[Music] thanks for making arrangements and having me on the show i really appreciate that i never know really quite where to start but most people want to know well how did you come up with this and um i grew up on a ranch environment in montana and we raised cattle and when i was very young i was i was a cowboy and that's a boy who sits on a horse it's not the romantic cowboy that you see in western movies but anyhow when i was young i was taught to babysit a herd of cows and
um what you're looking for is is a cow in the pasture if there's any cow that isn't looking proper i mean he's not active or he or her not acting the same as the rest of the herd meaning they have glassy eyes or they're balling or there's something wrong then we would take them out of the pasture put them in a holding pen and then first thing we would do is ride out the pasture and make sure there's no noxious weeds make sure the water is okay go upstream make sure there's not a dead animal
upstream but anyhow the concept that i was taught very young is if you keep the pasture clean and pristine then the animals will have health and if you if the cow if they have if the animals are healthy then you can make a living otherwise if the animals get sick and they have to call a doctor or the veterinarians then you have to toss the keys up in the air to call the banker toss the keys up in the air and say hey you guys own this we're out of here because there's no way you
can make any money if the animals get sick so the reason i bring that up is because i've always had this prevention bent um if there's something wrong then what's causing it not what do i take to make me feel better it's something in the pasture is not right so anyhow i spent many years in that environment and then when i left i grew i i was enamored by the cable television industry back in the early 60s and in the town i lived in we had one or two tv stations and with the advent of
cable television we could bring in television signals from adjacent towns or eventually we could get them off satellite and so on so that really appealed to me because all of a sudden the world was bigger than uh buildings montana the town that i grew up in and i could see you know how people were in la the news in la or atlanta or sporting events around the world and then then eventually with cnn the world became very very small we all could see each other and communicate and interact so that was i was just totally
enamored with that and i love the concept of of uh television and you know it's a it's a double-edged sword you know it has all the benefits and all these opportunities but there's also you know the other side of it which sometimes the influence is a little not what you want but anyhow the i spent about 30 years in that industry and in that industry you have to what they call ground all of the electrical equipment you have to and i'm sure it's that way in india too and then before you go into a house
you have to have a ground rod driven in the hound in the ground where they connect the cable to it and then run it into the house and connect it to the tv the reason for the ground rod is when you have cable tv lines in the air then the wind blows and it'll create static charges on them and so there's electrical charge or there can be lightning in the air and that lightning will travel on those miles of wire in the air and if you don't ground it then it could go into the house
and blow up a tv set more more more concerning is it can cause a fire uh that's the number one reason that your ground is to improve is to maintain the electrical stability of the system and to keep everything safe and to prevent fire and in the early days most of the big fires were caused from electrical events so and lightning will start fires and so on so it's so anyhow that was the the concept behind all of it but in 1950 or 19 losing my thoughts here in 1984 i think i was 50 years
old let's put it that way i ended up with a uh infection from an an abscess from a dental root canal and it ended up in my liver and it created a um you know problem in my liver and abscess in my liver and anyhow i didn't was going to the doctor for a few months and finally they couldn't figure out what it was because it was they thought it was hepatitis b but they didn't register that way but anyhow i got very sick one one evening and they took me to the uh emergency room
and they put me in a cat scan and they saw that i had an abscess in my liver and so they drained the liver that right while i was in the cat scan actually and so the next morning a doctor comes in he says well we've got some good news and some bad news the good news is that we've found out what is going on with you and they said you have an abscess and he said and they asked me if i had been bit and i said no they asked if i had any dental
work i said yes i had a root canal and they said well some bacteria from your mouth in that area has gotten into your system and it settled in your liver and your health wasn't good enough at the time to fight it off or and so anyhow it ended up destroying most of my liver and so that was i mean the good news was that they found out what was the bad news was that they didn't know if i could survive it because so much of my liver had been damaged and um so they told
me i needed to go home get my house in order in case you know prepare for because i was young enough to get a new liver but they're just not a lot of delivers on the market so anyhow a couple days later i would i did go home after a few days and i was at home and they would send a nurse out every day to had ivs and all kinds of antibiotics and so on and anyhow a young surgeon called and he said they'd like to do some experimental surgery so i said i don't
have anything i don't have anything to lose so anyhow they went in and they cut out i think it was 5 6 of the main lobe of my liver and then i survived i came out of it and but there was no guarantees at the time but anyway so a few weeks later i ended up back home and it took me about a month to be able to really walk you know around the around the block around the house and about six months my liver had fully recovered and fully grown back to its original size
and so it's remarkable that the body is capable of doing that and but anyhow so that's kind of what took me out of the business world out of the cable out of everything because i almost died and when you go through that i could tell all kinds of stories that went on with it and it's very personal but during my recovery i was laying in bed one morning and i was looking around my house in my bedroom i had i love a heart and i've collected a lot of art and and i had a nice
big home i was very successful and all that kind of stuff but but i was looking around the room and i realized that i almost died and if i would have died then what would have happened to all these possessions all these things that i spent my life collecting and i recognized for the first time that i didn't own any of this stuff it all owned me because i brought it into my home i had to build a bigger home i had to have more stuff but i was taking care of stuff my life was
about stuff and so i did just with this i just this epiphany came through and i called my children and i said you could please come and get whatever you would have taken had i died and i said and uh because but i gave away absolutely everything i owned except two two suitcases uh of clothing and things that i could put in an rv and i spent four years driving around the united states a national park the national park uh just spending time in nature because that's where i felt best but the main thing is
i didn't want to go back to work uh in the business world i didn't want to go back to you know work chasing money i wanted to i remember saying to my when you when you come close to death it's a very personal thing and it's just you there's no one else there and so you kind of look back on your life who am i who was i what did i do was i you know was my life worthwhile and that's kind of what came to me and then so i i had this thing in
me that i wanted to make my life about something bigger and better and not about money i wanted to make money so when i die next time i can be happy with myself not with anybody else don't care what anybody else in the world thinks but i could be happy with myself and so that was my um journey and so i spent four years driving around the united states in these parks and then i was parked down at key largo down in florida a town and one night i mean every night i would go out
and i would it was on the gulf of mexico so i would go out at night and watch the manatee or watch the sunset across the bay and but you're really in nature i mean there's you know it's just pure nature down there and so one night i was standing there and i had this feeling come over me was you know to become an opposite charge didn't know what it meant to become an opposite charge to me would be to go poke people and stir them up and get them to do something and then so
i went in the bus or in the rv that night and i wrote that down and then i also had this feeling come over me like status quo is the enemy made no sense but i wrote it down i still have the paper uh 20 years 23 years later so anyhow the um i just had this urge come over me it was like all of a sudden i went back outdoors and i was just looking at the bay and i had this urge that nature or some you know something bigger than me was talking to
