Dr Joe Dispenza: Manifest Abundance & HEAL Your Body in the 5th Dimension (YOU Can Do This!)

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Lewis Howes
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Video Transcript:
the probability that we're seeing the truth of reality is zero everything that I'm perceiving with my senses in three-dimensional reality is fooling me into the illusion of Separation time is the separation between two points of Consciousness so you could actually shorten the distance between the thought of what you want and the experience of having it wow one of the most sought after speakers in the world New York Times bestselling author a Pioneer and emerging science and spirituality Dr Joe despenza please give a warm up welcome to Dr ypenza they tell me I'm going to be
paralyzed either way you know so why don't I roll the dice right and just take a chance there's a intelligence that's giving me life okay it's a Consciousness it must be aware of me and you essentially had a packed with Consciousness God the universe and said if I'm Healed I will commit my life to this I was educated I knew a lot about the spine I'm talking to orthopedic surgeons that are telling me you're never going to walk again there's energy for miracles we see them all the time there's energy for healing we see it
all the time there's energy for the mystical we see it all the time yeah yeah and you collapse time and space and when you do that then the synchronicities serendipities the coincidences the opportunities start to prove to you that you're actually the creator of your life instead of the victim of your life if your vision is to be wealthy if your vision is to be in love if your vision is to be I don't know whatever it is to have a mystical experience and you're here I tell my kids this from the time they were
little I'm so excited about this episode with Dr Joseph spenza he is one of our biggest guest of all time with over 55 million views on our videos so if you like this make sure to share it with one friend and leave a like or a comment below also big announcement Dr Joe is a keynote speaker at this year's Summit of greatness in Los Angeles in September make sure you get your tickets the link is below or you can go to Summit ofg greatness.com to see Dr Joe live welcome back everyone at the school of
greatness very excited about our guests we have the inspiring Dr Joe despenza in the house good to see you once again my friends great to be with you Louis as always very excited I was telling you beforehand that our interviews on YouTube have done over 55 million views together over the last five years since we've had you on many different interviews how many interviews have I done probably five I'm assum me four or five um and maybe six I don't know but people people love when you're on here um I've been to your event 7day
weeklong event that is incredible and the things I witnessed there within myself about how my mind and my body transformed was so powerful and things I witnessed from others were extremely powerful we're going to talk about some of that work that you're doing today but I think people are just resonating with your message because they're confused about the world they're confused about their mind they're confused about their body they're confused about the struggles and the challenges that they're facing on a day to day basis they want to learn how to simplify their life they want
to learn how to draw on their life attract their desired future they want to learn how to manifest better they want to learn how to have a more peaceful harmonious life and they don't understand how to tap into the energy the frequencies the pharmaceutical healing powers within us not outside of us because we think it's all outside of us and you talk about a lot of this you have incredible best-selling books we're going to talk about the documentary as well but before we get into how what and why people can start accessing these things can
you share for people who maybe don't fully know your context of your story how you even got into this what you've discovered before and what you're starting to discover now in terms of this work in this space sure sure first of all thank you for all of that um I think I just was raised in a family where I had two parents that were my mother was first generation Italian my father was from Italy and um they were very family based and they loved their children and whatever interests that that my brother and I had
they would they would fully support and endorse and so I was a curious kid uh but was also very Western played you know Sports just like everybody um and then I I read a book uh by paramahansa Yogananda and when I was 19 years old autobiography of Yogi and um what intrigued me the most was I was raised in a very traditional Roman Catholic Family that there were other things happening that I was unaware of these Saints and these Mystics in the book that had really powerful um effects on reality caused me to start thinking
differently and so I kind of got really super involved in yoga super involved in martial arts it was it was unpredictable for me to do anything like that but it somehow it piqued my interest and then went through college went through graduate school moved to San Diego and um had a martial arts studio had a yoga studio really yeah um and were you teaching yoga or you just I was teaching yoga in the 80s when people said people said that you were going to get possessed by yoga like I had like I had challenges because
nobody did yoga so I had a yoga studio in right in Pacific Beach in San Diego and um and I also I also spent a lot of time studying hypnosis because I had roommates in in college uh that were deep State uh subn ists they they would uh sleep and talk to each other in their sleep the entire time really yeah it was kind of weird and and um I was running through a a a building in undergraduate school at ruter University I was going to my organic chemistry class and I and I saw this
piece of you remember I don't know if you remember but they used to hang papers like this and they would cut the bottoms the pH number just I saw it said learn while you sleep and I just ripped that that tag off and I thought I'm taking 21 credits that that semester you know I was taking a lot of credits and I'm like this this this could help me you know and it was really about hypnosis so I started reading about hypnosis while I was taking 21 credits because what I wanted to do is I
wanted to go to class and I have to take any notes I wanted to learn everything right in class so I didn't have to study and then I could just replay the lecture uh by the end of the day and I would remember remember as much as I could so required you know a little bit of programming for that anyway long story short I took a good portion of my my college loan and I went to a a a school that taught different levels of hypnosis you know from hypnotist all the way to clinical hypnotherapist
I put over 500 hours in studying it and I and I started my own practice and that's how I generated money to go to to to Chiropractic College and and um I started witnessing some pretty amazing changes in people like right before my eyes like there was some power to the mind that I saw the effects were taking place right in front of me which of course piqu my interest again I got decent at the fact that I didn't have to take any notes uh when I went to school and um and Rand on clinical
practice and then and then when I when I moved from Atlanta to San Diego to start my life after I'd graduated um I I started doing triathlons and that was kind of the hot bed where triathlons were San Diego Southern California I sponsored all the 10K races in in uh in San Diego and and then I was I I was in a triathlon I got run over by a truck and I broke six vertebrae in my spine and the prognosis was pretty bad how old are you at this time now I was probably 24 years
old it was 1986 uh 24 23 years old and and uh the typical surgical procedure for something like that is pretty radical and and I've talked about this on your show but they wanted to put long rods in my spine the length of my spine pretty much because the six vertebrae were right in the middle of my spine T8 T9 T10 t11 T12 and L1 and the top one had broken more than 60% compressed more than 60% and the neural Arch was broken like a pretzel you know so anyway that the you drill you you
know you drill the rods in and the can levers the spine you know the spinal column off the spinal cord it's not much flexibility in that afterwards you know that was my big thing right because I we had four opinions from four leading surgeons and they were all saying surgery surgery surgery in 1986 um you really just didn't tell a doctor you weren't going to have surgery in fact they thought I I had a head injury when I was saying I don't want to have the surgery but I thought listen I'm not going anywhere I'm
not doing anything they're going to tell me they're telling me I'm going to be paralyzed either way you know so why don't I roll the dice right and just take a chance there's a intelligence that's giving me life okay it's a Consciousness it must be aware of me and conscious uh when you're conscious you're aware when you're aware you're paying attention when you're paying attention you're present so if it's a Consciousness it's present with me so I got to get present with it I got to give to plan I give it a design I got
to give it a very specific orders and then I got to surrender because I can't do it it this intelligence knows how to heal way better than I do anyway theoretically it sounds really good but I couldn't get my mind to do what I wanted it to do I just kept going to the worst case scenario I'm going to live in a wheelchair for the rest of my life I should I sell my practice should I sell my home I'm never going to walk again you know and I couldn't control my mind uh and that
was the part that really intrigued me the most because I had I read the book where the mystics were doing all these kind of incredible Miracles and healings and and I saw witness some of the powers of the mind when I was doing hypnosis and I knew I had to get beyond my analytical thinking mind to get into the operating system to make a change and I couldn't control my mind and it was a dark night of the soul for me because I kept going to the worst case scenario instead of the the future that
I wanted and I think when we're pressed in stress or survival you always prepare for the worst there better chances of Sur survival so for me I couldn't control my mind and that that became the obsession and I and and it took me hours hours and hours I have nothing else to do really uh took me hours and hours and hours um to really go through a process and and uh where I felt like I was complete enough and present enough that that I gave it a good a good message because if my mind was
wandering all over the place I knew that the me the the signal I was giving it wasn't clear mhm so anyway what I didn't know is that I was learning how to pay attention and be present and I was also firing and wiring a whole new set of circuits in my brain that was creating a new level of mind and then it got easier and it got easier and then it took me three and a half hours to do I was doing in 45 minutes and then the outcomes started to produce changes in my body
sensory motor changes pain levels in my back everything was changing I knew right in that moment that whatever I was doing inside of me was producing an effect outside of me in other words I was causing an effect you weren't taking him pills or medication no no no I was there was no there was no there was not an option they they wanted to put me in a body cast the they they came and fitted me for this full cast you know and they told me how to wear it for a year oh um anyway
long story short um it worked and I was back on my feet in 12 weeks uh 10 weeks I was back in my life in 12 weeks doing everything I was to him before and during that time I just said look if I said to this in intelligence if I'm ever able to walk again I'll spend the rest of my life I promise studying the Mind Body Connection and mind over matter and kind of for the most part I've been doing that ever since so anyway 23 24 this time 24 yeah and you essentially had
a had a PCT with Consciousness God the universe and said if I'm Healed I will commit my life to this if this works yeah if what I because you know I I was educated I knew a lot about the spine you know and they I'm talking to orthopedic surgeons that are telling me you're never going to walk again and and I'm talking to orthopedic surgeons that are telling me you you don't have much flexibility in your spine and I'm thinking you may not have any flexibility in your spine but I have a whole lot more
flexibility than you do right and so I had to weigh what I knew against what I didn't know and that I think that's really that moment is that's a Dark Night of the Soul right because you you can't you can't ask anybody their opinion because they're not you and nobody gets you but you because you're the one that has to make the choice right so I had a lot of sleepless nights a lot of lonely nights you know and um when I started noticing those changes then my belief in what I was doing was just
Amplified by tenfold in other words I wasn't dreading doing it any longer I was looking forward to doing it because I knew something was changing you know all I needed was one one thing just notice soon as I noticed that one thing changed I'm like okay whatever I whatever I'm doing is starting to work now I had more ambition more passion more presence more clarity more intention um more creativity and I can I was able to control my mind a lot better so when I got back on my feet I was like a different person
I mean the the homes and the cars and the you know the money and all that stuff it just wasn't as important to me any longer because I was like on my feet again like I just wanted to sit at the table with my buddies and have dinner I just wanted to take a shower you know I wanted to use a toil I just wanted to do I wanted to watch the sunset I mean I wasn't taking anything for granted like if I duffed a shot on a golf course I'd be like who the hell
cares I was just different and I couldn't go back to my same life any longer because I was not the same guy i' had been initiated in a lot of ways and and I was taking information that was kind of theoretical and philosophical um and and really just speculating and is it possible right and I just I just when I produced those effects I thought uh oh my God I I can't go back to my life any longer I'm a different person so I moved to the Pacific Northwest and I wondered for the longest time
what happened to me like what what exactly how did it if it happened how did that happen you know so there were no traditional textbooks we're talking about any of this and I used to go to University of Washington library and sit there for hours trying to find information that would at least tell me like how it's possible that I could get vertebral height back after a compression fracture like what how is that possible what is what is if bones are made of proteins were genes signaled if I changed my mind how did I change
my mind if my mind did affect my body how did my mind affect my body and if I you know I have to pay attention in order to do that you know what is the process of paying attention so IID sold everything and I just I bought a ranch raised my kids out in the country drank water out of the ground had our Gardens you know it was just kind of a cool time and I had a lot of time on my hands to think you know a lot of time so I was investigating all
these ideas and I couldn't find it in the traditional models I found it more in neuroplasticity and neuro endocrinology and psychon neuroimmunology the Mind Body Connection epigenetics what's that you know electromagnetism Quantum like you I remember reading something that said you cannot explain a cut the physiology of a cut without a Quantum understanding of reality I thought well that's really interesting because the mechanistic model says it's charges and then you know molecules it's not like that at all something else and so I embarked on this journey and then I thought God there are other people
that ever had similar experiences that I had that could that heal their body in some way and that's when I started studying spontaneous remissions and so I traveled to over 17 different countries and interviewed people that were treating conventionally or unconventionally they were staying the same or getting worse and all of a sudden they got better and I wanted to know what the cause was that produced that effect fact now of the spontaneous remission of the spontaneous remission or that be called a a healing Quantum healing whatever you want to call it like they got
better uhhuh they got better but prognosis was not good they had terminal health condition a chronic health condition and then it went away and we didn't know why no one knows no no one knew why the doctors why nobody knew why but I was curious right so so you went to all these countries and interviewed these people a lot of people over hundreds and hundreds of people and it was a lot just to just to get just to create a way a methodology to be able to gather these stories MH anyway I was a Puritan
