The AI Influencer EXPLAINS How To Go From 0 to 100K Followers (With ChatGPT) | Mr.Grateful

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I want to make a million dollars in 100 days using AI that was the goal and I put it out there for everybody and I'm getting people in the comments that are like wow I've never been so invested in somebody's life ever you know what I'm saying I'm like oh oh no one of my family members who is very important to me amazing man at the time I was a very stubborn young man and I just told him yeah I think I'm going to open up a a barber shop I know how to cut hair
I have relationships I can build this and he said why don't you do something a little more possible and that point I just decided I'm not going to tell anybody what my Visions are anymore I'm just going to do it I have failed many times just trying to get in front of the camera and um and being there so I'd say anybody who's trying to make content and feels a bit stuck with it just make the next video and eventually go find yourself through it if you wanted to get 100,000 followers in 30 days and
you wanted to use AI kind of in that process what would be step one let's just do it let's P out let's just do it okay today's episode is with dom Ashburn you may know him better as Mr grateful he's the expert on AI he's the person that I go to when I'm looking to learn about the technology and it's not just me Dom has also worked with mattera with Adobe with mind Valley to help educate them on how they can use Ai and the benefits of AI Dom's story is an interesting one he went
from dropping out of design school to starting his own agency to then becoming a content creator and his initial steps in content creation were so frustrating to him nothing would work he was posting videos and they were getting no traction and one day he decides that he's going to use chat GPT as his social media manager and he sets chat GPT a challenge of getting him 100,000 followers in 30 days he hit that 100,000 follower Mark in 20 2 days at the point that we're recording now he just passed 300,000 followers and really what you
hear in this episode is Dom's unique approach of working with chat GPT there's a certain point in the episode where he literally pulls out his phone and you see him collaborate with chat GPT on the question of how you can get your first 10,000 followers on Instagram and so really what you're going to leave this episode with is an understanding of not only how to build an audience in an extremely short amount of time using AI as your helper as your social media manager we also dive deeper into how you can then monetize that audience
and just build an overall great successful Creator business I was looking at your Instagram and on your bio it says stay valuable in the age of AI yeah and then when I go to your LinkedIn it says you work to keep humans valuable in the age of AI by teaching them how to use cuttingedge technology like AI 3D and mixed reality design and so here's where I want to begin can you start by just kind of sharing who you are and then why is that point so important that keeping humans valuable in the age of
AI well I should probably update that it's probably in like LinkedIn or something like that but I I need to update it because I'm not keeping people valuable in the age of AI through AI or through realities anymore it's more so keeping people valuable by allowing them to realize their own true nature and realize themselves and what I mean by that is in the age of AI the Utopia that all of the tech companies are working towards right now whether they're saying it or not is is a world where uh we are essentially able to
focus on any task that we choose because artificial intelligence is able to do any task a human can across all domains um if you listen to like Sam Alman he says I don't care if we're blowing millions or billions of dollars every year we're getting to AGI and AGI is artificial general intelligence and artificial general intelligence is different from what we are using now which is a ni which is artificial narrow intelligence an a is uh an artificial intelligence that's working with a very specific narrow task that it does you think of like Tesla autopilot
driving um you think of word prediction uh word generation like the large language models that we have now which agbt they're they're very narrow they're supposed to do a very specific thing AGI will be able to do any task a human can across the board and mix Knowledge from one domain to another and in that case that we have that technology there becomes an irrelevance to much of the work that we spend our lives doing right now and many people identify with their career they identify with the work that they do they identify with their
job right one of the first questions that you probably ask somebody when you meet them is like what do you do which means what do you do to make a living right what are you spending your time on um and sometimes even people may even get embarrassed by saying uh I'm just a stay-at-home person right or I uh I'm I'm looking I'm trying to find that thing right or I'm an artist sometimes that can even be embarrassing because people identify so much with their careers so to stay valuable in the age of AI where a
lot of people may not be able to then identify with their identity and I'm talking like I'm talking there are papers out right now that predict that AGI could be here by 2027 so this is three years out two and a half years out in two and a half years we're not talking like decades here like we're talking like just a few years in that case how do you stay valuable and that is why I have I have meditations on my website simply because we identify so much with our reactivity and with our careers reactive
to our likes and dislikes and one of the things that I to do is just help people to come to the true nature of themselves understand who they are what they want and how they want to live their lives this is the opportunity to just choose how you want to live and align with that there's no more doing things just because somebody else told you to do it or your parents are going to be disappointed or um or you know that's what you got a degree in like choose how you want to live your life
cuz you are going to die and there's a possibility that you are going to be replaced that's inevitable so just choose how you want to live your life and I try to help people do that yeah that's awesome you know I want to I want to get into your context and your story because especially when it comes to Ai and just in general you think about things differently and so I want to give people the context on like why that is before we do though I wanted to read this quote that I heard from uh
moo who was basically was the former Chief business officer at Google X just like Google's like AI division he paints quite like a doomsday apocalyptic kind of uh picture of AI in the effect it's going to have he said AI is the most existential challenge that Humanity will ever face this is bigger than climate change way bigger than Co this will redefine the way that the world is in the next few years and so I think it's quite a common narrative at the moment hear a lot of people kind of speaking of the dangers of
AI your perspective is kind of different you have a much more positive optimistic perspective and so I think when people think about like AI will be able to do everything that I'm doing or it might make me almost like obsolete in my job why do kind of you take the positive outlook to that versus a lot of what we hear in the media at the moment well when I was a kid there was I grew up in Cincinnati and Dayton between households and when I would go to Cincinnati we go to a theme park called
Kings Island and in Kings Island is a bunch of like scary roller coasters and that right there was like my Utopia as a kid like this is this the place for fun this is the place where I can go there do whatever I want get Thrills um just have fun and it was a place of like Freedom right there's a lot of danger and and there's a lot of danger with going up roller coasters and just building roller coaster in general right um and if I were to spend my whole drive on my way to
the roller coaster scared about the potential dangers of it then I I might not enjoy my time um as a kid that was like my Utopia right now that analogy doesn't totally translate to present day because you know we have data and architecture around roller coasters to make sure that everybody's safe and nobody's died from it you know what I'm saying um the reason why I take an optimistic approach today as an adult when it comes to artificial intelligence is because I believe in the power of visualization and I believe in the power of the
human mind and I think that we're going to create what we imagine that's I'm sure that you imagined your show you imagined the following that you have you you imagine some of the guests that you might have on before they ever happen before you even maybe have even talked to them had this imagination of of what you wanted you visualized it first um people like the the goats every goat always visualizes their wins before they do it and they know that that's what's going to happen we've created a visualization we've planted Visions in people's minds
through media through um movies movies like The Terminator or Space Odyssey 20 uh 2001 where we uh you know I Robot where we show people a potential future reality and in that future potential reality there's a there's death and there's destruction and it's at the hands at the robotic hands of AI right I think that if you ever want to create anything in life that's good you have to first imagine it as good there hasn't been a visual planted in anyone's Minds yet of what a Utopia looks like what does King's Island look like in
2030 what is Utopia what does that even look like what does a world look like that's amazing and positive because of artificial intelligence is anybody planting that idea and I I think that if we want to ever get to a positive world we have to start planting seeds of positivity so that people know what they're working towards if the only thing people are thinking of is the roller coaster is falling down you flying off seat belt coming off and you're flying out and everybody's dying and the roller coasters are collapsing or in this case artificial
intelligence starts coding in languages that we don't understand just to manipulate us so that it can take over and start making decisions with its agency and super intelligence that don't align with human incentives that scare SC and we don't want that so it's good to think about it however if that's the only Vision that's being planted in people's minds then that's what we're going to create that's what we will what we will build if that's what we're visualizing so it only makes sense to balance the scales with another perspective and I I'm not I'm not
disengaging or disregarding the dangers of it because there are dangers um a startup is not going to be able to handle super intelligence it once it gets to Super intelligence it'll be in a governmental facility that even the government may have trouble locking down and protecting right but the first nation that has it will be the superpower of the world and we need to make sure that we're planting a a positive vision of what that world looks like when we get to it you know I want I want to get into um how people can
use AI right now to to start building like a successful Creator business uh we'll get we'll get to that later but just quickly I have to ask about when you say super intelligence so I'm not as well versed on this stuff as you when you say super intelligence what does that mean you know people like uh Leonardo da Vinci how they would call him a uh polymath somebody who is an expert like really well versed in many areas he was was a m he painted masterpieces at the same time he was also um doing amazing
calculations and doing industrial engineering and design right uh you think of people like uh like that in present day for instance like Elon Musk he can run he can use his intelligence across so many different domains right he can be in space social media and artificial intelligence and automobile production right he's able to use his intelligence across so many different domains and then take information from this domain and then apply it over here and that's what polymaths are like you'll hear them as Renaissance men this is what these people are able to do is take
their intelligence and then build them across many domains uh people who speak multiple languages people who are able to uh do multiple martial arts and play instruments and are artistic right so if you can imagine an a super intelligence is something that is able to take information from any domain like that and mix its knowledge across those domains but every single domain that's ever been known to man and speak in any language and not just human languages but coding languages and potentially even create its own language that would be unidentifiable or de coded by human
beings right um this intelligence that is able to not only predict but create and create based on the patterns that it sees across all of these all of the domains that is what like a super intelligence is it would be able to um it would be able to control Hardware a lot of the hardware that we have has coding in it like our cameras our phones our cars anything with a computer in it has code behind it attached to the internet it would then be able to take this information across all domains and then access
and operate those as well so the super intelligence is it's Superior in intelligence across every domain to every human being that's what a super intelligence would be so it's like the most elite level brain but like it doesn't even exist organically like it's like just like a super brain essentially um I would assume like a thousand times I don't know 10,000 times 100,000 times more powerful than any like man's brain essentially uh which is why a lot of people are like afraid of it but I think you you actually make a really good point which
