the special thing about the MC of this story is that no matter how many times he dies he is always reborn again it's happened so many times that it's not funny anymore and each time he is reborn in a different world in time from the most primitive civilizations to those who conquered outer space this time Our Hero's carelessness cost him his life in a battle against a monster and he was reborn as a baby again but he's a pro at reincarnation for a reason let's see what he comes up with this time in this current
life he's got he begins to scan his surroundings and by the looks of the furniture and room decor he's sure this must be somewhere in the Middle Ages with the expertise he's built from his past lives he can tell this isn't Earth which makes him wonder if he's in a fantasy setting this time personally though he's found the Sci-Fi worlds to be more comfortable they were clean high-tech and had other perks but after taking in his current surroundings he's at least glad he's not born into a poor family they've even got Maids which leads him
to believe this must be a humble upper class family in a fantasy world but more than anything he's pretty glad that this hot chick is his mother and he's enjoying every kiss from her to the fullest though the language she speaking is unfamiliar there's something he can understand without knowing the words the feeling of her holding him so tightly out of fear of dropping him and the warmth in her eyes tells him that he's gotten a loving mother in this life which is a blessing in itself you see through his countless lives he's met and
gotten to know all kinds of mothers but motherly love wasn't always given sadly he's even been abandoned right after birth and there was also a time he was exploited as child labor but this time around he has a good feeling that this life won't be as hard as many of the ones he's lived that's when a maid comes in and insists on holding the prince as the lady might be exhausted the mention of Prince catches our boy off guard he wasn't expecting to be reincarnated as royalty this time still he can't quite figure out why
his mother does not look so happy he gets his answer soon enough when his mother reminds the maid that people might not consider this child a prince apparently this lady raana had a humble background she used to be a maid just like the one before her named chenna she tells chaina to Simply call her by her name saying there's no need for formalities since no one else is around raana believes the only reason they call this child a prince is because the king's blood flows in his veins however the truth is far from honorable this
child also carries the blood of someone of lowly status she already knows that the Nobles and Royal concubines have rejected her son claiming he has no right to succession or power because of her humble Origins seeing his mother drowning in sorrow the kid quickly tries to wipe away her tears which genuinely makes her happy she thinks it's heartwarming that her baby is trying to comfort her the maid though dismisses it as the actions of an infant simply fidgeting by the way our boy goes by the name AEL in this life and we know for a
fact he was indeed trying to console his mother he personally doesn't care about having no right to succession or loyal followers in fact he's glad about it being overshadowed means the powerful aristocrats won't give him a Second Glance making him practically invisible to the rest of the royal family this suits him perfectly he's ready to live the life of a Carefree Prince with nothing to worry about and his gut feeling tells him that this 100 to first life is going to be amazing the main guy is feeling pretty good about himself because he's got both
Royal and commoner blood to him it's like hitting the jackpot since he just wants a simple life away from all the rich dude's drama lady raana and chenna are keeping an eye on him raana looks at him thinks he seems so happy and wishes could keep him that way but she knows she can't when arrol hears the word power he wakes up from his dream and starts sucking his thumb arrol starts thinking about his situation in a world where everything is about family and rank being a prince who can't inherit anything feels like being a
pawn with no Throne to fight for he realizes he has no power no backup and no future he figures people will just use him until they get rid of him but then he reminds himself that his mom doesn't need to worry because he's confident he can handle things especially since he was a pro in his past lives 3 months go by and lady raana looks at baby arol while he's sleeping she thinks he looks like a little angel she Strokes his hair and wishes it felt like the Kings just then chaina tells her the carriage
is ready raana quickly kisses orel's cheek and tells him to be good before she leaves as the door shuts behind her we see arrol wasn't really asleep he was faking it he laughs but quickly covers his mouth so chaina doesn't come running in to check arrol thinks it's tough work being this charming especially as a baby with everyone watching him he then sits sits up ready to do something no baby should be able to do power up he knows time is short and he needs power to make his life easier in every world he knows
one thing is always true strength is everything if he's strong nobody will mess with him while cultivating arrol starts thinking about all his past lives and how he didn't waste them one of his biggest wins was creating a method that lets him train even as a baby the origin creation chiong technique it's something his 30th reincarnation invented and it's a total GameChanger this method lets a will work on both his natural Chi and origin Chi at the same time the best part nobody can even tell he's training ARL does some quick math and figures out
he'll have 60 years worth of inner Chi by the time he's 10 and 180 by 20 if he keeps this up once he gets past the early stages he won't even need to focus so hard he could train while chilling in Chain's arms if he wanted to speed things up arrol uses his energy to stimulate his nerves moving all the chi to his brain and frontal lobe the heat from this process spreads through his body making him sweat like crazy and feel Sharp unbearable pain as the energy builds up arrol feels like he's about to
lose control he screams but quickly stops himself chaina hears the noise and rushes into his room but when she looks at him arrol is lying still in his crib pretending to sleep she wonders if he needs a diaper change and leans in to sniff arrol panics inside knowing any touch from her might ruin all his hard work but to his relief chenna smells nothing and mutters something about him having a bad dream before walking out once she's gone errol's body is like a mini furnace with his energy leaking out everywhere he struggles to keep it
together feeling like his body might not survive the strain nonetheless he pushes through the pain determined not to let anything or anyone control his life even if it means risking everything ARL is set on using the origin creation chiong technique to become powerful enough to live comfortably and on his own terms just as he steadies himself another scream escapes him loud enough for chaina to hear outside his door chaina suddenly rushes into the room thinking something terrible has happened she finds AOL sweating buckets but still lying there looking like he's peacefully sleeping deciding he might
need some extra care she runs off to prepare a bath with herbs the moment she's gone Errol jumps to his feet happy because everything he's been working on is finally paying off when chaina returns she carries him in her arms and says good things to him for being such a strong little guy arrol Just Smiles feeling lucky she hasn't noticed anything unusual thanks to his Mana concentration technique his body is constantly absorbing energy even when he's just eating or sleeping he feels thrilled knowing that in just 3 years he'll be stronger than most adults by
the time he's 10 his power will be unmatched and the thought makes him really happy as chaina holds him she hears a strange noise for yum above but gets distracted by errol's cheerful expression meanwhile arrol is already Imagining the life ahead of him powerful respected and living like a king he can't wait for that future to arrive it's been only 5 months since arel was born but thanks to his Mana absorption technique his physical strength and inner energy are leagues ahead of any baby his age crawling on the floor he doesn't stop pushing himself knowing
he's on track to surpass everyone soon just as he's focused on his training lady raana walks in and Carries him up off the carpet she brings him a toy he wasn't expecting and for a moment his eyes are glued to it seeing her disappointment when he hesitates Errol quickly starts playing with the toy pretending to have a blast inside though he feels secondhand embarrassment for very obvious reasons still lady raana and chaina laugh at how happy he looks talking about how handsome and perfect he is Errol secretly loves the praise but knows it's mostly thanks
to his mother's good looks even so he decides to embrace these moments of being the fun baby knowing this time won't last forever the baby protagonist suddenly shows them that he isn't happy and chaina can't figure out what he wants at first but all he really wants is food he starts to cry as he tries to make it obvious finally chaina guesses right and gives him some milk while he is busy drinking the adults start talking about money they talk about how the funds for the house are running low since yesterday even though arrol needs
proper food as a prince there just isn't enough money the mansion's budget has been cut hard this year and even raising one child is becoming a struggle this is quite odd for a royal family arrol overhear the maids talk about this before they say his mother lady raana will have to eat less to save money for everyone else if she doesn't nobody will make it through the season arrol can't believe it and thinks it has to be a joke but his mother stays positive saying it doesn't matter if she doesn't survive as long as others
can hearing this makes arrol upset how can they treat his mother like this she isn't powerful or important in the eyes of the Nobles but she's still his mom even though she gave birth to a prince neither of them have any real status or protection he starts to understand why she is always going out in the carriage she's been trying to meet the king but it seems like she keeps failing arrol thinks it's cruel even if the king doesn't care about her she is still the mother of his child how can he let others treat
her so badly he starts crying again because of this and chaina hands him over to lady raana and he calms down and her arms even as a baby arrol wants to help his mom he knows he can't do much but he has to come up with something winter is coming and things will only get worse with the cost of heating in his baby bed he puts his boss baby brains to work and starts thinking hard about what he can do to help then suddenly he gets an idea as arrol stares at the charcoal in the
fireplace he suddenly remembers that charcoals are made out of carbon and jewels like diamonds are made of carbon as well and His Brilliant mind sees a way to solve their money problem if he can turn charcoal into a diamond he could change everything even though he's dying to jump out of the crib and get started he knows his tiny baby body isn't strong enough yet instead he decides to use his Mana to float himself out safely nobody else knows that charcoal could be this useful but to ARL it's like finding treasure so he immediately pushes
away his self-praise and gets to work while the rest of the house is asleep arrol focuses his Mana combining it with heat to put pressure on the charcoal he pours every ounce of energy into compressing it repeating enchanting spells to keep himself going the process is tough and the pressure pushes arrol back but he stays focused refusing to give up he keeps thinking about his mother's happiness when she sees what he's made just as he thinks about her a sudden burst of energy causes soot to explode out of the chimney arrol moves over to the
fireplace digging through the mess until he finally finds it a sparkling Diamond he created with his own power the diamond's Beauty leaves him speechless now he just needs to figure out how to give it to his mother without making her suspicious feeling satisfied he rests until morning when chaina greets him the next day she's shocked to find arrol walking around outside his crib covered in ash and soot she picks him up confused about how he managed to escape she assumes he must have been playing all night but the mess in the room makes her pause
the floor the fireplace and the carpet are all filthy and chaina wonders if the house has always been this chaotic or if something strange happened during the night she tells our boy not to touch the floor but he doesn't seem to care he quickly comes up with a plan and puts the jewel in his mouth chaina notices something range in his mouth and asks him to spit it out she pinches his cheeks and a diamond falls out she gets very surprised and asks where he got it and if it was from the floor chaina who
looks after the palace treasury says nothing is missing and that the diamond isn't even listed so she hugs Orel saying it seems like he wanted to give it to her arrol smiles and agrees with a feeling that his mom would probably like it too later wagons pull up at the palace filling up the empty kitchen storage with food and firewood thanks to the diamond they now have 5 years worth of supplies lady raana worries about who the diamond might belong to but chaina assures her that it's fine since the castle was abandoned for nearly 100
years before lady raana took over she also adds that it could be a blessing meant for Prince arel lady raana isn't sure but she sure feels thankful for the resources arrol holds on to his mom's dress thinking she just needs to hang in there until he grows up he dreams of a future where she doesn't have to struggle anymore as he clings to her she promises to make sure the king knows he has a son named arrol that winter the fireplace keeps burning and the palace's finances finally get back on track the changes are obvious
around the palace one day while lady raana is eating she notices the meal is way too much for her and asks about the servants chaina assures her everything is fine since Anna who had quit is back and the servants are being treated better now but what stands out the most to Prince arel is how his mom isn't looking sad anymore as he watches her he thinks she looks prettiest when she smiles even though it's the coldest winter ever it feels warmer to him because things are stable and his mom is happy a year passes and
chaina and Lady raana are busy deciding what Prince ARL should wear they make him try on a bunch of outfits before picking a fancy one arrol can't figure out why they're making such a big deal about his clothes feeling tired he lies down on the floor and starts whining surprising both his mom and chaina chaina quickly figures out he needs to rest and Tucks him into his crib then she says that Prince arrol is going to be officially recognized as part of the royal family arrol confused wonders what she means by recognized lady raana is
Happy ARL has grown up without any issues and wonders if the king will show up for his birthday chaina reassures her saying the king is just waiting for the right time since bad things often happen to newborns arrol overhears them talking and realizes all this fuss is for his birthday lady raana says not everyone might like the banquet but it's the perfect chance to officially announce that AOL has Royal Blood she's glad the eresia royal family rules apply to him too Errol notices how excited his mom seems and Figures it's because of the banquet then
it hits him if there's a banquet the Nobles and Royals will be there and he might finally get to meet the king the banquet for Prince arel kicks off that night with a grand feast and an over-the-top party that clearly cost quite more than a fortune Prince arel is kind of thrilled to see the lavish decorations the food and the fancy outfits the kingdom homies is wearing Everything feels like a dream to him lady raana picks him up and asks if he's amazed Errol thinks this whole thing is definitely a new experience chaina points out
that it's probably the first time he's seen so many people in one place and Lady raana reminds him that he's the star tonight giving him a kiss on the cheek arrol catches the judgmental stares from the Nobles and overhears their whispers about him and his mother but he doesn't let it bother him his focus is on one thing meeting his father King Terell of arnesia arrol burns with frustration thinking about how the King has never cared about their lives he decides this banquet is the perfect chance to make sure the king notices him the atmosphere
changes as the royal family of arnesia walk in officially starting the banquet arrol figures this must be the queen and her family he can feel their strong presence as they approach his eyes lock onto the queen her children his half siblings and the eldest son who stands out the most there's also a girl acting dramatic like she's in her own fantasy world Orel mentally notes that he needs to learn more about each of them but they walk right past and completely ignore his mother lady raana notices the commotion might be overwhelming for AOL and tries
