Rewire Your Brain Using the Bible | Mark Finley

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In this sermon, discover the transformative power of God's Word to renew your mind and change your l...
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we begin with a quiz and your quiz is this how many cells are in the human body how many cells are in the human body well according to 1,500 scarly papers now I have not read them all but I've read a summary of them according to 1500 scholarly papers now get this there are 36 trillion cells in the body now of that 36 trillion cells in the human body something is happening in your body today and it's this of that 36 trillion 330 billion cells in your body today renewed thems 330 billion cells are replaced
every day that's about 1% of all the cells in your body now you take the tiny little cells in the gut they renew themselves within one week our skin which is the largest or organ in the body renews itself every two to three weeks bone cells though take longer to renew themselves they renew themselves about every 10 years there are some parts of our brain that regenerate and grow new cells while other parts remain the same now here is something fascinating ating recent evidence indicates that our brain cells can are capable of regrowing and restoring
lost functions that means that your brain cells can rightly be transformed and renewed so that past thoughts of hate past thoughts of anger past thoughts of anxiety past thoughts of depression past sorts of guilt that have developed neurological brain Pathways can be so renewed that new brain cells grow and new Pathways in the brain are actually uh developed now this is in harmony with the biblical thought found in Romans chapter 12 so I'd like you to take your Bibles in turn to Romans the 12th chapter the scripture says in Romans 12:2 and do not be
conformed to this world let's read it together you ready to read either from your Bible or from the screen let's read and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God now I'm interested in this expression the renewing of your mind what does it mean to have the mind mind renewed and how can our minds be renewed now JB Phillips translation translates Romans 122 this way and I think he he really uh hits the
target he says don't let the world around you squeeze you into its mold but let God remake you so that your whole attitude of mind is changed thus you'll prove in practice that the will of God is good so I'm interested in two expressions the renewing of the mind and also this idea that the attitude of the mind the whole attitude of the mind can be changed and so that leads us to the question how does God remake our minds what's this transformation that Paul speaks about how does this renewal of the Mind take place
now many people have interpreted this verse as they've studied scripture as meaning that the Bible transforms the way we think that the Bible transforms our our thoughts while this is true new Research indicates that it's much much more than that studies have proven that doing something frequently like reading the Bible not only changes the way we think but get this it literally changes our brain brain cells are regenerated as we contemplate the lifechanging truths of God's word there are new neurop Pathways that are developed in the brain and our mind is transformed and made new
let me share with you some of this research done by Dr AI Kari and Dr lesie un ler from the National Institute of Mental Health they did a fascinating study asking subjects to perform a simple motor task like finger tapping exercise so they these subjects form this uh finger tapping exercise and they tapped and the doctors conducted an MRI to identify what part of the brain was being activated the subjects then practice this finger tapping exercise daily for four weeks so you get it so they have this MRI in the brain and the subjects are
tapping tapping tapping with their fingers for for a period of four weeks every day now at the end of the four-week period they did another brain scan of the MRI and this is what they discovered it revealed that the area of the brain involved in the task had expanded the simple task of finger tapping exercise literally recruited new brain cells and rewired the neural connections what does that indicate it indicates that if you do a task over and over again not only are old thoughts replaced but there are new brain cells that are created within
the brain new neural Pathways in the brain so when we read scripture something remarkable is happening in our brains the holy spirit is remaking our minds the holy spirit is renewing our thoughts the holy spirit is redirecting our mental processes we are recruiting new brain cells when you read the word of God you're recruiting new brain cells in the brain you are rewiring the neural Connections in the brain in a sense we are downloading a new operating system that is actually reconfiguring the mind when we read scripture we're developing new neurop Pathways in the brain
our brains are being rewired in alignment with the word of God and we develop the mind of Christ now the Apostle Paul urges us not to be conformed to this world but to be be transformed now the renewed or transformed mind has three distinct characteristics and I want to study those distinct characteristics with you this evening first the question becomes how do we have this transformed mind how do we have this renew mind H how can we accomplish this in our own lives in a very practical way first the mind is transformed as it contemplates
