free grock 3 course build anything I'm going to show you exactly how to build anything that you want using grock 3 and also the grock API as well we'll be coming on to for example how you can build games apps tools websites and how we can start with the basics so let's crack straight into this this is a course that's very comprehensive it will teach you everything you need to know about Gro free and I'm going to crack straight into this by telling you exactly how to get access so specifically for grock free they've just
just announced recently that you can get Gro free for free so you don't need to pay for it and then you can sign up for example at Gro G or you can go onto X go to the grock section over here and you will get free access now if you're not sure what Gro can do essentially it's got a deep search function we'll be showing you exactly how that works later in this video and essentially that is great for research you also have the think mode the think mode is fantastic for logic reasoning coding
it's not great for creating content if you want to create content you don't need to select deep search or think you can just plug in your prompts right here I'll be showing you some of my best prompts for researching creating content writing content building landing pages websites tools apps codes Etc later in this video the other thing that you can do here is you can create images and these are very realistic images compared to something like chat GPT so for example if we say draw a river otter playing a ukulele as you do it's going
to generate four different options like you can see right here so if you want to automate images as well very easy and then you can have a look at all four options and decide which one you want now just to put this in context here if we actually went over to chat gbt and we asked it to do the same thing so we'll say draw a river Auto playing at ukulele and these images are super realistic right they feel like photos almost not drawings if you go back onto chat gbt 40 now you'll see that
the style was very cartoonish and it's not really ideal for a blog or for social media or anything like that I would say the on Gro are much much better you can also share so you can click on copy share link in the top right here and you can share yourself and share with other people post it on the web Etc or you can just copy the image go over to your profile paste that image in add a little caption boom shaka laka there you go it's ready to go now in terms of benchmarks so
you can see this is a very recent blog from grock 3 and it's basically talking about the age of reasoning agents and I'll also be coming on later on this video about exactly how Elon Musk is planning to actually launch grock 3 AI agents into space and you can imagine that the AI that seems to be getting better and better it's actually built on 200,000 gpus from Nvidia is only going to improve and bear in mind if you sent like robots into space and they were operating on grock 3's API they don't need oxygen they
are very calm in like crazy emergency situations they be they follow our instructions like they'd be ideal candidates for just going into space and exploring the world which I think is a long-term Vision but we'll come on to that later and I'll explain exactly what I mean by that Gro 3 trained on a Colossus super cluster with 10 xit compute of previous state-of-the-art models it's great at reasoning maths coding World Knowledge and instruction following tasks and bear in mind as well this is trained on the latest data from right now Twitter is one of the
biggest news websites in the world it's constantly being influxed with loads of different data Gro is being trained on directly whereas for example I was always a big fan of Claude but the thing that lets you down inside Claude is if we go in here and we're like okay tell me about Gro 3 it doesn't know Jack Johnson about grock 3 all right whereas for example grock 3 is updated with realtime data it feeds all of that in and so not only is this great for creating content but it's also great for research for searching
the web honestly at this stage in the game I would say that Gro and other AI engines like this especially when they is updated as Gro are better than search engines like Google because they're more efficient they're trained on more data and they give you better more concise answers but not only that they're not incentivized to show you ads right this is not monetized with ads which is a fundamental flaw of something like Google right for example if you go into Google and you're trying to search for the best SEO company it's biased because it's
going to show you who paid the most not who's the best SEO agency or if you go on to Google and you type in like best protein shakes right it's not going to going to show you the best protein shakes it's going to show you who's the best at SEO for optimizing for the best protein shakes whereas for example these search engines are way better so if we say best protein shakes it's actually going to feed in information and then there's no ads in here there's no sponsored placements Gro is not to show you anything
specific it's just going to try and give you the best answer it can it's coming from the frame of trying to help you with SEO not from the frame of how can I make money with ads totally different frame totally different way of seeing the world really it's also very good at creating content so if you plug in a prompt like this all the prompts I show you today are inside the AI profit boardroom if you want to get access to that link in the comments description but you can see here like how good the
content is so if we say Okay create this SEO optimize article you can see here actually create something that's really real engaging interesting nicely formatted and personalized to me and who I am absolutely awesome and if you want the basics right here if we go to the settings you can actually change the language if you need to you can switch between different modes you can have light or dark you can choose whether you want to automatically open search results whether you want follow-up suggestions and also whether you want to wrap long lines for code blocks
by default on top of that you can also allow Gro to personalize using your X data right so if you want to have an even more personalized experience of Gro then you can actually allow that in your settings like so now I'll be coming on to more ways to use Gro in a minute you can see the main benchmarks here and this compared to deep c 1 Gemini 2.0 and chat GP one so all the biggest AI models in the world and on the benchmarks here for competition maths gpq live coding multimodal understanding like Gro
is absolutely dominating It's Quickly becoming one of my favorite tools and you see how you can use it here for coding gaming Etc I'll show you some live examples and prompts you can use later in this video and course on exactly how to do that and also if you want to actually code now if you want to use the API from grock the grock 3 API just being 100% transparent with you is not actually out yet but it's coming out within the next few weeks but here's what you can do if you download visual studio
code like you can see right here so you can get that at code. Visual and then in the extensions tab you go to client download client one click install again this is free as well so just to recap Visual Studio code is free clein is free as well and then go inside CLE go in the settings right select your API provider as open rter grab an API key from open rter dot so you can just grab an API key in your settings go to Keys plug that into Visual Studio code inside the open rout
API key section and then if you type in Gro you'll see all the different versions of grock that you can actually get access to so grock 2 grock 2 Vision beta and grock vision beta all right so if we select for example Gro 212 then we're going to hit done this is an older version so it's using Gro 2 not Gro 3 because Gro 3 isn't out yet as an API we can now say for example plan out my project for my SEO content writing tool in a flowchart we can can begin to build code
apps using client 3.4 now this is a brand new update that literally just came out within the last few hours and you can see here how it basically plans out the whole tool before we build it and then we can get the AI agent to go off and build that pretty amazing stuff and that's just inside the chat directly here and all we said was plan out my project for SEO content writing tool in a flowchart and that is using grock 2 API right there and it's really easy to implement using open rout so for
example if we say okay now go off and build this bad boy and it will just start coding the whole project like you can see right here so pretty amazing stuff that's exactly how you can build tools if you want to see something really cool what you can actually do if you go to the mCP Marketplace over here is you can link this directly to app so air table Shopify Spotify Discord Google Calendar and you can code using super base perp Plexi Etc with grock 2's API and then you can do for example like a
live search report or a perplexity research report and create a live landing page if you want to see an example of that so this is an API request we ran earlier and you can do this with the grock 2 API if you want just make sure You' selected it in the bottom right we've plugged in our pxi API key and implemented the mCP server from perplexity that went off did a deep research report then it coded this file right here completed the task and then if you want to see what the final product looks like
hosted on live test domain let's click this open and you can see how cool that looks and that was literally using clim 3.4 the new update plus you can easily code this with the gro API so let's get straight into some practical examples of exactly how you can use it how it works what you can build with it and some of my best prompts for using gr free huge update from X today as we have grock 3 and today we're going to be testing out I just got access to it it has two new modes
as you can see right here so grock 3 introduces two new modes to interact with our most powerful model deep search and think so it seems to have some sort of reasoning model embedded inside there as well and you can switch between these now how similar does this look between chat GPT and Gro it's absolutely wild like The Branding the colors and the icons even used on the buttons like for example if you select deep research here or you deselect that is so similar it's bizarre but anyway we're going to go straight into here now
and we're going to be testing out you also get access to so they've just launched a new version of Gro not only inside Twitter or X as you want to call it but and this is more like a dedicated user interface and then you can actually share chats directly to Twitter as well so let's test it out we're going to just start with something basic right now I'm going to say okay name me some dog breeds to end and I because I want to see okay how intelligent is it can I actually do
things the right way I was doing a live stream before and it totally failed on there and you can see it actually fails on it again inside the chat here so not a good start so it said name me dog breeds the end in i and it's come up with sha enu which does not end in i neither of those words end in i let's see now if we switch to the new chat and we'll switch to think mode and see if we get a better output so we're using the logical version of Gro the
