Welcome back to Quiz Blitz Can you name 120 animals within just 3 seconds? From easy to impossible! Give it your best shot Before starting, please subscribe to the Quiz Blitz channel for more exciting quizzes You got this, it's the easy level Let's get started It's a Dog A Cat Next You've got this Cow Let's go Horse a Sheep A Rooster Do you recognize this animal? Pig A Goose Let's see if you can crack this one Duck Rat A Mouse It's a Hamster Guinea Pig A Rabbit Ferret a Rattlesnake Salamander Turtle Next animal It's a Frog
Great White Shark It's a Dolphin A Turkey Seal Walrus It's a Bat Jellyfish On to the next one Hedgehog It's a Gorilla Sea Urchin Flamingos Here we go for the medium level Next animal Peacock Bear Chimpanzee It's an Elephant Giraffe Meerkat Lion It's a Tiger Leopard Any ideas? A Cheetah Killer Whale Next Iguana A Chameleon Guess the animal It's a Kangaroo What is it? Koala It's a Lobster A Ray Do you recognize this animal? Platypus Penguin Wildebeest It's an Ostrich What is it? Emu A Llama Crocodile It's an Alligator Guess the animal Blue Whale Hippopotamus
Rhinoceros Hedgehog Fox This is the hard level, time to shine Lemur It's a Hyena A Wolf Next Deer Elk Marmot It's a Bison What is it? An Orangutan What is it? It's a Sloth Next animal It's not a Pokemon, it's an Armadillo Baboon Squirrel Beaver Otter Raccoon Badger It's a Weasel Opossum Chinchilla It's a Tarantula Coyote Lynx Hummingbird It's a Panther On to the next one Komodo Dragon Addax A Cockatoo Orycterope Aye-aye! It's crazy how much it looks like my uncle Flying Squirrel Here we go for the impossible level, good luck Impala It's an Axolotl
Tapir Dingo Lanternfish It's a Jaguar Kiwi Yak Red Panda Stork The Tasmanian Devil Ouakari Squid Fennec Fox It's a Bald Eagle Narwhal Dugong Beluga Whale It's a Xerus Wombat Zebu Anteater Next animal A Pangolin Pika Dhole It's an Okapi Capybara Next animal Markhor Fossa Cassowary Pick your next Challenge and make sure to like and subscribe.