at the time I made my own a scene bread I was vegan I mean I was I mean I was you had a garden you were planting your own food you were doing everything I was my whole life um I was always health-minded I did yoga I did martial arts I I you know I thought you could heal anything with yoga you know I thought his diet was super important vitamins whatever and I was looking for the commonalities and that wasn't a commonality and I was a Puritan at the time and I was just like
those weren't a common they were not they were not they were not maybe some people had but it wasn't common it wasn't all no but there were other common things that were more prominent than that really and it was really interesting CU one of them was that the majority of the people believed that there was some intelligence within them that was beyond their senses that they could not experience with their senses they couldn't see it or smell it or hear it or taste it or feel it but there was a power that was within them
whatever you want to call that uh that was giving them life and um they thought that they could interact with it and connect with it so I was curious because I believed that as well and that was a commonality the second thing that was really fascinating was that they changed um they said okay if I have six months to live um if I only have a certain amount of if I if I actually healed tomorrow how would I live if I if I had another chance how would I live I'm going to start living that
way or um f six months to live do I really want to be an attorney no I want to be an artist and they just changed and I think you know it's really interesting because I think when you when they understood that if they on some level at the end when you changed when they changed they healed right so and then I started studying the idea of the personality right your personality how you think how you act and how you feel keep thinking the same way keep acting the same way keep feeling the same way
your personality is the same your body and your life is the same and nothing changes in our lives until we change right and so these people started when they reached that lower lowest denominator where the chemo wasn't working and the radiation wasn't working the drug trial wasn't working the surgeries didn't work and the diet didn't work and you know the yoga didn't work and the iwaska or whatever it was Cy and LSD didn't work you still with their health condition it was a moment where they were like they were they nothing was making that feeling
of emptiness go away nothing that that disturbance that discomfort nothing was making it go away and I think when you're at that point um you can see yourself clearly Through The Eyes of someone else because you don't feel like you any longer right so you can pay attention to how you're thinking you can notice you know how you you've been acting for the last 20 years choices you've been making and you can look at the feelings that you've been feeling your entire life and I think that is the moment we become conscious of our unconscious
self which is for the most part programmed to be 95% of who we are in terms of our attitudes our beliefs our perceptions our unconscious habits and behaviors and are kind of redundant in automatic emotional responses right so 95% is subconscious right so the first step is becoming conscious of the unconscious self and that's not comfortable because you got a light a match in a dark place and you got to come up against yourself right and so they on some level they broke the habit of being themselves and they realized that the emotions that they
were living by really weren't loving to them the anger the resentment they were just like I I I can't hold on to this any longer and I think the stronger the emotion we feel towards some past event or some circumstance in our life the more we pay attention to it right and where you place your attention is where you place your energy and and and you're managing your attention and energy to some person or some circumstance or some past event you're giving your power away right so build your field build your take your power back
take your attention off that person overcome the emotion you free your body from the past because the emotion really is just a record of the past so I I saw that the majority of the emotions that these people were living by that they changed were the emotions that were derived from the hormones of stress and when you're living stress you're living in survival and anger and aggression and hatred and and jealousy and envy and insecurity and fear and anxiety and worry and vigilance and hopelessness and powerlessness and guilt and shame and unworthiness there and uh
entitlement importance control they competition they're all derived really and driven by these harmones of stress and so turns out that the it's really hard to stop feeling feeling those emotions because they're like an addiction the arousal that's created from living in that emergency State consumes an enormous amount of the body's energy for some threat or some danger in the outer environment and there's no energy in the inner environment for growth and repair and the long-term effects of living in survival and remember stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of homeostasis let knocked
out of balance so the long-term effects of living in that chronic state of stress the body's constant ly in imbalance and that imbalance becomes a new balance now the person's head for disease because no organism can live in survival or emergency for an extended period of time it consume all of ener there's no vital force for growth and repair for long-term building projects so I started really studying really what stress does and you know you could have the perfect diet and take all the vitamins and all the peptides and time it all and you can
do you know high intensity training and fasting and yoga massage Chiropractic and acupuncture but if you're living in constant fear emotionally and you're thinking about your problems and your thought about your problems is turning on the same stress response as if you're being chased by a lion or your reaction to a coworker is producing the same chemical change if there were some threat in your environment what was once very adaptive becomes very maladaptive because turning on that stress response and never giving the body a chance to turn it off to bring it back into balance
is disease so I discovered that like people get addicted to the rush of these chemicals and they use the problems and conditions in their life to reaffirm their addiction to that emotion and on some level they become addicted to the life they don't even like and that's why it's really hard to change because when you break an addiction you go through cravings and the addiction is when the body has been conditioned to be the mind and it's looking for it's familiar chemistry for an arousal that takes away the the whatever it is the person's feeling
in terms of emptiness or whatever so I got fascinated because if you can turn the on the stress response just by thought alone and the long-term effects downregulate genes and create disease and our thoughts can make us sick and I was like oh my God these people realized innately that when they forgave what is forgiveness when I discovered it was just overcoming the emotion you just finish the emotion and and now um you you you have wisdom because the memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom and when you overcome the emotion you don't longer
have your attention on that person or problem and it's all okay right so free the body from the chains of the past and it can become renewed again and so it was very interesting to see that many many of these people without knowing it or not stopped signaling the same genes in the same way when they overcame that emotional state they were like I I hate my job I hate my relationship I I'm going to just make choices if I only have six months to live I'm going to live happy like I don't want to
live unhappy I'm going to choose to live choosing right and if you're choosing you're changing and if you're not choosing you're not changing if you're not changing you're not choosing right so they made a choice in the hardest part about change is not making the same Choice as you did the day before and get ready the moment you do you can intellectualize but it's going to be uncomfortable it's going to be unpredictable it's going to be unfamiliar there's going to be some uncertainty you're getting you're stepping into the unknown and if the addiction of those
emotions where the body has been conditioned be the mind the body starts telling the mind to return back to the known start tomorrow you're a failure it's your mother's fault you were abused um there I need a brain scan there's something's wrong with me this isn't right you know all of the voices come up because the body's wanting you to think the same way so you can make the same choice so you can do the same thing so you can create the same experience so you can feel the same emotion return back to that familiar
Place why does the body want you to stay in a familiar place of fear and stress when it's not the most optimal place to be in this physical world I think I think it because the emotions cause us to see the future through the lens of the past because the emotion is a record of the past so you're always planning for the worst thing to happen when you're in that state so so the body has been conditioned to be the mind the servant is the master and the programs like you know how do you open
a door knob well you may not consciously remember but you'd go oh you do it this way well your body knows how to do it better than your conscious mind that's 95% of who we are is this automatic behaviors emotional responses so so so epigenetics says the environment signals the gene but the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion so the body is so objective that when it's living in an emotional state it's believing is living the same past experience 24 hours a day so not knowing it consciously the person when
they surrendered the emotion and they overcame the emotion they no longer signal the same genes in the same way if they're no longer behaving the same way there's Behavior dependent genes that are no longer sign a signal there are experience dependent genes if you stop having the same experiences you'll stop signaling those same genes and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of your body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life so without knowing it they changed they became so conscious of their unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions
that they wouldn't go unconscious to them in their waking day they knew that that that old self had to be retired and how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering really that's the moment of change right so they went through that dark night of change and making a different choice and stepping into the unknown and of course the body wants to be in the familiar because we've been conditioned that the unknown is a dangerous place I mean you run from the unknown when you're living in survival so so
taking a chance in the unknown if you're living in stress and living in survival goes against what's programmed in our biology in terms of survival cling to the known and wait for the threat or danger to go over but for for the most part if the body is addicted to the emotion it's going to be constantly obsessing about the worst case scenario in our life so breaking the addiction the body goes through cravings and they went through those periods where they had a neurological a biological a chemical a hormonal and genetic death of the old
self there were no longer thinking the same thoughts that made the same chemicals that created the same feelings that signal the same genes they no longer firing and wiring the same circuits and so there was dissonance going on in the brain as the brain was breaking apart its circuitry and loosening up its connections that dissonance is is is the body moving out of the GN it's a it's a it's unpredictable order right it's novelty so the body genetically and hormonally and chemically and neurologically is is going through this kind of chaotic process but one one
of the other things they did really well which was the third thing is they said I got to reinvent myself like I got I can't be that same person if I were to live my life how would I think how would I act if I had a new life with my ex with my co-workers with my kids with my spouse how would I behave differently if I'm not going to behave this way because this way is making me feel really bad and really unhappy and no one's going to make me happy but me okay so
how am I going to be and behave in my life and then really the the greatest part of it all was that they started thinking about how do I want to feel like I don't want to feel resentment and impatience and frustration any longer I want to feel gratitude I want to feel Joy I want to feel inspired I want to be in love these are the feelings I want to create can I teach my body emotionally what that future life looks like before it happens and this was where it got really exciting for me
because they weren't visualizing their disease going away they weren't doing their inward work to heal they were doing their inward work to change and when they changed they healed right interesting if a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until it's hardwired and your brain's automatic right so their belief is that they can't can't heal could I install a new belief and can I keep remembering that belief and keep firing and wiring and if I keep firing and wiring it I'm going to stall the hardware if I keep doing it
over and over again after I'm firing and wiring new circuits and I have the hardware well the circuits fire easier the more I do it and become more like a software program could that be the new belief the new voice in my head that says I can heal do I want to believe this or I want to believe this right so with intention and with attention they kept reminding themselves what they did want to believe in other words they kept remembering to think that way and if you keep doing it over and over again of
course that's a belief so what do you but before you go on there what is what do you think is the belief that holds most people back in the world uh their belief in themselves I mean their lack of belief or lack of belief in themselves I mean for you to truly believe in possibility a new possibility you better believe in yourself and if you're going to believe in yourself if you believe in yourself you got to believe in a new possibility you can't do one without the other so again going from the old self
to the new self and changing that belief you come up against that belief that says you can it's too hard you'll never change nobody else has done this whatever it is right I've heard you say many times at your Retreats but also on here before that your personal or your personality is your personal reality right I think that's what you've said and so when you're if I'm getting that right your personality is your personal reality and if your belief in self is limiting or limited and a lower frequency or doubting constantly then that's going to
become your personal reality it sounds like yeah you'll have a lot of reasons to doubt in your life that's just it's a self-reflective universe right but but but when they truly were this is this is where I we still see this currently today it's it's not just doing it with your eyes closed it's doing it with your eyes open right so then when they started saying um how am I going to be in my new life and they and they started rehearsing in their mind planning their behaviors right still got to live it yeah so
but but them closing their eyes and saying what would greatness look like today what would love do today how can I respond or act differently around this situation so that it doesn't that it's that it's loving to me what would you know what would be the greatest expression of myself and they started to think about how they would behave the act of rehearsing the Behavior started to install circuits as well they're priming their brain they're putting the circuits in place to use and you keep doing it it gets easier to behave that way and then
keep feeling the emotion right of their future and stop feeling the other emotion you're making different chemistry and if you're truly feeling the emotion and having the intention to behave that way and having the intention to think that way the stronger the emotion you feel the more you remember to behave that way the more you remember to think that way and if you can memorize that emotion the body is so objective that it believes it's living in a new environment it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating the emotion the EM
the emotion person's creating by thought alone and in some level they started to transition to this new person and the side effect of their change they were sleeping better through the night they started having less anxiety they started noticing that their pain levels went away they started to notice that they could eat more different foods you know so they started to see the experiment working like oh my God and I talked to some people I remember I remember talking to some people they were like yeah my diagnosis was 20 years ago yeah my diagnosis was