me and i felt this urge that i had to go back to the west where i was from california and montana that area and i didn't know what it was so i got on my bus a few days later and i drove back to california didn't like it there went to arizona ended up in a little town called sedona arizona which is kind of a tourist town now but but anyhow i um didn't know what i wanted to do i just knew i had to go back and do something because spending time is nature is
fun playing with the campers at night is fun but i had to go and do something so i i was working spending time in sedona arizona and in order to i hate to drag the sound like this but it's kind of how this all came about and it i think it'll make sense but anyhow i spent a little bit of time helping some art galleries there light their art because i had a lot of knowledge about art and lighting and it was just a hobby and it was service free service to just to entertain myself
but anyhow one day i had a computer that i was trying to order some equipment on started to crash and i realized that that there was static electricity so i had to every time i would touch the computer it would glitch and go and it was shut down so i'd have to restart it and it was really getting to be a pain so what i went on i got a piece of copper tape put it across my desk connected it to a ground electrical ground outlet and then i would touch the tape before i touch
my computer to solve the problem and so that got my mind thinking and so right after that i went outdoors sat on a bench and up pulls a big tour bus and it was full of tourists from i think i believe they were from japan but anyhow they were they were all wearing kind of a white bright white nike type tennis shoe and for some reason intuitively something came to me i just said i wonder if there's a consequence that us humans are no longer naturally grounded when i was a kid we were barefoot all
the time the only time we wore shoes was to go to church go to school go to some event and as soon as we were home we would lose the shoes we were pretty much barefoot and um i didn't know what to do next but i just wanted to answer that question so i went i went home that night and i took some electric meter out of my tools and i went around and i started measuring uh the difference the electrical potential in my body versus the electrical potential of the earth which is something i
know something about because of all my years in grounding and hardly anybody else would even know what i'm talking about um so anyhow but that night i would go through the house that i would see that you do create a lot of static electricity on your body when you walk around if there's carpets if you have shoes on and carpets and so on and then you have all these emfs or electromagnetic fields that are radiating from the wires in the walls and plugs and appliances and those but you know you can take a volt meter
grounded to the earth and walk around the house and measure put your just hold it in your thumb and you can read the meter and read the charges the voltages that are on your body and then when you ground obviously they go away so you put your feet on the earth or on the ground then they're gone so this really intrigued me so that night i went to the hardware store and got a three inch roll of metal duct tape aluminum type laid it across my bed connected it to a wire that went out the
window connected it to a ground rod and then i would lay on the on the uh tape and then i would take the meter and test and make sure that i was grounded because as long as i was grounded the meter would read zero if i was ungrounded then i would have all this extraneous voltage on my body and so i thought i didn't know what to do about it but anyhow while i was testing it all of a sudden i fell asleep the next morning i woke up and the meter was by my side
and i said wow there's something going on here because normally i don't sleep at that time i was in my 50s and around 54 and i'm now 77 going on 78 real quick but anyhow um i noticed that i slept better and i grounded myself for a couple more nights same thing then i grounded one of my friends in the neighborhood who would sit and sit around and talk to each other quite a bit and i said you know you need to try this so i went and put it on his bed a couple three
days later he came back he says do you think this could be affecting my arthritis i said no i think it just helps with sleep and then he said that his arthritis was way down and i recognized that my pain was way down the because i grew up a cowboy i've spent a lot of my life skiing riding horses doing a lot of dumb things tennis whatever but i had a lot of injuries and um you know 50 years old the most men are you know they've run up against the wall so many times they've
got aches and pains and bruises everywhere but anyhow um i um didn't know what to do with that so i it back then we didn't have much of an internet we had mostly uh we had aol and telephone lines and and so i went on the internet trying to find out how why grounding affects the body there was nothing in the literature i went down to university of arizona in tucson and some friends there there were medical type i said you know can you explain it is there any information on this anywhere and nobody could
refine anything that would uh suggest that grounding the body would affect the body in any way let alone pain and so anyhow i struggled for a period of time trying to find out and then finally i would say well i think i'll just go out to ucla in cali and california they'll know because it's a big university a big medical university and so anyhow i went there and they listened to me and i said you know i want to do a study on this or something you know because people need to know about this this
is important and they pretty much laughed me off campus they said you're crazy if you expect us to believe that somebody's going to tie a wire around somebody's toe stick it in the ground and they're going to sleep better they said get out of here you're nuts but anyhow we joked around after that and they didn't really understand anything about the electrical aspects of the body and at that time i knew very little about the biological effects so anyhow i shortly after that i went to ventura california and i designed a study with the help
of a couple of the students from ucla and we grounded we had a study where we had 60 subjects 30 of them were grounded 30 of them weren't and we verified that grounding the body at night you slept better it reduced pain you felt better and then we also got lots of reports back about especially from women tmj menstrual cramps disappearing all kinds of just a plethora of different things and i remember one person said well this can't be a cure-all and i said i don't think it's a cure-all but it may be a causal
meaning that we are no longer naturally grounded and then all of these health disorders are beginning to manifest so anyhow i did publish that study uh and it was a more of an anecdotal study then i ended up doing a study with a doctor in san diego where we measured cortisol cortisol secretion that's your stress stress hormone and so what we found was before grounding everybody's cortisol was you know like spaghetti we you know they were they're all over the place uh and and so we grounded everybody and six to eight weeks later we when
we re well we measured cortisol every four hours for 24 hours before ever and 24 every four hours 24 hours after the cortisol normalized into a nice rhythmic band afterwards and before it was all like spaghetti and so what we were handed what we recognized more than anything was at four o'clock in the morning cortisol begins to spike when you're grounded it does anyway but it's but it's it's really elevated and that's what allows you to get out of bed in the morning and have good energy when you get up and anyhow so and we
saw very clearly that grounding had something to do with normalizing uh hormone secretions and then we were going to expand that study but everybody got excited and said well let's go study this let's go study that so over a period of 20 years now we have produced almost 30 papers most of them are peer-reviewed published studies that collectively demonstrate that when you are grounded it reduces inflammation and pain and most people aren't aware and i wasn't aware at the time that if you have pain you have inflammation cannot have pain without having inflammation so if
there's any inflammation in your joints or anywhere in your body then it'll manifest as pain so pain is the message to the brain that hey i'm on fire get me out of here so but anyhow the big problem was back then we learned that grounding reduced the pain but we didn't know anything about inflammation nobody did 20 years ago the word inflammation was not even in the literature so about 204 there was a cover on mega uh time magazine was the word inflammation that showed a body and it showed the body on fire and it