the character of God the Apostle Paul puts it this way as we seek God in prayer and as we contemplate his character and meditate upon his goodness our brains are being rewired there are new neurop Pathways in the brain see the brain functions by sending electrical impulses down the brain waves and those electrical impulses when they form two uh when they form a connection at the end of the gangle of the brain it's called a synapse and when we study the word of God In Prayer contemplating the character of God there are new electrical impulses
that form new brain path ways in those synapses so take your Bible and turn to Philippians 4:6 uh it says this be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will God your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus now notice says be anxious for nothing nothing the older translations if you have the old King James you'll say be careful for nothing in other words as you contemplate God's goodness in his word your life will not be
filled with care don't be have your life filled with care and anxiety in everything by prayer the scripture says this way in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be known to God the PE peace of God which passes all understanding there may be many things in our life that we cannot fully understand there are events in our life that we cannot comprehend but we do not have to have understanding to have peace the Bible says that the peace of God that passes understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus
now as we contemplate the character of God and as we seek him through prayer the Holy Spirit replaces anxiety with calm he replaces our fear with courage he replaces our worry with hope the peace of God now it's better translated the peace that comes from God the peace that has its origin in God that floods into our minds it surpasses our understanding now this peace that flows from a sense of God's AB body presence is grounded in God's love it's grounded in a faith in God and a personal knowledge of his love and his wisdom
notice that what the text says it says the peace of God so as in prayer we're contemplating the character of God God's remaking our brains God is reestablishing old brain patterns God is redirecting the thoughts of our brain and he is redoing the pathways of our brain what does our text say it says the peace of God will do what the peace of God will guard your hearts and Minds now it's an interesting picture the word for guard there in the original Greek language it'll be a sentinel and it's the picture of a sentinel guarding
a fortress so here God's peace is like a sentinel it's like a guard now this is incredibly good news as we contemp plate the character of God the peace that flows from God's heart stands watch over our minds it's the Sentinal that delivers our minds from crippling fear and devastating anxiety and and constant worry God's peace is like the Sentinel that patrols our hearts and Minds to guard the affections from thoughts of anxiety now when we pray it's important to remember three things we contemplate the character of God and it's important to remember three very
specific things first the love of God there may be confusing circumstances in our life there may be troubling circumstances in our life the mountain may be high the journey may be long at times we may feel engulfed with darkness in our life but here are three things to remember that transforms our thinking that builds new brain cells as we contemplate the character of God first the love of God God only desires the best for us he does not ever desire to harm us and all the circumstances of our life God is working through his holy
spirit for our good do you believe that in every circumstance of life as I contemplate the character of God this God whose very nature is love as I contemplate his character as these new Pathways of the brain are being developed as my brain is being transformed from anxiety and worry and fear to peace and calm and strength and courage as that is taking place the transformed mind is a mind that is consumed with God's love and has the Supreme recognition that God is working in every circumstance of life whether I understand it or not for
our good in his glory so the first thing when I pray and contemplate his character I think about his love the second thing is this that when I pray and focus on his character is I meditate upon his wisdom God knows what is best for us God know not only is a god of love who desires what is best but God is a god of wisdom who will accomplish what is best we don't always know what's best for us the transformed mind contemplating the character of God trust God in every circumstance of life we may
not always understand but we can always trust in the little devotional book our God cares on page 76 we have this insightful statement God never leads his children otherwise than they would choose to be led if they could see the end from the beginning and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with him the statement goes on all that has perplexed Us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain before we continue let's hesitate there have there been some things in your life that have
