He Got The COPY PASTE Ability With Infinite Mana And Went To The Dungeon To Level Up - Manhwa Recap

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AniRay Manhwa Recap
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Video Transcript:
the story began with a stone monster attacking a man with a shield in his hands a man with a spear in his hands asked to hold on a low-l dungeon is the lair of the margle Golem the stone monster hit the man with a shield and broke it the man in armor shouted for him not to take the blow and to take it away the guy was struggling to hold back the stone Monster's attack with an iron sword and the guy with a Black Blade shouted that they were going to attack the guy hit the
stone monster after which his eyes lit up with red light the the stone monster completely began to glow red and began to move straight at the guys the guy with the shield in his hands shouted in fear that they were Furious he asked everyone to take a defensive position and The Magicians finished him off someone's hand raised a staff with a yellow stone from which raay emanated the guy in the cap turned to the guy hero and asked Manos why are you sleeping he asked to pour Mana into him Sono hero Hunter class level 29
nicknamed Manos hero closed his eyes and then Blue Magic appeared in his hand which he directed at the guy in the cap the guy in the cap smiled and happily said that this should be enough to defeat the great Golem the stone monster began to scream and red light emanated from its eyes the guy in the cap pointed a staff with a yellow stone at the monster and told it to die after a while haruto sat down on the ground and exhaled heavily the man in armor approached hero and said that from Hunter Sano today
as always zero help he asked him to go help sort out the loot herud looked at the man in armor in Surprise and agreed the guy asked he is a hunter dealer right then why is he put in the rear as support the guy said that his skills are useless but he can endlessly generate Mana haruto listened to the guy's conversation in Silence the guy in green asked in Surprise infinitely generate Mana but isn't that the most useful ability the guy in the suit exhaled thoughtfully and asked what's so special about that Mages and healers
can also absorb Mana so what only needed during the boss fight when you need a lot of Mana the guy in the cap raised his hand in front of him and said contentedly that's why he hasn't been able to reach level 30 for 5 years even the weakest Hunter will be much stronger than an ordinary person haruto clicked his tongue and displeasure and thought what bastards they speak loudly on purpose so he can hear but they won't break him meanwhile in the tyen guild haruto slapped his hand on the table in Surprise and asked what
does that mean he a hunter was transferred to the production Department the man in the suit said that the thing is that no one else wants to take him into the dungeon besides he was level 29 which meant no one would let him into the dungeon alone and his only skill was man of generation hero pointed at himself and said discontentedly because his Mana had been useful to many he had just a little bit left until 30 if he gave him a chance the man said that healers and mages usually had Mana absorption skills in
most raids he would be like a fifth wheel he asked if he thought level 30 would change anything herud was about to say something in fear but he was interrupted the man in the suit said that the guild had simply decided to develop his strengths he would fit in perfectly in the Mana potion production Department hero angrily asked if he refused would they kick him out of the guild the man in the suit apologized and said that Sano was not developing they could not keep him in the guild any longer after a while there was
a drink and a black and red kin on the bench and some food near by Hero grabbed his throat and said with pain that he lost his job in an instant everyone thinks that his skill is endlessly generating mana and transferring it to allies but in fact it is a more special skill that he did not tell anyone herido took the food in his hand he said surprisingly he received it before he became a hunter he extended his hand with food in front of him and a blue plate appeared in front of him it asked
copy the target hero pressed the button and suddenly a blue glow appeared from his hand after which a copy of the food appeared he said that these abilities allow you to copy objects immediately after waking up he realized that this skill is quite useless for a hunter at first he was delighted with this ability however it turned out that it was only available to him haruto put the copy of the food on the bench and it disappeared haruto said that as soon as the object enters from his hands it disappears like a mirage that's why
he can't copy money or resell copied equipment herido took a bite of food student thought well what's most annoying is that there's a level limit to copying equipment a dagger appeared in front of him the dagger of loyalty can be used at level 90 and above and has one skill slot due to the user's level mismatch it's impossible to copy an object haruto said that it's called Manos because it generates endless Mana but in reality a magical glow appeared around haruto he said that he simply copies and pastes a small amount of absorbed Mana the
copy Mana does not disappear and can be given to other Hunters he tried to copy skills in the same way but to do that he had to kill highle monsters haruto angrily squeezed the drink in and said that if he could level up and copy good equipment then they would all see what he's capable of I wish he could reach at least level 30 hero picked up the phone it was a long sword its handle was in the form of bat wings and it said breaking news the kisian dragon long sword is coming to Japan
he said that this sword has two special skill slots and greatly increased defense also this sword is unique because it has its own level as soon as the sword is picked up the level of use increases by 200 but what's cool about this blade is that it can be used from level 30 hudo thought that this is a great legendary sword for a hunter like him haruto stood contentedly in Black armor the kisian dragon sword in his hand he thought that if he copied this sword he would become a level 230 Hunter this is his
ticket to a happy life hero said that in a week at it will be shown at an exhibition in Japan this Legendary Blade has only 10% of its durability left and is only good for a few raids so the owners wanted to make money on it in another way hero smiled madly and started pressing something on his phone he thought that this was a great chance for him if he could touch it even once no matter how much durability it had he would be able to recreate this blade forever he had to ascend at any
cost a few days later there were spider monsters in the dungeon the guy with the sword in his hands the guy in the blue shirt and the guy with the headband were dealing with the spider monsters The Lair of the great spider is an unregistered dungeon in the hunter Association the guy with the yellow ones in the jacket turned back and asked for Mana hero put his hands in front of him and sent Mana to the guy fire appeared from the guy in the jacket staff and began to spread in the dungeon he began to
laugh madly and shouted for them all to burn hero covered his face with his hand and thought about how much he hated Mes in a closed room after a while a blue sign appeared in front of hero he said that he would check the level now suddenly a guy in armor came up to him from behind and asked him with satisfaction is he checking the status again no matter how much he looked nothing would change herud looked back in fear and said that he just wanted to prepare before the boss battle aaga always slightly said
that he hoped he liked the show in the front row and asked if they should charge him a fee in that case hero said displeased what kind of fee he thought about his guildmate aaga a he said that when they finished drinking from him haruto exhaled easily and thought about earning money he has been going down to unregistered dungeons since childhood although this is a dangerous dungeon unregistered in the hunter Association thanks to him he can accompany high ranking Hunters suddenly someone's voice shouted for them to finish and move on as the Boss Arena was
very close he asked them to hurry after a while and familiar voice told them to stop as this was the clutch of a great spider on a stone column lay a monster and under it lay large eggs Alexa the boss of the dungeon level 80 hero thought with fear that his knees were buckling from just looking at it AI turned to hero and said that no one would send him into battle he had nothing to fear killing a great spider is easy but you need to be careful the main thing is to carefully watch her
web if he gets caught he will not get out you also need to be careful with her eggs if you break them the great spider will go berserk and if she goes berserk they will all be finished the guy asked this contentedly why is he wasting time on this monono always smiled contentedly and apologized the guy in the sweater said that they do not have time and let him distract them they already took him out of the kindness of their hearts suddenly a stone flew out from under the guy with the staff's feet and flew
straight into the web all the guys looked up and suddenly saw an angry monster in front of of them suddenly a stone flew out from under the guy feet and flew straight into the web all the guys looked up and suddenly saw an angry monster in front of them the man who held the shield in his hand shouted he is a idiot because of his conversations she woke up the monster's paw hit the man's Shield straight he asked to remove his hairy legs and cut the monster's paw the man with the bandage on his head
turned around and warned that they need to be careful with the web and eggs the guys said in one voice okay and started attacking the monster haruto looked out from behind a stone column and happily watched everything that was happening he thought about how they were needing her if he was lucky he would rise to level 35 right away suddenly the monster turned around the guy with the bandage on his head turned to the others and shouted that she was releasing a web everyone needed to hide behind the columns the guy with yellow and an
orange sweater raised his fire staff and asked contentedly why run he had defeated such people more than once he asked everyone to step back and said that he would burn the monster along with the web suddenly the monster began to release a web creating a shield in front of him the guy asked in Surprise did she reflect his Fireball he said displeased well that's it she made him angry now he will show her his true power hero shouted that he shouldn't because that would only make things worse Fireballs formed above the guy with the staff
he laughed madly and shouted meteor shower the guy with the band on his head shouted at him stupid idiot he can hit the eggs the guy with the staff in his hands stood in a stoer hero said in fear it's too late suddenly the eggs began to crack the guy with the bandage on his head fearfully ordered everyone to run because she's going to go crazy the guy in the sweater was completely pinned To The Ground by the web II shouted to Sono to quickly climb the columns when the monster goes crazy it shoots webs
in all directions hero stood in a stoer and watched the monster suddenly a web flew into his face part of the web freed the guy with yellow in the sweater he asked how so his Fireball didn't work on the web the monster approached him the guy in the orange shirt nervously said no need he screamed in fear for the monster not to come near him and to get away the monster swung its paw and pressed the guy in the orange shirt into the ground haruto chained to the ground by the web watched in horror suddenly
the monster began to approach haruto he thought that this was an ordinary low-level dungeon he just needed one damn level and now he was going to die like this suddenly the monster plunged its paw into hero and blood flew all over the floor in fact his skill is not so useless hero was standing in a blue magic circle he said that objects disappear after being copied however this rule does not work for his body so just in case he created a copy of himself suddenly the copy of hero began to disappear when he dies his
Consciousness moves to the copy and the dead body disappears hero gritted his teeth and thought that he would never get used to this sight but there was no other way suddenly the monsters PA dug into hero again he thought not again after a few seconds he hid behind a pillar and thought that the monster would not let him go even if he copied himself endlessly suddenly herido looked to the side and was surprised AI was tied to the pillar with a web and was asking for help herido asked a is he alive he turned his
head away and apologized he doesn't know how to help suddenly the monster headed towards them herido took out his blade and rushed towards aoi he thought about how he helped him when everyone else abandoned him if he doesn't do anything what kind of friend is he hero swung his sword and cut the monster's paw and then flew to the ground he looked at a and thought great he wasn't hurt suddenly a blue table appeared in front of him it said that the level had increased hero looked at it questioningly and asked in Surprise did he
increase the level did his attack really work suddenly the monster attacked hero again he thought that the level had increased all that was left was to copy the long sword of the kisian Dragon hero took a fighting stance and said since he would not be able to escape he would kill it even if he had to die a 100 times the main thing is to inflict at least some damage in one life haruto headed straight for the monster and said with his skill skill he has no chance his death a matter of time spider 3
days later since then he fought day and night and spent about 50 lives he broke almost all the weapons that their group brought with him but during this time his skills have improved significantly unexpectedly hero cut the monster in half with his sword the great spider was getting weaker with each passing minute luckily she doesn't have regeneration suddenly the spider monster turned around and started attacking hero with a web but he defly dodged it and thought for projectiles at once suddenly the monster's paw appeared in front of him hero climbed it and climbed straight up
swung his sword and shouted for it to die already when suddenly from Hero's attack the sword split into two parts he flew down and said that he forgot to copy and paste hero fell to the ground and suddenly a spider monster appeared in front of him herud looked at the monster in fear when suddenly the monster's body flew apart he lay on the ground then happily said great finally how does he like that spider he sanoh hero defeated him suddenly a lot of blue tables began to appear in front of him it said level up
reward received for destroying the great spider after a while herido carried oi on his back and asked if he remembered how they wanted to drink after clearing the dungeon he promises to treat him to the best whiskey suddenly something hit hero in the side he looked up and saw the newborn Children of the level 30 great SP spider in front of him hero exclaimed they are kidding me he doesn't have a weapon anymore he thought that he could handle it but it would be difficult to fight while protecting AE at the same time hero covered
Ai and was ready for the monster's attack when suddenly a Blue Wave cut the monster in half in front of them stood a girl with a tail on her head she shouted Hellfire and released Blue Magic from her staff attacking the monsters Hellfire is the ultimate fire magic spell there are only a few Mages in the entire world world who can freely control it haruto looked at the girl in Surprise and thought that if his memory serves him correctly there was only one such Mage in Japan a night Mage who used a witch sword ranked
fifth in the Japanese Hunter rankings in front of him stood a girl in a robe and holding a staff she looked at hero and asked are they the only survivors hero picked up a and agreed the girl looked at the battlefield and thought about the children of the great spider so the eggs cracked and she went crazy it seemed like the high level party was completely wiped out she looked at hero and thought but he managed to defeat the dungeon boss and even saved his comrade he was clearly a low-level Hunter how did he do