reasoning model that can give us better outputs hopefully if we type in the same prompt and we say okay name me dog Breer and deny now it's going to think it over it gives you the timer and it shows you exactly what it's thinking about if we click on the arrow down there we can see how it's rolling out very similar to deep sea actually when you look at this and the way that it rolls out all these uis are beginning to feel very similar and that seems to be giving us a better output so
for example it's actually overcome the challenge that it failed on last time and it said therefore the dogs end with the letter I are these these and these and it is pass a test all right so the reason the model if you want intelligent answers is far superior to the normal version of grock 3 now bear in mind as well this is grock 3 beta it is not the main version of grock one of the other things that Elon was talking about inside his stream recently was how you can build games so I'm going to
test this out now I'm going to say okay build a snake game combined with Space Invaders and then we'll switch to think mode I like it much more than the old version just for its reasoning model because you're going to get better output going to come up with the goods and give you something intelligent whereas for example Gro previously would give you basic answers but it wasn't that great and additionally what you're going to get from this is that Gro 3 is linked to the latest news updates and information that comes from Twitter or X
right now inside X people are constantly posting new stuff posting new materials and so the benefit of using something like X versus using something like chat GPT is that it's got newer more recent data now the thinking mode does seem to take longer than usual what we can actually do is we can compare this to chat GPT we'll give it exactly the same problem so this is the recent model from1 in fact I'm going to switch that now because I want to use O3 mini instead which is a more recent model and we'll see how
this performs let's have a look at some of the benchmarks this is a great tweet from Robert scal who's showing okay from the live stream they released some benchmarks in terms of Gro 3 versus Gemini deep seek Claude and GPT 4 and you can see for benchmarks in terms of math science and coding Gro is winning by a long way now if you want to compare it in terms of reasoning right because Gro 3 is more of a reasoning model as well then you can compare it against O3 mini o1 DBC car1 and Gemini Flash
2 thinking and you can see the grock is dominating on those benchmarks but take him with a PCH of Sword because this is never that reliable now we've got the code inside here as you can see it also gives us details on how to use and install this just to test this out I'm actually going to say give me the HTML code for the game instead so we can preview it live online that is taking quite a while to load I'll be honest with you but it seems to have almost finished so hopefully we get
that back soon one thing I do like about this is just the speed look at the speed that it's coding at right I've never seen chat GPT or anything else like that code as quick as that so it's pretty wild and it seems to be coding really in depth so we got the code ready to go in HTML from grock let's test is out see what we got back from live weave there is nothing there that is not working at all let's compare that versus chat GPT so inside chat GPT we have the HTML as
well for the snake game and that is actually working as you can see so you've got a combination of Space Invaders and snake directly from the code from chat gbt however inside Gro this didn't work at all all it does is it creates like a Green Block on a White Blank Space it's not really nicely designed or anything like that so not the best start but let's keep going now what we're going to say inside both is generate a picture of a giraff riding a magic carpet and we'll switch off deep think I don't really
need deep think mode for that and then we'll do the same inside chat GPT and we've got them side by side so Gro has come back to us way faster and look at the quality of those images that is absolutely awesome if we have a look at the image from chap gbt it's just not as interesting it doesn't feel as realistic right so this is the image from chat gbt and over here we have the images from Gro and they're just Superior by a long way you just can't argue with that can you that is
a giraffe on a Magic Carpet flying around having a great time chat GPT is still winning from what I can see in terms of coding the code from Gro didn't work at all I know that Elon said it would take about a week for before you can properly judge grock free but from what I've seen chatu a 03 Min is still Superior for coding for reasoning Gro is very impressive let's test something else out now so what we're going to do is test it out for Content creation I'm going to take a prompt like this
we'll go inside Gro and we're going to say okay create an SE optimize article for this and we can we don't need deep think for this this is pretty simple stuff we'll say keyword equals SEO training Japan similar that in the meantime we can compare this versus chat GPT the speed of which it replied is pretty awesome as well so we'll go inside chat GT we'll do exactly the same thing same prompt plug it in I do the canvas mode inside chat GT that's is awesome let's have a look so if we pull these up
side by side and see which one is better for Content creation SEO training in Japan your No Nonsense guide to crushing it online not bad for a headline versus chat that says SEO training in Japan Master SEO and dominate Google honestly like out of those I would probably pick this one however what you can see here and this is a common Telltale if you ever see someone sending you a message like this humans just don't use these large dashes or it's super rare but you can see that Gro has used that twice within the first
paragraph now if we read the introduction it said SEO training isn't just a buzzword it's a key to unlocking serious growth for your business blah blah I'm Julian Goldie here's what I've done I eat sleep and breath this stuff and I'm here to cut through the noise Fe you this actually reads a lot more humanized in this one right so despite the dashes which I would include in the prompt I would say just remove the dashes the actual writing itself feels very humaniz it's nicely written it's formatted throughout the content as well it's also included
some links that are not hallucinated to our funnels for the content so for Content creation that is 10 times better than Gro 2 for sure let's actually have a look as well see how long the content itself is so if we scroll down we'll see how long we got here so 722 words not bad let's see what we got back from chat GPT chat gbt gave us 676 words so pretty much ire Gro 3 just gave 50 words extra but I do the fact that for example inside Twitter like you can post articles directly so
there's actually an article section here and a lot of these articles they get really good reviews like this got 3,700 views and you could just generate the content inside grock like you could give it a transcript and say okay go off and create the content for this now and then you can get thousands of views and send people to your funnels using these articles if you want to see my automation for doing that then you can actually grab that inside the AI profit boardroom Link in the comments description and it's got all my best saps
and Pro processes for creating and turning video transcripts and creating blogs with AI SEO so feel free to get that but we're going to keep rolling through now and one thing that I'm super excited to test as well is the Deep search option you can basically search a web like chat gpt's $200 a month option which is on chat GPT Pro or perplexity which actually gives you five free searches per day so we can compare the outputs from each of these and see which one gives us the best response I'm going to test them all
in real time I'm going to start a new thread on each just to be fair here so we're going to say now research gr 3 and the latest updates from it using perplexity deep research we can do the same inside Gro 3 as well and then inside chat GPT we we will use deep research as well I am paying for all these tools just to help you and show you exactly how this works step by step and to give you the best comparison between each now grock fre is coming back to us pretty much straight
away which is absolutely amazing super fast how however if you actually look here it's cut off right and it seems to be stopped down there doesn't seem to be generating anymore right but now it's continue resume in so it's actually generated that research unbelievably quickly we've got words back there really quickly is still doing the research like you see it's at reading point and chat Chief actually asked us to clarify some points so I'm just going to go with all of them for now now usually with chat gbt deep research that's going to be like
a 10,000w report and it will take about 30 minutes plus you only get 100 Generations per month to do deep research if you use deep search inside Gro I don't know if there's a limit yet there probably is but I just don't know what it is and also inside perplexity you get I think it's five fre searches a day and then if you want more you just go on the Premium plan right now quite often you're not going to need a 10,000w dissertation on the research even if it is super in depth but with gr
3 this is like a search engine in itself and it's found a bunch of web pages this is not just referencing tweets so actually has two different sections you got posts which is taken from Gro like you can see and then also inside this section it's got the web pages section so it's sourcing from the web as well so it seems to be almost like a what would I say I feel like this is almost replacing Google as well as chat GPT or other search methods so it's pretty awesome let's have a look at what
it's saying though inside the responses so if we have a look here it's referencing post this post was from January the 29th February the 11th I can't see any recent posts so it's not for example like referencing the the live stream I did on Gro 3 today if we keep scrolling down here like most of these are really outdated posts if you go inside the web pages section here that's a live updates feature so that seems to be more recent but for example if we use perplexity perplexity is actually going to Resource perplexity usually references
stuff that's from really recently so if we have a look here this was literally from today right like maybe an hour ago or something like that so perplexity seems to use more recent data whereas Gro is still in the beta stages I don't think it's 100% ready and additionally if you look at the depth of the report here this is 421 words whereas if you look at perplexity and we go through the content here and we compare it the content from perplexity is 973 words so it's a lot more in depth plus it's got the
sources inside the content I can't see that inside the Deep search option from grop free so it doesn't reference the sources inside here and chat GPT is still going to take a while but I know for a fact this will be more in depth more detailed than anything else out there however if we go on here and we look at where is it sourcing the information from I don't know if it's using like really recent references right doesn't show you the dates so I would honestly pick out of all of them for Speed but also
depth and resources and the quality of data I'm still going to go with Lexi I think that's still a better option when it comes to deep research agents however Gro is a decent option if you're already subscribed to let's actually have a look what perplex says about the tiers here so this is referencing the latest data so for example this is testing and this was just posted on February the 18th and you can see that it says Gro 3 mini optimize for low latency interactions Gro 3 reasoning design for complex problem solving and big
