Conferme dagli Abissi. Il ritrovamento che rivoluziona la storia della navigazione | Mauro Biglino

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Mauro Biglino
Mauro Biglino commenta il ritrovamento del relitto al largo delle coste israeliane, il più antico de...
Video Transcript:
Good morning friends of the channel, with my group we follow news that comes out in Italian and foreign newspapers, above all obviously in scientific magazines and archeology magazines and I must tell you that, at least a couple of times a month, we happen to read: discovery of this thing that puts questioning everything we thought we knew; found a finding that forces us to review all the datings that we thought we already had correctly; discovered this other thing that calls into question, forces us to review all our beliefs. So this time I decided to talk about it because a discovery came to our attention which also concerns Israel, in the sense that it is followed by the Israeli Antiquities Authority because a wreck was discovered at the bottom of the sea, a mile deep, at 55 miles from the coast of Israel. What do the experts say?
They say that to this day what was the academic belief was that the trade of that era - and what is the era? The dating is from the 14th or 13th century BC - it was that "the trade of that era took place in a safe way, that is, passing from one port to another, embracing the coast within sight. The discovery of this vessel changes the entire understanding of ancient seafaring skills.
From this geographical point only the horizon is visible all around. " That is, you can only see the sea. "To navigate they probably used celestial bodies by observing the positions and angles of the sun and stars.
" Now this is important because, precisely, it forces us to review all the beliefs we had about the knowledge, even astronomical, of the peoples of that time: something which we had already seen, we had already mentioned, in the sense that when speaking about the stars we are normally used to to see ancient peoples as worshipers of the stars understood as divinities, whereas in reality, let's say, in 1300 -1200 BC, they already looked at the stars as measurement systems. I remember that, for example, the Babylonians calculated the orbit of Jupiter with trapezoidal geometry , so in reality they did not consider him a divinity, if anything they combined the names of divinities with the various stars but it is not that they considered them divinities: the divinities were well another thing and for now we are talking about the Middle East. So this news is very interesting precisely because it is a further confirmation of this knowledge they had and this obviously brings to mind, for example, the story of Jonah, which we have already talked about, but I want to read one sentence because it is interesting.
When Yahweh tells Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh and Jonah what does he do? He decides to run away because he has no desire to obey Yahweh's order and so he finds a place on a ferry to Tarshish, that is to Spain: in other words, he buys the ticket. In fact here, in the first chapter of Jonah, it is written "Having paid the price of the transport he embarked with them" that is, with these sailors "for Tarshish".
Always understood as Spain "far from the Lord" that is, far from Yahweh, which means say that Jonah, prophet of Yahveh, thought that it was enough to take a ship to go away from Yahveh who would be the so-called omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God, but for Jonah, evidently, this was not the case because, otherwise, he would not have made such a ridiculous choice , so banal, so useless. But the Bible tells us much more in relation to aspects of the knowledge they had regarding the sea. We are used to thinking of the people of the Bible as nomads, semi-nomads and then sedentary after the occupation of Canaan, who took care of their livestock and then their fields.
In reality the sea is very present in the Bible and it is something that is not known deeply enough. For example, the Bible speaks very often of islands, it speaks very often of distant islands: the islands in the Bible are mentioned 32 times and in these 32 times it also speaks of distant islands and of islands also located on the route to Tarshish, that is, to Spain. But we would like to talk about islands later with Professor Corrias because it is a very interesting discussion.
You know that we are making this series of videos dedicated to presence now confirmed the cult of Yahweh in Sardinia; we talked about the cult of Yahweh which entered the mystery cults of the Greek islands and therefore with Professor Corrias we will address this topic. But the Bible speaks of islands, it speaks of them in the book of Isaiah, of Esther, in the book of Ezekiel, in the book of Jeremiah, it speaks of them in the Psalms and therefore this too represents a sort of, if you like, surprise precisely because normally the Bible is not connected to the sea. For example, I will read to you a single verse from Isaiah, from chapter 42, where it says "Sing to Yahweh a new song, praise him from the ends of the Earth, you who go by sea and all that it contains, the islands and their inhabitants".
