most people feel trapped their mind feels narrow and small they can't escape the bubble of repetitive negative thoughts they lack Clarity on what to do with their life they don't know that one thing they want to commit to because everyone in the self-help space yells at them to focus on one thing but that completely misses the point you don't focus on one thing you focus on one Mission which requires you to learn many things if you only focus on one thing that's a Surefire way to make yourself dependent on that thing so that you can
adapt and therefore you are replaceable they have these random Ambitions like gaining some followers on social media starting some random business they found out about online trying to get a girl to in their loneliness or any other thing they can latch on to for some sense of direction in their life those things in particular like building a business seem worthwhile because at least it's a different path from the deadend one that our botch culture set them on it's no wonder why most people fail to start it's no wonder why they question everything they do it's
no wonder why most people struggle to achieve anything worthwhile so they slowly start to accept that maybe they were meant to be average maybe you were meant to wake up hit snooze four times walk the dog commute to work act like you enjoy the people there act like you care about your task commute home argue with your significant other watch TV pass out repeat but there's something missing you're trying to achieve Freedom with a mind that was conditioned to be a servant that's like trying to put a square Block in a circular hole it will
never work I want to start this section off with a sentence that I think will help the greatest skill you can develop is the ability to figure it out that's what we need to talk about we need to talk about how to figure out what you want out of life and I can guarantee you right now that it doesn't come from someone else even me telling you what you should do why is that it's because humans are natural generalists humans build tools to adapt to different niches and environments animals on the other hand like lions
in the Sahara or polar bears in Alaska wouldn't survive if they were thrown into a different Niche and this extends Beyond physical tools humans invented mental tools like language culture religion and stories so they could build adapt and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to adapt to any Niche this is the ability that makes us unique this is the ability that most people have lost you as children we love to Adventure we love to discover we love to figure things out we make mistakes and learn from them we touch fire but then our learning stops
being about real mistakes it starts being about the traits our parents and teachers dislike in us the traits they find annoying or uncivilized the traits they don't think will lead to the version of success they were conditioned to believe is the only one true path and they haven't open their mind to the discovery that there is never only one true path and what is that one one true path that they want you to go on it's the reason you feel so lost overwhelmed anxious confused and the rest your parents didn't teach you the singular trait
that we are going to go over that allows you to figure out what you want the world changes things change you being conditioned with the mind of your parents who lived in the last generation and probably didn't if they aren't in the top 1% then they probably don't have a mind that got even results in their generation so you're listening to them tell you something that they think will bring success in their generation not ours so you feel lost and overwhelmed because you have no idea what to do you're doing these things and you don't
see what could come of them because you know better you're the one that's learning things online you're the one that's studying these different books and expanding your mind and you're trying to battle against this 18 years of code being wired into your brain and that's painful the path that was supposed to be safe and secure was the complete opposite you were plopped in front of a government trained expert trained by government trained experts who are clearly not doing what you want to do in life for 6 hours each day being told what to learn and
how to act while constantly being prodded toward the status symbol of a job and degree and if you understand how the mind works you understand that the goals that compose your worldview which are fancy degrees and high paying jobs for most people determine your mind's potential development and freedom you were trained to be a a specialist you were solely focused on becoming a doctor lawyer artist designer engineer or any other self-limiting identity that shaped what you were able to perceive and learn you failed to develop agency you failed to explore make mistakes discover and build
by your own desire not someone else's you failed to develop the singular trait of a free individual because in the past free men or just free people in general were expected to act on their own interest they were expected to do what they want explore new places navigate the world discover new things and in order to do that they had to learn many things if you're so focused on learning one skill or getting one degree or going to one job by definition you limit how much you can learn you are only learning within this narrow
little box and your mind becomes that and you're not giving yourself enough credit for your ability to learn more things you can actually do this but you just spend your days doing anything aside from that because you only have one goal a specialist goal of getting the job getting the degree learning one skill learning one specific thing when your mind can do so much more than that I mean your mind is able to render reality it's the fastest supercomputer in the world the thing with this is that the greatest designers or the greatest artists or
the greatest writers were only great because they had experience in other domains not because they went to some high status school and somehow studied the curriculum that everyone else is going through better than them when you're studying the same thing as everyone else you may be able to have different insights but you're still studying the same things as everyone else what makes a great designer is not how well they understand Photoshop think about that a free individual is the opposite of a government trained Specialist or someone who is viewed as a machine for labor a
useful worker or a slave the thing with this when I mention this in previous videos is that uh not everyone I would say maybe 1% of people get upset because they close their mind they they're proving my point when I say they are these things but the thing here is that I'm no different the people who don't react to this specific thing are are any different we're all slaves in our own regard it's not physical it's mental because we're learning to navigate this world the only thing that I'm trying to do I'm not trying to