said in summary it said basically you don't have all of these health disorders that we name you don't have arthritis lupus cancer so on what you have is chronic inflammation low-grade chronic inflammation and this inflammation manifests differently in different people based on their lifestyle and their genetics based on you know their their health habits their food their theirs but anyhow the inflammation is the is the fire starter that that promotes all of these modern health disorders the problem at that time was is we did not know how grounding affected inflammation so we spent the next
five or six years and it's hard to believe that it takes that long but when you realize that there's been less than 20 years that anybody knew you knew the word inflammation so but anyhow we started looking at how could electrons i mean when you touch the earth your body i mean the earth has a an abundance or a i don't i'm challenged sometimes to explain it but it's like the ocean when you get in the ocean you get wet all over your body okay well when you touch the earth barefoot then the electrical energy
of the earth is absorbed into your body all over your body throughout your body and you actually radiate an electric field the earth's electric field when you are standing barefoot on the earth soon as you put shoes on it's gone we understood that but we didn't understand how grounding affected inflammation until one day i was working on a study and we were talking about how pain is caused by neutrophils neutrophils are white blood cell that the immune system sends to site of an injury or if you have a pathogen in your body and it will
go over and wrap itself around the pathogen or the damaged cell and it will start ripping the electrons away from it and destroy it that's how the body destroys pathogen it is how it destroys bacteria and so anyhow in the process if you have an excess of reactive oxygen i mean these the neutrophil wraps itself around releases this reactive oxygen that rips the electron so if you once the pathogen has been destroyed if you don't have enough free electrons or redox potential or ground to reduce those excess radicals then they will attack an adjacent cell
steal an electron from it and it will send out a message to the immune system the immune system sends another neutrophil and and so you have a chain reaction and then this eventually is its collateral damage and it's continuous so it's like a log on fire it's like starting a fire and the fire is burning and uh beyond the only thing that we could make sense of is as soon as we grounded the body then that process stopped and um so then we knew that it was the excess radicals from the neutrophils that were causing
the inflammation and eventually the pain or the problem the health disorder and then we recognize that when the body is grounded it's flooded with free electron and then if you have free electrons in your body then they automatically instantly neutralize these excess radicals and that prevents inflammation so with my background of grounding to prevent fire inflammation is fire in flame body is in flame it is on fire literally even though it's a very low smoldering fire it's it's still a fire so i kind of um recognized that okay we're just grounding the body and then
i started to look back in time and i realized that before 1960 um we were all barefoot i mean you know we we lived outdoors we didn't any you know television came along in the 50s and people started spending more time indoors uh of course and then late nineteen we started wearing tennis shoes the kids type tennis shoes and then in 1959 they invented polymers that's only 60 years ago we invented plastic 60-some years ago and since then the number one thing we did with plastics is we put them on the soles of our shoes
we put carpets in our home we put plastic flooring in our homes and we live in a plasticized world i don't know it's different in different countries in different cities and environments but basically we have insulated ourselves from the earth over a period of 60 years completely and if you go back to 1960 you can see that diabetes autism lupus ms cancer all of these there were like you know one in ten thousand and today they're 1 in 40 or 1 in 50. so anyhow you have an exponential curve that's the increase in autoimmune disease
is skyrocketing and it still is to this day and so what we have learned and all of our work in all of our studies is we take the shoes off or we ground people in their home then it puts the fire of inflammation out and then the immune system is not spending its energy fighting the fire of inflammation that it is creating because it's ungrounded now the immune system can go back to work and do the things that it normally does which is return the body to normal every day i mean we the body is
a self-healing mechanism i mean it is your immune system that keeps your immune system is who you are you take care of your immune system you're going to have health if you don't have health i don't care who it is if you do not have health then something you're doing is interfering with your immune system's ability to maintain health and that can be food it can be environment it can be a lot of things but we know primarily inflammation you cannot have inflammation if you're standing barefoot on the earth that's why we ground everything in
the world to the earth and so i could go on for hours and talk about each and every one of the studies and and so on but what i would rather do is if you can help me understand or what do you want to know about grounding that i can share with you i think you mentioned something about an electrical field around the body was it measured i sorry i missed that part and i'm very curious to understand is that sort of photographed or what what was it well you can measure electric fields so if
if you're insulated from the earth if you're wearing shoes or standing on a floor that's not grounded then the electric fields and everything in your home uh and the environment you know of the environment just the the atmosphere is positive so your body becomes positive more positive relative to the earth and and when you stand on the earth then your earth then i mean the earth is infinitely large and you're infinitely small relatively speaking so when you put your feet on the earth then your body becomes one and the same as the earth and then
the earth has a an abundance of free electrons a sea of electrons i mean there's a layer of electrons that are migrating all around the earth everywhere it's it's everywhere at all times so when you stand on the earth then your body becomes grounded and charged with those free electrons that energy earth's energy and then like the earth itself you actually radiate this energy this is demonstratable and it's measurable and these studies are available on the website you mentioned earlier yes we have a website called the earthing institute dot net and all of the papers
are published there and you can translate most anything and they also have hundreds of articles and feedback from people and their experiences with grounding there's also the earthing book it's on amazon and most of the bookstores there's thousands and thousands of reader reports about their experiences from reading the book and then going out and grounding themselves we have a couple of good movies one is a 15 minute short called down to earth it's been seen by 60 70 million people but it's on youtube also down to earth video on the earthing channel and and then
we have the earthing movie which is very interesting and it took it's very it's totally authentic it took about three or four years to make and it's kind of explains everything about earthing and how it came about and there's a host of doctors everybody every i mean people from the fda people you know uh deepak chopa doctor uh i mean just all the doctors there's a host of people on but most of all there's a there's a group of individuals that tell their story and the story that in the beginning i spent most of my
time grounding people with lupus ms and diabetes and chronic arthritis and so i learned a lot about grounding you know about i became i started reading all the literature about all of these modern health disorders and it was funny in the early days when you would pull up and you asked a question like what is the cause of pain in the literature's cause unknown what is the cause of ms cause unknown was diabetes on cause unknown it was unbelievable to me that with all of the modern institutions we have and with all of the medical
research and everything is being done around the world you can have a statement that says cause unknown of course you have to know the cause because that's what you're treating in my mind because of my background but i in the modern world and especially uh pharmaceutical world it is not about prevention it is 100 percent about giving its palliative care providing you with pills that will help you cope with your health disorder uh until you get to the end i mean it's palliative care really it must be antibiotics and some of those things are essential
but uh at times in people's lives but but but primarily it's people and that's what i i like about area veda and uh is something is causing this profit and you have to fix your food fix your health fix your that's what i loved about deepak chopra when i started working with him it was i could ground people physically and put their pain out but what was causing the health problem all too often it was a mental you know an event that went on and they're lost i said you ground them mentally i'll ground them