that meanwhile at the Japanese Hunter Association in the interrogation room herido awkwardly said that if nanes hadn't come they would really be grateful to them and to the dungeon manager too nanise said that she was just doing her job she put a scroll of spiderweb on the table and said that all the items in reports about The Great spider had been turned in Nan said that they could go haruto looked at her questioningly and said that a group of highlevel adventurers bought a pass to enter an unregistered dungeon almost all of them died there and
she was just letting them go nanise asked do they want to stay she said that adventurers die every day in dozens even hundreds of unregistered dungeons they signed an agreement to accept this risk in the entry and exit declaration and about the low-level Hunters who pay bribes to illegally participate in Dungeons and in order to increase their level the association simply turns a blind eye to it the desire to become stronger is natural for any hunter even if it is illegal it contributes to their growth nanise looked at hero and asked are there any more
questions haruto awkwardly said that she explained it clearly and thanked her nanise held up a scroll of webbing and said that the payments for the large spider items they provided should be made in a few days herido refused and said to give everything to aoi the door to the interrogation room slam un shut Nance looked at it and said well he's clearly a difficult person to refuse the reward anyway clearing a high Lev dungeon by himself Hunter Sano you're definitely hiding something meanwhile haruto was walking down the hallway of the hunter Association smiling contentedly herido
asked to open his inventory and a blue tablet appeared in front of him it was the rod of the great spider herido thought that these rods would be very useful to him a few hours ago a golden tablet appeared above haruto it said received as a reward for defeating the great spider the rod of the great spider has the same effect as the web of the great spider when used it exhibits strong adhesive properties for a certain time hero looked at the rod with disappointment and asked what is this it looks cool but from the
description it looks like ordinary glue all this death all this work was it all for this he thought about maybe using it as a sticky tape against flies and mosquitoes hero took the rod in his hand and began to copy it he tapped it and asked but how to use it suddenly the rod began to disappear from his hands herud looked around questioningly and asked where did it disappear a blue table popped up in front of him indicating that the great spider's Rod had been absorbed by an existing skill the insert indicators were increasing hero
looked at it in Surprise and thought can this ability be upgraded the Blue Table notified that the ability to copy an object can be improved herido asked in Surprise can it be improved the Blue Table notified that the ability to insert an object is the first level three skill options appeared herido asked how can they be upgraded is it because of the absorption of the rod then if you copy and absorb the corresponding item will it evolve too hero said happily that's so cool by the way was there something about new options he touched it
and suddenly the system announced that the inserted object can be held for a desired time the object can be inserted anywhere for a certain amount out of time you can untie the web of the great spider hero smiled and said that he thought it was a useless skill but now he will try it first for one minute herido dropped the rod on the ground and sat down next to it he thought about how he let it go from his hands and it did not disappear after a while the rod disappeared hero smiled madly and said
that it did not disappear for a whole minute in that case he will copy as many as possible and set the timer for 30 minutes for 100 years for a thousand years meanwhile herido shouted happily and thought that from today on he was rich and he could finally live like a human but first of all he had to copy the sword of the kisian Dragon 2 hours ago Tokyo the Rainbow Bridge a blue van was moving along the Rainbow Bridge overtaking other cars someone's voice ordered the lead car to maintain speed and distance the voice
on the other side received the information and maintained the current speed M Grant asked the next address how many times has she been to Japan already Aries you said twice Gran asked did she say that his mother was from this land Aries said that it was her mother's Homeland but not hers someone's voice from the front seat asked the long sword exhibition will end in Japan right did she apply for a vacation the driver of the van said that there was something he wanted to find in the Japanese dungeons Grant put his hands behind his
head with satisfaction and said that he hoped this time he would find what he was looking for AR said indifferently that it was none of his business but one day it would affect him too someone's voice on the radio said that at the moment the lead car was passing through the dungeon on the Rainbow Bridge due to the electromagnetic waves of the dungeon communication would be interrupted for 5 minutes blue crystals appeared around the van Grant looked out of the window of the van and asked in Surprise the dungeon is right above the sea isn't
that romantic Aries told him not to talk nonsense and if the dungeon collapses it will be a disaster Grant discontented asked for someone to open the window because they are stuffy in here Aries asked what is romantic about a dangerous dungeon Grant shouted that she just does not understand that is the whole point at the same time on the Rainbow Bridge the entrance Office of the dungeon shenoda soru level 21 The Guild of great sages he yawned and said how boring it was to work as a ticket collector at the entrance to the dungeon the
guy looked at him and asked a minion he was already lucky and he was still showing off 3 weeks ago there was hell on Earth suddenly an unknown object similar to slime hit satoru's leg he looked at it questioningly and asked what is it soru picked it up with interest and exclaimed a slime so cute and then asked what he forgot outside the dungeon satoru turned back and asked could a slime appear on the surface the guy in the T-shirt said fearfully of course not it is suddenly something pressed against his back the guy turned
back and saw a large troll monster currently in the building of the hunter Association hero looked at the blue information table with satisfaction and said great all his stats have increased it's not for nothing it means he died so many times now he is level 50 when a hunter reaches level 50 it is easier for him to join a group usually in mid-level dungeons the monsters are just about the same level except for the zones for beginners in such dungeons experience grows faster and you can get more reward items sometimes you even find rare ones
so after level 50 leveling is much easier hero said with satisfaction that he will copy the rods of the great spider and tried to sell them at the auction haruto turned back and saw how the rest of the people were running worriedly and asking to make way someone's voice shouted how could the dungeon collapse hero watched in Surprise and thought the dungeon collapsed is this really a breakthrough the guy with the bandage on his head asked but why were they thrown there before the big guilds the man in uniform said that the van with the
legendary sword was trapped a request for help was received from the international Hunter Association haruto thought with horror the long sword of the kisian Dragon is now surrounded by monsters from the Breakthrough meanwhile several airships were standing on the roof of the hunter Association building the man in the long coat asked to quickly request help from other guilds their first priority is to protect the van with the legendary items someone's voice asked protect the van what nonsense who gave this order the man in the long coat said that he the commander of their squad is
giving orders now Nance ordered them to destroy the monsters and protect the civilians this is the most priority task the situation is emergency so all questions will be left for later suddenly nanise noticed in the distance how someone is trying to break through to the ship nanise shouted that they are in a hurry and boarded the ship faster and faster herido raised his hand and asked Mrs nanise to go with him he also wants to help nanise asked in Surprise Mr herido shouted that he would go too if he could not fight the monsters he
would help Evacuate the citizens in such a situation any help would be useful after a while the airships flew to the Rainbow Bridge nanise said that in the dungeon of the great guy he managed to save his comrade and now he wants to help Evacuate the civilians herido smiled contentedly and thought that in fact he was pursuing his own goals the guy asked in Surprise isn't that strange only 3 weeks had passed since since the closure of the Rainbow Bridge breach Nan stood in the middle of the ship and said that anything could happen in
their world including another dungeon breach and no matter how many times it happened they would go to the epicenter each time so as not to repeat the disaster of 15 years ago hero thought about how he remembered these events as if they were yesterday simultaneous dungeon breakthroughs all over the world and international level of disaster in the memory there was a city being destroyed by monsters if the monsters in the dungeon are not exterminated in sufficient numbers the dungeon overflows and collapses forming a breakthrough and then the monsters break out attacking civilians in this chaos
his parents died little hero was sitting in front of a woman who was crushed by a car and behind him everything was swarming with monsters he had never told anyone about this before and no one would believe him but at that moment a supernatural being from another dimension appeared who gave him this as it seemed to him a curse a magic circle appeared above haruto and pierced his heart with magic the being called it a gift and set a term of 20 years he doesn't know if it means the duration of the ability or his
life but The Hourglass of the curse continues to tick even now hero remembered that back then that creature appeared through a great catastrophe he put his hand to his throat and thought about what it means when it appears again another cataclysm will happen 5 years left he understood how to develop his abilities becoming the strongest Hunter perhaps he will be able to prevent the catastrophe and lift the curse but for this he desperately needs the blade of the kisian Dragon meanwhile an explosion occurred on the Rainbow Bridge the enraged monster overturned stones and cars on
passers by hunters attacked the green monster from all sides satoru watching what was happening thought that there were too few of them and they would not be able to protect all the civilians suddenly he noticed a monster running towards him but he deafly cut it with his sword SW suddenly another monster appeared behind satoru who tried to attack but a dagger pierced the monster the guy said with displeasure that he should not get distracted sadoro smiled and thanked the guy for his help the guy in armor warned that if soru relaxed again he could not
expect help Satur thought about how he did not mince words and called him a squirrel however it was the Elder who saved him from the orc today this is the second time he helped him out he will definitely return the favor the guy put his hand on his head and said that it seemed that he had lost too much blood and was feeling sick saturo asked is there news of reinforcements the guy in armor said that due to the electromagnetic waves of the dungeon they cannot contact them but they probably already know about the situation
and are heading there they should also run to the beginning of the bridge that way they will meet up with reinforcements faster satoru asked in that direction the guy said that it does not matter it is better than waiting there to die meanwhile the air monster attacked The Blue Van Grant asked Aries if she was sure the van would be okay Aries held a magic ball in her hand and said that she understood his concerns and asked him not to escalate them further her defensive magic was top-notch and even a level 400 monster couldn't scratch
it suddenly the Rainbow Bridge began to collapse Aries worriedly said that even the strongest defensive magic wouldn't protect against something like that meanwhile the Airship approached the battlefield and the guy in uniform looked out the window in Surprise a large red monster appeared from the water Nan said that it was the boss of the Rainbow Bridge dungeon qua she shouted sharply for everyone to prepare for the attack suddenly the monster opened its mouth and began to gather yellow magic into it and then it attacked the airships haruto angrily asked that this monster destroyed the bridge
he hoped that his long sword was intact meanwhile airships were flying above the monster suddenly a fireball appeared in the mouth of theisha it shot straight at the ship and crashed nanise and the rest of the passengers on the ship fell down nanise landed on the ground and told everyone to listen to her and changed the plan she ordered all forces to focus on destroying Thea she turned around and thought about where Mr sonel was she was sure that he was okay since she had a feeling that he would not die just like that nanise
used the skill Hellfire and blue magic was formed from her staff and attack the monster meanwhile herido thought that this was only the second time she saw it but it was really impressive he would have to copy it later a web formed around him and the system notified him that he had untangled the web of the great spider hero said that his main task now was to copy the long sword of the kisian Dragon meanwhile uniform people were moving along the Rainbow Bridge the masked man with the purple cloak said that the appearance of the
Ki was unexpected one wrong move and they could be in danger too right on the contrary it would be to their advantage Hunter nanise and the rest of of the association would be busy for a while destroying the boss was the fastest way to compress the Breakthrough during this time they would take the long sword of the kisian Dragon the massed man ordered the others to move stealthily so as not to run into the monsters meanwhile hero walked past the corpses of the monsters and said that this was obviously the work of the hunters the
problem was that these monsters usually acted in packs suddenly someone's voice ordered them to run soru dealt with the monster and said that he could handle such monsters SBI held his hand to his wound and told him to listen to him since he needed to run otherwise they would both be in trouble satoru asked with displeasure how could he abandon him haruto watched them from behind the car and thought that they were Hunters controlling the entrance to the dungeon you can't get distracted you need to focus on your target they will manage on their own
somehow saki asked with displeasure doesn't he know why these low-ranking dogs are in such a difficult dungeon when they gather in packs their power is equivalent to a highlevel monster if he saw several it means there are many of them here suddenly a pack of Fel wolves emerged from the darkness hero angrily clenched his teeth and exclaimed I don't care satoru picked up the sword and said with displeasure that he received these wounds because of him now it's his turn to protect him hero looked at soru and remembered how he helped his comrade AI soru
began to deafly deal with the Fel wolf when suddenly hero blocked the monster's attack with his shoulder hero turned to him and asked if he was okay satoru said in a frightened tone that there were still many of them another pack of Fel wolves came out of the darkness soru took a fighting stance he thanked him for his help and told him to run away quickly even high level Hunters wouldn't be able to handle such a huge pack hero smiled contentedly and said well great satoru looked at him in Surprise a blue table appeared in
