Learn To Control Your Mouth. Mind. Mood And Money - Jim Rohn Motivation

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Jim Rohn Motivation
Learn To Control Your Mouth. Mind. Mood And Money - Jim Rohn Motivation 🔥 Are you ready to take co...
Video Transcript:
have you ever looked back on your life and wondered what if what if you had started that business 5 years ago what if you had begun saving for retirement in your 20s what if you had pursued that degree when you first thought about it these questions can haunt us reminding us of pasts not taken and opportunities missed but here's a more important question what will you do today to ensure you're not asking these same what if 5 10 or 20 years from now there's an ancient Chinese prb that speaks volumes about the nature of time
opportunity and personal growth it goes like this the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago the second best time is now let that sink in for a moment this simple statement encapsulates a profound truth about life and success that we often Overlook in our day-to-day existence think about it a tree planted 20 years ago would be providing shade bearing fruit or Standing Tall and strong today it would have weathered storms endured droughts and grown inch by inch day by day into something magnif that tree represents the dreams goals and habits we wish
we had started cultivating long ago but here's the crucial part of that proverb the part that ignites hope and possiby the second best time is now it's not too late it's never too late The Power of Now the present moment is the most poent Force we have at our disposal it's the seedbed of all future success and achievement consider that's every great achievement every success story every lifechanging decision began with a single moment a moment when someone decided to act they planted their tree Steve Jobs didn't wake up one day with apple fully form he
started tinkering in a garage JK Rowling didn't suddenly have seven hairy pot books on the bestseller list she wrote the first word then the first sentence then the first page you might be thinking but I've wasted so much time already let me challenge that thought the time you've lived up to this point isn't wasted it's experience it's wisdom it's the fertile soil in which your tree can now grow stronger and faster than ever before your past has prepared you for this moment right here right now The Power of Now lies in its potential right now
in this very moment you have the ability to make a decision that will alter the course of your life you have the power to plant your tree what tree you ask it could be anything maybe it's the tree of financial Independence starting that savings plan or investment strategy you've been putting off perhaps it's the tree of health and vitality making that commitment to exercise and nutrition that you know will add years to your life and Life to your years it might be the tree of relationships reaching out to that old friend mending that family Rift
or opening your heart to new connections whatever your tree is know this the soil is ready the conditions are right and the only thing missing is your decision to plan it but why is it so hard to seize this moment why do we often Let The Power of Now slip through our fingers it's because the present is where reality meets our fears it's where we have to confront the gap between who we are and who we want to be it's where excuses die and action is born and that can be scary fear Whispers to us
you're not ready you're not good enough you don't have what it takes but I'm here to tell you that those whispers are lies you are ready you are good enough you do have what it takes how do I know no cuz you're here right now listening to these words feeling that's stirring in your soul that says yes it's time The Power of Now is also about recognizing the fleeting nature of time each moment that passes is a moment we can never get back but each new moment is also a gift a fresh opportunity to begin
to change to grow think about it this way five years from now you will arrive the question is where and who will you be when you get there the actions you take now today are shaping that future self imagine standing in a vast field in your hand you hold a single seed that seed represents your dreams your potential your future now you have a choice you can hold on to that seed protecting it waiting for the perfect moment to plant it or you can kneel down dig your fingers into the Earth and plant it right
now if you plant it now yes you'll have to tend to it you'll need to water it protect it from harsh elements and patiently watch it grow there will be days when you wonder if anything is happening beneath the surface but with consistent care and the passage of time that seed will Sprout it will push through the soil reach for the Sun and begin its journey toward becoming the mighty tree this is the essence of seizing The Power of Now it's about taking that first step planting that seed starting that Journey today not tomorrow not
next week not when you feel more ready or when conditions seem perfect now remember Perfection is the enemy of progress you don't need to have everything figured out to begin you just need to begin start small if you must but start write the first word of your novel save your first dollar toward Financial Freedom take a walk around the block apologize to someone you've wronged the size of the action doesn't matter nearly as much as the fact that you're taking action as you embark on this journey keep in mind that the Power of Now isn't
just about immediate action it's also about consistent action a tree doesn't grow overnight and neither do our dreams and goals what matters is that we nurture them daily with patience and perseverance each day that you water your seedling each moment you protect it from the heart Winds of doubt and negativity You're Building more than just a tree You're Building character you're developing discipline you're creating a new version of yourself one decision one action and here's a beautiful truth as you tap into the Power of Now as you begin to plant to nurture your trees you'll