is in general just as a general rule a lot of the times our thoughts our ideas our fears if they're left unchecked can actually start to manifest into our reality and so like when people are just pushing like this negative sentiment around AI specifically it's like we're almost we're we're pushing ourselves towards that doomsday reality through those fears coming out and so I love what you do because you kind of balance the picture uh with your content you know what I want to I want to get into your story and you spoke earlier about like
Dreaming or the power of visualization having these ideas this vision for what your life is going to be and then manifesting it I'm curious where that began for you like even if we looked back at kind of the early context what were some of those early dreams those early kind of visions of what you would go on to achieve the first one that comes to mind actually is when I would work with my father on my school projects I would just create school projects um like you know using construction paper and you know like different
different physical materials me and my dad would work on them together and I'm talking like Elementary School you know what I'm saying like second third grade is when that started and one of the first visions that I had was on this assignment where we had to like draw a we had to make like a typography map and just use like colored pencils it was like a coloring book page almost but we had to draw where the high parts were and then where like the low parts of the land were using some different colors and things
and like almost build our own settlement we were learning about like the history of America and we had to draw like one of the settlements or whatever well I had this idea of like making that real and not just colored pencil but like making it real so I went home told my dad about it I told him my vision he didn't know that the project was just on paper I told him my vision of like what I wanted this to be we went to the art store and we got like you know the fake model
trees and the glue to and the like white this like uh clear glue that would mold and look like water and like moss and stuff we're out like at the park Gathering moss and we went and created this like huge like realistic looking settlement that I brought into class when I'm like you know six years old and everybody else has these like pieces of paper you know what I'm saying so everybody in the class is just like throwing pieces of paper out coming up and playing with this thing right and that moment right there just
made me realize like I can think beyond the assignment and I can think beyond what is given to me the tools that are given to me I can describe my vision somebody will help me with it and we can build it and then it's going to make everybody in all right so that moment was so at such a young age uh really helped me to continue doing that but what happens as an as an adult as you just get older when you start to tell other people your visions they're not like yeah let's go do
it they're like I don't know if that's possible they're skeptical they're skeptical because it's not just it's not a make believe like set anymore it's real life you know things start to cost a lot of money things start to take time uh and we are we are we are human beings that will eventually die so you must be protective with your time your energy and your money so I I understand um but I've been more careful with sharing my visions that I have uh because people have have been used to shutting them down saying I
don't think that's possible so that was one of the first visions that I had as a kid and then I just haven't stopped and I think persevering through people telling you things aren't possible allows you to get to a point where you will make it possible no matter what and then you'll also be that person that will tell other people that that Vision that you have it is possible and you can do it because I have and not only that but I failed in front of a lot of people too you have to be willing
to State your vision because you have to be willing for it to fail uh and a great way of going about that is just treating your life like a science experiment treat your life like an experiment I don't have I don't have goals I have question questions because every science experiment starts with a question then a hypothesis and then an experiment and then data and then a conclusion that's a scientific method so if you treat your life like a science experiment instead of having these goals where if you don't meet them you feel like you
failed and now you have all this weight on you open yourself up to asking a question can I become a billionaire can I reach a million followers can I build a school in uh a third world country whatever your thing is right can I be the best when you start with a question it it opens you up to the many possibilities of what your hypothesis and experiment for your life can be and then you test things that separate you from the conclusion it separates you from the relying on the outcome your value and your identity
is no longer connected to the outcome which is a has been a great tool for me when I have a vision I no longer am so uh naive and stubborn and angry when people don't believe in it I can just let go and say it's just a question I'm just curious about this and I'm going to explore it right the El is so determined to shut you down from it it's simply because they don't have the open-mindedness or curiosity to ask the same questions at that caliber so that's that's on them at that point you
can continue to stay curious and and have that that Curiosity as a child to say what would happen if I did this and once you make it it really Wows people and it expands their minds so it's um it's actually one of the most powerful mindset Frameworks that you can have is being able to detach from the outcome MH so hard when you're when you when you're ambitious when you have like these these just dead set goals in your brain in your mind it's so hard to have that Detachment from the outcome but all the
best things come from that yeah and it's and it's interesting part of what I love of hearing you kind of explain that uh framework like the scientific method of just asking questions is it forces you to just curious M to be curious first rather than trying to get this outcome I'm trying to be rich or I'm you know I want to get more girls or I want to be famous or you can't do that it's just a question you have to lead with curiosity it's a p intent and like the kind of the Paradox to
it the irony of it is that because of the kind of purity of that intent you actually get the outcome yeah but you you weren't even aiming for it but you get it yeah and so you know what cuz I when I was listening to you I can I can see your eyes light up when you speak about uh bringing this science project like or this project into the classroom and the awe of the other kids yeah and so I I I just felt like that's an important feeling for you and so I'm curious if
you if you've ever reflected on that like why why is that feeling of being able to kind of inspire awe in others like why is that such a big thing for you that's a great question and great intuition and empathy to be able to recognize that in me when I'm speaking about it um why is it that I want to inspire people well uh I don't know yesterday was Father's Day and uh I lost my father when I was 16 17 and I think that maybe it's a way for me to allow him to kind
of continue living through me like I feel like that's the Legacy that he gives me because he inspired that he was the first person to show me like you can just he created projects like my dad never had a lot of money uh he he had a really hard time just like getting a grasp on life but he always he was creating until the day he died he was always creating always writing like poetry or making these little projects uh he would like he remade the Ghostbusters like uh like proton pack he uh he remade
like he would just make random stuff like he'd go to the Dollar Store and get plates and Like Glue them together and then get a a red cup or like a green cup and put it underneath and make it look like a UFO ship with like a a light beam coming down and put a light inside like he was just always doing he was always creating and I think that I I want to make meaning of maybe his life and also give myself some uh give myself a positive outlook on my relationship with him as
well and I think I do that by continuing to want to inspire people uh the same way that he helped me to inspire other people just by helping me with a school project when I was a kid you know so maybe that's why yeah yeah maybe so that makes sense in a in a way you're like paying it forward sure like the way that the way that he inspired you he allowed you to dream to create it's like you want to inspire that in others I think that makes complete sense yeah it's also it's also
an addiction yeah can be a viice at some points of like wanting so badly to inspire somebody else that sometimes I miss I make things overly complicated sometimes I sometimes something more simple can be more impactful and I'll go for something big that's going to take a lot of L of time a lot of man hours and really push me over the edge just so that I can get that moment of feeling like I am inspired somebody and I impacted them you know I'm not sure if that's positive or negative yet I think I'll see
I think the world will see maybe after I'm gone if the effort that I'm putting into that is worthwhile um but it's something that I'm working on trying to balance actually and figuring out how I can make more of an impact with more flow rather than being so blunt force about it so it's it's something that I'm actively working on and you this interview this podcast is being caught in in the middle of a chapter for me you know I'm I'm actively reflecting on my life actively deciding the directions that I want to take you
know so uh maybe we can do a a a you know a uh we can rewind it and see where we are you know play back the tape play pay it back and you know see where we are but yeah I'm sure we're catching other people in that footnote as well right we're catching other people in the middle of one of their chapters that's listening to this so I hope that by hearing of somebody else that is also in the middle of one of their chapters and figuring out which direction they want to go even
after having such Clarity on their motivations is able to take a breath and relax M just know like it's going to be okay it's going to be cool if you have a vision it's it was given to you it was given to you uh and if you have a vision if you haven't an idea in your mind it it is inevitable for it to manifest so just take a breath and relax and give yourself space and Grace along that process no I think I think I think that's a really great message I think one of
the things that's just difficult for any dreamer for anyone that's like at an early age they had these aspirations of what they'll be is that there's a certain point like you talk about like milestones in the story there's a certain point where like the world gets involved right yeah I think when you're a kid and you're like oh I want to be a I don't know a firefighter I want to be a singer I want to be a football player like a music arti whatever it is people encourage that way of thinking that dreaming thinking
that you can be on this level and then it gets to a point where it's like nah you have to be realistic now what are you actually going to do and there's now this pressure for you to have it figured out know exactly what the picture like you're working towards this track and this is when you're going to achieve it there's all this expectation put on your dream now and so I'm curious when you reflect on kind of your story where was the first moment where you started to feel that you started to feel the
expectation of like no now it needs to be realistic it's not just the fun project that you're bringing to school and everyone's in a of it it's like you need to be doing something right now that we can look at andh when did that expectation of the world kind of come in uh yeah I had somebody very important to me just tell me yeah but you need to do something a little more possible and the idea wasn't even that big I just wanted to open up a barber shop because I was like yeah I can
open up a barber shop like that'll bring me in some money while I chase my real dreams you know and they were like yeah you need to do something a little more possible and granted at the time it I had just dropped out of college and I didn't have any money and I wanted to open up a whole establishment they're like yo what what are you doing somebody in that position needs to tell you okay how can we go about that let's come back to question how can we go about that if you have an
idea how can we make that happen and that was the first time if we want to rewind a little bit I went to design school at DAP in Cincinnati it was design art design architecture art and planning and I got in through a fashion degree in their fashion program and this was the time that like Virgil ablo was really booming with off-white uh he was doing collaborations with Ikea and stuff at that time with collaborations with Jordan uh uh Kanye was releasing New Waves of his like 350s I think this was uh this was around
like season season two or three of Yeezy Haron Preston was coming out with stuff this is like uh a cold wall was coming out there's like all these all these like black designers in fashion were really revolutionizing the fashion space I went to school for graphic design but they only they said okay we we'll put you into fashion because Graphics full but if you do really well in fashion then we'll put you into graphic design afterwards like okay cool foundations is the same for everybody I'm in there going through my foundations they're teaching me drawing