front of hero and he thought about putting them up for auction later suddenly a pack of Fel wolves rushed at herido he said that if you combine the rod of the great spider with his skill he always wondered how effective it would be against a large group of monsters soru watched in fear suddenly the web of the great spider began to bind the F wolves after a while a huge pillar of web anden wolves appeared in front of satoru and hero the system notified hero that his level had increased haruto exhaled and said that simply
binding does not give a big increase in level however as expected the technique works well against the pack but he needs to find a way to attack after binding sador thought in surprised that he had neutralized an entire pack in one go what kind of skill was that maybe it was something high level SBI thanked him for his help and asked if he was by any chance reinforcements from the association hero agreed in confusion and thought about the fact that they had arrived on the same helicopter so he was not lying in fact sakii asked
to take sador away soru walked up to the man and grabbed his shoulders refused and said that he would not abandon him even at the cost of his life saki said that he would be safe with that person haruto watched in Surprise and was surprised by his loyalty sadori shouted that he would not leave alone haruto exhaled heavily and thought that in any case in this state they were both in danger it was a Pity but there was no other way hero asked to open his inventory and took out a bottle of pink liquid he
handed it to the man and told him to take it sakii looked at him in Surprise hero said that it was a mid-level potion he would not be able to fight but he would be able to stand on his feet saki asked in Surprise why he was giving him such a valuable thing hero turned back and said with a smile Satur would not return without it satoru was surprised and thought how cool he was then he bowed and thanked him introduced himself and said that he controlled the entrance to the dungeon he asked hero to
at least remember his name he would definitely repay him for everything Hera looked at the distance of the bridge then turned around and awkwardly asked if he could ask them for help he was looking for the international Hunter Association van could they tell him where it was Satur looked at him questioningly and asked if the hunter was disoriented meanwhile the bare monster fell to the ground near the van Grant asked if she just put it to sleep even as a hunter he is a pacifist suddenly a metal ball appeared in front of them but Grant
skillfully cut it with an attack she smirked and and said that he knew it someone would take advantage of this chaos to steal the sword Grant asked if they thought they were the first to think of this Aries looked ahead in Surprise a masked man with his men appeared in front of them he said that their Insight was impressive well let's see what they can do the masked man attacked Grant but he deafly repelled the masked man's attack Grant smirked and said not to underestimate them they are the guards of the legendary weapon he threw
the MK man aside and told him not to think that they are easy to deal with Grant rushed to attack the enemy when suddenly something hit his body he fell to his knees and began coughing up blood Aries ran as fast as she could towards grant grant asked what was going on what was wrong with him Aries said that they sprayed a poison that deals damage and blocks Mana absorption for a while if he continues to fight it will kill him the masked man said the Mage it seems she has good intuition they did not
underestimate them since this is just their usual way of working Aries gritted her teeth angrily and asked the usual way using poison against humans despite the association ban AR's hand began to accumulate yellow magic she said that she would make them regret what they had done a 100 no a thousand times the massed man formed a fireball in his hands and asked how a mage who could not use Mana was going to do this the lawn sword would be theirs suddenly something killed the massed man's assistant the other masked men looked at the monster questioningly
and asked what was going on the enraged bear monster headed towards the massed men attacking them the massed man with the purple cloak began to disappear from the battlefield he thought about the fact that the bear was not dead she had only put it to sleep they had to retreat suddenly the monster headed towards the Blue Van Aries said now it's their turn Grant Breathing heavily asked if she could try putting him to sleep again Aries asked had he forgotten she can't absorb Mana Grant said with displeasure that he knew her pacifism would backfire on
her her one day it seemed like his bet had W today Aries smiled contentedly and said indeed but he didn't have to die because of her Aries stood up and charged at the monster using magic Gran asked what is she doing suddenly blood gushed out of AR's mouth she thought about the Mana absorption block completely blocking her abilities suddenly the monster charged at Aries when suddenly a blue skilled table appeared in front of her she looked at it in Surprise suddenly web began to bind the monster and hero appeared in front of it satoru asked
enthusiastically did he catch the bear King in one Fell Swoop hero was surprised he didn't think he could do it satoro exclaimed Sano Senpai he's really cool hero turned around in annoyance and asked why is he calling him Senpai they were the same age weren't they satoru said excitedly that he and Saki Senpai had saved his life more than once so he should respect and honor them both hero said to discontentedly it seemed like he couldn't get rid of him now he turned to Aries and asked if she was okay she was from the International
Association right Aries looked at him questioningly Grant suddenly took out a knife and asked worriedly did they also come for the sword haruto awkwardly put his hands in front of him and said that they were here to help protect him Grant discontentedly asked about the fact that they had just been attacked by a group of robers why should he believe them herido looked around and thought so these corpses they came for the long but the bear king killed them what should he do now satoru suddenly took out his information badge and asked is this really
how he should thank their saviors he risked his life for them and they call him a robber this man is a hunter from the Japanese Association and he and Saki Senpai are the controllers of this dungeon hero was happy and mentally thanked him for being on time he smiled widely and thought about what was left to season everything with Creme Fresh sauce herido opened his inventory and took out two vials of pink liquid and then handed it to Grant and Aries he told them to drink this for now it seems their wounds are quite serious
hero smiled contentedly and thought that he would do anything to get to the kisian Dragon Sword this investment would pay off in full hero told them not to be shy and asked them to just drink it Grant and Aries silently took the vials of pink liquid Aries looked away at the bear king after a while airships Flew Over the guys saki said in surprise it's it seems the Cavalry has arrived satoru asked happily so they will finally be saved sakii said that he was not sure and that something was wrong those guys had a completely
different task several airships were heading towards nanise and the monstera nanise ran on the monster's flesh and shouted for them to stop attacking because quesa had entered the third phase it will attack the area in all directions she descended to the ground and said that the support Guild had arrived nanise asked to buy time until the evacuation of the citizens was completed suddenly someone's voice asked do they think this will stop the dungeon breakthrough nanise turned around in Surprise shirasaki masado stood in front of her he said contentedly that they hadn't seen M nanise for
a long time nanise asked what he was doing here masado asked what is this stupid question for nanise asked in fear really suddenly a red magic seal appeared next to the monster Kisha nanise asked him to stop immediately if he couldn't defeat it with this spell masaro smiled contentedly and said that if he worried about such Trifles he wouldn't achieve anything last time during the ceiling of the dungeon on the Rainbow Bridge the association and she Mrs nanise did everything almost alone this time he won't be left behind this is his prey he will take
everything for himself Nado used dark lightning magic Black Lightning began to strike the monster qua nise turned to the others and ordered everyone to run suddenly dark lightning appeared on the ground after which the Rainbow Bridge collapsed herido climbed onto the bridge and said that he thought he was finished he looked down and saw the rest of the guys and The Blue Van hanging on the web he thought that he was lucky the van was fine and everyone else was fine too haruto turned around in fear and saw the dead body of the monster qua
in front of him he covered his mouth with his hand and asked qua how did he get here is he dead no was he captured masado landed on the ground next to haruto and asked are there any survivors it seems he is a low-level Hunter commendable haruto saw the necklace on masado and thought that this symbol he has seen it somewhere this is the third vasilia Guild in the country The Guild of the future hero asked it seems he is from a support Guild but shouldn't saving citizens and destroying monsters be his priority masato asked
saving citizens and destroying monsters he turned to the side and said it seems all the citizens have already evacuated but he seems to hear someone else and it is not qua Mado walked up to the bear King and said oh well it is him he touched the web with his hand and asked the web of the great spider he didn't know it could be used like that suddenly the web darkened and tore cutting the monster into pieces haruto watched in surprise he thought about what he had torn apart with one click the web that could
hold a level 200 monster and a 25ton van and he had turned a bear into minc meat was Kisha really his doing suddenly a blue table appeared in front of hero and informed him that he had failed to obtain the item for defeating the bear King masado looked at haruto and asked the sound of leveling up was that for the weak monster he had caught he apologized and asked did he seem to have stolen his loot the web in that bear he didn't think it was his doing he had accidentally dealt the finishing blow and
taken the reward suddenly a large claw fell to the floor masado said that he didn't need them he could take them hero looked at him with displeasure and asked him to listen to him when suddenly nanise appeared behind him and asked Mr Sano she exhaled easily and said as she thought masado asked contentedly do they know each other so he is also from the association now it is clear why he did not like him at first nanise asked what happened Huda looked at him with displeasure and said nothing special the support team is currently evacuating
the citizens nanise ordered to leave with him if quisha wakes up he will start to rage hero asked is there a chance to kill him nise shook her head in disappointment and said that unfortunately it is impossible boss monsters when their HP Falls below 33% activate frenzy or AOE attack in both cases they attack in different directions weak bosses and mini bosses usually activate only frenzy which requires less concentration without the need to divide the battle into phases however bosses at Casa's level have a lot of HP and activate both frenzy and an AOE attack
so their fight is divided into phases in the third phase Kisha feeling the thread of Life carries out large scale destructive attacks that can destroy everything around now quisha is in the third phase it protects itself with a barrier absorbing Mana from the surroundings at this time any attacks are useless when suddenly the monster abruptly opened its eyes nanise exclaimed in fear that it woke up earlier than they expected masado said contentedly just in time before it starts releasing massive attacks he will turn him into a pile of loot nanise turned to herido and said
that she thinks he will be able to get out alive this time too masado said that it is unlikely that such a weakling will not survive this battle but even if he dies he does not blame them the mortality rate of low ranked Hunters is higher than in a car accident hero raised the claw of the bear King and said the guild leader of the future masado shirasaki he did not mean to do this at all but he will kill him first after a while herido ran to the other Hunters Satur asked did sanos Senpai
save him again AR silently examined the web in her hand hero turned to her in Grant and said that he had a request for the two of them qua had entered the third phase and would soon go on a rampage with his AOE attacks there would be no stone left unturned in such a situation it would be difficult to find both the van and the long sword therefore he must kill Kisha but to do so he needed the corisan dragon's long sword he would return it after his victory Grant asked displeased did he think he
had enough strength to take down an entire Dragon he had helped them twice but that did not mean they could trust him Aries adjusted her glasses and said that it was impossible hero became nervous and thought that things were bad at this rate the sword would be lost to him forever Aries said that in order to remove the seal from the van a huge amount of Mana was needed and because of the robbers poison they can't absorb Mana Grant asked displeased what is she doing hero said why didn't they tell him earlier Grant looked at
him questioningly hero happily pointed at himself with his thumb and said that his nickname is manono one of his skills is infinite Mana generation after a while magical seals formed around H she thought in Surprise no way Mana is coming many magical seals appeared around the van Aries said that the seal was removed hero jumped off the bridge he thanked her and said that he would keep his promise Grant looked after him and asked why did she do this what if he thinks of something bad Aries said that everything is fine he recently tied up
the bear King but did not kill him Grant exhaled heavily and asked is this why she believed him meanwhile hero opened the door of the van and looked inside he thought that he finally had the kisian dragon's long sword in his hands suddenly a masked man in a purple cloak appeared behind him he said that the operation almost failed but he was glad that he decided to see how it would end herud asked in fear what a dagger appeared in the massed man's hand and stabbed hero straighten satoru asked in fear sanos Senpai the masked
man in a purple cloak landed inside the van and opened the container with the charian sword he said that who would have thought that the sword would be his in this way suddenly a blue table appeared above him and announced that due to the death of the owner the great spider's web was breaking suddenly the web that held the van broke and they fell into the water haruto used the skill paste copied object and appeared behind the MK man he said happily he didn't think that he would get the sword in this way hero thrust
the sword into him and said all the good and evil that is done to him he returns in double amount after which The Man in The Mask fell to the ground haruto held the long sword of the kisian Dragon in his hand and said in vain he coveted his prey he happily looked at the sword and thought the sword of the kisian Dragon which he dreed of so much became his the sword began to Glow with purple magic a blue table appeared in front of haruto and offered to copy the long sword of the kisian
Dragon without thinking hero pressed the skill and said of course suddenly the Blue Table notified that due to the fact that the user's level does not match the required level of the object copying is impossible herud was surprised and said what's going on he said in shock that to use the long sword you need to be level 30 or higher and his level has long since exceeded 50 suddenly someone's voice said that it looks like he lost nothing personal but the honor of the bloody Tower Guild assassin is at stake the massed man stabbed herido
