This Is What Spiritual Awakening Feels Like

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Spiritual Dive
This Is What Spiritual Awakening Feels Like --------------------------------------------------------...
Video Transcript:
have you ever noticed a constant voice in your head or an incessant stream of thoughts that never seems to stop perhaps you believe that this voice is who you really are but what if behind every thought there was something much greater something that is always present but rarely noticed most of us live immersed in this mental Whirlwind so used to its sound that we barely notice its presence but what happens when for a brief moment that noise dissolves what do you find in the silence that arises The Awakening of Consciousness begins precisely in that moment
of pause it's as if for a brief second you see reality through a window that was once covered a glimpse of something greater a connection that has always been there but that you may never have noticed this is the invitation that higher Consciousness offers us not to get lost in the Labyrinth of thoughts but to find our way back to the now it is in the present that true Consciousness reveals itself this Awakening is like rediscovering what has always been here if you take a moment to observe you may realize that beyond the thoughts there
is a Stillness a presence that is already within you just waiting to be noticed perhaps you have already experienced this without even realizing it a moment when time seemed to stop when everything around you faded into the background and you simply were these moments are not rare but they often go unnoticed so today you'll discover what Spiritual Awakening feels like and more importantly you will understand why the true key to Spiritual Awakening lies in the state of pure presence where you awaken your Consciousness and recognize that you can live beyond the constant stream of thoughts
as you begin to observe your own mind something subtly disconcerting can emerge the realization that thoughts seem to arise on their own like a voice that never shuts up this voice tireless and incessant often takes control of our perception of reality creating a continuous narrative about who we are what we do and how we see the world the main problem with this voice is not the fact that we think it but the way we deeply identify with these thoughts every time a thought arises it carries with it an identification a sense of self that surrounds
us and makes us believe that we are what we are thinking as a result without realizing it we start creating a false identity based on judgments memories and future projections this identity which we believe to be so real is actually constructed from the automatic flow of thoughts but do you really think or or are you being thought by your own thoughts this is the central question that leads us to an important point of reflection many times we believe we have control over what goes through our minds when in reality our thoughts arise almost automatically without
any conscious involvement the mind creates stories judges Compares preds and remembers and we simply follow that flow without questioning its origin or validity this state of being thought by your thoughts is an illusion that keeps us trapped in a fabricated reality it's like living in a dream where each thought shapes our perception and consequently our actions when we are in this state we lose connection with the now with the present moment we are Swept Away by a current of ideas that transports us to the past with its memories and regrets or to the future with
its anxieties and uncertainties this continuous cycle disconnects us from the true essence of what it means to be alive conscious and present however recognizing this constant flow of thoughts is the first step towards Awakening Consciousness when you realize there is a voice in your head something magical begins to happen this simple Act of observation creates a small distance between you and your thoughts suddenly you are no longer completely absorbed by the mental content and this opens up space for something new presence this active observation is the beginning of a transformative Journey because when you recognize
that your thoughts are not you but rather a manifestation of the mind you start to weaken the false identity those thoughts construct and over time this practice of conscious observation allows you to access a deeper level of perception where thought no longer dominates your experience but becomes just a component of it the voice in your head will still be there of course because thinking is a natural function of the human mind but now what changes is your relationship with that voice instead of being controlled by it you begin to notice that there is something Beyond
thoughts a Consciousness that observes that is present and it is at this point that true Awakening begins to Blossom leading you to a deeper understanding of who you really are but after we start observing our thoughts a fundamental question arises what is the difference between thinking and being truly conscious we often confuse the mere Act of being with the endless stream of thoughts that flows through our minds however these two states are radically different and understanding this difference is essential for the Awakening of Consciousness thought by its very nature is limited it is shaped by
