yes guys I have traveled to come and sit down with one of the greatest Strikers in the modern era if not the greatest he has won everything at Club level and played under some of the most incredible managers of this era and he is still one of the best in the business at scoring goals Robert levandowski presented by Qatar Airways on this episode of R [Music] meets hello guys hey here he is the big man how you doing you okay yeah nice to see you man nice to see I'm good yeah good good good thanks
for giving us the time we appreciate it thank you man do you I let you sit down how do you like the waro yeah you know what I I arrived this morning I came this morning landed and I'm here now I didn't see nothing but I've been before only need a t I can't believe it I've got a tan I'm burnt let's talk about like watching football I love watching football are you one of those that just loves to get the games on um sometimes okay I can watch the highlights you know this kind of
things something like 20 30 minutes of the game just to see like what kind of teams playing what kind of tactic this kind of things but that 90 minutes of the game no I'm not this kind of guy that watching games because we have so many games so you know this my private time I'm I try to enjoy and to be more focused of you know my family on things that sometimes outside of football Tik Tok Dancing Yeah Co time was crazy so you know to be too long at home makes this kind of things
yeah that was like for all i l it man cuz I saw a different side to you I didn't know you was this jokey guy cuz I always watch you on the pitch number nine goes yeah but you know it's like that's true that I was always focused of football because I knew it that I want to trying to to be to be the best the game you've been in it so many years now and it it's changed over over the years I think at some points the the the number nine is the most important
player it seems at the moment the last few years then the fullbacks became when they inverted the way pep done it they become very important and touched the ball more than most people and then recently the last 18 months maybe two years it's like the number six rodri this type of position Cruz or Modric uh gundan who you played with before these guys are most important where do you think the most important position is in the pitch right now for the players right now I think position number six M uh because you have to find
the balance between offensive and defensive and yeah the last one two years is this number makes the difference and of course the football from from the side for the fans they want to see the goals you know you know but if you are in insight and involved in football since years and in my way I met so many great coaches you know that I am starting from the club then later when I moved to to Bay with Guardiola henz ancelotti you know nuggles man and so H flick now again you know even that also in
Barcelona with shavei so it's like for me I'm very you know I'm very happy that I could meet this kind of guys you're lucky man you're lucky yeah I have to say I I don't know that you have how many players you can find with this kind of you know experience with the coaches so chaby Alonzo is only one who's close I think he has like he had Mourinho pep uh anchel these guy but you think you've gone past about the coach also I wanted Al always take the best things from every of it coaches
what they have talking of coaches is a great opportunity to talk about someone who seem to have a big impact on your career in um Pep Guardiola he signed you at Bayern Munich what what was it take us back to the first time you met pep and what he left you with o the beginning was tough you know because P um pep that time was very very focused Fus only on the football things as a human he was difficult for the [Music] players because he know it that he's so brilliant with the tactic that the
players should to follow him and if the players follow him they going to win and I saw that later he's starting to change like personality or I say to be more a human to be more open for the players can help him more than something tactic because I understood him like if you're playing against the team that they don't have big chance against us of course ttic can help us a lot but if you compare like the semifinal or final of Champions League this kind of I think that's my mind tactic is important I don't
want to say not but on this level I think different things can make that you win or not you no and um you hear a lot of players say that about ancelotti yeah it's not tactically where they say ah genius is is the people skills yeah he is like like a father you know he can came he can came to you and say why why you are not so happy what's going and he he's like more like Uncle you know so he can you can talk with him about everything so they're completely different like for
example klopp amazing guy amazing you know he knows when he should to be more tough but also he knows exactly when he should to be more like like a friend you know did you think he was going to win immediately when you saw pep when you saw him on a training pitch did you straight away have belief we can win everything from the first training session I was very impressed you know he was so focused of details during the training session even that before I never thought that is so important and uh I remember like
when we playing like Rondo you know that before for me was like playing but for him was so important exercise during the training session that why why it what's important because it was important that you cannot play like with the leg behind the second leg you know you have to be open with opener body have to be open you see the three different way to play Not only if you close with the left left shoulders that you you you don't see the left side open so you can only play back on the or you know