with his sword and he fell to the ground Blue Magic appeared around the massed man's wound he said that if it weren't for the healing skill he would have died already the masked man picked up the kisian dragon long sword and said that he would take back his own words he pointed the tip of the sword at hero and said that he quickly forgets Good Deeds but returns grievances three-fold hero thought about how hard it was for him to get there suddenly a blue table notified that the kisian dragon long sword had merged with the
user the system copies and absorbs the characteristics of the kisian Dragon long sword hero asked in Surprise absorption the system notified about copying and absorbing the level of the corisan Dragon long sword copies and absorbs the passive skill of the kisian Dragon lawn sword the unique skill vampirism berserk all the characteristics of the corisan Dragon long sword have been completely absorbed the user's HP has dropped below 25% the corisan dragon long sword user defense mode is activated the second unique skill berserk is automatically activated and has been inserted meanwhile a white magic ball has formed
in the mouth of the monster quesa masado said with displeasure that he will now hit the area things are bad suddenly yellow magic flew out from under the water and cut the monster into pieces the system announced that quesa was destroyed and the breach was sealed meanwhile in the Japanese Hunters Association the voice on the TV said that today at 4:00 in the afternoon many civilians and Hunters were injured as a result of the Rainbow Bridge dungeon breach irreparable damage was also caused thanks to the prompt action of the hunters Association and the guilds the
situation stabilized within 2 hours however some are concerned that the association is not monitoring the dungeons well fukua Tako turned it off and said that there was no need to make such faces they managed to deal with kesa quite successfully this time to kuchi gas the president of the Japan Hunters Association said with displeasure he heard that the association had already sealed the Rainbow Bridge dungeon breakthrough 3 months ago Shinoda Makoto said that sealing it does not guarantee that the dungeon will not collapse again the man in uniform asked with displeasure really how much do
you have to monitor the dungeon to do so in such a short time the man in uniform said angry once the situation is resolved they will demand an official reconsideration of the ownership of this dungeon nanise wondered if Mr Sono was able to escape teuchi slammed his hand on the table and said that he was only interested in one thing he asked usually it takes at least half a year for the boss to revive right doesn't that mean that Mrs nanise didn't finish off quisha last time nanise exhaled easily and placed her hand on the
table suddenly the table cracked under her hand and the shards flew around the office a red barrier appeared around n and he calmly drank from a glass the man in the suit exclaimed Mrs nanice what are you doing what is this farce for teuchi got angry his eyes turned white and a blue magical Aura appeared around him fukua takuo called out to Mr teuchi and apologized for the disrespectful behavior of their employee he apologizes on her behalf Tei clicked his tongue in displeasure and said she has completely lost her fear if she continues to rush
into trouble like this then he swears she will soon die nanise abruptly stood up from the table and said it is better to see once than hear a 100 times if they haven't gotten it yet what she just showed is a shock wave a reward for the previous murder of Kisha Mr shirasaki who had contributed the most to their recent confrontation would not let him lie masado smiled and said that he was too busy and had not yet checked the reward however he did not think she was lying he wondered why she had dragged him
into this UA Tako said that it was only thanks to Mr shirasaki that everything ended with little Bloodshed he thanked him for his work and the others began to applaud him Masada looked at nanise but she was smiling slightly he wondered if she was holding a grudge because he had interfered she would still pay for it he would not forgive such humiliation and that guy who stole quisha from him he would definitely find him too Nan said that she would take responsibility for finding out the cause of the dungeon breach in addition she would also
Al seek the responsibility of the guilds to provide reinforcements the other Hunters awkwardly turned their heads to the sides Nan said that it seemed that all questions for her were exhausted and that she would take her leave the door to the office slammed shut and Grant and Aries stood at the threshold Grant said great it seems the meeting is not over yet he came on behalf of the international Hunters Association he has important information that needs to be conveyed to everyone present due to the recent dungeon breach the world's only Charis Dragon lawn sword was
stolen Grant placed a folder on the table and said that the incident occurred during Transportation when the sword was on its way to an exhibition in Japan here is an official letter requesting assistance from the international Hunters Association teuchi asked when the van was attacked did he hear that they removed the seal on it themselves Aries said that it was due to a request for assistance from Hunter Shinoda satoru of the taen guild and Hunter Sano haruto of the Japan Hunters Association nanise and fukua Tako were surprised Shinoda Makoto covered his face with his hand
and said that Shinoda was a member of their Guild fukua Tako said that there was no Hunter named sanoh haruto in the Japan Hunters Association nanise gritted her teeth angrily masado smiled and thought that this was a chance for Revenge Aries asked in Surprise do they mean the one who tied the bear King with webs masado said contentedly that they had a small disagreement with him but he was surprised he also thought that he was from the association he asked what do you mean by this Nan Sama it seems like she knows him is he
the one who stole the kisian dragon's long sword meanwhile Kurosaki tkumi was holding the kisian dragon sword in his hands and said the Legendary Blade just by holding it in your hands the level will increase by 2 it seems that the runes on the handle helped to recognize the owner of the sword the billions spent on organizing the Breakthrough of the dungeon were worth it the masked man thought did the boss really organize a breakthrough Kurosaki asked he lost all his Fighters does he not want to explain the man looked at him questioningly he bowed
and asked for forgiveness and then said that some strange guy followed them and asked not to worry since he was probably already dead Kurosaki said I see good work corpses do not need money so their share is now his Kurosaki threw a bag of money on the floor and said that this was his reward and he could count it the M man thanked the master and said that now the task could be considered completed Kurosaki refused and said that he failed it the masked man asked in Surprise what does this mean Kurosaki smiled and asked
who would sell the world's only legendary sword for 10 billion he took this quest to get information about it didn't he the man jumped up and said in their Guild a failed Quest means he had planned to kill him from the start right Kurosaki swung his sword and said nothing personal but he didn't need Witnesses he asked about what he hoped Sharon accepts Yen suddenly the masked man flew out of the window window and his body was torn apart the system announced that the durability of the kisian Dragon long sword had decreased by two eight
remained Kurosaki adjusted his hair and said it would be a shame if it broke before they could fix it suddenly someone's voice told him to remember this is his gift to him after a while herido jumped out of bed and began to choke an hourglass Mark appeared in his throat herido rubbed his neck with his hand and thought damn The Hourglass has started moving again when suddenly Sora joyfully pounced on hero and said that he thought he would never come to his senses hero exclaimed why would he and asked him to stop satoru refused and
said after he was injured a blinding pillar of light burst out of the sea saki got up from the hospital bed and asked if he was really at the epicenter of the Rainbow Bridge dungeon breakthrough sador smiled and said yes he and hero Senpai and Saki Senpai were there haruto got up from the bed and clutched his head and said that his head was swelling from his energy seibi said that he was the one who saved his life hero asked in Surprise how did that happen skibi exhaled and said that he considered it his duty
this kid has raised a Ruckus both tyen and the association they had a hard time in the end he was found on the coast herido was surprised and thought could it be that some dungeon Controller made the guild and the association move the head of tyen Shinoda Makoto right Shinoda Makoto and Shinoda satoru really hero relaxed and said come on that's crazy they're not in a TV series meanwhile in the office of the chairman of the hunter Association nanise asked so the hunter Sono died after all someone's voice said that he saw his death with
his own eyes Grant said that they didn't seem surprised at all he thought about what kind of strange reaction nanice put her mug on the table and said that working as a hunter always carries risks Grant looked at her in confusion fukua Tako said that he saw his official letter asking for cpra a their participation in this matter as the Japanese Hunters Association is confirmed they will do their best to help in the search for the legendary sword Aries asked for some high level hunters in this case they know where the sword is fukat takio
was surprised and said that he expected something like this but did they really know its location already the kisian Dragon Sword is not a personal item but it has runes engraved on it that can evaluate the owner's level a personal item an item that can only be used by a specific specific person he can feel this engraving and track it about an hour ago someone used it again nanise thought about how they were not told that the engraving can be felt and tracked that's why Mr Sono was given permission to use it Aries said that
before it was stolen its durability was about 10 but someone used it and the durability decreased Grant looked at Aries in Surprise nanise said that it will disappear soon this was the only clue to find her mother who had disappeared during that incident 15 years ago a woman stood in the middle of the sea she raised her staff up and lightning struck and waves raged around her Aries asked in Surprise how did she know nanise showed the folder with information and said that they also knew everything they knew that the stolen long sword was her
mother's heirm Aries got up from the sofa and bowed and asked Mrs nanise to help her return her mother's heirm after a while nanise walked down the corridor she thought that Aries and Mir those two were hiding something and the story with Mr son also raised suspicions she did not think that he would die in this incident when suddenly nanise called out to someone Makoto was standing behind her and asking if something was upsetting her what happened were they overloaded with work again Nan said that everything was fine and asked if he had any business
with her Makoto asked why she didn't go back to taen nanise exhaled heavily and said that the number of dungeons was growing and the big guilds instead of protecting them were playing capitalism all they cared about was profit and the stock market value if it turned out that the Breakthrough that happened was the result of tyen they would be in big trouble that's why she didn't want to go back besides there were a lot of things in the association that needed her attention father Makoto laughed and said that he actually wanted to talk to her
about something else but again he said too much he asked her to stop by the hunter Central Hospital before leaving nanise looked at him in Surprise meanwhile at the hunter Central Hospital someone's voice said status check haruto was sitting on the roof of the hospital and talking about how although he had failed to copy the kisian Dragon Blade but it looks like he managed to absorb all of his Buffs not bad even if he stole it it's unknown how to hunt with it without being noticed and the rage was activated in time right before his
death he turned into a Berserker it was terribly painful but thanks to this he was able to tear apart quash whose level is over 400 the system notified about receiving a reward for destroying quash absorbing quash shock wave into copying copy skill improved quash Shockwave was absorbed into copying and turned into the skill internal vibration internal oscillations the web of the great spider increased to level two when using the web the unique wave and vampirism are activated at the same time meanwhile herido was riding in the elevator and smiling contentedly he thought about how the
copy skill had evolved and now he could absorb and even merge abilities he had just tried using the inner vibration skill it was really cool and besides he was now level 276 people were looking at him in fear in the elevator because of his crazy smile herido thought about how all that was left was to find the one who had injured him and gotten the legendary sword suddenly someone's voice asked why she was hitting him hero turned his head to the side questioningly nanise exclaimed she said that if it was dangerous then we should run
away right away hero thought Mrs nanny can she be that Stern I wonder who was so unlucky and what does she need in the hospital herido hid behind the wall in fear satoru said displeased that it was her own fault that she couldn't completely seal the dungeon nanise asked displeased are you an idiot hero thought in shock sister right they are both Shinoda hero remembered saki's words and said that he thought it was just a coincidence could it be that they are really brother and sister nanise asked so Mr Sano is also okay where is
he now satoru said how would he know Huda looked around the corner in fear and wondered if they were looking for him did they find out that he pretended to be an association Hunter to steal the sword he can't be found he must first get to the Legendary Blade haruto turned around and accidentally bumped into someone someone's voice said it seems like he survived haruto looked ahead questioningly in front of him stood a displeased Grant and said that he was the thief of the legendary swords kuto looked at him in fear and thought got caught
Grant grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall and then asked where is the sword he ordered him to answer him quickly otherwise he will slam him into the wall Heros said heavily that it was a misunderstanding Grant asked angrily what misunderstanding he was killed but now he looks quite healthy he was in League with them right hero thought it seems like he doesn't want to listen to him this is bad Grant took out his sword and swung it at hero Aries exclaimed why did he take out a weapon in the hospital
Grant told her not to worry he wasn't going to use the skill it's just that if he doesn't make this liar pay he won't calm down hero thought that he didn't want to resort to this the system notified that the skill internal vibration was activated a shock wave came out of Hero's hand and broke the sword into pieces Grant looked at the broken sword questioningly nanise and soru watched in Surprise nanise asked what was that a shock wave from quisha where did Sano hero get it from also why did his Aura change so much meanwhile
ER Sarah appeared on the stage the audience near the stage joyfully shouted after a while erida Sarah got behind the red car and waved to the other girls the girl in the T-shirt asked does Sarah have Rich parents the girl in The Mask asked how else can you explain the fact that she drives such a car the girl in the sweatshirt yawned and said how cool she also wants to drive such a sports car meanwhile Sarah was driving along the highway when suddenly a black car appeared in front of her Sarah began to break in
fear after which she opened the window and asked discontentedly who taught him to drive an idiot Kurosaki got out of the car he was holding a huge gun case in his hand he put it on Sarah's car and asked is the filming over already doesn't he want to go down into the dungeon if of course he wants everything to remain as before meanwhile on the destroyed roof nise asked here so this is the place where the long sword of the kisian Dragon was used no traces remained Aries looked at the rubble of the destroyed building