6 years ago they told me I had a year to live you know wow and like I'm so happy and yeah it just went away and you know so I was mystified uh by that and that kind of started the journey and the last thing they had in common which I found so fascinating was something that I experienced as well when they closed their eyes and decided who they no longer wanted to be and they decided who they did want to be and they were crossing that River of change when they were doing that inward
work they lost track of space and time they just when they opened their eyes they thought it would be 15 minutes later it was an hour and 15 minutes later and they were like I don't know what happened and so then I started looking into research on what part of the brain really can make thought more real than anything else and it's the frontal lob and I've read everything every researcher in every single research paper every book on the frontal lob anybody that was a really great scientist and front the lob is like a volume
control it's the creative center it's it's when you have an idea of speculation invention when you're looking at possibility it's it switches on and it's the CEO it's a symphony leader and it's going to look out over the landscape of the entire brain and call up different circuits of knowledge and experience that you have and seamlessly piece them together and when it does it in the nerve cells start firing in tandem your brain creates a holographic image a picture and you're selecting a new possibility you're like I can do that like I that's possible that's
the you're selecting a new possibility right that's the creative center it's it's an unknown and for the passionate person that thought in their mind literally becomes the experience and the end product of the experience is the emotion so the person who's seeing that future and all of a sudden feels the the empowerment the success the abundance the GR ude from the healing it's that thought and that feeling it's that image and that emotion it's that stimulus and that's response that's conditioning the body to emotionally be in the future now think about this if you're feeling
the feelings of your future as if it's already happened if your body is feeling the emotion of your future like it's already happened you won't be looking for it you only look for it when you feel like it hasn't happened when it's already happened you're no longer looking for it which means you're no longer separate and that's wow when people started having really powerful changes so I started studying the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe is like a volume control when it switches on and you assign meaning to an act if I said Louis if
you did this like whatever it is if you did this and I can tell you all the reasons all the benefits and I can give you the what and the why and you go I got it I got it I got it and I showed you how the moment you got the how if you understood the what and the why you would assign meaning to the task and frontal lobe switches on and it wants the intentional outcome it doesn't want a half an outcome it wants the outcome and it's going to keep doing it until
it shortens the distance between the thought and the experience right so somehow this frontal lobe would switch on and lower the volume the circuits in the brain that cause you to process your body to feel your body to be aware of anything in your environment and what your environment made of objects and people and bodies and things and places and not be thinking about the future of the past you're so so locked in the present moment that space and time somehow change and their inner World becomes more real than their outer world and it was
fascinating because when they came back on some level they felt differently so anyway so I wrote a book about it um called evolve your brain the signs of changing your mind in very heady very academic and I think when you write your first book you write to your biggest critics right and um and then there were some um documentaries that came out and people were starting to ask really important questions like the theory and the philosophy was really good but people started saying to me okay um if your thoughts have something to do with your
future or your life um how do you do it like how do you do it and then the second question was if my personality creates my personal reality and I got to change my uh personality to change my personal reality why is it so hard to change I mean I mean if uh most people try to create new personal reality as the same personality it doesn't work so how do I change so my life changes and I thought what a great question and I saw that it wasn't as easy to change as we as we
think right you could say on Monday morning you're going to stop cursing and stop complaining Lu and then by 3:00 in the afternoon you're unconscious and defaulted back to the old self right and that's that how many times do I have to forget and go unconscious till I stop forgetting and start remembering I mean if you want to be happy really happy in your life you got to stop complaining cuz complaining doesn't make you feel happy if you want to be happy you can't judge another person cuz the judgment is not going to make you
feel happy so you got to that that anything that's not loving you must die you know I mean or or part of us must die that's not love right right I must transform in some way in some way but there is some death a Letting Go a death a surrender and an addiction you know you break the addiction right so gosh anyway so these documentaries came out we were doing excuse me we're doing seminars around the world and I was listening I was on panels and I was listening these questions and this was you know
early 2000s and I realized that um there weren't a lot of people teaching how to do it right so I thought okay I'm going to start running these people were talking about it theoretically right it was all you know all that's how it was at that time and I thought well I'm just going to start teaching these events I'll take everything that I've learned from the spontaneous remissions everything that I've search on neuroplasticity I went back to school studied Neuroscience I went did brain Imaging classes I got really into it um and and I thought
God I'll teach these I'll teach these classes you know on a Friday night an all day Saturday workshop I'll teach about brain waves I'll teach about Placebo I'll teach about you know emotions and survival and stress and you know giveing people information then I'll give them something to do and I think people came for the first couple years and and they felt better at the end of a when they Workshop but I didn't see any really big changes I was like okay well I maybe I'm done you know maybe it doesn't work and but everybody
kept saying can you teach another one so then I would do another one and then another one and then I kept level two level three level four level you know I CH kept going and then and then I got to a point where I didn't know anything else and and then I had a mystical experience uh one morning right before the first day of this event that changed me completely changed me what year is this uh roughly 2011 or 2010 and I was like oh my God there's way more to reality than I thought like
there's way more and so um somewhere in the mix around this time I started seeing people stepping out of wheelchairs with Ms not one not twice I saw people with Parkinson's disease with a lot of facial paralysis and Tremors in a weekend Workshop like say I I I don't have any Tremors um I'm out of my wheelchair and they're dancing around and and I I was I was I think I was more surprised than anybody like I was really super surprised what was taking place I was was witnessing something happening right before my eyes and
I kept saying something's got to be there must be an inner event that's going on there that inside that person that is so real so transend Dental that it's changing their biology and they're upregulating genes for health and they're down regulating genes for for disease and something's going on in their brain something's going on in their body and so that's when I changed everything that's when I said okay we're going to stop doing these weekend events and we're going to do a 4-day event in one evening in four full days and we're going to do
scientific measurements we're going to measure brains before the event and brains after the event and I wanted to see that the changes weren't just in their mind I wanted to know that they were in their brain so we hired I brought a team of neuroscientists together we did a lot of quantitative EGS and then I did something really interesting and we started measuring brains in real time so I could see their brains while the meditation was going on and um and then we if if it requires a clear intention that's a function of a coherent
brain and an elevator emotion which is a function of the heart okay let's see if we can change the brain and heart in really specific ways so in the beginning we partnered with Heart maath Institute and we did a lot of analysis on HRV and we wanted people to be able to sustain heart coherence not just for five minutes but for 45 minutes I wanted it to become a skill I want what is heart coherence for people that don't know okay so I'll tell you what heart incoherence is first and then I'll tell you what
heart coherence is so if you're living in stress and you're living in survival and there's a physiological change in your body when you perceive a threat or a danger in your outer world or you have the perception that something's going to get worse and that automatic or autonomic system switches on and there's an arousal that takes place and there's a rush of adrenaline your heart rate starts to increase and your respiratory rate starts to increase and blood is sent to the extremities away from the internal organs and glucose is being mobilized and you're getting a
lot of energy to run fight or hide but let's just say that you're in on a zoom call and you're reacting to a coworker in the same way you would fight off a predator and your heart is beating but you're not exerting yourself so the heart starts beating against the closed system it's like pumping against restricted system your body's not moving right and and so there you're not you're not you're not using that energy not transforming the en you're sitting there you're stepping on the gas and the break at the same time and the heart's
beating against the closed system and it starts beating very out of order very erratically and it starts it starts losing its variability in terms of its beat and and when that when the heart gets incoherent if you study any type of waves when waves are incoherent and they interfere with each other they cancel each other out and when waves cancel each other out energy drops so so energy leaves the heart when you're resentful when you're impatient when you're judgmental when you're frustrated no doubt about it your heart's beating differently than when you're grateful when you're
appreciative when you're kind when you're caring when you're loving when you're inspired the heart is moving out of survival and we discovered that the heart is the creative Center and when the heart when energy moves into the heart and you're breathing and you're converting your body out of that fight ORF flight nervous system that sympathetic system if you can converted into the parasympathetic system that nervous system of relaxation the heart can come out it's no longer is no longer living in survival or stress and energy naturally moves into the heart and the Heart starts beating
in this beautiful Rhythm like beating a drum or dropping a pebble after Pebble after Pebble in the water water and the Heart starts to emit an external field a magnetic field but what we discovered that was even more exciting was that once energy drops into the heart that the heart the creative Center resets the Baseline for the emotional trauma in the past and tells the brain that the past is over and that's the moment it sends a very strong signal to the brain and the Brain moves into a very creative state frontal lobe and the
alpha brain waves are created and now you're starting to see in images and pictures the heart's telling the brain it's safe to create and so the the heart in the brain synchronized became this fascinating thing and we discovered the more you relax into your heart and we teach this the formula is when you relax into your heart the more relax you get into heart the more awake you get in your brain because the heart like taking a big sheet and going like this it sends a wave of energy to the brain and the Brain moves
out of that aroused High beta brain wave state into a more creative state right a more Alpha state in and you see in pictures and images so keep relaxing into your heart we discovered if you can sustain that the brain moves into these complex patterns of order where waves are on waves are on waves are on waves that Delta is carrying Theta and Theta is carrying Alpha and Alpha is carrying beta and beta's carrying High beta and high beta is carrying gamma like and there's like harmonics of waves and every single brain wave in the
brain is harmonically in resonance and and and Gamma is superconsciousness so now you're relaxed in your heart out of survival out of stress and the more relaxed into your heart the more the brain goes into these elegant states of super awareness and super Consciousness so when you're living in stress and you're living in survival stress for the most part is created when you can't control something you can't predict something or you have the perception that something in your life is going to get worse and this alarm system switches on and now what we try to
do is we try to control and predict and manage everything in our life so the arousal causes the brain to go into a super Alert state we become materialists and we narrow our Focus we get overfocused and we shift our attention from one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another place to another meeting and every one of those elements in your life is mapped neurologically as a neurological Network in the brain so shift your attention in an aroused state to one person to another person to another person to another problem
to another thing to another place like a lightning storm in the clouds the brain starts firing its compartments and its modules out of order measure the brain when it's like that and it's really incoherent it's chaos it's chaos and when the brain's incoherent we're incoherent right when the brain's not working right we're not working right when we're in stress then we become obsessive you when you're in stress you're over focusing you're very narrow focus and you're over focusing on whatever that issue or that problem is and it's consuming all of your attention right so we
discovered then if we could teach people to go from that narrow focus and because stress causes us to become materialists if there's a predator behind the rock you freeze and you narrow your focus on the cause and you're looking at the material world you're looking at matter you're looking at the particle because in survival that's where your attention should be on your body on your environment and on time in another whereas if T-Rex is chasing you you better be thinking about your body you better be thinking about where you're going to run in your environment
or what object or thing you can hide behind right and you're going to be thinking about how much time it's going to take me to get from here to there right you need to be in the 3D World you're immersed in the 3D world and the senses are heightened because that's where the threat and the danger so all of our attention and energy goes in the 3D world and now we're victims to however the 3D World plays out right and so we're matter trying to change matter in some level when the brain is firing out
of order like that and the more incoherent it gets the more incoherent or disregulated the autonomic nervous system gets and stress is autonomic disregulation so the autonomic nervous system controls and coordinates all other systems so your heart moves out of balance you can have a rhythmus teoc cardia your digestive system it's not a time to digest when you're living in stress and survival so your digestive juice is shut down um you know your coordination of enzimatic releas changes your sensitivities to things because your response to the environment is weakening the organism blood goes to the
hindbrain away from the forebrain so you're more reactive your immune system dials way down because all the energy is going for the outer world all the energy is going to the extremities and muscles you get tightness and soreness because you're not exerting yourself it's not a time to procreate it's not a time to make a baby all those all those systems that require long-term projects um are are shut down we discovered uh during this process if we could teach people to do the exact opposite to take your attention off of everything's physical off their body
