Fantasy Anime Is Entering A New Era.

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Join us in celebrating our 1st anniversary by being transported to Isekai!
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get that stuff out of here me and the boys are watching some real fantasy this year it feels like we've seen a full-on Resurgence of fantasy anime not soy boys getting transported to another world no more I got reincarnated as toilet paper now I wonder the world letting elf girls wipe me oh it's depressing I could actually see that being a thing just pure hard fantasy taking the genre back to its roots with two shows leading that charge freerun and dungeon meshy two f fantastic fantasy series that shine in completely different ways and have left
their mark on the anime Community this year but if you're a fully functioning adult and learned how to count properly in kindergarten you may notice that this is only two shows taking the spotlight and as we all know that is illegal in the anime Community I me what are we going to call this the big two yeah no thanks I think I'd rather take two steps of the Empire State Building thank you okay wait that's taking a bit too far cuz as we all know everything in the world has to come in threes Shonen manga
film trilogies degenerates but what if I told you there is a fantasy manga that can stand up to these two shows a fantasy that excels in something totally different from the hard-hitting story of Freer Ren or the insane World building of dungeon meshy a series that already has an anime confirmed for 2025 which means yes ladies and gentlemen we are on the cusp of a fantasy big three that's right Gamers I'm here to talk about the next big fantasy anime Demon Slayer I mean Which hat Atia Atia Atia ATA Atia I honestly think this is
going to be the next big fantasy show to take over the anime Community but before we get into Pure Fantasy first I want to talk about isekai again because this video is sponsored by isekai slow life which is in the middle of celebrating its first ever anniversary guys as you know we are no stranger to isar on this channel which is why I was surprised that i' never heard of this game where you get to play as an adorable little Mushroom in this brand new world you can discover new lands devel your own towns and
meet a variety of lovely ladies these are your family members and fellow members who all come with their own Unique Designs my personal favorite is bullly not just because of the on the noos name but uh she's definitely got some Firepower and if you like the look of these characters too you can dress them up in different outfits and even take them on dates but if that's just a bit too stimulating for you you can also try some recreational activities like fishing managing an inn going to school or working at the Magic Farm when life
gets stressful isekai slow life helps me appreciate the simpler times and I'm sure it will do the same for you guys too so what are you waiting for click that link in the description to download isekai slow life today and use gift code happy one Annie to get your own anniversary gift until September 30th thank you very much to isai slow life for sponsoring this video and now back to the video when you were a kid I'm sure you thought to yourself I can be whatever I want to be do anything I want to do
when I'm a grownup unfortunately if you want to do magic in the world of witch hat atilia that's a privilege only given to witches and only a few people in the world can ever become witches KOCO wants to be a witch cuz as we all know witches get I don't think that's Koko's primary motivation the closest she's ever gotten to Magic is a book she bought from this mysterious witch on the street corner when she was a kid and just look remember kids don't be like Coco don't talk to strangers say no to drugs and
for God's sakes don't go accepting magic book from Shady looking people in the back alley okay especially if that B smells like pee peee one day though her Village gets a visit from a real witch ke FR who finds himself in a circumstance of having to cast a spell to help out but before he does he goes to Koko and tells her okay coko I have a very important task for you mhm whatever you do make sure nobody I repeat nobody sees me cast this magic this is very important do you understand mhm Koko immediately
watches keyra casting his magic and what she sees is him drawing some shapes shapes that look eerily similar to some of the patterns in the magic book she has hm she thinks I wonder what would happen if I tried drawing some of these patterns myself she destroys her house commits a class a felony and turns her mother into stone in the industry we call this an Oopsy Daisy with her parent acquiring the new status of mom The Rock Johnson keyra decides to take Koko under his wing in hopes that he could find out more about
this mysterious witch that sold Koko that book as she begins her journey into the world of witchcraft sof and Wizardry which attilia presents itself initially as your typical Coming of Age story in a fantasy world of magic so you may be wondering what does this series do to allow to stand up to the fantasy juggernauts of freen and dungeon meshy freen gave us a beautiful introspective tale about the passage of time and appreciating the important things in life while you can that hits harder than most anime ever could while dungeon mesh's World building is some
of the most intricate and wellth thought out I've ever seen crafting a living breathing ecosystem that doesn't just feel alive but you get a sense that it's also fully functional like you're stepping into a life-size fantasy terrarium so what does witch hat bring to the table great art got that interesting characters got that but the real thing that sets it apart is that in short it has one of the most interesting magic systems I've ever seen in anime or Manga a hard magic system that not only lays the groundwork for creativity and Imagination but is