perplexed you some Confusing riddles that you don't have good answers for notice how our God car has puts it all that has perplexed Us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain the things hard to understand will then find explanation as we continue with that passage notice how the passage continues this way it says the mysteries of Grace will unfold before us where our finite Minds discovered only confusion and broken promises we'll see beautiful Harmony now notice the next one we shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that
seemed what most trying God not only loves us and knows what is best good but God is wise he's orchestrating in our lives in a way that is for his good and for our go for for our good and for his glory and as we contemplate this God and his love as we contemplate his wisdom there's one more thing to keep in mind and that is this one day in that land called heaven where time knows no end and love Reigns eternally our heavenly father will explain everything that's perplexed us all that's troubled Us in
the unexplainable circumstances of our Liv life you see A Renewed mind is one that rests in his love trusts in his wisdom and relies on his power the power of God can accomplish alone what his love desires and his WIS and his wisdom knows best see we serve a God that loves us and only wants our best good but we serve a god who's wise enough to orchestrate in our lives the things that we need to perfect our characters to accomplish his ultimate goal but we also serve a God that's not only wise not only
loving but a God that's all powerful who can transform these brains of ours so that we can think his thoughts after him the transformed mind is a mind that contemplates God's character rests in his love trusts in his wisdom and relies on his power now there's a second thing about the transformed mind it meditates on the word of God there's something about meditating upon the word that transforms the mental thinking processes I love the way the Apostle Peter puts it 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 22 and 23 notice how Peter talks about the brain 1
Peter chapter 1 verse 22 and 23 since you've purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit and sincere love of the Brethren love one another fervently with a Pure Heart having been born again not of corruptible seed but of Incorruptible through the word of God which lives and abides forever what does it mean to be born again to be born again is to have a transformed mind to be born again is to think the thoughts of God to be born again is not to be conformed in squeezed into the mold of this world
but it is rather to have changed your thinking and how is it that our thinking is changed how is it that our mind is transformed how is it that we have these new brain cells in this new synapse so that the brain is functioning in a different way the scripture tells us it says you purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit since in the love of God Brethren love one another fervently with a your heart having been born again not of corruptible seed but how are we born again through what everybody through
what through the word of God that lives and abides forever now we are transformed as the Holy Spirit impresses the principles of God's word on the deepest recesses of the mind so we develop new neurop Pathways in the brain cells so that not only is our mind filled with spiritual thoughts but our brains are rewired to think those thoughts recently I had a great example of this was leading a tour in Greece and we had come to Corinth and there at Corinth we had a wonderful young guide in her early 30s she was just so
incredibly um enthusiastic about showing us the sights of Corinth so as we were walking from one site to the next usually with the guides they deal with the his hisorical some of the archaeological and I deal with the biblical and the spiritual so we work together with our guides and uh as we were walking from one site to the next I looked over at her and I I don't know why I asked her this I have really never asked one of my guides this before but the Holy Spirit just impressed me she had a sparkle
in her eyes she had a smile on her face she was enthusiastic and so I looked at her and I said just let me ask you a quick question she said Ure Pastor go ahead I said do you have a Christian background are are you a Christian I don't know why I asked I didn't know why I asked then but now I do she looked at me and said Pastor Mark when I started guiding I was an atheist I had absolutely no faith at all I was an atheist but here I am an atheist guiding
at the sight of Corinth where Paul wrote these letters and I'm telling them all about the archaeology I'm telling them all about history but I didn't have anything to do with the Bible and I thought well you know what if I am guiding at Corinth at this a at this site maybe I should read the book of Corinth the letters to the Corinthians in the Bible so I started reading Corinthians and I started about reading about this Christ who changed the lives of the Corinthians they were adulterers and fornicators they were thieves and robbers they
were rebellious against God and I began reading about Jesus his grace his love his Mercy I read First Corinthians I read second Corinthians I read the passage that said If any man or woman is in Christ they are a new creation and as I read Corinthians my life was changed I was transformed by the word of God and during our tour she began to quote L large passages from the book of Corinthians and from the letters and she would quote and quote and quote by memory he a living example of a woman who is an