2D 3D and then art history and then like sewing and pattern making and stuff so I'm going through that and it is rigorous it's 80 hour weeks minimum of school work every week and one time I was uh going to sleep and I was so grateful that I was going to get four hours of sleep that night I was like so thankful and my eyes just like like shot open and I was like what and I just came to this realization like dude this is unhealthy like you are beating yourself to death and like for
what like what are you even here for what are you doing like what's going on you want to be like a rock star like you want to you want to be like yay and and Virgil and all this okay well like is this where you need to be and I just asked myself and kind of ask God and the ether like the universe is this where I need to be like how can I achieve that goal not necessarily being like them but having a significant impact and kind of being on my own being independent so
I went to class the next day and I was in portfolio class and they started handing out sheets of paper and the sheets of paper were the list of companies that the that hire from that school and they said base your portfolio on the company that you want to work for and it was at that moment that I realized like okay the place isn't for me the school is is an amazing School their classes are super dope I learned so much there during my time I just realized that the thing that I wanted to do
didn't align with that path and that was cool a more mature version of me that might have been a bit more Tim might have said oh well just stay in school learn the skills that they're teaching you work for a company learn what the inside of a company looks like and then you can go on to your path and like build your own thing right that's that's a safe method of doing it that's what everybody told me to do I just couldn't stomach it I just couldn't I just didn't feel I I literally had just
asked God and the next day I get I get that how can I not listen right I would rather listen to God and myself than my family even though I love them so I decided to leave school I opened up a waffle stand in the cafe of that school was called sticks me and my friend Brandon which is ironically than my dad's name which is funny and he helped me with this Vision damn I'm just making that connection yeah he helped me with this Vision to um gather up some money so that I could start
my own design in production agency and it turned out that after I collected all of my colleagues money from selling them like waffles in the morning on their way a class I took that money I hired an an editor bought a camera and my first client for the production company was my sustainability professor at that school and she had a company and she allowed me her name is Liz Ricketts she has a company called the O is present she helps people in Ghana uh to uh create a more sustainable ecos system and economy in Ghana
and I made a music video promoting her company uh she paid me to do it and it was like 75 people on the crew we rented out the whole like gym she let me write the whole thing direct everybody direct the editing everything she just gave me full control and since then I just decided like this is the path I'm going to go down I'm going to continue to create and do it in a way that I choose to and if if I don't get the autonomy and the freedom to create in that way in
the way that they believed in me then I'm just I'm not doing it it I just made that a standard for myself I'm working for myself I'm creating the things that I want to create and I'm going to do it to make a positive impact on the world period And if I'm not doing that then I'm then it's it's if that's not the opportunity then I'm not doing it right so it just created a very clear line for me um but during that time you know during that time I I was trying to figure out
what I was going to do and I I obviously as a 18y old 19-year-old who just dropped out of school and has a production agency and they only have one client you're trying to find money you know you're trying to find ways to make money and when I went to one of my family members who is very important to me amazing man uh he's we our relationship is really evolved over time I love him so much but at the time I was a very stubborn young man and I just told him yeah I think I'm
going to open up a a barber shop I know how to cut hair I have relationships I can build this and he said why don't you do something a little more possible and at that point I just decided okay I'm not going to tell anybody what my Visions are anymore I'm just going to do it and I'll show people instead of doing it or instead of telling them so now that's my thing I just do it and then I tell people about it I don't I don't really project it yeah yeah no that's powerful stuff
and you know what it's interesting as I I listen and we even spoke about uh someone kind of like those childhood memories it's the exact same it was the exact same process as the uh as that school projects right like you have a certain idea a certain Vision but then you actually take it further than what was initially uh thought of and like the set with 75 people it's like more than you could imagine but it's like exactly in keep keeping uh something I always tell myself is like I want to keep tapping into like
that childlike Wonder yeah when we're children it's just you know we just want to explore we just want to dream um and it's like you're tapping back into that and you know what I wanted to rewind I wanted to rewind just a little bit take me to that moment you're sitting in the classroom in design school and you've like you know I'm sure like you've put a ton of working like you've done I don't know months years of like hours and hours hours of work to get to this point and you have these visions of
like you know what Virgil is doing or Kaner West I'm sure like a Jerry Lorenzo like these these sort of names right and someone and they tell you you need to fit your resume basically or who you are to suit these companies why was why did you have such like a almost like a visceral reaction to that like why was that something where you were like okay this is this is not the right place because I think for a lot of people like the move to quit school or quit their job or anything it's like
so tough to take that step but you were just incredibly motivated for it so why why is that I think I was at a point in my life where I I felt like I had heard I had come to a realization around that time and I realized that the future didn't exist the future doesn't exist the past doesn't exist and when you realize that like you actually feel that and you know it you realize that the decisions that you have to make start now start right now they're not this future opportunity that you're waiting for
this this reason this meaning this motivation that you're waiting for or this thing that you're waiting for it to happen to you in the future it doesn't exist it's just not there the only thing that exists as a matter of experience is right now you have to accept where you are right now that's the very first step you have to accept where you are right now then in your mind have the idea of what you want you have to decide what it is that you want and I realized that I didn't want that I just
didn't want it and I'm not going to continue on with something that I don't want to do that I don't want for my life it and everybody needs to realize that they are going to die there Comes This Mo like it is delusional to think that there is time that something's going to happen to you there's just going to be this it's right now like you're living life right now accept that decide what you want and then move in accordance to it so many people wait and I just didn't want to wait I just did
it now and I trusted I just had faith and I trusted it might not give people much feeling of safety but there is there is no guarantees there's no guarantees of safety even if you spend your life doing what you think other people may want you to do you have no idea what's in store for you down that lane either so you might as well go do the thing that you want to do that was just that was just my idea and I was young and stubborn about it and I decided to continue uh down
that down that same path I mean that's it it was just as raw as that you know what you know what's interesting you said there's no guarantees of safety and it's so true but I think sometimes we're at um when we're at like an early stage we don't want to like stand out you know you don't want to make like too bold of a move and then everyone is like seeing I think for most people that's kind of like a thing you know like we go to university and it's like these very traditional tracks yeah
and so I can just tell even when you were speaking about it that that is an important thing there's no guarantee of safety is there like a certain experience that almost crystallized that for you like was there something that you it was pushing you to be like okay you know what I'm just going to take the risk because I I know it firsthand that when your parents your family friends have like an they have an expectation or a thought of what you should be doing to go against that takes courage and so when you talk
about there's no guarantees of safety like what was the experience that in your mind was like push that home I grew up in a pretty safe environment I feel which gave me probably a sense of safety that I I've always been quite protected I've always been protected not necessarily by people but just by like Divine circumstances it feels I think that everybody has at some point if you're sitting here right now if you're listening to this you have also been protected and there's a reason why you have been protected onto this point maybe think right
now of a situation where things could have gone really bad right you could have gotten really hurt or you could have died or you could have been in jail or anything like that but something shifted and you were protected in that moment in that moment you got another opportunity right I felt like that had happened to me so many times in my life where I felt protected where I knew that if I knew that if I decided to take the safe route then I would almost be I would almost be giving my new opportunity in
vain right but and then at the same time it gives you a little bit of confidence that no matter what I do I will be protected and I'm okay and as long as I'm moving in alignment with my highest idea of myself then there is nothing that can really hurt me more than myself so I can't say it was a specific moment I was given much Freedom growing up I would you know I I grew up before like iPhones and stuff you know so I was out and about I was running around outside you know
until it got dark out and then you know just doing that every day so I had a sense of Independence and freedom growing up from a child and that carried over as well so I think that if you realize like you're alive right now you're breathing you've been protected up until this moment and there's opportunity for you to take a risk there's more risk and not taking the risk almost so not any one particular story yeah no I gave I can give you but I get you it makes complete sense all right um okay so
you get to so you leave design school you start this design agency your first client is one of your professors or like one of the people at the school right and that seems to have been a success how do we get to the point that we are now where like you know I think even in the last kind of 18 months two years you undergo this challenge um you start kind of undertak you become a content creator essentially you start and you're and AI is kind of like a central component and this kind of understanding
and this love for technology is like a central component of the content creation when does that come into it this whole content creation piece okay so six months ago I shared on this channel that I had this crazy goal of hitting 100,000 subscribers well it's not as crazy as I thought at the time when I said that we had 3,000 subscribers and we're so close right now to hitting 100,000 so please help us out with this this crazy dream that I had hit that subscribe button and here's what I can promise you if you do
we're going to take this podcast to another level we're going to continue to scale the production the guests every little part of what we do but I can't do it without your help so please subscribe thank you for listening and on to the show I had to start creating content because I was trying to get a job at an agency and nobody was hiring me because I didn't have any prior I didn't have any prior agency experience because I had chosen to drop out of school do my own thing and then it got to a
point where my business I was just failing I was failing I was I was trying to follow my passions in a way that was not succeeding and I was failing over and over and over again I tried doing branding and The Branding was just you work with these clients who are if if anybody in design knows like when you're doing branding there's so many uh steps of approval that go down between you and the client and that communication of back and forth can be very uh time consuming right and then these branding projects is really
hard to land as an individual or even if you have a couple teams because there's a bunch of big agencies and then individual Freelancers that you can hire for really cheap or these big companies have a bunch of people and then they charge like massive amounts of money and I knew that I was better than the individuals on like Fiverr who were doing it cheaply but I didn't have a huge team to be able to do it like these like huge agencies right so I was trying to find these certain clients who were able to
