Restoring Passion- Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey family this is sarah jakes robertson i am so excited about the incredible word that you're about to receive they're just a few things i want to tell you before we dig into the word number one let's make this thing official subscribe to our youtube channel you're already plugged in make sure you don't miss anything that comes out of this house the second thing did you know that it's more than just videos we are doing so much to help the community and we want you to partner with us in literally changing the world given to
this ministry so the fruit of it is incredible the instructions are on the screen make sure that you are a part of what god is doing through one online lastly my husband's book balance is coming out and i am so excited and i got a gift for you you will get the first three chapters of the book by going to the link below when you pre-order pre-order the book you don't want to miss it it has tremendously blessed my life and i can't wait for you to see what i've already partaken in balance is going
to rock this world okay let's get into the word i've been praying i've been studying and i've been sweating that's how i know god's got a word if you if you ain't nervous about it there ain't no words yet um nobody really cares about me i'm gonna say it anyway this is my eighth year preaching anniversary one of one that lay was the first place that i ever preached so like it's mother's day but i also i'm celebrating because child didn't nobody know that she was gonna be preaching um i was praying about this message
and what god would have me say and it's so funny i preached this text but got something different from it and then i was reading over it again and god showed me something differently and i feel like god is just continuing to reveal to me what this message is about but as i was praying i felt like god wanted to restore passion in somebody's life and um the more that i begin praying into this moment i believe that this is a divine appointment for someone who's been feeling stuck for someone who's been feeling like they
don't know exactly what's next or what they should be excited about has anybody ever just lost their passion like a thing that you were once passionate about like i used to have vision for this and strategy and felt like god positioned me here and somewhere along the way i just got lost in the sauce and so i want to share with you what god is sharing with me about that and i'm going to be in john 21 verse 15. i know you all are bible scholars but for those of you who need a little help
like me i want to give you some context jesus has been crucified and raised from the dead at this point in the text and he's walking around the towns that he frequented and particularly he's having an encounter with peter because peter had a moment where he denied jesus right before and you got to understand that peter was like you know what i'ma go wherever you go if they taken you to the cross i'm going to the cross with you but then when it was time to actually go to the cross peter was like i don't
even have i don't even have my wallet for this i don't know if i'll be able to follow you like i thought i was and he ends up denying jesus becoming someone he never thought he would be that's what happens to so many of us in life sometimes we find ourselves becoming someone we never thought we would be i never thought i would be this bitter i never thought i could be this angry have you ever surprised you like i didn't even know that it was in me to be there and to do that but
jesus comes to restore peter because his work is not done and in verse 15 it says so when they had eaten breakfast jesus said to simon peter simon son of jonah do you love me more than these he said to him yes lord you know that i love you he said to him feed my lambs he said to him again a second time simon son of jonah do you love me and he said to him yes lord you know that i love you and he said to him tend my sheep he said to him the
third time simon son of jonah do you love me peter was grieved because he said to him the third time do you love me and he said to him lord you know all things you know that i love you and jesus said to him feed my sheep most assuredly i say to you when you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished but when you are old you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and carry you wherever you do not wish this he spoke signifying by what death he would
glorify god and when he had spoken this he said to him follow me we're going to talk about restoring passion spirit of the living god we receive the gift of your presence and we recognize that in your presence is our true most authentic and so god i pray that this would be an encounter a living god with a living soul a living god with a living being that a living god would touch the dead thing inside of us and bring it back to life god please don't let us just come into this place and leave
the same way we came out but let every dead thing that's on life support inside of us be brought back to life as only it can when your glory falls in this place god we give you total permission to blow our mind and to hold up a mirror that we may see ourselves again because god who are we without you and what can we do if you are not the strength and the fuel that propels us so i thank you god that this is a moment of restoration a moment of new beginnings breathe into this
room as only you can do in god please bless me no nerves no anxiety no sweat jesus lord jesus help me to stand in this moment as the woman you created me to be and nothing else in jesus name amen amen okay y'all can sit down now help us again [Applause] i promise you we gonna be out of here so that you can get to brunch part of the reason why i know that is because my shoes do have a time limit on them so when my feet start hurting i don't know you better get
it fast because when these fees start hurting you out here by yourself with the holy ghost of course listen um you know i don't know if you your instagram is like my instagram where every time somebody comments there's like 4x trading no whose cousins are these that keep trying to get me to get into training and stock markets and they're getting slick now because i don't know if they know i'm saved you can't just hit me with trading now they say i was so blessed and then it's like to me crypto lore and i was