this way if you're more open with the opener body that you can play with the three different options so this kind of difference that I saw directly and when I came to uh to buay and I remember also that um later came to ask shabi Alonzo and he was already that time 33 35 years old if I remember good and before every training he go out before we start the training session and he start to play just easy pass and I I I saw this and okay we can I play with you and you know
passes of shabi alono is not like yeah quick and strong and on the beginning he play like 10 passes like perfectly on on the beach and my passes like every three passes was like and I okay I have to be more focused I have to train this and after and I remember exactly after two or three months we could play like 10 of from him 10 from me like perfectly passes you know and he was already 35 years old 34 I think Lear yeah he never even that time before only 10 minutes before the training
session every training session and on the beginning for me was okay I take this I want to also do this next step in my you know with my technical things you know and after two months I remember exactly that I was so impressed of myself that I I could to play like him you know 10 pass and and was like wow okay what what what are instructions like from somebody like pep what's he asking of you as a number nine he never asked me about nothing no you know he just tell you no no yeah
he tell me Le I cannot help you because you are better than me you know better how to finish the situation how to finish the action but I can help you how to bring the ball to you and this only things that he tell me but we talk a lot around football and he explained me a lot about the tactic how to right right back should to go there why the left back should go um more High why the central Defender has to go with the ball and when he should to play on the right
or the left we talk about because for me it was very interesting and even that for the so many players pep was like they they afraid to go to him I was this kind of guy that I if I didn't know something I have the question I go to him and ask about and he if he see that I want to know I want to learn that he was more open to me also as a human and you know it's like sometimes um he explained me a lot I was so impressed that uh um that
he gave me this advice that he also the analyze after the game or before the game uh so for Pep was so important to be prep prepared well for the appointment you know he has sometime oh we uh inv love the story no the story was amazing because I remember that all week we prepare from you know that we going to play like that we want to play with the pressing we doing like that and we are on the stadium before the game we go to warm up we come back to the dressing room to
the locker room after the warm up and he came to us boys boys boys sit sit sit Boys Boys Boys sit sit listen listen listen and we are what's going on you know we are here okay we are listen forget everything what we did last week and what we're playing like this and he show us you know and for us was so easy to change the tactic not even that before the game but during the game that was like easy easy way no problem okay we changes one of the things when I speak to any
player that played for him one of the key things that they always talk about positively around him and makes him separate him from everybody else is that he makes these players understand all the details clearer than anybody you trust him yeah you if he prepared some kind of tactic you take this even from the first uh for the first things you it's crazy but after I don't know a few weeks you didn't think about this because you know it that you can trust him and you take this because in the end was was going to
be exactly that he want did you ever go against and say no no I don't believe this I'm going to do my thing I'm going Robert Lewandowski knows where to get the goals I know how to shoot and score in my position yeah yeah yeah I have to say that you know it's like I'm try to listen a lot of people I can take some advice from someone if it's good but in the end I I have to find the the best solution nobody can tell me because okay maybe one or second or third advice
will be good but during the game you have so many situation you have you don't have time to thinking oh he say he give me advice like I should to run like this no because you have to feel that you have to know it that from your brain so in the end I try to be or find the solution the best for me you know and for the team in the end because I know that if I give my best I can have no only myself but also the the team because my goals help my
teammates so it's like um this connection is also important and sometimes yeah I had to think about what I should to do the decision of for me will be the best for the team but in the end also for me cuz it's getting to a stage I me I'm I'm not scared prob be too strong but I think a lot about this for a lot of players the system is overriding and more important than the individual now and it's too much it's too hard yeah that's true so for so many players was sometimes too much
tactics too much videos you know because you see some players sitting there sometimes like oh my God yeah yeah but that was and that is still you know it's the and I remember exactly that for the play some sometimes okay again we have to repeat this you have to be focused and of course it's like in the Life some people don't want to do this because they don't have enough mentality to do this and they don't want because maybe they they feel more happy if they don't do this you know you cannot judge them because