uhhuh off the people in their life all the objects and things they own all the places they need to go the place they live the place they sleep uh the place they work the place they're sitting and if they're not thinking about the predictable future of the familiar past to to literally lose track of space and time and become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time to literally take off all of your attention off of everything physical and material and go from a narrow Focus focusing on everything physical everything known to a broaden
focus and in an expansive focus and focus on nothing and the act of sensing space for some reason causes us to stop thinking and analyzing and if you're not thinking and analyzing you're slowing your brain waves down in the act of sensing and not analyzing not thinking about your brother or your sister or your spouse or your fiance or your children or your co-workers you're not thinking about your cell phone your computer your car you're not thinking about where you need to sit where you need to go you're not thinking about what's going to happen
next or what happened yesterday there's this elegant moment where when you go from a somebody to a nobody when you go from a someone to a no one from something to nothing from somewhere to Nowhere from sometime to Nowhere that's the moment you become pure Consciousness and that's the eye of the needle and that's when you're no longer aware of the three-dimensional world because you have no attention on it that's the moment you become pure Consciousness and that's the eye of the needle so so that's the goal that we want to get to but for
those watching and listening they might be thinking that sounds like the hardest thing to ever do to actually it's not it's let me tell you what it is he before you share that can you share because I have this graphic from your one of of your books can you share about so people can understand what is this material 3D World okay and you just kind of you know where most people live in the 3D World and before you get into that there's a quote from one of your books that you said as well that if
an atom is 99.9999% energy and 0.00001% physical substance that I'm actually more nothing than something more information yeah more information than something right and too yeah so why do I keep my attention on that small percentage of the physical world when I'm so much more is defining my present Reality by what I perceive with my senses the biggest limitation I have and I think this is from the habit of being yourself yeah so um the probability that we're seeing the truth of reality is zero wait what does that mean say that again what does that
mean the probability that you and are perceiving all of reality is zero we are looking at a small frequency of light the spectrum of visible light red orange yellow blue green indigo violet that rainbow of light that's a small Spectrum in a huge electromagnetic field right all those different frequencies we got this small little bandwidth look at look in a physics book or any book or Google it and you'll see the wavelength of light this tiny little L of tin little band in this huge number of frequencies there are in the universe that that small
band of frequency the light that's coming from the Sun the light that's coming from these lights they're that light is bouncing off the most stable form of energy in this room the matter is the most stable form of energy and it's fooling us into the illusion of Separation so now I'm Consciousness your Consciousness how do I know I'm Consciousness because I'm aware right but in the three-dimensional reality right I'm I'm conscious but what I'm conscious also is me of me and everything else that exists in threedimensional reality I'm conscious that I'm separate of I'm separate
from the cameras I'm separate from you I'm separ from this table everything that I'm perceiving with my senses in three-dimensional reality is fooling me into the illusion of Separation so in three-dimensional reality our senses plug us into that reality take away your sight take away your hearing take away your smell take away your taste take away your feeling with your body you would have no experience of threedimensional reality but yet it could still exist but you're unaware of it so then here I am local in space and time and everything is height and depth and
width and I'm into this illusion of separation and in this realm of three dimensional reality there's an infinite amount of space space is eternal in fact it's accelerating right so the way we experience everything in three-dimensional reality is we do things so if I want to go from here uh to my car to get something I have the thought I'm Joe dispenza I'm local in space and time I'm separate from everyone and everything I'm aware and I my awareness goes to my car so now I have another point of awareness another point of Consciousness I
have a thought and I want to have an experience and the only way I'm going to have the experience in three-dimensional reality as far as I know to get to my cars I'm going to have to get up and move my body through space from one point of Consciousness to another point of Consciousness from the cause to the effect from the thought to the experience and as I move through space that's called time so time is the separation between two points of Consciousness so everything that we create in this three-dimensional reality takes time and it
takes energy so then there's you you have a dream you're aware that you're here I'm local in space and time in this moment and I want to have this dream of going on a vacation or having making millions of dollars or getting a perfect partner whatever that is and your brain naturally puts that vision of your future and it estimates two years down the road or three years down the road why because you got to save money you got to sacrifice you got to work extra hours you got to cheat a little bit you got
to lie a little bit you got to compete a little bit if your matter trying to change matter and and and you want this experience in three-dimensional reality it's going to take a lot of time and energy because your brain is going to say I know you it's going to take a lot of doing back and forth until you finally have the experience and when you have the experience the emotion that's created from The Experience takes away the lack or separation from not having it so in threedimensional reality we create from lack or separation you
see someone with a sports car you see someone with a wardrobe and you look at it and your brain automatically goes I want that because I don't have it so we create in three-dimensional reality based on lack and so the brain has the image I want one of those it puts it in the future then we have to work really hard and if for matter trying to change matter we force outc coms we control outcomes uh we try to predict outcomes we compete for outcomes because there's only a certain number of resources that we can
do in three dimensional reality to get what we wanted you can get really good at it after a while you can get trained you can get educated you can learn from your mistakes and sooner or later you'll be able to accumulate a lot of things that take away a lot of lack for a lot of people but the question is then doesn't make them happy right right right so anyway so so that's the 3D so that's a 3D World right so then so then you you you see the Wardrobe and you see the sports car
your brain creates the image you come back to three-dimensional reality and it's not there and you think we can't create reality because it didn't appear right and so so then our belief that we are creators in our life has to be changed right and the only way you can change that belief is through experience because experience is the best Professor so you said why it's probably really hard to do that because we call that getting Beyond yourself well think about it if you're living by the addiction of the hormones of stress and all of your
attention is on your body your environment and time and to change is to be greater than your body to be greater than your environment and to be greater than time then when you're addicted to the harmones of stress or you're living in stress it's really hard to change that's hard there really not a time to change so we discovered and we've looked at enough brain scans that when you say I can't do this it's too hard instead of you getting up and quitting and saying I can't meditate or this is not for me that if
you actually sit and you go past that thought you're stepping into the unknown if you catch yourself wandering to your cell phone or to your social media page or what your pet is doing or your spouse is doing catch yourself and you catch yourself doing that going unconscious and return back to the present moment you'll get really good at catching yourself from going unconscious and you'll start getting really conscious and that you're bringing your attention back into the present moment and that laboring for the present moment is the unknown so you teach a person how
to do that and and and and sooner or later they get good at it so when we were doing the events and we doing these four-day events we started measuring gene expression we saw that people can change their Gene expressions in four days all good genes you know for antioxidants for stem cells for immune regulation um for neurogenesis we saw that they can lengthen their telm ears you know they change their biological age if they practice the work for 60 days we saw that the majority of people at the end of seven days their brain
was working better we saw enormous amount of change in anxiety and depression how could you be anxious if you're not trying to predict the future anymore and you you've mastered the moment right and so people were thinking that they were doing their meditations wrong when their mind wandered but they're actually doing it right because that's the process of being able to stay conscious and not go unconscious come back to right we also discovered if I push a person past the point where they normally stop you know where they say I'm done that's the you know
that's their comfort yeah if I take them past that point that's when the brain changes the most that's when they have their biggest change when they break through discomfort when they when they when they when they get to the point where they're uncomfortable and instead of giving up and saying this is too uncomfortable I can't meditate if I give them something to do while they're doing that and they can reorganize that dissonance and create coherence in their brain and heart that free energy that's been created by by keep lowering the volume to the emotion and
taking the attention off the person the body wants to get up and do something and go and you watch it wanting to be programmed and get up and you bring it back to the present moment you're training the animal you're training the animal self right that's overcoming the body and it takes an enormous amount of energy an enormous amount of awareness to do it and yet like training any animal sooner or later when the body realizes it's no longer the mind it surrenders yes when that occurs there's a huge liberation of energy and energy naturally
moves right into the heart the body can relax into the unknown The Familiar past when people are living by the same emotions every day because they're recalling a memory from their past and they feel the emotion associated with it they're in the familiar past if they're predicting the future and thinking about all the people they have to see and the places they have to go and the things they have to do at the exact same time that predictable future is the known The Familiar past is the known the only place where the unknown exists is
the present moment so if the unknown is a scary place because it's been built into our biology and you're you got to go against thousands of years of conditioning and work with your body I'm telling you there's a moment where the body finally surrenders energy moves to the heart once it goes to the Heart Like a springboard it's released right to the brain the heart and the Brain the heart tells the brain to create the forebrain switches on and now the person starts thinking is there's got to be another way there's a new way right
and it resets the Baseline emotionally in the body to tell the body the event is over so we started doing these 4-day events and we were getting all these great changes and and then we started seeing something really crazy happen in the middle of a meditation when they were broadening their awareness and taking their attention off the particle off matter of everything known and physical and material in the world off the 0000 1% of of reality and broadening their focus and putting it on nothing that vacuum energy that void uh that uh Oneness field that
un ified field that is undivided wholeness and order if where you place your attention is where you place your energy and you keep reminding the person that that nothing is filled with energy and frequency and frequency carries information we discovered something really profound when a person is putting more attention on that and less attention on them when they're more aware of that and less aware of them when they're feeling it when they're experiencing it when they're relaxing into it when they're Bec com nothing all of a sudden those different compartments of the brain that were
once subdivided that were compartmentalized and modulated and incoherent started to synchronize started to unify we started to see more communities of neurons and bigger real estate and the Brain start firing in tandem right and the Brain started firing collectively the entire brain in a global sense to a rhythm and that's wholeness right and what's possible when we step into wholeness well well here's what happens we discovered then that you have to convert your brain waves you got to go from that high beta State uhhuh and sensing space and opening your awareness by not thinking the
purpose of meditation is to get beyond the analytical mind okay so we said okay you got to go from beta to Alpha but that's not enough Alpha is getting beyond the analytical mind and now you're in the operating system where you can rewrite a program but can you get a person relax in their heart and awaken their brain so their brain goes into Theta now in Theta the the neocortex which plugs you into three-dimensional reality through your senses the autobiographical self the reflection of everything known in your environment the repository of everything you've learned and
experienced in your life that that brain goes into Theta lights are out in the personality and you're not aware of your body your environment and time and in Theta MH the brain waves are so slow that energy moves out of the thinking brain it drops right into the lyic brain the seed of the autonomic nervous system now when you're in Theta you're in a hypnotic State and when you're in a hypnotic State you're suggestible to information and sugges ability is your ability to accept the information believe in the information surrender to the information without analyzing
whether it's the truth or not and that's exactly what programs the autonomic nervous system to make a pharmacy of chemicals equal to the information the person is receiving wow so a hypnotist puts somebody in state they're in Theta and they can say act like a chicken or whatever it is and the person takes that suggestion all the way in and it changes their behavior right but the person's in a meditation they're in they're in a suggestible state but their eyes are closed there's music filling the space they're not eating they're not tasting they're not smelling
they not moving around feeling with their body but the door is open between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind there's only one other place one other place where you can get information from an that's frequency we discovered when the brain is in a state of coherence in a state of order and the person is dialing down the thinking brain all of a sudden there becomes an entrainment between that invisible field of energy that exists beyond our senses and the person's autonomic nervous system which is like a tuning fork and right on the top of
the lyic brain right sitting right on top is this little antenna called the pineal gland and it has these little crystals in it that are very sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies dial down thinking brain open the door between the conscious mind the subconscious mind energy falls back in the lyic brain teach a person how to stay relaxed half asleep let their body be asleep while they're awake tune in energy and frequency get their brain and trained get their heart and trained to coherence sooner or later there's a read there's a match and the moment there's a
match and the energy is hitting that pineal gland the entire lyic brain goes into these unbelievably high high high States of autonomic regulation now remember stress is autonomic disregulation yeah but now we're talking about energy in forming matter and the autonomic nervous system is moving into such high states of coherence and such a fast frequency that every single cell in the person's body is being informed with new information and at the effect of that is a biological upgrade like there's the eczema now it's gone there's a Parkinson's now it's gone there's a stage four cancer