make you feel bad you are making yourself feel bad and reacting because of it because of how you perceive what I'm saying right now when that's not the intention at all my intention is to make you aware of something so you can improve your life and if you see it any different from that then that's going to be difficult to overcome okay so I danced around the point a bit in how to figure out what you want out of life but it's absolutely necessary that you have Awareness on what you don't want out of life
I'm digging deep I'm making I'm exaggerating the point I'm saying you're a slave and you're all these other things when I know you're not a slave you're not in physical chains right now but metaphorically the concept of what one is you could potentially be that in some area of your life so by becoming aware of that because most slaves don't know their slaves because it's just the norm it's being average if we want to Define what a slave is it's being average now that you're aware of that and what you don't want you don't want
to be average simple as that and you're aware of all of the many negative ramifications that come along with that now we can start moving in a better Direction because you need to move away from something in order to move towards something so I'll start this with another sentence to help frame what we're going to talk about the greatest mistake is not making mistakes because the thing is you're different you're aware of this you're observant maybe a bit quiet afraid to speak your mind because they won't listen anyway but that silence is killing you you
tried to fit in you tried to trust others with your future you tried to demonize money success and the rest because people told you that you don't need it to live a good life but you need to build because that's how you contribute to others connect to something greater than yourself and embark on a unique Journey that brings an end to robotic living because you have the money to remove your dependency from that robotic living we'll talk about this in another video and I've talked about it in past videos but money wasn't a necessity to
go out and explore and discover new things in the past it still isn't in many regards today but it is a multiplier it is a catalyst for being able to discover build explore make mistakes connect to something bigger than yourself contribute to others money is simply a piece of paper it has the meaning that you assign to it and many people who assign this negative thing because they lack an understanding or awareness of how the world works then again they become the swword to that thing a good way to test whether or not you are
an swword to money is when I mention money or that it can be good do you have a reaction to it why does a word like money have so much control over your mind but the thing with all of this is that you're still looking for that one true path and I'm here to tell you that there isn't one if there was we would have found it by now and everyone would be rich happy and healthy but that's not how reality Works things will never always be happy why because happy doesn't make sense without sad
a hand doesn't exist without an arm the physical biological mental and spiritual planes all contain this pattern one thing cannot exist without the other when you go on vacation for say 2 to 3 weeks eventually it becomes normal to you it starts to become boring it starts to become everyday life you aren't discovering anything new you go to the vacation and you get all this dopamine because you're like wow this is a new place oh that's beautiful but then once you're there for 3 weeks it's just like if you were back home but now you
don't have anything to do you don't have any work or uh business or purpose or project to focus on because you're on vacation and so now when it gets normal you just want to go back to work you want to go back to your normal life you want to do something anything that allows you to explore and discover since you're on vacation and it's become normal you miss out on that and so now you want to go home but since you've already tapped that out of the vacation now you want to go home so you
can experience something relatively new but but then if you don't Focus you're going to be searching for that Discovery and exploration that your mind craves inside of your phone or on social media or by scrolling or with video games or with Netflix at night or any of this other uh novelty that you can find at the click of a button and get that short-term dopamine hit that slowly makes it so you stay the same you feel like you're discovering things but you stay the same and if you understand entropy you understand that you aren't staying
the same you are slowly decaying into chaos all of this is leading up to say one thing you aren't where you want to be because you're afraid of making mistakes and I cannot express that enough if there were one single sentence from which to orient your life it would be that mistakes are nature's Compass if happiness can't exist without sadness success can't exist without failure it's a universal law a pattern of reality a phenomenon that has been around since the first sign of life because something can exist without nothing you can make mistakes on the
conventional path schools and jobs but you are still working toward the narrow goal the mistakes don't lead toward a new better path they simply lead you to feeling sorry for yourself when you decide to be free and reject the goals assigned to you at Birth that made you think small and trapped you in this negative bubble of thoughts your mistakes are your light in the dark but you don't know what you want that's the problem you don't realize that you will never know what you want it's in the future it doesn't exist it's a inary
Life Changes what you want now could and will absolutely be different tomorrow the next day and the next decade but you'll never embark on this process of refinement and purification because you can't seem to allow yourself to fail failure and mistakes are the process of refinement and purification of your character what you want out of life becomes more clear when you realize what you don't want out of life and work in the other direction since you haven't made any mistakes on your own path it's obvious why you don't know what you want out of life
so my advice is to do what you want without permission from someone else that's agency go to the party get drunk start the business scroll on your phone all night do whatever your little heart desires seriously because denying those desires is only going to bind you to them but here's the catch you need to be able to realize when those things are a mistake getting drunk every night isn't a mistake if you don't have meaningful responsibilities to wake up to every morning it's not hurting your ability to achieve the goal managing parties and alcohol or
