Its Not Just The Mark That You Have To Be Worried About (There's MORE!)

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Grace For Purpose
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before the second coming of Christ the Antichrist will reign and take control of the Earth how do I know this the Bible established that he would perform some activities that would establish his clear apathy against the ordinances of God however this won't happen suddenly the Bible lists some key events that would happen before the Antichrist established a new world order which is what we'll unveil in this video if you're oblivious to these things then you need to pay ATT attention to this message the Bible says we must not be ignorant of these things some of
these events that will happen before the Antichrist takes over will also Herald the second coming of Christ the antichrist's reign will only be for a short time but it will be a terrible time so you must be prepared now let's look at things that will happen before the Antichrist establishes a new order first the whole world would fall into a state of unrest Matthew 24: 6-7 says you will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come Nation
will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom this verse highlights the world State just before the antichrist's appearance there will be wars and rumors of wars Nations will rise against nations from all indications this is already happening today the Antichrist is at work preparing for his triumphant entry why would the Antichrist do this you ask his entry or establishment will be ushered in like a system with a solution in other words to give a false peace treaty we must not forget that the Bible warns about this 1 Thessalonians 5:3 says while people are saying peace
and safety destruction will come on them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not Escape thus when it looks like a solution is about to emerge we need to be more cautious because that's the full revelation of the Antichrist he'll appear as a good world leader trying to unite the entire world this leads to the next thing he would do he'll introduce a Global Financial system he'll do this to control everyone with a mark to buy and sell Revelation 13: 15 to18 says the second beast was given power to give breath
to the image of the first Beast so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed it also forced all people Great and Small rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark which is the name of the Beast or the number of its name this calls for wisdom let the person who has Insight calculate the number of the Beast for it is the number of a
man that number is 666 of course without one currency worldwide this would be difficult many have opined that the emergence of digital currency is a move towards the antichrist's plan to have a Global Currency looking at this critically you'll discover this might be true today digital currencies are acceptable in almost all World Nations the next thing he would do is to kill the passion for sound Doctrine he'll manipulate many people to reject the true gospel and dance to the tune of a demonic gospel that tingles the ears they'll love to hear what pleases them and
not what pleases God second Timothy 4: 3:4 says for the time will come when people will not put up with sound Doctrine instead to suit their desires they will gather around them many teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths the time referred to here is the coming of the Antichrist he wants men to disobey God by luring them away with false doctrines and in line with this comes false teachers and Prophets these are the people that he would use
to perpetuate his schemes he knows that the more people are deceived the more people will follow his new world order and reject the narrow way Jesus said in Matthew 24:2 24-2 for false Messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect see I have told you ahead of time here is a warning for us in Romans 16:1 17-18 it says I urge you brothers and sisters to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you
have learned keep away from them for such people are not serving our Lord Christ but their own appetites by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people thus it falls on you as a Believer to be more careful of teachers and Prophets You must test all spirits and know that which is true the Antichrist is making great moves on how to deviate many another event that would happen before the Antichrist establishes a new order is that he would ensure the persecution of genuine Believers this will happen because the Antichrist craves worship so
when you claim to worship the Living God he'll unleash his wrath on you he will not tolerate those who are strong in faith hence the serious persecution against genuine Believers all over the world shouldn't surprise you Matthew 249 says then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by All Nations because of me hence be prepared for this you must be strong in faith and hold on to your salvation with fear and trembling then there will be an increase in economic problems there will be natural disasters
and most especially famine Revelation 6: 5-6 says when the lamb opened the third seal I heard the third living creature say come I looked and there before me was a black horse its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures saying two PB of wheat for a day's wages and six lbs of barley for a day's wages and do not damage the oil and the wine this situation will drive the world to an edge hence there's a need for a leader
who can stand as a world power and solve all these problems however he will only raise false hopes as he cannot do anything about the world situation why do you need to know all these as a Christian you must watch out and take heed do not be one of those the Antichrist will deceive so what are the things you can do first you must live with the Consciousness that Christ can return any time the first return is categorized as the Rapture so in a nutshell prepare yourself for the Rapture keep your house in order move
close to God by studying more of his word let him reveal more of himself to you as you await your flight the Antichrist has no power over the raptured Believers however he can make a believer lose his Rapture through the events that we've outlined that's why the Bible admonishes that you should be sober and Vigilant your adversary the devil is looking for whom to devour don't give the Antichrist the chance to make you lose your reign with Christ another thing you need to do is to be Discerning you need to test all Spirits you must
scrutinize everything as a Christian you need to check the messages you listen to and where you worship if you discover that that there's a practice different from what you know as the truth walk away immediately do not give it a second thought that's the Antichrist in Disguise not only that you need to watch out for your friends and advisers you must ensure that they've not become an agent of the devil in your life then you must not lose hope many souls are in captivity because they've lost hope in Christ they've assumed he will not return
but that's just not true Jesus will return a clear sign is what is happening in the world while the rest of the world might be seeing problems rest in the hope that Jesus will soon catch up with the Saints also you must encourage your brethren the body of Christ is just like the parts of the body so for the whole body of Christ to overcome the plans of the Antichrist we need to stay strong together if you notice that a brother or sister is getting cold spiritually you must draw close to them and encourage their
faith in the Lord this way the Antichrist won't be able to cover their hearts with deception then ensure you live today as if it's your last this will help you live with the consciousness of Heaven you'll be able to fulfill all the Commandments and most importantly you won't become the Devil's Prey one of the things that would become rampant before the appearance of the Antichrist is the edification of the flesh men will become proud and boastful they'll love themselves instead of God children will disobey their parents but when you live each day as if it's
