[Music] for for e for e e e e for for for for to e e to for for e [Music] 6 the [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] [Music] [Music] C been attending ton Robin seminars e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the to e e e e for e for health problems divorces problems with children losses that people gone through losses of business all these things that I see as well as obviously the great successes that people have but they're they're common patterns and what I want to do is see if we can't wire ourselves so it
doesn't matter what happens in the outside world because there's two worlds to conquer right there's the external World which we can't control let's be honest we'd love to but we can't but we can influence it massively and then there's the internal world that's what we think what we feel how we act and we have 100% control of it but most of us don't know it because you know no one's ever taught us how to take control of this and most of what happens is patterns or habits and you know there's a study several studies but
one of the most common ones will show that about 45% of all the things we do in every day are pure habit well the good news about that is it frees you up you know you go to drive a stick shift car in the beginning and it's like I got to focus on this and this and this and watch the road too it's never going to happen right but eventually it gets in your body and you don't have to think about it it just happens right and that's now it's a habit it frees you up
but also habits often trap us they trap us in thinking the same way I read a study once I don't know how they came up with this exact number but the average person has 167 thoughts in a day 167,000 excuse me thoughts in a day the only problem is 90% of the thoughts you're having today were the same ones you had yesterday so we keep living the same experience so this is really about how do you take charge of your life how do you go to another level how do we go from where you are
to where you want to be and close that Gap as quickly as possible to do that we can't just talk I'm going to set you up with some frames of reference here in this initial time here we have together and then today that's why it's three hours then we're going to gear into some insights on how to create real breakthroughs how many of you don't want to just change things but want to have a breakthrough in your business or your life or your personal life out there right well I'm going to show you the science
of breakthroughs and we're going to do it and then at the very end here so don't leave before the end it's the most important part we're going to experience it because talking about something is important you have to understand it that's where things start if you're going to master something right but then you got to get that into kind of emotional Mastery where it's in your body with consequence so you really use it and then with enough repetition ition enough intensity it gets in your body you don't have to think about it like driving the
stick shift car and so we want to see if we can't pull that off over these three days by really concentrating just three hours a day total focus so I'm going to ask you to turn off your phones turn off the distractions commit to be here each day and I promise you at the end of these three days you're going to see some real massive improvements who's up for it out there ladies and gentlemen good now part of what'll help us to put things in context by the way is to understand that we aren't these
patterns you know when you do something let's say you procrastinate a bunch of times now you say I'm a procrastinator well no it's just a pattern it's a habit you are soul you are Spirit you're a lot more than what you've done in the past and whatever we've done in the past no matter how painful it's been it can change but in order to make it change we have to recognize what the patterns are and start to interrupt them and create a new pattern for ourselves a new way of thinking feeling behaving and enjoying and
one of the what might help you understand where we're thinking about this is to understand that what changed Humanity literally you know thousands and thousands of years ago what took us from living in fear and scarcity as hunter gatherers where every day we had to move somewhere else and hope we could find food was one pattern recognition and by the way maybe I should start with this why don't you jot down if you would I'd really encourage you to jot some notes while you're here with me because even if you never read the notes again
if you write down the note as you write it down you're driving the groove deeper in your nervous system the memory the understanding of it it and you're much more likely to use it I also ask you take notes as if you were going to help somebody else because very often when you're hearing something first I don't know if I need this but I promise you there are things here the next three days if you don't think you need them now you will need them at some point it'll be invaluable for you or you will
be help someone else and when you take notes as if you're going to help someone else you usually take a little more detailed notes but think of it this way I have I'm privileged to have five kids and five grandkids now I have a 50-year-old daughter and thanks to covid I have a four and a half almost fouryear old daughter three and a halfy old daughter and I say thanks to co it's because how many of you co was destructive in so many ways your business to your life but you still found a way to
use it like you got closer with your family or you did something your how many improved your life during Co found a way to do it once again the external world you couldn't control but you could control the internal world and you know when Co happened this all became possible because the covid crisis the co shutdown because I was used to doing you know Giant stadiums all over the world and I remember in March of 2020 when Co broke out the governor of California's office called and said oh by the way that Stadium you're going
to do 14,000 people you can only put a 100 people in it new rules and I was like what I said forget it we'll go to Vegas they'll never shut down Vegas well we moved to Vegas they shut down Vegas right beforehand and so I eventually built the studio and said I'm going to reach people where they are and this started because I thought people are at home they're suffering how can I really help I got to eliminate travel because most people have to travel to come see me someplace into a city let's eliminate cost
because people are absolutely freaked out about their money because they're not able to work in many cases and let's make it totally convenient they do it for their home or anywhere else and that started this process of now where we can literally help millions of people and because of that you know I still go on the road and do my events obviously but I do a lot fewer I used to spend 275 days a year on the road doing multi-day seminars so I could visit with a quarter of a million people and now I'm about
3 million people a year and I'm traveling about a 100 days out of the year and because of that my wife and I wanted to have a child forever but not drag the child on the road and so we tried and God blessed us so I have a little daughter now so I say that because yeah I'm so I'm so grateful so I say that because there are different things I think about my kids and my grandkids and I think about most of you have heard that the changes that are happening right now are at
the base of the growth curve and when I say the changes I'm talking about technology we're in a place right now where we're going to see more change in the next 5 to 10 years than in the history of humanity multiplied because what's coming nanotechnologies shrinking everything down robotics obviously AI algorithms all this is changing the game and Oxford and other organizations have said we're going to see elimination of 45% of the jobs that currently exist literally in a few years well that's jolting you know 150 years ago everybody in America at least was a
farmer you know about 84% of the population but now it's 3% of the population and we feed the whole world because of Technology but no one thought back then there would be a job like you know a web master or something like that but today the changes are going to happen even more rapidly though that took over decades almost a century to do we're going to see people for example that are driving you know how many of you think self-driving cars will be they're already in many cities but how many they'll be a standard within
5 years or 10 Max how many would agree with that right 5 to 10 think about that there's 8 million taxi drivers truck drivers Uber drivers they will have no jobs they're going to disappear overnight and no one's preparing them for what's coming 8 million jobs is how many happened during 2008 when we had the world economic crisis in the United States lost 8 million jobs so and there's going to be so much more that technology is going to disrupt so how can you and I both not only protect ourselves but thrive in an environment
of that much change and how more importantly can we do that for our kids teach them or our grandkids I think there's three skills we need to develop if you want to jot them down real fast they're very fundamental the first skill is the skill of being able to recognize patterns if you understand everything in the world as patterns and you start to recognize a pattern you will no longer have fear it's like when people think things are happening oh my God this has never happened again it's chaos well what's chaos to one person is
a pattern to another and if you can Rec recognize the pattern you have no fear it's like I hear people all the time talking about oh my God the political environment around the world here in the United States everywhere it's the worst that's ever been people are so polarized and I just laugh none of them have studied any form of History clearly history moves in seasons and we go for a period of time until we exhaust an emotion good or bad and then we move to a new one and it's quite predictable there's a springtime
that happens just like what we learned when we started get out of being in a place of humanity surviving what changed us was recognizing the pattern of one thing the seasons understanding that I could do the right thing at the wrong time and I will get no rewards if I plant in the winter if I plant in the summer if I plant the I don't get anything there's only one time you can plant this is how you do it if you do it the right thing and the right time you're rewarded well that process the
springtime process allowed us to say oh we can stay in one place we can build a community grow crops we don't have to worry about food so much we go countries Nations expanded that one distinction so same thing is true if you look at anyone who's extraordinary at anything they don't have any fear because they know it's happened the political examples is a perfect example oh it's the worst that's ever been let me show you something our founding fathers you know let's say John Adams right and and Jefferson two magnificent human beings when they're running
for president this is what they did the founding fathers take a look on the screen now this is what Adam said on these placards this is an actual placard that he put out to promote back then it wasn't TV commercials but they have the same approach of a negative advertisement if you like Thomas Jefferson murder robbery rape incest and adultery will be practiced throughout the land are you prepared to see your dwellings in Flames female chassid violated or children ring on the Pike I mean my God that makes any but by the way Jefferson responded
back he put these placards that John Adams is busy importing Mistresses from Europe or trying to marry one of his sons to the daughter of King George he's a hideous hermitical character with neither the force or firmness of a man nor the gentleness and Sensibility of a woman it's like these are our founding fathers it makes anything Republicans and Democrats ever said about themselves look gentle doesn't it see we only have fear because it's an unknown but we're looking at things most people when things are going well think it's going to go well forever when
things are going bad they think it's going to go bad forever and life is seasons and when I'm going through Reading your watching your videos some of you and and reading your notes last night um on Facebook and so forth I saw all of you a lot of you are in the winter season and it feels like it's never going to end but I want to tell you the good news no winter lasts forever there some Winters are long some are short but they always end into a new Springtime a time of optimism a time
of growth a time things really transform and you know there's no war that lasts forever there's no economy lasts forever good or bad they all change right there's no pandemic that lasts forever might feel like it but it doesn't and it's important to know that it's like as corny as it sounds you know it's always darkest before the dawn that phrase we've heard a million times sounds so corny well it's been used a million times because it's true I mean if you're having a rough time and it's pretty nice to know daytime's coming so if
you're going to help yourself or your kids you got to recognize patterns and we're going to do this the next few days you're going to see what triggers you not oh my God don't trigger me like some people been trained to do which is absurd you can't Train everybody not to trigger you you got to get rid of your triggers what triggers you to be angry or sad or to overeat or to smoke or to drink or to feel so bad about yourself and how do we get rid of that trigger that's what we want
to focus on in shifting here to give you a sense but when you recognize the pattern you're no longer fearful right the second skill is pattern utilization once you recognize a pattern once you know what it is you can use it instead of letting it use you like what creates stress for you you either use stress or stress uses you right that's how it works if you look at anyone that is incredibly successful at anything and I have the privilege of working with some of the greatest athletes some of the greatest business people entrepreneurs people
that started with nothing multi-billionaires and they they weren't part of the lucky sperm Club they earned it they found a way to add value right I don't care who it is sports acting Music Entertainment anything you can imagine the best in the world they get to work with and what they all have in common is they've learned to recognize patterns and use them it's a great director Spielberg knows when to zoom in just to have that emotion when to pull out what music to bring in to change the way you feel and it's a pattern
they're able to do it over and over again because there they know the pattern if you look at anybody how many of you own your own business out there I'm curious Make Some Noise if you own your own business or give us a thumbs up if you're online there thank you so lots of you if you own your own business business is pattern recognition I mean I used to not be able to run one business when I started out now I'm have 114 companies and I'm proud to tell you because I started from nothing now
we're doing $9 billion dollar of business across all these different Industries because once I recognized patterns I learned how to use them but I I studied the people that were the best in the world I didn't go to school for it I went to the individuals that are actually doing it and I can teach you those patterns that's why I help people turn businesses around so pattern utilization once you know how to use the patterns now you have power you have the power to make music you have the power to get results you have the
power to CH change your finances have the power to change your emotion but the third skill is the one we want to get to which is pattern creation pattern creation is where now you've it's kind of like if you learn to play the piano you probably learn to play other people's music first right and then what happens is if you've done it long enough hopefully there's a moment where you say you know I'm standing on the shoulders of what I've learned let me do what I want to do and you start creating your own music
that's when people become masterful at something and we want ideally take you some of you anyway if you want to to not only recognize patterns and use them and get rid of ones you don't want but maybe create some new patterns that could really change your life for the better who's up for that ladies and gentlemen say I so our process is think of it the think of these Seasons that we just talked about just for a second because I'm wondering where you are because we're all in one of these Seasons but they don't last
forever there's Springtime what happens in the springtime well my daughter's in the springtime of Life think of like 0 to 21 right she's not quite four yet I'm amazed I mean we were at dinner the other night she was speaking to one person in Spanish the other person in Chinese she's learn both languages and English I can't do that right it's amazing but learning for her is automatic and Springtime things grow and times people are optimistic right and think of Springtime as a season in people's minds and if you look at history seasons are usually
about 15 18 20 years and then we get burnt out even a good emotion like how many of you ever smiled so much that your face hurt anybody know what I'm talking about here right so after a while we want want to go to something else and the universe or God whichever you prefer I prefer God but God seemed or the universe seemed to figure this out we have a tough SE we have an easy season where it's easy to grow then we have a tough season to make us strong summertime what happens in summertime
it's hot and it's difficult and you got to push through some people plant the seed in Spring and they come back the next day and go where's my crop are you new it doesn't work that way right you got to make it through all the seasons right so you got to make it through the hot summer and then after you fight through the summer you get to the fall where it's easy again you get a reaping time when it's that season in the world in history you know people want to give you a house they
want to give you a loan even though you don't even have a job but you have a pulse right you remember those days right it's just ridiculous stock markets go crazy everybody's excited no it's like the Roaring 20s and then what happens after fall we hit a winter and boy when Winter's happening people think it's never going to end it's forever winter everything gets exaggerated everybody thinks the whole world's going to end oh my God there's going to be World War III it's going to be nuclear war you hear it on the news oh in
the next 12 years the whole world's going to dissolve we've destroyed our environment it's total you know it's but if people start to believe that it controls their whole life because they think this season is every season and some people by the way don't like a season I don't like winter someone will say well you know you don't have to like it but you better learn to use it cuz The Season's coming who's with me on this say I so I'm with you too and so think of this winter can be a beautiful season if
you do well in winter you'll do well for the rest of the seasons because that's the one that makes you stronger if you don't give up most people pull back see winter you can freeze the death or you can learn to ski and snowboard or be by the fire with your family and build your business so we all go through these Seasons personally think of spring time is like 0 to 21 think of summer is kind of 21 to you know 22 to 40 2 kind of thing think of fall is kind of 42 to
62 63 and the winter is 63 to 83 to 103 to 120 the oldest humans last that long every season has opportunities and every season has predictable problems and same thing is true in a business has Seasons everything does so if we understand this we can learn to take advantage where we are and we can anticipate where the challenges are that we might be facing because if you can anticipate the challenge you don't have to react you can actually get the result that you want so how many of you right now I'm just curious are
in springtime you join me because things are going great you're growing you're starting something new maybe your kids got out of the and you're are gone and you're starting who's got a springtime going right now make some noise this in springtime how many of you are in a hot summer you've been working your tail off you're like where's the crop who's in the summertime all right who is in Fall you're just having a good time reaping like crazy you came by to celebrate with me anybody in fall and who's going through a tough winter right
now where it's really tough physically or financially or something Make Some Noise if you're out there right and by the way over the next three days you probably go through all four seasons as we go through this process right but I want you to know whatever season you're in we want to get you to the next one we want to get you to be able to deal with that whatever's life's in front of you and go to the next level and we're going to show you tools and how to make that happen now let me
give you just two second background on how we got here I'm here today because I'm obsessive right I've been obsessed with a question for most of my life you know for almost 48 years and that question has been what makes the difference in the quality of people's lives like why is it that you give some people so much love so much support great education great economics and they spend their life going in and out of rehab and there's somebody else can live in such an a place of Injustice where they're abused physically mentally emotionally whatever
