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Library of Tehuti
Unveil the mysteries of your past lives and awaken the eternal consciousness within. Guided by the a...
Video Transcript:
I'm glad you're here I'm sure the universe guided you to this video for a reason what I'm about to tell you about your soul and its infinite Journey Beyond SpaceTime has the potential to change not just your current life but many future births stay till the end of the video have you ever experienced a sense of deja vu or felt an inexplicable connection to a person place or time period these fleeting moments of familiarity May be glimpses into your past lives the Forgotten chapters of your Soul's Eternal Journey the concept of reincarnation the belief that
our souls experience multiple lifetimes has captivated the minds of Mystics yogis and ancient Scholars for tens of thousands of years I will unravel the secrets of the Soul's Journey Through the cycle of birth death and rebirth and teach you practical techniques for awakening the dormant memories of your your past lives you will eventually come to understand the true nature of your existence and the purpose of your Soul's Evolution but this journey is not an intellectual Pursuit it is an experiential one so today I will guide you through powerful meditations and practices inspired by the 36,000
yearold Emerald Tablets of tahuti that will help you connect with the wisdom of your soul and access the memories of your past [Music] lives at the heart of the mystery of past lives lies a fundamental truth our souls are Eternal existing beyond the boundaries of a single lifetime this profound Insight is beautifully captured in the words of tahuti who declares in The Emerald Tablets know ye the gateway to life is through death I through death but not as ye know death but a death that is life and is fire and is light to understand the
true meaning of this proverb we must first reframe our perception of death in the eyes of the enlightened death is not an ending but a transition a gateway to A New Beginning just as the caterpillar must shed its cocoon to emerge as a butterfly our souls must release their physical form to continue their Eternal Journey tahuti further emphasizes the importance of seeking the hidden knowledge within ourselves stating desireth thou to know the Deep hidden secret look in thy heart where the knowledge is bound know that in thee the secret is hidden the source of all
life and the source of all death this passage suggests that the key to understanding the mystery of life and death lies within our hearts in the depths of our being by turning our attention Inward and connecting with the wisdom of our souls we can begin to access the ancient knowledge that is our Birthright but how do we tap into this inner wisdom one powerful tool is the practice of meditation by quieting the mind and turning our Focus within we create a space for the voice of our soul to emerge through regular meditation we can begin
to peel back the layers of conditioning and forgetfulness that obscure our true nature and reconnect with the Eternal essence of our being try this find a quiet comfortable space where you won't be disturbed sit in a relaxed position either on a cushion or a chair with your spine straight and your eyes closed take a few deep breaths allowing your body to settle and your mind to become still now bring your attention to your heart center imagining a warm glowing light emanating from this space with each inhalation feel this light expanding filling your entire being with
Radiance and love with each exhalation release any tension worry or doubt out allowing yourself to sink deeper into the present moment as you rest in this space of heartful awareness silently ask your soul to reveal its wisdom to you let go of any expectations or attachments and simply allow whatever arises to be as it is you may receive insights images or Sensations or you may simply feel a sense of deep peace and connection practice this heart-c centered meditation for at least 10 to 15 minutes each day and trust that over time the wisdom of your
soul will begin to flow more freely guiding you towards greater self- understanding and self-realization as we cultivate this connection with our inner wisdom we may begin to experience spontaneous memories or visions of past lives these glimpses into our Soul's history can provide valuable insights into our current challenges and opportunities as well as our greater purpose in this lifetime it is important to approach these experiences with a sense of openness and non-attachment recognizing that the specifics of our past lives are less important than the lessons and growth they offer by embracing the wisdom of our past
we can more fully inhabit the present moment and align ourselves with the unfolding of our Soul's Journey if you like that guided meditation I helped you through then give us a like And subscribe there are many more guided meditations to come in the Practical techniques sections but first let me teach you about the balance of polarities in The Emerald Tablets touti reveals another crucial aspect of the Soul's Journey the balance of polarities he States know ye oh man that thy form is dual balanced in polarity while formed in its form know that when fast on