to comfort him even though AOL knows she's probably struggling herself she still manages to make him laugh easing the tension meanwhile the crowd is fixated on the queen admiring her beauty arrol notices a sudden change in his mother's expression it had been calm but now something has unsettled her he looks around and sees why the king his majesty finally enters radiating an intimidating energy that makes arrol freeze for a moment he can't tell if his father is looking at him or his mom he thinks it's unlucky that being reborn doesn't come with the ability to
read minds imagine how great it would be if he could figure out what everyone else is thinking after a while people start giving him gifts and congratulating him acting like it's such a big deal to see him but when it's the Imperial family's turn their attitude toward him and his mom is clear they don't hide their real feelings and their behavior hits him hard he wants to jump out of his mom's arms and properly go after that woman how dare she treat him and his mom like they don't even matter she clearly doesn't see them
as people looking around he realizes everyone here is just as fake and rotten for a moment he thinks about shouting and calling them all out but he doesn't want to make his mom feel embarrassed he decides to play along and act nice because that's what people expect hypocrisy is normal here unfortunately all he wants is to leave before he falls asleep in his mom's arms just as he's about to drift off he notices a young girl nearby she's probably one of the king's concubines daughters she seems too young for all this drama but her presence
stands out thankfully some of the Mistresses have already left when the banquet finally ends he and his mom sigh in relief at the same time but the night isn't over yet the queen herself approaches them she makes it clear that getting near them isn't hard thanks to her son the heir to the the throne who is always close by arrol can't tell if she's bragging about her son or just trying to rub it in either way it's exactly the kind of thing he expects from her the queen goes on to say how sweet arrol is
and how much he resembles his mom but AOL isn't buying it he's sure she has something to do with their struggles after all someone has to be behind the DraStic cuts to their Castle's finances the knights had been turned into Lumberjacks just to gather firewood and errol's clothes look like they've been pieced together from scraps by the servants meanwhile the queen wishes him a long life and other formal niceties but as she leaves she smirks leaving a sour impression then something unexpected happens lady raana spots the king himself he asks if she is getting used
to the castle and she gives a polite but not entirely truthful answer which doesn't surprise arrol all he wants is for the king to give them the support they need and act like a proper father arrol starts crying loudly which makes the king take notice and ask to hold him it's the first time the King has seen arrol in a year as he holds him the king seems kind of confused most of his kids cry non-stop when they see him but AOL Just Smiles arrol thinks it would be funny if his Charming baby smile could
leave the king stunned the king seems to start liking him a little bit amused that arrol isn't scared of him he even says something about raising him in the future but arel isn't interested in staying still he makes gestures signaling for the king to put him down the king assumes arrol wants to walk but lady raana quickly says he can't walk yet since he's only a year old at that moment though arrol decides it's time to prove everyone wrong he takes his first steps right then and there knowing he's the star of the evening and
needing to show off the room erupts in excitement as everyone cheers for little errol's First Steps even the king seems impressed realizing arrol is trying to show him something important that he isn't like other kids arrol feels confident that this is just the start of proving himself but as he reaches the table and tries to steady himself on it he performs an epic fail the whole table along with all the food and drinks comes crashing down as the plates and glasses come crashing down onto arrol everyone is freaked out even the king but arrol this
was all part of his Grand little scheme not just to show off that a one-year-old could walk but to pull off his perfectly executed dramatic act he lies on the ground crying like he's in the middle of an epic tragedy and the King picks him up checking for injuries the king sees that errol's clothes are soaked in wine but finds no real harm he decides arel needs a change of clothes chaina steps into help but the king waves her off wanting to handle it himself what he discovers next leaves him speechless underneath errol's stained clothes
are undergarments that look more like scraps than anything worthy of a prince chaina looks confused claiming she had dressed arrol in fresh clothes earlier that morning as the king inspects the fit he realizes how shabby and pitiful errol's life must be and the crowd starts murmuring saying stuff about it being disgraceful and all frustrated by The Whispers The King demands Silence with his voice blasting through the hall and sending shivers down everyone's spines he looks at ael's mother clearly processing how poorly they've been living meanwhile Errol is feeling quite relieved his plan worked perfectly his
clothes might have been ruined but they had told the story he wanted in reality arrol had been busy that morning while chaina was getting him dressed he used all his tiny strength to stretch and tear at the cloth making it look as raggedy as possible it wasn't hard and with a little magic he gave his outfit the extra Touch of poverty he needed to make his statement if he were older and stronger he wouldn't have needed to rely on Magic but it worked anyway the king finally asks lady raana to explain how things got this
bad how could they fail so much at maintaining their status but seeing how distressed she is he doesn't press her for answers instead he turns to one of his officials and asks how funds are distributed for the concubines castles the king is disappointed because as far as he remembers he'd given clear orders for the budget to be shared equally everything was supposed to be running smoothly so why at this event of all places does it look like they've been forgotten the king can't understand what's going on he demands the report immediately wasting no time watching
all of this Errol realizes his father is serious about figuring things out and he's eager to see the numbers in that report lady raana errol's mother wants to smooth things over claiming it must be some mistake and asks for her son back but arrol knows this is their one big chance while everyone panics and the King's secretary pulls up to deliver the documents the entire room holds its breath knowing things are about to get heated when the king looks at the report he's quite stunned he can't believe what his eyes are seeing so he uses
his power to set the papers of Blaze right there which shocks arrol arrol hadn't imagined his father could be so clueless about what's been going on the truth is it's obviously all the Queen's doing the king calls to his Queen demanding to know if she was aware of the situation the queen tries to play it cool pretending to be just as shocked as everyone else but the king ain't having it his intimidating presence grows as he reminds her that managing the budget is entirely her responsibility seeing what's up the eldest son decides to use his
perfect timing to pull up and defend his mama he isn't about to let his mother face this alone and wants to share his own opinion right then and there the prince tries to explain that this is some big old mixup because he's sure his mom wouldn't do something like this but the king gets even angrier saying it doesn't matter because a leader is always responsible for their team's mistakes and thanks to her carelessness his little brother ended up hungry and without clothes the older son looks at our hero with these super guilty eyes which just
makes the situation even more Awkward it's clear he's nothing like his dad who's strong and commanding or his mom who's smart and sneaky the king turns to the eldest son and asks if he's seriously saying his mom had nothing to do with this then without waiting for an answer he tells his Queen how disappointed he is in her lady raana trying to defend the queen keeps saying it's not her fault instead it's hers and that she messed up the king totally confused now wonders what she's even talking about he tells her that just being the
mother of his kid should be enough to prove her place in the family she looks a little embarrassed and the King gently touches her hand reminding her to know her role and act accordingly this whole scene really ticks off the queen and her son and the King demands that they find out who's to blame and make sure this never happens again the queen clearly shaken looks down at the floor and Promises to handle it and make sure it won't happen again the king gives her one final warning mess up again and she'll face punishment the
queen keeps apologizing saying she'll find the guilty party and make them pay but she still doesn't seem to get why he's this mad she then insists she has no idea how this happened not knowing how to explain herself to lady raana who is also really stressed out but the hero sees right through the queen while his mom tries to say there's no mistake and defends the queen our protagonist can't figure out why his mom is protecting the one person who probably knows every little detail about what went down the queen promises this won't happen again
but only our hero realizes that at least she could pretend to look guilty instead she just scares everyone with her power with that the hero's birthday ends and somehow the financial mess is fixed later on it's announced that the queen didn't even have a hand in sorting it out the culprit is quickly found a family of low-ranking nobles they're blamed for everything and without much fuss executed on the spot with a guillotine the palace servants gossip about how the aristocrats even confess to the crime but no one can figure out where they'd spend such a
massive amount of money everyone seems relieved the issue is resolved except for our baby boy he can tell the real Mastermind has gotten away scot-free the case is closed but to the hero it's totally unfair he makes up his mind when he grows up he'll teach everyone a lesson but for now being a baby with a small body means his main focus is food so his only response is to cry soon he's being spoonfed and feels pretty happy with his current situation still he knows he needs to work on his body since he's going to
be stuck as a baby for a while but after thinking it over he realizes all he really has to do is eat and play once his belly is full he decides it's nap time sometime later he wakes up to the sound of a carriage pulling up to the house he flies to the window to check it out while his babysitter snoozes he sees a group of people step out and soon after three of them enter his room his mom an adult and a child the hero suddenly remembers the babysitter if she wakes up his powers
will be exposed so he flies back to her and starts pinching her cheeks to wake her up the adults immediately walk in just in time to see this and his mom immediately yells at him to stop tormenting the poor Nanny The Nanny notices another mistress has arrived and greets her right away our hero spots the newcomer too the newly arrived mistress quickly says there's no need to apologize because she didn't warn anyone about her visit our hero realizes this is phelia another concubine everyone starts saying how they would have welcomed her properly if they knew
she was coming but phelia says she needs to talk to Our Hero's mother alone Our Hero's mother can't figure out why phelia wants to see her but assumes it must be serious while waiting for the serious talk she ends up choking on her tea phelia looking genuinely regretful apologizes for her behavior at Prince errol's birthday banquet she explains her family once played a big role in winning battles on the continent and were well known but those Glory Days Are Over Now They're struggling because no sons have been born in the family lately and their reputation
has faded on top of that rumors say they've been low on money for years Our Hero's mother asks if felia is here because of her family's problems phelia admits they're deeply in debt she also recalls being pressured by the queen which probably added to their financial mess phelia pulls out a bag of money admitting it's not enough to fix things but says she feels really bad about everything she admits Our Hero's mother probably hates her and her family just then the door opens and filia's daughter quietly appears in the room it becomes clear phelia only
wants to Shield her child from getting tangled up in conflicts with the Imperial family the mistress calmly says she's fine and doesn't need anything insisting that phelia isn't at fault for any of this phelia asks her not to pity her but the mistress says she doesn't feel pity she's just being straightforward she points out that there's no reason for them to turn against each other now the mistress makes it clear she understands the situation and doesn't hold any grudges against filia's family she gives the bag of money back saying that it would be better spent
on something nice for filia's little daughter she says she understands why filia's family has been trying to manage their palace expenses then she casually brings up some shocking news she believes the reason behind all of this is that she serves H Queen this Revelation leaves our boy stunned and suddenly it all makes sense to him on why his mother is so disliked by others he starts walking around his room thinking about how hard his mother's life must be chaina notices he's upset and doesn't know how to calm him down she asks if he's okay and
he quickly fakes a smile to stop her from worrying he knows he needs to pull himself together chaina just assumes he's just being stupid Moody and goes off to do some exercises with princess cania with everyone distracted our boy decides to sneakily listen in on the conversation between his mother and felia again this time his mother is talking about how she can't escape the Queen's oppression she explains that her main goal is to protect arrol while he's still young and to stop anyone from hurting their family further her tone is more serious and determined than
it's ever been lady raana wants to get closer to miss felia but it's clear she has more on her mind than just being friendly felia sees this but respects Rafa's determination and agrees they both figure they can rely on each other when things get tough meanwhile Prince arel is deep in thought realizing his mother is fully aware of what's really up between the queen and the concubines which involves both him and her but he also wonders what her next move would be while Errol is lost in thought a girl suddenly shows up near him and
and he has no clue how she got there he silently begs the universe to keep her away but instead she crawls into his bed and starts squishing his cheeks saying she finds him adorable she treats him like a squishy toy and even starts moving his crib around like it's a game our boy wishes that someone even if it's truck would rescue him from this chaos then comes a cat and at first it seems like the cat thinks arrol is cute too arrol knows there's no escaping now the nanny says that the princess might visit of
course the princess is eager to come over and arrol realizes he's on his own with no Escape in sight time flies and before long arrol is almost 3 years old life feels like it's moving way too fast as usual he can't believe how quickly he's growing up and starts thinking about how much more he has to learn before adulthood he remembers bits of his previous life and wonders if he'll ever get a chance to relive anything like that suddenly the princess walks into his room she rushes toward him but arrol decides to lay a little
hide and seek unfortunately she finds him in no time and he's frustrated and feeling down but the princess just wants to play hideand-seek before Orel could refuse she's already running off to find a bigger spot to play they end up outside and it's clear the princess has been visiting a lot since felia came over with help from The Nanny of course arrol doesn't mind too much because it seems like these visits are building a strong bond even though arrol is still small Kya believes he's already someone who can be looked after but she also says
that when arrol grows up it'll be his turn to take care of her instead the princess makes arrol promise he'll come as soon as possible but the Little Prince can't figure out why she's so fixated on him before he can think too much about it cania says that she adores him she says playing with him is way more fun than with the others he's clearly the best choice Riel laughs thinking she'll probably regret saying that when she gets older Canya carries him up immediately saying it's time to play and insists on carrying him to their
spot the problem is arrol feels like he's about to suffocate from her overly enthusiastic help he silently begs for Rescue and just then a maid steps in saying that arrol must be uncomfortable being carried like that she scolds cania saying that even as a princess she shouldn't carry heavy things yet since she's still a child herself arrol feels real relief he's finally saved although cania isn't happy at all she shouts that she wants to play the maid says she should try drawing or listening to something classical instead but Kia is sick of all that boring