and somehow it makes a hunger wake up inside them and they don't give up they don't become a victim they become a Victor they grow they expand and they contribute to society think of the opras of the world or anybody who know who's been through tough times but then somehow managed to use that to become more and my obsession about that was primarily because I grew up in a tough environment and I didn't have a lot of great role models and so I'm you know we were very poor I had four different fathers at one
point I went to my mom and I said I'm confused you know and I said who's my dad and it was it was crazy and we were always broke uh I remember you know the thing that changed my life the most was I was 11 years old I shared with some of you that I was we having a Thanksgiving and we had no food when I say no food we wouldn't have starved we had saltin crackers and peanut butter but when everybody's having a Thanksgiving dinner a feast in the United States here if you're not
familiar with that's it's a feasting time it's a big holiday celebration it was incredibly depressing and my mom and dad were screaming at each other through a door my mom had closed and they were yelling each other and saying things to each other that once you say them unfortunately you can never take them back and I have a younger brother 5 years younger younger sister seven years younger and so I felt like the parent I got to keep them away from this and then there's this knock on the door that completely changed my life that's
why I'm here today and so I answered the door and there's this tall man standing there with a bag of groceries under both arms one in each arm and there was an uncooked turkey Frozen turkey in an empty pan on the ground he'd obviously sat there and before it to set himself up and he said is your father here and I said just one moment and I was like the most excited like was Christmas morning so I went to my dad and my own dad are screaming and I said dad dad got to answer the
door and no dad said you answered I said I did it's for you goes what do you want I said I don't know and so my dad goes to open the door and I'm I'm sitting there waiting and expecting to see such joy in his face and when he opened the door and saw this man with the food he was not happy he looked at the man with before the man could say a word and said we don't accept charity and he went to slam the door of my father and the man had been leaning
in slightly so it hit his shoulder and the door opened again which made my dad even more mad and my dad started to speak and he said sir sir he goes I'm just the delivery guy he said someone knows you're having a tough time all families have a tough time every now and then they want you to have a beautiful Thanksgiving my father said we don't accept charity and he went to slam it again but because he' leaned in now his foot was there and he hit his foot and opened up now my dad got
even more mad and then if that wasn't enough the guy saw me and he wasn't mean he didn't say it in a mean way but he says to my father I thought my father was going to punch him in the face he looked at my father he said sir he nodded towards me he said don't make your family suffer because of your ego my dad's face turned bright red I remember the veins in the side of his neck punching out and then all of a sudden I think was going to punch him and my dad's
shoulders just dropped he didn't say a word he took the groceries he threw them on the kitchen table he slammed the door and he didn't even say thank you and I was shocked I didn't know what to think and I I left that conversation and I just I heard my dad afterwards saying you know I'm worthless you know I haven't had my family and he went on and on and on and shortly after that my father decided to leave our family and I had four fathers but he's the one who adopted me I carry his
name robins and so I thought it was the worst day of my my life it turned out to be a really great day long term you know sometimes in the moment it seems how many of you have had an experience in your life where something happened that was so horrible you'd never want to experience it again but years later you look back on it and go thank God that happened because it made me stronger or it made me care more who's got an experience like that you can relate to out there Make Some Noise if
you got it ladies and gentlemen or thumbs up if you're where you can't hear me thank you so I was like for me it's like it set me on a journey and a journey of trying to figure out what makes people do what they do what makes people give up what makes people follow through and the biggest thing that came out of the day was my Dad's life and mine turned out different because you know I know what what there's three things we do every moment what we make a decision over a moment right now
you're deciding what to focus on might be focusing what I'm saying or where you think we're going to go today or what you're going to have for lunch and we don't experience life we experience the life we focus on we can always find something wrong what's wrong is always available so is what's right but whatever you focus on that's what you're going to feel and my dad focused on the fact that he had not taken care of his family I focused on the fact there was food what a concept so I was excited he was
not but the thing that changed my life is my dad kept saying I know what the meaning he gave but once you decide to focus on something your brain has to go what does it mean is this the end or the beginning is this person disrespecting me is this person challenging me is this person loving me or coaching me well if you think they're disrespecting you you're going to feel differently and act very differently than if you think they're loving you and so that day I know my father he said he was worthless and based
on that he made the third decision which was to leave but my life changed that day I'm here with you right now because that day CU that day you know my father had always said you know strangers don't give a damn about anybody else and we lived in a community where I thought people were rich but they were actually lower middle class but we were on the other side on the railroad tracks we were really poor and look down that way and so it looked like no one cared but you know really what happened for
me is I decided that day that man someone delivered food to my family and they didn't even want credit they just cared so strangers care about me and my family I got to care about strangers that's why I'm here and so I decided someday at 11 years old I said someday I'm going to deliver two families food you know I'm going to double this and so when I was 17 I delivered two families food and it was one of the most emotional experiences one of the families the father had left 3 days before with no
money and no food to the family and it was so moving and so emotional next year I said I'm going to double I went four and then eight and then I got my employees involved then we eventually got to 100,000 people a year and then 4 million people a year 2 million for me and 2 million for my foundation and then the last 10 or 11 years 10 11 years ago I was writing money Master of the game I was interviewing all these multi-billionaires you know again all people had started from scratch nobody was given
it but I was like at the same time I saw Congress pass these new laws to cut the budget $6 billion dollar on food stamps they call it the snap program meaning families that really need to be taken care of would have to go a week without food every month unless people like you and I stepped up so I went to my foundation and I said tell me you know how many people have I fed in my lifetime I hadn't kept track of course they did and it was 42 million people and I was thrilled
right just Greatful that I was able to do that and then I thought but what if and this is what I want to have you consider this week like what's a moonshot what's the next level for you not just the giant one but like what if I did as much as I've done in my whole life in one year I fed 42 million people I thought 50 million people and I thought what if I fed a 100 million people for 10 straight years and fed a billion meals it sounded impossible but I committed to it
I partnered with feeding America because they're incredibly efficient in delivering the food and I'm proud to tell you in 8 years we delivered over a billion meals we've already accomplished that which I'm so thrilled to do thank you and secondly um now I'm doing a 100 billion me 100 billion meal challenge because in the world right now since the Ukraine war broke out it's the Bread Basket for the world and so there's 11 countries in Africa that are on the verge of famine that nobody talks about in the news and then we need fertilizer for
50% of the world's food supply and of course the WF doesn't want people to use it and since the war Russia hasn't been able to ship it so the cost has gone through the roof so I partnered with Governor Beasley who won the Nobel Prize for feeding people for the UN and now we have a 100 billion meal challenge we just announced this year we hit 30 billion meals in the first two years yeah and we're going to do another 30 billion this year ladies and gentlemen it's pretty awesome right [Applause] oh and because of
the VIPs here we're donating we had 1 million it's 1.5 million meals out of what we're doing right now so while helping each other we're going to do that as well give it up for everybody thank you my [Applause] VIPs so I tell you that because we all have these three decisions we're making we're deciding what to focus on and whatever we focus on it'll feel even it's not true you think someone has screwed you over and you imagine your mind you get all Angry you're afraid something's get how many you done this how many
you ever been freaked out about something you thought was going to happen you're so worried and freaked you out a million times and then it never happened who's had this experience before who's done this more than once say I so we're a little crazy we got to take control of our own minds but if we come up with the right meanings and put ourselves in the right emotional states we're going to quality we want cuz by the way how do you know you know what do you really want Why'd You Come here well whatever people
want I know that I've been reading so I know what you came here for and it's all different but it's all the same too in one way it is we're all wanting to change the way we feel if we're feeling great we want to feel even better if we're not feeling great we want to change that you say no no Tony I you know I want to build my business to A1 billion do company or I want to you know I want to unify with God through prayer or I want to have three perfect children
or whatever you say you want I want a billion dollars well what do you want that for you want it for the emotion think about it you don't want little pieces of paper with pictures of dead people on it say what do you think money will give you and people say security or Freedom or ability to contribute those are feelings right if you say I want to be one with god well I want to feel unified I want to feel full of love whatever it is ma many times we forget what we're really after how
many of you have ever said to yourself I want a relationship and then you got a relationship and said I don't want a relationship It Make Some Noise you know I'm talking about right so you don't want relationship you wanted love or you wanted connection or companionship or something so we want to make sure that the quality of your life my friends is the quality of where we live emotionally our emotions control everything we love to believe we're intellectual beings but emotions are what start wars and emotion is what'll end a war emotion is what
gets you in a relationship emotion is what gets you having children emotions what creates divorce emotions what makes you start a business or stay where you are but if we learn to master our emotions the quality of our life is where we live emotionally and once you learn how to shift that which we can literally do in minutes with no exaggeration no phony just positive thinking stuff I'm talking about rewiring your nervous system man then you're really in charge of your own life in a whole new way and so for me this journey really started
because you know I we were poor we had these tough times but I I was able to get in front of some brilliant mentors and one of them started because you know we had no money so I was working as a janitor in the middle of the night I'd go clean Banks and come back and go to junior high school and then high school and contribute that to my family and on the weekends if I could do something earn money for the family I'd always do it and one day my mom and dad were talking
about this man who's friend of the family and he my mom said he's looking for someone on the weekend to help move he's buying and selling real estate buying homes fixing them up and flipping them the 1970s late 1970s I was 17 and 1977 and he she said you know he I was 51 in high school by the way I was really small she goes he wants these big guys well my sophomore year went from 5'1 to 6'2 now 67 I tell people the difference of course is personal growth so but I had a tumor
in my brain so grew so I'm this big kid all of a sudden he said he'd love to hire you I was like okay I'm in and then my dad said well you know when you're over there you got to figure it out I mean the guy used to be such a loser and now he's so successful so I went to work for this man and over the weekend and I worked my tail off and he was really impressed he goes you know I've never seen a kid have more work ethic than you I want
to take you to lunch so he took me to lunch and I said well I'd like to pick your brain because I said you know my dad said you used to be such a loser and now you're really successful I wasn't meaning to say you're you're a kid you don't realize what you're saying right guy goes your dad said what and I said well and he goes well no your dad's true I said well what changed your life and he said I went to a seminar I said a seminar never even heard the word before
I said what's a seminar he said a seminar is a place where someone who's been incredibly successful made it through all the ups and downs and has learned and they're now super successful and they want to share with you how they did it to save you all those years and Decades of trial and error learning I said wow I never even thought of such a thing he goes yeah it changed my entire life I said well you know how much is it to go to that seminar and he said $35 which in today's US Dollars
after inflation it's about 250 bucks and $35 seemed like I'm block because I was making $40 a week as a janitor right about $300 a week my my contrast and I said well could you get me in and he said yeah but he didn't follow up so I said will you and he goes no I said why not and he goes goes because you won't value it if you don't pay for it I said trust me I'll value it I'm I'm struggling I'm doing this I'm working he goes no no no no he goes you
make the decision and you commit yourself in this way and you put yourself on the line and you'll get 10 times the results I'm not going to put you in so I sat there and wrestled for four days sounds stupid now with this giant decision do I take almost a week's pay to go to this one little seminar and it was a giant decision of the time obviously one of the most important ones in my whole life and there I sat in this room and I'd already been a reader because my way of escaping the
pain of my life was to read biographies I even took a speed reading class I said I'm going to read a book a day I didn't do that but I read about 700 books over seven years personal development psychological development physical development anything that could change the quality of life and so as he was speaking I'd finished some of his phrases you know in this room about a thousand people and this young kid is shouting things out loud with enthusiasm right he'll probably look like an idiot at the time but you know he got a
chance to visit with me afterwards and I told him how my life had been and I was on my own my dad got kicked out by my mom my mom kicked me out chased me out with a knife I know she wasn't going to kill me but I'm sleeping in my car I want to come to work for you I'm so qualified and talk about success right and he that young man he said uh you know if you want to come work for me you got to go through all my programs and you know it's
about $1,200 be like $12,500 in today's dollars right and I was like are you kidding I said well loow me the money and I'll go through your programs and I'll create great results and I'll tell I'll pay you back and out of my own money I work for you and I'll tell everybody you're the reason that's happened he's like young man I'm not your Banker he said some people have to survive some people have to succeed decide which one you are find the money and you can come work for me otherwise forget it and I
left angry like this guy doesn't give a damn I'm 17 he's he wants to get money out of me he's Rich what's the hell and and then all of a sudden it's part of my voice went he's right he's right he's right you've always gotten what you had to have but you didn't have to have much it's the first day that I was like okay this is not a should for me this is a must so I went to Banks to borrow the money thinking Banks loan money the people that need it which if you've
ever gone to a bank you know the only one people that don't need it right Banks don't Lo me money now I don't need it right so but I went to bank after Bank I'm running out of time and I was outside the Bank of America in a place called West gamina California on a place called citus Avenue I remember it vividly the moment and before I walked in it was you know I'm running out of time I'm like can't leave here without the money and you'll learn that to change your emotional state the fastest
way is a radical change in your body the way you move the way you breathe it actually changes your biochemistry we'll show you this today we're going to do an exercise at the end of the day here by the end of these couple hours you will not forget and you'll use it forever I use it still to this day it's going to be very cool something I've work with tons of athletes on and turn them around so bottom line is I get myself in this strong State and I store in I look for somebody who
looks persuadable and I look at this one woman she looked really kind so I walked up to her and I said my name is Tony Robbins I'm here today so I can I can I can change my life I'm I'm not here to borrow $1,200 to fix a car or go on vacation I want to attend a seminar and she started to laugh which I thought was not a good sign and she says young man we just sit down and let's talk about this she pulls out my application and she starts reading my application she
says oh my God she said um um Citrus Avenue she goes I didn't know there were any apartments on Citrus Avenue I said well I kind of have a mobile home and then I I wasn't going to lie so I told the truth I said look I that's the address is 7-Eleven I park there between Denny's and 7-Eleven it's 24 hours they don't make me move and I go every day at noon and I talk to the mailman he knows what I've been through and he gives me the mail and her eyes are getting this
big and she goes you want us to loan money to you and we can send the bill to the 7-Eleven and that's where we're going to find you I said I'm good for she goes and then she looks and goes goes well you're not even 18 years old I said well what does that matter she goes you have to be 18 to sign a contract I said I'll it be 18 soon she said how soon I said how soon do I have to be 18 I said no I'm an 18 in two weeks she goes
okay she goes well she looks my application she goes young man she goes I appreciate your enthusiasm but she said uh I really I I I don't see how the bank's going this money and I said ma'am you don't understand and I just kicked into gear I'm going to change I wasn't thinking millions of people in those days I'm going to change hundreds of thousands of people's lives I'm going to learn this not just for me I'm gonna help people this is my passion I went on and on and on the end of my Soliloquy
her jaw kind of dropped open she sat back down and she said look me in the eyes and swear to me that if somehow the bank W loan you the money and I do that I will never have to come look for you and I said I swear I absolutely swear you there and then she said okay I'm going to try and get the bank to do this but if not I'll back you up and I grabbed her across the air and kissed her on the cheek I didn't expect that in a million years her
name was Mrs Williams and I she got the bank to loow me the money I don't know how she did I don't know if she co-signed or what she did but I always promised that I would tell the story of how she gave me my start I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her and I took that money which was more money than the car I was sleeping in 1968 Volkswagen Bug and I I went and I went to work for Jim row I went to these seminars and when I got there I didn't
have money for a hotel room I was going to sleep in my car and spent all thisy for this two days seminar I think $122,000 right it's the essence of what it was in today's dollars and um I met a guy there named Mike Keys who's still my friend today in fact he's probably out there right now watching been friends for more than 45 years and he had a little more money than me not much he goes stay in my hotel room with us he goes we're both we're both rough off but you know what's