like wait a minute i thought she was blessed by this word god gave me when i was growing up i used to want to like get involved with the stock market i don't know i was trying to make some money and i just thought when i was younger if i learned about the stock market then eventually i could maybe hustle up on some funds you know i'm gonna get in on some penny stocks guys gonna blow my mind exceedingly abundantly misusing scripture but whatever let's go with me and teach me how to move and function
as a business woman but the older i got and the more that i realized the strategy connected with investment i recognized that in order to really make money in the stock market you have to be in it for the long haul it's not one of those things where you invest today and then next week you turn around and you're a billionaire which was heartbreaking for me i felt like there was a warren buffett anointing going my life and uh i've been studying a lot more though because we're coming to a stage where we're really thinking
about generational wealth and provision for our family and so we've been studying about what we can put in the stock market what are the stocks that we should be looking at and just really educating ourselves and reading as much as we can and i ran across this story from this guy who invested in tesla when it first started it's 2011 and he bought it when it first opened and he bought the stock let me read my notes so i don't lie to you he bought the stock for 23. 23. and a little over a year
later he sells the stock for 58 dollars he doubled his money and it looked great that what he had put in he was able to get out more and there was increase connected to it but had he learned what i am learning from his story he would have known that if he would have just stayed in the game then that 23 dollar stock is now worth over 800 dollars that's what happens to us when we begin to perform well and think that maybe this is as good as it gets so i better pull back instead
of continuing to invest in risk failure investment is one of those things with our life and with our destiny that we have to be committed to doing for the long haul because it's only over time that you can tell whether or not something is going to reach its potential that's why i think pt says that you got to have the four seasons in a relationship because how a person performs on that first date might be different than the way that they perform a year later when they're tired when they're angry when they lost the job
you can only really know a person when you've been connected with them over time that's why we have to be careful too when we start getting upset with god about how we felt he should have performed in a season in our life because if we look over time we'll see that god's been faithful but it's difficult in the moment when you feel like god you didn't meet my expectation and we don't zoom out of the picture to look at all the other times where he didn't meet our expectations and then we came out on the
other side wiser than we thought we were god how was it that you disappointed me and appointed me at the same time see i want to talk to some real people in this room who have ever had god's disappointment turn into their appointment god i thought that i needed that job but maybe you were really trying to turn me into an entrepreneur god i thought i needed that relationship but maybe you were trying to break a generational curse off of my life you see my plans are not his plans and my ways are not his
ways and there are moments when god disappoints you so that he can set you up i don't know who's going through a disappointment in this room but i just want my life to be a testimony that when god disappoints you it's always so that he can ultimately appoint you don't give up because you haven't seen how it's going to play out you got to see god's strategy over time it takes time to see why god let them leave you it takes time to see why god had you walk away it takes time for you to
recognize that god wasn't trying to kill you he was trying to bring something out of you god what is it that you're trying to bring out of me in the midst of this disappointment god are you trying to help me establish a new way to do family are you trying to help me establish a different way of thinking because if you have disappointed me i know that there is appointment connected to it so what is it that you're trying to teach me in this moment and it is in those moments of disappointment where if we're
honest we lose passion when it doesn't turn out the way that i thought it would i released the song but the song went metal it didn't go gold it didn't go platinum it went silverware what is this [Applause] god god i put the post up and i thought the post was anointed but i don't know if it's the algorithm no one was connected to it god what is it what do we do in those moments where it just doesn't turn out the way that we thought it would these are the moments where we lose our
passion because if it's not going to turn into success if it's not going to turn into popularity then why am i passionate about it in the first place if i'm going to ask for forgiveness and change my life but then the very people who i wanted to forgive me don't forgive me then why would i be passionate about change i wish i could talk to some people in this room who understood what it was like to lose passion i started off on fire but i lost my fire when i had to put that fire in
an environment that couldn't cultivate it sometimes you got to cultivate your own fire with your own spirit but what do you do when your spirit is broken and nothing around you can cultivate your fire i need someone to understand that you in the right place at the right time because there's enough fire in this room to help you get your fire back see that's why we come together in community because i came in here like a flickering flame but something happened when i started lifting my hands something happened when i saw my neighbor started worshiping
where i started feeling like maybe if they can make it i can make it too maybe if they can come out on the other side i can come out on the other side too as a matter of fact i want someone who was down to a flickering flame and found out that you could explode again that you could burn again that you could be on fire again to have testimony service for the other flickering flames in this moment if you've ever had god put you back in the game if you've ever had god heal your