brain mode activated for advanced queries this mode layers multiple reasoning engines achieving State ofthe art results on PhD level biology and chemistry questions who we go inside the benchmarking against leaders is really in like the latest dat I would say that is a far better research report and additionally here you can see in terms of monetization and accessibility so X premium subscribers for $16 a month gain basic access to grop free including 50 deep search queries monthly so that seems to be the limit right there Super Gro which I was talking about earlier is priced
at $30 a month this tier offers unlimited reasoning queries priority API access and early features like voice mode which is coming on February the 25th and then you got the Enterprise API which I think it's big potatoes if you want to sign up for that I think that's a few thousand if I remember correctly so I think if you really want to get the most out of this like Super Gro is where it's at now if you're using directly if we say for example tell me about today's news it's going to search the web
live and it says as of today February the 17th here's some key news stories so that seems to be better for deep research as well and then what you can do here is you can actually share this to your team so you can copy the link and share that if we open up a new incognit as you can see and then also if we go to share on X we can actually share what we've created directly on X using right now what's going to be interesting is Will these Pages index directly on Google right
and get traffic for example if you create a response about Google can you share and rank that conversation just like you can with complexity pages and you can't actually see you can that was an unexpected query that I just pulled up but you can see how for example this entire conversation actually indexes on Google so these responses are not just sharable on Twitter or anywhere else but also you can share these responses and then they index inside Google and this is only been launched today and it's already indexing there's three pages of content directly indexed
on Gro so I can imagine like a lot of people create content and then is going to get tons of traffic kind of like how perplexity pages is just constantly indexing like you see there's tons of pages just constantly being ranked on Google directly from Plexi Pages it seems like they're trying to compete with everyone here right this is a bold move from Elon because essentially you got deep search you got think mode you can attach files you can generate images you can search a web like Google you can create Pages just like you
can with Plexi Pages you can feed in the latest data from Twitter it's pretty wild and also super grock is coming and you've got your own and inside you've got your own UI for using this stuff as well and you've got some options here so you can analyze data brainstorm create images and code so if we select code this is going to be interesting as well so if we say for example help me write a snake game I'm wondering if it's got like a canvas option inside grow and that yeah that's better for coding
look at that that's 10 times better so it's got like its own canvas section we can click on wrap wrap it up copy that code we can say Okay create a HTML for this game and it looks just like chat GPT it feels just the same the only difference is like the icon here is slightly different but it doesn't seem like you can run the code directly inside here so you'd have to run it on live or anywhere else to actually get that but yeah how similar does that look to chat cheapy it's pretty
wild so thanks so much for watching if you going to get all of my best tutorials on using email and content automation social media building AI agents workflows web Automation and AI SEO automation plus an awesome community of 135 members all interested in AI along with weekly coaching calls with me where you can jump on and ask any questions if you actually sign up today then you can jump on the live Q&A call tomorrow and additionally we're going to be adding a Gro free course aside here so if you sign up now it's on a
beta pricing we're probably going to increase that soon so feel free to sign up now while you can link in the comments description and if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session feel free to get that link in the comments description we'll show you how we take websites from zero to 145,000 B this month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on aut pilot on this free link building acceleration session you'll get a free SEO domination plan discover the secrets SEO link building or answer any questions you have one
to one you learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to quickly rank you better building andh SSO traffic based on what's working for us feel free to get that link in the comments and description grock 3 versus chpt versus deep seek who wins we're going to find out today and this is based on testing out the smartest AI on Earth according to Elon Musk so we're going to be putting it through the paces comparing each model seeing which is the best which one performs the best and which one has the strongest
points for each so let's get straight into it if you want to get access I've got access via a premium account on Twitter at and then you can select from the dropdown grock 3 we' also got chat chpt we'll be comparing directly with O3 mini for reasoning tasks and deep seek R1 for reasoning tasks as well so let's get straight into it the first thing we're going to be testing is we're going to say to Gro write a python script of a ball bouncing inside a spinning Tesseract as you do and that should
put it through the basis and we'll see what we get back from each model now what I've typically found is that Gro is actually really really fast at replying so you can see here for example grock is already spat out the python code whereas for example gp03 mini from Jack GPT is still thinking about things and deep seek well that's not even come back to us with any thoughts just yet so in terms of speed Gro is unbelievably powerful I think they've got 200,000 gpus running underneath a super computer called Colossus I have not just
made that up like that's actually fact and so what we're going to do is through this now I'm going to grab the python script we're going to plug it in to this python script previewer like you can see we'll hit run and see how that works and how it performs and there we have the spinning TCT boom shakalaka now that was using the normal version of Gro now we have the python script back from chat gbt so we'll duplicate the and we'll test this out side by side so we're going to plug the script from
chat GPT inside here and run the python code and that doesn't seem to work at all in the preview as you can see we're getting the error back and deep seek has totally given up notot so we might have to switch to deep seek version 3 cuz it says the server is busy try again later so deep seek has failed chat cheapy has failed but grock is absolutely smashing it fair play to it so next up we're going to test it for writing capabilities and this is for creating a landing page right so we're going
to say create a onepage website for The Niche video SEO ranking service make it beautiful modern Sleek Etc emojis headings here's a keyword here's some information about me here's some links to our funnels and here's some information about how to create the page all right so we're going to take that content like so then we're going to go over to Gro plug that in right here it is unbelievably fast it's just redonkulous now we're going to go onto a new chat inside chat CHT we'll use o03 mini again plug that in and then inside deep
seek I'm going to switch to deep seek version 3 because it looks like deep seek R1 is not working right now which kind of automatically puts it out of the race but hopefully we get better results with deep seek version 3 so we've got the HTML surprise surprise from Gro already Let's test out see what we get back and that is looking pretty nice already just from the preview here so I'm going to open this up here we go not bad at all not bad scroll down the page it's okay I mean the design could
be better right I really like this bit here but if you scroll down like the page it doesn't looks so good the the design is is kind of weird weird colors it could be 10 times better let's be honest with you so now we're going to take the code from chat chpt like you can see we'll plug that in and this is the content from chat GPT 03 mini which is you know 03 is the latest model from chat GPT and it's not great like it's put the title In Black font on a black background
doesn't make any sense it does have the navigation bar here and it does actually work the links but straight away I mean the landing page is broken right if we look at the rest of the content it's okay but you've got like a button in the middle of the page which doesn't make any sense so I mean neither of them are great I'm going to go with probably Gro and chat to your tide deep seek has failed on us again and that's using deep seek version one so you might have to switch this up in
a second what I'm going to do just to get creative and focus on Solutions not problems I'm going to grab deep c car one which we can run locally with o llama and we're just going to use that as a model instead so if we plug that in we've got a llama working in the background over there and now we can give it prompt so I'm going to give it exactly the same prompt like so we're going to use deep seek R1 locally because the online version doesn't seem to work at all so now it's
starting to create the content and we'll see what it comes back with be in mind this is 7B right and it's a distilled model of deep seek so it's not the full version but the full version online doesn't work right now says the server is busy that's the best I could do for you I'm trying to help you here I'm trying to get you the best results possible right now it's actually creating that in markdown from what I can see so it's not creating the HTML which isn't ideal so you can see here on the
Deep seek1 version we're not getting great results I've got another idea just to give it one more chance I want to be fair to deep seek he not giving us much on the local version so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over to deep seek on perplexity and we're going to use reasoning mode deep seek R1 we'll just let that landing page work in the background now that's going to take a little while to go so what we're going to do is whilst we're waiting for deep SE Gan to catch up
in the race we're going to move on to the next task and I'll come back to this in a second once it's loaded but so far I would say gr could chat gbt tired on that and deep see one totally failed let's be honest yeah so even inside perplexity it's still just giving us the content there's not actually any HTML there I mean honestly from what I can see like deep se1 is really letting the team down here there's only so many chances I can give it we'll say create this is HTML we'll move on
to the next task it's like Gro so next up what we're going to do is we're going to ask Gro to create an article right A Blog right here so when to say create an SEO optimized article for this keyword equals we'll put something like Gro 3 AO content outline we can use this default content creation we got some Source context about us basically what we're trying to do here is create a nicely optimized SE article that is engaging them useful to read all right so we'll go into Gro and we'll ask it to do