find that your Forest grows faster than you ever imagined why because success begs success yes action creates momentum one positive change leads to another and another until your life becomes a testament to the power of seizing the present moment so I ask you again what tree will you plant today what seed of possibility will you nurture the soil of the present moment is Rich with potential waiting for you to dig in and create your future don't let another moment slip by the best time to plant your tree may have been 20 years years ago but
the second best time is now and now is pretty amazing as we continue this journey together we'll explore how to make the most of the present moment how to learn from our past without being chained to it and how to cultivate a future that exceeds our wildest dreams the power now is in your hands what will you do with it now that we've embraced the power of the present moment let's take a journey into our past not to dwell there but to learn from it to understand how it shapes Us and how we can use
its lessons to fuel our future think back to a moment when you said to yourself I'll do it tomorrow maybe it was starting that exercise routine learning a new language or reaching out to reconnect with an old friend how many of those tomorrows turned into weeks months or even years we've all been there the question is what can we learn from these Mystic opportunities our past is like a tapestry woven with threads of decisions made and chances not taken each thread tells a story carries a lesson when we look closely we often see patterns a
procrastination of fear holding us back of comfort zones unchallenged but here's the beautiful thing recognizing these patterns is the first step to changing them let me share a personal story years ago I had idea for a book it was a story that had been brewing in my mind for months maybe even years every day I tell myself I'll start writing tomorrow tomorrow came and went again and again days turned into weeks weeks into months before I knew it two years had passed and that book was still just an idea trapped in my mind one day
I stumbled upon an old notebook where I jotted down the initial concept as I read those faded notes a wave of regret washed Over Me 2 years of potential progress gone but then something shifted instead of letting that regret paralyze me I let it motivate me I realized that while I couldn't reclaim those two years I could ensure I didn't lose another day that evening I wrote the first page of my book it wasn't perfect far from it but it was a start and that start led to another page and another until finally a year
later I held a completed manuscript in my hand experience taught me a crucial lesson about the past it's not a place to live but a place to learn every missed opportunity every delayed start every outdo tomorrow moment they're not failures they're teachers they show us where we need to grow what fears we need to confront what habits we need to change but here's the catch these lessons only have value if we apply them to the present it's not enough to recognize where we went wrong we must use that knowledge to do better now today think
about compound interest for a moment we all know the principle the earlier you start saving or investing the more time your money has to grow the same principle applies to our personal growth our dreams our goals every day we delay is a day of compound interest loss but the beautiful flip side of this is that every day we take action no matter how small is a day of compound interest gain now I want you to do something for me close your eyes for a moment think about a dream you've had a goal you've wanted to
achieve something you've wanted to start but haven't got it now imagine it's 5 years from now in one version of this future you still haven't started you're in the same place with the same unfulfilled wish how does that feel now imagine another version of that future in this one you started today you took that first small step and then another and another for 5 years you've been moving forward maybe slowly sometimes but always forward you've faced challenges sure but you've also had victories you've grown learned improved how does this future feel the difference between these
two Futures is the Power of Now that we talked about earlier it's the decision to learn from the past rather than be held back by it but what about regrets we all have them the job we didn't take the relationship we didn't fight for the risks we didn't take it's easy to let these regrets weigh us down to let them convince us that we've missed our chance but that's another lie that fear tells us regret when channeled correctly can be a powerful motivator it can show us what truly matters to us if we regret not
taking a chance it means the chance was important to us and might still be if we regret not starting something sooner it means that things still calls to us our regrets can be compasses pointing us toward what we truly want in life so how do we use our past to propel us forward instead of holding us back it starts with forgiveness we need to forgive ourselves for the opportunities we've missed for the times we've procrastinated or let fear win this doesn't mean we forget it means we stop punishing ourselves start learning instead next we need
to practice gratitude for our pasts yes gratitude because every experience every missed opportunity every setback has shaped who we are today they've given us wisdom resilience and clarity about what we truly want without these experiences we wouldn't be who we are here in this powerful present moment then we need to get specific about our lessons what exactly have our past experiences taught us us maybe we've learned that we're stronger than we thought perhaps we've discovered what truly matters to us or we've realize which habits or thought patterns have been holding us back write these lessons
down make them concrete they're the foundation upon which you'll build your future lastly and most importantly we need to act on these lessons knowledge without action is like a car without fuel it might look good but it won't take you anywhere if you've learned that procrastination is your weakness what specific steps can you take to combat it if you've realized that fear of failure has been holding you back how can you reframe your relationship with failure remember understanding the past isn't about dwelling on what could have been it's about using what has been to inform