broken heart if you've ever had god help you to write the book help you to complete the project help you to keep on breaking that generational curse help you keep breaking that generational chain i thought i wasn't gonna make it but there was a wind that came into my life and that wind pushed me back into position the wind is coming the wind is coming the wind is coming for your flame the wind is coming for that fire the wind is coming for that passion anybody who knows when you blow on a flame something happens
when you blow on that flame that makes it it makes it grow it makes the fire grow somebody's in here and that flame has been trying to die on you disappointment after disappointment that flame been trying to die on you you gave your best and that flame and trying to die you i'm trying to save this child but my flame is dying i'm trying to continue this wholeness but that flame is dying i want you to know that the holy spirit still blows oh hold on i feel god on that hold on i feel god
on that i feel like if we would just take 10 seconds to worship that we could create enough wind in this room to help the flames that aren't even in this room you see because when you got the holy ghost down on the inside of you your flame starts affecting people who aren't even in the room and you had a mother who needs to feel the flame i got a community that needs to fill the flame holy spirit holy spirit blow again blow again blow again move again move again move again break again break again
break again root me again root me again root me again you got to be hungry for a fire fire doesn't just come when you're sitting down something happens when you position your heart and say god i've been losing my flame but this is my last chance to fight for that fire again this is my last chance to fight for that flame [Music] god [Music] somebody's fire's coming back to him somebody's fire's coming back to them i hear god saying i'm gonna make you passionate for the next that i am calling you to but i had
to make you lose your passion for where you were so that you could move that passion to where you're headed because if you stay passionate about where you are you'll miss the momentum you need for your next i don't know who this is for it's not in my notes but i hear god saying that it's like the stock market sometimes it goes down but then it shoots back up again and i hear god saying that somebody's passion needed to come down so that you could reallocate it so that god could position it properly for your
next isn't this after all what happens with peter in this text peter has lost his passion because he did not perform the way that he thought he would life didn't perform the way that he thought it would and so he has gone back to doing what he knows because sometimes it costs your confidence to do what you love sometimes you don't get to do what you love and feel empowered at the same time sometimes doing what you love makes you feel insecure sometimes doing what you're called to do makes you feel rejected and dejected and
so paul says instead of feeling that at all i'm going to go back to doing that which requires nothing of me but jesus cannot allow this [Music] because if peter is not where he is positioned to be jesus cannot build the church on him jesus comes after peter because peter is starting to live from his head and not from his heart and he asked him over and over again do you love me because they're when you've been called to change the world your world your corner your community you have to use your mind to do
it but you cannot be governed by your mind to stay in it oh god and peter's come to a place where the algorithms have taken over where the reception has taken over where the feedback has taken over and now he's living in his head and it is no wonder he has no passion because passion is not birthed in the head passion begins in your soul and if jesus can get peter back to living in his soul then he can be reminded of the power connected to what they do when they partner together that's somebody's word
right there don't allow the industry don't allow the reception and opinions of others to hijack what started with you in the lord don't allow whether or not they can receive it or understand it to qualify whether or not you can do it don't allow your disappointment in yourself to make you miss that jesus jesus knew exactly who peter was oh god peter didn't surprise jesus when he denied him he only surprised himself that means that jesus knew exactly who peter was i knew that you were going to deny me i called you anyway i knew
that you weren't going to live up to who you thought you could be but i still called you anyway because you can live up to who i see you as sometimes you need to thank god that you didn't live up to who you thought you were because if you lived up to who you thought you were you wouldn't be effective in who god wants you to be if i lived up to who i thought i was i'd be behind the desk as a cpa but because i wasn't who i thought i was i'm standing in
front of you because jesus knew more about me than i knew about myself and i won't allow the fact that i failed to keep me from reaching for what i've been called for jesus jesus comes back for peter because there's a lot riding on him and yet he's qualified for it i want you to hear this you're qualified for where you've been positioned you're qualified oh god help me not just qualified [Applause] peter was the only disciple that jesus says was anointed to be the rock in which he would build the church there were 12
disciples 12 official disciples and then there were more even after that but there was a job that only peter could do you're in this room and there is a job that only you can do only you and god know what this job is only you can break that generational curse in your family only you can create that content only you can re-establish what it means to have spirituality in your family there is a job that only you can do only you can break down the doors of that industry only you can make art have a