atheist but her brain was rewired her brain was transformed by The Living Word of God you know her experience is best described in 2 Corinthians chapter 5:1 17 take your Bible and turn to it please 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse1 17 I've seen this text in a new way recently and I want to share with you some deeper insights into this passage of scripture often there are passage of of scripture that we read and we read them again and again and again we turn them over in our mind we contemplate them we meditate upon them
we think we understand them but then God speaks to us through his holy spirit there are new insights in the word 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse1 17 therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the Old King James says a new creature new creation is much better translation old things have passed away behold all things have become new now I want you to notice the expression a new creation as we contemplate God's character meditate upon God's word as the Holy Spirit creates new Pathways in our brain our inclinations our desires and our
longings change the all powerful God of creation transforms our mind and this exactly what the Bible means we become the new creation the god that spoke worlds into existence the god that hung worlds in Space the god that spoke galaxies into being by the breath of his mouth by his very word transforms our minds I want you to think about this he's the all powerful God he spoke and worlds came into existence he he spoke and sun moon and stars appeared he spoke and the Earth was carpeted with living green he spoke and flowers blossomed
in trees gave forth their fruit in Lush Splendor God spoke animals appeared this all powerful God of creation what does our text say If any man any woman is in Christ he is a new creation why is he a new creation because through the word of God the holy spirit that spoke worlds into ex that gave Christ the power as he spoke worlds into existence the very spirit that moved and words and worlds came into existence that very very Spirit Works in our hearts Works in our minds transforms us as we read the word of
God there's an amazing statement in the book education page 12 education page 126 don't miss this one the Creative Energy read it together with me please education 126 reading from the screen the Creative Energy that called the world's into existence is in the word of God stop there where is the Creative Energy that called worlds into existence where do we find that today where do we find it today everybody in the word of God now that's awesome think of just think of it let your mind grasp that how much power did it take for God
to say let the sun appear what power that must have taken to create the sun 93 million miles from Earth that orb that warms the Earth the Creative Energy that calls world into existence is in the word of God this word imparts power it begets life every Comm land is a promise accepted by the will received into the soul it brings with it the life of the infinite one it transforms the nature now this next word is interesting and recreates the soul in the image of God we understand the soul to mean the essence of
life in the individual found in the mind so what is the soul it's the essence of life and where is that essence of life in the brain so what's taking place as I read scripture it is that not only is my mind being filled with positive thoughts but my brain itself is being changed what is it that transforms our nature what is it that renews our mind what is it that changes the Carn of our thought patterns it is the Creative Energy of God's word imparted by the holy spirit that changes us now merely reading
the word in some halfhazard quick way to fulfill some obligation isn't going to do very much at all but when we desire to know God when we thoughtfully contemplate on God's grace and goodness and mercy and the P the and his power our minds are renewed reading the Bible is not some magic bullet to accomplish instant transformation the renewing of the mind is a process it takes time but as we daily contemplate God's word as we daily meditate upon God's word as we prayerfully come to God's word our minds are changed you see the human
mind will always focus on something it's a law of life that if we think about something long enough if we think about something often enough our thoughts will become in a Groove and will not be able to stop thinking about it have you ever noticed that something that troubles you really troubles you something that upsets you you keep thinking about it and thinking about it you go over it you're almost obsessed about it well the opposite of that is true the opposite of that is true if you fill your mind with the positive thoughts of
God's word a a Groove will be established in the brain and a pathway will be established in the brain so that those positive thoughts will come naturally flowing into the brain as just like the flower naturally turns to the sun those things will dominate our thinking they'll consume our thoughts our thoughts will naturally turn to those things in fact the Apostle Paul tells us how to get rid of the negative thoughts in our mind how do you get rid of thoughts of depression how do you get rid of thoughts of anxiety how do you get
rid of thoughts of worry and fear fear how do you get thoughts get rid of thoughts of inferiority how do you get rid of thoughts of of all those that that negativity the Bible tells us you don't get rid of the thoughts by simply saying I want to get rid of these thoughts I don't want to think these thoughts anymore Romans chap 12 verse 21 Romans 1221 how do you get rid of the negative thoughts that often flood into our minds Romans chap 12 verse 21 and the scripture says this do not be overcome by