our past experiences beliefs and conditioning when we are trapped in thought we become victims of a repetitive cycle where the same stories Replay in our minds over and over it's like living in a loop where thought directs our emotions actions and even how we perceive the world around us in this state we are ERS of our minds and the illusion of control over life Keeps Us trapped in a fabricated reality now contrast that with higher Consciousness higher Consciousness is not limited to what has happened or what might happen it's not about memories or expectations it
simply is when we are aware we are present we feel the moment deeply without the need to interpret label or judge thinking ceases and the space for a broader perception opens up in this state time seems to lose its hold on us and the true essence of life can be experienced directly imagine for example standing in front of a stunning landscape a sunset that paints the sky in shades of orange and red if you're stuck in your thoughts you may notice the beauty but your mind will quickly begin to interpret what a beautiful sunset I
would like to see this more often Maybe maybe I should come here more often these thoughts no matter how simple take you away from the direct experience instead of Simply experiencing the sunset you are mentally processing it and that layer of thought separates you from the depth of the moment now imagine the same situation but this time without thoughts you simply observe the sunset without naming it without judging it without wishing it were any different from what it is there is only presence in that Stillness the moment expands the feeling of being alive aware and
in harmony with what's in front of you becomes much more Vivid this is the state of full awareness a direct connection with reality without the interference of thought and awareness or presence is the higher Consciousness the arising new Consciousness this difference can also be perceived in human interactions think about what a like to look into the eyes of a small child before they develop the ability to speak or understand complex Concepts when you look at them there is a Clarity a purity in their gaze because there are no thoughts behind those eyes this is the
transformative power of higher Consciousness it frees us from the endless cycle of thoughts and reconnects us with what is most true and essential in life Consciousness unlike thought is not limited by time or the ego when we are trapped in thought we are constantly worried about who we are what we have done and what we will do the ego feeds on these stories creating a sense of separation between us and the world around us however in presence the ego dissolves there is no longer a need to control to be or to prove anything there is
only the moment and it is in the moment that we find true Freedom this Freedom comes from the ability to observe thoughts without identifying with them instead of being Carried Away by the flow of thoughts you become the Observer and it is this shift in perspective from being thought by thoughts to becoming the conscious Observer that radically transforms the way we live the Mind continues to function but it no longer dominates our experience we are able to appreciate the Pres present moment to feel life in its fullness without the limitations imposed by constant mental activity
this transition from a life dominated by thought to a life anchored in presence is the heart of Spiritual Awakening it is what allows us to experience life in a richer deeper and more meaningful way and by living this way we not only free ourselves from the suffering caused by constant thoughts but we also become become more open to what life really has to offer even as we become more aware of the constant flow of thoughts and how they shape our perception of the world an essential question arises how can we find a break from this
incessant cycle well the answer lies in something that many people Overlook but which is fundamental to The Awakening of Consciousness Inner Space Inner Space can be understood as a kind of internal spaciousness a state in which thoughts still exist but no longer dominate it's the silent gap between one thought in another where we find a deeper dimension of Consciousness this space is not an absence but a silent presence a vast and peaceful field that has always been within us waiting to be accessed one way to understand this concept is through the metaphor of the empty
cup used in Zen teaching ings in traditional teachings the Zen master suggests that for someone to be taught they must first empty their cup as a full cup cannot receive anything else this metaphor as powerful as it is is often misunderstood as the need to completely empty the mind but what's really being suggested here is the creation of space enough space for something new to arise imagine your mind as a cup overflowing with thoughts thoughts worries and judgments when your mind is full in this way there is no room for new perceptions for clarity or
for full awareness creating Inner Space means allowing this cup to empty a little so that something else can emerge and that something else is present the silent awareness that is beyond thought but how do we create this space how do we cultivate the ability to let go of thought's dominance and make room for something deeper the key lies in the practice of Stillness and silence in the fast pace of everyday life we rarely allow ourselves moments of true Stillness even when we are physically alone our minds continue to produce thoughts constantly that's why moments of