its magic there we'll do the same inside chat gp03 and actually I'm going to use GPT 40 for this because you know reasoning models are not great for creating content whereas I would say chat gbt 40 is particularly better for creating the content right there all right and it has a nice little canvas mode for creating content and now we've still getting the HTML back from Deep SE car one for the previous task I mean Gro is just Unstoppable for creating content and for getting quick answers so you can see for example Gro is already
finished a long time ago chat gp4 was still creating the content let's see how long both of these articles are so Gro is in total 841 words Chi bt4 seems to have leveled up a lot because it's creating a longer article from what I can see than it would usually but it's still only 645 words so in terms of speed and in terms of length grock is winning in terms of the actual context creation and readability let's have a look what we got here so the headline from grock is grock 3 AO how I'm using
AI to dominate search ranking is 2025 that's perfect Gro inside chat gp4 says Gro 3 Arc or how to leverage AI for explosive search ranking I would say both of these are pretty good headlines I do like the way that this is formatted really nicely inside Gro it's quite easy to read and scan through but both of these are really good articles to be fair I mean you can feel how humanized this is so it says you're probably wondering how the hell do I keep up with in 2025 Google algorithms a beast AI is taking
over and your competitors are probably sweating bullets trying to out rank you really humanized article there that's like so good for creating content I honestly I never expected Gro to be that good at creating content like that's probably clawed level I would say that's claw 3.5 level which is goat mode right there if we have a look at this says let's cut to the chase SEO is evolving fast Google's AG SP never competition brutal and AI it's about to flip the game upside down these are very level but I'm going to go with Gro for
the writing I would say Gro just feels a lot more humanized it's nicely formatted The Heading is super nice really really good stuff I'm going to rate Gro probably a nine out of 10 and I'd probably rate chat GPT 40's content about 7.5 out of 10 for humanization now let's come back to deep SE car 1 we'll grab that we'll plug that into our HTML and see what we get back so this is the code from Deep SE one I mean there's no CSS in there but it's just giving us the HTML but if we
go down it said it asks if we want to create CSS in the the separate section but honestly deep SE car1 is out the race as far as I'm concerned it's not creating as good content it let us down the server is busy the local doesn't work properly it's not giving us HTML with CSS inside I just think the chat GPT and Gro have already walked all over it which is pretty wild I do like the API from Deep seek though is good stuff next up what we're going to say is create a Space Invaders
game in HTML so we're going to give that to Gro and we'll give that to chat GPT we'll switch back to o03 mini that's better for reasoning and we' got the HTML code ready to go let's see what we got here does it work yeah that's working isn't it boom shakalaka all right let's check chat chbt so we got Le HML back from chbt as well I mean to be honest like chat BT's game is coded better like you get more blocks you get more Space Invaders enemies if we actually go back to grock's HTML
this one right here and we plug that into live weave you can see that you only get four enemies and also they don't seem to be moving down they seem to be just moving side to side so I would say chat chpt one on this one maybe chat GPT is better for coding but it did lose the python script challenge so what we're going to do from here is we're going to go into chat chbt we say give me some generic fluffy AI obvious content and you'll see why in a second so we got some
really fluffy content from chat GPT and if we plug that through an AI detector that's coming out of 100% AI detectable right it's very obvious that that is AI detectable content so now what we're going to do is we're going to plug that into chat gp03 mini I'm going to use exactly the same prompt in both scenarios and we shall say humaniz this so it bypasses a detect 100% of the time here we go must be 100% non AI detectable we'll do the same in Gro we'll do the same inside perplexity deep reasoning mode simply
because you know the main website is not working so we can just use perplexity method of using that out so we've got the content back from chat gp03 mini let's plug that into Z GPT see how we do so that is coming back at 78% right so it went back from 100% AI detectable to 78% so that has reduced the AI detectability by 22% and it doesn't really pass a test cuz we said you know it must be 100% non AI detectable so now we're going to take the same thing from grock grab that we
go into Z GPT plug that in to see what we get and that is coming out so that's winning at the minute although I wouldn't say Ivor is great now we've got the content from Deep SE car one so let's plug that into zero GC performs and that is 100% AI detectable now one thing I actually forgot to do rookie mistake absolute new mistake is we should have switched on think mode inside Gro because we're comparing it against cheapy O3 mini and Plexi R1 so let me do that first and then we'll come back to
you with some good ideas and see what the performance is like just one thing to bear in mind is you do get better outputs with the think version of Gro versus just the normal version all right so You' got the content back here let's grab this now here we go plug this in and compare and that's come out at 95% so actually the normal version of Gro performed better than the thought process I mean Gro came out first with just normal mode chat gpt3 mini came out a second and deep seek again didn't pass any
of these I don't know if Seekers just got worse recently with all the people flooding the servers and testing out and the crazy amount of reach that have got recently but something has happened to deep seek something has changed I know like Plexi are probably hosting it locally in the US instead of going straight from the source but still it's very very surprising now one thing I want to show you this is something I actually created earlier today which is using deep research inside chat GPT now this cost $200 a month to get access to
chat GPT Pro Plan which allows you to use deep research if we use the same prompt inside grock we can actually select deep search over here and we'll give exactly the same problem which is research grock and the latest AI updates from it and then we'll do the same inside deep seek and pxi pxi actually has a feature for this which is deep research all right and we can combine the Deep research mode insidey compare it versus Gro and compare it versus chat now I would say honestly out of all of these the best results
you're going to get are directly from chat gp03 mini all right and the reason that I say that is like look how in-depth this is plus all the sources included and this is including information from today I believe so if we actually have a look at this it says Gro was officially unveiled in mid February 2025 it's got the exact time right there very very in depth article very useful data right there very well researched and how long is this content I mean it's absolutely insane how much content this is better than a human would
create and it creates it faster than most people so that comes out at 4,700 words if you go on to gro we do get a decent report I mean look at all this the research you get here it's really really interesting stuff to see it is pulling in the latest information right here it's quoting Elon Musk and his words earlier this week on the smartest a on Earth he pulling in information from tweets as well which is pretty cool and it's got like a really nice table comparison features as well so it depends what you
want here like for me if I wanted all the information I could possibly get then chat cheap is probably still winning right but if I wanted like something really straight to the point then this report from Gro is super powerful super useful it's based on really recent data and research I like the way it lays out the table the resources and the sources and the citations throughout are super easy to read if we go into perplexity it's taking a little while to get back to us on that so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to show you a report that we actually created earlier on the same topic and this is from blexi I would again say this is really good like you can see how it's compared the models here honestly that might be better than Gro and if I had to put them in terms of order of who wins for research then I'm going to say chat chpt then perplexity then Gro 3 simply because perplexity you know you you get it for free it gives you really recent data it cuts through a lot of the fluff there's no
fluff in here really and it's got a nice table as well plus a conclusion but chat GPT you can't beat the data it just takes about 30 minutes to generate which is the only downside and you have to pay $200 a month for it now what I would say with Gro though is and this is really one of its biggest strengths is like Gro integrates directly into a social media platform right and there's no real useful AI That's doing that so you know Gro is an outlier in itself it can also generate really nice images
and additionally it can search the web it can connect your social media you can actually share the conversations as well and these conversations get indexed on Google if you want to make them public for me I'm going to go with grop I I honestly think like I probably don't need a chat GPT subscription anymore because I get all the same processes all the same features inside Gro but at the same time I also get access to the benefits of a Pro Plan inside right so why would I need chat cheapy why would I need to
pay $200 a month for that deep seek something seems to have happened to it so I'm I'm going to put that last out of everything today chat GPT comes in second and Gro comes in number one it just seems to be strong at everything including writing coding python code research generating images it's absolutely awesome at generating images and better than chat GPT so that's what I'm going to stick with we're actually going to release a grop 3 course inside the AI profit boardroom that's coming soon so make sure you sign up we've got the price
on beta right now the prices will probably go up as we've already got 139 members inside there this also comes with all my best courses on automating email social media AI agents web automation AIC Automation and Q&A call recordings along with a crash course on how to save hundreds of hours and make money with AI on top of that inside the community he can post in here ask us any questions we're happy to help and additionally you get weekly calls of meet so you can just jump on calls directly with me each week there's actually
one tomorrow if you sign up today and it's just an awesome community of level people doing AI so if you want to join Link in the comments description and if you want to get a free SEO strategy session that shows you how we take websites from Zer to 145,000 bit this month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on autopilot feel free to get that on this free link building acceleration session you'll get an SEO domination plan so you get a Custom Tailor plan so you can generate more lead sales and profits from