uh they do what what for them is enough so Thomas Müller doesn't look like somebody who wants meetings and wants too much information he looks like he will go crazy this guy yeah but Thomas M is very intelligent guy you know on the pach he he's he helped me a lot because always we he was behind me yeah and I was make the Press of the defender sometimes that's doesn't see that the the number six going on the left on the right okay I try to see but it's easier for me if someone left left
so I can block the way that the defender cannot play to the number six so for him okay if the if he block this pass so I don't have to run there yeah yeah so it's better that I tell him left left and I be more focused on the second guy of the number six you know so crazy but you know he for me the Thomas Muller you know in the end when I'm thinking about this that he didn't have the best shoot he didn't technique all the speed but in the end impacting the game
yeah exactly he he read that game like nobody else on on the football in my career for example and always he was so positive and it doesn't matter how he scored the goal but he scored the goal it doesn't matter how he play pass but the pass was there you know so this is exactly Thomas Miller and I love to play with him and uh yeah it's like the main of the of this club of Bayern Munich I think and for the this club is also future of of for for for him I love him
um moving on another manager um who could have had a big influence on your career big Sam Sam Alise you know him yeah I heard yeah is it true that he almost signed you from is it Le posan um for Blackburn Rovers yeah was uh was like one meeting I remember exactly how was this meeting please competive I remember that the place that I met with him and I think that also some sport director was I think with him um but inside that I have different feeling you know that I wanted to go to the
club who were playing in the you know in the competition Europe competition and that time I have some I have few offerss yeah I wanted Al only travel to see how looks you know training Scamp how looks you know know these kind of big clubs but also to get or to to see the difference experience to get the experience not that I want to join to this club yeah uh because I I knew that I want to to take the different way that for my career but I don't know maybe I go I see from
my experience I can learn something and and that's all but in the end yeah I met with him and I I remember that he they wanted me a lot uh but I know it that um for me this way is not perfectly time to to join to to them oh what could have been if You' have signed for Big Sam what kind of player you could have been but you know looking at Strikers now I think it's it's the role of a striker seems to have changed a little bit what number nine would you consider
yourself as because you got for instance Highland is doesn't want to touch the ball doesn't care to touch the ball but wants to score if he scores he's happy someone like Kane wants to be involved more sometimes passing what number nine is Le Mr leowski yeah I'm between I'm not I'm not happy if I don't touch the ball you know even that I scored the goal and I finish well that I I got brilliant pass and sometimes you know I just touch the ball and is inside the goal but I'm not with involved in the
game you know okay I don't want sometimes to be too much because then I have too far away I'm too far away from the box you know the area uh but also I try to even with the movement with without without the ball to take some def defense and make the the the space for my teammates and so I'm between I am I also like to be involved um to building up to involved to to before I score the goal but it's always the perfect way when I score the goal and I can be more
involved and also my teammates can can use the space that I make uh for them is it's funny you say that about being a bit in between xery who a lot of the fans especially the man united fans who kind of listen and watch the Pod he said he's a .5 n and a half what what type what type of player is he because a lot of people asking the question what type of player is XY you played with him at Bayern Munich um he play amazing with the back to the goal you know he
can hold the ball he can uh play with the what one touches or two touches and bring the Wingers to to behind his back um he he has also the good finishing in the Box uh because he's he's big you know he's young but he's big and he I think he can keep the ball hold the ball very very strong and of course he need a little bit time is it's normal if you join to this kind of Club big club with the huge expectation and he scor already a lot of goals in in Ser
so for him that was like the first season that he was involved you know as a typical Striker uh but you know you know that in now the time for the Manchester is not so the brilliant time and laughing man come on please yeah but it's you know I'm not laughing I'm not laughing but it's true you know because is the big team and of course I wanted that he they coming back on on the right track but he's the striker he can really he help teammates and the team if you know how to use
him you know and also he can score the goals but also he can I think he's not typical goal scoring Striker he's also the players who can help the teammates to to to create the space for them okay cool well that's good make sure we start using him in the right way man but when you you play I'm interested to know it's cuz I'm a center back and I look at things from a defensive perspective to play against you I think it'll be difficult because you like you say you can do both sides of the