and said it seems like they are too late nanise asked so all they can do is wait until the sword is used again hero stood there and thought and then exclaimed that's right the bloody Tower anyway when that idiot tried to kill him he said something about the bloody Tower Guild Nan said that she had never heard of such a guild it was probably one of the dark ones hero said that's how it is even she doesn't know about it Grant said displeased if they wait for the next use the sword might break nanise exhaled
heavily and said that they have a lead and they will work on it she knows a person who will help them meanwhile monsters were flying above the destroyed Tower and lightning was striking all around planes were falling from the sky and starting to catch fire Sarah was sitting among the dead bodies with tears in her eyes 15 years ago a certain being gave her this power At first she thought she had awakened as a hunter but it was a completely different ability a green magical Aura appeared around Sarah healing her wounds a green skill table
notified her of the return of the object to its original state the return skill is like a keyboard shortcut on a computer and allows you to return everything to its original state this ability could be used on both people and objects Sarah lifted up a torn plush rabbit after which it returned to its original state so she bought broken discarded expensive things restored them to their original state and sold them although it could not be called an ability healing or restoration she made money by returning people and their body parts to their original state Sarah
used the return skill on a man's injured arm but this ability also had its limitations and she needed money so much and in huge quantities meanwhile Sarah visited the hospital she stood next to the bodies that had fallen into a coma her parents were injured during the Great Calamity and fell into a coma she tried to bring them back to their previous state but to use this ability she needed Mana Sarah sat between the hospital beds and tried to heal her parents a red magical Aura formed around her without it she could only roll back
an item or light wounds the girl in the orange uniform held a staff in her hand Mana is a kind of energy that only Hunters can use she then risked her life to go into the dungeon to obtain Mana as a porter but sometimes as a Healer Sarah used the skill of returning to the wounded hand of a hunter for an ordinary person who is not a hunter going into the dungeon was as dangerous as entering a lion's cage without a weapon but the funny thing is that she suffered the most damage from the neglect
of her party members someone's voice is asked does she want Mana what is she a beggar Sarah stood with a jar in her hands and collected Mana there were more terrible moments injured Sarah sat next to a dead body with tears in her eyes she thought about how she thought this ability was nothing but trouble she wanted to give up Sarah held a long sword and a shield in her hands suddenly someone's voice said I wonder if it's not enough that she begs for Mana like a homeless person she also steals things a man with
blue eyes stood in front of her then she met Kurosaki to Kumi meanwhile in Sarah's house Kurosaki was sitting at the table and asking her house is so empty what does she spend all her money on Sarah sat silently and chewed her food Kurosaki asked again does Sarah from a popular Idol group really live like a Hermit three meals a day delivery fast food who would have thought that an idol could afford such a thing and her life is good everyone else is trying their best they are on diets and Sarah doesn't care how much
she eats because she can return everything to its original state Sarah was irritated and silent and listened to him Kurosaki said that he immediately understood what kind of person she was when he met her a man dies in front of her and she steals from him they are the same Sarah glared at him Kurosaki said that he would immediately clarify if their agreement continued he would not care what she does even if it concerns her work as an idol Sarah wiped her mouth with her hand and asked that this time why should she go to
the dungeon she asked to save up mana as usual and give it to her Kurosaki said that he needed her help in returning one thing to its original state on the table lay a case with a long sword of the kisian Dragon Inside he said that for this a huge amount of men Mana was needed and he would not be able to get it for her now he swears that this will be the last time she has to go down into the dungeon Sarah asked discontentedly seriously Kurosaki agreed and said he promised her a long
time ago Sarah asked in surprise he found an item of infinite Mana generation is he in this dungeon Kurosaki closed the case with the sword and refused Sarah looked at him questioningly Kurosaki smiled slightly and said that if she goes he may appear he knows that they have an agreement not to go into the dungeons but if she goes down there with him he promises that he will compensate her for everything meanwhile in the Guild of the future hero asked informant was she talking about Mr shirasaki The Guild leader who always complains about everyone bothering
him nanise looked at him and agreed hero asked but wouldn't it be better to ask the biggest guilds Midas or tyen for information nanise turned back and said that they probably hold the leading position in the world in terms of information about Dungeons and their management both she and the association acknowledged this but his thirst for clearing dungeons is greater than anyone else's meanwhile in the office of the guild leader of the future shirasaki masado nanise asked the heart of the giant Golem masado smiled and agreed he said that it was also called an item
with infinite Mana generation Nan said that it was a rare reward item that appeared when defeating a boss the secret dungeon is the snow mountain of Golems right masado said that was right they were gathering information to find the heart of the giant Golem and that's how they came across the bloody Tower Guild that Mr Sano told them about they didn't even know they existed but now they know that they were secretly recruiting a team to investigate the Golem Snow Mountain that's all they could find out so far masato looked at the tablet and said
that they were much more dangerous than they thought assassinations of high-ranking people slaughtering entire groups and dungeons stealing items they are ruthless and ready to do anything to achieve their goals they are a dark Guild hero thought an item of infinite Mana generation he personally does not need it but it is certainly an amazing artifact anyone would want to get it if they really found someone from whom they can knock this item out but how is the heart connected to the legendary sword or was it stolen just to defeat this Golem although this blade is
already barely breathing is it possible that getting the heart for the blood Tower is more important than the sword itself hero thought about it and said that it was some kind of nonsense nanise asked if the blood Tower Guild found a giant Golem and that's why they're organizing a raid on this dungeon Aries said that she didn't think so nanise and hero looked at her in Surprise Aries said that since the discovery of this secret dungeon 15 years ago it hasn't appeared even once hero asked in Surprise how AR Sama got such information Arie said
that she can't tell you all the details but she has been interested in this dungeon for a long time and has been studying it in any case the snowy mountain of Golems is is known for being difficult to pass and among Hunters this dungeon ranks first among those they would rather avoid Spade Ki the groups go looking for the secret dungeon but most ignore it Mado asked with satisfaction could it be that these assassins would form a team to clear the dungeon even if it wasn't a secret dungeon there was definitely something valuable there hero
asked when they were leaving masado said he didn't know the recruitment had already been completed so any second haruto angrily gritted his teeth thinking that this had been planned even before they stole the kisian Dragon Sword Nan said then they should head there immediately she turned to Mr shirasaki and asked did he have a team ready to go Mado asked in confusion what why Nan said that she thought the Guild of the future would always keep a team comparable to the associations lado awkwardly said she understood that information about secret dungeons isn't always accurate there
are all sorts of reasons why no one wants to go there terrible natural conditions Lords of annoying Golems meanwhile it was snowing on the snowy mountain of golems and Golems were moving in the middle of the snowy Forest after a while a group of the Guild of the future and the hunters of the association stood in the middle of the snowy mountain the man in the jacket cut the snow golem into pieces with his sword but the Golem restored its arm and struck near the hunters masado said excitedly he warned they recover immediately he ordered
to quickly destroy the core and not give it time to recover masado destroyed the Golems into pieces with dark lightning Mado again ordered to destroy all the cores of the broken Golems first they will destroy them One By One The Man in the jacket destroyed the Golem's core and said it really is easier this way hero said contentedly that he did not want to go there so much but now he seems to like it but he is still cool Aries said as soon as they enter the dungeon of the snowy mountains of Golems they need
to destroy as many of these Golems as possible hero asked so they have to get in involved in any fight is this some kind of special condition Aries agreed and said that this is one of the conditions for the mid boss to appear during her investigation it turned out that this dungeon is an induction dungeon hero asked in Surprise an induction dungeon what Mado gritted his teeth and said that's why he said it would be difficult it means there are hidden areas dungeons are usually divided into zones field boss area final boss area mid boss
area and minor enemy area if they know the route of a normal dungeon they can quickly get to the final boss area but in induction dungeons they need to clear all the zones in order if they fail to clear one zone the rest will not appear Aries said that it was just a guess but probably 15 years ago due to some error this dungeon could not be cleared because of this the secret area did not appear herido asked so for the intermediate boss to appear you need to defeat many Golems right Aries said that they
did not know how to reset the dungeon yet so they had no other choice she asked to adhere to the conditions and move forward in addition they need to defeat him as soon as possible if the reward for killing the intermediate boss is the key to the next area then this is probably what the bloody Tower came for they must definitely get this key before them hero thought that he did not care what they were planning the main thing was to get the legendary sword he used the web of the great spider and tied up
the Golem the system notified that when using the web of the giant spider internal vibration are activated suddenly the Golem was torn apart the T-shirt guy asked in Surprise the reward for defeating the great spider is the web of a giant spider right the man asked can this useless item really be used like this meanwhile Aries was destroying the golems with her magic the large Snow Golem was about to attack the future Guild group the jacket guy shouted that he was going to deal a powerful blow nanise flew towards the Golem and put her hand
on it and then used kish's shock wave the large snow Golem was blown apart nanise landed on the ground and asked are they okay the future Guild group thanked her suddenly nanise noticed the blue jacket guy and looked at him suspiciously she ordered him to stand still after which the guy turned around and she asked satoru what is he doing here sadoro asked with displeasure what's wrong he came as an official member of hero senpai's party nanise asked displeased a member of the party Senpai soru awkwardly agreed and said that's right meanwhile at the hospital
sadoro was lying on the floor and asked are they going to the dungeon he wants to too herud awkwardly watched him and said what a pitiful sight soru tearfully asked what if they get lost again like on the bridge what will they do then they definitely need a guide hero said he won't be alone there after that he agreed and said that they were going together satoru happily asked really hero agreed and said but only as a member of his party satoru said said of course he agrees finally hero said that he had a request
that only he could fulfill nanise exhaled heavily and said disply I wonder what Mr Sano was planning satoru shouted in displeasure at her not to mock hero Senpai he saw with his own eyes that the one who cut down qua was hero Senpai nanise looked at hero and thought that he seemed to have grown a lot since their first meeting also that skill he was using now that was definitely Casa's Shockwave and soru didn't seemed to be lying either but how did he do it where did he get so much power from meanwhile Kurosaki and
Sarah were standing in the middle of the dungeon Kurosaki told her to look at how those bees were working hard for the hive trying their best the massed man stuck his sword into the ground Kurosaki said that they were reaping the benefits by disguising themselves as team members using the concealment skill but even if they used concealment there were high level Hunters among them and it might feel like they would be discovered however people like them are not afraid of anything they almost do not use detection skills during combat as for them they do not
know who fate will bring them together with therefore their stealth skills and the use of hidden weapons are at the highest level they will not be caught so easily the main thing is to act skillfully Kurosaki said contentedly that this is the model of the bloody Tower Guild he turned to Sarah and asked is the Mana collected normally Sarah was holding a battery for collecting Mana in her hands and was silent Kurosaki said that this Mana battery is expensive it contains the Mana of hundreds of destroyed small monsters 10 such batteries were able to reopen
the rift in the rainbow dungeon Sarah looked at the legendary sword and asked how much would it take to return the legendary sword to its original state Kurosaki said it would probably take twice as much Sarah asked so he wants to roll back the stolen legendary weapon and defeat the boss of the Hidden dungeon Kurosaki said approximately they say there is a powerful barrier in this area the the only thing that can destroy it is the long sword of the kisian Dragon Sarah asked where he got this information from Kurosaki asked her not to ask
too many questions and just roll back the items when he asked Sarah sighed in displeasure and said that she was just nervous she had not gone down into the dungeon for a long time and he was still deceiving people Kurosaki looked at her with a crazy look Sarah indifferently said that she did not care as long as their agreement was valid she did not care what Mr Kurosaki was doing she thought that if she could get an item of infinite Mana creation then she would be able to bring her parents back to life meanwhile herido
was fighting with snow golems he said that he had already buried 200 Boulders and there was still no end to them suddenly a stone with a red magical Aura flew into Hero's hands he said strange this Crystal is different from the others just in case he will copy it before breaking it suddenly a stone with a red magical Aura went underground hero asked in Surprise did it go underground itself Nado landed next to him and said it has started hero turned to him and asked what has started masado said that they have fulfilled the condition
from moving on to the next zone now the intermediate boss of the location a blinking Golem will appear suddenly a blinking Golem appeared in front of the group of the Guild of the future and the others Mado ordered everyone to retreat and release dark lightning at the monster the guy in the jacket asked what have you already killed suddenly the Golem's core flew to the side hero thought that now he needs to tie the core with the web of the great spider he used the web of the great spider and tied the core suddenly a