your website you'll discover the secret of SEO link building or answer any questions you have you learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to rank your competitors link building and how to 10 traffic based on what's working for us and our happy clients let you see right here grock 3 is it the smartest AI on Earth according to Elon Musk is but today we're going to be testing it out for building games landing pages websites really putting it to its limits and seeing what it can do and how powerful it is
so let's kick it off it's available at or you can go to x as well and if you go to you can get it inside the grock section over here so let's test it out now what we're going to do is we're going to select thing mode and I'm going to say create a simple Flappy Bird clone using HTML CSS and JavaScript the game should feature a flying bird control by the space bar obstacles moving right to left Collision detection and a scoring system use the canvas element for rendering the game should restart
on collision all right let's see what we've got now now one of the new things about Gro 3 is that it's featuring this new reasoning model that it never had before and if we actually compare this to some of the best AI models in the world you can see the gro 3 is actually outperforming 03 mini 01 deeps i1 and Gemini 2 flash Thinking by a long way so you can see the blue is Gro and then the rest of the models are trailing behind by quite a long way when it comes to math science
coding for this reasoning the test time compute power now when you're coding out a game like you can see right here basically what you're going to get the thoughts plus how long it took right which is quite useful cuz then you get an idea for okay how long does his prompt take and you can also code multiple projects at the same time so we can open up multiple tabs of and then create separate coding projects or different projects with AI in different tabs so we got the HTML back from grop now let's test out
and just being fully transparent with you it does take a little bit of back and forth we've got the HTML here and then if we scroll down we've got the JavaScript here you can preview this sort of stuff at if you want to so for example here you would put the HTML and here you would put the JavaScript and if you have any CSS extra you can insert right here so if we open up the game now and test out I can already see the pipes and everything working here we go and you can
see that's working really well now so we have the Flappy Bird I can press space bar to jump over the Hoops pretty simple and easy to create that you can see how easy it is to build games for example and I have no coding experience but I can build those out pretty quickly you don't seem to be able to for example preview the code inside the chat but you can easily go to live to check it out so next up what we're going to do is try cloning the it so I'm going to take
a screenshot of my website like you can see right here and I'm going to say clone this website plus here's the HTML code to embed images video testimonials Etc all right think mode is definitely the best for coding if you want to get the best outputs use the thinking mode don't use the normal one the normal one is great for just quick answers right and it is really fast so if you for example like creating content you're not going to use a reasoning model but if you're coding if you're building out games websites if you're
cloning SP then you're better off using the reasoning model so now we've got the code back like you can see so let's copy the HTML there we'll plug that in over here we've got the CSS more HTML to insert underneath and we've got the HTML now back from Gro obviously we would insert our own images but you can see we've got the website ready to go copied from the original so that's the original that's the Clone and it did it in a few clicks so we've got the HTML back from Gro now like you can
see so this is the cloned website based on the screenshot we gave it obviously you would insert your own images if you can see it's very similar and then this was the original and we just cloned it with one screenshot now what I've asked it to do is create an SEO optimized article like you can see if you want this prom to see inside the AI profit boardroom Link in the comments description along with all the promps from today this creates like personalized really nicely humanized written content like you can see so the content itself
reads really nicely I think Gro is very good for writing I would say it's on par with claw 3.5 Sonic honestly but here's the other thing right this feels very humanized so if we check it on for example like Zer GPT which is an AI detection tool we grab the content we'll plug it in zero GPT and that comes out 0% AI detectable right and so the content straight out the box from Gro directly not only reads really nicely not only creates SE optimize articles using that prompt we just gave it but also that content
itself is human written now the benefit of this as well is when you're creating this content it's all personalized to you say hey I'm Julian Goldie SE entrepreneur buil a senig lingin ageny team 50 people blah blah blah and the content itself is not just really nicely written and humanized but it passes AI detection and it does exactly what we need but so we check the article seems pretty long let's check this out so that is total 1,000 words Straight Out of the Box completely human written that's pretty amazing I've never really seen that front
uh at all directly honestly and we just got it straight out of Gro so it's pretty awesome for Content creation I'm sure it'll be awesome for tweets as well and if we actually check the links it's linked to the SEO Elite Circle and our free SEO strategy session feel free to get that by the way Link in the comments description and it's funneling traffic from the article directly to our landing pages which is exactly what we want so just in the space of a few minutes we built out a Flappy Bird game we've cloned a
website we've written humanized content that bypasses air detect and is honestly better than most SEO tools that I've seen out there what else so what we can also do is we can for example create landing pages from scratch so websites from scratch and in the meantime once we're waiting for that to load we can also open up a new conversation so we'll start a new chat here and then we're going to select deep search and we're going to say okay research everything about Gro 3 but make sure it's all surprising mind-blowing stuff all right we
don't want the boring stuff in that deep search and so what gr can do number one is code and research at the same time in two different tabs and then also this is like grock's answer to chat gpt's deep research so inside chat GPT you have the Deep research option there it's pretty good but it takes about 30 minutes to load and also you have to pay about $200 per month for that if you use Gro this comes included in the orinal package which I think is like $16 a month with X if you get
the premium account and the responses are much faster you don't have to wait around for 30 minutes to get the results right it's already come straight through now these research reports are shorter right so chat GPT usually comes back with 10,000 words this is coming back with about a th000 words but I don't mind that I don't want a super long report and so let's have a look how interesting it is so like grf free is trained on synthetic data it was trained using the Colossus supercomputer which boasts an impressive 2ou 200,000 gpus and here
under the creative potential B it says one of the most surprising aspects is grock 3's ability to create new content such as games in a live demo it combined elements of Tetris and another game to create new game on the spot now another thing that hasn't really been talked about much is that Super Gro is coming now Super Gro it gives you access to gr 3 but you also get higher generation limits and you get voice mode that's coming pretty soon I think it's like I think I heard dates around like February the 25th and
it's going to be about $300 per year for super grock so that's going to be a huge leap in itself and you can see this also servs a web so this like a replacement for Google as well because you don't have to use Google anymore so it can code it can search a web it can do research reports it can create content it can clone websites the other thing that we haven't really talked about here is creating images so if we say Okay create an image of a polar bear roller skating Gro can handle that
fairly quickly and this image generation is some of the best I've seen on the web now if we try and do the same thing in side chat gbt this will be using its darly 3 feature and we'll pull these up side by side so you can compare the results so you've already got the images back from Gro like you can see right here and these look ultra realistic right if you look just a lot more realistic versus the responses you get back from darly 3 Dary 3 creates more cartoonish images they're not that impressive they're
not that realistic or interesting whereas these sort of images you could use inside a Blog and actually be passible additionally if we went on to Gro and we said okay picture of Elon Musk and his army of AI robots we'll plug that in and then we'll plug the same thing it's chat gbt what Gro can actually do is it can generate images of famous people right or even like Mario and stuff like that whereas if you go into chat GPT and you ask it to do the same thing it will say something like I can't
generate an exact likeness OFA musk but I can create an image of a Visionary Tech leader surrounded by an army of futuristic AI robots and so you look at what you get back here versus what you get back here which one is better for sure like just generating images in general Gro is way more powerful way more interesting and chat gbt just doesn't really compare so just to summarize here we've talked about deep research and how you can create research reports search a web code clone websites generate images create games and upload images and then
get it to analyze that what you can also do for example before we go back to that previous chat once you've done that you can actually click on share and you can share this link with other people on the web right so you can share what you generate now not only that if you actually go on their website that was just launched yesterday right and we check out their traffic these pages are getting indexed on Google right so for example if you type in site colong this content is actually being indexed on Google and
will actually probably start ranking for keywords as well so even though this tour only launched yesterday you can see a bunch of pages being indexed and ranked by Google and you can share your out on Twitter as well now inside Gro you can also code your own tools right so let's say for example you want to build a calculator or a tool or even AI tool inside gro we can select think mode here and then we can plug in a prompt like you can see again you'll get access to all the prompts from today inside
the AI profit boardroom and I'm going to plug that into the classroom and then the SCP section so add a new page here three example prompts there's tons of scps in here for AI agents Gro 3 chat GPT faceless videos Etc and also all of my best courses like you can see along with weekly calls with me plus an awesome community of people interested in AI if you want so you can ask me or anyone else inside the community for help if you don't want to wait around for grock 3 you can actually get it