game movement passing also scoring devastating fashion who have you had some of your most favorite and most difficult battles with I always remember when I competitive with the Sergio Sergio Ramos you know this this against him to play was like the huge challenge you know as well is like he he was playing always very hard very strong you know he wanted to be always close to me um and that for me was some wow that the huge competition but yeah I remember um won Champions League um games when we playing against Manchester City and the
company was was playing there and I had to fight with him like very strong and you know he's big and I'm I'm not so big but I'm maybe I'm I have strong because I'm like the natural strong inside me and I remember that I was so piss off one time of him because he was playing very strong and I I used my skills from Judo a little bit you know and I yeah because my father was yeah like the Judah and when I was young also I TR a lot of Judah but only at home
because he didn't not wanted that I trying to to train Judah like the more professional and I remember the situation that I was so impressed of myself that you know that compan is so big guy Defender I put him down you know and yeah that was like for me so Judo helped you physically like in in football as well because not not only physically but also flexibility you know because in Judah you have to be flexible you have to know it how to hand should to go you know it's not like that you are like
robot but you have your body is very flexibility and also I I when I was young and my father was my physical education teacher and I was very angry because we never train like the football always the different sports like basketball handball volleyball because my mother was a vol player my sister also and we did a lot of gymnastic as you know and when I was young I I did a lot of gymnastic like I try you know I knew it how to do a lot of you know this kind of gymnastic thing that for
anybody else was so difficult and I see now after so many years and I can be thankful for my father that the difference with the new exercise I can adapt very very easy for the new exercise my body also and probably because of this because in football now what do you see that the the players from Academy they just playing football and you know if they during the game they have different move like the body is not so ready you know and I see that they have so many problems with so many easy things that
before we did when we go out from the you know from the apartment from the house and did during the the day now now you see like yeah because the world looks everybody stay inside ex you go to home your parents bring you to the training um session then you come back to the home go to the school and it's like very the same way and before we spent so many times outside with friends doing different uh things and I think that for the future for the young players this also the challenge uh to staying
not only because of the games how many games they have because it's also that the subject is uh very difficult for the future can I think that the quality and the level of the football going down because of this too many games too many games because it's not sometimes it's not about the games but you travel a lot now you're playing at 9:00 so you can go to the bed like 3:00 4:00 and you cannot sleep till 12:00 no just few hours and you don't have enough days because I see the difference if we playing
that we have only for example Wednesday Saturday that you have only two days but if you're playing Wednesday Sunday the One Day More is the huge difference I speaking now about the small details but if you have so many games that impossible to staying on the top or playing on the top every every games it's crazy that brings me to a good point of looking after your body conditioning your body and the age you're at 36 years old now what changes have you made in the last few years maybe or even recently to prolong your
career to still be scoring at the rate that you're scoring I have to say that I was starting thinking about this to playing longer on the top level when I was 22 23 years old wow yeah because you cannot expect that if you change your nutrition if you change your food that you don't see difference after one week two weeks or one month that at that time I say to myself okay I take I take this why not what are you doing gymnastics or oh different from the physical things like starting to work on in
the in the gym that for the nutrition the for the healthy food and even that after four years I was thinking that I know a lot so that time for example my wife cames to me I have something new you have to test you have to try this because I'm I'm studying now something new and this is like okay okay okay wait wait wait have to listen to the wife no I say wait wait okay but if I see the differ after three or four weeks okay we can change it so this kind of and
always I saw the difference I always I saw that even so many years I thought that I know a lot came something new always and it's still still changing and as it's the same as football if I thinking now about the football the same like even 5 years ago I will be not in the this um place for sure because I know that the football is changing that you have to adapt you cannot compare the football what's going how play today even the five years not talking about 10 years ago because it's completely different it's
like the place you have different generation you have different like the mental is different so you have to know it and I also learn a lot in Barcelona for example that I saw the young players I I see them and uh on the beginning I was asking myself I should to tell them that the football sometimes look different or maybe I should to take what they have good what they have really like the positive things from football to take from my side and I learned a lot from them even that they are 60 70 80