thee death approaches it is only because thy balance is shaken it is only because one pole has been lost to in understand this passage we must recognize that our existence is characterized by the interplay of opposites light and dark masculine and feminine life and death these polarities are not in Conflict but rather in a delicate dance of balance and Harmony tahuti suggests that when we lose this balance when one polarity is drawn downward we become vulnerable to the forces of Decay and death he emphasizes the importance of maintaining equilibrium stating know that thy body when
in perfect balance may never be touched by the finger of death I even accident May only approach when the balance is gone when ye are in a balanced equilibrium ye shall live on in time and not taste of death but what does it mean to achieve this state of perfect balance in essence it is a matter of aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms and cycles of the universe of harmonizing our inner world with the outer world one way to cultivate this balance is through the practice of yoga the word yoga itself means Union referring to
the integration of Body Mind and Spirit through the practice of physical postures asanas breathing techniques pranayama and meditation Diana we can bring our entire being into a state of Harmony and balance try this stand with your feet hip width apart arms relaxed by your sides take a moment to feel your connection to the Earth beneath you imagining Roots extending from the soles of your feet deep into the ground now begin to sway gently from side to side allowing your body to find its natural Rhythm as you sway bring your attention to your breath noticing the
gentle rise and fall of your chest and belly gradually begin to extend your arms out to the sides as if you were a tree swaying in the Wind feel the interplay of the left and right sides of your body the masculine and feminine energies finding balance and Harmony as you continue to sway silently repeat the Mantra I am balanced I am whole with each breath allow this affirmation to permeate every cell of your being bringing you into a state of deep equilibrium and peace practice this balance in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes each day
or whenever you feel the need to Center and harmonize your energies over time you may find that this practice helps you navigate the ups and downs of life with Greater Grace and ease another key to maintaining balance is to cultivate a sense of Detachment from the fluctuations of the external world this does not mean disengaging from life but rather developing a sense of inner stability that allows us to engage with the world from a place of centeredness and Clarity by regularly turning our attention Inward and connecting with the unchanging essence of our being we can
begin to disentangle ourselves from the drama of the ego and the illusions of Separation we come to recognize that our true nature is one of pure consciousness Untouched by the vicissitudes of the material world as we awaken to this truth we naturally begin to live in Greater harmony with the balance of polarities both within ourselves and in the world around us we become a living embodiment of the principle of equilibrium a beacon of light in a world of chaos and confusion comment below if you just practiced that meditation as I was guiding you what did
it feel like now let's dive deeper into even more practical techniques as we deepen our understanding of the Soul's Eternal Journey we may begin to wonder about the nature of our past Lives who were we in these previous incarnations what experiences did we have and what lessons did we learn it is important to recognize that in truth there wasn't a different soul inhabiting those past lives it was you the same Eternal Essence that animates your current form but with a different chain of karma memories and experiences in each Incarnation we take on a new set
of circumstances disconnected from anything previous to continue our Soul's Evolution tahuti alludes to this truth stating see you not that in Earth's heart is the balance of all things that exist and have being on its face the source of thy spirit is drawn from Earth's heart for in thy form thou are one with the Earth this proverb suggests that our soul is intimately connected with the Earth itself drawing its Essence from the planet's core just as the earth goes through cycles of birth death and renewal so too do our souls undergo the process of reincarnation
shedding one form to take on another but how can we access the memories of these past lives and what purpose does this serve in our current Incarnation one powerful tool for awakening these dormant memories is the practice of past life regression meditation try this find a quiet comfortable space where you can lie down undisturbed Begin by taking a few deep breaths allowing your body to relax and your mind to become still imagine a warm Golden Light surrounding you filling you with a sense of peace and safety now visualize yourself standing at the top of a
long winding staircase with each step you take down the staircase you feel yourself sinking deeper into relaxation deeper into your subconscious mind as you reach the bottom of the staircase you find yourself in a beautiful F Serene Garden in the center of the garden stands a wise ancient tree approach the tree and place your hand upon its trunk feeling its deep grounded energy now ask the tree to guide you to a past life that holds relevance for your current Journey trust that whatever arises is exactly what you need to see and understand in this moment