stuff she says she wants to swing a sword just like her brother Kyle arrol notices her practicing with a stick and quickly realizes her balance is way off the stick's weight is all wrong and she's not holding it properly despite this this cania is completely into it imagining she's already defeated some powerful imaginary swordmaster and claiming victory for herself the maid tries to explain why cania isn't allowed to practice like Kyle and Lennon this really upsets the princess who can't understand why they're allowed but not her the maid tells her that it isn't proper for
a princess to dirty her hands reminding Canya that she's supposed to be elegant and ladylike cania isn't listening some Mulan Vibes she's already snatched up the maid's sword and before the maid could stop her she's talking excitedly about swordsmanship the maid panics and chases after her begging her to hand over the sword or at least just take the sheath instead arrol stands nearby and he finds himself liking Kenia more and more now as time goes by Prince arrol turns 5 he's out in the fields of his land looking all Royal and bold pretending to race
on his mighty steed but let's not get carried away he's just rocking back and forth on a toy horse having the time of his life chaina his maid companion slh horse trainer says he should try riding a real horse but AEL waves it off saying it's too risky chaina tries to Hype him up telling him a prince his age should be into stuff like riding horses and Swinging swords but Orel is like nah princes don't have to do all that this leaves chaina feeling bummed because he's not exactly oozing ambition here's the catch errol's no
ordinary kid this is his honor first life yep the guy's been through the ringer more times than he can count over all those lifetimes he's figured out one harsh truth being too good at anything only brings trouble every time he's been a pro at something like sword fighting or magic it's drawn all the wrong people either wanting to use him or take him down so now he's all about staying lowkey and enjoying the perks of being a prince without breaking a sweat back at the castle arrol tells chaina he needs some alone time and she
agrees though she's not thrilled about it once she's gone he shuts the door kicks back and just lies there doing nothing later they end up in a bit of a pickle chain is frustrated asking why he hates studying so much pointing out that a 5-year-old Prince should be eager to learn and grow but a is totally not interested don't care about the world and definitely not into cramming knowledge chaina size half joking that he sounds like someone who's lived a 100 lifetimes before she can go on Errol cuts her off and assures her it's not
her fault he's like this deep down he decides it's time to just enjoy life for once YOLO Vibes not for a it only took him 100 lives to figure out how to kick back and take it easy maybe he's just a chill guy who knows chaina reminds Prince arrol that by Royal rules he has to start studying now that he's five he pulls out some super basic books saying they were picked just for him but Orel looking all Moody grabs one and shows off his book skills by spinning it around like a toy chain is
totally pissed telling him books are for reading not spinning she even tries the guilt trip saying regular dudes would love to learn but don't get the chance but arrol doesn't give a care in the world he starts stacking the books into a mini house instead chaina trying to hold it together tells him to knock it off and sit back down but errol's not listening at all when words don't work he goes full drama mode whining and yelling that he won't study suddenly the doors open and his mom walks in looking like she's had enough and
let's be real Nothing Stops spoiled brats faster than a moms I'm going to kill you stare under her watch arrol drags himself to the library and starts studying though not without some complains even while pretending to study errol's thinking about how ridiculous this all is he knows that if his parents really cared about him learning they'd make sure he was protected but in his world being good at anything is just asking for trouble the more Talent a kid like him shows the more dangerous life gets for him and everyone around him arrol doesn't think it's
fair but life is what it is all he wants is a chill lazy life where no one's at risk as he zones out chaina snaps him back to reality telling him to study hard and make people proud as if that's going to solve anything arrol thinks about what chaina says but decides it's a bit much for him chaina doesn't let it go though telling him that if he keeps acting like this his mom's going to feel sad that hits a nerve and arel finally decides to put in some effort for his mom sake not because
he suddenly loves studying even so he's firm on one thing no sword training no magic lessons he's had enough of dealing with the chaos that comes with being gifted instead he starts thinking about other less risky plans for his future a few days later a fancy Carriage pulls up at the concubine's place chaina tells Earl that a mage from the magic Tower is here to check his Mana if he's got the talent they'll start teaching him magic that's bad news for arrol he knows any decent Mage would sense the crazy amount of Mana he's hiding
he figures the only way out is to keep his Mana Under Wraps as he walks down the hallway to meet this tester he keeps his head down trying to look as plain as possible chaina tries to cheer him up saying even if his Mana isn't super impressive he can still work on it but when they open the door the tester's face says it all shocked like they just saw something they weren't ready for the Mage stands up quickly and looks right at Prince arrel as they size each other up arrol watches the Mana flowing through
the Mage wondering how he looks in the mage's eyes the Mage grabs errol's arm to check his vitals and says that something feels off China trying to Hype him up asks if arrol is special but the Mage isn't sure whether to call him special or just plain weird since he can't sense any mana and arrel at all even after trying to probe with Mana the Mage finds nothing leaving chaina completely shocked arrol leans back in his chair feeling all chill about how well he's hiding his Mana like some last Stitch secret weapon before walking into
the room he had used his Chi to compress his mana and push it to the edges of his body when the Mage looked surprised early arrol knew his plan was working the idea of someone from a Royal bloodline having no Mana didn't make any sense and arrol had totally thrown him off the Mage tells lady raana that arrol has no potential for magic leaving her confused he adds that even commoners have a tiny bit of Mana but arrol doesn't seem to have any at all some rocki and Guy Vibes after hearing this our boy starts
to wonder if he went a little too far lady raana looks crushed realizing her son might not have what it takes to become a mage but this is exactly what arrol wants he's playing the long game making everyone think he's totally useless with Mana as he sits there pretending to sulk he knows this is just the start of his act the next day Errol meets his new swordsmanship trainer a young Knight named landfill tagon Errol takes one look at him and silently judges him as boring and weak not even close to his level in his
past life arrol had fought monsters and survived brutal battles so this guy doesn't impress him still Erol decides to play along agreeing to train and encouraging both of them to grow stronger together even if he's not expecting much Errol secretly thinks this whole training thing is more for landfill's sake than his own he's definitely not interested in doing anything too hard like his sister cania who walks around wearing weights to get stronger so many rockle references in this the dude explains that intense training like that is a tradition for the kenchester family but arrol says
it sounds like something martial artists would do not royalty when arrol asks about the plan The Swordsman dude explains that swordsmanship isn't just about strength it's also about balance and flexibility to prove his point about flexibility landfill flexes on them kids showing off some fancy sword moves and suggests starting with simple exercises like balancing on logs arrol immediately complains about being scared of falling even though the logs are barely off the ground but landfill assures him that even if he does klunk it won't hurt arrol then asks what he's supposed to do since he's afraid
of heights next they move on to flexibility training landfill assumes arrol would have no problem since he's still a kid but arrol shocks him by struggling to even touch his toes The Swordsman dude doesn't give up he decides it's time to practice with wooden swords he explains how to use centrifugal force to swing properly arrol gives it a try but his grip is so bad the sword goes flying landfill looks stunned as arrol completely messes up the exercise arrol pretending to be crushed tells landfill he's hopeless at swordsmanship but landfill encourages him saying it's only
his first try and he'll get better with practice handing him another sword they continue the session the whole time Orel is very aware of someone watching him his clumsy performance is all part of his plan to spread rumors about how bad he is making sure word gets around the city rumors are flying among the Nobles that Prince arrol is even worse off than commoners when it comes to Mana people are saying he's failed at every kind of training and he's so clumsy he could trip over nothing while some find it hilarious it's not doing AEL
any favors at the concubines Castle arrol is chilling with cookies and orange juice kind of a surprising combo for medieval times when he hears about a new private tutor coming to teach him the gossip about him being useless has scared off most tutors so errol's curious about who's Brave or crazy enough to take the job he looks out the window just in time to see the tutor stepping out of a carriage a few minutes later he finds out the guy's name is gaml Pera the vibe in the room immediately gets awkward with gaml stuck teaching
someone everyone thinks is hopeless and arrol already bored out of his mind arrol sigh and figures they might as well start with literature focusing on foreign and common languages gaml piles up books in front of him and says basic grammar should only take a day to learn but since ael's reputation is so bad gaml gives him a few days instead acting like it's no big deal if he can't get it right this annoys aurel so he promises to give it his best shot G keeps talking saying bad grades don't always mean someone isn't trying sometimes
it's just how the brain works he basically says it's not ael's fault but the backhanded compliment feels worse than outright criticism Errol starts feeling the weight of people looking down on him sure he wanted everyone to stop expecting so much from him but he hadn't expected their pity to sting so much late at night arrol goes ninjab baby mode and sneaks into the library feeling himself about his top tier language skills thanks to hundreds of past lives he's been fluent in multiple languages since he was a toddler as he walks through the library he wonders
if he should let everyone know just how much of a genius he really is he focuses Mana in his hands and starts searching for books on vocabulary and grammar using magic to pull them off the shelves as he walks by because he's too midgy to reach he doesn't stop there though he grabs books in foreign languages too trying to know know even more than he already does with everything neatly stacked on a table he gets to work flipping open a book arrol thinks about how all languages follow the same basic rules he's lived a hundred
lives and in every one of them he's been busy learning that night start studying hard very much determined jut to show off just how smart he is the next day a few days later gaml pills up saying his jokes have gone too far and asking if he really understands the common language arrol sigh and says he's not lying even trying to prove it by reading something gaml feels like he might have just memorized some passages but Errol says to him that even memorizing a whole language would be impressive considering how tricky the Kingdom's official language
is compared to others gaml challenges him to pick a random book and read it he points out that even the smartest kids need to be at least 12 to handle basic reading and errol's only five arrol immediately grabs a book and reads it flawlessly leaving gaml in total shock gaml is quite overwhelmed and even starts tearing up calling errol's Talent extraordinary after all when a student excels it makes the teacher look good too you know Errol tells his teacher that he should feel lucky to have such a genius for a student fired up loads gaml
jumps into the day's lesson ready to teach His Brilliant pupil by the next night the rumors about arrol take a wild turn where people used to mock him for being clumsy and useless with a sword now they're all hyped about how he mastered the common language in just two days rumors start flying here and there about how arrol can solve math problems in his head like it's nothing and just like that the legend of a genius arrel is born but where did these stories come from turns out down at a local Tavern someone's been spilling
the tea or beer rather gaml errol's tutor is sitting there a little too Tipsy bragging to anyone who listen about how he always saw the prince's potential when everyone else didn't he's going on and on about how hidden talents just need the right teacher AKA him to shine before long word about errol's smarts makes its way to the king the king is pretty amazed and talks with lady raana about how their son might have struggled with all the sword and magic stuff because it just wasn't his thing lady raana apologizes for causing any worry but
thinks that as his mom she should have realized how special he was sooner the king seeing her concern reassures her they share one of those heartfelt and very cultured moments that would make the queen need eye bleach and he tells her he's sure their son will grow up to do amazing things meanwhile our boy is out here eavesdropping on the whole conversation thinking to himself that yeah he'll do just enough to keep the king impressed pick a good spot in life and have some fun while he's at it and so arrol kicks off his 101st
life this time as a brainiac Prince a few days later he notices more guards hanging around outside the concubine's castle it doesn't take long for him to figure out that since he can't fight or use magic the king probably sent them to keep him safe arrol feels a little proud guessing the king's in a pretty good mood but then some loud sound behind him grabs his attention chaina has dropped off a massive chest and his mom explains it's a gift from the King arrol immediately opens it and finds it stuffed with gold coins shiny jewels
and all kinds of treasures as he's digging through something cat es his eye a unique looking necklace chaina asks if it's the priciest thing in the chest but arrol decides it's not about the cost this necklace is the coolest thing in there by far arrol puts on the necklace and says it gives you big brain time and also helps you think faster while keeping you from getting tired chaina is super impressed thinking it's all because of how hard errol's been studying Ladle but he just makes it look like it's no big deal the truth is
while the necklace looks pretty basic to everyone else arrol can see the Mana triggering Gadget hidden inside the jewel not that he needs it but his inner Chi does way more as he does stuff with the necklace he starts thinking about Kia who's been working out like crazy for her sword training and is now seriously ripped he asks his mom if he can give the necklace to cania and she gently Pats his head and says that since it's a gift from the King giving it as a present would probably make the king happy too she
then asks what arrol likes about cania he says it's her strength which makes all the maids burst into a mad laughter that day the whole concubine's castle is booming with joy knowing that arrol is not only only recognized but also favored by the king the young Knight even brags about it to his fellow guards reminding them to take pride in being part of the concubine's castle a few days later arel is sitting in the dining hall with chaina she tells him all the desserts he requested are ready and asks what he thinks of them ARL
tries one after another but isn't happy with any of them he's annoyed and keeps searching for something better chaina encourages him to slow down and enjoy the treats asking if they taste good arrol frustrated says none of them are sweet enough because they're all missing what he's looking for chaina confused says these desserts were made by the best chefs and offers to bring one over to fix the problem that's when ARL has a light bulb moment what he needs isn't a chef he asks for an alchemist instead which just surprises and confuses chaina Prince arrol
starts spacing out thinking about Coca-Cola and snacks from his old life practically drooling just imagining The Taste he figures he'll need an alchemist to recreate Cola but that's easier said than done chaina super confused about why he'd want an alchemist asks him what's going on Errol freezes realizing she must have heard him daydreaming out loud he thinks about explaining but quickly decides it'll sound way too weird especially since he's only five instead he starts putting together the problem the kingdom doesn't have the right seasonings or fancy techniques needed to make something like Cola the more