snow golem began to gather around the core and then a large black Golem appeared haruto thought in Surprise how he didn't care about this web he had to do something before he merged with the rest of the Golems suddenly someone's voice shouted for Mr Sano to step back nanise released a blue column of Hellfire fire at the blinking Golem she said that striking attacks were useless and that they had to damage all of its fragments at once Mado exhaled heavily and said that he knew that's why he was looking for another way if they didn't
come up with anything they would have to melt all of the remaining fragments here otherwise this would never end haruto turned back and thought this is it this is the blinking Golem's power Aries said that the difficult part of this dungeon is the blinking Golem the intermediate boss in addition this dungeon is inductive in order for the next Zone to appear the previous one must be cleared and the new Zone always interacts with the old one adjusting to their battle results after killing all the golems in the first area the core of the blinker will
appear which will gather all the remains of the monsters they killed masado folded his arms and said in other words all the stone they defeat will then gather into one megga stone this hits the morale hard and usually at this moment the groups flee or die in fact the blinker is comparable in strength to the final boss of a normal dungeon Nan said that in this case there are only two ways to win either destroy the core or melt all the remains of the Golems meanwhile on the battlefield nanise looked back out of breath and
exclaimed when he managed to get behind she released a column of Hellfire at the blinker Golem again hero watched Aries and thought that if he used the ability of the long sword Aries would immediately notice it it would not be possible to destroy the core with such a condition hero came to his senses and thought that he had another reward item a blue table appeared in front of hero and he took out the claw of the bare King from it he was happy and said right that's different herido copied and absorbed the claw the system
notified that the first skill is absorbed by the paste skill and when used with the web of the great spider it imposes a powerful numbness the second skill is absorbed by the copy skill penetrates the Target and absorbs 15% of Health herido was happy and thought and asked please let it work meanwhile Nan stood in front of the destroyed Golem and was about to attack Grant asked in Surprise is she really going to melt all the remains of the Golem AR's thought no matter how strong nanes Sama was if she continues like this with her
Mana nanise used h fire again and launched it at the Golem suddenly the Golem resisted her skill and attacked her Aries thought that the Hellfire didn't work did she already run out of Mana suddenly the web completely bound the blinking Golem nanise asked in Surprise Lord Sano Mas thought in shock the web of the great spider can do that herido approached him and asked him to hit him again masado asked in surprise he saw it the attack didn't work herido said that he would catch the core since they don't have time masado gritted his teeth
and said that he would believe him this time it would be a sin to refuse such a commander masado released dark lightning at the Golem and destroyed it into pieces hero used the web of the great spider and caught the flying core of the Golem hero thought contentedly that that it was right not to let the core come into contact with the remains masado opened his mouth wide and asked in shock did he really catch the core with a useless reward item is he sleeping nanise watched in Surprise and thought even if he became stronger
he still couldn't believe that this was possible come to think of it back then in the dungeon of the great spider nanise remembered Hero's words about how only the two of them survived about how herido would let him join them Nan smiled and thought that in the battle with Kisha and the most important moments Lord Sono was always by his side Arie smiled and said the claw of the bear king that's his style the future Guild group happily cheered and shouted that he caught the core the man in armor happily said if he knew that
this was possible he would have defeated the great spider long ago meanwhile the battlefield was covered in the web of the great spider Kurosaki watched in confusion Sarah asked excitedly what was going on he sealed the core in a web what the hell Kurosaki put on his mask and said that the Mana collection was cancelled they were changing the plan and starting the operation he ordered everyone to take positions the masked people took the information and moved around the positions Sarah asked fearfully what happened was the situation so serious that they wanted to intervene personally
Kurosaki agreed and said that because of the strange guy getting the key to the core would be a little more difficult he ordered her to get ready meanwhile Sarah was standing in the middle of the D dungeon Mana accumulators were standing around her satoru peaked out from around the corner and watched what was happening he thought about what to do it looks like that man is in charge but where did he go and that girl why is she collecting Mana he should probably tell hero Senpai about this from the memories in the hospital hero handed
over a large Crystal to soru and told him to take this this item allows for a fairly high level of Disguise satoro asked in Surprise is he sure he wants to give him such an expensive item haruto scratched his head and said so he will have to do a very important job satoru asked an important job hero said that satoru will have a key role in this Mission he has to keep an eye on the bloody Tower once they find the hidden room he must immediately inform him they will steal their plan and carry it
out saturo thought right his sister and master shirasaki are on the other side and most importantly hero Senpai meanwhile on the battlefield hero asked do they want him to destroy it masado agreed in annoyance and said he was the one who caught it so this is his reward Nan said right it is completely his Merit herido swung his sword and said well if no one Minds he thought about how strange it was to be treated like someone other than an outcast he had already copied this core so he could easily destroy it hero struck the
core with his sword and it split into pieces the system announced that the blinking Golem had been defeated he received a reward for destroying the core a golden key to the sealed heart appeared in front of him it could be used to open a hidden door where the heart of the giant Golem was sealed hero raised the key up and said that he had received the key to the hidden area Grant asked contentedly well how does it feel to be one step closer to the mystery Aries said that you shouldn't skin an unkilled bear a
blue table with his information appeared in front of hero he smiled contentedly and thought that with the buff from The kisian Sword he was already 285 just a little bit more and he will reach 300th and then he will finally be able to swing alone he happily ran forward masado looked at him questioningly and then said discontentedly so happy about the victory although it was only an intermediate boss Nan smiled and said that this only intermediate made them both sweat Mado awkwardly said but he did not even sweat suddenly black rocks began to grow from
the ground around everyone Red Letters appeared on the black rocks as if it was a seal suddenly someone's voice said this is a mine for large monsters masato ordered everyone to quickly hide behind his barrier a large explosion occurred on the battlefield the bodies of people from The Guild of the future were scattered all over the field suddenly Kurosaki appeared in front of them and said the power is really excellent considering the cost no wonder they sa that money can do anything especially if you forget about conscience too easy that's what it means to ask
skillfully Kurosaki looked at the ball of web unraveling with a questioning look haruto started attacking Kurosaki he exclaimed the long sword of the kisian dragon and told him to give it back to him suddenly blood spurted out of Hero's mouth Kurosaki said that he was able to dodge the explosion with the web but that was not the only trap he set kuros saki hit hero again and said that because of him his plan almost failed nanise called out to Sano in fear a huge blue magic formed around her she used the skill held Blaster Aries
shouted for nanis Su to stop Grant grabbed her shoulder and told her not to go there otherwise she would be hit too nanise fired the hell Blaster at Kurosaki when suddenly blood flowed out of her mouth and fell to her knees Mado called out to nanise in fear and said that they needed to use the healing skill immediately Aries shouted that they couldn't use Mana a toxic gas was sprayed that blocked Mana absorption and dealt damage when using the ability it was probably relased at the same time as that pillar exploded it was a sophisticated
and extremely evil tool that they used to paralyze the movements of highlevel hunters but why did they use such a dangerous thing the black liquid bound hero and Kurosaki moved to attack masato masato said in fear unbelievable the skill a forbidden technique that should have been destroyed in the past black liquid appeared under kurosaki's feet masado said Shadow shift considered the highest level in Hidden techniques Kurosaki turned to hero and saw a golden key next to him he picked it up and the system notified that the key to the sealed heart had been transferred to
the current owner Kurosaki looked at the key and said that the goal was achieved he grabbed herido by the neck and said that he must definitely be killed right now unexpectedly hero said he was just thinking the same thing Kurosaki said in surprise he is conscious hero smiled contentedly and said that this was luck because the one who stole his long sword was such an insignificant bastard the web of the great spider began to bind Kurosaki when suddenly Thorns appeared on the threads the Mast man said this is the skill that was used when defeating
the Golem shift maybe they should run away too herud walked towards Kurosaki and said that his mistake was that he dared to touch his long sword suddenly the threads of the spider king were disconnected haruta looked in surprise at the place where Kurosaki was sealed but there was no one there suddenly Kurosaki appeared from underground and said that he almost panicked because it was his first time using such a skill if there was no Shadow inside he would have just died he didn't think that such a pathetic skill could almost kill him now he understood
all those high level Hunters he killed before why did they have such helpless Expressions when they died but today he will die here hero asked does he know his name his name is Mana absorber because he shares Mana with his comrades for the first time he tried to transfer erred over a distance and it worked a magical barrier appeared around hero Kurosaki said what is he talking about it will end here and now a red magical Aura appeared around Mado he angrily said that he doesn't know what is happening but he feels a surge of
Mana just in time he will end them the blood Tower Guild right here and now suddenly a red seal appeared in the sky and under it a white magic ball with dark lightning appeared Kurosaki thought in fear that this was Shir 's wide dark lightning this was the opposite of his shadow movement skill he couldn't escape this was bad after which Kurosaki ordered Sarah to act now and return everything to its place Blue Magic appeared around Sarah which was emitted from the Mana accumulators the system announced that the dungeon would be returned to its original
state and reset someone's voice asked what what's going on a strong wind formed around n's barrier herido asked what kind of strange wind is this Grant said that it's not just wind the Golem's fragments are moving along with it hero asked are they coming together again nanes exclaimed no way masado asked in surprise was the dungeon really reset to its original state a crowd of Golems stood in front of them and tried to attack the barrier masado thought that because of the damn poison that blocked Mana absorption they had to protect everyone with a magical
barrier but he wouldn't be able to attack the Golems like that masado turned back and thought that at this rate they wouldn't last long and he had to think of something suddenly he noticed nanise attacking the golems with Hellfire and asked Miss nanise nanise asked hadn't he heard his name Mr Seno's nickname manono masado asked so what Aries was healing a comrade and said that he was able to endlessly generate mana and share it with his comrades they say this is his unique skill Mado was perplexed thinking that this was impossible he thought only Mages
were capable of this and then there was this lowlevel guy to use all their potential as highlevel Hunters he and Nan Sama needed a gigantic amount of mana and at the same time he distributed Mana not only to them but to everyone else in a short time masado asked infinite Mana generation he had never heard of such a unique skill if it was true masado thought that instead of looking for the heart of the giant Golem it would be much better to invite Sano to the guild masado said that everything fell into place now he
looked at nanise questioningly Nan said that the underground breakthrough on the Rainbow Bridge was clearly the work of the blood Tower Guild Grant shouted that the problem now is that the dungeon was reset to its initial state if they reset the dungeon again Aries refused and said that it was unlikely the fact that the hidden dungeon has not been discovered until now is most likely due to the fact that the logic of the dungeon was somehow broken she doesn't know if they did it on purpose but now the probability of a hidden dungeon appearing has
become 100% Nan said but one thing doesn't add up the golems that appeared after the reset were clearly less than at the beginning masato said probably the debris she melted was never able to recover in any case they can't wait they have to catch up with the idiots from the bloody Tower at all costs nanise wondered if they really used the same method as when they broke through the Rainbow Bridge no way it's just unbelievable masado thought about Sano those idiots didn't kill him right meanwhile the ball of web was far away from the battlefield
hero broke out of the web and exclaimed how painful it was he rushed to attack Kurosaki and ordered him to stand still but Kurosaki blocked his attack and asked what is he going to do weakling hero said that he would pull his eye and for this you don't need much strength hero activated the web of the great spider and tied up Kurosaki Kurosaki came out of the web and said angrily he will make it so that he will never be able to use it again Kurosaki stuck the corisan dragon long sword into the ground and
a fire erupted around them he used the level release skill hero bound himself with a web and repelled kurosaki's attack he thought about how he had immediately defended himself with the web back then and it saved him the power of the long sword is truly terrifying but thanks to this he understood how to fully use its power hero asked how did this guy get so much information about him well I'll have to catch him and question him herud looked around in Surprise and asked where is he heun's lost again at the same time time at
the Japanese Hunters Association fukua Tako asked Mr Shinoda not to worry so much since Mr shirasaki from the future Guild is with them Makoto said nervously the fact that the blood Tower Guild is involved is a serious problem they have too little information about them kuchi said that it was true they are capable of killing even a high level Hunter gathering information about them is almost impossible but their Guild Midas was able to obtain something the fact is that the Bold actions they took were large due to the presence of the international Hunter Guild Starfield