that was in the bones that was in the organs now it's gone there's the blindness now the person's seeing there's the muscular distrophy which is insane and now the person's out of their wheelchair there's a myasthenia gravis now it's gone there's a spinal cord injury there's a stroke the person's all of a sudden took a bite of wholeness because that unifying field of energy according to bom is undivided wholeness it's a frequency that exists faster than the speed of light and equals MC squ so anything that material or physical that's vibrating or traveling at the
speed of light it's going to turn into Pure Energy disappear and when it disappears you move into that realm where everything's connected everything is more orderly everything is more whole so their interaction with wholeness is being reflected in their biology so we started seeing these elegant States and then we started doing 7-Day events because I was like this is happening in four days why don't we go to seven days now we just did our 50th I saw that that's 50th week we long it's incredible I know I spent the year of my life week long
events so we had 50 week long events and now a scientist and friend of mine who's a medical doctor and the researcher PhD super intelligent very well-trained empirical scientist comes to one of our week-long events in Cancun and he sees someone on the stage that was diagnosed with stage four cancer that metastasized to all all of her organs in her body and now all of a sudden she's on the stage she was at an event two months earlier in mayorca and now she came to Cancun she's on the stage and she said the doctors told
me to go home and die I tried everything I tried all the drug trials chemos diets there and um I had a moment and when people make that connection the arousal that's taking place in the nervous system is not like the arousal from stress it's not fear it's not pain it's not anger or aggression the arousal is ecstasy like the person has a moment where they do not have the words to describe this unfamiliar familiar feeling it is the most familiar unfamiliar feeling you you forget you forgot that you were holess like you remember oh
I came from here like it's this kind of moment and the connection is not the love you feel when you see your puppy it's it's not the love it's a good kind of love you know that's a love it's a kind of chemal thing this is electric this is like where you feel an arousal where you're connecting to some energy or frequency and the arousal is bliss the arousal is pure love it's ecstasy and this is the moment where um the person's having an inner experience that is carrying an amplitude of energy that's greater than
the Betrayal the shock the diagnosis the abuse the rape whatever it was it brings the body literally out of the past right into the present moment and the arousal comes with a release of brain chemistry that causes the person to have a very profound transcendental inner experience where it's more real than anything they've ever experienced in their life and experience enriches the brain so now their brain is getting rewired to some mystical moment and then a signal that's being traveled to the body that's lifting the body with energy and light and the body all disease
is a lowering of frequency and incoherent frequency the body's getting a dose of order it's getting a dose of high regulation it's getting a dose of wholeness and the wholeness then is reflected so this guy who's a friend of mine sees all of this and he's a researcher fellow at UC UC San Diego and I went to breakfast and he was like right in my face and he runs 17 clinics in Southern California and he's a brilliant dude and he drug trial clinics drug drug clinics right he runs he's a physician he runs pain clinics
yes got you and for PTSD and so and all other kinds of pain and he was like I don't know like we got to start doing research as I've been doing research monkey he said no no no we got to do research research research so that's when we partner with UC San Diego and that's when we started doing these 7-Day events and we've got probably the largest database in the world on meditation so so when we take the blood of those people who have that connection there's information in their blood that was not present before
the week-long event there's chemistry in their blood that's being transformed from information on frequency it's being transduced into chemistry that somehow reflects greater health and greater order so when we started doing the research with UCSD we saw the the scientists were by the way extremely dubious they were very skeptical they wouldn't even give me the handshake you know they just thought I was kind of a you know crazy dude but I said to them okay 90% of the people think they're same thoughts every day same thoughts same memories same thoughts same thoughts same choices same
choices same behaviors same behaviors same experiences same experiences same feelings and emotions same emotions influence very same thoughts biology has to stay the same same outcomes same outcomes I give people new information really really have it be information that's based in science it's the Contemporary language of mysticism have them learn that information make it simple but it's easier to forget it than it is to remember it so you got to teach it back to a person next to you you got to wire it in your brain you got to understand what you're doing and why
you're doing it right install the hardware nothing left to conjecture nothing left to Superstition nothing left to Dogma learn the information you got new thoughts to to set up the conditions and the environment for people to apply it to use it to personalize it make a different Choice do something differently create some new experiences feel new emotions will their biology change and they were like theoretically yes well they had no idea after our first event we did with him right before covid there were such dramatic changes in novice meditators that really never meditated before they
were just kind of like my my husband told me to come my wife told me to come my cooworker my sister told me to come and then experienced meditators as well and when we took the plasma from those Advanced meditators and we started experimenting with it like they closed the lab because Co happened and we put the spike protein the the co virus the pseudo virus in the presence of the plasma of an advanced meditator and did what's called an adoptive transfer put an ace receptor cell with lung cell with an ace receptor that's where
Co usually enters we saw that an electron microscope both exterior and interior that somehow the plasma of people who had those transcendental moments that were experienced meditators the virus couldn't enter the cell it defending it the the cell was greater than the environment in other words there was some mechanism that was causing those furry little Spike protein proteins and viruses to stick to the outside of the cell they couldn't get in so then we did a bunch of experiments and we isolated a protein in the plasma of advanced meditators that's information that was not there
before the week long but was there at the end of the week without taking any exogenous substance they're not ingesting anything changing their diet taking a drug all of a sudden their blood has this information that's causing their body to be greater than their environment there's an immunity that's taking place and we found this little protein and proteins come from genes and somehow novice meditators were up regulating thousands and thousands of metabolites in their blood at the end of seven days to suggest that their body literally was living in a new environment and they were
in a ballroom the ballroom looks like a big sound booth there's nothing really stimulating in a ball yeah and without eating anything or taking any drugs or any Pharmaceuticals or any vitamins or changing their diet or any therapies their body was making a host of different chemicals and upregulating thousands of metabolites and genes to suggest that their body was literally Liv living in a whole new life when we take the plasma then of those people that have this kind of interaction with energy and frequency and we put it in the presence of cancer cells like
a uterine cancer cell the the the the mitochondrial function in the cancer cell and the you know cancer cells love to move and multiply and the mitochondria are the energy packets that cause them to do that 70% of the mitochondrial function in the cancer cell lights were out and took the energy out of the cancer cell so we expanded the study to wow what percentage of people if if we did pancreatic cancer cell if we did breast cancer cell whatever we did we did one study where 84% 84% of the people that were Advanced meditators
84% had the same effect on mitochondrial function that's more than eight out of 10 people that's four to five people somehow are producing this anti-carcinogenic chemical wow take the information in the blood put it in the presence of an Alzheimer's Gene that downregulates the gene for Alzheimer's there's pro-life PR growth in there take the plasma of advanced meditators at the end of seven days and look at their gene expression now everybody in the 2,00 people or 2200 2500 people a weeklong event has their own Gene genotype right yours is different than mine if you're a
different race it's different everybody has their own genotype but at the end to seven days 77% of the population is expressing the same genes and making the same proteins in other words the flock the herd the tribe right the the the school the collective there's an emergent Consciousness when people behave the same way that's evolving their biology collectively for the better for the good and so we started seeing like people report rep in pain levels dropping from their health conditions we did a study with 63 different health conditions one intervention meditation 63 different health conditions
100% of people reported a change in their energy their fatigue and their pain levels so then we started looking is the body making natural pain relievers and so we started looking at endogenous opiates 100% of the people at the end of seven days were making their own endogenous opius in other words they weren't taking morphine they weren't taking um peret and yet their body was making their own endogenous chemicals that reduce pain in 63 different health conditions there's no drug that you give for 63 different health conditions that take diseases that take away pain so
is that the Mind influencing the cell or is that the heart influencing the mind to then transmit a pain relief is that yeah so so I think there's several great question there's several factors involved the heart produces opioids and we practice we practice sustaining heart coherence we want to get so good at doing with our eyes closed we can do with our eyes open right when you feel loved you feel free right and and not only free but you're totally okay with everybody yeah I love everything you see beauty when you're in your heart you
see beauty and and and we our Ox our students oxytocin levels sometimes are 200 times normal wow that's not a little love that's a lot of love and at the same time we have people whose amplitudes of heart coherence are three times higher 200% higher than normal that's not a little love that's like your heart turning on like an engine of love just like blood goes into the sexual organs you know and when different when they're aroused and it's engorged that's a Consciousness that's an intention it's got a mind imagine that kind of intensity moving
into your heart and and you know nitric oxide is released and the blood moves into your heart the arteries open up and you feel this incredible amount of love right so there's there's endogenous opiates released from that when the brain is resonating in holism and resonance and coherence and there's autonomic regulation the body moves out of the past and the pain goes so so the side effect of all of this is natural opioids being created we saw in our pet skin sorry our fmis we saw we saw an area of the brain actually get larger
in advanced meditators and so we took the blood and in the blood there factors in terms of information in the blood that causes nerve cells we have the data to go crazy and grow like there's factors in there that are PR growth and pro- life take the plasma of a mother who's lactating who's coming to our vent and we look at our breast milk and we we we lacerate epithelial cells and if you just lacerate epithelial cells and you let them go and you look at them 48 hours later you may see a couple new
cells growing in there we took the breast milk of these women before they came to the week long we put their breast milk on the presence of that laceration yeah we saw some cells there's some healing factors in the breast milk when they went through 7 days and we put the breast milk on the lacerated cells 48 Hours have completely recovered it's like super milk super milk in other words there's information in the milk that's pro-life on that's Pro growth feeling wow and that's what's being transmitted to an infant whose mother wow is in an
environment where she's in love and and love is wholeness or whatever you want to call that and so we brought in language Specialists because there's a language of transformation we're working with the University of Central Oklahoma we got the world's leading language specialist on transformation and we've studied hundreds and hundreds of well hundreds of testimonials of people that have healed and we're looking at the language that they talk about in their healing process and we've discovered that when they have those big moments there's a couple things that happen they have a very strong feeling and
the first feeling they have is very somatic they'll say like it was like every atom in my body was vibrating I felt like my heart turned on like an engine my heart exploded my head blew off I felt like my body was filled with very sematic and then the other part is very emotional and the emotion is inevitable like they don't have the language to describe whatever that was the reason I love this Lewis more than anything else is because when you when you hit that you stop looking for it outside of you and you
start realizing it's always been within you and that's when the love affair begins right my gosh with yourself with yourself with the Divine and it's always been with you want to hide the Divine and a human being put it within them they'll look everywhere else so so very somatic very emotional and it's inevitable but the only way that people can describe it is with metaphor because metaphor is like using what's known to understand and unknown because in the circuitry of their brain in threedimensional reality this is information that's coming from Beyond three-dimensional reality there's no
there's no language for that there's a language for everything that you know so the only you can thing you can do is you can try to explain an unknown by using a lots of knowns and that's kind of a haban law get enough circuits firing if I said you know receptor sites look like craters on the moon but they're not craters they're more like flowers when flowers have antennas and the center is a kaleidoscope and the chemical fits in like a lock and key and turns a kaleidoscope like dropping a pebble in the water the
antenna gets the signal and the DNA unzips like unzipping a zipper you know like so you're using all these metaphors to help someone understand something unknown called the receptor site right so when people have these transcendental experiences with energy and information beyond their senses they don't have the language to describe like it's and the language specialist came to the event in um Jeff he's such a great guy he came to the event Marco Island in September of last year and he had a moment he had a big moment in fact he was so big he
wanted to get on a zoom call with me and he was TR we were laughing so hard because he could he's a language specialist he could explain it he did not have the language to explain what happened so check the microbiome out we start looking at the microbiome and I'll stop here because I can go on we look at the microbiome now you know this you're a health-minded guy you want to change the microbiome okay stop stop eating sugar stop eating starch no alcohol don't eat too late smoking no smoking uh you know um take
your probiotics yeah you know all of that and maybe in six months you may see a few different a film of microbiomes changing at the end of seven days there are such dramatic changes in the microbiome that are that our AI our our computers that have algorithms to predict diseases say diseases like uh anxiety or cancer or PTSD We The Machine learns when a person has PTSD there's a very specific microbiome they have very similar for cancer very similar for PTSA okay so you can predict more than 70 80% 90% when a person has a