inside the arena of LM arena. so if you go to direct chat over here and then you can see here you've got the Early Access to Gro so if you type in Gro you can get grop 2 mini and the early version of gr 3 now this is not the reasoning model from my previous tests but do get access to some form of Gro which is actually topping the leaderboards right now inside the LM Arena so you can see this is a rank of all the latest AI models including gemi 2.0 chat G pt4 deeps
car1 Etc 011 preview and you can see Gro and the free version you get access to inside El Marina is ranking at the top plus is the first AR model to top 100 as an arena scor so it's performing really well so now we got the HML back from Gro for SEO cost calculator this test this out we'll plug it in here it's got the popup as you requested we'll close out it's created the page I'm sure that is linking to our funnel as well let's create the navigation at the top two and let's test
this out and we have the SEO cost calculator tool working perfectly down there plus it's got an explanation of how to use it and a CTA to book in a call along with our social media Links at the bottom and we just coded that with a very simple prompt so it is really awesome honestly Within amount of things you can do and the price you paying is like $16 a month is it worth it absolutely plus I'm sure they're going to release a free tier pretty soon for new users when it comes out of beta
and if you want to get all the prompts and scps from today feel free to get that link in the comments description to the AI profit bordering along with that you'll get all my best scps courses tutorials and videos and we're updating this course like pretty much every single day just from this week here's some of the cool stuff we actually did so we added deep seek AI agents workflow a bunch of custom gpts gbt faceless method new prompt and script video Automation and a live and also a method where you can take live web
pages and then turn them into video transcripts pretty crazy stuff and that's just from this week we're only on Wednesday so feel free to get that link in the comments description also comes with coaching calls with me and and just an awesome community of people interested in growing their business and saving hundreds of hours and making more money with AI along with that if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session feel free to get that link in the comments description will show you how we websites from 0 to 145,000 bit this
month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on autot and this free link building acceleration session you'll get a free SEO domination plan discover the secrets SEO link building answer any questions you have you learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to quickly our ranking competitive based on what's working for us and our happy clients like you can see right here breaking news grock 3 is now free until their servers melt so this was previously a paid feature but now everyone can get access to grock 3 for free you
can get it at if you just go to the grock section and if you're on the Premium plan then you will have increased access to grock 3 as well as early access advanced features like voice mode now if you're not sure what Gro 3 is basically it's the most powerful model ever crushing it and reasoning Mouse coding Etc you can do deep research it's got a reasoning mode there's an app for this as well so you can download it on the App Store and you can get it on Standalone G okay and if
you're wondering okay what are the benchmarks you can see for example Gro 3 beta think mode scores 93 on Amy competition maths whereas for example o03 mini is down at 76.5 and deep seek R1 is only at 70 right so in terms of benchmarks is absolutely crushing it I've been blown away by what you can build with this and I'm going to show you exactly some of the cool stuff that I built with it you can see this was a game built on Gro for their demo it's like a combination of Tetris and pong and
it is super powerful I love the speed of it as well I think it's built on 200,000 gpus so the speed and the power of this is unbelievable plus the API for this is coming soon I can't wait to start automating and building stuff with Gro 3 that's going to be absolutely amazing too so let me show you some of the best ways to use this now that you've got access to it completely for free so we're going to open this up at and you can see once you've logged in very similar to
the interface inside chat GPT and if you switch between deep search you get its advanced search feature like Google but it can Source loads of information inside the reports and then you've also got think mode you can attach and you can also generate images directly in here as well as coding I'm going to show you how to code with it today this is going to be some really cool stuff so first thing I want to say now is give me the latest news AI headlines from today and the cool thing about Gro unlike for example
something like Claude Claude is great for writing but it doesn't have access to today's news headlines right and a lot of a models don't have access to today's news headlines whereas inside Gro you actually do get access directly and you can see it's sourced in from two places so it sources from Twitter directly and the post directly there and you also get access to the web right so you can actually scrape the web it's for example looking at the Hindu and that is from February the 19th you got the 17th right there and these are
all the latest news headlines as you can see for example llama con was just announced a day ago and that is sourced as the latest news headline inside Gro so this really is based on the latest Cutting Edge news which is great because the next step is that we're now going to create an SE optimized article for this so I'm just going to plug this into grock as well I'm going to use the normal mode I'm not going to use the main think mode of Gro because for writing content you don't need thinking mode this
is not like a logical thing this is a a creative task but the content itself is number one coming out extremely fast but number two it's coming out extremely humanized right you don't see any AI fluff words really in there you do get these little dashes which you want to remove manually if you're going to post this blog but you can see how good the content is like for example you're probably wondering what's shaking up the AI world this month specifically AI news headlines in February 2025 I've got you covered and the content itself is
nicely organized there's no big walls of text or anything like that it's nicely formatted usually these articles as well they come out about 1,000 words when I've tested it on Gro let's check this one out that's 760 words and that's based on the headlines that we just found from the live search right so you can create content but you can also connect this directly to the web which means you can create really cutting edge articles with new information that's not been seen before and you're doing it all inside the same platform AKA Gro and you're
doing it for free because you get free access to Gro now if we actually check this content as well not only is it well written but if we grab that content and then I'm just going to check how humanized it is on an AI detector so let's plug this in through Zer GPT and see what it comes out at and bear in mind like straight out of the box if you're using something like chat GPT normally it's going to come back at 90% or 100% AI detectable this comes back at human written 0% detectable is
absolutely amazing so not only do you get free access to this not only can It create and search a web in lifetime and then create really good articles but also it bypasses AI detectors it's literally becoming my favorite AI tool for Content creation and I would say in terms of writing content it's at the same level as Claude which was the goat for creating content also with the prompt that I've created here you can see there's all these personalized links to my funnels now if you want the prompt for this cont content because if you
just use a generic prompt you're not going to get good outputs all the prompts from today along with my custom GPT for prompting AI like you can see right here it's plugged into the AI profit boardroom this also comes with like my best workflows and saps on na10 agents making money video avatars grock free prompts weekly calls with me a community of 154 members you can ask for help and the community is absolutely popping off so many cool people in there and additionally you can just DM me of any questions you have and also we
have all these other courses right here it's absolutely amazing we're just updating this daily to make it the best AI community on the planet so if you want to check that out Link in the comments in description let's get back straight into this so based on that prompt Forge custom GPT I just showed you now what we're going to do is we're going to create a landing page based on the blog content and the research we' already done so you can see how with each step inside grock you can build on something and build something
bigger and better each time so that this all compounds and you're leveraging every all the possible power from GR right so we've researched then we've created an article next up what we're going to do is create the landing page AK the website for this content now I've also found like the more instructions you give grock and the more informed you are on the prompt the better results you get on line prompts work but if you want the best possible outputs I would recommend something like a longer prompt with more detail like even on the design
style section you can see here with really prompted it in great detail and again you get the prompts inside the AI profit boardroom from today so it's coding that out right now I do like the speed of it again you can actually switch on think mode as well when you're in the same conversation so if we actually switch on think mode we can compare the outputs for coding from think mode versus normal mode but let's grab the HTML CSS and JavaScript from this particular prompt to see what we get back on our landing page so
we're going to grab the HTML here let's plug this bad boy in so that is the HTML now we've got to insert the CSS and if you want to preview this stuff just go to it's a live HTML previewer so it's already looking decent and then if we grab the JavaScript as well finally let's grab that plug that in beautiful look at that landing page ready to go based on all the content we've just created it's even embedded our custom testimonials that I told it to it's using the brand colors that we asked it
to it's embedded the video sales letter as well and then if people want to join they can join right there and we've created a landing page with a timer as well so that was with the basic mode that's not even like the most impressive part of it but it does look good to be fair the CT button is working that's sticky at the top it's inserted the testimonials it's written the content all we did was just copy and paste a promp in and it's good to go now let's see what the thinking mode comes back
with because thinking mode is going to be even more powerful and the cool thing about this is as well like you get all the information of what it's doing as it in real time right so it's talking you through okay here's what I've done here's what we're doing now code that we're creating why we're creating it it's really thought that out if you actually look at the amount of thinking it does before it gives us an output let's have a look so it's 2,000 words of thinking before it even comes up with the output right