fukua was surprised and asked Starfield Makoto said in confusion what did an international Guild forget in a Japanese dungeon and more importantly why did it get involved with the blood Tower kuchi said that this dungeon despite its appearance was one of the destroyed during the Great catastrophe 15 years ago the army of golems that appeared at that time was scarier than hell itself then the rift was sealed by one of the greatest magicians in the world the jaese Hunter Tomoka nisihara Makoto put his hand on his chin and said that's right without Mrs nara's sacrifice
at that time it's scary to even imagine what could have happened teuchi said that the heart of the giant Golem sealed in a hidden dungeon is still attracting a lot of attention from all over the world both of these organizations are willing to do anything for their own goals so it is possible that they join forces to clear the dungeon Golan Snow Mountain in addition Aries Hugh the representative of the international Hunters Association is the daughter of Nara Tomoka Makoto said that they know about this so in addition to the task of retrieving the long
sword they needed to investigate the death of her mother teuchi refused and said that Mrs nisihara was not declared dead Makoto was surprised and asked that all the hunters who went missing in that dungeon were never found does he think she is still alive teuchi looked at the tablet with the information and said that there was a surviving witness he returned from that dungeon 5 years ago and claimed to have seen Mrs nisihara fukuwa asked in Surprise is that possible teuchi said that due to Starfield secrecy they only have partial information but it is a
fact what's more interesting is that it is a hidden dungeon suddenly the door to the office abruptly opened and a guild member shouted for an urgent report fukawa asked what happened he had an important meeting the guild member said that there was a dungeon breach and handed him a phone meanwhile in the city the guy with the phone hid behind a car and said into the receiver that there was a breach the dungeon in the center of the city collapsed chaos and Panic All Around large Golems were moving around the city destroying everything in their
path teuchi gritted his teeth angrily and thought that these were Golems of the Snow Mountain dungeon did the dungeon collapse during the passage what's going on there meanwhile the blood Tower Guild group was moving through the snowy dungeon Sarah asked if there were any problems with the passage this was the first time she saw him injured like that Kurosaki asked why she didn't check Che at herself Sarah looked ahead in Surprise and saw a huge snow cave Kurosaki said that this was a hidden dungeon Sarah looked at the cave in admiration and thought that she
would finally be able to get the heart of a giant Golem meanwhile the blood Tower Guild was moving along the bridge to the hidden dungeon satoru who was disguised continued to watch them he looked at the cave in Surprise and thought this is the hidden area the massed man reached out his hand to the hidden dungeon but something got in his way he turned to the leader and said that there was something there Kurosaki said that it was a barrier he thought about how Starfield warned him about it behind the barrier were huge chains with
seals Kurosaki thought this is it 5 years ago the great magician and the strongest Hunter TOA Nara sealed it the heart of the giant Golem of the Hidden area Kurosaki said that it was time to begin an order to prepare for the destruction of the barrier and also to monitor the perimeter he turned to Sarah and said that it was necessary to restore the the sword Kurosaki suddenly became suspicious and said that he sensed some kind of rat Sarah looked at him questioningly Kurosaki pointed his sword at the disguised satoru and said an idiot dared
to use stealth against the bloody Tower satoru nervously thought hero Senpai what should he do Kurosaki swung his sword and told him to die meanwhile a ferocious rabbit of the snowy mountains ran through the dungeon hero said it turns out there are other monsters there besides Golems unexpectedly the small dolm dealt with it and picked up the red stone hero asked he was asking if this magic Stone could be eaten he stroked it and told it to do whatever it wanted the small Golem began to chew on the red Magic Stone hero smiled contentedly and
said that he copied it anyway he would never have thought that the core of the blinking Golem could have such skills the system notified that one Golem could be created if Mana was invested hero thought that the copying itself was successful but it was a Pity that the skills could not be absorbed but this thing is really good one core one Golem and if he gets it then he will have an army of Golems hero smiled madly and thought this means he does not need a guild to protect the dungeons the small Golem looked at
hero questioningly hero said that if it is so big at the first level then what will it be like at the 10th although if the Golem grows into a huge Golem it will be inconvenient suddenly the Golem charged at satoru hero asked in Surprise satoru satoru hugged haruto and said that he thought he was going to die after a while haruto and satoru ran to the hidden dungeon hero asked did those bloodlined and said that he didn't think he would be noticed so easily he thought that since it was a high level disguise he would
be safe Satur said that he was fine but the man from the future Guild was not so lucky Kurosaki attacked the man from the future Guild into pieces hero thought that that the head of shiraki pretended not to care but in fact he was thinking along the same lines as him in any case the blood blings cannot be underestimated satoru said that there was a girl there her ridle was surprised and asked a girl satoru said yes she was absorbing Mana with some device and suddenly the dungeon was reset he thought about stopping her but
he remembered what he told him honestly he felt scared and apologized hero put his hand on satoru's head and said that it was okay he did well satoru asked who this girl was he seemed to have seen her somewhere but where satoru noticed a small Golem and asked what kind of little thing was running after them haruto said that it was okay he was his assistant satoru admired and asked is this is Golem does he have familiars this is so cool meanwhile satoru and hero were sitting in front of the Hidden dungeon satoru said that
there is a hidden area behind this bridge he thinks that if they do something careless they will be notice right away among them there are those who can sense the hidden hero turned to soru and asked him to bring lady nanise and the head of shirasaki there satoru said in surprise that then he would be all alone and they have this legendary sword herido strok the Golem and told him not to worry since he has a way to track their movements Satur said sadly since he says so although he would like to stay with him
hero handed him the Golem core and told him to take it satoru said this is the core of the blinking he happily asked was it really with his help that he summoned this little one haruto said that now it is his assistant and besides he really liked it despite its cuteness The Familiar is quite strong it will come in handy sagoru shed tears and asked if he can accept such a valuable gift hero asked in confusion valuable he thought about how many of them he has satoru distanced himself from herido and thanked him he shouted
that he would bring his sister and the others right away herido smiled and thought oddly enough for the air of a large Guild he is quite down to earth perhaps this is all the influence of Miss nanice haruto said that it is time to create a new assistant he used the core of the blinking Golem and began to create a bird Golem haruto thought that it was really being created exactly according to his imagination now he will throw Mana into it suddenly the bird Golem flew up into the sky the system notified that the third
skill was used now he shares his feelings suddenly herido began to see what the bird Golan saw he saw Sarah and Kurosaki standing near the hidden dungeon herido was surprised in thought so this is the girl satoru was talking about what is she doing with his legendary sword Sarah stuck the sword of the kisian Dragon into the ground when suddenly Blue Magic began to crawl out of the Mana accumulators the system notified her that the kisian dragon long sword had returned to its original position the sword's durability had increased from 6% to 100 the system
notified her again that the kisian dragon sword's durability had been restored Sarah fell to her knees and began to breathe heavily Kurosaki took the sword in his hands and said good job the durability has finally been restored hero thought in Surprise it can't be the legendary sword's durability has been restored this skill it can't be she is also the bearer of the gift curse if the durability has been restored does that mean this girl has a restoration skill in that case he must copy the skill herido asked can he copy other people's skills he needs
to figure out how to do that if that doesn't work then he will need to recruit her into his party Kurosaki held the restored sword in his hand with satisfaction and said finally it's time to destroy the hidden area's barrier he touched the huge chains with seals after which a magic red circle appeared on the ground Sarah covered herself with her hands from the Raging wind haruto watched everything happening from the eyes of the bird Golem he was surprised and thought this is the barrier of the Hidden area Kurosaki took the key in his hand
and said if not for the information from Starfield he would have suffered a lot trying to break it with a key 15 years ago the great magician Tomoka Nara cast his spell to seal the hidden area Kurosaki stuck the legendary sword into the magic circle and said that only the Legendary Blade of such a legendary Hunter can dispel it Sarah asked in Surprise what does this mean Kurosaki said that the real owner of the long sword was nara's husband Frederick Hugh he went missing along with his wife in that hidden area Tomoka cast a barrier
on it and so that no one could break it she made her husband's Blade the only key hero thought really the real owner of the sword is the most legendary hunter in the world the sacred sword Frederick Hugh and his wife is the greatest magician Tomoka Nara and their daughter Aries so that's what the legendary sword is for Kurosaki said that it was time to open this Pandora's Box he used the skill of the kisian Dragon long sword level release suddenly everything lit up with red light herido closed his eyes and thought that his Golem
could not withstand such a surge of energy and this is not surprising because if the durability of the sword was not restored it would turn into the same Turk as his familiar when suddenly the chains and the barrier from the hidden area began to disappear Kurosaki looked ahead with satisfaction and said the dungeon gate was an illusion apparently he worried in vain well it's time to clear the hidden area of the snow no mountain he ordered everyone to go forward since they must find the heart of the giant Golem the bloody Tower Guild group moved
into the hidden dungeon hero became nervous and thought about what to do should he pursue them alone he asked Sor to hurry meanwhile in the south of Italy an s-rank dungeon the building was destroyed and there were bodies of Fighters the man in uniform asked he came for him so why didn't he just kill him what does this have to do with his comrades someone's voice said that if they only killed him everyone would immediately understand that it was murder but if they killed the entire group it would look like an ordinary failed raid suddenly
the man fell apart the system notified that since the owner of the ability died the skill would be transferred to the next available user a purple magical Aura emanated from the man in the white cloak he gritted his teeth in pain and placed his hand on his neck after that a red hourglass Mark appeared on his neck the man in the white cloak used purple Magic on his hand and used the select all objects skill the system announced that it was cutting out all selected objects suddenly a deep hole appeared in the floor behind the
man in the white cloak a girl with Elven ear stood and clapped her hands she said that it seemed that the selection skill had fit well into his collection cutting out objects one by one was quite a chore but now he saved a lot of time the man in the cloak clenched his fist and said that in order to assign the cursed skill to him he had to kill its owner every time and this was quite a hassle but what was most annoying was that even after becoming his this skill did not evolve it was
simply unbearable the girl with Elven ear approached him and said as she said it was impossible to adopt someone else's skill only by killing its owner but in order to obtain a skill without killing the owner and at the same time be able to develop it the copying skill was required the man in the white cloak angrily clenched his teeth and said that he had been searching for it for 10 years and could not find it anywhere he asked asked if copying even existed the girl with Elven ear smiled and said that he was in
their world although in a slightly different form so his presence in theirs is also certain in addition the search skill is currently searching for the rest of the cursed the man in the cloak asked right what about the return skill the girl with Elven said judging by the information they received the blood Tower Guild had just destroyed Tomoka nara's barrier in addition to the return skill they urgently needed to obtain the heart of the giant Golem the man in the white cloak said that without this item they would not be able to use the full
potential of the cursed skill the girl with Elven ear said that she would pass on the instructions meanwhile The Guild of the future and the others were advancing inside the hidden dungeon masado exclaimed despite the fact that they were hurrying with all their might it seems they are not there he asked as well as the traces of battle did they take the wrong road hero said that not much time had passed since they entered there there don't seem to be any monsters since the road is straight they should catch up to them very soon nanise
turned to Aries and asked if she had any idea where they could have gotten the information from Aries said it was just her guess but she thought Starfield was behind them nanise was surprised and asked Starfield how come a good International Guild got involved with assassins like the bloody Tower Aries said it was probably her mother hero thought in Surprise Starfield that's where the bloody Tower got all the information from breaking into the Rainbow Bridge dungeon stealing the leged legendary sword the snow golem Mountain it was all planned out that means the upcoming Expedition won't
be that easy probably herud looked at Aries Aries looked at him questioningly he thought that the key role in this battle would be played by the blink Goen Kors and Aries herself masado flew forward and said that they needed to hurry it was easier to find out everything from the idiots from the bloody Tower than to waste time guessing he thought that if Starfield was behind this then it became clear where they got the shadow movements Skil from now all that was left was masado angrily gritted his teeth and said catch them and interrogate them
satoru and the little Golem caught up with masato masato asked what kind of little guy was chasing him all the time satoru happily said that it was his familiar that hero Senpai gave him masado smiled and asked is the familiar a snow golem NES asked but why why did he give such a valuable item to satoru haruto smiled awkwardly and said it's because he is a very valuable member of the group besides he owes him his life Nan smiled contentedly at Hero's answer suddenly a yellow magic circle appeared under satoru and nado's feet and they
disappeared hero ran towards the yellow magic circle in fear nanise haruto and the others stepped onto the magic circle and looked around nanise called out for satoru and hero called out for the head of shirasaki hero asked what was going on they were just following them but now they were nowhere to be seen haruto suddenly noticed a stone Dragon attacking him haruto wondered where it came from nanise used the witch blade skill and attacked the monster cutting it into pieces haruto indignantly asked why a dinosaur-like monster appeared in the snowy mountain of Golems Aries examined