health condition by looking at their microbiome at the end of seven days the the AI the machine learning couldn't predict the couldn't predict it the algorithm couldn't predict it at all they couldn't tell if the person had the cancer any long and there were so many probiotic wow mic microorganisms that were up regulated for inflammation to reduce cancer for cancer response to treatment seven days wow seven days and I said to one of the one of our research team what do you think it is and one of the researchers said' I don't know and the
other researcher looked at me and he said they're not the same person if they were the same person they'd have the same microbiome and in seven days they're a different person different person different microbiome but the microbiomes that are being created wow the competition for healthy microbiomes are squashing the microbiomes that control a lot of diabetes and and inflammation and Cancers and so we showed this data to one of our neuroscientists on the team and she was like uh excuse me like um I I she didn't even couldn't even compute how all of these changes
would have such a dramatic effect on the microbiome so I want to be very clear that number one I'm not saying this I'm not saying that meditation somehow has an effect on the the co virus or uh on cancer regulation I'm not saying that the data is saying that like and I keep telling the scientists I can't believe this is the truth like I can't believe it and when you see a sci stist running a study MH like five times over and over again I love it trying to disprove they're trying they're changing their belief
right in the Moment Like This you know a drug study at its best is about 25% effective like one out of four people 25% we'll see some type of change you'll see some type of change and it's usually an intervention that takes place over a period of time our data is 75 to 100% wow their nervous system is manufacturing a pharmacy of chemicals that work better than any drug and now after all these years I can sit back and say you can't call this pseudo science any longer you can't call it pseudo science and and
I think when you have we have great testimonials stories of transformation I was just telling you before we started yeah every event I go to somebody stands on the stage and blows my mind like I had we had three events one in basil one in Barcelona and then one in Cancun at every event someone stood on the stage and just told the story and I was shaking my head a tumor that's you know 9.5 inches in size on a a kidney that's metastasized all through his organs causing his lungs to swell with fluid know can't
do the Sur I mean in rough shape eight months eight months he never missed the day he goes to the doctor there's nothing there nothing there like I don't know like we have great stories like like that all the time and blind people seeing like that that's kind of weird you know five people stepping out of a wheelchair one weekl long event I'm like mystified by that W so we have great evidence in in human testimony when someone stands on the stage and they the 4-minute mile that broke through a certain level of Consciousness or
unconsciousness somebody in the audience is invariably looking at them with the same health condition and going she doesn't look vegan she doesn't look very buffed she doesn't look very young she's not very stylish but she healed herself and what she's speaking is the truth she is the example of Truth and in a moment wow the consciousness of the collective changes because they become aware Consciousness is awareness of a possibility that they were unaware of big footprint in Consciousness in the field and then evidence in three-dimensional reality balance that with the evidence that we have that's
overwhelming and the scientific studies that we can do and I can go on for another two hours about all the studies evidence in science in research and evidence in human testimony evidence is the loudest voice and I think that's what changes Consciousness I think that's what changes a collective Consciousness so there is a field of intelligence that exists beyond our senses that we're unaware of and that unifying field of energy it makes up more of the universe than the physical Universe you and I are living in and so then can you teach a person to
get beyond their senses to get beyond their body to get beyond all the people and objects and things and places and their environment to stop trying to predict the future and stop emotionally revisiting the past and labor for the present moment and become pure Consciousness if you can teach people the right information and then set up the conditions in the environment for them to experience it the first couple days will be choppy because it takes an enormous amount for David to face Goliath and you got to get up right up against every one of those
thoughts there there are the thoughts that are always slipping by people's awareness you know that talk them out of possibility and I think when people do that they get in the habit of stopping uh to believe in themselves they get in the habit of quitting they get in the habit of absolving their effort and using some excuse to do that 7-Day immersion where you go all in you start early in the morning you go late at night it's information transformation is information transformation we build information transformation stand as it walk as it sit as it
lie down as it become it right so the overcoming process we've discovered is the becoming process that 95% that's unconscious you have to face off with and you got to finish it so the thought doesn't slip by your awareness unnoticed by you when you return back into your life where your emotional response to the same person or same circumstance causes you to no longer see the vision of your future because you're feeling the emotions of your past you'll believe in your past more than you'll believe in your future right and so so when I we
started doing all these case history studies and really looking at people's stories it was so obvious that there was they were do exactly what the people that had their spontaneous remissions were doing they weren't doing their meditations to heal that's not what they were doing them they were doing their meditations to change right and they were surrendering any aspect of their limited self to join the greater self to lose the sense of self separation to nothing and that nothing turns out to be rich in something and energy and frequency is carries information and so interacting
with that energy and frequency with coherence in your nervous system begins to be translated into our biology as a reflection of wholeness and we see it across the board over and over again so when a person then becomes nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time and they're in that void in that vacuum in that nothing if you teach them to pay more attention to it and put more Awareness on it and feel their connection to it not only is their nervous system going to get highly organized and highly entrained but when they connect
to it and that little radio receiver at the top of the lyic brain the P that little radio receiver starts to transduce in information into chemistry in the brain that's when the person has that full-on sense experience beyond their senses and now they're in that 5D reality and in 5D it's all energy it's all frequency it's all connected there's no separation um it it's all Consciousness it's all vibration um uh there's nowhere to go you're everywhere all at once there's no separation because there's nothing to be separated from so training people over time with information
to understand that when they get to the field if they're going to create from the field instead of from matter like if you're creating from matter to matter it's just going to take you a long time right but the idea then with brain and heart coherence brain coherence clear intention electrical charge in the quantum field send the signal out we talked about this last time elevated emotion heart emotion magnetic field coherent heart that's what draws the experience to you right if you create from the field instead of from matter and it's not matter that's creating
the field it's the field that's creating matter get as close to source as you can get close to Singularity to that zero point field Oneness holess whatever you want to call that and there's less separation between your Consciousness and the consciousness of pure Consciousness if there's less separation between two points of Consciousness there's less time you create from the field instead of from matter you could actually shorten the distance between the thought of what you want and the experience of having it and the cool part about it is when you get your nervous system tuned
and there's a vibrational match and you're creating from Source why would you go anywhere to get it you would if you were Source you wouldn't go anywhere to get it you would draw it to you and you collapse time and space and when you do that then the synchronicities the serendipities the coincidences the opportunities start to prove to you that you're actually the creator of your life instead of the victim of your life and so then people do the work not because they have to they do the work because they don't want the magic to
end I mean every time I go into nothing I I I go into nothing with the understanding that it's not nothing I I I saw the data the scientists do meditation I asked them why do you do meditation they say because it's medicine this is medicine like I do the I do the work because I'm the one that's I'm the grad student running the trial here I saw what it did like this is I'm doing it with the intention of changing my biology yes and the other thing I discovered when people tell give their testimonials
is they they're they do their meditations sometimes three times a day and w three times a day why three times a day well that's because they they all the other things they've been doing in conventional and unconventional things aren't working and the only thing that can work is their belief in themselves so when they default and they respond and react and start doubting and they start feeling the emotions of their past they can't believe in their future any longer so they got to sit down and change that and when it's the hardest it matters the
most that's when you got to do it that's when it matters the most because anything after that point is easy so they're doing their meditations three times in one day to keep changing their emotional state because when you feel the elevated emotion you can believe in that future because that emotion connects you to that future so it would be really prudent to get really good at sustaining heart coherence with your eyes open open and no no person no circumstance no condition move you from the state right that's the that's the initiation right so some of
these people would have changes in their health you know by doing their meditation every day but their blood values and their scans weren't changing and they're like okay wait a second I'm not going to say this isn't working because I'm sleeping better and I have less pain and I have my appetite back and you know I feel better have more energy but my cancer is still there and what am I missing what's my blind spot my god when I see this person and I go to here and I go there and I do this I
I default I had seamlessly default back to the old person so they they they're they're actually doing their meditations to make sure that they can sustain that state and they start rehearsing one hour of a good meditation against 15 hours in my day where I'm stressed out and fearful and anxious I'm signaling the wrong genes here my body can't go back into homeostasis I'm out of ostasis okay this isn't loving to me Justified valid or not me holding a grudge against that person it's only killing me I'm I'm drinking the poison hoping they're going to
die so they're like they oh my God this is more loving to me to feel this way so now they so the walking meditations that we do become very instrumental because you got to walk as it you got to walk as it in your life like you got to walk as it in your life you got to believe it mhm behave and become believe behave become that's the you know that's the mantal and really practicing it is what will allow you to become it more frequently exactly exactly until you actually become it yes and so
so learning how to do it with your eyes open and and and when you lose it when nothing else is working they would do their meditations to change their beliefs over and over again and they had to make a decision to change their energy to to to signal their body that they could believe in stronger the emotion the more they remember the belief and so we've uncovered a lot of little singular Mysteries that add up to a bigger understanding about how to make this brain and heart of ours work better and to begin to become
coherent brain coherent heart you got a Wi-Fi signal you got a Wi-Fi signal you can connect to energy connect information dissonance incoherence in the brain incoherence in you got no signal you got static on the wire you got nothing you can't connect yes so getting people into this state where they get their nervous system regulating back into order causes them to begin to become more open to to that invisible field of energy where there nothing's local in space and time it's all energy it's all frequency and if you're able to share a little bit kind
of when when I went to your event you had this up on something similar like this up on the board at one point when you were teaching and this is in one of your books as well it's going from thought to energy to matter and can you explain a little bit more about what this is I'm going to have it up on the screen for people to see it when yeah when you're talking about it but there's different frequencies yeah I read a physics book um where this physics the professor was talking about the the
fertile void the vacuum energy and he said that the vacuum Energy number one the void was pure Consciousness I remember reading that throwing the book down and saying what is pure Consciousness had to really think about it pure Consciousness is a Consciousness that is consciousness of conscious of everybody everybody everyone everything everywhere and every time past present and future so this is that kind of unified field this universal mind and at the top is a straight line and that straight line represents a frequency that is absolute speed the fastest frequency and absolute rest in a
non vibrating state right zero vibration zero vibration it's so fast the the wave is so fast that the point of absolute speed and point of absolute rest merge and now you're everywhere all at once you can't go every anywhere because you're everywhere right so it's a kind of a crazy concept okay he said it was pure Consciousness and he said in it lies all potential realities and their non-manifest inmaterial in tangible form and he said in order for matter to appear in this void in this vacuum a vibratory sensation must be set into Motion in
the void and what's a vibration in the quantum a thought it's a disturbance right all right so look at that flat line if you start lowering frequencies down you keep lowering frequencies down you keep lowering frequencies down you get to this the lowest frequency down here and that lowest frequency down here at the very bottom is called matter the slowest frequency that we perceive with our senses so every single person Every Soul has come from Source from Singularity from Oneness from wholeness and we descended all the way down into density into three-dimensional reality fooled by
our senses that this is the only reality there is and so much of our attention is on our bodies on the people in our life on the things we own and the places we live the places we live the places we need to be the places we need to go in time itself that we create this identity that's identifying with three-dimensional reality and we have no awareness of where we've come from throw in the hormones of stress and activate the senses and now you're really your body now you're really your environment that's where all your
attention is you're really obsessed with time and now you got to play by the rules of nutonian physics and now everything is predictable everything is known everything you got to plan to make happen in threedimensional reality so then vibration think of a pendulum take a pendulum you got that point at the top and swing a pendulum and anything that vibrates anything that oscillates moves between two points of rest two poles and at the point where it goes at one point and it stops that is the point of absolute rest that is no time at the
point where it's at the very bottom right right when the right from the point right straight down perpendicular vertical that point right there is it's when it's moving at its absolute speed then it's got to go uphill and then it stops and now you're at a point of absolute rest so this oscillation that's created is called a frequency right and if you were to measure that mathematically it's a sine wave and at the very top of say the sine wave the peak that's the point of absolute rest as it moves down and it's moving down
that right in the middle is the point of absolute speed then it goes to the point of absolute rest now absolute rest is no time Source energy there's no space and there's no time there's no separation so then the slowest frequency then in that point where it starts oscillating you can see the slower frequencies are touching Source a lot less as the frequencies get faster as the points of absolute speed and the points of absolute rest get closer and closer together you're touching Source more because you're touching no time more interesting so now you feel