Silence whether through meditation contemplation or even a simple pause during the day are so important when we give ourselves these moments of Silence something remarkable begins to happen the thoughts start to slow down and The Sensation of thinking dissolves it's not that thoughts Disappear Completely but they lose their power instead of being Carried Away by them we observe them passing by and in this process an inner space opens up this space is not empty in the traditional sense but is full of possibilities a living presence that permeates everything everything cultivating Inner Space does not require
complicated practices or complex spiritual philosophies in fact it's quite the opposite the simpler the better one of the most direct ways to begin creating this space is simply by paying attention to your breath the breath is always with you always available as an anchor point in the present when you focus your attention on it even for just a few seconds you begin to slow the Rhythm of thoughts and open up that space another effective way to create Inner Space is through the conscious observation of your senses for example while walking instead of letting your mind
wander between worries and future thoughts direct your attention to what you're perceiving at that exact moment like the sound of your steps the wind against your skin or the colors around you these simple acts of conscious perception help shift your focus Focus from thought to the present creating a quiet interval in which Full awareness can emerge these moments of silence and attention don't need to be long or difficult to achieve even a brief pause during the busyness of the day can be enough to open up that space the true practice of Inner Space lies in
its continuity in the repetition of these moments over time gradually they begin to expand and integrate into into your daily life until the Inner Space becomes a natural part of your life experience as this space grows you begin to notice that it's the place from which true Clarity arises the answers you seek don't come from reasoning or mental analysis but emerge spontaneously from the Stillness life suddenly seems less chaotic less dominated by constant thoughts instead a sense of inner peace starts to prevail a Tranquility that does not depend on external circumstances but is always accessible
within you and this Inner Space is in fact the meeting point between silence and awareness it's what takes us from a thought dominated existence to a life of presence and Clarity it's what makes us live in harmony with the present moment allowing the mind to return to its role as a tool and not as a master Spiritual Awakening contrary to what many people imagine is not a grand and definitive event it rarely occurs as a single moment of Revelation where everything changes instantly Awakening is more like a series of small flashes moments of clarity and
presence that arise subtly over time these moments no matter how small they seem have the power to profoundly transform the way we perceive the world these flashes of Consciousness do not follow a predictable pattern or sequence they can arise unexpectedly during the most ordinary routine activities of the day perhaps you are walking down a familiar Street and suddenly you find yourself completely immersed in the experience of being present the sound of your footsteps the gentle breeze on your face the sunlight on the leaves of the trees for an instant you stop worrying about what happened
in the past past or what might happen in the future you simply are and in that moment a deep peace emerges even if only for a few seconds these moments of presence are often spontaneous and can be so subtle that we barely notice them a clear example of this is when we are in contact with nature imagine standing before a vast landscape a mountain the sea or even a peaceful Park suddenly something inside you quiets down the thoughts momentarily cease and you find yourself completely connected with what is around you the sound of the Waves
the wind in the trees or the simple Silence of nature creates a sense of peace and belonging this is a flash of Consciousness a moment when the Mind loses its dominance and the present becomes fully alive but these flashes are not limited to Nature they can occur anywhere anytime maybe you're interacting with a small child observing their curiosity and innocence looking into their eyes you realize there is no judgment no past or future in those eyes just the present moment and for a few seconds you connect with that Purity this is another example of a
flash of Consciousness a moment when the presence of the child leads you to experience the same Simplicity and Stillness of the now the most important thing about these flashes is that they don't need to be labeled as spiritual to have value one of the most common traps of Spiritual Awakening is the tendency to label and Define every experience this can be tricky because in doing so we run the risk of losing the spontaneity of these moments trying to fit them into pre-established categories or concepts a flash of Consciousness is above all a direct experience something
that transcends thought and the need for explanation it simply happens effortlessly and its Simplicity is what makes it so powerful these moments of presence are essential for our inner growth they may seem brief and insignificant but each one has the potential to bring us closer to a deeper and more lasting State of Consciousness it is through these small openings that we begin to understand that true peace does not not come from solving every problem or controlling all circumstances but from being fully present with whatever is happening right now and every time we experience this state