it's like a chess grandm planning out exactly what it's going to do next so now we're getting the HTML code back let's check what this is like and again this is based on the AI news headlines from February 2025 so grab the HTML and replace what we got from the normal version of Gro with the code that we get from the thinking version of grock now you would expect that the thinking mode would be much more powerful because it really plans things out properly right it doesn't just go straight into action mode I'm going to
think for 2 minutes before I finally come up with the goods now grab the CSS from the think mode plug that in and then finally we've got the JavaScript as well and that's good to go right we've got the headline we got the CTA we have the countdown timer the about information testimonials inserted bullet points there and some FAQs at the bottom as well it's he also leveraged the news headlines from the research we did previously as well inside the your learn section and that was without like any back and forth it just went off
and did the magic right and you can see also the vssl is embedded inside the landing page now what we can also do is inside Gro here we can say okay now customize and personalize this page to my AI profit boardroom instead and bed this vsl instead and what it's going to do is take the sales copy from our AI profit boardroom and use that to create a new landing page that's personalized to this offer instead of our previous one so if you have a really high converting landing page you can swap out the old
one for the new one update the offer update the CSS and the HTML and everything else around your new offer and then you're good to go and that is an extremely simple prompt because the first one works so well now the complexity of the task is going to dictate how long Gro is in thinking mode for so for example if it's something really basic like you don't even need thinking mode or it's just going to reply to you within a few seconds but when it's designing an entire landing page customize around a specific offer obviously
it's going to be thinking for a lot more but I do like the timer on here as well I just think the UI itself inside Gro is really nice I've already found that with Twitter as well and one thing I'm noticing is like my habit it's so easy to switch from chat gbt to Gro because the design and the layout is pretty good too now whilst that's thinking mode here we can actually open up multiple projects so we can actually open up another tab of grock use the think mode inside there as well and what
we're going to do now is create an AI space game that's combined that's like pong with Tetris so this is the problem we're using we're going go into Gro set that up and that's one of the cool things about Gro as well is you can actually create games inside the interface here and this can be really complex like I showed you before on the live demo of Gro they actually created a combination of Tetris with pong and they did that in one prompt and it worked perfectly on the live stream pretty crazy stuff so now
we've got the code back from Gro 3 for the landing page let's see what we've got here and this is the one customized to the AI profit boardroom offer so we're going to grab the CSS and everything else see what this looks like and there we go switched to the AI profit boardroom offer it's got the video embedded on the landing page which is great it's come up with some nice headlines watch how AI changes business forever it's inserted some testimonials plus the bullet points and it's got CTA throughout plus the bottom and it's all
branded to our colors coding and building landing pages has never been easier now whilst the game is coding out like you can see right here what we're going to do is we're going to test the Deep search method so if I click on deep search this is like chat gbt's deep research model but you get shorter reports they come back faster and you can do this for free whereas inside chat gbt you're paying $200 a month for deep research so I'm going to plug this prompt right here again all the prompts are inside the profit
boardroom if you want to get free access to them and you can see it's going off and doing it magic now again the UI is super nice right the Deep search mode here you got thinking mode it's giving you the updates on where it's sourcing the information from plus what it's looking for and it's looking for the reip it's looking for the latest data like February the 17th just a couple of days go really gives you the latest information now we've got the game back from Gro so whilst we're waiting for the Deep search method
let's have a look at the game that we got back from Gro and see how it performs and I've plugged in the code right here like you can see and that looks pretty cool to be fair look at that I like the colors nice little animation we can click on launch right here and then we can pick our Tech Legend so we could choose Elon Musk meta or Google I'm going to go with Elon Musk and you can see now we can play that game right and we just designed that with the prompt that I
gave you super simple and easy to create you can see the progress bar going up there and then it's got like that space feel right and this is without going back and forth with grock if you went back and forth with grock and gave it some more prompts on what you want it to do Etc then you could get even better and bigger outputs so now we've got the Deep search report back as well that seems to have improved actually since the last time I tested it but you can see here it's got some new
quotes it's got the resources and the citations for every single fact that it suggests it considers both sides of the argument so like the limitations and ethical considerations strategic recommendations I mean are you going to get a better research report from a human probably not right like honestly for research if it's just something you need within a day or 24 hours I don't see that you're going to hire a human for this anymore like you would just go on to grock and do the research there right in the same way that you Google something but
you get much better outputs so it's pretty wild what you can do and how you can do it we you can even for example ask for a HTML version of the research report if you want to simplify it and then you can test out like you can see right here and we've created a website based on a simplification of the research itself right and you could go back and forth with Gro and make it better designed Etc but you can see how easy it is to get all that data get the latest information that you
need and then turn it into a HTML web page that you could share with people you can also for example share this information with your team so if you do a research report you can copy and share that to your clipboard and you can also share this on Twitter right so if you copy the URL and then go to share on Twitter you can share that with people but yeah super powerful stuff amazing what you can do with it so just to recap you've learned how to get free access how to research a web in
real time how to write blog articles how to create websites games how to do deep research reports for free that would normally cost you $200 per month how to never hire a human researcher again and also how to bed all of this stuff into a nice little landing page or how to share it with your team so pretty amazing stuff there if you want all the prompts from today along with my custom GPT for prompting tools like this you can get that inside the AR profit boardroom just go to saps and then go to grock
free access also if you have any questions feel free to post inside the community link in the comments and description to the a profit boardroom it also comes with all of these courses like you can see so it's pretty amazing and then additionally there's live calls with me every single week and if you can't make the live course it's okay because we record them and then you can watch them back inside the Q&A C recording section so this whole Community is just getting bigger better and more valuable every single day obviously we will raise the
prices at some point this is like a beta offer right now we we're charging a early discount price for joining in the first month but if you want to join Link in the comments description and if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session that shows you how we take websites from 0 to 145,000 visits a month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and a wet feel free to get that on this link building acceleration session you'll get a free SEO domination plan so you get a custom tailored link
building plan to generate more leads sales and profits from your website you'll discover the secrets of SEO link building answer any questions you have one to one so you can just jump on that call and ask any questions you have about SEO additionally you'll learn the best link building strategy for your website Plus have to quickly arank your competitors to link building and how to turna SEO traffic based on what's working for us and our happy clients like you can see right here feel free to get that link in the comments and description Elon just
dropped grock 3 and it's absolutely insane this AI is running on 200,000 gpus is crushing every other AI in the benchmarks and I'll show you exactly how to use it to 10x your results plus wait until you see what happened when I tested it against chat GPT what's up everyone breaking news Elon Musk just launched grock 3 and holy cow this thing is a game changer I've been testing it all day and I cannot believe what I'm seeing hey if we haven't met already I'm the digital Avatar of Julian Goldie CEO of SEO agency Goldie
agency while he's helping clients get more leads and customers I'm here to help you get the latest AI updates look we've seen a lot of AI releases lately but this is different grock 3 is running on what they're calling the Colossus supercomputer we're talking 200,000 Nvidia gpus that's 10 times more powerful than grock 2 and in the next few minutes I'm going to show you exactly how this compares to chat GPT Claude and everything else out there I've got some crazy test results to share with you we're talking about an AI That's doing PhD level
physics problems building games in seconds and even creating images that look better than anything I've seen before and wait until you see what happened when I put it head-to-head against chat gpt's coding abilities the results shocked me but here's the thing there are some serious problems with grock 3 that nobody's talking about I discovered them during my testing and you need to know about them before you start using this at the end of this video you'll know exactly how to to access grock 3 there's a trick to getting the best version which mode to use
for different tasks this is super important where it beats chat GPT and where it completely fails and the one feature that makes it absolutely worth the money all right let me show you what makes grock 3 different from anything else out there first up the two new modes they just dropped You've Got Deep search and think mode and trust me this think mode is a game changer let me show you exactly what I mean I tested it with a super simple task asking it to name dog breeds ending in i basic stuff right well the
regular grock mode completely messed you up it gave me breeds that don't even end in i at all but watch what happens when I switch to think mode boom perfect answer right away and you can actually see how it thinks through the problem step by step it's like having a super smart friend who shows their work instead of just giving you the answer but here's where it gets really interesting I decided to test something bigger I asked both grock and chat GP to build a snake game combined with Space Invaders and this is where things