other vices becomes a lot easier when it impacts something more important than parties and alcohol since something like your schooling and jobs aren't more important than those things then you don't care to go out get drunk get messed up come back in the morning feel like crap go to the job because you don't care how you perform on that thing if you do that then you are not happy in your job because it's not important to you I don't care how much you justify to yourself of oh it's I I just like the structure of
a job or I like this if you're doing all of these things around the job that impact your performance at the job I'm assuming that you don't have anything to pour energy into and per psychology per almost any text you could read on this topic you are not fulfilled because you haven't invested into something you haven't poured your heart and soul into something so that it becomes your purpose so that you are passionate about it so that you don't want to do this partying drinking playing video games ruining your health because you don't want to
impact your performance on that one thing because that's the source of your fulfillment and happiness you need your own goals to pursue not ones that were assigned to you if you don't create a purpose you will be assigned one and you can only create those goals and not be susceptible to other goals goals or purposes that are trying to be assigned to you by Society at every waking second you need to get absolutely fed up with where you are and reject everything that you thought was true you need to start from scratch to break things
down even further we now need to talk about how to make the greatest comeback of your life because you understand how to get what you want if you missed it in that last section how to figure out what you want it's trial and error that that's it I could go in and I could explain how that works in multiple different examples and situations in your life but it's trial and error you make mistakes because mistakes give you Direction and if you latch on to this goal and this path and this prescription that someone else created
for you you think you're going to get the same results as them but you're probably not going to a lot of the times you may if those results are mediocre and easy to acquire and everyone else in society is doing them like getting a job getting a degree getting everything else but then it's not fulfilling because everything everyone else is doing it you're not unique so you understand how to pave the way you're just afraid to start and go into the unknown so let's wrap this up and start this next section with a quote from
Krishna merty tradition becomes our security and when the mind is secure it is in Decay entropy when it's secure when it's stable when you think you're just staying the same or you're just chilling you're not you're in Decay and it's very slow so it's like going on the vacation you don't really notice it becoming normal and then it becomes normal and you're like holy crap I'm in a much more terrible situation than I was and it's so much harder to dig out once you let that go for too long life is tricky in that way
where you dig yourself into this hole and you don't even realize it and when you do realize it it becomes very difficult to get out you cannot make discoveries in the known it just doesn't make sense please realize that you absolutely cannot live a full open and non-robotic life if you operate by what your parents and teachers planted in your head sure you can be happy at times like all people are but being deeply fulfilled is a different story most people haven't experienced that feeling because it's unknown to them so they don't bother searching for
it and instead project their insecurities by telling you how fulfilled they are working as a robot would the lines of code are engraved on their brain and again you can't perceive what is a mistake if you don't have a goal that allows you to so living the life you live now is perfectly fine to you until you finally set and cultivate a new goal you develop a reason behind it you understand what you don't want out of life set the goal and now you have a frame from which to operate from so that you can
fix the mistakes in your lifestyle you must launch into the unknown feel as if you are drowning and learn how to swim that is how you learn anything and that is why most people learn nothing they would rather jump off the deep end complain about how hard it is as if it were supposed supposed to be any other way or as if something that is hard is bad or negative rather than reality itself and then blame anyone but themselves for their inability to do anything without it being given to them so what do you do
how do you learn how do you make the greatest comeback of your life the first step is to get mad at where you are because the best periods of my life as I've said before came after getting absolutely Fed Up with the lack of progress that I was making I didn't care what I did I just had to do something I would try anything to get out of that situation most people would call that desperation but I would call it a mind that's hungry to learn grow and evolve to the next level the goal isn't
to immediately find one thing that eases your pain after jumping into the unknown the goal is to accept a radical shift in how you live you must realize that all of your actions compounded to where you are right now and if you continue doing those things you will remain where you are the only real change is behavior change so say goodbye to almost everything you hold on to so tightly right now that you think aren't that bad you clearly can't manage them well you must become disgusted with where you are you must fabricate a mental
Rock Bottom write down everything you don't want in life the stupid mind the pudgy body the sluggish energy the dead-end relationships reject them you're allowed to be extremely negative as negative energy is much more potent than positive but you must Channel it toward forging a new identity I'm not telling you to make simple habit changes or take the the soft approach to change I'm telling you to completely flip the switch overnight because if you do this correctly if you gain absolute Awareness on what you don't want out of life then this isn't a difficult process
what I mean by that is if you gain absolute awareness of what you don't want in life then you will never do those things again if you want to do those things again you do not have absolute awareness of where that will lead you in life you don't understand the pain and the stupidity of doing those things yet and when you do that you won't want to do anything other than the opposite of that thing when you reach that point through contemplation and really understanding what you don't want in life you disappear for three months