and Empower what can be it's about taking the rich Sor of your experiences and planting new seeds of possibility in it as we stand here in this moment we're at a unique intersection of past and future behind us lies a wealth of experiences lessons and yes missed opportunities but ahead of us ahead of us lies infinite potential the future is Unwritten and we hold the pen our past has brought us to this moment but it doesn't dictate where we go from here that power lies in the choices we make now today we can choose to
let our past Define us or we can choose to let it refine us we can use it as an excuse to stay stagnant or we can use it as a springboard to LEAP into the life we truly want so I challenge you take a good honest look at your past acknowledge the missed opportunities the delays the regrets thank them for their lessons forgive yourself for any perceived failures and then with all the wisdom you've gain turn your gaze to the present to this moment to now because is now armed with the understanding of your past
you're more equipped than ever to seize the power of the present you're ready to start planting those trees we talked about earlier you're prepared to start turning your wha ifs into what is as we move forward we'll explore how to fully embrace the present moment and use it as a launching pad for your future the past has prepared you the present is waiting for you are you ready to take that first step as we've journeyed through our past ining it for wisdom and lessons we now stand at the threshold of the present moment this is
where the magic happens this is where life unfolds this is where change begins take a deep breath feel the air filling your lungs notice the sensations in your body this right here is the present moment it's the only moment we ever truly have the past is a memory the future is a projection but this this is real now let me ask you question question what's stopping you from taking action right now is it fear uncertainty the feeling that you're not ready or perhaps it's the comfortable lull of procrastination that seductive whisper that says there's always
tomorrow whatever it is I want you to recognize it acknowledge it and then I want you to set it aside because embracing the present isn't about being fearless or perfectly prepared it's about being willing to act despite your fears despite feeling unprepared think about a toddler learning to walk they don't wait until they're sure they won't fall they don't attend walk in seminars or read books on proper walking technique they simply stand up wobble a bit and take that first uncertain step they embrace the present moment with all its imperfections and possibilities that's the spirit
we need to recapture the willingness to be a beginner the courage to be imperfect the determination to start before we feel ready but how do we do this how do we break free from the paralysis of perfectionism and the quick sand of procrastination it starts with understanding the true nature of the present moment the present is not just a fleeing instant between past and future it's the point of power it's where decisions are made actions are taken and change begins every great achievement every personal transformation Every Act of courage began in a present moment just
like this one someone decided to act they took that first step they planted that seed they're considered the right brothers when they decided to build a flying machine they didn't have all the answers they didn't wait for perfect conditions or absolute certainty they embraced the present moment with all its challenges and unknowns and they act they experimented failed learned and tried again and in doing so they changed the world or think about Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her bus seat she wasn't planning to start a movement she was simply embracing the present
moment deciding that in this moment she would stand up for her dignity that single present moment decision helped catalyze the Civil Rights Movement these examples might seem lofty but the principle applies to all aspects of Our Lives whether it's starting a business improving our health nurturing a relationship or pursuing a passion the power lies in our willingness to embrace the present moment and take action but here's the thing about the present it's always changing it's fluid Dynamic and that's good news because it means every moment offers a fresh start if you missed an opportunity 5
minutes ago guess what a new opportunity is here now if you made a mistake yesterday today offers a a chance to do this constant renewal is what makes the present so powerful it's an endless stream of second chances of new beginnings but to tap into this power we need to be present we need to be aware we need to be ready to seize the moment when it arrives so how do we cultivate this presence this Readiness to act it begins with mindfulness mindfulness is simply the practice of being aware of the present moment with without
judgment it's about noticing our thoughts feelings and surroundings without getting caught up in them when we're mindful we're better able to recognize opportunities when they arise we're more attuned to our intuition that inner voice that often knows what's best for us and we're less likely to be derailed by fear or self-doubt try X for the next few moments focus on your breath notice the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body if your mind wanders gently bring it back to your breath this simple exercise is a powerful way to Anchor yourself in
the present moment now as you're focusing on your breath I want you to consider something you've been putting off something you know you should do want to do but haven't started yet got it now keeping your attention on the present moment ask yourself what's one small step I could take right now towards this this goal notice how your mind reacts does it start making excuses does it try to put it off until later or does it rise to the challenge offering ideas and solutions whatever the response just observe it this is mindfulness in action it
allows us to see our habitual thought patterns clearly which is the first step to changing them but mindfulness alone isn't enough to truly embrace the present we need to couple awareness with action we need to develop the habit of acting on our insights and intentions immediately this doesn't mean we always have to take huge life-altering actions sometimes embracing the present means taking small seemingly insignificant steps maybe it's writing the first sentence of that book you've been meaning to start perhaps it's doing one push-up towards your fitness goals or it could be sending that text to