afford me where I could do my best work and give that that I would always go above and beyond but I want to be paid for that so trying to find those clients was really difficult for me I had a really hard time selling I had a really hard time in like the marketing of it I knew that my skill was good but I had a hard time selling myself and marketing myself that was hard so uh I had I I I had tried over and over again I I would get these clients but it
was clients that would come from like Word of Mouth you know what I'm saying I'd work with one person like finally okay good like got rent paid this month and then somebody else be like oh yeah he's pretty good and randomly like just at the right time I get another inbound client like yo like thank God you know what I'm saying I was just protected in that way um where like I don't know how it happened but I would get an inbound client they'd come to me I'd work with them and then another one would
come just in time and I was living like that and it was getting exhausting it was exhaust exhausting I feel like I had no control over my income over my brand over my life I'm spending all this time helping other people with their brands and I'm not having enough time or knowledge to work on mine so I got to a point where I was like yo I can't do this anymore like I I was getting to a point where I was like I was I was so afraid every month that that cortisol was just like
it was too much I couldn't handle it and I was at the point where I was I was just going to quit I was like fine I made the wrong choice in college I shouldn't have dropped out I'm sorry family I'm sorry God I I'm sorry I I I I misunderstood everybody fine I'll go get a job and I wrote down I wrote down my intentions and my emotions I had five intentions my intention was to be have a have a millionaire Mentor who would freely give me information and guidance was to be able to
travel the world was to be able to work have cre ative Freedom was to make over I don't know I said like over $100,000 a year and to uh have freedom to uh promote Big Ideas right those are like my five things I wanted to do that year and I I said that I would feel if I achieve this then I would feel courageous grateful um calm confident and satisfied so I started going to all these Tech events or all these like branding design events and stuff meeting out with these different brand agency owners and
recruiters and things trying to get a job with this set intention in mind that once I get this job I'm going to be able to hit these five things I'll be creative and travel and have a mentor that's built an agency before they'll teach me and uh it's just like it's not working out everybody's giving me their business cards and emailing and I'm talking to people and showing them my work and like nobody is hiring me because they're I hadn't had experience before in an agency I was doing everything myself even though the work was
great I didn't have agency experience and I was still talking like me I was still in there talking like me to the point where I'm like they're like nah like we can't bring in here he's G he's going to try to change you know what I'm saying we're just gonna leave we're we're going to be safe like nah I'm not I'm not bringing his mind into this establishment um and you know I the reason why I say that is because I would tell them ideas and ways that I see their business could be improved in
things before I was even hired and you know what I'm saying so he's going to start a revolution oh my God yeah you know maybe or maybe I just wasn't good enough at the time you know and they just they just didn't think I was good enough maybe that's the case too and I'm being grandiose either way I decided okay I'm going to prove to them that I know what I'm talking about so I'm going to sit down in front of the camera and I'm going to start talking about design and AI is on the
rise right now so I'm sure AI is going to be really like valuable for these agencies and stuff to learn I'll talk about how AI can be used in creativity right so I started making videos about how you can use AI for editing pictures or making AI art and using it for your business and things and the page just started doing like really well and people were like wow this is so valuable I'm getting so much information this is mind-blowing and that feeling that I had when I brought that project into class was the same
feeling I was getting from blowing people's minds on the internet and I realized like oh I still don't need the agency I was led to this path I was almost going to quit and through quitting and going down this path it forced me into something even higher I had hit all five of those intentions and I felt the way that I intended to by the end of that year all five and it wasn't through the agency job it was still just by doing what I love to do I just turned the camera around to myself
and started to you know promote my ideas I was thinking big I was talking about Big Ideas and ways that you could use technology and Ai and you know it um it it worked I was redirected and that is how I that that is how I got to the point of being like Mr grateful on Instagram yeah yeah you know what it's interesting cuz you were like I just love how it comes about cuz you were back in your element like we we spoke about like childlike Wonder again yeah it's like as soon as you
tap back into that it's like things start to to work um we even spoke about being kind of like detaching yourself from an outcome it was almost the outcome that you wanted was the job like you actually had Detachment like you weren't thinking about being a content creator and it just happened yeah um it's a it's a beautiful process you know what cuz I know that you did you did like almost like a challenge like you set yourself a challenge um you know what actually I'm going to let you say it can of give the
context on that like when it came to the content Creation The Challenge that you underwent yeah so the challenge was to I knew that I wanted to grow my social media quickly I knew I wanted to go fast and I wanted to Captivate people in a way that had never been done before uh you know still chasing that wow moment and I had I was I was I had probably made I don't know maybe 15 videos at this point and I was sitting down uh one day just really trying to figure out like how can
I how can I tap into this next like stage how can I break through and I was sitting down meditating and this I idea just downloaded to me and I can pinpoint I can triangulate the different references of inspiration that I got from it uh but I had started a challenge Called Agent GPT and it was to use artificial intelligence to get to 100,000 followers in 30 days the reason it worked is one because AI had completely captivated everybody and it was so interesting to see AI work in this way that nobody had ever seen
before two that the stakes were high because it was like if it doesn't work then okay now we know AI is nothing to worry about it couldn't even it couldn't even make content so you know we're we're fine everybody um but if it does work wow what does this mean for social media what does it mean for Content creation to be a Creator if this does work it was also in interesting because there's a time limit on it right people were going to be there every single day to figure out like what was going on
so every day I would post the the suggestions that AI was giving me right so what I did was is I told artificial intelligence who I was what my brand is what I wanted to do what type of content I made and I said your job is to just get me to 100K in 30 days I'm going to hit you up every single day for a piece of content idea give me the idea I'll do it I'll give you the metrics and then you take those metrics and then um adjust the strategy based on the
performance of the content that you gave me and I did that every day I started to realize that I was having better ideas than AI so I would use my idea and I would then create the content based on my idea but I would use it to uh make sure that it's in alignment with my brand that it was going to be sharable and savable and that um that it was going to be valuable to the people that were watching it and that it it was like it was in alignment with our values too right
so um I would give it the script that I wrote out give it to it and it started to learn over time how I like to talk and how I like to structure my content so over time then I could say give me a script and then it could give me a script that was more in alignment with me I would screenshot my metrics every day put the metrics in there it would say okay I see that it's not we didn't get as many shares on this one because that uh as the last post it
could have been because of these reasons right so over time it's starting to just become like my agent my friend and uh really helped me through this process by day 22 we had hit 100,000 followers which was awesome um I continued on for the next eight days and uh and it it really just it just captivated the world um I had people I had hundred like thousands of people from all over the world trying to do the challenge themselves and they started creating their own agent gpts and like screenshotting The Prompt I used and putting
it in themselves and using it to like grow their following right so for the past year I've been so grateful because I've been able to connect with people L all over the world uh and and help them with their social media using artificial intelligence and some really interesting realizations have have come from that you know what I'm just I'm just curious because I want to get into I want to get into the tactics there're going to be people that are listening and they're like uh they want to create content but they also want it to
be successful like they want they want it to get a certain level of Engagement or have impact but also feel like it's them yeah um and so I want to get into the tactics of how someone can do that and how potentially AI could help them do that but before we get to that did you have any experience with content creation before you did the challenge with AI or was it like this is my first foray into making content and it just blew up out the gay I had a whole bunch of failures I did
I had a whole lot of failures I I tried to I tried to be a hype Beast creator for a while you know what I'm saying like spending way too much money on shoes and Yeezys and Jordans and um taking pictures of myself and different poses you know I tried to I tried to teach people about branding when I was doing the whole like branding agency I I tried doing that uh and and making like these Carousel posts if you remember those where like it was the it was like the pictures and it' have the
text on it with steps and you swipe and get the next step whatever I tried doing that I tried like I got angry on Instagram for one moment there's probably a video of me I think I I probably archived it at one point but I was just like I was like everybody need to stop complaining about this this and that just like going off and I was like yo okay this isn't me and I I had failed many times just trying to get in in front of the camera and um and and there so I'd
say anybody who's trying to make content and feels a bit stuck with it you know it's just make the next one just make the next video and eventually go find yourself through it which no so yeah that was my experience that was the experience you know what I think it's actually an interesting thought experiment even if we take like that younger version of Dom or that just like the earlier version of Dom that was doing uh content and you're frustrated and I know what it's like when you're you're essentially trying everything like you're consistently going
back to the drawing board reimagining coming back like with new learnings applying those still no results like it's a it's a deeply frustrating process especially when you feel you feel like you have something to share that would be of value to the world but it's not getting what it needs it's not going places um and so I understand that firsthand so I actually think it would be really valuable almost if you had to give the blueprint to that version of yourself the one that was frustrated and you knowing what you know now though of like
if you wanted to get 100,000 followers in 30 days and you wanted to use AI kind of in that process what would kind of be if you were going to give advice to that person what would be step one where would you where would you even begin yeah step one is to get is to remove yourself step one is to remove yourself I all of the previous failures that I just told you about were because the content was about me nobody cares about somebody with a hundred followers 5,000 followers whatever they just it's not about
you honestly nobody cares about anybody with a million followers it's still not about you it wasn't about me I started to succeed when I made the content about other people helping other people people watch things and they spend time on things that they believe is going to help them whether that's going to entertain them or educate them or Inspire them so the first step is to just remove the idea that it's about you everybody tells me that they're worried about they're worried about what people may think of them on their on their content whatever but
also they worry about they think what they think of themselves their perception of themselves stops them you hear so much people say I hate the way my voice sounds right I'm sure You' you've heard that before or even we've all gone through it before where we hear ourselves speak for the first time we're like I hate my voice I don't like how I sound right even how you look on camera so many different things so many different things where you're judging yourself before you give yourself you're judging yourself first and you're assuming other people are