years old but also like these kind of things that sometimes you have to enjoy what you are doing but find to the balance between you know and helped me a lot also to to feel like very confidence in this team this city because you know the fans they're amazing from the first day and I'm very glad that this um I can be the part of this amazing Club because I didn't expect that from the first day they they support me a lot and this means a for me a lot even the during the games uh
but also I want to give them not only me as a football player on the pitch but also with my experience what I saw what I see in the football to give also to the club what uh how can these kind of things can work better and and you look at someone like linum Mal yeah 20 years difference in a change room how how what is that like when you see a kid like this coming in the dressing room first time when I saw him on on our training session he was 15 really 15 and
uh from first time in my life I saw someone because I saw a a lot of young talented players but first time in my life I saw that I have inside this WOW who is it you know I I I I I saw the players oh he has good this kind of you SE and these guys it's you know you know it's a little bit about mushala also he had something you know but lamin the first thinging I was wow this guy is like how is possible in this age he he's already on this kind
of level you know and even that he was 16 years old that's was still like come on it's impossible to beat so good so you know so clever also in this age but I always try to to give him maybe some kind of advice that for one side is amazing what he did what he doing but also you have to thinking that soon for him will be the huge challenge to stay on this level or maybe do the next step and uh it's not about the next two three years it's we are talking about next
maybe 10 years but he should to be thinking about what he should to do to be on the top like 28 29 30 or even longer and that I think for him is the biggest challenge of his career do you think your career might have been different if social media was when you was 18 probably yeah yeah for sure more like this do you think or it's not only about the social media but if you even the new generation you know that they are different I mean I don't want to say better or bad don't
worry no no I mean that is different because I'm starting to playing like with the plays that now they are 16 years old man almost 15 long yeah but it's like I think that four decade now that I'm playing with the football that I'm playing now with the 70 years old players you know if you compare so it's you cannot you cannot compare because it's completely different but I think now for the new generation that if they want to play football on the high level playing for the long time that the social Medan Alo the
mentality will be very tough I think that they will be all almost impossible to playing more than 10 years in the top level you played in the youngest ever side to win the Bundesliga uh with Dortmund um and I'm interested we keep talking about the young players but what's what are the differences between playing in a young team and playing in a more experienced team like you probably played with with Bayern um you know in Dortmund for example I was also Young I remember exactly that we we were very young team we had a lot
of young players maybe two or three more with the experience but we won two times you know the German league and the cup as well we're playing the final of Champions League so yeah but we have the club so like the coach who know it that has the kids around little bit the kindergarten you know and he know it how to to manage us and in the end we know that we we were so um uh hungry you know to to win something and he helped us a lot and knew it how to who take
from the place not 100% 110 or 20% and if if I think about the players that we are playing at that time that you know that was like over over the limit of them so that's was that club's best strength was that his best strength getting the best out of every player he can take from the players the things that even the players that they don't think that they can play on this kind of level you know of course it's difficult for the long term but for the the short he could to do because you
see that so many players that time when we playing in the Champions League final we won that was the the high level of them as well and um yeah that time to win the the the titles two times in the row like the German I outside the Baran nobody won big achievement yeah was he playing heavy metal football as well then did he call it heavy metal football yeah it's like the rock and roll yeah it's like um sometimes in the half time when we were playing bat he came and he did like completely you
know like change of the main character you know that he motivate as very very good because he know that he has young team and also the generation was different I don't think that maybe the new generation you have to be different a little bit you know the new generation you have to take care of them you know like 15 years ago if you if you being like more stronger that was for me when I was young okay I want more I don't afraid that someone shout on me you know I was more motivated later and
now I'm not sure that the young players are ready for this kind of shouting from the coach yeah because it's like but it's not about football it's gener in the world you know you have to be more like more nice you know and I I don't think that the young players now like if someone shouting on them it's like you know but not only in the football yeah yeah but General in the world the look the life looks like that so you have to also change that sometimes I'm from this generation for me was like