reconnect with an old friend these small actions might not seem like much but they're powerful they build momentum they create neural Pathways in our brains that make future actions easier they shift our self-image from someone who procrastinates to someone who takes action remember every major accomplishment is just a series of present moments strung together a book is written one word at a time a marathon is run one step at a time a business is built one decision at a time by embracing the present moment and taking consistent action no matter how small we set in
motion forces that can lead to incredible outcomes but what about when the present moment is challenging what about when we Face obstacles setbacks or failures this is where the real power of embracing the present comes into when we're fully present we're better equipped to handle challenges instead of getting lost in worry about the future or regret about the past we can focus on what we can do right now we can ask ourselves what's the next right move and then we can make that move moreover being present allows us to find opportunities in our challenges every
setback contains a lesson every obstacle presents a chance to grow stronger when we're present we can extract these lessons and use them to fuel our progress consider the story of Thomas Edison when his laboratory burned down destroying years of work he didn't despair about the past or wor about the future instead he embraced the present moment famously saying there is Great Value in disaster our mistakes are burned up thank God we can start a new the very next day he began rebuilding That's The Power of embracing the present it allows us to be resilient to
adapt to keep moving forward no matter what life frows our way but perhaps the greatest benefit of living in the present is the joy and fulfillment it brings when we're constantly living in the past or the future we miss the beauty and wonder of now we miss the small moments of Happiness the quiet achievements The Simple Pleasures that make life rich and meaningful by embracing the present we open ourselves to experience life fully we taste our food more intensely we listen more deeply in our conversations we feel more connected to the world around us we
become more alive and here's the secrets when we fully embrace the present we paradoxically become better at creating our desired future by being fully engaged in each moment by doing our best work now by making the most of every opportunity we naturally move towards our goals we create a life of purpose and meaning one present moment at a time so I challenge you for the next 24 hours commit to embracing the present moment notice when your mind wanders to the past or future and gently bring it back to Now look for opportunities to take action
no matter how small engage fully in your tasks your conversations your experiences at the end of those 24 hours reflect on what you've learned how did it feel to be more present what did you notice that you might have missed otherwise what actions did you take that you might have put off this is just the beginning the more you practice embracing the present the more natural it becomes and as it becomes your default way of being you'll find yourself naturally overcoming procrastination seizing opportunities and creating the life you desire remember the best time to plant
a tree was 20 years ago the second best time is now and now is always available to you it's always offering you a chance to begin to change to grow as we move forward we'll explore how to use this present moment awareness to cultivate a compelling future we'll learn how to set goals that Inspire us how to develop the patience and persistence to achieve them and how to create a legacy that extends far beyond our own lives the journey continues and it all starts right here right now in this present moment as we've journey through
understanding our past and embracing our present we now stand at the threshold of something truly exciting cultivating our future this is where the seeds we plant today grow into the forest of tomorrow this is where dreams take shape and Visions become reality pick yourself 5 years from now where are you what are you doing how do you feel the answers to these questions aren't just idle Daydreams they're the blueprints of your future every great achievement every life-changing Innovation every personal transformation began as a thought a vision of what could be but here's the crucial question
how do we bridge the gap between where we are now and where we want to be how do we transform our Visions into reality it starts with long-term thinking in our fast-paced instant gratification world the ability to think longterm is like a superpower it's what separates those who create lasting success from those who chase fleeting rewards think about it when you plant the tree you don't expect it to bear fruit the next day you understand that it needs time to grow to develop strong roots to weather storms the same principle applies to cultivating your future
real lasting success in any area of Life requires patience persistence and a willingness to play the long game but long-term thinking isn't just about patience it's about strategy it's about understanding that the actions you take today will compound over time creating results far greater than you might imagine consider the story of the Chinese bamboo tree for the first four years after planning nothing appears to happen no shoots no leaves nothing visible above the ground but the gardener continues to water and nurture the seed trusting in the process then in the fifth year something miraculous happens
the bamboo tree suddenly grows up to 80 ft in just 6 weeks did the tree really grow 80 fet in 6 weeks of course not for those four years it was developing a complex root system that would support its rapid growth those years of invisible growth were crucial to its eventual success your future works the same way the habits you're building now the skills you're developing the relationships you're nurturing these are your root system they may not show immediate results but they're laying the foundation for your future success so how do we cultivate this long-term