physically i'll put the fire out but you got to put out the cause of the fire and so that takes me to another unless somebody's got a question real quick but when when i was grounding women in the early days who had diabetes inflammation ms and lupus one day i was grounding a lady who had severe ms and you know she her arm she had to hold her arm to keep it from moving around and so on and she was in a lot of pain terrible pain and and just lots of fear lots of fear
and so i went over and grounded her grounded her bed for her mirror patches with different ways that she could ground herself and i i was looking at her and i said what happened in your life that caused ms to manifest you weren't born with ms you aren't born with ms or diabetes you aren't born with anything so i said what happened and she said i don't know i just i was about 30 years old and i just kept starting feeling worse and worse and then all of a sudden i started getting these side effects
of loss of muscle control and so on and so she her answer was that she didn't know and so i put patches on her and grounded her and everything too because we were doing a little bit of a study with her and all of a sudden the the pain in the arm stopped and she still had emma i mean the problems the damage and so and then she said you know she kind of looked at me she says you know when i was 30 i lost my husband a couple years later i lost my house
this is back in 208 and then i lost my job and then my my life the american dream anyway all of a sudden was totally turned upside down and she went into such a fight or flight state a sympathetic state where cortisol was totally elevated chronically elevated and so the cortisol eventually created inflammation on the body anxiety irritability and then on to depression and she stayed in that state and then the inflammation began to manifest more and more and then ms was was the end result and so i had grounded enough people at that time
and i got in the habit of asking asking that question i've grounded a thousand people i asked everyone who said what happened in your life that caused this to manifest and everybody has a story of emotional i mean loss they lost something something their life was they expected one thing and it didn't turn out or something went wrong and then all of a sudden they're experiencing loss and grief uncontrolled grief and loss and they don't come out of it and cortisol runs they don't sleep and and so on and so on but anyhow as time
went on i began to recognize all of this and then i went grounded a woman one day and i said and i put a patch electrode patch in the palm of her hand snapped a cord on it and i said you no longer have i mean she'd been struggling really bad with ms i said you no longer have ms because as soon as i put this patch on you your body is being flooded with free electrons and it's going to stop the neutrophils that are oxidizing the myeloma sheath and causing the ms and she looked
at me and just kind of like didn't know what to think so any a few minutes later the pain stopped and she started feeling better and she had to get up and go to the bathroom after about you know 45 minutes so she went into the bathroom and she came back out holding her arm of course and she was looking she says look at me i'm i'm i'm back to myself meaning that the pain had come down or the number one thing that helps happens with grounding is you have increased circulation it normalizes the blood
viscosity and the blood flows easier and faster and that that's how it puts out the inflammation circulating the the electrons on the red via the red blood cells so anyhow but the pain stopped after you know 30-40 minutes and she went in there and her color had come back her facial color the blood the circulation her demeanor changed because now she wasn't in this hot burning pain she was she still had pain but it was a calm more of a healing pain so anyhow i said as long as you have this patch on it you
no longer have ms and it was grounded to the earth and so she called it the magic patch but anyhow and i have grounded hundreds of women with ms and lupus and that's where we see the most significant change because their bodies are on real fire they have lots of pain and they have lots of emotional stress and so on so to be able to ground them is really remarkable and and it's as simple as getting them if they can't do anything else they don't have patches it's as simple as going outdoors putting your bare
feet in your bare hands on the earth and sitting there and staying there until the pain goes away because the earth will neutralize all the pain in your body i can guarantee this all you have to do is go do it so anyhow the the next side of grounding that i think is as important as reducing the inflammation is that when you sit on the earth the first thing it does is it discharges these electrical charges on your body with static electricity and and then all of a sudden you it's like the muscles everything kind
of releases it just there's a release and then your respiration changes but as you sit there the pain your body is absorbing the free electrons and your body is grounded just like we would ground a tv center a computer or anything else so it's now grounded so there's no charges there's no extraneous charges running around in or on your body inflammation is charge i mean yeah inflammation is charged because you have you don't have enough negative charge you have too much positive charge and it's creating a fire so anyhow the number one thing that we
see beyond reducing the inflammation is that the sympathetic nervous system immediately calms and then the parasympathetic comes up and the sympathetic is driving cortisol it's filling your body full of cortisol it's fight or flight so as soon as you um are well grounded and only takes a few minutes sometimes it's just instant then that all settles and stops then there's a calmness comes over the body the parasympathetic comes up and that's your you know balance that you feel you feel better you don't feel your body when you're in balance i mean when you don't have
pain inflammation in the body your body is just this energy this you know it's the life it's move movement so on but anyhow the number one thing that we found is that people when they're emotionally stressed if they will sit on the earth then the earth's electric field the energy of the earth the rhythms of the earth the earth's electric field has rhythms the earth itself has rhythms it has circadian rhythms it goes up and down and so when you're connected to the earth then these rhythms are they're in your body they're it's like the
earth is a metronome and and so your body is singing with the earth it's dancing with you know the rhythms and tune and and the energy of the earth and so what it does is it calms everything down then you can't be mad when you're grounded you can't be upset you can't be you can't hate anybody when you're sitting there grounded you change you you become a you know a human being i mean rather than this you know you know i'm not sure of the word sometimes but but anyhow grounding is is throughout all time
from the very first amoeba of whatever on planet earth it was grounded all life on this planet has for millions and billions of years been grounded because they're either connected to the earth directly or they're crawling around on the earth and even the birds you know roost in trees that are you know grounded and so anyhow our most natural state is to be grounded and that means to have your body flooded with earth energy you have to have the energy of the earth inside of you and when you do that now you are connected to
every other living thing on the planet every other living person who is grounded every tree every animal anything in the world we're all one we're all part of this energy there we're all part of the earth i always tell people where the earth up walking around you didn't come here from a planet out there you you are earth and um you come from the earth you're going to go back to the earth in the meantime if you stay connected you're going to be a lot healthier and happier and so anyhow it's it's it's really the
thing i love about grounding and the reason i put the last 23 years of my life in it is because i feel good about being able to share this with people primarily because it's free you can buy you can make your own grounding mats you can you can do all kinds of things there's information to do that on the internet you can if you have money you can buy things that are already made up but most important all you have to do is take your shoes off go outdoors and stay grounded and wear your shoes
on purpose if there's glass or if it's hot or if it's rocky or something put shoes on but if otherwise you you you want to reconnect and stay connected to mother earth your mom anyhow so i really love what i do i'm sure you can tell i'm 77 now be going a 78 here in a few months i had no idea anybody could live that long 20 years ago and i had no long no idea that it would take this long to get enough information out for people to really begin to understand what this connection