evil but overcome evil with good so you do not overcome negative thoughts by saying I want to have those negative thoughts out of my mind you overcome negative thoughts by filling your mind with something else by filling your mind with the word of God by filling your mind with Pro positive thoughts by saturating your mind with that which which is pure Noble good honest upright you see our lives are governed by immutable laws now for example take the law of gravity if I step off this platform and jump how many of you think I'm going
to go up you know I'm not going up girl these girls have faith in me they say Pastor is going up he's going to be translated right now girls oh oh I'm not going up I'm going down on those old knees I just want to prove that you see see why am I going down why am I going down there's a law what's that law called everybody gravity does that law work in Africa does that La work in South America does that law work in Europe does that law so there are immutable laws okay I'll
give you another one let's suppose here's a person that smoke that's a smoker that eats a high fat diet and the only exercise they have is pressing the remote on the TV are they on their Pathway to Good Health what are they on their Pathway to probably a heart attack right why because there are laws of anatomy and physiology now follow me closely just as there are laws of anatomy and physiology there are laws of the human mind and if you understand those laws of the human mind you can have a transformed thinking process there
are immutable unchangeable laws of the human mind look at this statement from a wonderful book called The Great controversy page 555 read it together with me again it is a what it is a it is a what a law are there laws of gravity are there laws of anatomy and physiology are there laws of the mind so it is a what law of both the int ual and spiritual nature now wait a minute not only the spiritual nature but what the intellectual nature that has to do with our thought processes it's a law both of
the intellectual and spiritual nature that by beholding we become changed the Mind next word is important it's not going to happen for you all at once the Mind gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it's allowed to dwell it becomes assimilated to that which is accustomed to it is accustomed to love in reverence man will never rise higher than his standard of Purity or goodness of Truth so there are natural laws in the universe and there are laws of the human mind and if you want to change your thought patterns it's not simply saying
I don't want to think these negative thoughts because you can think that you don't want to think the negative thoughts and you'll think the negative thoughts even when you think you don't want to think the negative thoughts and that's true you see it's not simply my willpower that I don't want to think negative thoughts it's that I got to build new brain Pathways and I build those new brain Pathways and those new synapses in the brain and I build those by filling my mind with that which is positive Noble true and upright in the very
word of God it's a gow the mind that we submit our minds to Christ in prayerfully meditating upon his character and saturate our Minds with his word our thought patterns will be transformed we're transformed by these two things contemplating God's character that he's a god of love that he only desires the best for us that he's wise enough to to guide our lives and he's powerful enough to enable us to cope with whatever we have to cope with so our thought patterns are changed as we contemplate God's character secondly our thought patterns are changed as
we meditate upon God's word now there's a third way that our thought patterns are changed and it's this way our thought patterns are changed as we unselfishly enter into the work of God now we used to think in psychology that if you want to get a person to act a certain way you get them to think a certain way and if you look at the old Psy pschological charts you'll see it this way thoughts there'll be a straight line and an arrow lead to action we know today from the study of the human brain that
that's only partially true we know that the that the issue is circular not linear in circular thoughts lead to actions but actions lead to thoughts so our physical actions impact the brain and what we do impacts how we think a transformed mind focuses on service not selfishness the renewed mind is one that turns self-centeredness to being other people focused it turns a life of self-inflated importance to a life of selfless service it's more interested in doing God's will than seeking its own desires see when we serve others when we reach out un selfishly to serve
others something happens in our brains and what takes place is we develop those new Pathways in service and that produces an inner satisfaction and an inner happiness you remember when James and John came to the kingdom of of of Christ came to Jesus and they said we want to be first in your kingdom they thought that first place in the Kingdom would bring them happiness and Jesus said to them look I gotta Jesus said I got to change their brains' I got to change the way they think I got to change the process of thought