no matter how brief a seed of Consciousness is planted within us and over time these flashes of Consciousness start to become more frequent they stop being isolated moments and begin to integrate into our daily lives what was once a brief instant of Peace expands and the feeling of presence becomes more accessible this is the process of Awakening not a sudden and definitive change but a series of small steps small openings that lead us to a new way of being these moments don't need to be actively sought in fact the more we seek them the more
they seem to escape us the key to cultivating these flashes of Consciousness is simply being open being receptive to the present moment without expectations or judgments they arise naturally when we stop trying to control them and allow ourselves to just be and it is in this Simplicity that the true essence of Awakening lies a continuous gradual and deeply transformative experience the practice of bringing attention back to the present moment not only transforms the way we perceive the world but also changes our relationship with it being present is more than simply living in the Here and
Now superficially it's a radical shift in how we interact with our thoughts emotions and circumstances when we are fully present we begin to realize that most of the problems we face don't come from reality itself but from our mental interpretation of it this state of awareness by taking us away from The Continuous Flow of thoughts and judgments allows us to see things as they really are without the filters that thinking creates and this brings unexpected Clarity a new way of seeing life that was previously hidden behind mental noise the Practical effect of this presence is
immediate for example by being present in a stressful situation instead of reacting automatically to it we can observe our reaction and choose how to respond this does not mean that stress disappears completely but it loses some of its control over us awareness gives us space to breathe to observe without judgment and in doing so we free ourselves from the impulsive and automatic reaction that often makes the situation worse when we are trapped in constant thought our emotions are often Amplified by the mental narrative we build around them the mind can turn a small worry into
a major source of anxiety simply by projecting future scenarios or reliving past events but by bringing awareness to the present moment we interrupt this cycle the mind no longer has fuel to feed these worries and as a result we feel a peace that is not tied to anything in particular a peace that comes from the simple experience of being here now this inner peace is transformative not only personally but also in our relationships with others when we are present we become more attentive more open and less reactive our interactions are no longer governed by the
ego or automatic thought patterns instead we respond to each moment genuinely without bringing the weight of the past or the expectations of the future into the conversation this creates a new quality in relationships where communication becomes clearer more authentic and more empathetic the people around us notice this change even unconsciously and this alone can transform the dynamic of our connections in addition this state of openness is incredibly transformative because it takes us out of a fixed mindset and places us in a flow of adaptation acceptance and continuous Evolution as a result problems that once seemed
insurmountable begin to lose their power and we start to see solutions that we could not see before another practice practical benefit of living in a state of presence is the Improvement of mental and physical health science has already shown that the regular practice of mindfulness can reduce levels of cortisol the stress hormone and promote a greater sense of well-being by reducing the impact of worries and excessive thinking the body responds in a more balanced way also Sleep Quality digestion and even the immune system can benefit when our minds are less overwhelmed and more aligned with
the present moment the transformative power of awareness also extends to the way we relate to ourselves because when we live in the present we begin to let go of the fixed idea of a rigid identity what once seemed like me a construction of thoughts experiences and judgments begins to dissolve as we realize that we are much more than that awareness shows us that we are not our thoughts or our emotions we are the presence that observes all of this and this realization is freeing living this way brings a lightness to life it does not mean
that challenges will no longer exist but our relationship with them will change completely this change in perspective is what makes awareness so powerful and transformative it gives us the tools to live with more intention more clarity and above all more peace so as we reach the end of this video I'd like to leave you with a message the power of awareness lies in the Simplicity of its practice it's available at any time anywhere every time we bring our attention back to the now even for just a few seconds we are activating this power and it
is through this continuous practice that our relationship with the world with others and with ourselves begins to transform deeply thank you for embarking on this journey with me if this video resonated with you I invite you to like And subscribe to our Channel share this video with others so they can benefit from this message and don't forget to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts Reflections and experiences thanks again for watching and for joining me take care and see you soon
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