thinking it starts with setting compelling goals not just any goals but goals that excite you that pull you forward that make you want to jump out of bed in the morning ask yourself what do I want my life to look like in 5 years in 10 years in 20 years don't limit yourself dream big what would you do if you knew knew you couldn't fail write it down make it Vivid the more clearly you can see your desired future the more likely you are to create it but here's the key your goals need to be
aligned with your values they need to resonate with who you truly are because when your goals align with your deepest values you tap into a Wellspring of motivation that can carry you through any challenge once you have your long-term Vision it's time to work backwards what what needs to happen in the next year for you to be on track to your five-year goal what needs to happen this month to be on track for your oneyear goal but can you do this week today right now this process of working backwards creates a road map turning your
big audacious goals into manageable actionable steps it's how you eat an elephant one bite at a time but let's be real the path to your desire future won't be a straight line there will be setbacks there will be failures there will be times when you feel like giving up this is where the true cultivation of your future happen cultivating your future isn't just about the goals you set or the plans you make it's about who you become in the process it's about developing the resilience to keep going when things get tough it's about cultivating the
patience to stick with it when progress seems slow it's about building the persistence to try again and again until you succeed remember the bamboo tree for 4 years it looked like nothing was happening but the gardener kept watering kept believing kept persisting your journey might be similar there may be long stretches where it feels like you're not making progress but if you stay the course if you keep taking action keep learning keep growing your time will come this is where the power of habits comes in your future is created by what you do consistently not
by what you do occasionally want to be a writer write every day even if it's just for 15 minutes want to be in great shape exercise daily even if it's just a short walk want to build a successful business work on it every day even if it's just making one sales call or refining one aspect of your product these daily actions might seem small insignificant even but remember we're playing the long game here these small actions compound over time creating results far greater than their individual impact would suggest think of it like compound interest in
finance if you invest a small amount regularly and leave it to grow over time it can turn into a substantial sum your habits work the same way each positive action is an investment in your future self but cultivating your future isn't just about Personal Achievement it's also about the impact you have on others it's about creating a legacy that extends beyond your own life ask yourself how do you want to be remembered what Mark do you want to leave on the world what problems do you want to solve what lives do you want to touch
these questions can seem overwhelming but remember Legacy isn't created in a day it's built over a lifetime of choices actions and impacts every kind word every helping hand every problem solve every Innovation created these are the building blocks of your legacy and here's something beautiful as you work towards your goals as you cultivate your future you'll find that you inspire others to do the same your journey becomes a beacon showing others what's possible when you commit to your dreams and take consistent action but what about when things don't go as planned what about when you
face setbacks or failures this is where the rubber meets the road in cultivating your future understand this failure is not the opposite of success it's part of success every setback is an opportunity to learn to grow to refine your approach the most successful people in any field aren't those who never fail there are those who learn to fail forward who use their failures as stepping stones to their eventual success when you encounter a setback don't ask why did this happen to me instead ask what can I learn from this how can I use this to
become stronger wiser better this shift in perspective turns obstacles into opportunities failur and to fuel for your future success remember the oak tree grows strong not in spite of the wind but because of it the resistance it faces causes it to grow deeper roots and develop stronger branches your challenges can do the same for you if you approach them with the right mindset as you cultivate your future it's crucial to regularly review and adjust your course the world is constantly changing and so are you what you want today might not be what you want 5
years from now and that's okay flexibility is strength be willing to adjust your goals to Pivot when necessary to seize new opportunities as they arise this doesn't mean abandoning your long-term Vision at the first sign of difficulty it means being adaptable within the framework of your broader goals and values it means being like water fluid enough to adapt to any container yet powerful enough to carve Canyons over time and as you move forward don't forget to celebrate your progress too often we're so focused on where we're going that we forget to appreciate how far we've
come take time to acknowledge your wins no matter how small each step forward is a victory each lesson learned is growth each challenge overcome is strength gained cultivating your future is not about reaching a final destination it's about the journey it's about who you become along the way it's about the lives you touch the impact you make the Legacy you create so I ask you what future will you cultivate what seeds will you plant today what actions will you take starting right now to move towards your vision remember the best time to plant a tree
was 20 years ago the second best time is now your future is waiting it's calling to you and it all begins with the choices you make and the actions you take in this present moment as we move towards the conclusion of our journey together we'll explore how to take all we've learned about understanding our past embracing our present and cultivating our future and turn it into immediate powerful action the time for change is now the time for growth is now the time to create the life you desire and deserve is now are you ready as