so beautiful about it because it was everything I had I didn't miss a word I didn't get up to PE he wrote the I wrote the right it didn't matter what he said right and at one point I figured every word was wor like three cents you know we're not going to miss a thing here and there are other people just put on their credit card and have to think about it but because I did that it starting me in a course of using what I've learned CU how many of you know somebody that knows
what they should do knows how they should do it and they still don't do it maybe you know this person personally right right so it's like one thing I'll mention today is today is free that's the challenge of these three days easy to just go I've got enough I'm going to leave please don't do that to yourself This is my gift to you started with Co I want to help people this is my way of giving back and I do it once a year but you got to invest in you now so when I'm not
investing in the economics invest the emotion and every day at the end of the day I'm going to give you a little challenge not overwhelming challenge but something for you to do and for you to act on so that each day you really make real progress who's up for taking on an action each day to follow through to make this happen ladies and gentlemen well once I'd heard this and i' learned from Jim Ron and went to work with him then I became fascinated by anything that could create change you know quickly and I got
exposed to something called neurolinguistic programming you may have heard of NLP because in the 1970s it was the most Cutting Edge every therapist who was worth anything wanted to learn NLP because you could learn to make changes in an hour that used to take months or years you learn how to wipe out a lifetime phobia literally in less than an hour sometimes 20 minutes and so I I talked my way in this class that only therapists in those days used to go I met the founder John grinder and I said you got to let me
in these people they're used to working with people for years they're going to get stuck I I don't have their limiting beliefs I'll take what you learn I'll apply it let me come in here and I said if you don't I'm going to put my ear against the door and listen it was at a holiday in next to the next to the airport and he finally let me in and I went through six weeks or six months of training about four days each and I was just crazy out of the first four days I was
so excited to learn how to change people I went to the Denny's next door right there by the airport LAX still there and I sat at the counter and I said sir my name is Tony Robbins tell me your problem is and I'm going to change this like I was nuts but I was so on fire and then I went up to Canada because I had some friends there and they were studying NLP and they said would you teach some stuff of what you've learned because I heard you're great at this and I put this
little seminar together my first seminar was a three-day seminar called bon hero and I got up and did this work and helped change people and then I thought okay I've got these tools I I get more people to know about it so I got on a radio show and I'll finish with this as the story and we'll go on to what we're going to do with you but just to give you a picture and so I go on this radio show and this is you know I didn't this is the very beginning of shock jock
radio I didn't know what a shock jock even was so I didn't know this I thought guy was serious he just put me on to try to make fun and harass me and so at some point when I'm talking about what I did and I'm saying I don't care what your problem is I don't care if you dealt with it for years I don't care if you've been therapy for years see me I don't handle that problem in one hour I am the One-Stop therapist right and so then a radio on the radio this psychiatrist
calls up he says you're a charlatan you're a liar people like you should not even be allowed on the radio I'm like sir I said have you ever met me before no have you met any of my clients no you've never met me you've never met my clients and you're calling me a liar on National radio I said sir are you a scientist of course I'm a physician I said well if you're a scientist I know you would never make an ass assumption so you must be stating your hypothesis your hypothesis my in charlatan things
like this can't happen because you've never seen it before but if you're truly a scientist don't you have to test your hypothesis there's a long pause and the voice goes well yeah and I said well great I said I said I'd love to prove it to you why don't you bring me one of your patients I'm going to do a free event at the holiday in two nights from now 7:30 p.m everyone listening can come and bring me one of your patients bring me a patient you've never been able to cure I'm sure I said
I'm sure sure you got plenty of those you want to play hard ball I can play hard ball right and so you all we all have he says we all have people that aren't ready to change yet I said I haven't found any of course I've only done four interventions in my whole life at that point but I knew what was possible right so uh so the guy goes well you know I don't know and I said sir I said you know put up and shut up and the guy goes we see you tomorrow night
the Hol end it cuts him off now how many of you do what I do first time I meet somebody if I meet him on the phone I can't help it I hear the voice I make a picture of what they're like how many of you do that I'm curious Make some noise or give me a thumbs up if you're out there somewhere all right so I don't know what do you picture a person okay I'll be there I picture this giant person with like a scared woman on his arm cuz he told me the
one thing I left out is he said well I have this one woman you know I've treated her you know she has this phobia where she goes to sleep at night and a snake bites her on the face in her dream and you get so much adrenaline of course she wakes up and I said how often does that happen and she said the person said three or four times a day for her and I said how long have you been treating her he said 7 years and that's why I said well bring her down that
should take me 10 or 15 minutes right so I get there that night I'm hoping to have 150 to 200 people at the Holiday end and 500 people show up to see the shootout at okay Corral between me and the therapist right and so in those days I'm introducing myself and there's so many people there aren't enough seats there's people standing on the walls if the Fire Marshall comes in I'm going to be shut down and I'm waiting I'm looking for somebody big person with scared person on their arm I don't see anything so I
start out and I say ladies and gentlemen you I introduce myself I'm Tony Robbins I'm here to show you how you can make changes in minutes you may thought would take months or years but I said I'm going to demonstrate tonight and right when I say that the side door bursts open like a movie and this guy about this tall like 5'4 walks in with his woman Raptor on his arm and he storms right to the front and I'm standing on stage right and he literally comes right in front of me here and I go
to raise shake his hand he won't shake my hand he goes here is the woman right so I take this woman I said man why don't you have a little seat here I said I understand you have certain feelings about certain kinds of animals how do I feel about snakes and she starts to shake and spit because if you've ever seen a phobic it's not an intellectual response it's an automatic physiological response so I calm her down I take about 15 18 minutes I do this little work and then I go to test it and
when I go to test it I said ma'am how do you feel about snakes and there's no reaction I go ma'am how's that feel she goes wow that's so different and I said all right well hang on a second and then I walk behind her and I go back four steps to this back table and I grab this little knapsack and as I bring it in the audience sees the bottom of it is moving and I reach inside and I said how do you feel about and I put a little gardener snake and I put
the snakes and she didn't scream or yell but she did pull back and have this little scared look on her face but it wasn't out of control I said ma'am I said how do you feel about snakes she goes they're not very attractive right and I saidwell I said' before you're screaming shaking you know none of that reaction she goes yeah that's great I said what do you think it feel like to hold the snake she goes it's not very attractive and the audience starts going hold it hold it hold it so finally she goes
okay she grabs the snake starts to squeeze it I said don't kill it right and that launched my career because from then on I was like okay Robins equals results it doesn't matter my age it doesn't matter anything else if I can produce results they've never seen before and make them lasting then I can build this so then I started working with people various drug addictions and I took a woman who hadn't had an orgasm in 10 years and gave her an orgasm I didn't touch her I didn't touch her fact guys were saying to
me can you teach me how to do that when I'm tired right you know so and then I started working with some of the greatest athletes in the world you know and then I started working with Olympic athletes and Andre agasse and then Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa and President Clinton and then I took the same pattern recognition to businesses which is how I built from one business to 114 companies and 9 billion in business so that's been the pathway but it's been all about making these little distinctions along the way these patterns and learning
how to use them because now because I know those patterns I get the call I get the call when you know the athlete is burning down on National Television sharena Williams her sister died she can't get out there for the US Open and I got to get her on stage age I got to get her to perform and I got to do it right now and there's no net if I fail everyone on Earth knows it's there and when there's no net you discover who you are I went to the US Army and said I
can take any training program you do cut the training time in half and increase the competency they said you're crazy I said no I'm expensive we negotiated and then I cut the training program that it took 80 years to build and more than half it was a 4-day training I got it to a day and a half and tripled the number of people at the expert level and so my skills kept growing and growing gr and growing and I'm my influence group and then it's built up over the decades to the point where I get
to be with you here so I want to show you the tools of how that's done so let's start with this if we're going to enter this New World by the way what season put in the chat box if you would what season do you think we're in right now as a world do you think if you look at the world overall are we in a springtime if everything's new and growing are we in a summer we're fighting through it are we in a fall where everybody's reaping are we in a winter where people are
exaggerating the fear and problems what would you say let's see what you're saying here yes winter winter winter fall winter winter summer summer winter winter yes there's zero question we're in winter but we're almost through it if you study history no one knows for sure we're probably three quarters the way through it a lot of people are optimistic about some new changes happening in the world and you can feel it some people have anxiety about it other people are excited but remind what you have to do well in any season you have to kind of
ret yourself so we're going to do that we're going to show you today some beginnings of it and we're going to build it each day with some new tools it's kind of like if you know some of the great races out there there's a race called the darar race it's 9,300 miles and it's 12 days in the Sahara Desert or some of you know the 24-hour L man's Race 24 hours or the Baja 1000 six day race these races if you took a normal car your normal life and try to drive let's say in the
Sahara Desert you're going to die you have to requip that so that now it has a longer exhaust something that goes beyond the sand so you get the air to the car well we need to do the same thing with our own lives and what we want to do here is put you in a position where in a few days you can start to see this retooling going on where you can start to shift things because once you know how to do that that's why I could help the athlete that's why when I got the
phone call from you know somebody who's like my kid is suicidal you know or my or an adult is knock on wood have not lost any in fact how many of you have seen uh my Netflix special documentary called Tony Robins I'm not your Guru little thumbs up if you've seen it you know those those people that was 10 years ago and of course we followed up with all those people five years later and you can see the people that were suicidal are totally great people's relationships transformed they get to see its lasting change but
all that is because of this understanding of how to shift these patterns how to produce these skills how to how to make a shift that really can have a lasting impact as opposed to a short-term impact so in order to do that one of the things that happens is like I get the call when I'll give an example I get a call when I was 32 and the president United States calls me and says Tony they're going to impeach me in the morning Clinton what should I do and my first response was could you call
me sooner it's the morning it's like but that made me have to gear up and I figured out what to do and how to help him turn things around and so all of those have led to this place where I could re-engineer myself but I will tell you the re-engineering process we're going to do here still requires something critical which is energy if you ask me what's the single most important thing to success I think intelligence is incredibly valuable obviously I love wickedly smart people however how many you know some really smart people that can't
fight their way out of a paper bag in their daily life anybody know what I'm talking about right so much more important than that is something that all of you I think have if you're with me here and if you're with me for the next 3 hour for the 3 hours each day I know you have this it's the one ingredient you need hunger Hunger is the one thing that will make you maximize your intelligence your emotion your ability your skill the more hungry you are to be more to do more to give more right
to contribute more that's what makes life amazing you know you look at somebody like Richard Branson or Sir Richard Branson now Richard's a friend he's as hungry today in his early 70s as when he was 16 years old in that starting virgin that's why it's like let's give it a go let's make it happen hunger is that ingredient and if you're hungry enough you'll find yourself in a place where you'll also start to tap into the most powerful source of all your energy because it's simple I know this sounds so overly simplistic and it is
it's not exciting it's not sexy but the number one thing you need to change your life is more energy energy is power and most of us don't realize that over the years it's not just age it's also covid we got used to for multiple years of just sitting in front of a computer or in a tight little space and doing very little I've read various studies I don't know which one's really accurate but you know the average person in One study said they gained 14 pounds during Co there the average it means if you gain
less somebody gain more to give you an idea we know drugs were of abuse you know drinking was of abuse you know more suicides than any other time but more importantly the energy is L now when your energy is low do you have the high level thoughts Peak Performance thoughts hell no we energy is low all you can think of is lousy things in your life it's kind of like our bodies are like you know if if you turn on a cable channel and you tune to one channel you get comedy another one you get
drama another one you get Epic Adventures right well your body is the tuning fork and your energy is low you're going to top into those low frequencies and that's why people depressed get more depressed and people are happy tend to get more happy how many have seen how many you noticed that successful people tend to become more successful and challenged people get more challenged right that's because of energy so right now before we do anything else I give you a little Foundation now of understanding why we're here we need to shift our energy and we're
going to use that the next three days now think of it this way before I show you how like who do you want to be around if if you're in a business and all hell's breaking loose and people like oh my God I don't know what to do I don't know what to do and the person goes I don't know what do you think not much of a leader right you want somebody know house breaking loose that they stand up and they go move all all handle it right you want to be that person right
who's with me on this Make Some Noise if you're with me on this ladies and gentlemen so in our lives being able to put oursel in a high energy state is everything energy is what is attractive have you ever seen like if you say what is charisma if somebody has Charisma well that person's got this pull to them well many people let's say a singer they might have a giant nose and pimples on their face but man when they sing their hair is ratty like you love them they're the most attractive person in the world
because there's an energy coming out of them well we all have that energy but most of us are like fish in water we don't realize that over the years our standard of energy has gotten lower and lower because everybody else has it you walk around it's like people like oh man I actually got to go to an office oh man this is heavy duty right I mean nobody wants to work anymore it's crazy not nobody but a lot of people so if you and I are going to take get to the next level we've got
to make sure that energy stays High because look in a low energy you know I'll give you three keys to kind of three mandates to being a leader jot them down real fast real simple three mandates to being a leader with your kids with yourself with your business these are the three things you got to do number one you got to see things as they are but not worse than they are you got to see things as they are but not worse than they are because most people think of it's worse than it tell me
why how how many would agree with most people make it worse than it really is Make Some Noise if you agree tell me in the chat box why do people make it worse than it is why do they do it what do you think is the reason that's right fear fear good job fear they're afraid of failure they're afraid of getting their hopes up yes they're afraid of being disappointed they're nervous low negative bias very good low expectations look we've all had disappointments we've all felt betrayed at times we've all been in situations where we
gave our all and it fell apart and so if that happens enough a lot of people then just decide it's never going to work because they don't want to be disappointed well you'll never be disappointed but you'll never have anything sometimes people say to me well I'm skeptical you know I'm pessimistic and I go let's be honest you're gutless right because it doesn't take any guts to say nothing's going to work it's a self-fulfilling prophecy right to put your hopes up to get back going again that takes something so the secret is see things as
they are don't BS yourself don't lie to yourself you know I'm not telling you go to your garden and chant there's no weeds there's no weeds there's no weeds when there's weeds there no we got to see the weeds and pull them out who's with me on this say I but the secret is see it as it is but not worse than it is and when I read many of your pieces last night some of you you've made it worse than it is not that your problem isn't a significant issue but you're making it like
it defines who you are right second key if you're going to be a leader once you see it as it is not worse than it is now you got to see it better than it is and what we all have to create and we're going to do these next 3 days is create what I call a compelling future see anyone can deal with incredibly difficult today if they have a compelling tomorrow they're heading towards we all can deal with this if there's something compelling but most people don't have a compelling vision of where they're going
in fact in this country we haven't had a compelling vision for a long time some people feel like we finally have one again I mean whether it's Republican or Democrat Kennedy had a vision John F Kennedy's like we're going to go to the put a man on the moon and return him to Earth in this decade and NASA went we can't do that he goes we're doing it right he had a vision right Reagan about here's a republican Democrat Republican doesn't matter it's just a Visionary we're going to be the city on the hill this
is what going to happen to our society so now we we got to create a vision that's what see it better than it is otherwise there's no future and then the third step is make it the way you see it is to make it the way you see it like that requires strategy that requires going on the next level and that requires energy does that make sense if the energy is low you're just going to see it worse than it is so when I talk about energy real fast think about this for example let's use
an example that we can all relate to in a relationship so try this just for a second with me if you would imagine you have two people that truly do love each other it's not they really love each other they're adore each other super super deep love for one another and they're both have taken care of themselves and they're both at high levels of energy they keep themselves in Peak states of energy on a regular basis daily I bet you can predict what kind of relationship they're going to have right is this going to be