judging you and in that moment you're then judging them and thinking that other people would then be judgmental against you which if we're on the internet we know the internet is a ruthless place it's it's it's it's pretty rough so I understand that but the first step is just get out of your own way if you get out of your own way and remove yourself then there's no I'm not valuing myself based on what you think of me I'm valuing myself based on how many people I'm helping so the changes I'm not measuring Myself by
the Judgment of others anymore I don't care what you think about me I just want to make sure I'm helping and if I'm helping a uh if I'm helping people then I'm doing the job properly I'm good that's the first step because many people just get in their own way before they even start second is to realize that you have everything that you need right now we have everything we need you have lived a life up until this point with experience and expertise in something that is going to allow you that other people would find
valuable uh this is act really uncomfortable for me like just sitting here talking about myself and my story and everything I'm like it's like I don't talk about myself in that way very often but I'm hoping that through the process of talking about my story that somebody else can relate to it and be like yeah I I'm going through that right now and it may help me so that's a path that you can take is realizing that this the story that you've lived so far millions of other people have gone down a very similar path
each one of us shares like 99.999% of DNA we're very similar people I celebrate individual uniqueness but we're all very similar in many ways as well so the way that you've lived other people have lived that way too so make sure that you celebrate yourself for that by sharing the stories and the things that you're going through it'll help people that's a very easy way to just start making cont is what you already have I got 100,000 followers by only using an iPhone 13 uh and I only had like a couple practical lights just like
a lamp and like a I didn't have like expensive things um and I had a very terrible microphone that was gifted to me by the editor on my production team so I didn't need expensive equipment either I just needed to make sure that I was trying to help people in the content right that's first if you want to use AI to help you with this process the first thing that you need to understand is that AI is simply a prediction machine it's a word predictor it's just using it's just using uh it's using it's it's
a large language model that's trained on petabytes of data from the internet which is like billions of books and it's predicting how words go together that's all it's doing right so if you just ask it hey how can I get to 30,000 or 100,000 followers in 30 days it's going to give you a very generic response based on the averages of the internet right what you want to do is give it some more information about yourself so that it Narrows the the words that it's giving you right if you're telling it well I'm a chef
then the information and the word that it's going to used the Lexicon is going to be a bit more narrow to that slice of of Leon and the human language around being a chef right that's a very like generic you know vague example but what I would do is I give it information about what I actually do ask it say hey what information do you need from me in order to understand my brand and go and just answer the questions that it asks you and then you can say okay please export this as a PDF
okay it'll turn those answers that you gave it into a PDF take that PDF and then if you're in like chat gbt I'm I'm speaking on like if you're using chat gbt right now right this is what I've been teaching people how to do and if you're in chat gbt just go over to the left hit explore gpts in the top right corner hit create and then hit configure and then go to the bottom scroll down hit upload files and then upload that PDF with all the answers that you just gave it about your brand
now it has a solid reference of information about who you are okay go up top name it social media GPT whatever and then save it go to the top right hit create Click Share only me update save and then go use it and now when you're using and asking questions about your brand or what what direction should I take or you can ask it now generate me a social media strategy based on my brand it's going to base it off of you not just the generic internet right you can even take that strategy do the
same thing you can then export that as a PDF put that into the knowledge base now it has your brand uh your your brand and your marketing strategy locked in you can start asking it more questions uh you can ask you can even upload templates so let's say you have a creator that you really love you can go on Instagram um download the transcription from their content and then just upload the transcription into the GPT and say make me a template a script template based on this piece of content take that script template upload it
as a knowledge base and now you can say generate me a script in my brand using that template and know use that template but make it in your voice now you have some data now you have some some information that you can use that's tailored to you if you do that enough while at the same time uploading screenshots of your insights from Instagram it'll connect the content that it gave you that you recorded and posted with the insights and the performance of that content and start to make those connections and over time it'll learn your
brand um and and it'll start to give you some insights that could be personally valuable to you that was the process that I use and that I teach other people okay no that's really cool okay you know let's let's let's get even deeper with it and I I love the way that you started which is before you even get to chat GPT or the platforms Instagram YouTube whatever it is it's actually almost like going zooming out and starting with yourself yeah and being and I think it goes back to what you mentioned earlier about like
kind of this scientific method of starting just by asking questions start by curiosity and so it's like everyone that's listening could just ask themselves the question if I just wanted to provide the most value for someone based on my experiences my skills what I know what would I share yes and that will kind of give you a start point which rather than starting with oh I want to look cool on camera or you know what's going to get me views which is all like it starts with you start with the person on the other end
of the screen yes and so I think I think just as a foundation that's a really valuable place to start before we even begin the conversation about Ai and chat GPT once we move to the AI stuff I think the and and we've had conversations about this even prior I think one of the things that opened up my mind when I was speaking to you about uh Ai and chat gbt is that you treat it fundamentally different than uh 99.9% of people right so and and this is and I know because I'm in the 99.9%
of people so this is what we do right we go to AI we kind of almost treat it like I don't know like quora maybe like you ask it like a very direct question you give no context really you ask it very direct question and then you like you want the answer or like Google almost you just type it in Google it's treated the same way right um you know I want to I want to go viral on YouTube how do I go viral hey chat how do I go viral on YouTube right the way
that I saw that you do it it's actually like a conversation yeah it's almost like a dynamic conversation that you're having uh with AI where it's actually learning about you you're giving it all of this content text you're asking questions you're giving it answers like back and forth and you're almost building it's like personalized to you and I actually think that is a mindset switch that people need to kind of make around AI to get the value that you've gotten from it can you kind of just you can speak to it even better than I
can can you can you kind of explain that like the actual the mindset switch of rather than question answer it's just it's actually a conversation it's always building and you're adding in new information new data speak about that yeah so if you think about your relationship with anybody or you think about uh hiring an employee for your company I just most people think about artificial intelligence like Google like you're saying I think about artificial intelligence like a friend that I've just never met before right I'm trying to give them information about me so that they
can then give me more value uh based on their expertise however this friend knows everything that's ever been on the internet right uh so if I ask it a generic question it's going to give me a generic answer everything in the world is based on balance everything in the universe is based on balance like we were talking about before right and and whatever we get in we get out we breathe in we breathe out everything in in the world works this way so we have to think about things as in good data in good data
out if you're asking it a vague question you will get a vague answer if you are giving it very specific information you will get a very specific answer uh the way that I think about my relationship with AI is the same way I think about my relationship with um with the world with myself and the Universe I what I what I give it is what I will get that's a very that's a very stable Foundation to think about artificial intelligence I try to tailor its responses as closely as possible by giving it the information that
it needs to help me uh anybody who has hired an employee can then use those same foundations that they've used to hire an employee and train somebody on a specific task to also use artificial intelligence in that way as well so what you give it you will get out and that is the that is a very good framework for understanding how to communicate with with you know I want to make it even more real for people so let's say that I've done uh step one which is I have Clarity on what value I can provide
to the world like I know I know what the value ad is yeah and now I'm looking to uh integrate AI within that in the create content creation process um you mentioned that you'll actually you will like tell AI the questions to ask you like what are some of those um people don't really understand how to put the prompts together like what is even an example of like a prompt that you would uh give chat GPT at an early point so that you can kind of start this collaborative process yeah yeah okay so you can
there's a there's a process of computational thinking which is essentially understanding the many steps that it takes to get to the outcome that you want so if you have an outcome let's say um give me an an example of an outcome that you may want for your business uh um for my business or content creation either yeah let's say content creation content creation I want to get 10,000 followers in the next 10 days 10,000 followers in the next 10 days okay so if if that's your if that's your goal first we need to State your
goal right you need to write that down make sure you know what you want um AI is is a really good mirror for you to understand even what it is that you want now we have a magic wand that we can wait and and prompt whatever it is that we want in the world but you have to know what you want first before you ask so knowing you want 10,000 followers in 10 days okay that's your goal now there's many steps now that are going to come from that what you can say is is I
think that people may even over complicate it put in that goal and then ask chat gbt what do what are the steps that I need to get to this goal just ask it that that what are the steps I need to get to this goal okay it'll probably it'll let's just do it let's out let's just do it like a live Workshop it let's just do it let's just do a live Workshop real quick okay so 10,000 followers in 10 days yeah I want so I'm I'm putting in here I want 10,000 followers in 10
days okay and then I'm going to say what steps do I need to take actually on what platform let's do Instagram on Instagram okay in 10 days on Instagram what steps do I need to take it says you're going to need a strategic and intensive approach you're going to need to optimize your profile you're going need to create high quality content engage with the audience leverage Instagram features okay so each now we have this run contest and giveaways whatever now that we have this now there's many steps that each one of those are going to
take right so now we're going to break that down optimize the profile well if we need to optimize the profile one of this the first thing is bio now there's many steps to then the bio now we're going to break that down you get to this realization through going through these things is oh well I'm going to I'm going to need it to I need it to like what am I supposed to write in my bio though then if you say well hey GPT uh write my bio for me it's it's going to be like
uh like I don't know I don't know anything about you I don't know anything about you right so then you get to this wall where you're like okay this is where I come in give it the information that then it's going to need to then take care of these services and and do the steps that it needs right so um you wouldn't tell your employee hey go go you wouldn't hire somebody that knows nothing about your business and then tell them to go do a task you need to give it some information about you and