the monster and said that this place looked like they were in a completely different dungeon it was probably a multi-dimensional dungeon hero asked a multi-dimensional dungeon what did that mean suddenly they found themselves in the middle of a forest nanise exclaimed that it couldn't be she heard that the multi-dimensional dungeons were destroyed during the Great disaster 15 years ago Aries agreed and said that her mother sealed them all however now one of them has been reopened Aries asked them to remember that the hidden area in the snowy mountains was also sealed the multi-dimensional dungeons have
magic circles installed that connect them to different dimensions when the magic circle is activated a portal opens linking their world to other dimensions there is a risk that they will end up in an extremely dangerous dungeon Nan said that this is why narasama installed a barrier in that area Aries said that her mother believed that the multi-dimensional dungeons were the ones that had gone out of control and were causing the great disaster herido asked in confusion but then where were satoru and the leader of shirasaki Aries said that they were probably in a dungeon in
another dimension if they went through each Zone in sequence they would eventually reach the heart of the giant Golem hero gripped his sword tightly and said well at at least there was a chance he asked everyone to quickly go through this place suddenly dinosaur monsters suddenly jumped out of the forest and began to attack them Grant smiled awkwardly and said easy said but hard to do meanwhile the entire city was on fire and the golen Monsters were destroying buildings and attacking people the bald man attacked the Golem and smashed it into pieces the man in
armor shouted that if the core is not destroyed everything is useless the man in a t-shirt turned to the Mage and asked as him for Mana the green equipped Mage said that he couldn't right now they weren't in a dungeon his Mana was very low the sword wielding guy parried the monsters attack and asked why was the guy who always replenished Mana when needed the bald man said that he never thought they would need manaos so badly suddenly there was a Golem behind the bald man the maage shouted that he was behind him just then
the guy in the suit defitely cut the monster into pieces the green equipped Mage thanked him and asked are you a foreigner the the guy smiled and said that he was on a business trip but he couldn't just stand by and watch the bald man thanked him for saving him the green equipped Mage said that his Japanese was very good the guy in the suit asked what they were talking about before what is Manos the bald man said it doesn't matter he's a low-level guy he couldn't fight and his only skill was infinite Mana generation
which he distributed to his allies the guy in the suit asked where can he meet this person the bulbman said that they had met a long time time ago now he doesn't know where he is today he just remembered the guy thought the skill of infinite Mana generation he had never heard of such a thing really someone's voice exclaimed they are finally here the guy in the suit turned around and saw the head of the teuchi guild Midas and the head of the cined Guild tyen on the roof of the building he smiled and thought
that it looks like they will have an interesting sight meanwhile Golems of different sizes were advancing through the city destroying everything in their path kotto said a giant Golem no doubt it is the Breakthrough of the snow golem Mountain dungeon he asked the perfect opponent for the head of teuchi isn't it teuchi angrily asked what the hell was going on in this dungeon he ran around the building and asked to tell the chairman that the reward for this case would be taken from the S-Class equipment warehouse teuchi used Stone armor and turned into stone suddenly
a Golem monster ran at him to attack teuchi said stones are not all the same you idiot he attacked it and smashed the monster into pieces meanwhile pink magic appeared around Makoto which he also smashed the monster into pieces teuchi dodged Makoto's attack and said this old man can kill everyone by himself suddenly another monster headed his way teuchi asked does he think he has a chance he's just dust he used the Boost and attack the monster that dropped the core teuchi looked at the core in his hand with satisfaction and said that he won't
let the old man get around him and kill the boss teuchi squeezed the core in his hand and broke it the system notified that the boss had been defeated and the rift had been sealed Makoto let out A Satisfied sigh meanwhile the others were rejoicing at uchi's Victory the system gave out information that this user did not have the copy skill the guy thought teuchi go the best hunter in Japan and the leader of the Midas Guild he had managed to break through the dungeon in less than 10 minutes and that was without any damn
skills so that's useful information he wrote something down in his notebook and slammed it shut the guy in the suit asked has the return skill not returned from the dungeon yet he hopes that she hasn't died meanwhile there was a wound on Sarah's body 20 minutes ago a horde of zombies came out of the dungeon Kurosaki said a horde of zombies means they have no information about what will happen next so they will have to rely on luck Kurosaki took out the legendary sword and swung it killing the zombies in one Fell Swoop he said
that the dimension looked easy so maybe they got lucky this time the system announced that he had cleared the hidden area and was moving on to the Boss Arena the bloody Tower Guild group Kurosaki and Sarah were standing in front of a huge door The Mask man said they finally got to the boss Kurosaki took out a golden key and said apparently the key is needed for this door he stuffed the key into the keyhole and the door swung open they entered there and saw large statues someone's voice asked what these were Kurosaki said that
they were just statues of gods the massed man ran the tip of his sword along the wall and asked maybe they were too early and the boss had not yet had time to revive Sarah was panting heavily and wondering what he was talking about as soon as they entered there the air became heavy as if something was pressing on it from all sides she looked at Kurosaki and thought no one notices this maybe they have already gotten used to this oppressive Aura the masked man said apparently so he then asked to just take the reward
and leave from there suddenly the statue came to life and crushed the masked man another masked man exclaimed so the statue was the boss that means the rest of the statues too suddenly all the statues of the dungeon surrounded the bloody Tower Guild group Sarah looked at the dead body in horror and covered her mouth with her hands in fear Kurosaki looked at Sarah in bewilderment and thought what's wrong with her she had seen people die more than once Kurosaki called out to her and ordered her to come to her senses and heal him s
came to her senses and ran to the dead body she took a Mana accumulator out of her backpack and looked at it in fear she thought there's no Mana why is the Mana leaking Mana was slowly leaking from the accumulator into the air she thought it can't be the seal on the Mana accumulators cannot be removed even by high level dispel what's going on all the Mana Flows In One Direction but where meanwhile the statue attacked the guild group kuros saki ordered not to be afraid to attack they are big but in the end they
are just Golems Kurosaki swung his sword and attacked the statue Kurosaki ordered to use mines for the big monsters the massed man agreed and said that they are trying but neither Minds nor skills work suddenly the statue attacked the masked man and killed him Kurosaki looked on in horror as the statue lifted the dead body in its hand Kurosaki gritted his teeth and said damn it if everyone dies he alone can't do it Kurosaki swung his sword and used the level release skill and destroyed the statues suddenly the system notified that there is not enough
Mana to release the level of the corisan Dragon law sword Kurosaki angrily asked that his level is over 300 how is it not enough Mana suddenly Kurosaki was attacked by a statue and an explosion went through the ground meanwhile Sarah found a pillar with seals that absorbed all Mana she thought this is it this thing absorbs all Mana Sarah came closer to it and said what it was she came closer to it and saw a stone heart Sarah was surprised and said that this was the heart of a giant Golem she asked but why does
it absorb mana and not generate it suddenly the heart of the giant Golem moved and began to illuminate the room with a red light Sarah tried to run away when suddenly the heart shot a red beam right at her and injured her she fell on the stairs and began to roll down the monster statue noticed her and swung its sword when suddenly Kurosaki appeared from under the ground and held back the monster's attack he took out an advanced healing potion and splashed it right at Sarah and then he grabbed her and ran forward the system
notified that the giant Golem's heart had awakened and a boss fight was beginning Kurosaki asked in Surprise what does this mean after a while Kurosaki went out the door and thought that the door was closing that's right he was using the shadow move skill when suddenly the system notified him again that there was not enough Mana to use the shadow move skill Kurosaki angrily asked where the hell did all his Mana go he rushed to the closing door and thought that the door was closing at this rate they would both be stuck there suddenly Kurosaki
threw Sarah out the door and remained inside the dungeon Sarah looked at the door and said why Kurosaki smiled madly and asked if she survived she would be able to fix everything right the door to the hidden dungeon closed and Sarah said with tears in her eyes she was a fool she was not a hunter and did not know how to absorb Mana she would not be able to return everything to how it was Sarah fainted thinking that she went there in vain if she dies what will happen to Mom and Dad it's so warm
is that Mana she opened her eyes and asked who it was hero was standing in front of her he asked if she was okay Sarah thought is this person the hunter who was Distributing Mana to everyone her body is gradually gaining strength at this rate she can do it herido asked if she has enough Mana she will be able to restore her body right Sarah thought in Surprise does he know about her skill after a while masado pointed at the door and asked they finally got there but they can't open this damn door Aries said
that if there are still Hunters inside those who are undergoing the test the door won't open by itself the only way is a key but as far as they know they don't have it masado said displeased that they should have first defeated the revived wandering Golem and then come here he looked at Sarah and asked who she is Nan said that she seemed to be the head healer of the blood Tower Guild she was fatally wounded but thanks to Mr Seno's Mana she was able to restore her body Sarah was handcuffed Nan said that they
put special handcuffs on her that suppress Mana when they get out they need to interrogate her Mado asked it's easy to say if they don't pass this place they will be trapped right Aries said that it is possible masato nervously said that's why there are so many missing people in this dungeon hero thought about what to do should he use the key he copied hero opened his inventory and took out the key he smiled happily and thought should he say that it was just lying nearby Aries touched the door and thought if this is the
door that Mom sealed then there is something inside suddenly the seals on the door glowed green and the door opened nanise asked how she opened it from under her robe there was a light the same as on the door Aries said that this robe belonged to her mother and it seemed to have reacted with the door hero thought that Aries was the key to this dungeon after all he would have to explore this multi-dimensional Labyrinth with her Masada looked at what was happening questioningly and said magic no other way satoru entered the dungeon and asked
what this terrible pressure was Nan said that everyone should be careful and as soon as they entered their Mana would begin to disappear herud looked at Sarah and asked did she mean that Sarah agreed with difficulty she said that the giant Golem's heart absorbed the Mana around it and seemed to process it into its own red Mana accumulated around the heart haruto thought Mana absorption if that's the case suddenly Sarah stopped him and said that they need to leave there immediately even for a high level Hunter without Mana hero asked what suddenly monster statues appeared
in front of satoru he asked what the hell is this nanise called out to Mr Sano and asked for Mana haruto started releasing mana and exclaimed that they should tremble before the great Manos heru used the skill and started pasting the copied Mana Sarah was surprised what is this Mana flooding the entire dungeon and this is despite the fact that it is being absorbed at an incredible speed she looked at hero and thought that with his help she can definitely save Mom and Dad nanise thanked hero and said that this is enough to defeat those
statues she used the skill which blade and destroyed the monster statue masado released a dark lightning and said that if he had Mana then it was just Boulders pieces of stone he used the skilled dark Thunder Spear and attacked the monster suddenly several more monsters were approaching them Mado smiled and asked did you bring your friends what a timely moment he was so furious with this dungeon that he was going to let loose on them masato used the skilled dark Thunder barrage and struck several monsters Sarah saw Kurosaki in the distance and thought there he
is Kurosaki was injured and breathing heavily Sarah thought that he was still breathing and could be brought back then suddenly hero approached Kurosaki and took the legendary sword he thought finally he has it the long sword of the kisian dragon as expected the durability was fully restored this girl has a cursed ability hero looked at her and thought that he will definitely copy her skill but first he would try something hero touched Kurosaki with his hand and used the shadow movement copy skill on the target suddenly the system reported that it could not copy because
the target's level was higher than the users hero thought I see even with the level buff from the long sword he was was still low level the system reported that the target had strong hostility towards the user in this case there were two options to obtain the skill the first option was to kill the Target and absorb the skill the second option forced absorption of the skill could be chosen if the target's Health was below 15% however the target would no longer be able to use the skill hero was surprised and thought if he considered
him an enemy then he could kill him and obtain his skill so now he was clearly below 15% so he could absorb without killing him forced absorption might be useful in the future masado turned to Sarah and asked she was a Healer right he asked to heal him to the point where he could walk on his own nothing more masado took off Sarah's handcuffs and said that he had a lot of questions for him and if he ran away it would end badly for both of them Sarah looked at hero and began to return kurosaki's
body to its original state hero watched in Surprise as his severed arm instantly grew back he thought that this was a skill comparable to his which allowed him to copy a body suddenly Kurosaki began to cough up blood and smile Sarah asked what are you smiling about old man Kurosaki said contentedly that he told her that they would both survive Sarah silently turned around and left masado put the Mana blocking handcuffs on Kurosaki Nan said discontentedly that she hope that he would be able to get out of these handcuffs so that she could kill him
she asked him to thank the head of shirasaki for not leaving leaving him there to die Kurosaki said as she says the main thing is to get them out of this hell he turned back and said which is about to begin suddenly the Golem's heart began to activate and blow red Kurosaki began to quickly run away when suddenly the Golem's heart attacked her satoru with tears in his eyes rushed towards her and the beam of The Stone Heart flew straight at satoru
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