conscious only you can re-establish what it means to have identity that has substance and boundaries only you can make mental health common in your communities and not something that is talked about only you can change the criminal justice system when god anoints you it is not so that you can come here and do what everyone else has done when god has anointed you it's not so that you can receive the achievement and the accolades of others when god anoints you it's because god has something that he wants to do in the earth that only you
can do so when you get out of position god gets out of position and god says i can't be out of position because i got a hell to chase back i got a devil to go after i got demons that need to tremble and so you got to stay in your position even when the performance doesn't look like what you expected because your performance is not an indication of your effectiveness your performance is not an indication of god's anointing your performance is not an indication of whether or not god can still breathe on you and
so he comes after peter and i thought when i was reading this that he was just restoring peter's position as a disciple but it wasn't that what jesus is restoring is his passion because when he says feed my sheep to peter you got to remember that peter saw miracles when feeding the sheep he saw miracles i saw you take a little boy's lunch and feed the multitude your passion is in the history of the miracle that brought you to this moment in the first place god my passion isn't in this now moment passion isn't in
the reception my passion is in the fact that i'm even up against this giant in the first place i wish i understood better what exactly it was god was trying to teach me and show me when i was reading this scripture but i feel like part of what god was trying to breathe into my own spirit was to worry less about protecting the performance or perfecting a performance and more about protecting my passion you can have my work but you can't have my passion you can have my art but you can't have my passion because
if i give you my passion i give you my strength you can have what i produce but you can't have what produced it and i feel like god wanted someone to understand that it's not whether or not you performed well it's whether or not you mastered the art of perfecting your performance perfecting your protecting your passion because your passion is what the enemy wants more than anything if i can take your passion you won't be a weapon anymore if i take your passion you won't believe that you can break the generational curse if i take
your passion you won't look at that philistine and think that you could run up on it if i take your passion you won't be brave and you won't be courageous but if you should ever get your passion back if you should ever get your passion back i feel like god wants to give somebody their passion back in this place if you should ever get your passion back you'll come to a consciousness that helps you to understand that it never was about that in the first place it was always about whether or not i could live
up to who jesus said i was it was always about my obedience it was always about me producing because i felt connected to it not because i wanted others to receive it it was about me producing it because it was the right thing to do it was the right thing to say it was about me raising those kids because i had to step in and get it done my passion was not connected to their results it was about my obedience and i'm passionate when i am obedient and i am effective when i am obedient and
i am creative when i am obedient and i have strategy when i am obedient in obedience we've heard it all the time obedience is better than sacrifice what do we sacrifice when we are not obedient little by little we sacrifice our passion i feel like god's calling somebody to live brave again [Music] to be courageous in a fresh way and to not allow your success or failure to define you this is not about that it's about getting what's in me out of me that's my whole message y'all jacked it up because y'all was standing the
whole time so i couldn't even somebody's passion is coming back to them jesus is able to get peter back to a place where he is willing to be that rock that jesus can build his church on by reminding him of the love the love of what they did together i want to invite someone in this moment before we leave to go back in your heart and in your mind to that place of love that produced the area where you're now uncertain oh god you gotta say it the way uh remember when you loved who you
were remember when you loved partnering with the lord and doing things that you didn't even know you could do remember when you felt anointed to cast out devils and to heal the sick remember when you felt like five smooth stones aren't enough no i don't have the degree i don't have the connections but i got a gift that you've never seen before and i'm willing to walk in that room and stand up to whatever's on the other side of it an invitation and get back to love that first love for peter it was jesus he
was a fisherman and this divine being comes up to him and says follow me and i will make you a fisher of men he didn't know what that meant and then they started walking it out and jesus didn't just keep the power to himself he started giving peter power too and he started saying go into this town and go perform this miracle i love who i am when i'm with jesus i love who i am when i am borrowing from his courage i love who i am when i'm borrowing from his anointing i love who
i am when i am showing up the way that he sees me and every now and then i start showing up the way that i see me and i can feel myself shrinking and i got to get in my head to figure out how do i blow this up again and jesus says you don't have to worry about blowing it up you don't have to worry about being effective just stay in the place of love in this moment i want to pray with someone who feels like more than anything maybe what i need is not
a new project to make me excited maybe i don't need a new boo to make me passionate again don't act like come on now all right i want to feel fire again sit down you are the fire calm down extinguish that i want to feel powerful i have to tell you you stand with me we're going to pray we out of here i have to tell you um just you know i tell my story that's my thing i am we're planning this tour and um you know when i was in my prayer closet and i