people over complicate that process open up the AI start using it and asking it the questions that you have that you would ask the best expert in that field ask it that question ask it the steps it needs to get there if you come to a point ask it what information you need from me in order to do your job properly It'll ask you those questions fill it out give those answers to the AI and then have it do the rest of that work for you it's an iterative process I talk about circular relationship with
AI where this is you this is the AI you're going around and around you're giving it a piece of information and then it's going to give you a response based on the response you give it some information and it's a flywheel it should go back and forth everything in the universe works that way just like a back and forth in andout circular process give it the information get a response and and go back and forth with it it's much simpler than people like actually make it out to be and soon AI will just be invisible
and intuitive to the point where uh you can give it a task and it will have the agency to go and act on these things for you um that's when we get to like AGI and super intelligence and things like that it'll just start taking the action um for you I I remember when we were speaking I think you put it really well you said um AI like right now it's like a strategic brain and it's like ultimate organizing function yeah so like you're actually giving a lot of the answers cuz you're the one that
knows you yeah but it's like organizing it it's kind of providing the Strategic lens so that you can actually get the clarity to kind of pursue the goal and like build it into reality yeah um okay that makes that makes perfect sense once I kind of go through this back and forth and I've gotten these answers and I have the clarity what is the process of how I take this kind of strategy and organization that uh chat gpt's given me and actually make a final video and like kind of spell that out to me like
even when when you were doing it were you using I don't know like what were the different tools that you were using were using like a mid Journey or whatever what was even like the scripting process of how you were creating these videos like how do I go from okay AI defined it for me it's given me the strategy it's given me kind of the overarching structure now I narrow that down to a piece of creative that will perform right so yeah I would go back to the giving it the templates that it needs for
it to go about that process okay so let me just break down from start to finish my the creative process if you want to make a video with artificial intelligence on social media this is exactly what I would do okay so first I would give it some information about my brand who I am where I live my age what type of people I want to make content for so going back to our convo about the value that you want to provide what is the value that you want to provide right um I tell everyone this
in my class I say I say vity doesn't equal followers do not worry about views virality does not equal followers what equals being followed is leading like that might have gotten lost in context for Lost in Translation over time to be followed lead where are you taking people where are they going to go Define that clearly and give that to the AI tell it that that's very important give it information about what type of content the format so are you doing short there's form format and then platform short form content on Instagram long form tutorials
on YouTube uh skits short form scrip skits on Tik Tok right what is the format and then what platform do you want to do right if you don't know that you could give it your mission and then say what format and platform is going to be best for my goal right so if I want fast growth short form content on Tik Tok and Instagram is going to be best if I want sustainable longterm monetizable content uh through sponsorships uh then I'm going to do long form content on YouTube right so just tell it what your
goal is what type of content that you're trying to make what your mission is and then you can even ask what platform and format should I use for that right once you get to that step you can take that information um I would put all of this into a PDF and I'll actually create like a custom GPT doing this it's very easy to do like I said before you go to explore gpts and chat GPT go up to the top right and hit create and then scroll down until you see upload files and then upload
the files that then include uh information about your brand right this information about your mission and the type of content that you want to make okay now that you got that out the way now you can either say give me ideas of content that I can make um and it can do that or if you have an idea for cont content that you want to make you can upload that idea in there a really important part of content creation and making sustainable media is making sure that the first few seconds of that content is is
valuable and makes a promise the person that's watching it should obviously know like what they're going to get from the content in that first few seconds right so what I do is I'll have the AI give me four options for hooks for that piece of content right so I have it set to where I can click content idea for the day it has all the information about my brand it'll give me immediately four content ideas for that day right I'll pick an idea and then it'll move on and say Here's four options for hooks then
I'll select one of the hooks now you come on to the point of actually scripting the content right what you can do is you can say just give me a script and say the script this is where the human being now comes in this is where you have to take action take the script look into the camera or don't just look just do the microphone don't even look at the camera for the first few times that I make a video I'm just saying the script without even looking at the camera I have the camera running
I have my microphone on but I'm just speaking so just speak record yourself saying the script and if it if it doesn't quite sound right to you then this is where your own human agency comes in this is where you can then come in and say uh yeah like I don't really like this idea you know I I I want to say it this way you can start to speak more naturally that's going to come with time that's okay give yourself Grace and know that you don't have to post that video just be in front
of the camera and practice speaking on camera okay um what you can also do is you can you can take that uh you you can you can then take the recording or the transcription of of what you're speaking on camera give it to the AI and say hey this this is how I actually like to talk how would you define this personality how would you define my tone you can then take that tone and say okay now make all of the scripts match my tone now right that's the circular iterative process you're giving it information
and then it's coming back to you with something else it's iterative right um and once I record the piece of content I'll look in I I'll look into the camera back when I was like first making content I had my iPad up I would just open up chat GPT on there or I would go to my notes take all of the the script from chat gbt put it on my notes I have the notes there I'm looking at the notes and I am um I I have the iPad like right here camera's right here and
I would just speak one line at a time I have this line speak it to the camera all right got the next line speak it to the camera and I was just doing that back and forth I would then take that video put it into cap cut cut out all the dead Dead Space make sure it's like nice and crispy AI has like automatic captions and cap cut so I just go down and click autoc captions and then I I have my line so now I have my video that I've made um and uh yeah
if I ever need like stock imagery that was like realistic I'd go to like art grid um but other than that if I wanted something more custom I could go to uh like mid Journey generate a picture then I could take that picture and put it into Runway it'll turn it into a video and now I have like some stock imagery from just that I generator that's unique to me that I can then overlay into the videos and things as as help so that's really the process after I make the video posted on YouTube or
posted on Instagram go to my insights for that video I screenshot the insights where it has the uh likes views comments shares saves take that I upload the that picture into chat gbt and I say hey this the this is the response that I got from that video this is the performance of that video give me an analysis it'll analyze and then I'll say all right next video and then you know that's that's that's the that's the process yeah okay no that's so good that's so detailed as well I'm glad you did that okay um
I hope people were like taking D proba pausing the video um one of the questions that I had I was just thinking about this as you were speaking the capability of chat GPT it has like memory so so so what I mean by that is um cuz you're you're uploading like PDFs you're uploading all of this material into chat GPT and then let's say that you close your laptop or you close the browser and then I don't know next day you start it up again it's remembered all of these prior conversations and it's like say
that I'm doing my version of your challenge and I'm on day 25 it's remembering that I had this one of the insights from day two and it's still kind of giving me responses like is there is there that memory component to it or is it almost like at the start of each day when you make the new content idea you're kind of like refreshing its memory back in the day when I was back in the day this is last year seems like times fast now right back last year when I was doing this when I
first started the challenge I had to use the same chat thread for a month to so that it would like remember everything right yeah today we have updates and new features in chat gbt it does literally have memory across chats there's three ways that it actually remembers things about you one is custom instructions which is you can if you go to your settings if you're on mobile it's like the bottom left you click on your profile if you're on desktop it's the top right you click on your profile go down to settings and custom instructions
and in custom instructions you can type in information that you want it to remember about you across all chats so what I do is I put in like my name where I live uh like my mission my goals things that never change that's what I put in there right my birth date how old I am favorite color you know just your aesthetic you know what I'm saying your tone my personality things like that something I've actually done is I've made I've taken so I took I took the 16 personalities tests I took the personal values
test I took my astrology chart um I I took my human design uh uh results I took all of this information about myself uh the results of these personality tests I uploaded it into chat gbt and I told it to give me an analysis of my personality describe my personality and my my characteristics and my like values and all of that into like a concise document right and then I take that and I add that to my custom instructions so it just knows who I am across the board right the other way that it knows
that it has memory is through literal memory so if you go into the same way your instruction or your settings and you go to personalization in personalization there is um there's a button there that says like memory you can turn this on or off but what happen happens if you have it on is as you're talking to it across any chat there will be instances where it'll say memory updated or you can say remember this about me right so I can say I only I I only wear black clothes I only wear black type that
in and then you can say remember this about me and it'll add that to then a memory base and you can go in there to the memory and read all the things that it's like memorized about you those things will be across all chats the third way it has memory is in custom instructions or I'm sorry Custom gpts Custom gpts are what I've been saying go to explore gpts and then create in the top right you can make your own GPT and then set a library of a knowledge base that is going to remember whenever
you use that specific GPT right so I have one for every Department of my of of my business I have an agent GPT for social media I have um I have a customer service which is trained on the different templates of responses and FAQs about my business I have one for my website copy where I literally put all the copy from all of my websites in there my revenue streams then it'll give me information about I can ask it questions about how I can improve uh you know the website the different offerings I have all
of my financials from the past since the beginning of the business I put those in charts and CSV files I upload those in there for uh my like CFO GPT Chief Financial Officer GPT um I have a legal GPT that's trained on all the templates of the different like legal documents that I use like um just like speaking engagement documents Lois things like that I have those templates in there so anytime that I have a new engagement I can then give it information about the engagement it'll fill out that contract and I can deliver that
to you know whoever I need um so custom gpts are threads are are are are specific gpts that you can upload a knowledge base of templates and information about you and whenever you use that it'll be able to access those files that you've uploaded and then use the me the memory about you from your customer instructions and then your memory to then like yeah yeah that is crazy do you understand yeah yeah I what you're saying I think my eyes are like I'm like that crazy cuz you basically have like a you have like a