more whole you you feel more love you feel more freedom you more faster frequencies more bliss more wholeness because there's less separation interesting so now the fastest frequencies plank constant the frequency is so fast take a centimeter of this frequency and there's enough energy to create the entire universe wow that's how much energy is in there okay so you get to a point where the the points of absolute speed and the points of absolute rest merge that that point that non-vi state has an infinite number of potentials an enormous amount of power it is the
source of everything physical and material right so then energy slows down and as it slows down it has its own characteristics and it reaches a point where it can no longer be whole when it reaches a point where it no no longer can be whole it divides it separates it bursts and now you have light and photons and electrons and positive charge and negative charge and past and future and sound and frequency slows all the way down into density right so then our job then is to take all of our attention off our body off
our environment and time and really move to a place where we're conscious of nothing but you as an awareness and when you do that that point of where you become pure Consciousness is the door to the quantum field that's where we start interacting with different energies and frequencies so we use this model to help people understand that the closer you get to Source if you're you're vibrating at this frequency as pure Consciousness and you're creating from here there's less separation between you as your individual Consciousness and Oneness if there's less separation between two points of
Consciousness and you're creating from the field it should appear in three-dimensional reality and a amount of time down here there's a lot of Separation it's just going to take you a long time to create what you want right so getting Beyond yourself and becoming pure Consciousness there's a whole unlearning process that has to go on why because we're still programmed to believe when we're in that void or in that vacuum in that nothing in the emptiness you we actually believe there's Lewis or Joe dispenza I'm here and then there's the vacuum and the void here
and you still believe you're separate and that is a whole unlearning process that has to go on to realize that you're a thought you're an awareness there and in that state if you're truly there aware of nothing but you and if you're creating from that place your thought actually produces a frequency and if you can feel the frequency of the thought in other words the thought of your abundance in the 5D reality produces the feeling of abundance yes of worthiness your thought of your wealth and threedimensional reality produces the feeling of lack of not having
it so when we create from the field we have to create from the state where we feel the feeling of the event before it occurs in the quantum you have to feel it first to experience it in threedimensional reality so change the information in the field you change the Hologram this is all a hologram you're you're going to change the projection in three-dimensional reality so we people how to practice with brain and heart coherence to change more information in the field keep changing the information in the field get closer and closer to Source this is
the greater mind you don't have to worry about when it's going to happen or how it's going to happen or try to predict it it's none of your business right and you already feel good too yeah you're creating from wholeness right you're creating from wholeness instead of her lack and so when you start synchronizing your energy in the proper way and you keep it you keep inputting into the field then you start seeing the synchronicities in your life you know I'm not I'm not talking about a parking space you're talking about like opportunities like and
you're like well whatever I just did this morning I'm going back tomorrow I'm doing it again because I believe now that I'm the Creator and that is what actually enhances the outcome right so people in this work they do the work because they don't want the magic to end right experimenting creating from the field instead of from matter to shorten the distance the time between the thought of what you want and the experience of having it when we create from the field instead of from matter and so you got to get to the field first
and you got to get to the field and you can't go as you can't go as a somebody yeah you got to go as a nobody and I I think I've labored for years to get people to get Beyond themselves and and that's the work you know that's really the work I always love when you come on because I could just sit here and watch and listen for hours um and I think this what you just shared right there is going to be extremely helpful for people you know we're going to have this up while
you were sharing for them to visually understand this because I think it can get complex trying to conceptualize these things again you said we need metaphors to explain these things so people can start to feel and understand and say okay well maybe I could get there when we're in so much stress so much of feelings of lack so much feeling of confusion overwhelm uh not enoughness and a deep sense of insecurity and self-doubt it is it's it feels like it can be almost impossible to start even thinking about these things let alone spending five minutes
trying to meditate let alone starting to believe in a potential future and so I appreciate the way you explaining it and showing visually kind of like okay here there's a caveat to that too yes the caveat is you got to pass through the the Valley of the shadow of Darkness because every one of those lower frequencies is carrying information every one of those emotions have memories lust pain victimization suffering yeah you got you just some people stop and they say oh much it's too much I feel this suffering because of my childhood because of my
past and and that's where they stay so the job then when you become nobody no one no thing no where no time is you got to go P you got to go like is there anything beyond this guilt I I've been feeling this feeling so long suffering I didn't even know I was it just was suffering it's just how I always feel knew so you got to pass through those different emotions you got to go through one by one and listen it's so important because when you're not reaching for your cell phone and you're not
turning on your computer or the TV to watch the game or going shopping or calling a friend you're you know you're you sit with yourself right and all I want all I want every body to come up against themselves I mean if not now when it's true if it was easy everybody would be doing it and yet there is the Log Jam somehow has been removed and now we're seeing people we I mean my staff just showed me yesterday we have well over 800 different testimonials those are just the ones that people are willing to
give I mean I get stopped in the elevator all the time I get texts all the time of people healing the ones that were willing to do the testimonials we have over 800 testimonials you know it was once it's an incident it's twice it's a coincidence three times I don't know 800 800 of The Happening Here you there's a lot but also you have I mean your documentary or the movie that just came out um source is extremely insightful and eye openening because you have the scientists who are speaking the entire time about their disbelief
that they've tried to discredit or you know find somewhere that there's something happening and essentially over many years of research of scientific data and of them being students of the data and of the practice them seeing personal Transformations and healings uh that are you know they can't explain because they're not taking drugs and also seeing thousands and thousands of data points transform within seven days over and over and over again after I don't know how many different events have they studied now probably dozens seeing similar transformations of cells healing yeah is very powerful and we're
going to you know we're going to play a trailer here in a moment uh we'll put it up on the screen for you guys to watch a one minute trailer so you can see exactly what this movie is going to be sharing about and if you have any type of uh you you're not sure about this still or maybe this is all kind of you're you're just new to this or you're still kind of learning this watch this trailer and I recommend to check out on how you can go watch the full movie as well
to see the research to see the data and some of these testimonials that are it's hard to explain it's hard to explain and I've been at your event I've been there for seven days I've experienced Transformations over my my own self over the last four or five years of doing your meditations in the morning or evening and also I witnessed a lot of people people in person get out of wheelchairs a lot of people that were trembling before that were steady after people do incredible things in a week yeah and it's because they started the
process of letting go of their old self and becoming a new self these four things that you talked about one they've got to have a belief in a in a different intelligence or some type of intelligence a greater intelligence than what they're living that's within them that's within them the second thing I think you said is and they've got to get beyond the senses know that there's power beyond their senses right now yeah cuz because the field you can't see you can't see it yeah then they started to change their behavior they changed their they
they they broke the habit of being themselves their thoughts behaviors and emotional states yes then they start to say okay I'm going to reinvent myself and by doing it from a place of how do I want to feel how do I want to think how do I want to act how do I want to feel yes and then the fourth thing I think you said is they lost track of space and time look there's nothing that you said that's so outside of a beginner's mind to accept this I mean who's beating your heart who's digesting
your food who's running all those automatic F something's giving you life and it's pretty intelligent I mean you have little tiny enzymes zipping through the trillions and trillions of cells of your body and changing mutations you're not thinking about that there's an intelligence yes that's giving you life and if it is an intelligence then it is a Consciousness right so just acknowledging that it's within you is enough everybody everybody has done something great in their life at least once I don't care what it is you just got a wild ass idea and you saw this
possibility and you got so wrapped up in the possibility that it could happen to you that you started feeling the emotion you were giving your body a taste of the future when you felt that emotion and no person no circumstance no in-law no relative no friend is going to talk you out no pain nothing no excuse is going to talk you out of that future you felt it everybody's done that they married a clear intention with an elevated emotion and then they said okay um what choices am I going to start making I'm going to
write them down what things am I going to start doing what are my goals what are my experiences I want and every goal you wrote down you thought oh my God it's going to feel like this you just you got really clear and you just kept revealing all the things you you needed to do right and how you had to choose and how you wanted to think and what you did want to believe and you took time to keep keeping it alive right and you got to it's so much easier to forget it than to
remember so you got to revisit it over and over again then we all did this I'm too tired uh I'll start tomorrow I don't feel good that's not going to be in my wheelhouse that's not that's that's me not changing and me not choosing okay so what so what choices am I going to stop making M I'm going to get off the couch I'm not going to scroll for an hour I'm going to get out of bed early you know these are things I'm going to not sleep in I'm not going to do this whatever
it is uh what what things am I going to stop doing what what habits am I going to break I can't keep doing the same thing I do different things what experiences am I going to stay away from with certain people in certain parts of my life just not going to I don't want to go there like I need to disconnect from those experiences and What feelings are going to bring me to a lower denominator that's going to cause me to feel like my old self and and not believe in my future and and I
we did this you know everybody's done it and then you stick with it you're believing in it and your Energy's changed and you're excited nobody knows what's up with you but you're just you're excited about something and it's like your little private little creation that you're nurturing and then when you start seeing the things change and you start it's working right and then you start taking your foot off the gas a little bit and now you start believing a little bit more more and you ease up and when it happens you feel more whole and
you feel more joyful and you feel more giving and more loving and and more present and more patient that's the side effect of us um you know reaching reaching that vision of our future and if your vision is to be wealthy if your vision is to be in love if your vision is to be I don't know whatever it is to have a mystical experience and you're here I tell my kids this from the time they were little you cannot be wealthy if you want to be wealthy if you're this person you're going to have
to do a lot of changing a lot of changing to arrive there you can't be that person if you want to be healthy and you're not healthy or you're out of shape or you're over weight or underweight or whatever it is if you want to arrive at that that goal you're going to have to make a lot of different choices do a lot of different things create a lot of different experiences and feel very differently than when you started yes and when you finally change you're going to we're going to arrive arrive right at that
Vision so we were talking to the language specialist we had 15 scientists in San Diego a couple months ago and all all of the people that are deeply engaged in it and I I want to make this really practical for for people there's personality and personal reality change your personality change your personal reality meditation means to become familiar with become familiar with the old self know thyself so well that you don't go there any longer but become familiar with the new self fire and wire new thoughts fire and wire new behaviors create new chemicals and
feelings and get familiar with that that's that's crossing the river of change yeah there's a biological death but that's leaving behind the old right people do that and and some people change in 13 months they heal in 13 months they heal in 8 months they heal in four months but along the way they get signals I for me with my own injury that first time I felt my toes again I was just like man I am now that's it it was all I was like a dog on the bone I was KN I knew it
that's the that's the process you evolve your experience and you start practicing paying more attention to nothing with that frequency that non-local I mean how do you explain the quantum take away everything physical and material take away all the objects bodies the people the things the places the Earth the moon the planets the moons from the planets the light from the planets the sun light from the sun the Stars the light from the stars the galaxies take away everything material and physical you're left with a vacuum void and it just turns out that that vacuum
void there's an enormous amount of information an enormous amount of energy and if the atom is 99.9999999% nothing and information and you're made of atoms that I'm missing out on a lot of you and all I'm doing is capturing a symbol that my brain is wired to perceive I mean the brain has been shaped and molded over Generations Untold to live in survival when you're in survival IAL the only thing you're putting your attention is on the material world because those those hormones cause us to become materialist so you keep narrowing your focus on the
predator on the danger and you're looking for food and the brain is going to be sculpt and molded over over thousands and thousands of years to just perceive the frequency of light that's bouncing off the most stable form of energy the slowest frequency that we perceive with our senses that foess into the illusion of Separation well the quantum field there could be no physical world without the quantum in other words it's not this field that's the matter that's emitting a field it's the field that's actually lowering its frequency and creating matter so your if your