and how important it is but i love it all of this takes time in fact the gaia theory of dr james lovelock has taken huge amount of time to finally find some so i have a follow-up question sir sleeping mats and walking on earth are really the same thing so is it a matter of how much time you're spending is is that the reason why you need uh sleeping mats or grounding mats or wrist wrist grounding wristbands is it a matter of how much time you you know so oh here's how i here's how i
answer that two ways one in the natural world you would be grounded 24 7 because you know we didn't have shoes and so on and if you look at the animals who live in the wild they don't have cancer they don't have heart disease they don't have ms lupus autism they have none of these modern health disorders on the other hand the animals who live indoors with their owners they all manifest all kinds of health disorders and 50 of them die from cancer just like their owners but that doesn't occur in the wild so second
of all to be to be grounded 24 7 is is our natural state i believe and our immune system is operating 24 7 and it's operating with reactive oxygen species so you need to put those reduced those instantly and before modern times we were always natural naturally grounded so we didn't have to worry about that it was automatic it's like oxygen it was automatic you're breathing it you were automatically grounded because you couldn't get off of the earth so so anyhow 24 7 is ideal i try to ground as much as i can i'm probably
grounded eighty ninety percent of the day i sleep on a grounded net i have grounded flooring i have ground mat on my computer and so on and you know i i i spend a lot of time barefoot i try to walk a mile or two a day um there are some grounded shoes coming on the market now and all of those things so anyhow more is better that's what i'm is now i'm going to answer your question but the most important answer is if you have pain in your body you got to get grounded and
stay grounded until it goes away if you have health disorder if your health is compromised you have to get grounded and stay grounded as much as you absolutely can so that you can put the fire out the fire goes out instantly when you're grounded then the immune system can go and repair that damage and ultimately go back to maintaining health which is what it does 24 7. so when it's ungrounded the the immune system is compromised because it's challenged because now it has all this work to do to keep you healthy and to keep you
alive and keep everything working the way nature intended or they're developed in nature and anyhow um lost my thought there sorry so that the main thing is get grounded as much as you possibly can take the shoes off your kids if you possibly can you know i can i'm not a medical doctor and my advice is free and you can take it and you should always use your own good judgment and the medical practitioners that you have and so on but but it's like i deal a lot with moms they're 35 to 55 years old
they have an autoimmune disease of some kind today almost 90 percent if not more and then on top of that they're taking care of their mom who is in their 60s 70s and 80s and she's on a half a dozen meds and has all kinds of health health problems so the mom this 35 year old mom is really stressed because she's taking care of her mom and on the other hand she's taking care of her children and all too often these moms are alone taking raising the children i hope it's not that way over there
yes it is here but 80 of the women sleep alone of our customers you know they sleep alone in the united states um and that's because they're it's because they have autoimmune disease they have chronic health issues and so they're not they're they're not you can't be happy you can't put on a good show if you have pain in your body you can take pills and drugs and all these kind of things and buy some time for an event or something but but anyhow it's like autism and adhd it's rampant in this country i think
it's like one in 40 have autism now and diabetes i mean almost 50 percent of our children now can be diagnosed with some level of diabetes and um these are all inflammation related health disorders autism is an inflammation related health system or cancer is an inflammation related health you can't have cancer unless you have inflammation for an extended period of time you can't have autism unless you have a fire an inflammatory fire in the brain that you know that you know that causes what we call autism you can't have kids sitting in schools that aren't
grounded and wearing rubber soles shoes that aren't full of anxiety and energy and and and they're being treated as attention deficit disorder they need to have their shoes taken off they need to get grounded and get rid of that stress and then they'll turn into a normal human being and it happens rather instantly so i can go on and go on and on and on but to answer your question so bottom line on that question is very simple more is better if you have any pain it's essential and stay grounded until the pain goes away
you can go take an advil or a pill but it would be better just to go and sit on me go sit on the earth underneath of a tree go put your feet in the creek go do something uh just dig a little hole and bury your feet in the earth and stay there until the pain is gone hi i'm jandy bartenker i would like to say a big thank you to you you have actually given my life back i'm 52 years younger now and i did not know that i had an autoimmune disease and
i was living it past eight years so my body had totally just crumbled i had severe hot flushes my mother had a very traumatic infected knee transplant for which i was there last year for seven months and just as what i had even shown the orthopedic surgery we did basic x-rays and things and i was actually uh athlete in my school days where in the 70s and early 80s we used to train basically barefooted touching the grass a lot so injuries were very less actually at that time and what happened i just because of the
second wave of covet which was going on in india that time in june i just started working out to feel good on the ground it reminded me of my school day and during my pregnancy i just had to know that okay walking on new wet grass like you know it's good for your circulation so to cut the whole story short in in three days i started sleeping really well there was a lot of emotional baggage which i had suppressed like what you had said earlier and with my parents my father was 85 mother was 18
you know so it was a very traumatic thing for me to single-handedly handle all that i just started moving out and you know like as i said feeling the earth and everything and in 20 days i just all those eight years i don't know how many years also the weights and pains just vanished and i started sleeping better i came to pune and i started grounding on wet mud because the lawns were closed and uh it was a beautiful journey and from october i started running now which it was like i just couldn't even climb
two steps up or get down and i started running and i'm sprinting now on wednesday and the last thing was i today did a trick i don't know after how many years without any aches and pains and wherever there was a possibility of removing my shoes getting you know grounded i did that so thank you so much for i just happened to just see your full earthing movie it just came from the universe to me you know so really so there are two questions which i just want to ask is i have stopped the supplements
last june which the surgeon had given me to um you know support whatever was going through and he said now in me that now you can buy a pair of shoes and you can start running but i haven't bought a pair of shoes as such i'm barefoot everywhere now and uh so my question is do i need to take those supplements it's been now nine months since i've not taken those supplements i've not done anything nothing nothing yeah the the supplements so many if they're nutritional supplements that would be they're probably no harm uh and
probably beneficial but if you eat good food yeah you know that's all you really yeah because i i i when i i've read your book i watch all your live chat shows i mean i've just gone totally into deep i think we have started upon in our joggers park here and earthing movement it just happened to be i think around at least 20 25 people are now earning you know i'm just sharing my story like how you are sharing and you know walking with people the old the young and that's what i'm doing because i
don't want them to go through that traumatic experience whether it is people who are with diabetes or high blood pressure or whatever so diet is good second thing i just recently prepared the universal learning mat for my parents in bombay and i told them just first check because i don't understand much of this electric circuit so my father is an electrical engineer so i told you to read the whole booklet what is there what instructions they are giving so i just wanted to hear it from you is it correct that i tell them to check