an okay relationship a Lous relationship a good relationship or amazing what would you say put it in the chat box or shout it out loud what would you say of course right amazing you know it because they love each other and they have high energy now watch what if you have the same two people they love each other just as much but now they've gotten worn down by life a little little bit you know got to take the kids the soccer prce got to get this thing done I got the stresses in my business got
a little cash flow issue oh somebody in the family's a little ill and their energy drops to you know good how you doing pretty good better than dead right you know you know what I'm talking about like okay is it going to be the same relationship even though they love each other the same this is yes this is no what would you say show me real quick yes or no which guys no way it doesn't matter they love each other because in that energy state they're not going to express it at the same level and
then check this out what if you got the same two people love each other completely but now they're both in a lousy state they're stressed out they're pissed off about things in their life they're frustrated they're overwhelmed and now they get together and they love each other is how many you ever been in that place with somebody else right are you your best self hell no people say things and do things you'll wish you never said but they won't forget it right that's the danger zone clearly even though they love each other how many agree
it's not the same relationship if you agree say I so energy affects every aspect of your life from your business or career to your children to your intimate relationship and so the question is how many buy that energy is the most important thing to make a change you got to have a bonus of energy how many agree and how many agree most people don't have a whole hell of a lot These Days Make Some Noise if you agree right and we don't even notice it right so how do we increase it like how many of
you have had a day where you woke up in the morning and you thought to yourself I don't want to talk to people today who's had a day like that make some noise if you have or give me a thumbs up if you're out there thumbs up right so we've all had days like that but if you get up and you try to do that and be around humans you can't fake it hi how's it going oh good good for you right you know people can feel it's all Bs right so you can't fake it
but there's a way to increase it so if you don't have the energy and I know there are days you know listen I got about 4 hour sleep it's my own fault just because I was so engaged with all of you guys and then preparing but you know with four hour sleep I got to still overd deliver for you right we got to make this happen so how do you do it when you don't feel like the energy is there where does energy come from tell me where you think it comes from put it in
the chat box real quick if I ask you where does energy come from what would you say it is okay food food sleep food food okay okay let's start those who said food let me just talk to you about this for a second okay food is a source of energy I understand but it is not the cause of energy let me give you a perfect proof how many can remember I know we have people from every country in the world so I won't use Thanksgiving say Christmas think of a big holiday celebration where you get
together with family and you have a big Feast how many can remember your last big feasting holiday remember that wasn't long ago for most of you right okay so what happened happens on Thanksgiving or Christmas do you eat just like oh it's Thanksgiving I want to give thanks Christmas I want to be thankful so I'm going to eat you know broccoli and good food right no how much do you eat just a little now how much do you eat you eat everything right and when you can't consume another food you I'll never eat again somebody
goes pumpkin pie and you go okay so how do you feel after that meal do you feel like going and playing football going for a run no what do you feel like doing you know get in front of the boob tube right watch a little TV maybe take a little nap how many of you have ever tried this give me a thumbs up or those I can see live on Zoom how many of you here have ever gone on a fast for more than three days three days or more question when you go on a
fast and you've not eaten I know the first day is tough sometimes day two is tough but by the third day do you have more energy or less energy ladies and gentlemen show me more energy is this less energy makes a noise if it's more energy ladies and gentlemen how could you have more energy you've not eaten for 3 days because digestion the way most people eat and by the way we'll show you some other ways causes you to use more energy than almost anything else that's why after lunch people need a cup of coffee
they need to keep themselves going because otherwise they drop so energy is not from food the other one I keep seeing as people said is sleep how many have had a a time when you slept 8 hours and you're still exhausted Make Some Noise if you know what I'm talking about how many of you have had a time where there was like no sleep but something happened and just got you so excited you were wired for the whole day how many know that well you're you're about to have an experience very like that let's stand
up you've been sitting stand up stand up come on stand up shake your body out a little bit let's wake our bodies up wherever you are in the world where I can see or not stand up Shake That Body out let's do it get some energy in that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] body all right so now stay standing stay standing or play a little game shake your body out where energy actually comes from is your psyche your mind your spirit and energy is a habit so you could have no food no sleep and be
full of energy you going have plenty of sleep and be exhausted and plenty of food and be exhausted right so let's play a game it's a simple game really quick I'm going to ask you in a moment to point at someone if there's someone with you in the same household you can point him but otherwise most of you point at somebody on the screen whether they see you or not and when you point at them you're going to go I own you try it go ahead I own you now say it like you mean it
I own you no I own you I now are there any competitive people out there in this world any competitive people awesome then here's the word competition comes from Latin which means to conspire together when we compete we conspire to make the other one stronger so if I'm going to play basketball with you I'm not going to be easy I'm going to push you hard so you get better I want you to push me hard so I get better make sense so we're going to just do a two-c exercise and we'll do it throughout the
time next couple of days we might just get up and change our energy and the way we're going to do it is we're going to go I own you I own you no I own you and we're going to clap one two and when I say three your job is to unleash your energy like a little kid jumping extending your body like you're in the ultimate celebration for 20 seconds and you want to make sound like you do when you're really excited how many of you like to sing when no one's around like cuz making
sound changes your biochemistry so I'm going to have you jump leap just give everything you got like a little kid not like a boring adult who goes yay right I want you to really go for it who's want to go for it here and outdo the other person so so if there's someone in the room you're going to say I own you if not you'll see someone on the screen and when you say I own you your job is to unleash once we F three try to produce more energy than them just for 20 30
seconds like little kid of total celebration are you ready are you ready all right here we go I own you baby no I own you no I own you by the way when you say I own you you're saying I challenge you you low energy person that's what you're really saying ready one more time I own you no I own you all right one 2 3 go [Applause] unleash keep the energy going keep it going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every time I need [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] make the what come to the [Applause] [Music] beak all [Music] right yes give a high five or a virtual high five your partner say you rock BBE and grab a seat feeling [Applause] great there you go great energy take a little sip of water so you stay hydrated a little sip of water and once you got hydrated in your chair let's create more energy in your chair than when you're even standing use your body wake it up that's it go
for it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all [Music] right yes if you feel better than before make a fist and say yes say yes say yes now some of you I hope woke up your people in your apartment building if you're in the middle of the tonight cuz we have people all over the world here we started here in I think Australia I've forgotten what time it is there I think it's in the middle of the night there so I really want to thank all the people by let's give a hand from people we have people from
all over the Earth 195 countries give them a hand [Music] [Applause] everybody yeah it's 7:30 in the morning in Australia I guess right now so it's really wonderful so now let's talk about how to create a breakthrough and I want you to understand that this stuff like okay we're standing and we're jumping we're clapping it feels like positive thinking BS you told me to do that stuff in the beginning I'd say go screw yourself this is right excuse my language but that's how I looked at it but what I learned was it's really about how
to change your biochemistry because you can try and think your way have you ever tried this I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy I'm happyy your brain goes read between the lines I'm not happy right right so we need to be able to shift ourselves and so one of the things we did is during covid an interesting thing happened I was approached by these researchers from Stanford that said listen we've had I believe two professors I believe they said that had gone through my date with Destiny program it's like a Six-Day program and they said they
both were clinically depressed on medication they both came out they're both there's no signs of depression they're off all medication this is unbelievable and I said do you have any studies and I said well I got literally millions of graduates with stories of people obviously getting out of depression isn't one of the easiest and most common things I know it sounds like hyperbole but it's not they said well this is fascinating but do you have any scientific studies and I said no I said but you know if you want to do one I'm more than
open and so we had this discussion I said what do you want to study they said well it's the middle of covid so they said depression people are depressed all over the world all over this country it's at Epic levels beyond anything we've ever seen more suicides more overdoses so we'd love to see a non-pharmacological approach which is what what I do there's no drugs involved obviously and I said well what is you know tell me the studies and they told me how the studies have worked they explained to me that the meta studies those
are the ones that study literally all the studies show that 60% of the people that come in for treatment you know whether it's zoff Prozac whatever it is or therapy or both make zero Improvement that's pretty crazy 40% improve but on average about 50% and so I I just said that's I I know we can do better than that so let me show you a two second video that'll show you what the study found I think you'll be blown away and you'll see there's a science to what we do and we're getting results no one
has seen anywhere in science it was this was published in the Journal of of Psychiatry two and a half years ago take a look this process we're going to do together over the next couple of days it is designed scientifically it's not genius to do it it's pretty fundamental but I know exactly what to do during covid more people got stuck in depression and anxiety overdosing all those things and I got a phone call from Stanford University who had done research on our Unleash the Power Within events and they came to me and said look
we had two of our professors who were clinically depressed who went through your date with Destiny seminar and they said their lives are completely changed they've thrown away all the drugs they don't have any symptoms of depression this is insane do you have any data on this and I said well yeah I've got millions of graduates so I can give you the testimonials we've done follow-ups they said said no but like scientific data I said well what do you want to study and they said depression cuz it's out of control and I said great let's
do it the meta studies show that when people are depressed and they go for treatment whether it's drugs or therapy or both on average 60% of the people make zero Improvement 40% improve but on average they only improve 50% now some people get well but most don't most people take these drugs for another 10 years and the drugs don't get you out of depression they just numb you and numbing won't make your life better I said if those are your statistics we'll blow that number out I'm certain I said but what's the best result you've
ever gotten in the history of psychiatrist it was done at John's Hopkins University and they did a study where they took people that are clinically depressed and from month they gave them psilocybin which is magic mushrooms and did cognitive therapy on them 6 weeks after 54% of the people that did psilocybon and cogntive therapy simultaneously had no symptoms of depression it's the greatest result they've ever seen in the history of Psychiatry I said our goal is to beat that here's what's cool they did the study and here's the result after six weeks after just 5
days 5 and a half days no drugs no cogni therapy remarkably 93% of the people had no clinical depression whatsoever and the remaining 7% had significant Improvement even better 177% of the people went in there was suicidal ideation thinking about suicide every single one was no longer in that state after afterwards and even better there's a method to our madness here so if you push yourself you're going to get the growth if you don't you won't they set a group out for 36 months that's a Performance Group in partnership with Stanford and they followed me
at all my live seminars and then digital seminars when Co hit and I wore this $60,000 Vice it measures heart rate Vari it measures everything and during every break they got up and I took my blood they took my saliva to see my hormonal changes and everything else and they discovered lots of crazy things like one in an average seminar like this I jump 1,00 times in a day so imagine I'm 290 lbs four times your body weight is like a th000 pounds of pressure a thousand times it's a million pounds of pressure in one
day in my body so my bone density looks like a Gilla I burn 11,300 calories on average that that's insane it's like 2 and a half marathons or 2 and a half NBA games back to back or 10 NHL practices in a row is what they told me it's like pure energy I burn 4,000 before I even get on stage thinking chest Masters I found out will burn 3500 to 4,000 sitting just playing the game cuz your brain uses so much energy if you've ever been with a friend and you've been on a run and
you get to the point where you can't talk anymore that means the lactic acid in your body has gone to four well I'm on stage doing 18 and still speaking this is crazy and then they uncovered why this stuff lasts they decided to track these changes in my body but then they decided to also track the audience they have something they call the championship biochemistry I'm telling you this cuz you're going to experience it if you play full out what happens is your testosterone surges mine surges through the roof testosterone which gives you drive and
focus and energy when you're in a high testosterone State you remember everything if I asked you where were you at 9/11 the moment you heard about it I remember exactly where you were if I ask you where were you on 811 of the same year you don't have any idea that's because information without emotion is barely retained you got to use your body second thing happens is normally when your testosterone shoots up you have the stress hormone card cortisol that pops up well in my body what happens testosterone surges and cortisol the stress hormone drops
off what they found is it isn't just me if you do what I do if you'll jimp clap move do the things we do yell back the answers it looks like music we all go into the state of high testosterone low cortisol stress and we balance that piece out and people experience it and that's why you're retaining this so that's why we're going to jump clap move results come by changing your biochemistry and that's why it's going to last who's want to go for [Applause] it yes now obviously here we're only doing 3 hours it's
not 12 hours a day it's not in the studio where we're all can be with each other and see each other but it's the same process here it's wiring our nervous system and by the way when they did the followup a year later no interaction with me whatsoever these same individuals had a 72% reduction in negative emotions 51 uh increase in production of positive emotions so this lasts so I want you to understand why we're doing the things we're doing so let's talk about how to create a breakthrough and then let's do something here before
we finish that you won't forget that there'll be a tool you can use to create breakthroughs let's start with how first of all how many came here CU you didn't want to just change I want to a real breakthrough in your life a real transformation right do me a favor give me your definition of a breakthrough type it in the chat box real quick so I can see what you think a breakthrough is how would you describe a breakthrough what is a breakthrough okay here we go it's a radical change it's letting go it's being
free of something it's conquering my fears it's changing habits it's never going back it's stepping forward it's a radical change in my habits good we're gotten so many beefs going so fast okay all those are good definitions I'll give you my definition mine isn't the right one this is how I look at it I think of a breakthrough as a moment in time that's important because at any moment you could change your whole life it's a moment in time when everything changes when what seemed impossible becomes possible and you begin to act on it I'll
say it again so think of it as a moment in time how many of you had a sit situation in your life where you struggled to make a change you said you're going to change something you committed to do it and then you put it off or you procrastinated or you didn't follow through and you were disappointing yourself and then you tried it again and you just got stuck who's ever been in that place here say [Applause] I however how many have had something you try to change try to change try to change until finally
one day there was a moment where your brain went that's enough not another day not another hour I'm changing changing this now who's done this somewhere in your life Make Some Noise show me get thumbs up if you've done this out there ladies and gentlemen so I know right so we've all probably had moments like that so let's see if we can instead of me telling you how to create a breakthrough let's see if you can figure it out like let's look at one of your own breakthroughs because if you've done a breakthrough in any
area of your life ever you can do it again in another area of your life so I want you to try something really quick first of all what can trigger a breakthrough I I think a breakthrough can be triggered by conversation with somebody you love it can be based on getting a new insight it can come from having a new experience that makes you go hey I could really do this it could be a big enough challenge to finally you push through it could be a new emotion it could be enough anger or upset or
enough excitement that pushes you over the edge or maybe you just figured a new way a strategy that made something seem impossible now I know I can do it those are all ways to trigger a breakthrough to give you a sense and by the way how many of you have ever I Give an example how many have ever been in a relationship way too long who's ever stayed in a relationship way too long Make Some Noise give me a thumbs up out there you know what I'm talking about okay now why just stay well most
people stay because even though it's painful they go well you know uh it was good in the past or it'll be better in the future because nobody know what it is but there's sometimes you get to a point where it's like not another day not another hour it's been painful in the past it's painful now painful I am out of here who's ever made a choice like that and got out of a relationship as a so here's what I want you to do I just want you to take 3 minutes really fast and I want
you to answer three questions for me just write it down on you can do it on your iPad your piece of paper anywhere you want but don't just think it let's write it down and then we'll do a quick share on it so I want you to think about okay what's an area of my life I've struggled I struggled in the past to try to break through and I I failed a bunch of times but then finally finally one day I broke through finally one day I broke through now and once you know what that