body is 99.9999% energy and frequency and information and information actually outlives matter then there's a whole unknown self that we have to become aware of and there's an enormous amount of possibilities that exist in that field that we would never ever ever be become aware of unless we had a new experience and every new experience causes us to think about possibilities we would have never thought before until we had that experience and that's when it gets super exciting so people come to our work for health yes it's important because they have the lack of it
people come for success and wealth because they have the lack of it people come because they want a mystical experience because the lack of because they want love in their life because they have a lack of it they come for all those reasons in the beginning but what we discovered is that they're really coming for wholeness and you know it's really hard to want when you're whole and you know I discovered that when people are really whole and they're happy with themselves they're happy with others and when they love themselves they love others and when
they're grateful for what they've accomplished they're grateful with others if they're angry with themselves they're angry with others if they hate themselves they hate others if they judge themselves they judge others it's the way it is so we see an emergent Consciousness at the end of seven days you know uh we had 90 different countries at the last event you know from all over the world and and all over the world people come together at the end of seven days there's an emergent Community there's a there's a a there's a emergence that takes place like
the school of fish like the flock of bird behave the same way collectively and what happens is there's an emergent consciousness and it's being reflected in people's biology in seven days and it's not one person it's not two people it's the majority of the collective and Collective networks of observers determine reality and it's not the number of people so true it's not the amount of energy you can have entropic energy it really is the most coherent signal get people with brain and heart coherence you know I said in I said in Switzerland just a couple
weeks ago 8,000 over 8,000 people at that event I said where else in the world would you see 8,000 people the same place at the same time meditating on the same thing get the get a collective in that kind of coherent state they're actually altering the field right in the present moment there's energy for miracles we see them all the time there's energy for healing we see it all the time there's energy for the mystical we see it all the time because the collective it's in their consciousness and you can't have Consciousness without energy you
can't have a thought without frequency so the collective Consciousness coming together is creating an alteration in possibilities get people sitting next to each other and their hearts go into coherence into order and their field that's being admitted meters wide is interfering with the person next to them and it starts to synchronize and when waves come together they start building they interfere and they produce bigger amplitudes higher the amplitude the higher the energy so you see the collective coming together over the course of seven days and by the end of seven days people feel like their
future has already happened yes and so when their future already happens you stop obsessing about when it's going to happen why it's going to happen it's impossible to do that when you're in a state of holess because you're not in lack and that's when the magic happens yeah you live you feel like you you are love you feel like I am love yeah you know I'm not searching SE in for love I'm not searching for more money or more relationships to feel it because I am it that's a different Consciousness and that's the experience that
I got from going to your event for seven days and I know it's experience that thousands of people that were there got and there were so many mystical moments for myself and Martha but so many others that were sharing it was mindblowing and there's a few things I could have you talk for hours but I want to be mindful of your time because we could go on about so many different things there's a few things I want people to do right now um number one I want them to watch your movie we'll have it linked
up where you can go and watch it in the description below so go watch that because it's going to give you more data research science from the scientists who' have been studying these practices so if you've ever thought about just meditation in general is this a waste of my time or not you're going to get your answers you're going to get more answers about your work and how you specifically teach this um so that's the first thing second thing download one of your meditations I love the morning and evening meditation they're very easy to get
started with they're about 15 17 minutes there's an explanation before of what you're going to learn and how you should tap into it I recommend it download those you can get them anywhere on your website specifically but on iTunes or anywhere you want to you to down it it's basically it's basically what we just talked about exactly you're going to start in the morning and you're going to decide who you no longer want to be you're decide who you want to be and you're going to remember to not think this way to remind yourself to
not think act and feel this way you're going to remind yourself to think act and feel this way then at the end of the day you're going to ask yourself how did I do reflect you how did I do did I where did I fall from grace when did I go unconscious when did I get angry another shot tomorrow's another day I wanted I want I want to be in that same circumstance where I behave differently where I react emotionally differently I get I that thought kept coming up I'm going to finish the thought in
the meditation and the rest of my day I'm not going I'm not going to allow that thought to flip by my awareness unchecked I'm going to catch every voice every thought so so it's a great way to do what we just did we the the 20 minut that's probably one of the most popular meditations it's easy but I just did a 30 minute one too um that's a again a little bit longer a little different different music but yeah yeah but get I mean if you're just getting started check out the morning and evening one
I think they're great there's a ton of them that you have that I think are everyone should download but get started there um the next thing I want you guys to do is to if you have the chance to go to a 7-Day retreat with Dr Joe I think they're sold out for the next two years probably but they sell out within like 15 minutes and uh if you get the chance go sign up for Dr Joe's email newsletter so you can be notified of when the events are out and just be ready to get
your ticket because it's really hard to book get your ticket right now I've got so many friends that try to book it all the time they're like ah we missed it by 10 minutes and they sold out so it's a life-changing experience if you feel called like this is something you want to try go sign up for the newsletter uh at your website we'll have that link below U the next thing we mentioned this ear the intro to this interview uh Dr Joe is going to be a featured speaker at Summit of greatness so if
you haven't got your ticket yet for that if his event has already been sold out get a ticket for Summit of greatness we'll link that below you can hear him speak and learn more about this in person at that event at Summit of greatness I'm looking forward to that it's going to be amazing I'm pumped I'm I'm really excited it's here in La September so make sure you guys check that out uh and then also we have an Amazon book club with thousands of people in the book club uh so if you're not a member
of that yet Dr Joe's book we're going to choose one and make that the featured book of the month so it'll go out to all those people get a book read it you know this I can't remember which book this one was from the that's uh Supernatural Supernatural becoming Supernatural I I do want to say one thing just for the listener and the viewer um I think knowledge is the Runner to experience I I really think you know the three testimonials I witnessed just recently in the three last events we did the most amazing thing
is that all those people were self-taught they they read the books they didn't just do the med I don't I don't really want people to do the meditation without reading the content because they won't understand what they're doing and why they're doing it's so important for us to build models of understanding really review the information I mean people who really heal they really study it and they go this makes sense if if I feel this emotion and my body is so objective it's going to believe it's living in a new environment if the environment signals
the Gene and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of my body the expression of life I'm going to intentionally feel this emotion to Signal genes we found out in one study 100% of the people that when they felt the emotion had the intention to Signal the gene they signal the gene 100% of them so it's important for us to understand what we're doing and why we're doing it so so the meditation the morning and evening meditation as an example listen to the explanation because it'll help you understand if it
loses the magic you forgot what you're doing and why you're doing it and it's now conjecture it's Superstition it's Dogma you got to go back in and relearn it and when my meditations get kind of flat like that I go back and I restudy again because there's something that I'm not putting my intention behind doing so if you read the book or you know you you you do the Preparatory course for the week long it's really important to to understand the information because the meditation you can assign meaning and have intention behind it and that's
when you get the best outcomes absolutely yeah so we're going to have this as the book for this month's book club again make sure you guys check that out um I got to be mindful of your time because you got to get out of here but I want to acknowledge you for I can't remember how many times we've had you on five six seven maybe in the last 5 years but every time you come on people are blown away and people get healings is just from hearing you speak and connecting the dots or the things
that are unseen and allowing them to see them within themselves so I want to acknowledge you for constantly being a Force for good for showing up almost a year of your life has been doing events these these weeklong events over the last kind of you know seven eight years I guess I assure you that more of my life has been dedicated to events than just weekl Longs but yes but for just for weekl Longs you've done 50 weekl long events in the last you know since you started them and um you I love watching you
continue to transform since I've known you I think it's five six years ago when we first met seeing you not just say I'm you know a guy who's got the answers now and and I'm just going to teach you and I'm not going to keep evolving like you keep evolving as a human as an individual physically mentally spiritually and I appreciate seeing that from someone who's constantly teaching because sometimes you see people teaching that you know let themselves go yeah I think I think I'm super inspired I mean in the last couple years Louis I
just I just I I I think I was more surprised than anybody I mean seeing blind people see like I I I like people with muscular distrophy I mean look that up look that up you know go Wikipedia and they'll tell you there is no cure out of the wheelchair walking back into his life had a huge moment ALS like I just you know terminal cancers you know stage four cancers metastatic cancer and Bones the testimonials have humbled me you're growing a thyroid back I mean come on like that's unbelievable like it's unbelievable for me
and I watched the testimonials some of these 50 times in a row because I it's unbelievable for me so I'm so humbled because I'm watching like those people are my heroes like they're really doing some really in unbelievable things when I look at the data and I see it's not just like 18% of the population has a 30% change in the right parietal lobe you know it's not like that it's like 77% 84% 100% of the population the probability that it could happen to you and I is really really high so when I see the
data I keep saying to the scientists I can't believe this is the truth I just can't believe it's the truth so so I'm I'm I'm I'm changing and learning because I I I don't I I don't know what I can't say it doesn't work any longer I'm I'm super open to to whatever the next level is what is the next level I don't know like we're doing now we saw that intention has can manufacture chemicals in the autonomic nervous system intentionally so we've spent the last few months intentionally creating the mo ules that are released
from a part of the brain that create mystical experiences like very profound like DMT and those derivatives and people have had some very big very big moments uh without any without any exogenous without taking anything outside all internal yeah now way I'm clear that the autonomic nervos system give it the right intent and the intent is translated as information you don't have to know how to make serpent A5 you don't have to know how to make dimeth lookip to mean the autonomic nervous system is like it's our ser right open the door between the conscious
mind and the subconscious mind plant the seed keep doing it and sooner or later your biology will change so we're every new experiment we have we sit down and we go oh my God like let's think about a way to do this with another molecule uh if it's working like this and working like that what if we do this right so so our Advanced follow-ups they're changing so much because we're we're experimenting with with if it's worked this way and this way it's got to work this way and so we try it and you know
now we're developing devices and instrumentation to measure things that haven't been created yet because it's insane I'm so excited to go to Advanced followup dude you're invited it's gonna be amazing wait a second you're no longer invited that's how I got you to the week you cannot come ever you cannot come to one of my Advanced no you can't come well I just went I just showed uh someone on my team a photo of me at the 7-Day event where I had the brain mapping machine or you device on my head and I was just
like I can only imagine what it's like going back almost two years later on how far the advances have been in the last two years what the research shows the data the science and again you're going to see a lot of that in the source documentary film so make sure to watch that but yeah so that so the science in the source is two years old it's already like outdated compared to what's evolved we're going to do a we're going to do a docu series I mean just like for example on the microbiome on the
endogenous on breast milk you know on on the neuro the neurotrophic factors that create new neurons we have we paired young people with old people for seven days and the most dramatic changes we've ever seen in our event is when a young person hangs out with an old person and eats together and it teaches the information back to the other person does their meditations the better they score higher on all cognitive tests both the Old and the young wow their brain function in the frontal lobe is Amplified into gamma their whole entire brain is relaxed
in Alpha I mean it's just like we have all kinds of crazy studies we're doing so now we're going to pair mothers with their daughters or mothers with their sons because mitochondrial DNA is just comes from the mothers so we're going to see if mitochondrial DNA changes I mean we just got all these crazy incredible incredible we're working with the Navy Seals now in the military wow and we're working with prisons a lot of Prisons around the Latin America and the United States and we're doing some great studies too with h those guys too Dr
Joe you're amazing I wish we didn't stop want to go for hours but thank you so much for your time always a pleasure amazing man incredible the majority of people function in a state of stress in a state of survival we use Western medicine and it does a bunch of things for us but something's missing my name is Joe despenza I run an organization called inyon we teach people the neuroscience and the biology of how to change how to transform there is an effect of meditation and we can measure it for the first time in
the history of meditation studies a group of scientists have discovered something really profound that's happening inside someone's body when they apply this formula we have data to suggest and evidence to suggest that you're changing by the end of that meditation I didn't need the wheelchair at all he said Charlie there's no no cancer there was nothing was Zero absent we have just scratched the surface this is just the beginning to understanding our human potential in order for us to find love a part of us Must Die ooh or wait wait why why why do we
need to die to find love or part of us because anything that's not love in US Must Die oh and that's the difference between knowing the path and walking the path right so um so one of the things that we
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