the earning points where they're going to plug in that map and use it yes they sometimes they have to have an adapter that adapter is not available in india okay but they have a ground right yeah can we call an electrician and get it yeah the the the main thing is i think they have a ground i mean some of the electrical in india is is challenging but you know the electrical outlet has a ground and sometimes you have to change the adapter or whatever to make it work or you have to just connect it
to the metal housing of the outlet but yeah if you don't know the best thing to do is get an electrician just say you want it to be grounded yeah because the electrical system is grounded it has to be connected to the earth in order to prevent fire yes yeah and my dad does understand that concept so i think secondly how long should they start because they are old because whatever i read in the early match people have that toxic period you know coming out you know like in the sense that they have that period
where things are coming out and they have sleepless nights and things so uh how long should they start in the daytime because with the age factor and everything whatever is shared with them well it's you know it's different for everybody but if they're on a lot of meds and things like that which most of them are they have to go slow i would say i would suggest you know ground for four hours at a time during the day and then if you start noticing change which you will quite rapidly then a lot of people so
many older people sleep in recliner chairs they don't sleep in bed and so they put the mats on and they just they keep them there forever but anyhow yeah the main thing is if they notice any let me give you an example what's an example it's like thyroid meds if people are on thyroid meds then as soon as you start grounding then it reduces the inflammation and then the thyroid starts to rebuild and then if you don't reduce the thyroid meds then you'll start getting some heart palpitations but everybody that on thyroid med kind of
knows that already it's like if you eat too many green vegetables the same the same thing will happen and um but on but but they know and they should be if they're on a med then they should follow the advice of their practitioner on tapering off of it don't just taper off of anything just taper off of it slowly because your body is used to it being there and and when you take it away then the body has to re-energize the mechanisms of the body that normally produce you know the various hormones and whatever you
just go slow if there's any question most people can just lay down and go to sleep yeah and they feel better uh and all of a sudden a week later they take it for granted well other people have a lot of um it's like if you have lyme's disease or any of the diseases where you have bacterias in your body what happens in all too many cases it will you know lie in the extremities and when you get grounded it normalizes the blood viscosity the blood becomes more thin like nature intended and then the blood
can get in and out of the capillaries oxygenate the tissue but in the process you have a die off of these bacteria and then they flood the body the they flood the blood and then all of a sudden you feel like you have the flu because the same thing that happens during the flu is happening right now because you're having a die off the immune system is you know knocking out the pathogens and so on and virus and so on so it's really a discussion if nothing else you start out outdoors walking barefoot on the
earth and if you can walk barefoot on the earth and you feel good then you should feel good on the grounding mats but anyhow the older you are the more you need to be grounded younger people can get away with anything until you're about 27 but just daytime grounding is probably enough for younger people i think if they don't get any grounding then they are going to develop the autoimmune adhd and all of those diabetes and all those things um but anyhow again just caution just good judgment but if you're on meds never reduce meds
or change meds without some some professional guidance thank you so much and thank you again really thank you it's been a wonderful journey for me like you said with deepak it's been like wayne dyer and everything just cruising together and it has given my life back thank you so much that's the word i hear the most i've given my life back that's what energizes me and keeps me going right right absolutely and in fact my testimony was put up on the earthly institute also just last month that's right thank you grounding can it be done
on concrete and wood concrete is earth made of earthen materials and it's laying on the earth and concrete holds moisture so concrete is ground wood on the other hand is an insulator it's it doesn't hold moisture while you can but it's not conducted it's not a conductor so the things that are conductive are standing on bare earth standing on grass putting your feet on rocks that are on the earth putting your feet in the stream or water on the earth concrete of course anything metal touching the earth if you touch it then you're grounded the
things that are not grounding are like carpets wood wood floors um anything plastic you know shoes plastic linoleums and on our floors most earthen tiles if they're like saltillo handmade tiles the clay tiles most of those are semi-conductive unless they put a uh a coat of urethane or something on top of them then it insulates them but brick on the earth connected to the earth tile connected to the earth porcelain tiles baked you know glass tiles they are not conductive so glass is an insulator plastic is an insulator i think i covered them all you
can at home you know if you have a an earthen hearth you know fireplace that's usually brick or stone that you sit on them they're usually grounded there's places in your home that are grounded if you're if you have a bathtub that has metal plumbing when you take a bath you're grounded that's why people love to take baths they feel better taking a shower in the morning waters the water's going through metal pipe that's connected to the earth the water is coming from the earth it's semi-grounded when balls on you it's it's contributing electrons you
always feel better after taking a shower but if the floor is concrete you're grounded if there's metal drains the water is connected as you're grounded so taking showers and baths are really important or if nothing else if you're really stressed just go over to the cold water in your house cold water pipe turn just the cold water on and just wash your hands in the cold water coming out of the faucet you're going to feel better it's grounded thank you clint and also can sitting with cotton pants uh on concrete or metal benches does that
equally work as well yes if you're it's like if you get in a car or you sit on a chair for a few minutes you'll notice that there's a little bit of dampness to your clothing where you're sitting okay so that's perspiration from your body and that hydration of the clothes is it makes it semi-conductive so when you sit on a bench if it's metal and it's not painted if it's painted it won't be but if you're sitting on a bare concrete bare metal of any kind with blue jeans or regular clothing or whatever it
only takes about a minute and you're totally grounded thank you clint uh we also have a question from neelamari and she says that um i have purple and black rash type spots on my face and if you want to see it she can switch on her video as well so she wants to know what needs to be done about that again i'm not a doctor in the sense that i can diagnose or recommend a cure or a treatment but i will say this if you have anything going on i would highly recommend that you first
of all start grounding and spend as much time grounded as you possibly can because i always go back to one thing you don't have health then something you are doing is interfering with your immune system to maintain health so if you can take the things out of your life that maybe you shouldn't be eating or shouldn't be thinking or whatever and get grounded and stay grounded and remove the stress from your body then the immune system will go to work and return the body to normal and i've seen it too many times the immune the
body is a self-healing mechanism the immune system is the is the main component and the it's like the thing you have to watch most of all is you know stress if you think fear if you think loss if you whatever you know if there's stress in your home stress in your life then that creates cortisol fight or flight and that creates elevated cortisol elevated sympathetic state suppression of the parasympathetic and then inflammation sets in and then the immune system is compromised totally so by again if i knew more i would say more if i had
more detail i could say more of it but basically um it starts with nature mother earth your body and the earth are one put them back together and then the earth will heal the earth will heal you the earth will restore your normal being to its most natural state which is health so clint there's uh one more question uh is keeping your feet soaked in mud at home a good alternative and secondly if one puts their legs in a plastic bucket full of water can the effect of earthing be felt if the mud is connected