very motivated someone shouting on on us you know and now now it's like you have to find the balance it's not I'm not I I don't want to say that you cannot speak loud or you know speaking more strongly no no but it's sometimes you cannot always shouting like sometimes before was you know I remember exactly that the players before the game more Defender sorry but it was like that that come on we going for the game we fighting yeah we doing but the first minutes and you couldn't control the ball because you are so
motivated but over motivated now after this so many years I learned also that it's not important what you're talking about before the game because you already had the time to prepare for this game now it's just to repeat the things that sometimes are very easy very clear but to repeat but most important is that you with your feet can control the ball not only R like you know 15 years ago so this is the huge difference just to go back to Club cuz he really interests me his character like what what is there any specifics
about how he gets the best out of players like give me some examples where you remember where he's done something after the Champions League that we lost one game I think that was um a away game and we were in the hotel and that was my second year in in in Dortmund and that time I starting to speak German but not so influenced that I could understand everything you know I feel that I don't know what he want from me what he expect from me I have to talk with him because you know also I
lost my father when I was 16 years old and in my life I didn't have someone who I could always speaking about you know my problems of my things so I was the guy that time very close you know and uh and I know it when I go to him speak with him maybe I feel better you know we were speaking like one and a half hour you know even even that Santos I didn't understand him because he was speaking German and I tried to and I I said yeah I understand everything but was you
know the conversation that he talked to me sometimes I talk to him but you know that time I didn't understand him everything was he talking to me but after this conversation was wasn't important that about what we are talking for me was more important that he talked to me that way that for me was like I was speaking with my father you know maybe because of my private situation like emotion that I need that time something like this kind of conversation but when we coming back to Dortmund and on Saturday we were playing in the
Bundesliga and after two two days nothing what you can change in days we w we were won 40 I score hatrick and and make the asses so in the end you know this kind of conversation make open something what I had in side sometimes you need somebody to unlock it exactly and you know it's because I am maybe this kind of guys that um I needed that time conversation I I I saw my the way on the career always the conversation make me more you know more confidence that I'm more I can support someone even
more you know it's maybe because of my situation that I had in my life I don't know um but that time I remember exactly that this conversation changed my career it's interesting you said that cuz my my children lost their mother um three of them and and I I worry about them talking and communicating so it's interesting to see that you you reached out for somebody maybe separate from your mom outside a manager a coach and you had the confidence to do that it's important but I have to say I didn't have the confidence to
do that but I knew it that I have to do even that I don't feel this confidence because now it's completely different I learn you know that to broke my you know not comfort zone but broke my habit exactly and uh you know when you are 16 years old you lost your father from one day to to the next day that I was very very you know that very sad for me and um one years later I uh my contract was finished and I didn't know when I going to play so I was in there
like the time the way that Fu what I can do I have to way to say okay enough with the footb or say goodbye go to the college to you know to to start to study all the second way I said no it doesn't matter what's happened what they say about me you actually was thinking about going you might have to go to study was like this kind of twoway you know wow I didn't starting to think maybe two seconds yeah but I didn't know this way it's not for me I I cannot I never
give up yeah it's tough and maybe that's why I was very close as a human as a as a person but in the end this kind of Step that I did with the club make me more stronger and starting to learn okay if this conversation help me I have to try again even that still is difficult to do the first step with someone you need to come to speak with them but I'm trying even that from for my you know for me was difficult but I knew it for the long way that can help me
brilliant what what would you say is your biggest achievement in football so far I was playing the era of Cristiano Ronaldo Messi and of course I can I can talk about the the the the success with the team like the Champions League like in the One season we we won like everything everything I think the second team in the history and I was the part and I was goal scoring in every each of the I think the competition so you know it's like top goal scor top go top goore score and I scored also I
don't know in one season 69 goals it's like you know it's like it's because for me like yeah like I score five goals in 9 minutes for example and till now I cannot explain you how I did this did you feel Invincible though at this time because this time you're the best player in the world arguably the best player in the world right so it's Leo Messi Cristiano or you was you going on the pitch and thinking nobody can touch me nobody can stop me you know sometimes you have this kind of feeling that you