Now we have seen that there was a cult and we see, we will continue to see it, that there was this cult of Yahweh on the island on the Sardinian island but we know from the Book of Judges, for those who have not had the opportunity to see the others video in which I talked about it, in the Book of Judges, in chapter 5, there is the famous Canticle of Deborah where Deborah says, listing the tribes that participated in a certain fight, in a war against the enemies and making also, with regret and even a little anger, the list of tribes that did not participate clearly says "And Dan" that is, the tribe of Dan "why does he go wandering on ships? ". So in reality the Bible talks to us about islands, it talks to us about seas, it talks to us about distant islands, it says that the cult of Yahweh must also reach distant islands - obviously the Bible generally refers to the Mediterranean - and all this makes us review once again what we are used to thinking about that world, that is, the world of the Bible: a world exclusively made up of nomadic or semi-nomadic shepherds.
The tribe of Dan , among other things, is linked, for example, to the Greek Danaoi, as they are called by Homer, to the Mycenaean civilization where tombs were found that refer and are reconnected, but we have already talked about this too, yes connect to biblical themes. In the Bible it talks about direct connections with the Spartans and therefore, obviously, these also took place by sea, so this discovery is really interesting because we put it in the list and then maybe one day I will make a video on the archaeological discoveries that are continually made but are obviously disclosed minimally and mostly in scientific journals, which confirm the location of all biblical events in the Middle East. This discovery here, once again, makes us understand that what we thought in relation to ancient cultures actually needs to be revised, needs to be revised and, I repeat, it is important because it means that in 1300, 1200 BC - which among other things it is the era, let's say the centuries in which the story of Moses, the story of the exodus, is normally placed - therefore in that period these people looked at the stars as measurement systems to establish routes, to establish distances, to establish routes, to establish the points where they were even when they were on the high seas, that is, when the coasts were not visible and they were therefore forced to use systems, so to speak, we would say today, technological, in order to be able to navigate.
Now this wreck will be explored calmly: for now amphorae have been brought out as evidence of the trade that took place and therefore, when I think of these ships, of this particular ship that was traveling on the high seas, in this case 55 miles from the coast of Israel, I can't help but think, for example, of the Phaeacian ships. The ships of the Phaeacians described by Homer as very special ships: ships that knew the route, ships that obeyed the thoughts of man, ships that never got lost, ships that sailed above and below the waters, ships that went very fast and ships that Poseidon had given it to Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians, who among other things was his descendant. Therefore it is increasingly important, I would say fundamental, to connect all the knowledge we have in an interdisciplinary way, even if I realize that, apparently, for what is taught, what is said, the Bible is one thing, the Homeric poems are a another, Egypt, the history of Egypt is another thing, but also the history of Egypt, what we know and are taught has been totally called into question by the discoveries of Göbekli Tepe or Karahan Tepe and, among other things, I was very pleased to see the reconciliation between Graham Hancock and Zahi Hawass who, you know, is the responsible for Egyptian antiquities: between the two there had always been an obvious and profound conflict also because Zahi Hawass has always maintained that everything in Egypt was made by the Egyptians in the historical era established by archaeology, Graham Hancock instead he talks about a previous civilization that was much more technologically advanced and Zahi Hawass recently said that Egypt still has many things to tell us because he himself is making discoveries, let's say, with somewhat particular datings, with datings which, like this discovery of which I mentioned to you today, essentially induce, not to say force, to review history as we have conceived it up to now.
The important thing, as always, is to have an open mind because the truths, as I said before, at least for what we as a group follow, at least twice a month, in all fields ranging from the origin of man to archaeology, skills, knowledge, astronomy, are called into question and so let's take note of this, let's take note of this, let's make sure not to be dogmatic, let's make sure we remain open to the fact that, perhaps, between 15 days what we thought we knew is called into question again but above all we take this fact with joy because it means that our history, the history of man, is not as linear as we were told and is much more fascinating. Bye, thanks and see you next time.
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