we stand at the precipice of possibility with the wisdom of the past the power of the present and the promise of the future coursing through us one truth becomes crystal clear your Journey Begins now not tomorrow not next week not when you feel more ready or when conditions seem perfect take a moment to reflect on the path we've traveled together we've delved into the depths of our past mining it for lessons and understanding we've embraced the vibrant pulsing power of the present moment recognizing it as the point of action and change and we've cast our
gaze forward learning how to cultivate a future that inspires and excites us but knowledge without action is like a car without fuel it might look impressive but it won't take you anywhere so the question that stands before you now is this what will you do with this knowledge how will you transform these insights into tangible life-changing action remember every great journey begins with a single step every Monumental achievement starts with one decision one action one moment of courage and that moment is now think about the tree we've been discussing throughout our journey that Mighty Oak
that provides shade shelter and Beauty it all began with a Single Seed a seed that someone decided to plant a seed that once planted was nurtured day after day year after year you are that someone and the seed you hold in your hands right now is the seed of your future it's the seed of your dreams your goals your vision for a better life will you plant it will you nurture it will you give it the chance to grow into something Magnificent the beauty of this moment is that it doesn't matter what seeds you didn't
plant in the past it doesn't matter how many opportunities you might have missed what matters is what you choose to do right now in this moment so what seed will you plant today maybe it's the seed of a new habit a daily Writing Practice a fitness routine a meditation ritual perhaps it's the seed of a new skill learning a language mastering a musical instrument developing your public speaking abilities or it could be the seed of a new Venture starting that business you've been dreaming about initiating that Community project or beginning that creative Endeavor you've been
putting off whatever it is commit to planning that seed today right now and then commit to nurturing it day after day with unwavering patience and persistent but remember planting the seed is just the beginning the journey ahead will have its challenges there will be days when you don't see progress when doubts creep in when the temptation to give up feels overwhelming in those moments recall the lesson of the Chinese bamboo tree for years it seems like nothing is happening but beneath the surface a strong complex root system is forming and when the time is right
growth explodes your journey may feel like this at times you may work day after day taking consistent action without seeing immediate results but trust in the process trust that beneath the surface you are growing stronger more resilient more capable trust that your time will come and as you move forward on this journey keep your focus on the present moment yes you have a vision for the future a destination you're working towards but the only way to reach that destination is by making the most of each Present Moment by doing the best you can with what's
in front of you right now this journey is not just about reaching a destination it's about who you become along the way it's about the strength you develop the wisdom you gain the impact you have on others every challenge you overcome every lesson you learn every small win you achieve these are shaping you molding you into the person you need to be to achieve your dreams so embrace the journey embrace the struggles along with the triumphs embrace the uncertainty along with the clarity embrace the failures along with the successes for it is in embracing all
of these experiences that you truly grow truly live truly become the best version of yourself and as you embark on this journey remember that you're not alone look around you there are others on similar paths facing similar challenges working towards their own dreams reach out to them support them learn from them allow them to support and learn from you for while the Journey of personal growth is deeply individual it is also profoundly communal We rise by lifting others now I want you to close your eyes for a moment isize yourself one year from now you've
been consistently taking action towards your goals you've been planting seeds every day and nurturing them with patience and persistence who have you become what have you achieved how how do you feel hold on that Vision let it inspire you let it pull you forward when the going gets tough let it remind you while you started this journey in the first place but don't just hold on to it act on it right now what's one thing you can do in the next hour to move towards that Vision what seed can you plant today that will grow
into that future you've envisioned your Journey Begins now this very moment is pregnant with possibility it's brimming with with potential it's waiting for you to seize it to make it count to use it as the first step towards the life you desire and deserve remember the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago the second best time is now and now is here now is available now is inviting you to act to begin so my friend what are you waiting for your journey awaits your future is calling and it all starts right here
right now with the next choice you make and the next action you take plant your seed nurture it watch it grow and as you do know that you're not just growing a tree you're cultivating a forest of possibilities a landscape of Dreams turned into reality your Journey Begins now make it extraordinary
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Get Laser Focused and Change Your Life in 6 Months - Jim Rohn Motivational Speech
Get Laser Focused and Change Your Life in ...
Believe. Act. Succeed.
Focus Only on Yourself in 2025 | The Most Powerful Speech By Jim Rohn
Focus Only on Yourself in 2025 | The Most ...
Jim Rohn’s Wisdom Hub
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