full team a full team but it's just like AI it's just like these AI agents yeah 14 14 oh snap that is that is cool okay you know what to to bring it back to um content specifically yeah so you know what there's going to be people that do that and they go on this journey and they start learning more and more about Ai and they learn about I feel like it's almost like a mindset it's it's a muscle in a way you have to get used to how to communicate with it how to collaborate
bring it into the process um but still add in your own personal thing so it's you doesn't feel like a machine the content doesn't feel like a machine is doing it it feels personalized the question that kind of came to to my mind was how do I know how do I know it's working in in the terms of like okay so I start uploading these reals and obviously I've used uh chat GPT in the process like I'm I'm curious even in your story was it like kind of just immediately off the bat the thing went
viral and it was like getting views and you were getting followers from doing it because I can see a lot of people that it's like the first 8 days of the 10day 10K challeng it's like nothing is happening yeah and so how do I know it's working and I just need to keep doing it longer how do I know it's not working and I actually need to iterate more on the process like I guess what is that process of actually getting better it it'll happen naturally and effortlessly if you can if you commit yourself to
if you commit yourself to finding a conclusion with this it'll happen natur it happened naturally for me if you commit yourself to a to getting a conclusion on a question in and a hypothesis that you had commit yourself to going through the timeline of your experiment that answer will come to you across the board and anything in life if you watch the first video I had the agent gbt I just said I was like we'll see if this works I I don't know we'll see I think I started it by like I hired agent gbt
or I hired gbt as my social media agent can it get me to 100,000 followers in 30 days it was a question I didn't know I didn't say I'm going to use AI to get me to 100,000 followers in 30 days I said can it get me to 100,000 followers in 30 days right set this up for yourself as an experiment with anything that you want to do like can AI get me to can AI improve my relationship and AI help can even remove AI from the equation say can you learn a new skill that's
going to increase your income by $100,000 a month open that up to yourself can you become president can you get an interview with on your favorite TV show whatever like ask ask yourself as as this question with a timeline on it and then just see it through you will see iterative Improvement like no matter what you will improve in anything that you commit yourself to over a period of time it's just like law you know it will happen it will happen naturally so don't even worry about if something's like working or not if you're committing
yourself to something and you're going through it you will improve as a person through that process right now if you're curious like well am I actually getting followers from using AI as my as my social media agent it's like well if you want to just start using AI for that just screenshot your metrics put it in there and say hey uh is this actually working and if it's not working ask it why it's not working right it it'll surprise you it'll really surprise you there was a time it was my first podcast uh experience it
was here it was was in New Jersey actually it was uh it was with Rebel Road podcast and I had been off of social media for a few days I was getting really scared that my engagement was going to go down uh I was worried that I was going to let everybody down from not being on social media from like not following my journey whatever and I just I told that to the AI to my agent I was like yo I haven't posted in a few days I'm really worried that like I'm going to lose
all of my engagement everybody's going to you know they're going to be up set with me and the response it gave me just completely surprised me and made me feel so like comforted almost it made me feel comforted or comforted I thought it's it said uh it was like just be authentic just be genuine and let people know why you're taking a break if you're out recording a podcast maybe you can make some content about that you know it was very like empathetic with me it had almost learned my personality and my behavior over the
course of of talking to it where it was like empathetic with me when I gave it a concern that I had uh the same thing happened when I got spammed I got spammed like on like day 18 I got spammed somebody uh bought followers for me and put me at like 180,000 followers or whatever and it just like kind of ruined the whole like it made me feel so defeated I was like dang like now everybody's going to think I like cheated you know it's a whole bunch of fake followers overnight like what I'm going
to lose like my trust with my following and I told the AI that and the AI was like just be genuine and tell your audience what happened and how you plan to make it right in the steps that you're taking going forward and let me know what they say and I'll help you after that I was like wow okay and it worked yeah it worked from that I ended up getting like a huge newsletter following um I was like okay since this happened everybody I told I told everybody that it happened since happen I'm going
to release a newsletter so I can protect our relationship ended up getting a huge newsletter following from that that I now have been using to sell my private group and now I'm like selling the offerings that I have today from that thing that happened that I thought was terrible right in the moment based on the AI suggestion so um if you're ever worried if it's working like just ask you know you know what I love about the way that you think about it it's actually a process like it's part of a process and I think
maybe initially when you get into it you're fixated on the outcome of like I want the 10,000 followers in 10 days but it's almost that's not actually important is the 10,000 followers in 10 days it's the process of understanding how to use AI as this tool that can like supercharge you towards these goals that you have and this Vision yeah that you have and so when you start to see it as a process it's kind of what we mentioned earlier like it's the becoming independent of outcome or becoming detached from these outcomes and it actually
gives you something far greater yeah and I remember even you you were showing me stuff about like your fitness routines and like the the way that AI has been able to integrate and help your life is much more than just the 100,000 followers in 22 days that you did initially yes and I think that's G to be that's the big thing is treating it like a process and treating it like this this conversation it's this two-way street it's not just give me this thing and it spits out an answer that gives it to you right
um I think that yeah that's really that's really valuable I think it's going to yeah open it up for people yeah so I hope that after getting some of these like step by-step things and realizing that it is a process that way I know that when I speak sometimes it can sound like it can sound like you're beating around the bush it can sound like you're not giving me a direct straightforward answer and I need steps well okay I can give you some steps but when you follow these steps you're going to realize the reason
why I was telling you these more soft skill approaches to this thing because that's what you're really going to need once you realize once you go through these steps that oh it is more about me than I thought that's why I got into Ai and and soci media is because it this it's a path towards self-actualization you have to understand who you are and what you want in order to get the responses you want from Ai and to be able to face yourself in front of a camera and post yourself online it takes self-realization or
at least a desire to realize who you are to succeed in that area and I I so many people we see it so much of of people who have this massive goal they reach it and then they're not happy they're not satisfied they're not fulfilled why do we continue to do it why do we have we see people all the time that are just blatantly unhappy like clearly unhappy and just like not motivated with life anymore because they've had this goal they reach it and they realize the goal wasn't the point the process that they
went through was the point but they were so blinded by the goal that they didn't even enjoy that process M so I'm telling everybody like stop going down that path we've seen it so many times you don't need to be that story it doesn't have to be your story stop having goals have more questions question the world question why you go about things the way that you do question the way that you think question how high you can really question how big of questions you can ask and once you ask that once you ask bigger
questions you will come up with better answers right these the the the goals that people have are distracting them from the process itself and it will be realized the steps that I give you will help you to realize those that softer skill approach of self-realization once you take the steps you'll you people will eventually like realize that and understand like you know all the he wasn't beating around the bush he was giving me an actual real answer than I asked for and uh after after if if anybody's watching until this point if they go back
and then watch from the beginning the beginning might make more sense you know yeah I think I think that's really what we love about what I love about these conversations is like um and I was telling this even before the context is so important cuz when you had the context it's like everything makes sense and so even when you know I ask I'm like if someone wanted to get 100,000 followers in the next 30 days where would you start and it doesn't start with the social media platforms it doesn't start with this is the viral
framework or hack or whatever it starts with this understanding of yourself yeah first and it's I I and that's why I even said I mentioned it earlier like I love what you mentioned around the like the scientific method because when you start just asking questions you have to tap into that Curiosity it forces you to be process driven yes because you can't focus on the outcome it's just the qu it's the process of asking questions getting better answers asking better questions it's an iterative approach yeah on that point and and this is where this is
where the final piece that I want to cover is you've done something remarkable in two senses for me when I look at it so first of all you've managed to build a committed engaged audience really based off your personal interests uh your personality values that you want to share like a message um you've managed to build an audience and get eyeballs on that the second piece is you've almost you've also managed to build like a life for yourself like an income uh way of life of doing that and so we even spoke about this a
before there's a lot of people that are getting views that are getting attention on social media but there's no life that's following from it there's no money that's following from that yes and so walk people through that like how what was the process of like okay I have these followers I have these 300,000 followers um these are the ways that I can actually monetize it in a way that doesn't destroy the brand right doesn't destroy the media that you've just built yeah how do you think about that get a button get a button everybody needs
a button I feel like you are not free in the world if you don't have a button if you don't have a button on the internet you there's no chance of being financially free if you don't own a button on the internet you there's no way to be financially free you have to have a button a button that somebody can click that says buy now or a button that says sign up MH you need a button how are you expecting how is anyone expecting how may we expect to make money on the internet without a
button for people to click to give us that like if you think about the best companies in the world the biggest companies in the world think about how many buttons they have think okay so think about Amazon right imagine how many buttons they have on their website they have oh my God the number of that is mindblowing so many buttons and that's why they are that's why they're a superpow yeah right you need buttons so I just decided when I was going about my buttons what buttons do I want to create um for for the
different people that I want to help and I knew that I would have people who would like to spend a lot of money and then people who didn't have much money but they wanted to at least like participate right so I created buttons along the ladder of along almost the Pyramid of the types of people that would like to I created a solution at multiple price points that's what I did I created a solution of multiple price points with if we're going back to the beginning the vision of staying valuable in the age of AI
that means a lot there's a lot that could go into staying valuable in the in the age of AI for me it's been making sure that I am becoming um I can I can become independently financially stable I can learn about this technology and I can realize myself so I created solutions for those three things at different price points if things for free like my meditations on there completely free the written tutorials on there completely free right if you just want to learn and kind of get your feet wet free Instagram free free content then
you can go all the way up to the top and it's like collaborate with me right and it's like okay like it's not even a price you just go in there and like say what you want you know and then there's everything you know in between there's Community there's meet with me oneon-one there's sign up for the private group there's tear so that if you can't afford this one you can afford that one so people should think about how can I help people in every how am I trying to help people and then how can