also engraved in a core part of the World building to present us with the interesting moral conflicts contained within this story but most importantly it's just pretty damn cool right so I'm going to spend the next few minutes nerding out about magic systems but to do so I'll have to explain to you how the basics of the system works so get out your notepads everyone cuz we're going back to school hello class and welcome to Magic 101 where I'll be teaching you the basics of how magic works and which hat atilia any questions no Timmy
you may not go to the bathroom I don't care if you're desperate just yourself like every other self-respecting kid in the world of atilia magic is cast by drawing seals which look like this and these have to be drawn with special Conjuring ink and that's it no special enchanting no customade gamer 3000 RGB magic wand all you need is some special ink and the basic ability to draw which means essentially anyone can do magic except for me if you've seen my ability to draw yes even you can do magic Timmy if you stop sniffing The
Conjuring kids do not sniff The Conjuring ink please a basic seal is made of three simple Parts the sigil which typically goes in the center and denotes what kind of magic you're going to be manipulating you want a fire spell draw this thinking of casting water magic start with this you got Earth Wind Shadow wood sword Thunder Power Sleep card caps up the cloud expect the unexpected now next up we have keystones that go around the sigil these are different signs that denote exactly how the element in your sigil will act and we've got a
boat loan of different signs that will determine exactly what form your spell is going to take and exactly how it's going to be controlled which is why it's very important that you draw exactly how you want your spell to act one sign a bit longer than the other congratulations you just be carcade Your Neighbor Next Door with some water magic need a big gust of wind to send you flying how about you try drawing a wind sigil with a massive arrow pointing up and you'll be gliding like like genin impact of course of course that's
the first thing that came to mind by combining your different signs you should be able to craft a spell to do exactly what you wanted to do oh timy you understood all that you tried drawing your own seal oh let me have a look Timmy see me after class and after all that all that's left to do to complete the spell is to draw a complete circle around it cuz as every witch knows if you like a spell you should have put a ring on it I think it was Dumbledore that said that and that
kids is everything you need to know to become a witch and start casting your own spells do we have any questions and Timmy's just himself great that's the core basics of the magic system in witch hat toer I thought it was such a genius system because the core building blocks are simple enough that anyone can understand but by iterating on these basic concepts it can get increasingly complex that makes you just think about magic in a totally different way when you have a grasp of the basics then you can start doing stuff like link spells
for more powerful effects nested glyphs where you can enclose multiple spells into a bigger spell to get more complex effects spell toggling where for example you draw two halves of a spell on a shoe then bring them together to complete the ring so you can quickly toggle the Spell's effects on and off different ones to help witches draw on specific surfaces from the approaches they take to the tools they use everything has been carefully thought out like these tools have been crafted to logically solve a problem if this magic system were to exist and I
have no better way to Encompass all this other than saying it's just so cool this might be a bit of a curve forall but in a sense the magic system here was actually a bit reminiscent to me to coding God I never thought my coding course in University 13 years ago would finally come in handy and it's most basic coding is just a set of instruction built on a few Core Concepts that you input into a system that interprets those instructions to do exactly what the code tells it to do if the code doesn't act
the way you envisioned well it's not the computer's fault it's the human error with the code and then you have to do some debugging but instead of just SE ing up your errors on stack Overflow I imagine debugging magic seals would be something like oh hey Timmy you want me to have a look at your fire spell it's not doing what you thought it would well you just burned down the entire Village Timmy yeah thanks for that it's gone your mom's dead yeah how about you debug Your Life Choices Timmy oh you want to learn
about loops well how about you Loop yourself to the nearest orphanage Timmy cuz that's where you're going but because wait I just realized I unintentionally just repeated the plot of this manga with fire instead of rocks but because the logic of this system is so defined it enriches so much of the world and characters because instead of just telling us that this person is a genius witch or this person has a specialized skill set we can actually see it ourselves through how they approach solving problems with their own knowledge of the magic system find it
hard to accurately Draw Bigger seals well maybe by combining the effects of a bunch of smaller seals and linking them together you can replicate the effect of a bigger seal don't have a specific spell you need to identify ingredients in a potion well how how about you repurpose a destruction spell you saw earlier but reverse the seals to conjure up the opposite effect and remake the core ingredients like different coders writing a program there is no singular way to solve a problem and by setting the rules of the system clearly it sets the stage to