area is just write down what that area or that situation was that you struggle but you finally broke through and then want you answer two questions first what was it about that moment that made you finally break through that made you no longer settle that made you just change it all you talked about it before but this time you did it what was what was it that triggered you there usually by the way it's you know a new emotion like enough anger enough upset or enough excitement or it could be a new role model or
like I said it could be an example have you ever seen someone how many seen someone doing something that you've never done and you thought man if they can do that I could do it too how many you ever had one of those moments right so what made that moment what triggered you to make change a must not a should and make the change right then and then the second question is what made it possible for that change to last did you develop a new belief about yourself or about the situation did you develop uh
a new skill a new strategy that allowed you to accomplish something that before was impossible so I want to know what triggered you to change that moment and then what made it last and usually what makes it last is a a new belief right a new experience a new role model a new set of emotions but I want you to take three minutes and write it down we'll put some music on and let's write it down because I want to see what it is because if we can study your patterns we can see how you
can do it again here we go just three minutes right as fast as you can and if you want you can put it in the chat box we'd love to hear what's an area you struggled with what made you change that day that moment and what made the change last was it a new belief a new standard a new emotion a new pattern what was you struggle with what what finally made you change it in that moment did you wake up an emotion like your faith or your courage did you make a huge commitment that
followed through you just cut it off what did you do what made you change in that moment and what made it last just real quick and again some of you can put it in the chat box if you'd like to what was the area what made you change in that moment what made it last Yan says I was sick and I had enough of being in that state of desperation I signed up for a fitness membership I gave no excuses and it's been 3 years now and I'm so happy nice job Jana I quit smoking
based on one trigger I took Massive Action and changed my whole life nice Mii started a business on my terms belief that I could turn things around myself I didn't have to settle very nice beautiful the pain of staying was far greater than the pain of leaving I found my own selfworth nice Lindsay I was uncomfortable with my first pilot solo I recognized that I was smart and good most of the other Pilots succeeded it gave me the courage to succeed their example and I made the skill and now I have a new career nice
Brett Erica I prayed I fast I do a lot of research I created a new momentum beautiful jper I was depressed and decided to asked for help I wasn't going to put up with this anymore I got one the M we decided to make some real changes that have lasted in my life nice I forgave myself for my bad choices nice meaning beautiful about less than a minute left I to have so much anxiety I was always worrying broken ankle had a surgeon I was tired of being anxious I literally just got so angry I
said not another day I found a program I reconditioned myself my spirit soar very nice I recommitted to our marriage Shelly says it confronted to dishonesty committed to complete openness and honesty we pray together every day we develop new patterns read the Bible and we're connected nice 30 seconds this notice of there there's a pattern that you notice what pushes you over the edge and what got it to last about 15 seconds left notice the pattern what got you to change in the moment what made it last I was tired of being a victim Fernando
said Ivan said I stopped smoking after I changed the people I was living with changed the environment nice all right raise your hand if you're done so I know we're ready raise your hand if you've completed so I can see those and zoom awesome thumbs up those at home beautiful thank you so much so let's do a couple examples I'll go to some somebody on Zoom raise your hand I'll just think one or two quick examples let's see if we notice a pattern and what makes people finally make a change and then what makes it
last raise your hand if you'd like to volunteer let's grab grab one of these people hand up I see several yes let's go with her with him okay very nice hello give him a hand hello hi and uh your name is is it Daniel yes it is Mr Robins Daniel where are you in the world I'm in lascas California okay someone can turn up the sound in here it's hard to hear Las scotus California give him a hand first of all everybody give him a [Applause] hand Daniel tell me if you would what was the
area you struggled with and then what made you change that day and then what made the change CH last in your mind tell me I'm curious honestly I've had addiction issues uh my entire life um my mother really struggled with alcohol fortunately that was not my struggle um it was with marijuana and I always found it it was something that just I I gave myself every excuse to um to keep the relationship with it and I realized one day that I looked at my bong and it it just didn't have that that draw to me
I just was like what am I doing like this is this using am I using this or is it using me oh great question I yeah I just decided that at that moment that you know my my body deserves better my brain deserves better my son deserves better I deserve better give him a hand for that for starters everybody that's beautiful that's beautiful so you it sounds like you hit a threshold of you wouldn't live this way anymore you got to the point where there's too much pain associated to it that you finally made a
change but what made it last did you develop a new belief or a new standard or a new strategy I'm curious what made it last you yeah I I found um you I went back to the things that really made me feel good um exercise and when I look in the mirror um that I like the person that I saw that I didn't I didn't see this the shell of a man wow that I was currently seeing and I knew what I was capable of and I like you said I I hit that threshold when
I I could look at myself now and just be like I'm proud of who I am that is Daniel that is beautiful you're a beautiful man congratulations and I'm sure you you have a son or daughter is that what you said or did you have a I have a son I have an 8-year-old boy wow what a great dad you are for him give him a hand thank you Daniel that's beautiful thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you let's do one more real quick one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more hi there your name's Rebecca is that right give
it up for Rebecca everybody give her hand Rebecca where are you in the world out of curiosity where are you living where are you right now in Rancho Cordova California which is Northern California near Sacramento Northern California give her [Applause] up so Rebecca what was something you struggle with you kept trying to change you didn't do it and then one day you finally changed what made you change in that moment well that was loud wasn't it that didn't hurt don't worry and and then what made it last in your mind I'm curious yeah I would
say the area that I had struggled with uh had to really do with my self-confidence self-esteem and self-worth and I I realize a lot of that stemmed from gosh even as early as high school I was in high school I was voted most likely to succeed and I carried a lot of pressure from that suddenly I felt like oh wow people are looking at me I better succeed and I had a lot to strive for and I was always feeling like I was trying to prove myself and I had just a great definition of what
it meant to be successful and I would say uh you know I worked hard and I went to school a lot I became a nurse and I've been nursing for 10 years but it was in uh 2022 um think of it now we've been two years into Co and as working as as a nurse it was absolutely exhausting I in a low energy State like we talked about and I had just turned 50 so you know Milestone birthday thinking what am I doing with my life how come I'm not living to where I'm believe that
I should be living and um just all that was in my mind and I'm I knew I needed more I felt that I had potential to be more but didn't know how so it was when I attended the Unleash the Power Within oh ww well that's awesome oh yeah oh that's awesome wow that's great um lifechanging ton I just have to thank you so much um so welcome for for living out your passion and doing what you do because it really does change people's lives it changed mine and it was at that program at Unleash
the Power Within um on one of the days we do something called the Dickens process yes where we really discover what our limiting beliefs are and kind of what's preventing you from moving forward in your life and the limiting beliefs I had if I were to really break them down further to what it really meant it was about my selfworth like you know who am I I mean who am I to have great things or what makes it me so special why would I deserve that you know it's those lies you tell yourself but I
really believed it and I questioned it and I had this moment in that process where I was so in my head of you know what makes me so special and the room was quiet for a moment and I just heard this voice and it was a shift from here to here in an instant it took those words and it said but you are special you are unique there's no one else like you yes and when you're unique and one of a kind and rare you are precious and Priceless you are valuable and it and I
think what it was is because it wasn't the voice in my head it was the voice from within and that's what I knew it was truth and that was that that was that moment and it made me realize give her hand that for starters give her hand you got the inside that's beautiful yeah and made you believe what I'm sorry didn't mean interrupt you on that no no I it made me realize that everything that I've gone through in my life was intentional to shape me to be the woman that I am because it equipped
me with the Knowledge and Skills and experiences to be of service to other people that I was made for service and I really believe that all the experiences that we go through like you say Tony our traumas um our worst days are designed to make us learn something it it's designed to make us teachers for other people yes and I had been so focused on what I didn't have or where I wasn't enough that I missed all the beauty and all the pieces that were falling into place to make me be exactly who I needed
to be and I just in that moment I found my worth and I found my value and I realized I have value my life matters I am here for service and if I don't take action to be who I meant to be someone is going to miss out on that and someone is waiting for me and so I think that just really made me um um decide that moment no more I'm I'm stepping up and I'm showing up so that was that was a big one for me that's beautiful give her hand beautiful job thank
you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rebecca w oh yes what I love about that is we can all go I'm special I'm unique I but that's not what she did right she dug in and said you know no we're all special we're all unique in some way and I have unique gift what I love best about is not like I'm the special one it's like I'm here to serve you know when you think of the word hero it comes from sirvo sirvo is the Latin root and sirvo means the servant if you want to
be the hero you got to serve people you serve the people around you serve enough people and you do a beautiful job you get to experience being an heroic life and it's not phony and fake it's not saying stuff to yourself it's real so let's let's break it down real fast I want to give you a quick little formula because for most of my life like my job is help someone create a breakthrough I got to come in and turn that athlete around turn that business person around turn this individual around who's suicidal they need
a breakthrough not just a change because I want you to think about it people say I don't want to change listen guys change is automatic you don't have to work on change change is the one thing you can guarantee the economy is going to change as the years go by no matter what you do your body will change relationship will change change is automatic but listen to me progress is not progress requires conscious focus and effort to make a change so if I want to create a breakthrough I want to tap into a moment to
change my life I'm curious let me let me take a quick look how many of you the thing that triggered you was something enough pain where you like no more I'm I'm done with this you hit a threshold of pain Make some noise give me a thumbs up if you are pain is what pushed you how many of you you got inspired it wasn't pain it was pleasure you saw something it's like man I can do that too who got to based on that and as you can see if you watch visually on the screen
like I am you can see the majority of us do it based on pain but I'm saying to you you don't have to wait for the pain because if you wait for the pain then the only time you have a breakthrough is when there's a crisis and don't get don't get me wrong you know I want to use a crisis not let a crisis use me we all most of us in this room figured a way to use covid it's a horrible situation the shutdowns it was improper it was not accurate what they told us
and a lot of people suffered but at least we found a way to use it right so here's how you create a breakthrough in three steps and they're all S's and I'm going give you these three s's so in the future if you say man I want to create a breakthrough in my body I've been struggling I can't turn this damn thing around it's been years I'm still overweight or man I can't find the relationship I want or I can't get through to my husband or wife or my kid or man I just turn in
this business I'm not there how do I go to the next level these are the three steps we go through now I'm going to give them to you in reverse order of importance meaning I'm going to start with the least important one first because that's where people's minds go and I want to show you want to change the order so what's the first thing people do when they're not getting what they want they want to figure out how to change it so the first s is they look for a strategy and that makes sense right
I'm a strategist I know the right Strate stry in your business I can show you how to save 10 years to get to where you want I'm not exaggerating because I'm be able to do that company after company that's why I have so many's successful companies at this point I know the patterns right the right strategy you can lose weight you can get fit the right strategy you can find the relationship you want the right strategy and you're not going to be overwhelmed and depressed and stressed so strategy is so important but strategy isn't the
first thing and when I say it isn't the first thing there's a sequence there's a syntax to human transformation if I say to you the dog bit Johnny or I say Johnny bit the dog I use the exact same words all they changed was the sequence the syntax and it's a very different experience especially if you're Johnny right so if you and I want to make change the problem is most of us start with how to do it and the problem with how to do it is how is not that hard but most people don't
do it because even if you show them the strategy they have a story let's put that in that's stopping them that's the second s a story all a story is is a limiting set of beliefs that you've told yourself over and over again till they become the story of Your Life the Story of My Life is I've tried everything no if you tried everything you'd have what you wanted let's take an example 73% to 75 77 depends on which study you read but about 75% of the United States is overweight or obese it's the most
overweight country in the history of the world and by the way the rest of the world is following us because they're taking on some of the same insane eating habits and patterns right so is the reason that most people are not fit and strong is the reason because the strategy is so complex it's really hard to understand yes or no give me a thumbs up make a little no yes or no no absolutely not is it because only the 1% know the answers and it's only for those who are special people that have enough money
to know how to lose weight is that true yes or no no right we can go on and on listen if you wanted to lose weight or get fit or get strong right now how far would you have to go there's a gym about every three miles and you should definitely drive there don't walk there and exercise or anything like that right or you could download a million books right now to your iPad or to your computer to your phone for that matter right you could download free courses I mean how to do it there's
so many ways how but don't get me wrong sometimes people pick the wrong strategy like for example I remember like 15 years ago the cover of Time Magazine was about the Atkins diet 15% of Americans 15% the largest ever were on one diet the Atkins diet now that diet you lose weight on because what it did is it made you so acidic you had a pee on a stick so you didn't get to acidosis well that makes you pee you taking fewer calories of course you lose weight but it's not sustainable and your breath we
couldn't even be around you right so it's not a sustainable strategy sometimes people have the wrong strategy but most of the time the reason that they don't follow through is even if you show them the strategy have you ever tried to help somebody they asked your help you say let me show you how and then they start fighting you who who knows what I'm talking about who related that some way that's because they have a story that doesn't allow them to even perceive the strategy go I've tried that you've tried one I've tried everything you've
tried everything that's the story tell me how many things I've tried Millions of ways Millions name them well I've tried thousands name them I've tried hundreds name them well I did do these three stupid things that don't work over and over again right so their belief becomes what's called a skotoma a blind spot where they can't even see the strategy people say I've tried that how many times how many different ways how many different states were you in so the story is what stops us and when I was reading so many last night many of
you have had painful experiences listen I I have had you know everything from burying forefathers and my mother to having challenges with one of my kids was got addicted to drugs at one point doing the turnaround him he's been phenomenal now he's 40 years old and I've got two granddaughters from him to being told I had a tumor in my brain I might not live I mean I've been through all of the experience I've been on the edge where it looked like my company was going to one of my companies was going to go bankrupt
I pulled it off it didn't but i' I've been at the edge just like everyone one of us here right I've been in relationships where I was miserable and didn't have the guts to change it who can relate to these things out there in your life right out here right but thank God like you know my mom was the most incredible human being most loving human being so I love her to death I never even talked about this till she passed away but when she was on drugs when she was on alcohol and prescription drugs
she was a different human being she was violent she grabbed me by the hair and smashed me against the wall until I bled she thought I was lying for liquid soap down my throat now don't get me wrong I hated those things and but if my mom had been the Mom I wanted her to be I would have become the man that i' become because she made me a practical psychologist she I had to figure out how to manage her emotions man not a proctologist sir I saw that look on your face a practical psychologist
right I to learn how to manage her emotions her States and protect my brothers and sisters she was where I got my original training so she gave me all of my gifts both from her and beauty that she did and even from her challenging times but my story could have been I've been abused I'm a victim I just refuse to make that my story because I saw so many people do that and they're miserable it's like no everything in life is what if you have this belief what if you had a new story what if
your story was everything that happens in my life happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves me but I got to find how it serves me remember what I said earlier if you had an experience in the past that was horrible and you wouldn't want to go through it again but now you see the value if I was a welled Fed kid do you think I'd be out there feeding a billion plus people I'm a good person I believe but I I don't know that I'd be that driven do you follow me so
your worst day can become your best day my father leaving was the worst day it actually was the best day it helped to shape me so it's critical that we come up with an empowering story so write this down if you would change your story change your life you change your story change your life change the role you play from being the pawn to being you know the Victor versus the victim right you have the power to change what things mean I'm not saying you didn't go through hell I'm not saying you haven't been through