allow a scene from this past life to unfold before you notice the details of your surroundings the clothes you are wearing and the people around you allow yourself to fully embody this past life self experiencing their thoughts emotions and Sensations as the scene reaches its conclusion take a moment to reflect on the lessons and insights this past life holds for you what patterns or themes do you notice how can can you integrate this wisdom into your current life when you feel complete thank your past life self and the wise tree for their guidance retrace your
steps back up the staircase feeling yourself becoming more alert and awake with each step as you reach the top of the staircase take a deep breath and open your eyes returning fully to the present moment take a few moments to jour J about your experience capturing any insights or Reflections that arose practice this past life regression meditation whenever you feel called to deepen your self- understanding and connect with the wisdom of your soul trust that the memories and insights that arise are exactly what you need to support your growth and evolution another powerful tool for
accessing the wisdom of our past lives is the practice of dream workor our dreams are often a gateway to the deeper layers of our psyche offering glimpses into the Realms of the Soul by setting the intention to remember our dreams and recording them upon waking we can begin to tap into this rich source of guidance and insight we may find that certain symbols themes or characters recur in our dreams hinting at unresolved issues or patterns from past lives try this before going to bed each night take a few moments to connect with your Soul's wisdom
place your hand on your heart and silently ask your dreams to reveal the insights and memories that will support your highest growth and evolution keep a dream journal by your bedside and upon waking take a few moments to record any dreams symbols or Impressions that arose during the night don't worry about capturing every detail simply jot down the key elements that stand out to you over time begin to look for patterns or themes in your dreams what messages or lessons seem to recur how might these relate to your current life circumstances or challenges you may
also wish to engage in active DreamWork practices such as lucid dreaming or dream incubation lucid dreaming involves becoming aware that you are dreaming while still still within the dream state allowing you to consciously explore and interact with the dream landscape dream incubation involves setting a specific intention or question before sleep inviting your dreams to provide guidance or insight as you deepen your DreamWork practice trust that your soul is guiding you toward the insights and memories that will support your growth and evolution be patient and persistent knowing that the wisdom of your dreams will unfold in
perfect timing as we awaken to the memories and lessons of our past lives it is important to approach this knowledge with a sense of compassion and nonattachment our past lives are not who we are but rather a series of experiences that have shaped our Soul's journey by bringing these experiences into into conscious awareness we have the opportunity to heal Old Wounds release limiting patterns and step more fully into our true potential this process of integration is not always easy as it may involve confronting aspects of ourselves that we have long denied or suppressed but through
the practice of self-inquiry and self-compassion we can begin to make peace with our past and embrace the fullness of who we are we learn to see our current challenges and opportunities as part of a larger tapestry woven from the threads of our Soul's Eternal Journey one powerful tool for integrating the wisdom of our past lives is the practice of chakra balancing according to tahuti the key to maintaining balance and vitality lies in aligning the energy centers of the body known as chakras he Ates list ye oh man whilst I give the secret so that ye
too shall taste not of change 1 hour each day shalt thou Lie With Thine head pointed to the place of the positive pole north one hour each day shalt thy head be pointed to the place of the negative pole South whilst thy head is placed to the northward hold thou thy Consciousness from the chest To The Head And when thy head is placed Southward hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet hold thou in Balance once in each seven and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength iay if thou be old thy
body will freshen and thy strength will become as a youth's this is the secret known to the Masters by which they hold off the Fingers of Death we at the library made a modern interpretation of tti's meditation on polarities right now I'll guide you teaching you a powerful hour-long practice dedicating 9 minutes to each of your seven chakras Begin by lying comfortably with your head pointed towards the north representing the positive pole bring your awareness to your upper chakras starting with your heart chakra visualize a vibrant green wheel of light spinning at your heart center
for the next 9 Minutes Focus on this energy and repeat aloud or silently to yourself I am open to giving and receiving love allow the warmth and compassion of your heart to fill your entire being next shift your attention to your throat chakra envisioning a brilliant blue wheel of light spend the following 9 Minutes concentrating on this area affirming I speak my my truth with Clarity and compassion embrace the power of authentic expression moving upward bring your focus to your third eye chakra located between your eyebrows imagine a mesmerizing Indigo wheel of light spinning at
