Before You Give Up, Watch This | Life Advice Will Change Your Future

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Lion of Judah
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Video Transcript:
life at times can feel like an unrelenting storm no matter how much we try to steer our ship the waves just keep crashing and it can feel like we're being tossed about with no end in sight if you've ever felt that way or if you're feeling that way right now then you need to hear this before you give up remember that God Will Make A Way it may seem like the weight of your problems is too heavy to carry any longer it may feel like you've been abandoned like your prayers have gone unanswered and hope
is slipping through your fingers but before you surrender to that despair pause and reflect on this unchanging truth God is always working even when you cannot see it he is the way maker the one who can create paths through the impossible and he will guide you through one of the most comforting yet challenging aspects of our faith is found in Isaiah 55 where God says for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts God's ways are higher greater and infinitely wiser than
anything we could ever conceive from our limited perspective life may seem chaotic unfair or pain painful but God sees the bigger picture he knows every twist and turn of the road ahead and he is working all things together for good sometimes we want immediate answers we want to know the why behind our suffering the how behind our deliverance but Faith doesn't operate on immediate answers Faith operates on trusting God's higher ways even when we don't understand it's a difficult truth to accept but we must remember God knows what he's doing even when we don't his
thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his plans are better than our plans when life doesn't make sense when the future seems Bleak we can take comfort in knowing that God is in control and his ways are perfect even when they don't align with our timeline one of the greatest challenges we face when life is tough is the feeling of uncertainty we want to know how we'll get out of our situation we want to know what the next step is but here's the beautiful truth you don't have to know how just know who you may
not know how God will bring you through your financial crisis heal your broken heart or mend your fractured relationships but you don't have to know all the details what you do need to know is who is in control God in Proverbs 3: 5-6 we are given this this powerful promise trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight notice what this verse doesn't say it doesn't say trust in the Lord and He will give you all
the answers no it says to trust him and he will direct your paths the focus is not on figuring everything out but on submitting your life to the one who already has it figured out this means that even when the road ahead looks uncertain even when you don't know what the next step should be you can rest in the assurance that God knows you don't have to see the whole picture to take the next step you simply need to trust the one who sees the entire canvas of your life when we look at our circumstances
it's easy to feel like there is no way out the obstacles in front of us can feel too big too daunting but let's remember something critical God Specializes in making a way when there seems to be no way think of the story of the Israelites as they fled Egypt after years of slavery they were finally free only to find themselves trapped between Pharaoh's Army and the Red Sea from a human standpoint they were stuck there was no Escape but God made a way he parted the sea creating a path through the waters and the Israelites
walked to safety on dry ground the same God who parted the Red Sea for the Israelites is the same God who is working in your life today he can make a way for you even if you don't see how when you feel trapped remember that God is not bound by the limitations we see he can open doors that no one else can open he can create Pathways in the wilderness when the doctor says there's no no hope when your finances are in Ruins when relationships are shattered God can still make a way his power is
not limited by the impossibility of your situation if he can part the Red Sea if he can raise the dead if he can calm the storms then trust that he can handle whatever you are facing today in times of difficulty one of the greatest sources of comfort is the knowledge that God is always working even when we can't see it even when our prayers seem unanswered God is moving behind the scenes Romans 8:28 assures us and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called
according to his [Music] purpose it's important to recognize the wording of this verse in all things not just the good things not just the times when life is smooth but in all things this means that even in the midst of your trials God is at work even in your heartbreak God is working even when it feels like the darkness will never lift God is orchestrating something greater than you can imagine we don't always get to see the fruit of God's work immediately sometimes it takes time but the truth is God never stops working on your
behalf whether you realize it or not he is setting things in motion you may not see the answers yet but hold on God is faithful and he will complete the work he has started in your life another key to enduring difficult times is trusting in God's perfect timing we often grow impatient wanting God to fix everything right now but God's timing is perfect even when it doesn't align with our own Isaiah 40:31 says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and
not be weary they shall walk and not faint waiting is hard it's hard to wait when you're hurting when you're confused when you don't know how things will work out but waiting on God is never wasted time when we wait on him we are strengthened we are renewed and in his perfect time God will reveal his plans think of the story of Sarah and Abraham God promised them a son but years passed without any sign of fulfillment they grew impatient and Sarah even tried to take matters into her own hands by having Abraham father a
child with her servant Hagar but that wasn't God's plan God's timing although longer than they anticipated was perfect Isaac the child of Promise was born in God's appointed time and through him God's covenant with Abraham was fulfilled God's promises will come to pass in your life as well don't grow weary in the waiting trust that God's timing is perfect and his plans for you are good when life is overwhelming and you feel like giving up one of the greatest sources of encouragement is the promises of God the Bible is filled with promises for every situation
promises that remind us of God's faithfulness his love and his power to deliver Isaiah 432 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned the Flames will not set you Ablaze Joshua 1:9 have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged for the the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me when you feel like giving up anchor yourself in these promises speak them over your life pray them daily and let them remind you that God is with you he will never leave you or forsake you perhaps one of the most powerful truths in scripture is that God brings beauty from ashes he specializes in turning our Brokenness into something beautiful what may feel like the end for you is only the beginning of what God is about to do Galatians 6:9 encourages us let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up your breakthrough is coming your Harvest is on its way don't give up keep pressing forward in faith knowing that God is working behind the scenes he is making a way and in his perfect timing he will bring you through
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