that's going on in the mind and so what does Jesus say Matthew chapter 20 verse 26-28 Matthew 20 verse 26-28 Jesus says yet it shall not be so among you in other words you're not going to live the life of self selfishness and thinking of be happy yet it shall not be so among you but whoever desires to become great among you let him be your servant and whoever desires to be first among you let him be your slave just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and give
his life a ransom for many if you want to rebuild brain cells contemplate the character of God if you want to rebuild brain cells meditate on the word of God if you want to rebuild brain cells engage in the work of God in selfless service the law of the new kingdom is the law of service we are trans form Med as we contemplate the character of God as we meditate on the word of God but we're transformed as we engage in the work of God as we bless we are blessed as we serve others we
are served by Christ new brain Pathways develop as we discover the joy of service now there's an interesting study that was done recently and some of these studies are so incredibly simple so what the researchers did is took a handful of quarters and they went down on the street by parking meters and uh they took this handful of quarters and they uh saw people walking down the street and they looked for parking meters where the time was almost going to run out on the parking meters and they said okay I'm gonna give this man a
quarter and uh I'm going to give him more than one I'm going to give him a few quarters and they said to these people they did it with many many people and uh they said okay go put this quarter in a parking meter the people that walked over to their own car and saw hey I got 10 minutes left but wait a minute this car ran out and it's a violation over here I better put the quarter here they studied the mental processes of the people that put quarters in somebody else's car rather than their
own and this what discovered the researchers found that when you put quarters in somebody else's car you are happier than if you put quarters in your own car isn't that interesting see what we do dramatically impacts our brain so when we unselfishly serve we're building new brain Pathways we're building new neurot transmitter systems in the human brain God God's love is the motivating power for all of this throughout the New Testament there are seven good newses of God's love and when you meditate upon God's love you contemplate his character when you fill your mind with
God's word when you engage in service your whole life is transformed let's look at these seven quickly of God's love this the good news the incredible good news the first good news is the New Covenant you want to write these seven news down this is the seven good news of the New Testament okay first God's love initiated the New Covenant finding fault with them he says behold the days are coming says the Lord when I'll make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Jacob not according to the Covenant that I
made with their fathers the day when I took them by my hand out of the land of Egypt because they did not continue in my Covenant I disregard it what is the New Covenant the New Covenant is the good news of God's grace the good news of God's love the good news of God's mercy the good news of God's forgiveness so when I meditate on the good news of the New Covenant my life has changed the second new is the good news of the new nature Colossians 3: 10 the good news of the new nature
and have put on a new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him so here is the the new man the new woman and we are renewed in knowledge by the word of God so here is the second new that is the new person that's renewed in knowledge third new we studied this it's God's love makes us a new creation the seven news in the New Testament here is the new creation there therefore if anyone is in Christ he's a new creation why because creation takes place over again
in his brain the new creation the fourth new is the newness of life we have a new perspective a new Direction according to Romans chapter 6 in our life it is the newness of life therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father we should walk we should walk in newness of life so through the love of God the wisdom of God the power of God we have a new life what is it that transforms our brains it is that
we live in the New Covenant not condemned live with grace and mercy it's that we have a new nature in Christ and we know that it is that we are a new creation in Christ he's made us over we live a new life in Christ fifth area God's love gives us a new name I love that song I've Got a Name written there's a name written down in glory and it is mine Revelation 2 verse1 17 notice what the text says it says let him who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says
to the churches to him who overcomes I'll give some of the Hidden manner to eat and I'll give him a white stone you're going to get a white stone in heaven a white stone God's going to give you that white stone what is that white stone it's a special symbol of his love for you and on the White St a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it do you want new brain Pathways a transform mine contemplate the day that Jesus Christ comes to you in heaven and he gives you that
white stone somebody says Pastor Mark do you believe that it's in the Bible I believe it I don't fully understand it but I believe it I'm gonna have a new name written new name on that white stone God's love gives us a new covenant it gives us a new nature it gives us a new creation it gives us newness of life it gives us a new name and it puts a new song in our hearts Revelation 15: 3 and four it's God's love that puts a new song in our hearts notice what the scripture says