the last you will always overcome this you will always walk by the spirit lastly Endeavor to keep propagating the kingdom of God even though the evil one keeps increasing his influence in the world this doesn't stop the children of light from dominating the Earth hence Let Your Light continue to shine before all men keep winning Souls through the help of the Holy Spirit finally remember that the Antichrist is preparing for his Reign ensure you keep watching and do not fall into spiritual Slumber the Bible says in Matthew 24: 6 to8 you will hear of wars
and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of birth pains pay attention to what the Bible says in verse 8 all these are the beginning of birth pains the beginning of birth pains the Bible says now we're living in a time where there are many conflicts all around the world and there are are these loud grumblings of more
potential conflicts but this is all in the Bible the Bible tells us that we should not be alarmed such things must happen everything we are living through now we've been foretold in the Bible and if we are Bible believing Saints we should not be surprised by the headlines but the main thing for us is that we should not be fearful but more so filled with faith we need Faith and Hope in Jesus regardless of whether or not there is a war we need to keep our Faith and Hope in Jesus regardless of whether or not
the headlines are filled with Doom and Gloom we need faith and Zeal no matter how evil the days are and no matter how many disasters strike the world and I believe that one thing we need to be aware of is what happens inwardly in these last days we should really be careful that our hearts aren't swayed or hardened I believe that in the last days the presence of evil will be so real and so tangible that if we're not careful some of us will fall into a false sense of security thinking we are living for
Christ when in fact we are living according to our own self-righteous standard I encourage you to pray for a soft heart a heart that is quick to repent a heart that is quick to run to the Lord and quick to run away from evil the Bible tells us that in the last days because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold Hearts will grow cold as we Edge closer and closer to the end of the age and the return of Christ so here's my warning to you be careful that your heart is not
hardened Jesus Christ is coming back don't be distracted by this world Jesus is coming back don't get too comfortable in this world Jesus is coming back don't sleep on the word of God don't sleep on the Promises of God don't ignore the signs of the times Jesus is coming back like a thief in the night the Lord is coming and this message is repeated over and over again because the Lord wants us to go on living as if he were coming tomorrow to be on Red Alert be found to always be ready so that if
he came tomorrow if he came tonight you and I wouldn't be embarrassed to be saying the name of Jesus but not living for Jesus don't be found to be lukewarm get your house in order so stay praful Be watchful of the times the Lord is coming soon in our world today not only is there evil at every corner not only is there temptation all around us but this world provides you with so many distractions there are many things vying for our attention on a day-to-day basis and to be honest if we're not careful as men
and women of God we can easily and sometimes unknowingly lose our focus on what really matters in life and so I encourage you to take a moment and think about whether or not you are truly living for Jesus Christ or are you content living life and simply putting Jesus Christ alongside everything and everyone else the Bible in Hebrews 3:15 says while it is said today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts as in the rebellion and on this matter of hardening your heart Proverbs 28:14 says happy is the man who is always
reverent but he who hardens his heart will fall into Calamity now what does it mean to have a hardened heart it means spiritual blindness it means insensitivity towards God's Beauty And Glory it means chasing after our own desires instead of the things of God a hardened heart rejects God but thankfully in his mercy God has offered to change our hearts and I want you to know that God can change our hearts Ezekiel 26:36 and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart
of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh since the beginning of time God has been drawing us toward himself even when we stubbornly ignore him he doesn't walk away he never gives up on us in the Book of Matthew Jesus Compares his second coming to a great wedding Feast a joyful celebration of the perfect union between Jesus Christ and his bride the church and so we are invited to the greatest dinner banquet of all time have you responded to that invitation or are you putting it off until the last minute maybe
you've become deafen to the sound of him knocking maybe your attention has been captured by other things like work and finances and romantic love those things seem important till you realize that they are only temporary and when your life is over or Jesus returns they will no longer be of any value we all think we have more time to get right with God but the truth is that life is short tomorrow is not guaranteed everything we do today matters on an eternal level if Jesus came back today would you be ready would you be able
to say that your heart was firmly set on Christ now is the time to place your faith in Jesus and so today if you hear his voice don't Harden your heart instead allow him to come in and change your life forever in Hebrews 12:1 the Bible says therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside every weight and sin which cling so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us the Bible is calling us to strip off every unnecessary weight in our
lives do away with the sin which tries to ensnare you and keep you bound people of God Jesus Christ is all that matters and with the time that you have live with wisdom and make use of today and serve the Lord while you still can our days are numbered and we must live for God so in everything you do put God first in the midst of everything you go through trust God first Psalm 1 verse1 and 2 say blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way
of Sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his Delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night you are blessed when you don't sit on entertain scoffers don't sit with them or break bread with them of course do your Christian Duty which is to love all people and share the gospel of Christ but do not sit or get into a state of being relaxed when you are around a scoffer they will pull you down the dangerous thing about a scoffer is that their sole aim is
to make you doubt they plant seeds of doubt that's their mission it's simply to spread doubt they want you to question everything about the Lord they want you to question 1 Thessalonians 4:17 which says then we who are alive who are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord they want you to question Revelation 3:10 because you have kept my word about patient endurance I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the
whole world to try those who dwell on the earth they want you to question the word of God but we should resist such a person protect your faith protect yourself by not exposing yourself to people who purposely come to trip you up instead focus on living a life that is pure and pleasing to Jesus focus on doing all you can to put this flesh under subjection in fact the Bible tells us how to prepare for the coming of the Lord in 2 Peter 3: 14-1 15 therefore beloved since you are waiting for these be diligent
to be found by him without spot or blemish and at peace and count the patience of Our Lord as salvation just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him we as children of God should be found spotless and blameless in peace that is inwardly calm with a sense of spiritual well-being and confidence having lived a life of obedience to him [Music]
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