he thinks about it the more he realizes how tricky it'll be making Cola isn't just mixing stuff together it needs all these extra steps he can't even do yet feeling bummed he starts fantasizing about the fizzy sweet drink again but then he snaps out of it and reminds himself that he's supposed to be a genius scholar if anyone can figure it out it's him he suddenly jumps up and bolts out of the room chaina stares after him completely lost and asks where he's off to he yells back that he's going to study leaving her scratching
her head wondering if she even heard him right arrol meanwhile is sprinting through the castle laser focused on one thing chemistry he knows cooking and chemistry go hand inand so he's convinced Alchemy is the key to cracking the cola code no matter how tough it'll be fast forward 3 years now 8 years old Prince arel is running a meeting sitting at the head of a big table they're talking about building new bridges in areas where Merchants travel a lot one of the supervisors asks what he thinks about the plans arrol checks out the blueprints compliments
how impressive they look and then casually asks who designed them when a supervisor proudly claims credit errol's expression changes he threatens to fire the guy if he ever shows up with another useless design the room dead silent Prince arrol points out a few problems in the bridge design saying that while it might work for now it'll be a disaster when snow piles up in the winter the weight would crush the wooden Parts underneath because the designers cared more about making it look fancy than keeping it safe our boy makes it clear that while the kingdom
should look impressive safety has to come first he demands they redo the design and then moves on to the next blueprint with his crazy amount of knowledge errol's workload is kind of shooting through the roof the so-called experts in the room can't hold a candle to him but they've decided to trust this 8-year-old genius anyway our boy feels a little bad for them them but he knows he's got no choice he has to keep proving himself after the meeting as arrol heads out a new maid spots him and calls him by his latest nickname The
Young gray Sage he's instantly horrified and thinks it's the cheesiest thing ever realizing the maid must be new he tells her not to use that nickname again because he can't stand it she promises to remember but as he walks off she almost messes up and says it again arrol now extra annoyed silently swears that nickname is the lamest thing he's ever heard as his Carriage moves off lady refin looks out the window and asks chaina if AEL is heading somewhere important chaina tells her that he's going to see the King which makes her wonder what
they'll talk about chaina hesitates almost saying that arrol is interested in learning Alchemy meanwhile up in the carriage our boy is busy imagining how the king might react when he drops his Alchemy request out of nowhere even though his audience request was approved right away arrol figures the king must trust him now especially since he's been handling so many responsibilities like a pro Prince arrol stares out the window trying to shake off the ner nerves even after living through a hundred lives the king's Aura still feels overwhelming he keeps reminding himself to stay calm and
not mess up when it's time to talk when the King asks why he wants to learn Alchemy AOL explains it's because he wants to help the kingdom and the King more since he's no good with swords or magic all he can do is gain knowledge and put it to use the king listens carefully impressed by how thoughtful arrol is and agrees to his request he promises to connect arrol with some reliable Alchemists and even asks if there's anything else he needs arrol politely says he'll ask later if something comes up as the king Smiles warmly
arrol feels pretty chill knowing his plan worked perfectly word spreads fast and soon all the best Alchemists in the Kingdom show up eager to prove themselves and maybe earn some recognition it's no surprise when demon ranchette gets picked he's known for creating these crazy reflective mirrors that bounce sunlight super far which he installed on the western Fortress to keep Invaders away a few days later arrol meets demon in the garden of the concubine's castle demon casually complements the beauty of the garden but arrol is more focused on him based on his legendary reputation arrol expected
some old wise looking Alchemist but demon turns out to look surprisingly young noticing the confusion demon explains that his hair turned white years ago after a little accident with toxic fumes our boy realizes that demon almost lost his life while learning demon staying calm warns arrol to be ready for the risks if anything happens to the our boy during experiments demon for sure knows he'll be held responsible maybe even with his own life or worse demon explains that Alchemy is way harder and more dangerous than arrol probably thinks he even points out how young arrol
is but before he can finish our boy cuts him off he tells him that he knows what he's getting into Alchemy isn't Magic it's science and he's not chasing silly dreams like turning rocks into marshmallows or going Miracle mode by turning into wine what he really wants is practical Tech methods to clean iron ores and create stronger medals for the kingdom demon is blown away by errol's ambition and sharp thinking he feels this kid is destined to lead the Kingdom of arnesia someday after being inspired by errol's speech he kneels before our boy telling him
that although his skills are lacking he'll teach him everything that he knows a few days pass since Alchemy class kicks off and Prince arel is deep in his studies when demon suddenly asks if he's done this Alchemy stuff before Errol gets caught off guard thinking maybe he's been showing off too much but he quickly changes the subject saying he just read about it in a book demon seems cool with that and even says AOL matches the rumors he's heard arrol feels relief because of his genius scholar Act is working the two of them end up
grinding all day every day from sunrise to sunset as they dig into their research arrol figures out that you can Harden Iron by throwing in some eggshells or bone Ash he shares this discovery with demon and they keep making progress later on arrol learns how to extract lead and other stuff he also notices that aside from some special metals and medicines in this world everything else is pretty much the same as what he remembers from his past lives he talks about how lucky it is that the rules haven't changed demon hears him and asks what
he meant but AOL tells him that he was just talking to himself with everything going according to plan AOL sends a letter to the king asking for more Alchemists the king doesn't waste time and agrees telling his men to gather the best Alchemists in the Kingdom but there's a Teensy tiny problem one of the king's advisers kind of hesitates CU he's worrying about complaints over the budget but the king shuts that off immediately he trusts aol's work will be worth it and good for the kingdom meanwhile back in the Kingdom arrol says he's going to
create a carbonated drink a soda the Alchemists are surprised and ask if he's seriously planning to make food our boy happily says that's exactly what he's doing he starts explaining some Basics but before he could get too far the Alchemists start feeling disappointed they came here hoping to achieve big things and bring honor to their families only to end up making snacks one Alchemist even complains about giving up his cushy huge Professor job at the Alchemy Academy just to get turned into Chef's Apprentice to calm them down our boy promises they'll be well paid no
matter how things turn out that does the trick and the Alchemists start tossing around ideas first they figure they need carbonated water which naturally exists in some parts of the kingdom and can be brought in pretty fast our boy notices these guys aren't exactly driven by Passion they're just happy as long as they get paid or earn some Fame still he knows they'll be useful for speeding up his research a few days later wagons loaded with barrels of carbonated water roll in from all over this makes our boy very happy and Demon pops open one
of the barrels but the nasty smell makes him cringe as he asks if they're really supposed to drink this arrol tells him they need to test if it's drinkable but after checking the first Barrel he almost gags and decides it's a nogo the water's an epic fail he checks the other barrels and Yep they're all terrible but our boy doesn't lose his cool he tells everyone they'll have to make artificial carbonated water instead causing a buzz Among The Alchemist homies he hands out papers with some theories saying that they could crack the problem if they
dig into these Clues seeing how serious this is arrol reassures them saying they're the the best Alchemists around and will figure it out in no time when he turns to demon for some backup his response doesn't exactly scream enthusiasm these Alchemists really are the top tier brains in eresia feeling good about things arrol leaves the room telling them that messing around with theories and testing stuff should be their happy place so he won't hover around still he wonders if they can pull this off in just a week but figures the challenge will only make them
work faster a few days later arrol is really excited as he tells the Alchemists this carbonated water will bring energy to the king om and also summon in piles of cash the Alchemists aren't so sure secretly wondering if it's all dumb hype but ael's very surprised when he sees they've already managed to make artificial carbonated water our boy grabs a container and is ready to taste it himself demon and the others are curious if this stuff will really catch on the water has a strong kick but no flavor so they're skeptical arrol quickly clears it
up explaining it's not meant to be drunk plane they'll mix it with fruit juice or alcohol his original dream was to recreate Cola but since he couldn't get the cola fruit this fizzy alternative would have to do the job like a substitute teacher to start arel squeezes up some lemon juice into the fizzy water and takes a little sip The Taste hits just right like Goldilocks and the Bears kind of right making it completely perfect with so much excitement he passes it around and as expected the Alchemists love it too the sour lemon flavor mixed
with the bubbly Fizz is a total hit leaving everyone wanting even more and just like that our boy's carbonated soda is born word of the drink spreads like wildfire turning it into such a luxur y that the people can't get enough of even outside the borders of arnesia Lord DeMent the Earl of the Northern Territories can't wrap his head around this soda thing Prince arrol has created he has to double check with his servant who confirms it's all thanks to errol's lead the drink has turned into a super fancy luxury item and is making bank
for the eresia kingdom there are even wild rumors about carriages stuffed with gold showing up at the concubine's palace every single day kicking himself for brushing arrol off on his first birthday and thinking the prince is useless Lord DeMent is full of regret if only he had backed arrol back then he could have had a piece of the action swearing to never miss out again he vows to keep a closer eye on things fast forward 2 years and over at the concubines Castle 16-year-old princess cania is showing off her sword moves after finishing her routine
she nervously asks 10-year-old Prince arrol for his thoughts ARL pausing for a moment tells her she looks super cool and impressive her escort pops up too saying her swordsmanship is Flawless arrol agrees thinking she's way more skilled than any boy his age Kane gets really happy jumping around and thanking them for their kind words watching her bounce with excitement her escort says they want to take a break and arrol thinks she looks really cute while being so cheerful after the training session Cana and arrol sit down in the garden for some tea Kane brings up
all the news about errol's soda success saying it has not only helped the palace but also boosted the Kingdom's economy arrol playing at cool calls it his duty as a prince Kana then tells him of a rumor about him being the perfect son which has apparently made a lot of people jealous of lady raana but there's more to this story than just errol's soda Fame after learning his mom raana comes from a fallen Noble family that used to run a small territory and has been living like regular dudes ARL decides to hand over the soda
distribution to her family this turns out to be a genius move as people aren't just buying a bottle or two they are lining up to grab crates of soda the demands are higher than the Grimace shake some people are so desperate for the drink that they pay double or even triple the usual price just to get it on top of soda arrol also introduced produces yogurt and another drink to the market and both become insanely popular thanks to all this lady Rafa's family goes from being regular Nobles to being richer than any Merchant in the
Kingdom their house is so packed with gold decorations from the floors to the ceiling that it kind of blinds anyone who tries to walk through it rumors are spreading like wildfire and soon people start comparing Prince errol's successes to princess kaia's efforts this leaves can is super frustrated and upset she is so annoyed she ends up in tears begging aurel to tone things down Orel just laughs at it like it's not a big deal trying to change the topic he offers her some soda and Waffles covered in his syrup assuring her that he can spoil
her with the treat but cania isn't interested in snacks instead she whips out her sword and tells him exactly what she thinks his problem is what good is all that money if he doesn't even know how to fight as she points her sword right at him she says that she is going to teach him how to handle a blade arrol clearly unimpressed thanks her but says no explaining he has no interest in being a swordsman in this life he remembers his past where he had lived the life of a warrior before but cania isn't about
to let him off easy she immediately launches a surprise attack showing him some sword techniques while pushing him to fight back arrol sigh realizing it will be faster to just go along with her he figures if he plays along it might help her achieve her dream of raising a family full of Sword Masters despite looking really delicate cania has a ton of energy and passion and our boy decides to use his Chi bit by bit Brick by Brick deciding to help her reach her goal a few days later arrol finds himself riding in a massive
Carriage on the way to see the king he admires how huge it is joking in his mind that it's like riding in a Lamborghini the attention it gets from people makes him feel like some kind of celebrity leaning back and relaxing arrol wonders what the king wants to talk about this time he suspects it might involve a bonus or some extra allowance as a reward for his achievements when he arrives arrol joins the king for lunch curious about what's next he remembers how the quiet used to make him uneasy but now he is used to
it sitting alone he calmly eats his meal waiting for the king to speak lately he has been visiting the king more often just as a ra is about to bite into a cookie he nearly chokes when the King asks if he has thought about taking on a real government job after clearing his throat our boy realizes the moment he has been avoiding has has pilled up the king says it might feel a little early but no one would oppose if arrol starts working in the government he then asks what he thinks and if there is
any specific job that he might want trying to stay composed arrol tells him that he doesn't have any preferences though deep down all he really wants is to relax eat and enjoy life he sips his tea hoping to not blow it all completely and tells the king he doesn't see why he should think about work now especially since he is still busy with science and Alchemy keeping his Poker Face arrol waits as the king sits silently in his mind our boy wonders why the king wants him to take on a role when the first prince
isn't even involved in government yet he thinks about the queen and the first prince staying quiet and how he has always been careful not to cross any lines with them he also feels that the last big ball has been canceled thanks to the chaos caused by the freak Prince ain't no ball like a prince ball ARL knows being liked by the king is one thing but being trusted with a big government role is something else entirely he dislikes gossip and doesn't want to get caught up in any drama with his brothers was the king trying
to stir up trouble between them on purpose Errol feels that this might be the case he thinks about how survival isn't just about being clever or strong in the wild it applies to Royal life too to sit on the throne you need the strength and sharp instincts of of an eagle without that even all the knowledge from his past lives wouldn't be enough to stay safe maybe the king wants a world where only the strongest survive either way arrol isn't about to fall into the Trap this time a few days passed since Prince arrol talks
with the King now he is riding a horse looking excited as he thinks about how this is his first time going so far from the concubines Palace and it's not on a toy horse this time it's the real thing the wind hits his face and he feels free like never before he thinks he deserves this breath of fresh air after all the time he spent working hard and staying indoors he remembers the times he used to explore everywhere even across worlds just to find strong people to challenge but today he's happy just enjoying this horse