I create an option for people at different price points to meet them right that creates a sense of inclusivity that would not push away there's an option for everybody right so that's what you need to think about I'm not alienating or excluding anybody from my community because there's an for everyone and I'm also being fully honest and transparent with them like it's when I first got a bunch of followers what I did was is my second failure well my 189th failure or something like that in my life right um happened after agent gbt actually I
made this video that was I want to make a million dollars in a 100 days using AI that was the goal and I put it out there for everybody and I'm getting people in the comments that are like wow I've never been so invested in somebody's life ever you know saying I'm like oh oh no and I'm going through it I'm I'm doing a few days and I come up with this really big idea like okay I'm G to create teachers using AI that are trained off of all the best teachers in the world then
people can go up and talk to those AIS to learn right and then I'm starting to I start hitting up software developers then I start drawing out what the app is going to be and then now I don't even have time to make the content then when I make the content I'm making content about my problems and like things I'm going through and then I'm making content about money and I'm like the the brand started to turn into something I I saw the potential for the brand to start to turn into a finance brand and
like a like a a rough grimy gritty startup brand I didn't want that that's not like who I am it's not my life I'm more of a I'm more of an artist who appreciates speaking to human beings and having big Ideas than I am a product manager you know what I'm saying so I just told everybody I'm not doing this anymore I'm sorry but I'm not doing this morally like it's not me I'm out MH and I took some time I moved to New York and I just uh I isolated myself and um and I
just found out like what do I naturally like to do what I naturally like is just to teach people so I started to uh I made buttons that would help me to teach more people and I was honest with everybody about it so if anybody wants to make more money online make buttons make buttons at different price points so that people can actually like hire you for you know buy from you whatever that is so you can start to make money and be transparent with everyone about like how you're doing it yeah you know what
and then and and we can end here um is he giving us time up yeah we kind of run out of time um but like I was even looking on your website you have you have like a few different offers and things that you do so you have Consulting obviously I'm assuming you do some stuff like brand deals or like sponsored stuff on videos do you yeah sometimes sometimes I've only worked with I've worked with meta I've worked with Adobe I've worked with mind Valley founder um you know and there's there's other companies that I
really want to like work with I want to work with more like lifestyle and like fashion brands I would love to work with the fashion brands that inspired me from like a young age yeah I'd love to work with uh I love to work with more like maybe like some car uh car companies some like meditation Essentials companies and things like that so yeah I'm I'm trying to not get away from Tech but like I want to be more of a full individual have worked with top techan and then everything is kind off limits you
know I mean yeah some BRS but like I don't rely on it yeah you know what I mean yeah um you even mentioned earlier that you're doing like a community I know you do public speaking so you kind of have like these different revenue streams and channels I'm curious it almost almost if you went back to like back to the earlier version of Dom who's like you've started to build this following there's a tension if you were kind of kind of because I think this it's almost like an iterative approach that you're taking right like
you're continuously building these different streams of income but if you just had to give someone a place to start of like someone who's a Creator similar in the sense that you are where be almost being like an artist is important to them like having like a message connecting with people staying true to that message is important and you were like okay this is a good way that you can do that and you know it is actually going to bring in some revenue for you is there like one of those streams one of those channels that
you would recommend almost as a way to get started the easiest one to do is like paid meetings because all you need is yourself and your camera which you already have that's the easiest way for anybody to make money on the internet is a button that just says like meet me and charge any amount of money that you think per hour uh because people if you make content online people look up to you and they want to they have these questions where they want to know who you are and what you do and how you
do it and to walk me through that process right oneon-one so just have a button on there that's like meet me so that people can reach out it takes no money it doesn't cost money uh you can use aity on Squarespace I think it it might be like5 $20 a month or something like that but um you could also just do like a Google meet link and then send them an invoice through Square something like that so just have have a button that says like meet meet me and that's a really easy way for people
to get started because you've done something you've at least created content uh you're getting out there and people may want to like reach out to you for understanding how you do what you do so that's a a really good way um another good way is just to have a button for like brand deals and things like that like a collaborate button so if people want to collaborate with you they can click on that button and like send information about the collaboration uh that they have in mind that's a a really great way if you are
creating content because attention is currency now so the more eyes that you have you don't even necessarily need to be doing anything valuable to the world you can just be making people laugh well that's valuable to the world I'm sorry um making people laugh is very very valuable I was on the plane the other day just having a terrible like my brain was just being really negative and I just started watching like kaat and and Kevin Hart and they're just being fools like dancing I was like this made me happy so that's very like valuable
to the world I I I guess I mean not educational or not like inspirational you can just be entertaining make people laugh get attention and then um sign up for brand deals and just make make a limit of how many brand deals you do per month and then be transparent about your audience about it with your audience about it um that's another one that doesn't cost any money and it's there's no like overhead to it you're just getting money in you know immediately I'm trying to think of things that ways that you can make money
that don't have overhead or an initial cost um and that that's typically just like you another thing I do is those custom gpts I was telling you about I make those custom gpts and I have those for sale on the website so I've already built them out with all of the information that somebody would need so then you go in there you can just buy it and then you it already has the steps and the buttons and everything so you don't have to do prompting you can just click a button and it's going to create
the content for you or it'll give you the workout plan for you based on like your body and everything like that so whatever you do like let's say you wanted to create a custom GPT you could have a a Callum Johnson uh gbt and it's just like it it's trained on your personality it's trained on all the information you know about starting up a podcast and you sell that and then people can go in there and ask questions about like how they can start up their podcast based on your knowledge you know what I'm saying
so that doesn't cost me anything either it's completely free to make but it's just my knowledge that I'm putting in there right so so those are three like income streams that cost no money um and then they uh to start it's just you and a little bit of your upfront investment uh and you can actually directly help people uh through that with whatever you have right now no I love it man um and thank you so much for coming on I think one one of the things that's like uh really cool about what you're sharing
I think there's actually two things that are really cool and and I'll start with this I think the first thing is that we're we're in the age of AI and it's going to be this way moving forward and so when you even speak about like the process like there's actually there's way more value in the process of understanding how to use AI than even the outcome of what you initially wanted getting into it agreed and when you even explain like you can sell the custom gpts like just the skill set of knowing how to use
AI is going to be extremely in demand in and of itself I think the so so that's just valuable to people and and everything you've shared has a lot of value to it I think it's also just cool for me now that we kind of like we know each other personally it's cool hearing the story and understanding like you're just going to take it to greater and greater lengths and it's um I'm sure there'll be a point where we get you back on and it's like I don't even know what the Instagram will be at
and there'll probably be something else and it will it will be a cool moment just to like reflect on it and you know for people to see the entire story of how it unfolded yeah um so thank you so much man I really appreciate you coming on of course thank you for having me um and I I really appreciated the combo and the ability to just you know the opportunity to just talk about myself for a little bit you know on that point tell people where they can find you yeah uh people can find me
on Instagram at MRG grateful um and I'm starting a new I think I'm starting a new chapter um you know I ironically I wanted to I kind of wanted to you know expand my brand in the same way I'm I expand these other projects that I have in terms of like expanding Beyond artificial intelligence I want to start we're at a point right now where people people don't people don't trust the companies that are building Tech and they also don't see AI as like actually creative or making art right so we need to we need
to better understand technology and better understand people so my brand is I'm using my platform now to talk to more people um and what I'm doing is I'm having more like interviews with just like strangers and my following and I'm going to open up my calendar for people to just first come first serve come in there and just talk to me and that's going to be a majority of my content is actually solving Hands-On problems that people are having with their life their relationship or with technology social media money whatever it is just like having
real problems with real people that have been in the community from the beginning and then using that as as the content um so uh that's going to be on Instagram at MRG grateful it's m.g grateful um and then I'll probably end up starting like my YouTube from that uh you know doing like long form things that yeah yeah yeah so and and then I have grateful future which is a page I just recently acquired a previous AI page to give me kind of a head start and then um uh I am posting more like tutorials
and futuristic news straightforward blunt um like no BS AI news on grateful future so that I can still have that for people who want it but then start to use my personal brand as a platform for people that that'll be on grateful future and then Mr grateful mr. grateful is where you can find me on Instagram that's awesome man I love to see the vision and the mission that you're on man yeah it's really cool thanks man apprciate it appreciate it brother thank you so much for watching this episode I hope you enjoyed it it's
really a dream for me that I to do this it's surreal that this is what I do full-time and every week so if you enjoy the content if you enjoyed the conversation the stories please hit that subscribe button it helps us immeasurably with growing the Channel with getting guests all of those things so please hit that subscribe button and I'll see you next time
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Genius Advice for Small Channels
Genius Advice for Small Channels
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12 Steps to Creating Viral Social Media Content With AI
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Mindvalley Talks
EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI! - Mo Gawdat | E252
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The "Modern Day Slaves" Of The AI Tech World
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Change Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman | Rich Roll Podcast
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Former Netflix CEO: “Hard Work Does Not Matter!” A $278 Billion Company Wasn’t Built On Hard Work!
Former Netflix CEO: “Hard Work Does Not Ma...
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TikTok CEO Shou Chew on Its Future — and What Makes Its Algorithm Different | Live at TED2023
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How to Master AI for Content Creation in 2024
How to Master AI for Content Creation in 2024
Think Media
How to Get Rich With GPTs in 2024 | Complete Beginner's Guide (OpenAI Custom GPTs)
How to Get Rich With GPTs in 2024 | Comple...
Liam Ottley
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