to the earth that means you went out in your backyard and you made a little mud puddle and put your feet in it's connected to the earth as part of the earth then it is ground it does have earth's energy when you remove it from the earth then it is disconnected just like you are and it is not granted it does not ground if you bring a bucket of water in the house put your feet in it it's going to feel good because there are some electrons in it that you will absorb but in order
for it to be grounded you would have to put a wire outdoors in the ground put a ground rod something in the ground connect the wire to it and then bring the wire in and put it in the bucket and then the bucket would the water would be grounded yeah that's an odd way to do it but the best thing to do is to go outdoors and spend 30 minutes a couple of times a day dampen the earth with a little water put your feet in it mud is fine water's fine anything's fine doing grounding
yourself indoors you have to be careful of a couple of things and always after question if you're going to ground yourself indoors you have to use a cord that has a resistor or a safety on it so that you can't accidentally touch something that's you know electrical and you get a shock you know so all of the cords like the cord that was mentioned with the universal mat all of the cords they have a resistor you know 100k resistor that's not a friendly term to remember but it's a ground cord and a ground cord is
called a soft ground meaning it will only let electrons flow at a safe rate from the earth to the body or vice versa so that you have no chance of a shock or an electrical event but running bare wire sometimes you have to be very careful to make sure there's no other electrical appliances make sure that they're all in good working condition and no guys experimental type stuff many of the things that you mentioned in fact some of them i have been naturally doing for many years on my own but like me being an indian
i tend to associate a lot of superstition or you know metaphysical with it for example when i was in a corporate job if i was very stressed i would just go find a tree and stand next to it or just sit next to it leaning on it and i used to feel a lot of you know something holding me together trees then the biggest experience was that i went hiking to some hill station and i saw there was a beautiful university on the way so i sat on a cliff and i just put my hands
on the earth and like i feel a lot of connection to earth so much so that though i live in a concrete jungle but i have at least 200 flower pots around me which i do a lot of gardening i cannot i cannot live in an apartment because i need a lot of plants around me so plants trees and then that i still sat on that cliff and then uh you know those buddhist kind of uh leanings i prayed to the local deities and i prayed to mother earth that allow me to come here and
within three months they had a lot of vacancies and i joined that university uh so so yeah these are just a few experiences i want to share but now that you say i a lot i can compromise my vague ideas a lot thank you for the talk if you would like to remark yes you know for sure when you touch a tree when you you mentioned the tree is connected to the earth so the tree is an antenna that radiates earth's energy so when you get close to a tree you can feel it there's a
calmness that starts to come over the body and then when you go up and hug a tree or sit by a tree sit under a tree especially with your bare hands and bare feet then it's just remarkable but you can as little as just grab a branch and hold on to the branch and it's going to change everything in you i mean it's because it's like it's like a thing that comes through me and you know i've never i don't know how to say this sometimes but it's like you went somewhere and you decided you
wanted to be there and some and somehow it was manifest and you ended up there well that's the story of my life in earthing uh whatever i've needed i mean it comes through me it's not because of me there's something there's a there's a force and a source i could go on for hours on this but but basically when i try to do things myself and make things happen myself life ends up being a mess but if i just back up and say here i'm here use me as you as you wish then things come
through people come through everything comes together as is needed at the time it's needed when i look back on it but whenever i've tried to go out and do it myself and make it about myself or something it just goes upside down so i'm very much in tune with what you say and it's very important when you are grounded that you are able to open up and and be a part of this earth to be a part of everything that's living on the earth and and not be judgmental it is what it is and it's
really about you what do you but it's i again i don't know how to say it but basically there's something that comes through me and i don't know where it comes from but i know that it's guided uh it's intuitive it's either coming through my heritage or it's coming through the ground and through the trees through the air it's just everywhere and we all see it in each other when we meet new people this is so heartening to hear somebody else share this so that means that there's nothing wrong with my head it's real and
um so for a long time my entire spiritual practice has been experiencing with the senses i go to rishikesh once a year once in two years so it is very difficult for me to sit in a hall and meditate or read it is easier for me to walk by the river to feel the wind in my face to the smells the sights the sounds that i and i do that is not considered very spiritual though but i don't know that is my entire practice well you know i meditate a lot but most of the time
i meditate is just before i go to sleep i will just rest and then clear my mind and then kind of let you know connect with the universe or however you want to explain it but am that's when things come to me yeah it's um it's it's really unfortunate i mean but anyhow meditation is is to sit and meditate and try to get into a state you if you aren't grounded when you're meditating how could you possibly because you can't shut down the noise you can't shut down the sympathetic noise so when you get grounded
i i miss soda guru he has a really good little two or three minute talk on meditation and and yoga grant being grounded and and but i i know that for me to meditate i have to be on my grounding mat in bed or i have to be on a yoke grounded yoga mat or i have to be outdoors preferably just outdoors sitting on the grass or at least with my bare feet and hands on the grass then all of a sudden there's a calmness comes over me all the noise quiets down and it's just
like i'm a different person i've entered a different different space yeah i grew up in montana and i always was always uh i spent a lot of time around native americans in when i was young and i always noticed that they're not like angelo meaning angelo is about always doing something whatever but anyhow they always they live somewhere in between the physical earth and the spiritual earth i mean there's a space that they live in that people can't understand can't connect with and i was able to when i was young and it's always been part
of me it's like when i went through my near-death experience it was native america that came to me it wasn't my worker my fellow workers chasing money on on on main street but yeah i mean so meditation is being able to quiet and to me anyway and to connect with who i am and what this is and there's not words for it most of the time um but yeah meditation is very important but it's not about sitting in a hall it is if you have a speaker a leader that's whatever but still you need to
get grounded i've done events with deepak chopra where we put in a grounded floor and there'd be like a thousand people at an event for three or four days and so whenever they came in they were always grounded the room was grounded the room was quiet they take their shoes off and they were grounded and it was it's just remarkable i mean all of the all of the people that helped put the show on they'd say it's just unbelievable because people are more content they're happy they're able to meditate they're able to tune in because
you can feel the room you can feel the energy in the room and they're all connected they're all connected via the ground via the conductivity of the grounding floor and they're connected in spirit there are a couple of questions which a lot of people used to ask me while i was at the park that we are people who are staying in flats and high rises they have lot of pots in their house and um some of them most of them nowadays actually are not the um mud pots you know the clay pots they are most
of ceramic or uh what you call the other china uh so they are saying that we simply touch the soil we plant you know with our bare hands don't we get grounded with that so i would like you to clarify on that i mean they're staying in the high rises they have hots in their house in their balcony and they touch the soil to look after the plants so is there grounding taking place at that particular curve these balconies are concrete uh yes which boy which most people which most of them would be so in