are only some people have that yeah but in from the another way on other side you have to you have to stay on the ground you know you cannot thinking that you are like superhero and everything now you can whatever you want that will be good now you I was always trying to be on the ground if I think about like I finish that five go five go 9 minutes after the game I didn't realize that I scored this and I remember that Thomas M pushed me to defense to celebrate and why well okay I
scored the goal but this we won the important game but and when when I first want I came to back to the home that everyone was family my friends was on this game and they were so happy I was like okay yeah I scored five goals is amazing but 9 minutes okay but what does it mean I didn't know and I asked my wife can you do pancakes for me please you know and it's like oh W and first time I know first time when I understood what I did was the Christmas time when I
sit on the table with my family and I think that was first time that I was more calm you know more like relaxed and that was I remember okay now understood because you know why because after this game we play every two three days or you know we had um Bundesliga champions league and Bundesliga and in this three games I scored 12 goals something like that and I don't remember the next one because that time that for me that wasn't important that the game already was over for me after the game or is I'm starting
prepar preparation for the next game and I know can't enjoy no no because I know that I can enjoy later you know if I starting thinking too much about this that will be for my mentality more weak you know because it's normal if you read so many good things about you your mental is going down you you cannot and I remember I I turn off the phone I turn off I didn't use the intern nothing because I know if I starting to read this kind of things even that are brilliant about me everything you know
think I would be reading everything no but I know it that for me it's the better way because maybe later I can come back to the situation and read or or see this like what's happened but um I was with my mentality I build I try to build my mentality so strong that it doesn't matter that it's going well or sometimes going bad but my mentality is or will be ready for everything and talking about how kind of Invincible you was and how driven you was how many goals you were scoring I think it's like
50 55 goals in that season in the co year covid took away this man's balandor how do you feel about that seriously that's one of the main things I want to speak to you about when I was on the way here to see you at that time I didn't understand why because every League was playing Champions League was playing uh and that was like for me who why I know it how football works sometimes politics also because if you have football you have business if you have business you have politic and everything working money in
the end of course so just stop you as well because I've got some stats here as well to even just enhance what you're saying for people that maybe don't know the detail and can't think back but you look at this and at the time of recording this podcast right now you've outscored both Harland and mbappe since you all became active in the Champions League yeah you now shared a record of the highest score in average of 0.79 goals per game in European competition with lonel Messi so we're talking about standards that are just like crazy
and to think that you didn't win a bonor in that time I can't think of any only tieron re the only other player that I look at and go he should have won a bendor and he didn't win it you're the other one and and and it's only because of covid it we got to start we got to start a petition to get you the med would you take it now after they give it back if they give it to you of course he is and you've done it with your football after that again you
outscored everybody I think Messi when he won it he got 38 goals you got 46 goals that year um and you look at it and you go you must be sitting there thinking what do I have to do man you know in the different you I was trying to compare with Le Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in my career you know so did you kind of need them and use them as inspiration I used them yeah I used them for sure to inspir not on inspiration but to try to drive yourself no not to beat them
but to beat some kind of Records goals the level that I achieve okay I I didn't want to compare with Le Messi or Christiano never as a football player because of course they are on the different level different worlds but I'm very happy that I was like some years behind already behind them or like even some years that I could beat them you know like the the best player in the world in two years in the row and against them you know so for me me I think that I never dream about this to to
be like Lewandowski Messi and Ronaldo who's going to win the FIFA best player in the world you know so I was there and I won that's good man I wasn't I wasn't there but let's let's finish with um we always talk to the guys about their F side team you've played with some magnificent players over the years if you could pick a f side team with the best players you've played with no goalkeepers goalkeepers don't make the cut which five players would they be okay who are the best ones we this with David Beckham at
the moment he has the best team yeah oh it's crazy okay okay I well okay um Ribery oh Ribery what was good tell me about riy what was so good his prime was amazing he never like to score the goals he he he never like to score the goals he like more play pass even that he dribble like eight players he has like the empty goal to just score the goal no he pass and some why you don't like to score the goal this is illegal in your life in your life this never happened no