Injustice I've been through it too everybody has been I'm saying that you did something with it that's what changes our lives in fact write this down if you would right divorce the story of limitation divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth the truth of your truth true potential your true ability your true skill and by the way if you divorce your limitations please don't go back like some people and divorce does and visit with your old limitations cut it off right marry the higher truth of your life and don't go backwards how
many can see how at times you had a story that got in the way of your ability to make progress financially or emotionally or spiritually Mak Some Noise if you can relate to that okay so now there is one more state though if you have the right story you'll figure out a strategy if you have the right story if you don't know how to do it you'll figure it out or you'll find somebody or if you see it you'll believe it works and you'll use it but what comes before the story that shapes everything is
the third s which is really the first s your state your mental emotional physical state now what do I mean by your state well you know how you can get in an emotional state and get stuck there how many have ever gotten really angry and then try this can you remember a time you got really angry at a person and then suddenly you can remember everything they've ever done that's ever pissed you off right who can relate here who knows what I'm talking about Make Some Noise right or better yet if how many of you
have ever fallen head over heels in love Make Some Noise you head over heels in love in fact try something just for a moment make the sound I know it sounds weird just make the sound of being totally in love go ahead make that sound out loud go ahead and make the sound it's been a while for some of you clearly by what I can see right but how about love and lust at least at least love and lust where you couldn't stop thinking about the person you want to make love to them want to
be with them make the sound of that come on go for it here that was better okay when you're totally in love head over heels in love what will you do for somebody what will you do anything I go could you take out the trash you go take out the trash what else can I do for you right you're happy to do it but after 7 Days 7 weeks 7 months or maybe 7 years or 70 years one day somebody goes can you take out the trash and you say what do I look like you're
janitor you go I don't know what happened used to be so in love right so I want you to get that our states right what we're talking about here is our states affect everything in our lives and our belief systems shape everything so if you and I are going to get to where want to be we need to put ourselves in the right State when you're in love it doesn't matter we're broke have no who cares we're in love everything's great how many you know you felt like nothing was wrong in the world Make Some
Noise if you know what I'm talking about right so I want you to get this your story excuse me your state controls your story see if you're in a great state you're going to come up with great meanings great beliefs and you're going to then find the strategy or if there is an asy you'll find a way or you'll make the way who's with me make some noise if you agree with me on this ladies and gentlemen but it's a lousy State what happens your brain goes to the most limited belief ah crap this never
worked I'm not worth cares or whatever and it won't matter what's in front of you in front of it you won't do it you won't follow through so in the future if you want to anything and create a breakthrough the first key is not even though I'm a strategist I know how valuable it is because you won't use it if you're not in the right state with the right story do that make sense how many he get it make some noise if this makes sense to you right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm
not hearing my sound is coming through can you guys hear me okay can you guys hear me okay my sound's kind of out here if you guys can bring it back okay so you might say to me okay Tony this sounds great it makes sense like when I'm in a great by the way when you're in a great state do you treat people better or worse which one better right do you perform at a higher level or lower level we all know higher level so if you want Peak results in your life you got to
put yourself in a peak State then you'll have a great story and you'll figure out the strategy and now I can help you accelerate all those things by showing how to change State change story and give you the best strategy that's what I do for a living but just getting in the right State alone will begin you you might say well Tony what do I do if I'm not feeling great I'm not in a great state well I think you started to see little clues of how we do that the fastest way to change your
state is to change your body not your mind you can try and go oh I'm you know I'm like a doing affirmations I'm gonna make this happen I'm make this happen your brain goes BS you're not going to make it happen if you're going to make a change it starts with the body now I've taught this for decades change your physiology first physiology is a big word just means change the way you move the way you breathe the way you stand if I told you there was a depressed person behind curtain number number one over
here and I'd give you a $100,000 donation to your favorite charity if you could name or describe that person physically I bet you could do it what's their posture like if they're depressed is their shoulders back or forward what would you say show me that's right forward put it in the chat box if you would is the head up or more down good down is the person breathing full or more shallow when they're feeling that way feeling lousy that's right shallow very good and so and they talking loud or quiet when they're depressed or sad
that's right quiet good do they talk fast or slow slow now how do you all know this because you've all practiced this crap at some point haven't we've been in that state but if you change someone's body if you change their shoulders you change the breathing you change the tempo they speak if I was speaking to you today and saying I really want to share with you how you can um change your life um you'd feel very differently now I know some of you I'm talking rapidly I'm trying to get it all in in this
short time with you but I think you get the sense of that the tempo the way you use your voice it all changes now I've taught for decades how to do this in the next couple days we're going to show you how to do this in a few moments we're going to do an exercise that's going to help you create a breakthrough and you're going to love this because there will be something you can do for yourself you can do it with your kids you can do it with other people it's going to be fun
to do real quick and we're going to wrap it up with that today but before we do just know they did a study at Harvard about I think it was like seven years ago now and I've been teaching this for you know 48 years right big breakthrough that you use if you use your body in certain ways it changes your biochemistry in fact they showed that literally in two minutes you can change your entire biochemistry by doing what they call power postures and you may have heard about this study what they basically did is they
show that if you stand up like this like Superman or Wonder Woman with your hand hands on your hips your shoulders back your head up that l in fact try this for a second please stand up if you would just for a second stand up just for a second check your body out put your hands on your hips like Superman or Wonder Woman or Batman or whatever it is your shoulders are back your head is up breathing fully like this just standing like this for two minutes breathing fully you can smile if you want we'll
change your biochemistry in two minutes and I'll put it on the screen so you'll see this is what they found your testosterone increases 20% within 2 minutes whether you're a man or woman doesn't matter now that increases your focus your direction your memory second your stress hormone the cortisol drops by 25% and then as a result you're 33% more likely to take action instead of not doing it to take a risk now I don't teach people stand like this by the way as you're doing it you look like you have a cape on your back
everybody very nice right so now what I want you to do is do something different add to this movement make a dynamic movement with your body and make a sound and make that happen like yes right make a move make a move and say yes yes yes try to yes yes stronger louder yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh yes how many feel that sense of strengthen your body if you do make some noise out there ladies and gentlemen that's it get a virtual high five or a
fist bump and grab a seat so we can all change how we feel our states in an instance so the next couple of days we'll teach you some of these techniques we'll do them again and again but I want to give you a quick technique to finish off this little first session with so we've talked a little about what takes great breakthroughs and recognizing patterns so let's look at a pattern that you could do that's really simple now this when I first described this it me seemed a little weird to you but think about this
way who's ever felt stuck like where you just couldn't get yourself to change or do something or maybe even feeling that right now in some of your life Make Some Noise if you can feel that thumbs up if you're at home there right so when we get stuck the reason we get stuck is we're not using all of our abilities like sometimes people get stuck focused on the past some people get stuck thinking about the future or stuck just in the moment not realizing I can create a new future if my current moment's not good
so you get stuck in a time frame sometimes people get stuck in a mode like they get stuck at feeling in their body or stuck just picturing things or stuck talking TOS over ner if you only use one part of your brain it's easy to get stuck so I could give you a dozen ways people get stuck but I get the call when I got to turn people around cuz the greatest athletes in the world is a perfect example or business person or negotiator sometimes politicians and so forth and I've worked on both sides of
the aisle but what's interesting is doesn't matter how good you are we all sometimes get stuck we sometimes get in a slump if you would like an athlete and it's not that you can't do it it just you can't figure it out well I can help you change that I want to show you how I can do it for yourself so you're not dependent upon me or anybody else it starts with understanding that we aren't one person we have multiple personalities how many of you have a part of you that would feel sorry for yourself
if you let it that'll look at the problems and just say screw it right how many have got a part of you that will kick ass and take names when it's in charge Make Some Noise how many got a part of you that gets really serious at times and how many got a part of you that loves to laugh over stupid right right Make Some Noise if you got that too right so this idea we for for culture sake we like to think of person as one person but ever been with a friend or somebody
you know or a group of friends and there's a person that's acting different like that's not John John doesn't act like that yes John does just not very often that's the part of John that John kind of pushes aside but it's inside him what I want you to notice is you know like my wife when I first met her I'd be talking to one woman and all a sudden this other one would show up I I started giving them names so I know who I was talking to she's got like 167 person out my sage
My Bonnie Pearl I literally named them there's Sage there's Bonnie Pearl and there's some names I'm not going to share with you that I really enjoy right so how many of you think you might have multiple parts of yourself multiple personalities in there right so sometimes the part of you that's in charge of your business is the wrong part like for example if I'm going to go be with my friends I want to use a different part of me than if I'm going to have to go through a tough negotiation right you use different parts
so let me give you a real life example and then I'm going to show you how we're going to do this process and we're going to do it together you'll experience it so it's not intellectual so uh I don't know four or five years ago Connor McGregor's team reached out to me you know the athlete UFC and he had lost the previous year I think to this man named khabib who was an amazing athlete but it wasn't just that he lost you know Conor is the greatest in the world he's got he's one of the
only few people that's got belts in multiple weight classes he's he's like the Muhammad Ali of Our Generation and but he lost to this guy and he lost bad and there was really bad blood between them but even before the fight there was bad blood they were saying things and attacking each other and their families it was it was really ugly and Connor who was known as Mystic Mack because he had this almost magical ability to anticipate what someone's going to do just before I do it and beat him to it and win and so
Connor got in this state of anger you know he was enraged a lot and he lived there for quite some time and then his team called me and said listen Connor really wants to work with you he respects your work and he said he's going to because by the way Connor is one of the nicest human beings you ever meet he's a very generous man but like anybody if you drink too much or do anything else with your body biochemistry you don't become a good person or a nice person at that time and I said
you know is he going to be on no he's off alcohol he's not going to do anything while he's training he's committed this fight like you to work with him so I came to meet with Connor when I met with Connor I said listen I think I think I think I can help you very quickly on this I said when I watch you out there I feel like there's a part of you let's call it the warrior a Warrior part of you that just won't stop that's so intense that part of you has always been
a part of you but it's running the whole show and I think that's why you're missing some of the things that used to make you Mystic Max so I said let me explain and so I explained in this idea that we all have multiple personalities but I said for simply simple State think of it this way when I say personality if I say said to you in a you know a peak State you're going to have Peak Performance that's obvious right in a lousy State you're going to have lousy performance well instead of just calling
it State let's call it a personality and let's look at four Arch types four types of personalities we all have inside of ourselves and I said so we're going to start with the warrior and this is what I did with him and we're going to do this I'm going to explain it to you and then I'll we'll stand up and we'll do it together I said the warrior is in every one of us the warrior is the part of you that will not give give up you know when when it looks horrible the warrior will
surge if the Warrior's in charge right the warrior is the part of you that will not allow limitations to hold the warrior is the part of you that says enough of this the warrior for many of you is the part of you that made that change where you hadn't changed for years and finally got bad enough the warrior stepped up and said no more how many can relate to having a Warrior inside you somewhere some part of it's the part of you that's unconquerable it's part of you that it may not be in charge it
may not be strong right now but it's it's in there okay and for Connor it was very very strong so what I said to him is I said this is what we're going to do I know it's going to sound weird Conor so he sent everybody away so we could work just oneon-one and I said I want you to think about where the warrior lives inside you that part of you that will not be defeated that'll push through that will never give up I said just without don't try to to think it through just first
gut reaction where is the warrior living you and he hit this part of his body I said okay now touch that part where the warrior is and I said what color do you associate to the warrior and his was green which by the Way's from Ireland so that's probably where it comes from too right so it's green right I said okay and I said now I'm going to do something really seems weird but it's not we want to engage your nervous system not just your thinking so touched where the warrior is think of the green
and I said then I want you to make the sound of the warrior and he went I said no no no no I said fullblown Warrior and all of a sudden he had like I mean the sound that pushed me back right right I that's it do it again do it again I had him do it five or six times so now it's not just his mind how many understand what we're talking about here right we got his whole nervous system engaged his his energy his Focus his emotion his M all of it right so
I had him do it five or six times till it's really there I said okay now that you're there keep feeling this Warrior and I want you to finish this phrase I want you to say out loud the warrior says all you need to focus on all you need to remember all you need to do is what I said don't think and don't tell me yourself go back I made to make the sound again and just say the warrior says all I need to remember or you can say your name right Connor all you need
to remember all you need to focus on all you need to do is what and I said just say it now while he's doing this by the way I'm making a recording and we're going to do this today briefly but I'm going to encourage you to do this later and I'll tell you a little tool that I use it's called Otter AI OT t e r AI I don't own any part of the company I get no benefit but it's an incredible app if you're not using it it's the most accurate app out there for
translation so if you give an answer 90% of the time it's way better than Siri or anything else and if you see a word doesn't make sense you can click on it and it plays the audio so you'll get the exact word and can correct it so I encourage you get otter AI or something like it but the bottom line is I'm recording him and I'm writing like crazy and he says to me he get ra green he gets in this yes the warrior he goes the warrior says and he go the warrior says Connor
all you need to focus on is I will push through all you need to focus on is the outcome no fear all and he says and he just keeps going keeps going and you want to do this like going on a rant do you know what you mean by going on a rant it's like well you don't think you just say what comes out of your mind as fast as you can how many follow here say I I awesome now I said okay so he gets all these great information we write it down perfect now
there's another part of you and I would call that part of you the magician the magician is totally different than the warrior the magician is not breaking through the magician knows it can all change like that in an instant the magician knows it's all matter of perception the magian knows it's all a game the magician is kind of the wise one with a smile in their face when everybody else is freaking out the magician knows there's going to be a moment and that moment I can change it all the magician looks for those moments the
magician finds those moments I said the magician is your Mystic Mac where you see the movement before it even happens that you've been known for and he goes yeah the magician's been missing I said that's exactly right I said I think you've been only using your Warrior and your Warrior is powerful but if you only use that you're getting stuck you need to tap in these other parts of yourself he goes ah that makes sense I said okay let's do it so where I asked him I said don't think just instantly Touch where where is
the magician live in you and so he touched where he thought the magician was in him I said okay what color is the magician it was gold okay right gold okay and then we're going to make the sound of the magician it's obviously different than the warrior and just trust it first time comes he made this funny little sound wooo he started to laugh and as he did this he got this wicked smile if you ever seen if you're feel familiar with him or the UFC he's known for this wicked laugh and smile and I
mean he's grinning for from ear to ear making this woo sound and he's feeling his Mystic Mac alive the magician in him I said okay make it again make it again okay now finish this sentence say it out loud say the magician says not the warrior the magician says Connor all you need to remember all you need to focus on all you need to do is what and just go on a rant don't think just the magician also says all I need to remember all I need to focus all I need to do is what
the magician also says and I'm writing down as he says it and he got totally different answers magician says I'll find the way relax stay centered I've got you he went all this cool completely different Insight than the warrior I said okay great now the third archetype It's The Lover a lover lover with fighting yes the lover is the person the part of you that loves life that loves what you get to do for a living that loves people that loves the challenge the lover is this part of you that just feels so alive and
I said to him so I want you to don't pause just touch with a lover as he instantly put botht his hand on his heart I said that's great good place for it okay he said breathe into the lover feel the lover in you and he got a totally different smile on his face it wasn't that Wicked crazy smile it was like this beautiful smile and I said now breathe in feel that part of yourself feel the lover in you alive awakened and he said to me I think my lover's been dead dead well I