the concrete there's metal bars yes most of the houses they have like a grill outside in the window and they keep their pots on that right anyhow the concrete and the metal is all connected to the earth because the building is concrete which is earth and it holds moisture there's a there's enough moisture in there that there is going to be some conductivity so if you have plants first of all the plants won't do very well if they're not grounded yeah so if the plants are healthy and doing well then there is a ground there
you can also just spritz a little water on the concrete patio and sit down put your bare feet put your bare feet on it and you're grounded so high rises are problematic but they are as long as they're concrete and metal then they are ground they are earth they are grounded they are connected to the earth they're part of the earth so they conduct earth's energy thank you and one request we only have the earthing universal maps available on amazon for india the patches and the wristbands and the pillows are only available on when i
went to the earthing institute also earning that site they are only available for the people in america they don't supply it in india so you know well we would like to find someone in india to take this on we can supply maths maths can be made in india a lot of the esd electrostatic discharge materials a lot of those are made in india the bracelets and the wires but they have to modify them a little bit but somebody kind of needs to i always start out with just barefoot yeah get out there and do as
much as you can but for people whose health is compromised you need to be grounded indoors or you don't have any option you have to be it's the only way you can get grounded then uh these mats are readily available but we need to send them bulk from the manufacturer to india and have somebody in india package them and distribute them in order to keep the cost down so people can afford them and that was one of the main objectives was when i was working with you know people at the world health organization or the
national institute of health sciences here they said you know we understand what you're doing and it's good but don't go out there and scream to the people you know you have this problem you have to give them a no-cost solution and you have to give them or a low-cost solution so we have both you can get grounded for free just by taking your shoes off and if nothing else we can get these these in-home devices or mats that people can use and again the universal mat is a very simple way to get started the patches
are extremely important for acute situations you know like blurring arthritis flowering lupus flaring anything that's flaring or cancer or those kind of things and um so yeah we need to surface somebody somebody needs to raise their hand and say i'll take i'll take that mission in india we do we have sent a lot of thing to india the problem all too often is about people wanting to make money and that's usually guys the guys come along well i'm going to get rich i'm going to do this and then all of a sudden they end up
going away so we need some you know maybe maybe a woman to uh who is more of a caregiver this is more of a mission it's more of a caregiver type relationship and and the thing that we found is once a mom gets grounded and she gets benefit the first thing she does is she grounds her mom her mom and and takes and tries to get that under control and then she grounds her family um and so on and then she grounds her neighbors and her whatever so there is so it's really it's um if
there's any way we can get product to india i would love to support that for us to do business there it's not really really high this is more of a humanitarian effort than it is a business and um so but it's something that is needed education is number one and number two are a couple of products that are readily available some people can afford lots of things most people can't even here in the united states uh inflation the cost of living is so high most people can barely pay rent and eat so it's you have
to have a low cost and no cost solutions so one last question is like what you exactly said now like i grounded so my mother i have got for the man my daughter has started grounding the problem is with the teenagers like my son is a teenager and um you know i just and i've been in the education field for past 25 years so i was wanting like what you said you know to get this concept to the parents and the children how to the importance of earning which you know people have got totally disconnected
and they use it like you know that without you i mean which shoes on only the children are protected that's the mindset so can you take out some programs for the schools or children or you know how do how can you go about it because the next generations are gonna have a yeah it's a it's a big problem and that's why i it's so important um to educate the moms because they're the ones who are going to carry this to the world you can't go to the teenagers they're not going to they're not going to
have it they want the fancy shoes most of the older people it's hard to get it's hard to take it to them because they want the pills and a white and a doctor telling them what to do this is nature this is natural this is so the only thing the only way it will ever work is you have to ground mom get her feeling better get her health back then she'll take care of her mom and then the kids will eventually the pain will start creeping up the event problems start creeping up and eventually you
have to ground them i mean literally ground your children it's i i don't know what to do with this don't know what the where to go with it except share what i can we have grounded a few million people around the world now and i've grounded a few thousand those thousand people have grounded millions and that's kind of how it will work there somebody has to champion it and then all of a sudden it'll take on life of its own and it's really mom it's really taking if you if the mom is not healthy and
happy then the home is not going to be healthy and happy so it's really there's nothing more important so this is you know this is a spiritual movement it's a humanitarian movement it's it's about reconnecting with with nature it's about if to think that just putting your foot on the earth can drain pain out of your body it's a message about what we've done and what we have to we have to go back and look and say wait a minute uh we have disconnected from nature we have lost our ground we have lost our our
electrical and that connection with the earth and when we do we it's like we did a plant study a sunflower study and again i can probably send pictures of it if you would like to embed but anyhow we took cut sunflowers and put one on a voss that was grounded in one that wasn't and after seven days you know they both started out like this and after seven days the one that was ungrounded started to flow and eventually fell over and where the other one kept going for another seven days so i always ask people
do you want to be is this what you feel like when you know a wilted sunflower or a bright full of energy sunflower and it really is plants are us we are plants i mean we're we're all one so if you see this in the plant how a plant manifests it's just remarkable and um so and we do that in schools we uh sometimes we'll just take potted plants and ground one of them put a little ground rod in the soil and it will flourish and it'll grow twice as fast and twice as full where
the other one will be a little wink weak and you know not as strong or the cut flowers those will manifest just in a week you can see the difference in a few days but the plants are very easy and then you have to of course find a way to help people understand that that's your cousin and you are you are experiencing the same thing when you are disconnected from the earth thank you so much that is really insightful that tip off you know you can make the children experiment with the plants and it's really
insightful thank you so much and we have a little paper on the earthing institute that tells people in schools how to do the plants the plant experiments thank you thank you thank you i just wanted to ask you in the u.s you have mostly wooden floors am i right uh miss tuber uh you would have mostly carpets mostly uh tile yes no but then i found a lot of wooden floors there especially in the colder areas so wouldn't that affect the grounding yeah you're not grounded if you're if you have a wooden floor most most
everyone i say if you if you have carpet you generally have a wooden floor if you have linoleum some of those are on wooden floors but if you have a wooden floor no they are not grounded you have to have an earthen floor you have to have you know a slab floor or a concrete floor or a concrete foundational floor and then it is grounded because it's on the earth but as soon as you put as soon as you paint it it loses its conductivity if you put carpet over the top of it if you
put linoleum or if you yeah so you are correct you have to have a concrete floor wood floors are not conductive is what i guess the answer yes thank you so uh thank you so much for letting me share everything with everyone and if you do have any questions or whatever go to the earthing institute or get a hold of us directly you