happened no sometimes yeah but of course if I dribble eight I have empty goals of course I score uh but he was like he he was amazing also the guy amazing like the players you know and uh yeah he was so fast with the ball dribbling Frank rber was like one of the greatest players in the in the in the history I have how many Defender I have what do you want you can have all attack I don't care whatever you want wow your team might get beat but Alaba oh I didn't think Alaba wow
Sur yeah top yeah top top in the fashion Stakes is very good as well HH yeah good fashion I can find better one now you know in my team oh kund oh this is unbelievable you do you kill him sometimes with this the he was at the the catwalk the other day with the the cream that that wasn't so you know the highest you know the um the suit from him but yeah he's like he loved this yeah some you know it's like from on the beginning was like little bit strange but later you see
so many times that you you AC I like to see it I like to see it yeah exactly oh I I remember one conversation with Alex Ferguson you know for example that was 2012 playing that time you almost signed for United I decide to to join to Manchester United what year what year 2012 was there yeah that I remember the conversation that was in the before preseason we playing some games I was I knew that he's going to call to me uh and at half time I I was sapped off because I know that I
was playing 45 minutes I had the call and that time you know my English you know that was on different level and even especially if I going to speak with this kind of guy that's Alex fuson calling to me and I'm calling to him now was you nervous very and know and okay he's going to speak easy English yeah and he call hello my name is Robert leowski yeah hi hi you know this accent Scottish accent and I yes yes of course I knew it what I should to tell him you know yeah of course
I want to join to Manchester United yeah can you repeat again yes yes of course of course so why didn't you you sign man ask the club you know no I I remember that time Wes the wages no I I I I remember also the conversation with with the president of Dortmund he said to me they need him they not going to sell me to to Manchester United because I'm so important for them and in not not time not not enough no it's not the perfectly time now so yeah but that time I I say
yes yeah that's true I said yes to join to Manchester United because if see Al Ferguson call you you cannot say no no you know especially when I was 22 or 23 years old and you know that time for I was playing for Dortmund even I'm you know I was happy about Manchester United and like the prime of Manchester United you know what team we would have had man Jesus right give me three more players go on um okay some Defender Ribery ala shab Alonzo oh great player shab Alonzo yeah I can say also Arian
Robin oh Batman and Robin huh Rivery and Robin again back together again even he didn't like to play pass you know selfish yeah yeah he everyone knows that he go on the left foot everyone everyone you you already to be there and also Aran was this kind of place that before the training session he already did the training session in the gym yeah but sometimes he was so wet he was I don't know 1 hour and I why you are doing this if we have we are already after the game before the next game and
I was so you know so confused I remember one situation that that pep in 65 minutes take him off of the pitch and he was angry because how he he was playing and you know and the next day even that 65 minutes that you need like some eration training the next game no he was on the pitch he was training so hard that I was okay I I understand because I like also sometimes working hard but this way was like AR not is too much yeah yeah but I'm not doing this for my legs so
yeah I have to do for my head yeah but in the end maybe you got injury yeah yeah but I cannot to find a different way and you know it's like AR come on you the this are kind of players on this level and sometimes you know he he do this because of the emotion I think that he had inside and he couldn't believe or he couldn't accept that he play B you know so next day he but every every training session even that we were already after the hard training session the next day was
more C no he was already in the gym prepare for the next you know for the next R session okay so I last player last player um I for sure I forgot about someone um oh basan f also what okay I have shabono so more more forward some forward um yeah Thomas Miller because I love play with him um M does he get in there yeah but I was playing with them few years he was very young you know it's like I trying to find someone who was playing few years like you know of course
is like of course he's amazing and he has brilliant future uh but I try find some someone you know players with themse did you play L yeah lamb but you know lamb shab Alonzo bantara H Prime of bank prime of Bank he has he had everything you know because he was strong Left Foot Right Foot with the ball amazing he was also fast but this guy this Prime was I was very impressed that that they won also World Cup M the bo thing he the prime of bang was was was for me like amazing so
bang is in yeah okay okay so your team is Ribery Alaba shabi Alonzo Robin Philip Lam we have also no no bang or Philip lamb but without kind of system yeah we're playing free football free football okay Philip l listen I like that team Philip lamb right Ribery Alaba Alonzo Robin lamb yeah I forgot for sure I forgot about someone yeah but this doesn't matter after 5 minutes I came to you back and I forgot about send me a DM DM me okay okay than you listen man robbert really appreciate your time fantastic talk you