this is the experience of the redeemed they sing the song of Moses the servant of God the song of the lamb saying great and marvelous are your works oh Lord God Almighty when we come to Jesus in heaven he puts a new song in our lips a new spring in our step a new smile in our eyes he puts a new song in our hearts we have a new identity in Christ and lastly it's God love that provides for us a new Heaven and a new Earth when darkness when the darkness of negative thoughts enters
into your mind think about the fact that you're a child of the New Covenant you've been forgiven by God in Christ the guilt is gone think about the reality of the fact that in Christ you have a new nature you may not want to be you may not be everything you want to be but you're not what you used to be you have a new creation Christ is creating in you every day new brain cells he's developing new Pathways in your mind he's drawing you every day closer to him think about the new life that
he's currently giving you think about the new name that he's going to have for you think about the day that you'll stand on the sea of glass and sing the new song and lastly think about the new Heaven and a new Earth because the scripture says in Revelation chapter 21 and I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away and also there was no more sea then I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God prepared as a bride
adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from Heaven saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God God will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying there shall be no more pain for the former things are passed away what is it that rebuilds our brains what is it that changes these old Minds into new ones it's contemplating the character of God
filling our minds with his love and goodness it's meditating upon the word of God saturating our brains with his word word it is engaging in the work of God and it's recognizing that through his power we we are subject to the New Covenant that through his power we have a new nature through his power we are a new creation through his power we have newness of life through his power one day we'll have a new name through his power he'll put a new song in our life and through his power there'll be a new Heaven
and a new Earth Earth if you want to change the current of your thoughts change your focus let the Holy Spirit remake your mind as you contemplate the character of God meditate upon his word and engage in his work the process may seem slow the task may seem tedious but here is your promise Jesus is the the author and finisher of your faith he has begun a good work in you and he will finish it to the glory of his name let him transform your mind let him renew your thoughts let him remake your brain
cells let him give you new neurop Pathways so that you think the thoughts of god let's pray oh my father the subject tonight is almost overwhelming we've often known that when we fill our minds with the goodness of God contemplate his character meditate upon his word and engage in his work we often have known that positive thoughts flow into our minds but the almost overwhelming thought is that the very cells of our brain those very neurotransmitters of the brain they can be changed and Lord help us not fill our minds with the smut the filth
the garbage of this world help us not develop Pathways of selfishness and greed take away the pathways of anxiety and fear and worry may we be Children of the New Covenant rejoicing in your love grasping your promises and living the new nature and the power of Christ Lord perform that work in Us by your Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus name amen
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How to Renew Your Mind and Live with Hope for Every Situation - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church
How to Renew Your Mind and Live with Hope ...
Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)
Change Your Mind & Life • Transformed • Ep. 11
Change Your Mind & Life • Transformed • Ep...
Pastor Rick
Is God Speaking to You? | Mark Finley (SDA Sermon)
Is God Speaking to You? | Mark Finley (SDA...
How to Know Gods Will for Your Life by Mark Finley
How to Know Gods Will for Your Life by Mar...
Otsego SDA
How to Trust God in Life’s Toughest Moments | Mark Finley
How to Trust God in Life’s Toughest Moment...
7 Bible Promises to Turn Your Life Around | 3ABN Summer Camp Meeting 2022
7 Bible Promises to Turn Your Life Around ...
Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
The True Power of Words by Mark Finley
The True Power of Words by Mark Finley
Otsego SDA
The Glory of Gratitude - Doug Batchelor
The Glory of Gratitude - Doug Batchelor
Amazing Facts Oceania
Who’s Accountable For The LA Wildfires? | The Way I Heard it with Mike Rowe
Who’s Accountable For The LA Wildfires? | ...
Mike Rowe
Sabbath School with Mark Finley | Lesson 3 — Q1 – 2025
Sabbath School with Mark Finley | Lesson 3...
Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind!
Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind!
Benny Hinn
"Seven Steps to Stronger Faith" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
"Seven Steps to Stronger Faith" with Doug ...
Doug Batchelor
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