said not dead but asleep maybe right cuz you've been so angry you've been sewing your Warrior and not all Warriors are angry but that's what you've been using he goes yeah yeah he goes I haven't been loving what I do I have I used to love to fight I used to love to train I used to love to be around people but I haven't loved any of that I said okay now you're telling me your mind but that's all good let's come back here I got him in his body again make the sound make the
sound see the color make the sound great finish this phrase the lover says all Connor you need to focus on all you need to remember Connor all you need to do is what and we have got a bunch of them we got completely different answers from the lover and they were so beautiful and that he came out of it going yeah my lover my lover's not been in the fight I said nor your magician no wonder your warriors worn out right and how many can relate maybe you've been through a tough relationship where you felt
like your lover was worn out and you're like I don't know where to go I don't where it happens right that's cuz you're only using one part of yourself you got to bring the other part Parts together I said the fourth part and the final archetype is the king or queen or what I would call The Sovereign The Sovereign is the Wise One The Sovereign knows that I can lose this battle in the moment but I'm not losing this war The Sovereign knows they've been through this many times before The Sovereign has a wisdom beyond
your age maybe a connection to something bigger than you The Sovereign is not fearful at all the Sovereign is here to serve The Sovereign is not about the ego The Sovereign is a servant a servant to everyone around them that's what makes you a real king or queen it's not saying I'm a king I'm a queen you see people doing this in social media you're neither if you really were that you wouldn't have to say it everyone else knows that's who you are because they know you by your service right but I said that that
wise one that King that queen that that autonomous person that's Sovereign where does that Sovereign live and so he reached and touch a part of him he thought where his Sovereign was I said okay what color is it he told me the color and then I said okay what's it sound like and he made a different sound he said make it louder make it stronger and so it kept going till he engaged it it wasn't just his mind I said okay say it out loud The Sovereign says Connor all I need to focus on all
I need to remember all I need to do we got all these answers when we were done the whole thing was engaged and we're going to do this with you and you'll see it I went back the right before the fight the night before the fight I excuse said the night of the fight I should say and I met him backstage and we just took 20 minutes and just all we did was activate all the parts of him he went in the ring and at this point because he'd lost before he was the underdog he
goes in the ring against this guy named Cowboy he has all these records and in the first I'm standing there right beside watching this thing in the first 10 seconds Cowboy gets an advantage and hits him and I thought oh my I looked like he was going to take him out and then all of a sudden in a millisecond and he explained this to me me afterwards Connor's Mystic took over his magician and he saw an opening and he just instantly headbutted him and then followed up with two one two three and literally the fight
was over in less than a minute it was like 45 seconds and people were screaming and jumping and he called me into the octagon with him to thank me it was such an incredible thing but you know what I loveed most about it was not the victory what I loved is he used all the parts of himself but my favorite part is since all the parts with him were alive the first thing he did is he went and picked up his opponent he gave him a hug I was really touched by it was sincere and
he said man you are a tough fighter he goes I I'm fortunate today but you have records I don't even have no ego whatsoever Conor's only known him for ego right and then he went over and cowboy this guy has got all these Championship records his mother died so the replacement for his mother as his grandmother and she was right there ringside and Connor went up literally we have a picture of there it is and Connor went up and hugged her and acknowledged her grandson and told her how incredible he was and then in the
even in the interview afterwards he goes you know I'm really fortunate tonight I found the center I found the spot but the right timing but you know this man has records I don't have because all of him is alive now you go use alcohol and everything else and he's done that since and you can lose that edge again but you use all your parts my friends and you will not believe what you can accomplish and you won't be in this fear you won't be stuck so how many You' like to try this in your own
body real fast as you go through this process you up okay then stand up stand up wherever you are stand up wherever you are in the world stand up come on guys Shake It Out Shake Your Body out and just for a second get your body strong make a couple moves say yes yes yes there we go come on get it strong get some strength in your [Applause] body make the sound of Unstoppable energy if you had Unstoppable energy make a B that's it [Applause] strong good job W that body up nice all right yes
all right man nice and tall and strong and here's what I want you to do wherever you are in the world doesn't matter you can't think this thinking it won't do it there's a couple you still sitting listen you can do whatever you want but won't get it sitting cuz when you sit down you've cut off half your energy in your body so please thank you John please stand up all right good fantastic so here's what you want to do I want you to think of the warrior that archetype the part of you that will
not give up the part of you that if it's in charge will push you forward the part of you that won't settle the part of you that's hungry and driven the party that wants more and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen how many if you have a a warrior somewhere inside you and you know it if you do make some noise I know you got it out there ladies and gentlemen give me a thumbs up or fist up that's it that's it so then here's what I want you to do
I want you instinctively just scan your body don't try not to think and just touch your body where you think the warrior lives where does the warrior in you live touch that part of your body wherever it is where does a warrior live in you good and then what color would you associate to that Unstoppable Force if you had a color first one that comes to mind what is it say it out loud what's the color for you good good good now I'm going to ask you do something feels silly but remember when we make
sounds we go beyond the mind we engage the deepest part of the brain and nervous system so I want you as loud as you can touch that spot where the warrior lives make and make the sound now as loud as you can with the warrior go make the warrior sound make the warrior sound that's it make the warrior perfect perfect perfect that's it that's it good good good good good do it even louder come on make the sound of your Warrior go one more time make the sound to the warrior now keep touching that spot
keep feeling that feeling and out loud just say the warrior says and then say your name so it was me i' say the warrior says Tony me or I that the warrior says all you need to focus on all you need to remember all you need to do is what and stay out loud what the warrior says go the warrior says all you need to focus on all you need to remember all you need to do is what say it out loud and then do it again what else does the warrior says the warrior also
says all I need to focus on all I need to do all I need to remember is what make the sound of the warrior again make the sound of the warrior go make the sound of the warrior the sound touch the warrior and again finish this phrase stay in that state the warrior says all they need to focus on all they need to remember all I need to do is what say it out loud one more Warrior also says all I need to remember all I need to focus on all you need to do is
what how many got some good advice from your Warrior raise your hand if you got some good advice in your War great while you're standing type it type in the chat box what did your Warrior say give me a couple examples just real fast type in your chat box what did Warrior say don't stop go for it make it happen keep going don't give up I'm here for you act keep going don't quit be persistent push through the warrior says I am the one the warrior says believe oror says make your move don't quit keep
moving forward push through persist find the way to win the warrior says I'm capable Warrior says I'm healthy I'm strong the warrior says I'm brave and courageous the warrior says let's make it happen the warrior says I will show you the truth the warrior says be patient but take action the warrior says let go the warrior says F keep going right how many got some great advice from your Warrior Make Some Noise if you got some great advice from your Warrior fight through the pain love that good all right shake your body out now by
the way I would do this more but for time sake I want to finish on time here so I'm doing this brief but I'm giving you how to do it so you can do it later you could get the otter and do it later longer but let's now find where does the magician live in you now what is the magician remember the magician is the playful one the magician is the one that knows it's all a game all the stuff that the warrior takes so serious they go the magician shows the whole thing could change
in a moment how many of you have ever had a moment in your life where your whole life changed in a moment everything changed you made a new decision something occurred so the magician knows that my whole life can change in a moment I'll just find that moment it's going to happen and they look for it and they have this little inner smile CU to them it's a game they know they can turn a frog into a prince a prince into a frog they know it's all about perception of their mind and so they have
a sense of lightness about them and joy and a sense of excitement and trust and the the magician moves differently the warrior is like this right the the magician is like this it's so easy right so how many of you got a part of you that at times if you had something where you worked hard at something didn't work didn't work and then you got in a certain State and everything just flowed like all of a sudden you're playing tennis and just went through you or you're speaking or doing a negotiation how many you ever
did something where a one point you're like you couldn't remember your own you know cell phone number or how to spell a difficult word like the' you're in a stupid state and then another time like things flowed so perfectly that you even impressed yourself you're like I don't know how I did it but that was me who knows what I'm talking about who's had those flow States before right so the magician flows so right now take your hand and just instinctively go where does your magician live in you touch where your magician lives in you
wherever that is for you where is your magician in you right touch the magician and breathe into the magician part of you the part of you that's wise and playful and can find the answers and knows the right strategies around the corner I'm going to figure it out so easy what color do you associate to your magician touch that part imagine your whole body was filled whatever color you think of as a magician and now as you touch your magician now magician makes a very different sound whenever sound comes through you make the sound of
your magician go ahead make the sound of your magician that's it do it again touch that spot make the sound of your magician again beautiful one more time make the sound of magician and really enjoy that feeling beautiful beautiful now while you touch that part and feel the magician alive say the magician by the way I want you to think of something to be clear that you've been putting off something that needs to change something that maybe is unfinished business you've not dealt with I should have said that to start with that's what we want
to deal with right now that's what the warrior was dealing with so now have your magician tell you how to deal with that situation who has something that's been put off some unfinished business something that's stressful you need to deal with Make Some Noise if you got something like this out there ladies and gentlemen good touch your magician make the sound of your magician go ahead make the sound I know it sounds weird go ahead make the sound okay good now say the magician says say your name all you need to focus on all you
need to remember all you need to do is what the magician says all you need to focus on all you need to remember all you need to do is what and then do it again my vision also says all I need to remember all I need to focus on in that situation all I really need to do is what one more time the magician says what else all magician also says all I need to remember all I need to focus on in that situation all I need to do is what how many got some different
advice from magicians some good advice raise your hand Make Some Noise if you got some good advice great just bend down type in the chat box what did your magician say what was the advice your magician keep an open mind you're capable of anything this is how you do it trust me I'll guide you listen do what you love go out and play trust relax that's it have fun enjoy it don't just do it play play and enjoy go for it let's make this happen I'll guide you love believe let it be fun prioritize come
up with a new meaning I got you listen to me it'll be more than okay you're a beauty let's make it happen relax and know that you are guided show up trust myself trust yourself see the truth magic does happen you're perfect the way you are we'll materialize this unleash yourself and watch the Beauty see love in everyone remember remember beautiful trust your gut don't quit you're amazing go the extra mile Embrace Whimsy let go of the fear follow your intuition hey how many got some great advice from your magician ladies and gentlemen Make Some
Noise you got some great advice your magician awesome so now now let's do let's go and scan for the lover where does the Lover live in you touch that part of your body wherever the lover lives in you as you touch that breathe into the lover part of you the part that loves life the part that wants to love what you do or already loves what you do the part that loves people or loves your children or loves a family member or a friend tap into your true lover as you touch that part of yourself
and breathe into it what color do you associate to your [Music] lover that's it and now as you touch the lover part and feel that color make the sound of your lover it's a very different sound go ahead make it out loud not not there make it have some sound to it the sound of your lover do it again make touch that part make the sound of your lover that's it that's it feel the lover inside again one more time make the sound of your lover my friends beautiful and as you touch the lover and
you feel that sound you think about that unfinished business or challenge say the lover says not your mind the lover says Tony whatever your name is all I need to remember remember all I need to focus on all I need to do is what the lover says in that situation all you need to remember all you need to focus on all you really need to do was what the lover also says have it say another thing next thing comes to mind the lover also says in that situation all you need to focus on all you
need to remember all you need to do is what one more time make this sound of your lover again make the sound of your lover and then the lover says all I need to focus on all I need to remember all we need to do is what that's it that's it perfect how many got some great different advice from your lover ladies and gentlemen raise your hand Make Some Noise you got some just reach down type in the chat box what did your lover tell you Embrace be gentle in the process let go I'm hugging
you you are pure love one day at a time my love love always wins be kind we're all connected we're all human I'm here for you love is light grow forward my friend my lover is no longer broken remember Follow Your Passion you are safe my lover says Cecilia be happy again forgive yourself love yourself Joy is now lover says live in a state of Love lover says kindness is free be kind be loving be transparent show the truth you are worth it lover says Be Kind to yourself cover says forgive and be passionate love
you lover says remember compassion lover says be Joy lover says you're light lover says go ahead and don't be afraid lover says you're worthy lover says you're beautiful lover says be happy there's no time to waste lover says be at peace lover says let go let this serve you lover says stay calm lover says the brightest part is Yet to Come lover says I love you lean on me lover says you're on purpose lover says just shine lover says believe how many got great advice from your lover my friends Make Some Noise you got some
great advice from your lover all right all right then let's go to the final fourth one let's go to your Sovereign the king or queen in you the Wise One a part of you that knows Beyond this moment that even if This Moment's horrible even been through a challenge a divorce of physical illness a problem with your kids that this is just the battle you're going to win the war it's going to be at a different level that in the end all will be great in your kingdom in your life reach down and just wherever
you think it is first gut reaction Touch where your king or queen or Sovereign lives where do your king or queen or Sovereign live for you where is that part of you and once you touch that part what color is your Sovereign what color is your king or queen Queen feel like your whole body is being filled with the energy of your Sovereign your king or queen the wise one wise beyond your years connected to something even more that's it that's it now there's a sound for your Sovereign a sound for your king or queen
make the sound right now touch that part make the sound of your Sovereign now your king or queen make the sound now good do it again even stronger make the sound of your Sovereign your king or queen again the sound of your Sovereign nice and Loud make the sound and now and that situation that was difficult you're putting off need to be dealt with the Sovereign says say out loud The Sovereign says the king says the queen says all I need to remember all I need to focus on all I need to do is what
feel it The Sovereign says all they need to remember all they need to focus on in this situation all they really need to do is what touch your Sovereign make the Sovereign sound again make it again make the sound go for the Sovereign sound good that's it that's it now do it again my sovereign says all I need to remember what else all I need to focus on all I really need to do is what my sovereign knows all I need to focus on all I need to remember all need to do is what one
more my sovereign says in that situation all you got to focus on all you got to remember all you got to do is what how many got some great advice from your Sovereign if you got great advice Make some noise so we hear you out there bend down turn of the chat box what did your Sovereign say what advice you get your Sovereign focus on what matters my son you are the best you're made for big things you're enough feel my union trust believe in yourself be resilient stay in your power outside your fear the
answer lies you've got this go and feel the calmness that will guide you persist and look forward Sovereign says trust Sovereign says know the truth Sovereign says Focus F says you will win Sovereign says give 100% Sovereign says find that calm anchor inside Colman says there's peace within Colman says you're worthy the answer will come Salon says don't compromise comence says you are strong confence says the Kingdom of Heaven is yours the C says you are brave the C says be a servant to others cover says save invest money energy time anything for the next
level Sovereign says the answer is right here with you now Sovereign says you're on the right path you are enough Sovereign says you will overcome this Sovereign says you can your Sovereign says I am the answer Sovereign says Be The Light you are worthy everything you need is in you the Sovereign says says I am Bliss The Sovereign says trust the clarity of your thoughts The Sovereign says believe you are important you know the truth how many got great advice from your Sovereign ladies and gentlemen Make Some Noise if you got it give it up
for everybody beautiful start here beautiful start here oh yes so now let's do one last piece for this I want you to touch your Warrior again wherever your Warrior is touch that part with your Warrior feel the color and make the warrior sound as loud as you can go feel it in your body Warrior do the warrior again do the warrior again now the warrior says what to the king queen or Sovereign say the warrior says to the king or queen what say it out loud the warrior says to The Sovereign what the warrior says
to The Sovereign what that's it and now the Sovereign the king or Queens says what to the warrior notice they're feeding each other The Sovereign says what to the warrior about this situation about life The Sovereign the king or queen says what to the warrior okay how many got some advice on both sides now for each other okay now go touch the magician you where's the magician touch that that part of you the color of the magician make the sound of the magician everybody make the sound go do it again make the sound of the