was talking to the lord about it he was like i want you to name it like the revolution tour and i was like that ain't no problem boom i sent it to the team revolution tour then i put the graphic on the social media and people's like i'm ready for a revolution i was like slow down cause i don't even know that i can you know what i mean i don't even know if that's in me like that i was just talking really you know [Music] i started backing down from the very thing that god
gave me because when it was time to walk it out i started living in my head again [Music] and the lord has been dealing with me over and over again because now we you know we got buses and venues and i'm like bro like [Music] what are we doing here and he was like if you would make it less about wanting to perform well and more about just being passionate about what can happen if i breathe in the room i don't know about you but i just want to see the glory of the lord breathe
in the room at the end of the day jesus makes peter hungry for glory again i want to tell you about what will make you passionate when everything else fails when you become passionate about glory showing up in your life showing up in your relationships showing up in everything that you do god says i can bless that vision because that vision is about my glory inhabiting the earth god i don't want to do it for the accolades i don't want to do it for the achievement i just want to do it because i may see
your glory on the other side of it god i want to see your glory show up in my heart again i want to see your glory show up in my words again i want to see your glory show up in my prayer life again i want to feel like i can pray in mountains move i want to feel like i could write and change the world i want to feel like i could raise that child and make them better than what i had i want to feel like i could break a generational curse and i
can only do it if the glory of the lord is backing me up so spirit of the living god let glory fall all over this place god let your glory begin to inhabit [Music] let your glory inhabit [Music] every particle every corner every atom every molecule out of my she could let your glory and i am made for your glory created with your glory in mind how dare i allow performance to hijack my very identity my identity is an extension of your glory my words are an extension of your glory my content my heart it
is an extension of your glory it is not for monetization it is not for popularity those are cherries on top at the end of the day i produce because i want to see glory god is this your glory god is sexual glory god i'm moving over here because i feel glory over there god i'm going back there because i feel glory over there i'm chasing glory baby not the kind of glory you'll see on the oscars not the kind of glory you'll see on the grammys the kind of glory that makes heaven rejoice the kind
of glory that makes generational curses be broken the kind of glory that pulls down strongholds depression can't run up on this glory anxiety can't have this glory i don't know about you but i still believe in the glory i still believe that glory could clean up the streets i still believe that glory could change my family i still believe that glory can save my child i believe that glory could change my mind you better watch out when you start praying for glory you might mess around and get some growth glory glory glory glory glory you
know i'm an old school church girl up underneath this wig when i went to church the church mothers would just say glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory you don't have to have no fancy prayer sometimes you just gotta say glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory i'm calling down glory glory glory glory over my mind glory glory while i'm writing glory glory why i'm singing glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory [Applause] the glory of the lord changes things the glory of the lord restores your passion the
glory of the lord will make you whole the glory of the lord will put you back in position it'll remind you why you do the thing that you do and if there is no glory connected to it then it is not for you because you were created for glory if i can't see god's glory in it i can see man's glory i could see my own glory but god if i don't see your glory then i'm just here successful but not fulfilled peter went back to fishing he had a net full of fish but it
wasn't glory when he becomes hungry for glory again he repositions himself and that's what i want for you in this room that's what i want from me i want to be positioned so that passion is not something that feels fleeting so that passion is not predicated on performance or reception i want to be positioned for glory because i just want to be in the flow of the lord did this message help anybody would you raise your hand with this i want to i want to pray for somebody who's going to answer the call to feed
the sheep to tend to the sheep and listen you can be hungry and still feed the sheep because a lot of times peter had been like lord i'm hungry how do you want me to feed the sheep i'm i'm not even the way my stomach is set up but isn't it funny that this text says after they had eaten breakfast once he became full jesus says now it's time for you to feed my sheep i want every hungry soul been trying to feed your soul with things that are malnourishing you making you more empty after
you pull from it than you were before you even indulged in it i want to dare you to take a moment and get out of where you are positioned and to bring yourself as close as you can to this altar we're going to call this our altar the beautiful thing about an altar and scripture is that it is a place where you bring a sacrifice a lot of times we come to the altar and we're empty and that's okay too but i want us to have a specific moment in which we bring to the altar
our hungry soul and everyone knows what you've been using to try and feel that soul and how inadequate it has been how much more it left you desperate peter didn't even realize it but his soul was hungry for something maybe you've been in this room and as i've been speaking you've been thinking to yourself i didn't realize it but i think my soul has been hungry for something i want to submit to you that maybe what your soul is hungry for is glory soul is hungry to feel alive again i just want to feel alive
