pray for wisdom and yes pray for them not because they deserve it but because it frees you from bitterness say Lord I release their words and actions to to you transform their hearts and protect mine prayer is not a sign of weakness it is a declaration of trust
in God's ability to fight battles you cannot there will be moments when their words awaken the child in you the one who still craves their approval who still hopes for their love to be unconditional when this happens remind yourself of a greater truth you are already loved fully and completely by the one who matters most Psalm 139 1314 proclaims for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made you do not need to earn his love and his opinion of you will
never change do not let their attacks Define your identity you are not selfish you are not rebellious you are not rebell I you are not ungrateful you unrighteous you are not ungrateful you are grounded hold on to this truth they may see you as a villain but God sees you as his beloved child chosen for a purpose greater than their understanding when their games escalate when they try to rally others against you remain steadfast do not engage in Gossip or retaliation instead say I will not particip ipate in conversations that tear others down my focus
is on building a life of peace and purpose let them play their games alone you do not need to defend yourself to those who are determined to misunderstand you
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