magician now the magician says what to The Sovereign or the king or queen the magician says oh King oh Queen oh Sovereign Sovereign the magician says what to the king or queen of sovereign what else does the magician say awesome now Now The King The Sovereign the queen says what to the magician says what to the magician that's it type real quick what you got from them what did the warrior say to the king what did the king say to the warrior what this magician say type it real quick what are some examples of what
they said to each other what do the Warriors say we'll work together we've got this Warrior I need you Sovereign I've got you magician I need you Sovereign says I've got you the warrior says King I've got it from here says know your worth there is a Magical Kingdom for all of us we are a great team we can work together be happy stay focused be at peace together we can solve everything flow and decide yes how many of you getting messages about them working together make some noise if you got messages about them working
together that's what we want you won't be stuck when they work together okay now go to your love where's your lover touch your lover wherever your lover is make the sound of your lover again make the sound of your lover good what does your lover say to the king or queen or Sovereign say the lover says oh King oh Queen oh Sovereign and then what does The Sovereign king or queen say to the lover what do they say to each other what do they what does the king or queen say that's it jot down what
they said what did they say to each other jot down just anything that popped in you what did they say to each other Grace is with you thank you for guarding my heart let's enjoy this new Journey lover I need you this is wonderful be gentle to yourself life is a dance for us to take together you are loved you are safe lover says relax we've got this lover says I love you I'll protect you I'll always be there for you love your heart trust your path play in trust the queen says I've got you
the lover says I have you as well my queen we can lead with love how many got some beautiful advice from all of the parts of you right now ladies and gentlemen how many feel like all the parts are going to work together now ladies and gentlemen and give everybody a hand for this give it to your own body feel a sense of celebration in fact if all the parts of you were now working together celebrate like what could you do in your life with all the parts of you working together what could you achieve
what could you accomplish what could you create celebrate that energy in your body ladies and gentlemen come on celebrate it that's [Music] it that's [Applause] [Music] it make a sound of feeling so good the sound of Celebration ladies and [Applause] gentlemen try this make the sound of Victory what's the sound of victory for you make the sound of victory in your body after the sound of Victory that's it [Music] [Applause] oh yes if you feel great right now make a fist and say yes say yes say yes now while you're still standing in this state
remember we said to have a breakthrough ideally you want to change your state how many are in a great state you've tapped to four different states haven't you right in a great state you'll come up with a better story now we said change your story change your life so stay standing for a second and just from a just don't even think just the first reaction what has been your old story up until now that has limited you we all have them at times the old story is I've tried everything or you know all the good
ones are gone or they're gay and I'm not or and they're gay and I'm not or whatever the story is or you know whatever your story is what's been your story of your life I try but it never works I give my all and say succeed but then people don't love me I rejected whatever the limiting story is we all have great stories we also have limiting stories how many got some limiting stories in there that have affected you so here's what I want you to do stay standing you can close your eyes if you
want and say my old story was what it was about a person who worked hard to do what to achieve what to create what but they they had what desire but it didn't happen at the highest level because what got in the way and my old story was I you know what was the role you played were you the victim or the Victor were you the pawn were you the comedian were you the warrior trying to fight everything what were you trying to happen in your old story what got in the way what what was
your role if you really think about it what role did you play and what emotions were dominant that got in the way was it for frustration or stress or overwhelm or feeling sad or sorry for yourself what got in the way what emotions got in the way if my old story of limitation was I'm a person who tries but it never works out relationships Never Last or I just can't make it financially or I'm exhausted or my health whatever the old story was what role did you play what emotions limited you how many got a
good sense of what that story might have been raise your hand if you think you got a good give me a thumbs up if you got an idea of that story okay shake your body out shake your body out make a move that makes you feel strong make a move say yes say yes say yes say yes say yes make the sound of Unstoppable intensity as loud as you can go make the sound go it go go go go go go go that's it now out loud don't hesitate say my new story is my new
life is I'm a person that finds a way to breakr my new life I find love as the guidance my new life I let go of the past that I move forward my new life I believe this in my new story I'm the person I play What role I find the way to victory in my new story I'm the one that reaches out and my new story I connect I love in my new story I use my magician my warrior my king all the lover in me in my new story what are your emotions what
are two or three emotions that if they were dominant in you you could solve any problem do you need more courage do you mean more playful more Brave more determination more persistence more humor more playfulness more fun more absolute commitments do you need to be bold what are two or three emotions that if they were dominant in you they would change the story of your life they would change what you do in a heartbeat What are two or three emotions think of them right now that would change your life on a whole new level boldness
courage courage by the way does not mean you're not afraid courage means you're afraid but you do it anyway there's no courage if you're not afraid right what's the emotions that would change it for the new life so I want you to get in state make you move make you move make you move make you move say yes say yes say yes now say my old story was and say what it was and exaggerate my old story was I was frustrated I was overwhelmed I couldn't change I don't know what to do my emotions were
this I was focused on this I have these limiting beliefs and then shift feel strong my new story is tell us your new story my new story is I step up I make it happen I persist I push through I have these new emotions I'm more courageous I'm more determined I have more faith I'm more couraged I'm more playful I'm more fun how does your life change in the new story what does your life become in the new story and then take it to a peak of your new story and then celebrate your new story
like you just experienced go celebrate that new story like you just experienced it celebrate that new story [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make some more noise while you celebrate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome yes Make Your Move make a move that makes you feel strong say yes say yes say yes how many got a great idea of what your old story is what your new story is going to become Now ladies and gentlemen so now listen up so so I'm on time this is a miracle I can't believe I've done this in the timeline jammed
a lot in here how many got a lot out it today ladies and gent Make Some Noise if you had a great time so now listen we don't want to just learn we want to make sure we act so remember there's no charge for this but here's the charge I'm going to ask you to take action one action to challenge yourself that might be a little uncomfortable but you're going to do it anyway how many w't do something uncomfortable in order to grow and get past it say I say I so this is going to
be your assignment I'll put it on the screen for you as well I'm going to ask you to go online and you're going to go to Hash newstory or you'll see there's a QR code there so you can take a picture of it right now if you want to and all you're going to do is you're going to grab a little your video on your camera and you're going to say my hey guys just want to share my old story was and just go on a rant my old story was you know I can't find
the way I'm committed but no one cares I I'm overwhelmed by the stress I got financial problem I can't break through these are the emotions I felt and then you can write it down but don't read it and then here's my new story just change your state on camera my new story is I'm going to step up I'm going to make this happened my warrior and magician my king and lover are going to work together I'm going to find the way I'm going to use these emotions more courage more determination more love and here's how
my life's going to change so you're going to answer three questions in front of the camera really real brief here's my old story and by the way I'm going to look at these tonight I'll be up all night watching these things but also everyone else is how by the way how many of you were inspired by people's messages even the first day here telling some of their story right but a lot of those if you want to know your old story and many of you wrote your old story yesterday or getting ready for this so
my old story was my new story is and this is how it's going to change my life let's put it back up again so you know where to go again has changed put put it back on the screen so they can do the QR that's right hashtag new story and then again or you can use this QR code how many willing to do this even it's a little uncomfortable just to get it out there say I say I say I that's it so we do that we'll share it and I'm going to watch and tomorrow
we'll pull a few great examples to share with the world but we'll Inspire each other we'll see it this is how our lives really truly change now we're almost done stay with me for the last three minutes here here's what we're going to do at the end of every day for sticking with me the whole time we've got some fun gifts in fact we have a grand prize in a couple days which is a round trip to Fiji Islands to go to my Resort in nalii uh so we're going to do some cool stuff but
today we're going to give away three tickets to my Unleash the Power Within that's my 4-day most powerful program so we're going to give those away so I want to first show you a two second video what it's like and then I'm going to ask that we that we bring back up Renee and she will pick the winners three of them and then also I built an AI I know many of you have played with AI but I built one that has all my information in it and I've not released it to the public yet
only for my key clients but we're going to give one of those away today too just for fun for someone for 45 days as well so first of all I want to thank you give everybody hand for all the energy they've generated Crank It Up everybody out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes and by the way if you're in VIP stick around right after the announcements we're going to take a 10-minute stretch break and I'll be with you for our private Q&A if you know about our our VIP check
it out if you'd like to join us love to have you but VIP starts in 10 minutes so don't take off and let me just show you this quick video and then Renee will'll pick the two winners here we go if you and I want an extraordinary life we got to turn fear into power we got to break through our fear and take action even if we're a scar meaning equals emotion and emotion equals life the minute you focus on something your brain has to decide what does this mean whatever meaning you give it you're
going to feel is this the end or the beginning is this problem happening is God is punishing me or is this problem a gift from God and that's the most important decision we make in our life when people change the meanings they change their emotions when they change their emotions they change their actions they change your actions and change your life you know at the end of day what Tony did was got me out of my head and into my heart and just made me more comfortable who I am feel like I have Unleashed this
inner version of me that I never knew was there the love that's the thing that got me was every everybody supported each other no matter where they were from around the world this has been a life-changing experience for the both of us what is your most limiting belief so I am not enough enough to worth living so tell me what's the real truth I will do amazing things because I can do it I am worth it give it up for what's the greatest story of humanity it's the comeback and we all have that in us
it's time for your comeback it's time for the next level for you whatever it is do this right it really is effortless write down some limiting identity limiting emotion something that's getting your way this time to breakthrough you want to turn it into a great metaphoric breakthrough make it move make it move say yeah say yes feel the beauty of all this that we have to be grateful for This Magnificent life we've been given that we didn't have to earn all the beauty of the life you've already lived and the life you're about to live
and bring that into your heart in you as you this is the real you this is you Unleashed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yes so we're going to give away a couple of these in an AI and what Renee do it but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow show up on time tomorrow is incredibly powerful don't miss it I'll see you then here's Renee give it up for it everybody don't get him wow [Music] that video is so powerful and as an alumni of upw I was on the side over there getting teary eyed it
is transformational it will change your life and I'm so excited to announce the winners we want to honor honor these people who are showing up full out in that Facebook group this is why doing these assignments these challenges is so important like Tony said it's about putting imp Perfect action behind what you learn so our first winner drum roll please this person she was where she was let's start there she grew up in foster care went on to law school secured offers from Top International firms only to realize that that success felt empty and now
she took a bold leap of faith left behind a prestigious legal career to purum her to pursue her dream of using music as a path to healing and making a difference so what shifted she chose to trust in her own transformation which led her here to participate in the time toise summit to continue evolving n Taylor Brown you are going to Unleash the Power Within [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations oh we cannot wait to hear about your transformation all right our second winner for today where she was she was dealing with the loss of her son
and a divorce overwhelming sadness now she's committed to Healing committed to positivity refusing to let past pain Define her future and she's working on personal growth and surrounding herself with an uplifting community and what shifted she made the conscious decision to rebuild her life and she's ready to go from surviving to thriving toan lockart you're going to upw unleash the power with thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] congratulations all right my friends this third gift this is really special as Tony said we know that the world's changing artificial intelligence it feels like it's taking over the
world and so many people would love to coach one-on-one with Tony Robbins but there's only one of them so he created an AI Tony Robbins AI that's right and I have to tell you this is not available right now as he said only his top long-term clients have access to this I got a chance to play with it and I have to tell you the first time that I got to use this app the team is here they can they can vow for me I almost fell off my chair because I asked Tony Robins AI
a question and when he spoke back to me and said my name I was like oh my God I'm in my house and Tony Robbins is coaching me this is mindblowing so thought it would be fun we thought it would be fun to create a little demo just to to be playful and show you what this is all about so I picked a question a a common problem that people deal with not being able to find time to work out and we created this little demonstration for you so check it out Tony I need your
help life is good but I'm just feeling a little bit overwhelmed right now between being a wife running a business and everything else there's just no time left for me I'm not working out I'm barely doing any self-care and I'm not as patient and kind with my family or friends so what do I do Renee thank you for your honesty let's take a deep breath together you're not alone in feeling this way the great news is you've already taken the first step by acknowledging it that's huge now let's focus on finding your inner strength and
getting back in control tell me what's one thing you could do for yourself that would make you feel alive again honestly I want to get back to working out I used to love it but it feels impossible to fit in right now at the end of the day I'm completely exhausted I hear you what if we flip the script what if you gave yourself just 10 minutes in the morning not 30 not an hour just 10 minutes to move your body and reconnect with yourself could you commit to that yeah 10 minutes is doable but
what if I get off track it's about progress not perfection even if if you miss a day you're still moving forward so let's make it stick anchor this Habit to something you're already doing like brushing your teeth right after you get 10 minutes to yourself what do you think yeah brush my teeth then 10 minutes of movement perfect and here's the fun part how will you celebrate when you stick to it for a week well I love eating Tony how about I celebrate with a big plate full of nachos oo and a margarita nachos and
a margarita Renee that's like running a Victory lap with your shoelaces tied together how about something that fuels your progress instead like a massage a new outfit or some guilt-free downtime okay Tony I'll save the margarita for later a massage sounds perfect now we're talking celebrate in a way that honors the incredible progress you're making write it down commit to it and remember momentum starts with one small step you've got [Applause] this we hope you enjoyed that that was really fun for us to create just so you could get a feel of what that is
all about and this next person is the lucky winner who's getting access to Tony Robbins AI where he was he lived in an outof Body Experience trapped in negative thoughts feeling unworthy and disconnected from life where he is now spiritually transformed he's doing meditation breath work he's fully present and he's embracing his self-love and a commitment to develop personal growth and what's shifted he's now living his life in 4k he feels awake grateful ready to overcome business challenges and continue elevating his growth to the next level Armando Guadalupe you get access to Tony Robins AI
congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now before we close out here today and finish up day one we wanted to answer a question that kept coming in in the chats if you wanted to join us for VIP what we call the gold card experience it is not too late to join this is the last time we're going to offer it and this gives you access to be Backstage on Zoom with Tony he sees you and your chats you get to be a part of our live Q&A session with him after each day you get a special
bonus training we donate 25 meals to feeding America on your behalf and you get to keep the replays of this entire Summit for life so if you enjoyed today if you enjoyed today can I see a show of hands my VIP yes well you then get to revisit this Summit whenever wherever you want and that's 47 bucks you just go to Tony's vip.com to join us all right our assignment and challenge this is how you win those prizes like our winners just did today you're going to go into the Facebook group right after this while
you're in state from your heart and soul and you're going to answer you're going to share with us what was your old story what is your new story and how will this new story change your life we have the slide up so you can see we have that the QR code and again from your heart with passion 60 to 90 seconds and make sure to write hash news story that way our incredible team can find your videos and we can pick those Prize winners but remember you have to be here the entire time because we
announce it at the very end of the day you guys have played so full out today yes we want to honor you so for tomorrow bring this energy back and make sure that you're on time I like to say this is my little secret early is on time on time is late so show up a few minutes early so you get settled you get yourself in state because tomorrow we are talking about expanding your identity and relationships You Don't Want To Miss A second we start at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Time again if you'd like to join us for VIP 47 bucks go to tonyv docomo end any day without energy so let's blow the roof off this place thank you guys and we will see you here tomorrow VIP will be back in 10 minutes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]