like my existence matters like i can change something like i am empowered somebody's in this room and they are so very tired and you've been thinking to yourself i don't know what's wrong with me and i want you to know that i hear the holy spirit saying there's nothing wrong with you you're just hungry for the real thing you're just hungry to be connected to what really matters and i believe at this altar we can have an encounter that will allow the whale to spring up in you because you drink from the well that will
never run dry isn't it crazy that scripture says out of our body will flow rivers of living water but then it also calls jesus the whale that means that the well of jesus has gone to pull out the well that's down on the inside of you if you've been feeling dry you've been feeling empty you've been feeling like you're in a drought i want you to know that that is the path that allows us to access the well that we're not going to get to the water by pretending we're not going to get to the
water by performing our way out of this the only way we get to the water is to start digging to give god permission to start digging in the area where we need it the most i've been dry too long i've been empty too long i've been existing for too long god i want to be filled with your holy spirit i want to be filled with passion i want to be filled with glory so that i can go out and shake the earth just want to give you a minute in your own way to open your
heart to this moment in which god wants to have an encounter with you and whatever feels most comfortable and natural to you to recognize that this message is for me god you came after me the way jesus came after peter you came after me how did you know how did you send this word i hear you i'm responding yes i love you [Music] yes i feel you yes i'm stuck yes i'm sad yes i want to feed your sheep but i don't know how yes i've been living in my head help me get back to
my heart somebody moved out of their heart because their heart was broken and they think i'm going to use logic to get myself out of this so that i never have to experience this heart again and jesus calls peter back into heartbreak because jesus knows i can mend that heart you don't have to run from a broken heart you don't have to strategize your way out of a broken heart you can sit right in the middle of the broken heart because my glory can come into those broken pieces holy spirit holy spirit bible calls the
holy spirit the comforter we need your comfort holy spirit we want to be settled not tossed to and fro but anchored to something that is real god we want to experience your glory in a way that only we can when we surrender our lives to you holy spirit i thank you that you never leave us nor forsake us i thank you that you know our end from our beginning and there is nothing that has happened in our life that has caught you by surprise and yet because it took our breath away holy spirit i'm asking
that you would breathe in this room and that as you breathe in this room that it would no longer be my breath that i longed for but that it would be your breath that i want to experience your breath again i want to experience your power again holy spirit i want your foe your holy ghost to fall in this places only it can do when we surrender god i'm tired of living life on my own and because i recognize that i don't have to do it on my own i make room for you to inhabit
every part of my being god i want you to take back every thought that the enemy has held captive i want you to take back every gift that the enemy has held captive i claim it for the glory of the lord in jesus name i want to go into the enemy's camp real quick if i've got some prayer warriors in this place i want you to start praying with me cause we're going to go into the enemy's camp and i'm coming for my sister i'm coming for my brother i'm coming for my mother who couldn't
be here spirit of the living god fall in this place as only you can do i breathe glory down in this place god i plead the blood of jesus over every household every every heart every every gift ever every mind and i pray that your glory would begin to fall let it water the seeds of our destiny let it water the seeds of our identity i take back my identity from shame i take back my identity from regret i take back my identity from depression and i say who the son has set free my god
is free indeed god i want to experience freedom again and because i know where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i invite your spirit i invite your spirit again i invite your spirit where there's logic i invite your spirit where there's pain i invite your spirit where there's a stronghold i invite your spirit where there is depression not to invite your spirit into my soul and i thank you that as i receive your spirit that i'm growing again i'm stretching again i'm dreaming again because it's all in your spirit god i thank
you for every household every soul every dream every generational blessing represented at this altar you know every step every memory every tear every heartbreak every whisper god you know it and you know how it haunts them and you know how it torments them and god you know how to silence it i pray a blessing god that silence and stillness would enter their soul that they would be rooted and anchored because they know you even if they don't know themselves because i know you i've got access to the best version of me silence the whispers god
silence the noise so that all they hear is you and when they hear you god may they hear love may they hear peace may they hear joy may they hear restoration may they hear that they are adequate may they hear that they are called may they hear that they are anointed because you do not talk down to us may we hear that we're better than that you will correct us may we hear that we could stretch ourselves further than that i'm not asking you to tell me everything i want to hear i'm asking you to
tell me what i don't want to hear too so that i can know what's in me and god when i know what's in me help me to produce and bring it out of me so i can go and get someone else like me still this word is only you can do allow it to take root and produce fruit in jesus name i pray amen amen family
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