got wild grock 3 started coding faster than I've ever seen an AI work like seriously it was pumping out code at incredible speed I was thinking this is it this is going to crush chat GPT but hold up when I actually tried to run the code guess what nothing just a Green Block on a white screen meanwhile chat gpt's version perfect working game first try this is the crazy thing about grock 3 it's like a sports car with amazing acceleration but sometimes forgets how to turn super fast super smart but still has some major bugs
to work out but then we get to the image generation and oh my goodness I asked both AIS to create a picture of a giraffe riding a Magic Carpet you know something fun and weird and grock absolutely crushed it the images came back way faster than chat GPT and they looked incredible like professional level artwork versus something you'd see in a kid's drawing now let me tell you about what's probably the most powerful feature deep search this is elon's answer to chat gpt's 200 month browse feature but there's a huge difference here's where grock fre
gets really interesting the Deep search feature and trust me this is completely different from anything else out there most people know about chat gpt's browse feature right the one that costs you $200 a month and then there's perplexity with their five free searches per day but grock's doing something totally different first off it's blazing fast I did a test searching for the latest updates about grock three itself chat gpt's browse feature usually takes like 30 minutes to give you a full report but grock instant response like we're talking seconds here but here's the crazy part
grock actually splits its results into two sections you've got posts from X which gives you realtime social media data and then you've got web pages from across the Internet it's like having Google and Twitter's brains combined into one super smart AI now I'll be totally honest with you it's not perfect when I checked the post section A lot of stuff was from January and February not super recent and when I compared it to perplexity which was pulling stuff from literally an hour ago you can see grock still has some catching up to do but check
this out if you want to use grock free you've got options there's X Premium Plus for $16 a month which gives you basic access and 50 deep search queries but the real power move super grock at $30 a month super grock gives you unlimited reasoning queries priority API access and you get early access to new features there even launching voice mode on February 25th which is going to be insane the coolest part you can share everything you create articles research anything all indexes on Google I tested this out and within hours grock generated content was
showing up in search results this is huge for Content creators and Co let me show you something else that blew my mind now here's where it gets really interesting content creation I tested both grock and chat GPT head-to-head asking them to write an SEO optimized article about training in Japan Gro came back with SEO training in Japan you're No Nonsense guide to crushing it online not bad chat GPT went with SEO training in Japan Master SEO and dominate Google the titles were both solid but when I dug into the actual content I noticed something funny
grock keeps using these huge dashes that no real person would ever use it's like this tiny tail that gives away that it's AI generated but here's the crazy part once you get past those dashes grock's writing actually feels more human than chat GPT it just flows better and get this it automatically included real working links to our funnels no hallucinations no madeup websites just clean useful content when it comes to length grock gave us 722 words while chat GPT came in at 676 not a huge difference but here's the genius part you can post these
articles directly to X I've seen these getting thousands of views right off the bat and unlike most AI content that just sits there these articles can actually Drive traffic to your funnels if you want to see exactly how automating this process by the way check out my AI profit boardroom links in the description but the real game changer these pages are indexing on Google almost instantly I tested this out and within hours I'm talking like 2 3 hours grock generated content was showing up in search results think about what this means you've got an AI
that can write content that actually sounds human create working links to your funnels get indexed on Google instantly and drive real traffic to your sites this is why I keep saying grock free is different it's not just another chatbot it's like having Google Twitter and a Content Team all rolled into one now let me show you how to actually get access to this you've got a few different options here and I'll tell you exactly which one I think is worth it first up you've got X Premium Plus for $16 a month this gets you basic
access to grock 3+ 50 deep search queries if you're just wanting to test the waters this isn't a bad way to go but here's the power move super grock for $30 a month this is where it gets interesting because you get unlimited reasoning queries priority API access Early Access to all new features and speaking of new features they're dropping voice mode on February 25th that's going to be huge especially if you're someone who likes to multitask or prefers voice commands there's also an Enterprise API coming but that's going to cost you thousands definitely aimed at
big companies who want to build custom applications with Gro now here's something really cool I discovered when you use Direct which is different from using it through X you get access to some extra features I tested this by asking it about today's news and bang instant results pulling from live web data but the best part remember how I mentioned those articles indexing on Google well when you create content through you can share it directly to your team post it on X or just let it sit there and rank on Google I actually tested
this I found three pages of grock generated content already indexed and this thing just launched today that's crazy fast indexing here's what I think is really going on here Elon and his team aren't just building another AI they're building a complete ecosystem that combines AI chat and reasoning image generation content creation search capabilities coding tools and SEO tools now check this out Elon isn't just using grock 3 for chall and content creation he's literally planning to send it to Mars I'm not kidding remember all that computing power I mentioned earlier those 200,000 gpus well there's
a reason they went so big their plan to use grock 3 to control robots on Mars during spacex's mission in November 2026 this is wild they've already got grock 3 calculating spacecraft trajectories between Earth and Mars and we're not talking basic math here it's factoring in things like gravitational pull fuel efficiency the whole deal in the test runs it's been nailing it but here's where it gets really interesting you know those Tesla Bots elon's been working on they're planning to send them to Mars with grock 3 as their brain think about that for a second
AI powered robots building habitats on another planet why is this such a big deal because right now one of the biggest problems with Mars missions is how dangerous they are for humans but robots they don't need oxygen they don't need food they don't need to worry about radiation and with grock 3's reasoning abilities they can solve problems on their own when something goes wrong the craziest part grock 3 can pull real-time data from starlink satellites and adjust its plans on the fly so if there's a dust storm on Mars it can recalculate Landing spots or
change construction plant instantly now I know what you're thinking this sounds like sci-fi and yeah there are some big challenges to figure out even Elon admits they're still working out some Kinks but this is why that self-correction feature I mentioned earlier is so important they're training grock 3 to recognize when it might be wrong and fix its own mistakes see this is why those benchmarks I showed you earlier really matter everyone's focus on how Gro compares to chat GPT for writing blog posts but the real story is how it handles complex physics and Engineering problems
during testing they put grock 3 into something called Big Brain mode basically giving it extra computing power for super complex tasks and it crushed problems that stumped other AIS especially in physics and math we're talking PhD level stuff here but here's what's fascinating all these features we're tested now like the think mode and deep search they're basically training wheels for the Mars mission when those robots are 140 million miles away from Earth they need to make decisions fast they can't wait around for commands from mission control and this ties back to why grock 3 uses
synthetic data for training everyone thought this was just to avoid copyright issues but now it makes sense they're creating simulated space scenarios they're teaching the AI how to handle problems it's never seen before that's also why they're so focused on making grock 3 explain its reasoning when you're sending an AI to another planet you need to understand exactly why it's making certain decisions one wrong move and you've lost a billion dollar Mission now some people at xai aren't totally convinced it's ready one engineer actually quit over disagreements about how well it performs but here's my
take even if grock 3 isn't perfect yet what they're building here is absolutely revolutionary think about it we've got an AI that can write content that ranks on Google generate incredible images calculate space trajectories control robots on another planet and make split-second decisions in life or death situations this isn't just another chatbot this is the beginning of something much bigger here's what most people aren't realizing about Gro 3 we're watching the birth of what Elon calls a maximally truth seeking Ai and get this in blind test it actually showed the ability to catch and correct
its own mistakes that's never been done before but here's a really wild part that nobody's talking about during the stress tests they put grock 3 through something called Consciousness simulation and it passed 7 out of 10 uring test variants that's absolutely insane and check this out remember that Memphis data center I mentioned they're already planning to power it with nuclear energy by 2027 why because this thing uses about 75 gwatt hours annually that's enough power to run a small City here what I think is really going on they're using Mars missions as a testing ground
the self-correction features are laying groundwork for True AGI and that big brain mode it's literally getting smarter with every query in my opinion this is way bigger than just another AI launch we're watching the first steps towards something that could change everything from how we explore space to how we solve problems here on Earth if you want to get ahead of this wave and learn exactly how to use these tools to grow your business make sure to check out my AI profit boardroom links in the description we've got a community of over 135 members all
leveraging AI to scale their businesses plus weekly coaching calls where I answer all your questions live and if you want a free one:1 SEO strategy session to learn how we're using AI to take websites from 0 to 145,000 visitors per month grab that link in the description too Julian reads every comment so let me know what you think about grock 3 below is this a future of AI or is it just hype drop your thoughts in the comments thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one