ride then Canya calls out telling him to slow down kind of impressed by how well he rides in his head he thanks her for taking him along but out loud he says it's all because the horse is smart not him he looks back wondering why so many Knights are escorting them for such a short trip he notices some of them look pretty tough Canya tells him that she didn't ask for this many guards but before she finishes arrel Cuts in reminding her she's a princess safety definitely has to come first even if it means losing
a bit of Freedom suddenly our boy feels something strange coming from in front of them up ahead it's like a weird heavy energy he stops his horse and wonders if it's some kind of magic his sister asks why he stopped and he tells her they should turn back because he thinks there might be monsters in the forest cania looks confused and asks how he knows and our boy makes up a stupid reason about having a strong sixth sense and says the feeling is bad like a trap is waiting Canya doesn't believe him of course and
immediately charges toward the strange energy shocked arrol yells for the knights to make sure she comes back safely one of the knights awkwardly admits they are actually on the right path turns out just beyond the forest is the princess's training ground arrol is confused and asks about this training ground but in the end he just follows his sister who seems completely sure of where she's going this whole thing started a few days ago it all just kind of happened when cania and AOL were out here eating together with no danger Canya told him about trip
soon and invited him to tag along she totally understands how annoying it is to be stuck in the palace all the time and talks about how much she loves hunting and going on adventures as they ride side by side Kya tells him that traveling is practice and practice is traveling it's all just fun for her arrol though feels like this is more of a punishment than anything else Kya looks over at him and says she's pretty sure he would have come along even if it was just for practice because he trusts her and since she's
his sister she promises to prot protect him if they run into any monsters rol doesn't say much he just smiles thinking about how awesome she is soon they reach the training ground arrol gets right into planning mode laying out the strategy some troops will lead the monsters to one side cania will break through and the rest of the team will handle the ones caught in the Trap the goal is to make the best use of their time and energy while letting cania show off her skills the plan kicks off and the guards round up 20
Orcs for cania to fight she grabs her sword rushes at them and takes down the first orc with a slash to its neck she sends another flying with a quick slash AEL watches kind of doubting at first that she'd even take one down during her first try but as he keeps watching he has to admit she's got serious skills he's a little jealous of course and rightly so but mostly impressed by how strong and calm she looks while fighting Canya doesn't stop going from one orc to the next increasing her kill count Kia's skills leave
everyone hyped watching her pull off amazing moves for a 16-year-old the training keeps going for a few days and she just keeps showing off how talented she is one night they're chilling by a fireplace arrol asks if she's tired but Canya says she's good and even wishes she could have fought more Errol tells her not to push herself too hard reminding her how people mess up when they let their guard down he even brings up a mistake from his past life that cost him big as they hang out Canya is busy raving about how good
the meat skewer tastes arrol watches her and thinks how at that moment she just looks like any regular 16-year-old girl but then as the night goes on he suddenly asks why she wants to be so strong Kia is surprised but answers seriously she says that no matter how skilled she gets nobody will actually support her choices because she's a princess people think it's just a phase and one day she'll quit all this sword stuff settle down and marry some random guy for politics arrol gets it in their world it's totally normal for princesses to have
arranged marriages for the sake of alliances cania is already at that age where people expect it but before arrol can say anything Canya interrupts his thoughtss she straight up says she hates that life arrol is surprised but she explains how much she admires him he's out there doing what he's good at earning respect and making money while helping the kingdom she wants the same thing she wants people to see her for her skills not just as someone who will marry for politics with a determined look cania says that she'll control her own life arrol Smiles
impressed and confidently tells her she's definitely going to change her Destiny Kya smiles back saying she wants to be like him then she remembers their Journey ends tomorrow AOL agrees this trip has been amazing and he's glad dad came along the next day can is still out there taking down Orcs like it's some kind of personal Vendetta when one orc charges at her cania wastes no time and slashes it clean across the Torso dropping it instantly everyone watching is amazed she keeps hunting Orcs even on the way home like she's on some kind of Unstoppable
Rampage the Orcs that were trying to hide don't stand a chance and get caught easily arol eventually yells out to her telling her it's time to stop he points out that there's nothing left to fight and they really need to get back home Canya looks around sees she's surrounded by a pile of defeated Orcs And finally agrees to call it a day but then she notices her horse looking rough like really rough it's worn out from all the action and looks like it needs a break ASAP arrol says they should ride together on his horse
while her tired one gets sent to The Magicians for some magical stuff Kia hops on and takes the Reigns since let's be real she's the better Rider anyway and our boy's totally fine with that they start heading home with the guards following close behind everything seems fine at first but of course that doesn't last arrol feels something's off and looks up at the sky Canya asks him what's wrong but he can't explain it just has a bad feeling he focuses his Chi to try and figure out what's up then he spots it a wyvern arrol
freaks out and quickly grabs the horse telling Canya to hang on tight he's ready to make a run for it turning to the guards behind them he shouts warning them about the wyvern and tells them to get into the woods for safety the guards can't believe it and think it's nonsense they picked this spot because the local Lord who loves hunting wyverns swore there were none around then things go south fast someone raises the alarm and just like that a massive wyvern Dives down snatches a guard like a toy and flies off with him everyone
loses it people are yelling and running everywhere completely shocked to see the very monster they thought didn't exist here Prince arrol keeps it together and takes charge while princess cania looks back nervously to see what's going on that's when it hits her there isn't just one wyvern there's a whole flock of them arrol sees it too and is super confused wyverns usually prefer to be loners but now they're acting like some organized death squad these creatures aren't just hunting they're wiping everyone out for the fun of it what really throws him off is that they're
using crazy magic like acid breath making them even more dangerous behind AEL and cania the scene is pure chaos the ground looks like a battlefield where hope went to die Canya stares at the guards getting wiped out but arrol tells her to focus and hold on to him tighter right then one of the wyverns locks onto them and starts chasing charging up its acid breath to unleash on them out of nowhere where a mage steps up and Saves the Day blasting the wyvern's attack away with a fireball the group of magicians at the back jump
in to cover arrel and cania throwing spells left and right to clear a path but Orel knows the truth they can't just keep running forever this fight isn't over yet wyverns are tough to crack unless you've got some real magical skills anything below class 4 might as well just be throwing rocks at them The Magicians are giving it their all but it's clear that they're about to hit their limit with two wyverns closing in fast our boy doesn't waste time time he converts his Mana into a deadly projectile call it a spirit bullet or gidong
sniper and Nails one wyvern right in the head then he takes out the other no sweat and lets the Mages bask in the glory like they did all the work but out of nowhere a wyvern crashes down in front of them cutting off their Escape Route just as things are about to get ugly cania calls out for her mom in a pure panic mode her personal guard shows up with Superman's timing slicing the wyvern clean in half with one swing of her sword the guard doesn't stick around to celebrate though she tells our boy and
his sis to make a run for it it to the woods for safety arrol feels relief and is impressed by her skills hoping she might buy them some breathing room but before he could even relax he hears a strange voice in his head almost taunting him arrol looks around fast trying to figure out where that creepy Vibe is coming from then a dark robed man steps into view holding some weird stick and laughing like he's auditioning for evil villain of the Year aol's instincts scream trouble well obviously just as he tries to size the guy
up the Mage skips introduction and start summoning magic like it's about to go down this catches our boy off guard as he expected an answer and not for him to whip out the nine and start blasting the dark Mage launches his attack but arel is quick dodging and shielding cania sadly the guards behind them aren't so lucky once the magic stops arol looks back and sees the guards down with smoke still rising from their lifeless bodies the dark Mage comments on how cania dodged the attack sounding surprised arrol is taken aback when he realizes the
Mage knows her name and starts to wonder if she's been the real Target all along long with a creepy laugh the dark Mage makes fun of them saying they were just entertainment for him he raises his staff getting ready to cast another spell and claims they can't escape our boy can sense Dark Energy coming from the staff both Canya and arrol feel uneasy Canya looks around and notices something strange happening to the Fallen bodies one of the guards yells that they're moving and even the wyvern is starting to Twitch arrol realizes they're up against the
undead the dark Mage orders the undead to take out Kenya and show the royal family the power of the dark church but then he pauses sensing something's wrong though he can't tell what ARL won't just stand there while his sister is in danger determined he wers who would dare Target cania using his donig gong he shoots at the dark mage's chest hitting him with a wave of attacks that make the Mage scream and collapse Kia confused asks what happened arrol explains that the Mage probably overloaded himself with magic causing a backlash even though the dark
Mage is down the spell on the undead is still active the guards urge arrol and cania to run promising to take care of the undead before they leave arrol tells the guards he trusts them to finish the fight as nightfalls they flee into the forest and find shelter under a cliff setting up camp cania is still worried but arel reassures her that the undead will be gone soon now that the dark Mage is defeated arrol tells Canya not to worry saying the guards are on their way and everything will be fine as he tries to
start a fire Canya asks how he learned to do that since he's always busy at the castle arrol gets a bit nervous and explains it's all about rubbing two flammable things together to create heat if cania hadn't been watching him so closely arrol would have just used his Mana to create heat and avoid the hassle of using his hands after a bit of struggling he finally gets the fire fired up cania wonders if maybe she should have skipped the training but our boy tells her that it wasn't her fault just an unexpected mess she then
asks if he was scared during the whole thing realizing he's been acting way too serious our boy decides to be more honest he admits their Royal representatives and have to hide their fear even though the wyverns were pretty terrifying cania seeing a softer side of him takes his hand and thanks him for sticking with her through all the chaos arrol feeling quite in the moment says that cania was scared from the start and it broke his heart to see the guards lose their lives for nothing he knows the royal family is always in danger of
assassination but this is Kia's first real encounter with danger and it's tough for her to handle still he stays focused on the main goal getting them both home safe out of nowhere a wild battle breaks out above them between a wyvern and a griffin cany wonders why they're fighting at this hour an arrol noticing a nest on the cliff figures the wyvern is after the Griffin's Cub the wyvern manages to sink its teeth into the Griffin's neck sending it crashing into the Rocks below arrol and cania run to quickly get out of the way dodging
Falling Rocks once the dust clears they see the wyvern fly off probably scared off by the Griffin's Blood on the air but when arrol looks around cania is gone he's left standing there shocked he spots her near the Fallen Griffin and warns her to be careful but she says it's fine since the Griffin is already dead arrol knows there's no stopping cania when she's curious she looks at the Griffin and wonders what they should do with it our boy feeling kind of awkward asks if she's planning to bury it but cania surprises him by saying
she's worried about the Griffin's baby arrol says they can't do anything and they would have to let nature handle it even if it seems harsh cania though thinks arrol meant they should raise the baby together leaving arrel even more confused in all as Kia spots the guards coming one of them looks relieved to see the pair safe when they get closer cania happily greets them excited to see them again Kia's guard says that no one else was hurt after the undead magic spell was broken the guards are surprised when they see cania holding a Griffin
in her arms Prince Orel looking a bit nervous says it's the perfect time to step in and stop cania from taking in the Griffin but can's guard says it's too late for that a week has passed and things have mostly gone back to normal except for the new addition to the family when the Griffin baby flies over and wakes up Prince arrol he greets the newest member of their family Errol picks up the little Griffin and though he can't just sleep like he used to he forgives the baby for being so cute and well behaved
the story then goes back to that night arrol tells the guards to take Canya to rest while he makes sure no wild animals will disturb the Fallen Griffin's body as the guard set up camp arrol carefully cuts open the Griffin's chest with his sword and takes out its magical core arrol knows the core will help him tame the newborn Griffin while arrol plays with the Cub he sees cania arriving at the castle she quickly gets out of her carriage and the Griffin baby excitedly greets her as Canya spends time with the Cub Prince arrol hears
about a wanted order across the kingdom a bounty is placed on the dark Church the group behind the attack on cania with rewards for anyone who knows where they are Prince arrol notes that the dark Church isn't the only group causing trouble for the kingdom he suddenly wonders if he's been too focused on wealth a guard overhearing him asks what he means but a rail just sends him away like it doesn't matter one bit as Princess cania finally catches the Griffin arrol thinks about why someone would tar her considering she doesn't hold much power or
influence still she's a princess and part of his family he starts thinking that maybe he should become a swordmaster and try to become an aura expert by the time he's in his late 20s arrol trying his best to change the topic approaches cania and asks if she wants to do something fun Canya asks what he has in mind and moments later swords are clashing and some Mana kind of appears around their blades Canan notices The Surge and starts to think about it but before she could finish they both pull back after one last strike Canya
excitedly asks how she did and Orel happily tells her he used his Aura he secretly enjoys how well his plan worked and how she bought it she asks him if she could learn it too and wonders where arrol studied it he vaguely replies saying something like that then explains that using Aura mostly relies on the brain Canya a bit discouraged assumes she can't do it because she's not smart enough arrol reassures her saying that's not the case Kya jokes that it's just because he's a genius but Orel explains that she just needs to learn how
to to control the aura with her brain and he'll teach her excited cania asks if she'll be able to master it quickly arrol tells Canya that if she follows his method she'll Master Aura quickly secretly he thinks about why her progress is so fast he's been quietly transferring Mana into her he tells her to focus and follow his guidance meanwhile Kia's guard Eaves drops on their conversation from behind closed doors weeks pass and whenever Canya visits fly she trains in both swordsmanship and Aura with arrol cania becomes an aura user at an amazing speed one