breed creativity in a way that you can appreciate that goes beyond this person is a powerful witch because he does magic good I think the first time I truly appreciated this was when I saw some of the first major battles see as of which you have several approaches you can take especially in a battle situation now if you're less experienced maybe you prepare a notepad with some pre-drawn allpurpose spells it might not be a specialized for every situation you're in but they're quick and easy to cast by just circling the spells that you need maybe
you have a specific battle style where you just engrave the actual spells onto your clothing for permanent effects if you're a little baby now if you want to see where the true experience and skill Gap comes in this guy bloody walks in and is accurately able to cast spells quickly on the fly without any pre-made books assess the situations and while blocking attacks draws a counter spell with with his feet flies towards the enemy then based on the shape of his opponent's seal and the environment is able to correctly deduce the exact way the opponent
spells work and initiates a counter spell based on its weaknesses and it was at this point I've realized I have not been this engrossed with a fictional power system so intricately crafted since I first encountered nen and I do not say those words lightly but beyond just being a really cool way to show what characters are capable of it's also from the system that all the major conflicts of the story arises and we get the interesting moral dilemma the series presents us with I think the most interesting concept is the idea that absolutely anyone can
theoretically cast magic given everything I've just laid out I'm sure even you can conjure up a spell or two and there was a point in the world's history where that was the case however give everyone unrestricted access to a tool that can help but also cause great harm to the people around them and uh I'm sure everyone's only going to use it for the betterment of humanity like real life right guys guys the world was constantly embroiled in war spells that did unspeakable things were conceived dark rituals tragic accidents human experimentation and other crimes became
a normal part of the world so one day the leading governing bodies made a pact to change the world forever firstly the entire population would have the knowledge about magic wiped from their memory with only a few people AKA witches being given the knowledge of how to cast magic passing that knowledge down to only a few select individuals secondly certain spells would be outlawed forever as forbidden magic with no exceptions spells that greatly alter the environment and spells that are drawn or directly affects the human body except for memory wipe spells this is the black
and white justice system that governs the world you have the normal law-abiding witches that uphold the rules of the world and the Shady brim caps who practice The Forbidden magic oo I don't know why I'm doing this but as you continue the story you start to realize wait who's got more of a point here why are the good witches trying to wipe the memories of innocent kids just trying to help out is it fair to keep doctors from practicing what is technically forbidden Magic on humans when all they really want to do is to heal
people and save more lives is it morally okay to keep the knowledge of magic to only a privilege few when it's a tool that can empower the lives of so many people cuz yeah magic can be dangerous but hey maybe the only thing that can stop a bad witch with a wand is a good witch with a wand hell yeah brother seeing our characters trying to find their place in this morally grade justice system is one of the big driving forces of what makes the world and character so interesting the magic of wi hat Atia
at at Atia is just waiting for its anime adaptation to bring it to a whole new audience I know I haven't talked much about the characters or overall plot progression or the amazing art and paneling or just how fantastic the World building is but I think this is what's going to make it stand out so much even with the influx of so many Amazing Fantasy anime we have to choose from right now it's a series that takes something as ethereal as magic and gives it a sense of tangibility and yet somehow doesn't take away that
sense of wonder and awe in in fact by allowing me to appreciate the mechanics it makes the magic of the world even more magical so yeah if you need another fantasy world to dive in go check out which at ataa at oh my God it's a French word hey guys hope you enjoyed that video thank you very much this month too author Curtis X basil dysfunctional degenerate flabber Walky Jonah thick Mike 808 masasa 12315 pain patchet Pony Stark shouting zombie Walter gist VT and everyone else in my patreon for helping support me for this month
and making this video possible guys it feels good to finally get outside of the isekai trash bin and finally eat some good food I honestly think we are going through a golden age of fantasy anime now even with isaki we got dungeon mesy frein sh kense koruba rezero this year and next year we're getting witch hat toia as well man it feels good to be a fantasy fan cuz we are eating good nowadays so yeah if you want to get ahead of the curve and be like uh I liked which had to tell you before
I got an anime check it out anyway though that's it from me for today I've been gig uck and I'll see you all next time
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