this point for the next 9 minutes repeat the affirmation I trust my inner wisdom and intuition feel the strength of your inner guidance finally direct your awareness to your crown chakra at the top of your head visualize a magnificent Violet wheel of light connecting you to the infinite wisdom of the universe dedicate the last 9 Minutes of this upper chakra practice to affirming I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the universe experience the expansiveness of your being now gently shift your body so that your head is pointed towards the South representing the negative pole
bring your awareness to your lower chakras starting with your root chakra at the base of your spine VIs visualize a vibrant red wheel of light spinning at this foundation for the next 9 Minutes focus on this energy and repeat aloud or silently to yourself I am grounded safe and [Music] secure feel the stability and strength of your connection to the Earth next shift your attention to your sacral chakra located just below your navl imagine a radiant orange wheel of light spinning in this area spend the following 9 Minutes affirming I embrace my creativity and sensuality
allow yourself to feel the joy and passion that comes from honoring your creative impulses finally bring your focus to your solar plexus chakra situated above your navl Envision a brilliant yellow wheel of light emanating from this power center for the last 9 Minutes of this practice repeat the affirmation I am confident powerful and in control of my life feel the strength and vitality that comes from owning your power as you complete this hourlong meditation take a few moments to experience the integration of your upper and lower chakras the perfect balance of Heaven and Earth within
you bask in the radiant Light Of Your Divine Essence knowing that you are a being of infinite potential and wisdom when you feel ready slowly begin to deepen your breath wiggling your fingers and pose as you gently bring your awareness back to the present moment take your time to sit up feeling grounded centered and aligned with your highest Truth by dedicating an hour each day to this powerful practice as recommended by touti you will cultivate a deep sense of balance and Harmony within your being trust in the wisdom of your soul and know that you
have the power to create a life of profound purpose and joy as we integrate the wisdom of our past lives we may find that our sense of purpose and Direction becomes clearer we begin to understand the unique gifts and talents that we have cultivated over lifetimes and how we can use them in service of the greater good we may also find that our relationships take on a new depth and meaning as we recognize the soul connections that have brought us together across time and space by approaching our relationships with a sense of curiosity and openness
we can begin to untangle the karmic knots that bind us and create new patterns of love and harmony ultimately the Journey of past life exploration is one of self-discovery and self-realization by remembering who we have been we can more fully Embrace who we are and who we are becoming we learn to see ourselves as part of a vast interconnected Web of Life spanning countless lifetimes and dimensions as tooti declares exist then shalt thou while Earth is existing changing in form only when Earth Too Shall change tasting not of death but one with this planet holding
thy form till will all pass away this passage suggests that our Soul's journey is intimately connected with the evolution of the Earth itself as we awaken to the true nature of our being we become a conscious participant in this Grand unfolding co-creating a new reality based on the principles of Love wisdom and unity today we have explored the mysteries of past lives and the Eternal nature of the Soul we have seen how the teachings of tahuti and other ancient wisdom Traditions can guide us towards a deeper understanding of our true Essence and how the practices
of meditation yoga dream workor and chakra balancing can help us access the hidden knowledge within as you progress and self-discover think of the writings of tahuti who tells us that the key to immortality lies in restoring the balance of polarities within ourselves by cultivating a state of Inner Harmony and equilibrium we can transcend the cycle of birth and death and realize our true nature as Eternal unbounded Consciousness let us also remember that the Journey of past life exploration is not about getting lost in the details of our previous incarnations but rather about extracting the wisdom
and insight they offer for our current journey by integrating the lessons of our past lives we can heal Old Wounds release limiting patterns and step more fully into our true potential ultimately the path of self-realization is one of remembrance of Awakening to the truth of who we are and why we are here as we peel back the layers of forgetfulness and illusion we begin to see ourselves as part of a vast interconnected Web of Life spanning countless lifetimes and dimensions so always remember the truth of who you are an eternal unbounded being of light love
and infinite potential
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