day while looking at her sword in she asks if this is the power of Aura arrel congratulates her but reminds her that this is just the start of her journey one unexpected result of their training is that fly temporarily grows after being exposed to the strong energy from Aura practice fly rests on errol's shoulder and he complains about the Griffin's weight even if it shrinks back down Errol tells cania that mastering Aura is only the first step they need to train harder to control their strength movement and use Aura to its fullest cania may even
be able to use Aura while riding fly she laughs at errol's bold imagination but he insists he's serious while petting fly cania asks if arrel is right in his mind arrol believes that day will come soon suddenly the door suddenly opens and a voice announces that his majesty has arrived surprising both AOL and cania AOL wonders why the king is there as he should be busy with his preparations in the north and not just stopping by for a breath of fresh air the King enters with Lady raana and our boy respectfully greets him the king
says that he's heard heard they've been practicing swordsmanship lately arrol downplays their training saying it's been minimal and that he's mostly been working on experiments and trying to tame the Griffin for Border defense the king seems pleased wanting to see errol's progress in different areas just then two servants bring in a large chest they set it down and both Orel and Kya are surprised by what's inside with a serious expression the king tells Orel to try the sword it's a special weapon made just for him lady raana protests saying aol's too young to use such
a sword but the king laughs saying he doesn't expect arrol to wield it yet he just wants aurel to touch it as its owner arrol casually picks up the sword shocking everyone as he holds it arrol wonders if it's time to take swordsmanship more seriously from now on the king is surprised about errol's interest in the sword that was gifted to him and figures he might have some potential in swordsmanship but all that potential goes when arrol Falls over with the sword and figures that he should probably abandon swordsmanship in his current life since he's
already good at other things learning the sword will only put him in the Battle Royale that is the struggle for the throne so he has to act as the weak little brother even when he's training he can't let his effort go to waste so he thanks his father for the gift but mentions that swords aren't his thing So He suggests that the sword should be given to Kenia instead she has a load of potential and has been improving pretty fast I mean her skill even gives other Knights second thoughts about their jobs seeing errol's decision
the king accepts this on the condition that Kaa should show that she is worthy of the sword this sudden decision shocks Kaa and arel but remembers that the king is also pretty strong as a swordsman so a duel has pretty much been declared and all Kaa has to do is Swing her sword even with that Kaa begins to panic so arrol Pats her on the back and encourages her to display her skills to her father and probably beat up an old man so the two of them prepare for The Showdown and the King notices that
her stance is different from the classic Knights just from that he already knows that she is going to use an enhanced sword technique with that the duel officially begins and Kaa dashes towards her father at a very fast speed thanks to her physical strength and explosive Mana but AEL wonders if it really is the best idea to attack the head first plus they are using real swords instead the king stands there and smiles like the Chad he is before defending against Kia's attack she is shocked by this seeing that her opponent is also using Aura
the king commends her blow but still deflects her to the floor like it's nothing he is impressed with the fight his daughter put up since he's got to use Aura on a level that he hasn't used even on people like Knight captains this makes me wonder how strong the Kingdom's military actually is but anyway cania figures that she still has much to learn the king mentions the fact that AOL has been teaching cania and he was using a different way of teaching since the normal method wasn't working for her with that said the King asks
if AOL can teach his method to others AOL on the other hand realizes that his father actually wants to create an Unstoppable Army of Aura experts using his Training Method but there is no way he's going to teach them so AOL apologizes and explains that it will be difficult to achieve the same results with Kaa since she already already had potential from the start plus he has been observing her ever since they were together so that's how she was able to improve so quickly but the truth is it doesn't take much observation to come up
with a suitable Training Method and he would rather do anything than scar his eyes looking at a bunch of Macho Knights even with the disappointing news arrol still wishes to give his father some hope so he decides to share an improved training schedule but mentions that it's only for royalty since sharing a secret Training Method with the other Aristocrats will only mean trouble so the king eventually agrees to his condition and Errol is honored that his training technique will now PE pass down to different Generations in the royal family but still he laughs at the
fact that the training they will pass through will be something else entirely a few months later the king is training and a couple of maids witness the chaos from how he's wrecked training dummies in the entire room itself he finds the training method to be effective and has even reached the last stage as an aura expert unfortunately arrol cannot use the training program because of his weak body and the King believes he needs the training more than anyone else so he decides to do something about it later on Errol has some tea with cania and
is shocked when he learns that he will be assigned a personal guard there are tons of people who volunteered for the position arrol takes a look at the applications he knows that most of the knights there are big shots arrol feels accomplished about how his reputation has really improved but he doesn't see the need of having a bodyguard but he doesn't want to show off his powers or what happened the last time to repeat itself so he gets to pick a maximum of three bodyguards while he goes through the documents he decides to do interview
so he can take their skills character and traits into account as the cultured individual he is Errol doesn't need a million IQ to know that he would want the ladies to be his guards however the others do not know what he has in mind with that he finally leaps onto the table and decides to get the plan moving when it's time for the interviews arrol begins to wonder what he has just signed up for even though they are most likely quality Knights they are definitely not the Slender damsels he imagined them to be I mean
you can't blame them they've probably spent all their lives training so Aon puts his wishes away and starts the interview he takes a look at all of the ladies and they all look strong enough to fold him eight times while they State their reasons for applying to be his guard he takes a look at them including this one guard that makes the king look like a lost child as the interviews go on arrol spots one Noble looking knight who has a much different Aura compared to the other Knights so far the interview has been going
well so arrol asks all the candidates to wait outside while he makes a decision when everyone leaves he casually uses a chi technique that gives him Albert Einstein level IQ normally it would take decades to master but he casually casts it as the master of iseki that he is after that he tells the knights to come in one at a time for the next stage of the interviews he is sure that some of the knights have other plans in mind so he wants to find who sus among them using his technique he picks out the
knights that appear to be suspicious his technique Clairvoyance allows him to see the color of their souls and emotions fortunately they don't have any plans to assassinate arrol but just to spy on him the next candidate comes up and the color of her soul soul is crystal clear so clear that even arrol is dumbfounded the knight's name is Asha fil and my guy has finally found a perfect candidate at this point Asha is pretty much top of the line but he still needs to pick out two other Knights he considers picking that one buff lady
from earlier since her color was also clear suddenly another Knight steps in she introduces herself as SAA guill the last candidate arrol also notes that her energy is clear as well and it doesn't take a genius to know that she is a lively person looking at her past experience arrol points out how she's been in almost every order of knights in the kingdom and even been dispatched to distant territories but still he can tell from her color that she hasn't done anything wrong so he can forget about why she has been transferred so often with
that arrol concludes the interview and announces his choices he presents his two choices Asha and SAA the new recruits join the palace and they are off to a good start in their job but he still wants to make an improvement he brings them to some place and reveals that he wants them to demonstrate their skills to him since they are his personal guards he wants them to be the very best that no one ever was to demonstrate their skills arrol asks them to have a duel with each other and they agree with this idea like
The Mastermind that he is he figures that holding a sparring match between two people of similar skill means that they can go all out so to make sure things remain intense he mentions that he is curious to see who is stronger as if he hasn't thought of this plan like how someone like eizen does his things that statement struck a nerve in both of them since true Knights are sure to be proud of their skills the tension gets heated between them just as arrol planned and they also are curious to see who is the top
dog meanwhile arrol is pumped to watch the epic showdown that is about to unfold so he sits back to enjoy the show before the duel Begins the knights ask if there are any rules to follow as they prepare themselves they look eager to win but AEL continues to stuff his face and mentions that they can do anything they want as long as they don't go overboard with that in mind the fighters prepare for their epic duel arrol notes the intense mood between the two of them and he believes that they going to fight for real
so he tries warning them again so arrol claps his hands to Signal the start of the match and bro is launched away even though he told them not to go overboard he understands that's how Knights pretty much are now it's to watch the fight unfold Asha lunges in with her Spear and SAA spots this move she punches asha's spear out of the way like a feral Beast with a grin SAA has found the perfect chance she closes into Asha to give a punch that will end asha's career early since Asha uses a spear it will
be difficult for her to resp respond my guy is still munching away on his popcorn and wonders if she has anything up her sleeve luckily she does she kicks saa's fist away which causes her to retreat arrol who is still watching the Dual figures that they are being a bit too serious he can tell that their Aura is getting too powerful and they'll probably execute each other before they can stop so ARL stops the match he now has an understanding of their skills and can set up a few improvements from his observations he notes that
Asha is impatient because she focuses too much on speed and SAA hesitates a little since since he mainly throws hands basically one is too fast and the other is too slow after the remarks Asha recalls that he helped Kaa improve so she figures that he asked for a demonstration of their skills to help them improve apparently her Improvement has become famous among the knights and Orel also wants his guards to improve just like that so he leads the both of them to begin their special training session on the first stage they are going to be
learning theory stuff about Mana arrol presents his signature manual and plans to start a business if it works out well however there is no hope that they'll ever understand the book they are reading and there goes the chance of making a New York Times bestseller in the end arrol decides to explain things himself to his two guards concerning Mana including what could happen if Aura is misused how to use it more effectively and whatever with that explanation out of the way arrol suggests that what they need to do next is to absorb the Mana that
exists all around nature so they can learn how to use it efficiently he guarantees that learning that is enough to completely change how they use Aura after the lecture arrol decides to give his guards custom lessons for another part of the training ARL begins with SAA to teach her how to focus Aura better she mentions that she is already capable of forming Aura easy enough AOL asks her to spread her Aura to all her limbs at the same time and epic fail normally it is not hard to cover the entire body in Aura but that
will quickly exhaust the user so people usually focus it on areas they need SAA fails to perform the task and mentions that her senses will become unstable if she focuses on too many places at once so arrol puts his palms together with hers and shows her a trick to focus Aura and just like that she manages to channel her Aura to both of her hands now that SAA has been sorted out next on the list is Asha arrol tells her that she is too impatient since she tried to resort to hand-to-hand combat against an opponent
who is skilled in that aspect an obvious mistake so she has to learn how to remain composed which explains why she's carrying arrol for her training he wants her to focus and not pay any attention to anything that is bothering her so basically he just wants her to stock up on it is what it is energy while all that's going on Queen Elia receives a letter about what arrol has been up to she originally left him alone since someone as insignificant as him didn't bother her but now he's becoming a problem so she burns up
the letter and finally decides to do something about him then there's Asha who can notice a difference in her strength after following the prince's guidance after all this is errol's training we're talking about here even though it appears pointless the innocent tree that has been shattered is enough to testify to her increase in strength in a bit of background check we learned learn that Asha was a daughter of house Fil A family that wasn't very wealthy and lived in a small Countryside region because of a famine monsters attacked them and everything went downhill pretty much
from there what's even worse is that the aristocrats who kept in contact with house FAL abandoned them in the end Asha joined the knights to make 's meet the good news is that she was talented in combat so she quickly awakened her Aura and was stationed in the Royal Capital but the bad news is that she was placed in the order with the worst Knights even the captain wasn't worth calling a captain Captain even with how old he is he's still an aura beginner and only had his position because of a few officials who were
fortunate to put him there this memory doesn't sit well with Asha so she takes out her aggression on an innocent tree and plans to make her Captain resemble the tree the next time she spots him she applied to be a personal guard out of desperation but who knew she would get chosen at the very first moment luckily her family is living much better now thanks to arrol but her current goal is to save up a bit of cash so she can send her little brother to the academy in the end she aims to repay AOL
thanks to his kindness to her so far on the other hand SAA prepares to work out since she is just not sure of how else to do things her family has worked as mercenaries for Generations she was raised in a tribe of mercenaries who do not belong to any Nation after the war with the Empire 30 years ago the mercenary business began to look a bit sour so SAA was asked to go into the world so she could start a new life for herself she didn't see any issue with leaving her Village or training as
a knight but her main shock came when she heard her father was killed by an evil feudal Lord just like her father she was pretty much a classified idiot like how she would beat The Living Daylights out of a fellow Knight for accusing villagers of stealing and killing them just to get promoted and honestly she doesn't regret that moment a single bit it felt great if anything then she just got passed around and ended up getting sent to dangerous areas after the endless roaming she eventually applied as a personal guard and then got to know
arrol she has a good feeling about working with him and is very grateful for it with the background checks out of the way the two knights had to begin their job for the day day as for AOL he doesn't seem to have much of a talent in combat but his skill is unmatched when it comes to learning he's a certified businessman who brought wealth to the kingdom by selling products and even helped Kaa to become an aura expert using a theory he developed himself of course his reputation as the young gray Sage who does nothing
is welld deserved at a meeting the king and a few other officials discussed the fact arel will be 14 soon and the coming of age ceremony that will follow one official suggests that the ceremony will be a good opportunity for AEL since he's using his talents in multiple Fields adding something else about some territories being available the king gets the hint that they're pretty much saying that they should give a territory to AOL obviously he is angry with this since it is just an excuse to banish him it turns out aol's reputation has spread all