minimum in other words you cut off all of the anchors that are holding you in the situation that you're in because with this if you don't have a vision you are lost the negative energy has nowhere to go so it gets trapped and WS havoc in your mind psychic entropy if you don't have a meaningful path system or goal to invest that energy into you Decay but a vision doesn't start out clear it starts as an educated guess you won't be confident in it I think I want to try this business I think I want
to read this book and that's all it takes to begin reprogramming your mind in a positive direction by redirecting energy toward a better life now if you want to map these things out you want to write down what you don't want out of life what you want out of life and then be able to break it down into weekly goals and priority tasks on what you're supposed to do there's if you join the newsletter there is a document I'll actually just link the document as well that you can download to duplicate to Cortex and fill
it out now that you're brutally aware of what you don't want laser in on what you think you want fix your physical diet fix your mental diet go on more walks learn a new skill go to the gym talk to someone new today you're in the unknown for Christ's sake yes it's going to be a bit uncomfortable but that doesn't take away from the fact that a mediocre life is the most uncomfortable thing in the world once you realize that truly realize it everything else doesn't seem so bad give yourself 3 months not 2 weeks
you need enough time to invest the right amount of energy to the point of seeing that thing as a important like a song you don't like but when you listen to it enough it becomes your favorite song the gym isn't going to be fun the first time the skill is going to be difficult the first time but as your skill begins to match the challenge of the situation you begin to find the game extremely addicting to the point where it's all you want to do when many people learn something new especially when they haven't been
in school for a long time the first thing they say is usually oh this is overwhelming or this is really hard yeah it is you're learning something it's something that you don't know it's in in the unknown it's it's scary it's dark you don't know what's going on overwhelm and struggle and mistakes and all these other things are signals that you're moving in the right direction it's a signal that you're moving toward a better life and not staying in the comfortable life if it were comfortable it wouldn't be worth doing it wouldn't be a challenge
it wouldn't push you to grow so that leads us into our last point to tie everything together if it wasn't a mistake you didn't learn a thing because again the best decisions of my life are the ones that most people think were stupid and it's actually quite fun because I can give myself permission to do these stupid things and discover so much in the process a lot of people hold themselves back from doing these stupid things which is smart for many people if they can't pull through or they're ruining their lives doing it but just
be smart about these things the most massive mistakes in my life are the ones that have led to the most growth in 2018 I maxed out my first credit card to try to make a business work in 2019 I got rid of everything I owned except for a bag of clothes in my laptop and flew to a different country in 2020 I signed a lease on an apartment that was 2x what I could afford and this forced me to make my business work the catch here is that these don't start as mistakes they start as
risks the payoff of that risk is the mistake because if that risk only led to success you wouldn't learn a thing and you wouldn't be able to replicate it so am I telling you you to do something that's absolutely stupid and you know you shouldn't do no you need at least a a shred of self-belief that you think you can make it work you're not just going and doubling your rent because it'll somehow magic again you're searching for the quick fix if you have the Quick Fix mindset and you think oh yeah if I just
go double my rent then I'll make 10 times more in my business no you have to understand the process of putting yourself in a stressful situation it has to be calculated to the point where you know that you don't have any other option but success so why does this work why does this work if you have things right and you aren't just doing it for the quick fix reason one is that goldfish grow to fit the tank you put them in but if you keep them in a small bowl they never grow the same is
true for your mind reason number two is Parkinson's law work expands so as to fill the time a lot of for completion but when you launch yourself into the unknown you threaten your survival and you have less time to become a success reason number three is the theme of going full circle so imagine a straight line with black on one end and white on the other end Blended in between with a gradient so it's a black to white gradient on a line now if you connect the two ends so it forms a circle there is
an instant flip from black to white a joke that's so unfunny that it becomes funny someone who is so dumb they become insightful someone who is in so much pain that they have no option but to find enjoyment this is a universal pattern leverage it and there's a psychology behind it by setting a challenging goal that deep down you know you can achieve you create a real deadline which eliminates distractions it leverages your survival instincts to quickly learn what's necessary to stay alive so your mind focuses on only the important things so what do you
do one feel into your situation become brutally aware of the life you don't want to live let your mind simmer with negativity two launch into the unknown make a stupid decision force yourself to pursue the stream you've been putting off sink or swim and understand that you can learn how to swim three is learn and build like a mad scientist perform emotional Alchemy with the stress pain and overwhelm Channel everything into that one meaningful goal study and learn while your mind is primed to store all relevant information you'll make it through thank you for watching
like subscribe links in the description if you want to learn a high income skill like digital writing or if you just want a starting point for all of these things but if you grab a course or you grab my book or you grab cortex or whatever it is build the project start building the project supplement with the education don't just go through the course and then forget about it like everyone does that's it thank you for watching bye