the way to different countries and the speculations that the king will make him the heir to the throne but the king wasn't having any of that so he slams his Aura charged fist on the table he has made up his mind that his Heir will be the Crown Prince plus he already knows that arrol has no no interest in the crown another official speaks up he mentions that rumors have already begun to spread so people are beginning to pay less attention to the Crown Prince the Duke warns him about something concerning the former King but
the king rises from his seat and silences him someone comes over with a bunch of documents from other Aristocrats who all share the same opinion they are all concerned with the imbalance within the royal family the king takes a look at the appeals and each one of them says the same thing so it turns out they will have to Exile AOL in defeat the king acknowledges the concerns and has no choice but to take action arrol learns what happened in the meeting through a note he tosses the note aside and he already knows that he's
being exiled even with how nicely it is put however that is pretty much the best news orl has had he is excited to get his own territory it turns out making himself standout has finally paid off and couldn't care less about the aristocrats finally arrol can now make his dream Fortress well he is excited until he learns that the aristocrats assigned him to the Northern Territory of filia it is a place where snow falls all year round and the ground is too Barren to even Farm anything so Errol decides that he will leave a month
after the coming of age ceremony giving him a year and a month to finish preparations since being independent in a different territory is a major task he expects those who are really prepared to join him he will find different roles for those who stay back but he expects those who follow him to move quickly as the crowd leaves arrol already figures that the Alchemy team and most of the workers are already destined to follow him SAA has already been ahead of them and was stationed in that area for a year after all she gets drafted
to different locations like no one's business and she testifies that the place is extremely cold with how SAA tries to talk about the location arrol figures that they might as well be heading for Antarctica with how she's reacting to the place so much for a nice territory from the everloving aristocrats who wanted to Exile him but still he finds the place to be much better than expected they could have sent him to a place where surviving for a few seconds will be a world record so he doesn't find filia to be so bad later on
Asha asks why SAA isn't being honest she knows that SAA was about to say something earlier just as she said earlier SAA explains that the place is pretty cold and empty along with being a frozen Wasteland she was actually stationed there to guard against the monsters that can't endure the cold Asha is more than ready to follow arrol no matter where but she can't help but wonder if it is okay to follow with that SAA doesn't see anything to be worried about since she knows that arrol has something up his sleeve she noticed that he
didn't have a look of Despair or anything so she believes that everything will work out with that said they finally decide to send a message to their families before they leave then there's AOL who just finished up with his plans he knows that his mother looks pretty heartbroken even though she hasn't said much he told the maids not to tell her where he will be stationed but he can't help but worry about his mother's safety since she'll be alone even a princess like Kia got ambushed so he thinks of a few plans so he can
contact her but eventually decides to think about it later but for now he decides to plan the move first after all a harsh environment is the perfect place for a reincarnation Pro like him to live Carefree he summons a magician and Fon shows up with his disciples he never expected someone familiar to show up either way he asks him to keep a secret and passes a plan for an item that he would like to be created Fon takes a look at the plan and he is instantly shocked by what he is seeing he wonders if
AEL drew it and he did only that he made a few modifications to an artifact he gave to cania but his design will make it twice as effective and reduce production costs by 90% of course this fact is very impressive to Fon arel asks if he can make it and Fon mentions that it will be possible as long as he has the right materials but one problem is that he knows the creator of the original artifact so he doesn't want to make a ripoff of someone's work arrol notices his hesitation so he decides to give
him a little something to guarantee results so he hands over several fat bags of cash and moral ethics has left the chat the man and his disciples instantly fold and are prepared to work after witnessing the power having tons of cash has to offer arrol wonders if it can be finished within a month then he takes look at his current investment and figures that Fon could be suitable as his personal magician ARL learns how fast money can make people work when Fon presents the newly created necklace to his boss a few days later he never
expected it to be finished in 10 days plus the quality is pretty good however his workers are obviously overworked since arel likes it He suggests that they start mass production as Fon asks how many one of the workers prays that it is only five but I guess they aren't going to get any form of sleep when arrol uses 50 and that's just the starting point with that they head off to slavery I mean work irel already understands their pain but dying a 100 times still seems bad enough for the next step arrol heads out with
Asha in a carriage she wonders where they are headed and suggests that he could have sent someone for the errand but he insists to pick things up by himself this time around ARL eventually reveals that they are headed to a slave market and Asha is obviously shocked at this information she figures that he has probably gone mad with power already but arel tries to convince her that there is an explanation Asha gets an idea that her boss might be starting up cotton fields with this one or probably coal mines or something but Orel knows that
there is no way he's like that at least that's what we think with how far she took her imagination Asha apologizes for it since that's not how arrol Works normally when you imagine a slave market you'd think of a place that could be worse than hell or something like that you know Shattered Dreams endless torment fate worse than death stuff like that but in reality at least in this novel it is surprisingly pretty tame even Arrow is shocked about this of course it would be a shame if one random slave caught some strange disease and
spread it around which explains why it is very neat a person comes by and reveals the place to be the best slave market in the capital he welcomes arrol and introduces himself as Ian the manager of the establishment he shows his ARL and Asha around the place and explains about the slave market that is completely legal by the way the people who become slaves are people who must have either failed to pay up taxes or belonged to families that were destroyed a person doesn't immediately become a slave SL after any of these but at least
there's a lower chance of starving if they become a slave then there are the criminals but Ian suggests that there is no need for AOL to pay them any attention aiol notices that Ian is filtering out the criminal slaves since he is royalty but it is still fine for arrol either way finally Ian takes a seat in his office and asks AOL for what he might need he needs a large number of slaves Ian asks how many he would need and AOL says he needs 150 a number that shocks Ian arrol wonders if the number
he mentioned is too much to handle but Ian can handle it since the place also has other branches outside the capital he can't help but wonder why arrol needs that many but the Young Prince assures him that he won't do anything bad with them yet also he lets him know that he would like slaves who are familiar with each other in groups of at least four while that is a pretty difficult request it isn't unusual for groups to become slaves all at once with a snap piles of documents are brought in arol has a look
at some of these documents and needs slaves who can read and write plus he also asks for them to be transported to a certain location with negotiations done arrol asks Asha to unveil the goods that make every businessman Drool on the floor now things are pretty much guaranteed for AEL as he is instantly promoted to top vvip customer on the way back Asha wonders what arrol needs the slaves for since having hundreds of them isn't something anyone can do on a casual Friday night arrol reveals that he wants to make them residents of his new
territory in addition he is going to give his new Mana necklace thing to the slaves and educate each of them from there Asha never expect Ed that to be his plan so she can drop all the weird thoughts now arrol plans to transform the terrain from a frozen Wasteland to a dream Kingdom I mean he just wants to live life comfortably everything he's doing now is just to live the best lazy life ever he will also nurture the ones who will work in filia and build the greatest Paradise anyone has ever seen one morning arrol
lies on his bed thinking about all the preparations he has to make to get independent and the fact he has to say goodbye to everyone he loves then there's a knock on the door and it's his mother she rushes over to give her son a hug she suggests trying to talk with the King about the relocation once again but arel tells her not to worry and Promises to visit often even with the fact he has a year left to go his mom is still sad that he will have to go then a maid comes over
to carry her away arrol doesn't want to reveal his new location to his mother until he has settled down and will definitely put her mind at ease when the time comes it's a peaceful afternoon well it was until a night gets casually launched into orbit a few other Knights tremble in fear at a person it turns out that person is cania who is incredibly angry she calls for her next victim and tells them to come at her with everything they have or they may not see the next day she is angry about the fact of
arrol being sent away she understands the whole situation surrounding him but still can't help but get angry about it but more importantly she is upset that he never told her anything for the past 6 months then she launches another poor Knight into a wall she thinks it's because he can't change his fate but he actually just forgot she doesn't plan to let him leave so easily on the other hand the knights are terrified at her Aura according to errol's manual the Mana circulating one's body moves faster if a strong emotion builds up and just like
that she ended up becoming the youngest swordmaster in the history of the kingdom and the third one in the world all thanks to being annoyed by her little brother arrol thinks about his first life especially how time flew by when he was in the military now he's getting the same feeling as he's preparing to become independent arrol is finally 14 years old and his Coming of Age ceremony has begun he gets greeted by several Aristocrats but on the inside my guy is dying of heavy boredom there are even more Aristocrats than his first birthday back
then he could easily pretend he was asleep but now there is no Escape for him he is sure that the participants are rejoicing over this ceremony well rejoicing that he's getting sent away who would care about his wellbeing anyway listening to them is starting to annoy him and wants to wreck everything but he decides to hold back for his mother's sake and overlooks everything that's happening shortly Queen Elia comes over to congratulate arrol and mentions the fact he will be heading to another territory this lady is obviously trying to get on errol's nerves so he
stands up and responds in the calmest way possible he bows and mentions that it would have happened to him either way so he thinks of it as an early chance to serve the kingdom with a smirk she reveals that J's swordsmanship has improved thanks to him and gives him a coat made using the fur of a fox from filia as a gift with that arrol has found the person behind his Exile he figures that someone like jail isn't the type to Target anyone politically plus ellia is the only possible one who could obtain the complaint
from all the aristocrats he figures that her giving the code is her way of mocking him but he has to remain calm if not he will lose face so he puts up a polite act saying that he has already bid his brother farewell and will come to his Aid since they share the same Royal Blood on the surface the conversation appears very cheerful but AEL couldn't care any less and will definitely make her pay but they will not show how much they hate each other and exchange the fakest of laughs the banquet is finally approaching
a close and arel feels like he forgot something he takes a look at cania who looks unnatural natur Al quiet he figures that she must still be angry for telling her about his departure pretty late so he decides to apologize to his sister but she makes the first move from her face he already knows that she is up to something she runs off and arrol can tell that what she's going to do is going to be Reckless cania approaches her father to talk with him and reveals that she will follow arrol to filia this shocks
the crowd and arel figures that she has pretty much wrecked the whole event at this point he takes a glance at her mother hoping that she is going to stop her daughter but she doesn't look interested at all the king gets annoyed by Kia's action and asks what her plan is after that arrol figures that saying that was already a bad move since she'll only fight back harder but he wonders the same thing about what she plans to do by following him for the Moment of Truth she reveals that she is going to become errol's
Knight and the soon to be ruler instantly punches himself in the face the king calls her ambition ridiculous since becoming a knight isn't something someone can do so easily but she is confident in her abilities since she has reached Master Level of course everyone is surprised since that's obviously a huge achievement but the king doesn't believe her since she's still 19 years old and the only person who reached Master Level at that age was the first king to prove him wrong she snatches a sword from a nearby Knight and prepares to demonstrate her ability with
her Aura charged up she slices a cake from a distance along with the table perfectly in half of course arrol is shocked about why she's doing this in the middle of the banquet from that display the people have seen that she really is a swordmaster and they are amazed Kana talks with her father about the fact arrol will be given a territory while she will have to marry someone so instead of following that she wants to become a knight in a normal scenario arel would have applauded her speech but the situation is too serious for
that right now she is pretty much resigning as a princess in front of all the aristocrats and even if it was all a joke the damage will still remain but there's also the possibility that she caused the scene on purpose arrol realizes that it was all planned out so no one could easily cover the situation up how she cooked up this plan makes him wonder where she learned to be so conniving but the answer has always been him from the start he tries to stop her but cania decides to take things up a notch before
he can do anything she then walks towards arel with the sword in her hand and kneels before him from there she pledges her allegiance to AOL and vows to be his Knight AOL recognizes what Canya recited to be a knight's oath but it's uncertain if the pledge counts since cania is a princess and not actually a knight plus she doesn't have his consent yet but the much bigger issue for Orel is the audience that is now facing them the kite's oath is something that not anyone gets to say freely so the fact that an aura
Master said it will make people think the pledge is official arrol already knows that cania didn't do it for him but she has already planned the path she wants to take of course this action shocks several people like the king and her mother even Queen Elia is boiling with anger over this with the veins around her eyes she could probably awaken the Bakugan normally arel would be happy about that but he just feels like crying about this right now one thing or another always goes on during his birthdays so he should probably forget about hosting
them from now on despite a few issues everything went on as always like arrol packing up for his journey with that the time has finally come to head on his way his mom mentions how he has grown so fast arrol tells her not to worry and promises that he will visit her eventually AOL decides to tell his mom where he is going and she already knows thanks to her mother's senses are way too op even for a reincarnation Pro however she is still confident that her son will excel wherever he is so she hugs him
and tells him that she loves him like a good mother would of course what kind of a son wouldn't love his mother back after saying that errol's Convoy heads on its way through the Frozen Wasteland that is filia however arrol seems to be a bit unsettled about this after all he is going to an ice land where no one has ever gone to settle he Witnesses a bit more of the aristocrats love when he asks someone to dig the ground but they must be digging Bedrock because the pickaxe bends on the first impact but still
arrol really wants to prove them wrong and is determined to turn the place into a paradise arrol finally sticks his head back in the carriage after putting his head out for some unknown reason luckily for him he invested in a magical heating device plus he also has the coat to keep him warm but cania mentions that the kagee is already warm and calls him a noob that can't endure the cold but what arrol finds strange is his sister she's such a Savage that she's wearing a normal dress in a place that petty cold however Orel
takes a closer look and finds out that cania is using a cheat code to stay warm he never taught her how to use Aura to insulate her body so he wonders if she is doing it out of instinct he finds her her Talent scary and Kya thinks that it's something everyone does confirming how much of a pro she is but letting errol's guards know about this might probably make the two of them cry as they casually freeze outside with that aside arrol asks if cania will eventually regret her decision but I bet she took the
question the wrong way as she stares daggers into errol's Soul she pinches his cheek and he clarifies that he was wondering if it was okay for her to come so suddenly it turns out that the king and arrol spent an entire day thinking and decided that she would come along as an apprentice Knight after that everyone tried to change her mind but she refused to listen to anyone she actually doesn't regret coming along if anything she finds it to be the perfect opportunity to escape if she remained at the palace she would have gotten married
soon Cana is 19 years old now and arel is amazed that she made it so far without getting engaged to anyone so he wonders if that's actually why she decided to venture with him just like him she hates walking along a set path so it doesn't surprise him about why she came along basically cania is in search of her own Freedom with that finally arrives at the Gate of his new kingdom he takes a look at all the people who are currently present under his command and he figures that he has a great start already
so it's officially time to start building a paradise for a start AOL splits his responsibilities with Asha and Sena so they can command all the troops in filia however he doesn't plan to give any tasks to cania for the time being it would be a shame if she somehow obliterated the barracks on day one instead she goes for a walk and AOL figures that she probably didn't expect to do much with that arrol heads to work currently there are 10,000 people in filia and they all live in 12 different Villages Additionally the distance between each
Village seems to be pretty similar orl does his research and discovers that the residents of filia have been hunter gatherers for generations and are on the verge of Extinction on top of that the Royal Palace wasn't getting any taxes from the region so they were pretty much left on their own seeing this makes arrol wonder what kind of idiot the previous Lord was he finds a ledger and discovers that the region was so poor that they ended up borrowing money from other territories then the previous Lord went bankrupt arrol gets upset over the sheer stupidity
of his predecessor but he decides to focus on the future he can make for himself he unfolds a map of the territory and tries to find out what can be special about the region seeing the amount of trees in the region he considers selling paper but he decides not to worry about it yet since all his other products are making bank for him with that he decides to meet with the leaders of the region still he can't help but wonder who holds authority over the people well except for the idiot of Lord so he decides
to ask all the village Chiefs to pay him a visit in person a while later they make their appearance in the palace and arrel observes their appearance forget killing two birds with one stone they look like they can kill two stones with one bird they are honored to meet their new ruler as they take a knee before their new ruler as expected arrol introduces himself but he can still tell that they are probably irritated about the fact that they have to take orders from a literal child now still he is determined not to let them
take him for granted he points out the fact there seems to be a young impostor among them as expected the dude bows and explains that his father who was Chief had passed away so he has now taken on his role Errol is already aware of this though he just wants to make it clear that he is the top dog around he then mentions that they will talk for a while so he offers them a meal while they discuss matters they get nervous about this because it's rather strange arrol already has this all figured out it
turns out commoners would hate having a meal with superiors so arrol hosts the worst company dinner ever known to man he tells them to relax after all it would be rather exhausting if the mood stayed heavy plus he even practiced this in advance finally they take a look at the meal and it really looks appetizing arrol mentions that he wished to get something better but the subjects are grateful already for the meal even with how tense the atmosphere is at least they are good at replying one of the guests takes a bite from the meat
and he notices that it is salted arrol knows that salt is precious in the region so he wants to establish a friendship through the meal with that arrol mentions how the previous Lord wasn't the best and and asks if they are all right with the path they are currently headed in from his perspective the region will most likely collapse in the next 10 years if nothing is done about it hunting can only get them so far which is why AOL wishes to take over even though his orders may be difficult to understand he asks the
people to place their trust in him with that they see the pure intentions of their new ruler and now imagine him as their blessed savior this imagination is so powerful that even arrol can see it and he doesn't want them to go that far it would be a shame if there was a resistance to follow following his orders so he ensures that the people can annoy more meals like they have now if they follow him now for his first order arrol asks the Chiefs to accept the slaves he brought with him as residents of their
Villages meanwhile those who are educated will work with him but the only issue is if the other residents will welcome them ARL sees the point in this since it will be hard to overlook their backgrounds or will probably be seen as Outsiders but he tells the Elder not to worry since he will also give support concerning the issue the mention of this support makes the Chiefs Flinch and they are convinced to try their best now the meeting is over and one of the Chiefs wonders about their new ruler since he is unusual compared to the
previous Lords majority of the Lords who were appointed to filia showed no interest in the area since they only saw it as a place of Exile the previous Lord tried to make a change but ended up inflicting harm on the people instead because he expected The Impossible now that their new Lord is the youngest Prince of the royal family they can only hope that their lives will change for the better while the reason he was assigned to filia is unknown to them the only thing they can do is pray he won't be like the priest
Lord they can already tell that arel is no ordinary man but the only thing they can do is trust that he will make things better ARL takes a look at a document along with SAA he was told that the population of the region would be 10,000 but that isn't true thanks to the power of false advertising and is actually around 9,800 including the slaves he brought while SAA massages errol's hand even she is aware of the population decline it would make sense to arol considering the time gap between when the former Lord left and when
he arrived on top of that that the birth rate in the territory is pretty low and struggles with poverty in addition from the money he made so far the amount he can use freely is 45,000 gold if he were to maintain things as it currently is the place would only last for around 50 years ARL figures that the aristocrats probably wanted him to waste half of his life in filia trying to recover the Region's economy He suggests farming but that's how the previous Lord went bankrupt after trying to develop farmlands being self-sufficient is a limiting
factor for agriculture so he thinks about valuables and just like that arrol Springs on his feet as he has gotten an idea to implement arrol heads outside with Asha and figures that they will need roads the terrain is pretty unstable thanks to the constant snow plus the roads aren't maintained properly so that will be a first step to avoid Traders from getting into accidents when they visit some of the residents find out about this plan a few laborers are needed for this operation and the wage seems decent seeing how the new ruler has a good
reputation they decide to give it a shot to work with him besides he will also cover all the construction costs when they arrive at the scene they discover that it is quite the project they have at hand someone mentions this fact to arrol but he is prepared to take care of the extra compensation if it ever takes longer than necessary with that fact alone they are more than willing to work once again the power of money works for AOL arrol notices that everything is going as planned and he loves it with the road finally complete
it's time to move on to other things and the workers were very willing to work for the next step he wants to establish a trading Branch an official stands in the way of this plan but there isn't anything that the power of money can't fix as a start he figures that they'll trade for the basic necessities that the residents will need so a basic trade route has been started up where people get to trade their Wares as the final step arrol asks Damon if they will be able to mass-produce paper actually paper already exists in
the world but the one that exists is terrible in quality and no one from within the kingdom knows how to make paper so this makes it pretty expensive and people of High status can only afford to use it Damon agrees with his plan since it is precious besides they will be very profitable if they can mass-produce it the only issue is that no one knows how to make it well that is no one except aurel Damon wonders how the competing paper manufacturers will react to this but orel's got this covered he plans to make the
paper production process completely different so they can argue that it is a completely different product but to do that they will need another kind of equipment he passes a plan to Damon and he finds it to be perfect however he isn't sure if it's something they can make on their own the chemicals can be handled but developing the machines is a different matter since the best blacksmiths in the region aren't able to make something like that but Damon is sure that the dwarves of the royal Capital will be willing to help this fact about dwarves
reminds arrol of the fact they have a forge in the capital and can make anything no matter how complicated it is hearing that arrol prepares to use his superpower of money spending but it turns out the dwarves are much different from the rests Damon tells him that they will refuse to help if he tries to use money but they are proud craftsmen who will prioritize request to display their skills along with rejecting money they will also reject requests that aren't good enough even if they are from high-ranking Aristocrats after hearing who they are arrol figures
that they could become poor if they aren't careful Damon decides to contact a dwarf that he is familiar with and arol is enthusiastic about it he is sure that he will be intrigued by the plan so he will write the letter to him several days later at the Dwarven Forge the letter finally arrives the master there believes it's from the royal family who he doesn't seem to have a good relationship with the master blacksmith whose name is aen mentions that he already crafted a sword for them and their hands are currently full with orders but
he finds out the letter is from Damon he snatches the letter from his assistant and wonders what he's doing at filia he takes a look at the content and shortly he asks his assistant Ben to take charge of the forge with a fierce look in his eye he figures he will have to talk with the others when he leaves Ben wonders what the letter is since he looked much different from usual the 35 Master blacksmiths of the steel factory gathered according to Akin call but man they really do not seem happy with it at all
he explains that it is for a client who drew their plans for a machine he wants to make in filia at first they thought it was just another case of another annoying brat wants to waste our time but when he shows the plan they realize they might be dealing with the final boss of blacksmith Creations they already know it is a plan for a machine to create paper apparently the design of this machine was so good that it gave them PTSD about a similar client who wanted a machine that created paper 5 years ago it
turns out not even the almighty skills of the dwarves were enough to satisfy that client now they have a chance for a rematch 5 years later aen also reveals that Errol wants some of them to come over to assist with his project however they don't seem to like that idea a lot so he volunteers to head over by himself they still don't seem to agree with this and also point out the fact he is behind on his work but the task is something his apprentices can handle so he is free to go also he asked
for who would come along since he would most likely need some more help after a brief silence each of the dwarves engage in a free-for-all about who will be going with aen the designs have finally piqued their interest and you can't stop a dwarf who's motivated to work on something new Akin finally interrupts the noise he mentions that only half of the dwarves will follow him since no one will be around to run the forge if everyone comes along still it is undecided about who will follow so aen decides to use that method the sacred
of all methods the only method that is guaranteed to work throughout history Ben comes over to ask his master a question and the dwarves are engaging in a fortnite level Battle Royale it turns out it's a Dwarven tradition to solve all disputes with intense violence the Dwarven rule of Steel so Ben stays away because he knows what's good for him meanwhile arrol figures it will take at least 5 days to hear back from the Dwarven Forge so he decides to relax in the meantime now he doesn't have any work to do he decides to get
all the rest he can the moment he decides to take a nap a loud scream interrupts him he already knows it's from the Griffin fry then he finds the unfortunate victim plastered on his window he is surprised by this since Frey shouldn't be able to fly so fast or so high as a baby Griffin as he falls down cania is there to catch him it turns out he is being subjected to his form of torture because she wants him to fly higher then she tries a little bit too hard and launches him into orbit arrol
rushes outside as he Witnesses this and wonders if Frey did anything wrong she mentions that he did nothing wrong while poor Frey crashes in that one pose from Dragon Ball she mentions that she is training him to fly and denies that she was abusing fry however I don't think that's the case here in a quick backstory cania had pretty much nothing to do since everyone was busy in the early stage of transferring to filia so all she did was eat sleep Practice Sword repeat of course she isn't the kind of person who enjoys being bored
so she spotted fry in the garden and that was when his whole world changed she plans to make him her Mount so she expects him to be in top shape however arrol realizes that it probably was a good idea to teach his sister more common sense and less about swords now he realizes that he has to keep her entertained somehow with the free time he has available but it's now that he realizes that he was an only child in his first life on top of that he never won The Sibling lottery in any of his
past lives the best relationship he had with one of them was that he never got to speak with his sibling until he died so arrol is unsure of how to deal with siblings he snatches fry from Ken and saves him from his suffering so as an attempt to be a good brother in his current life he asks to do something together with his sister ARL and Kia play a game of chess and it's pretty obvious who's losing here out of frustration Kia flips the chess board since it is obviously not her kind of sport arrol
figured playing chess would mean they wouldn't have to play in the cold but she is already bored of it so he gives himself a handicap to make things easier for her arrol gives Canya a modified artifact so she can think more quickly and easily besides he's built up enough chess experience from all his past lives so she will need all the help she can get so they begin another game of chess the pendant seems to be working to enhance Kia's IQ until it decided to piece out from there cania had enough of it and slices
the chessboard with her sword now they can't play chess anymore since cania has destroyed the board and caused a leak in errol's brain ARL tries to come up with something else but he really doesn't want to go back outside he wonders what she has been doing and the only thing she has pretty much been doing is going on various trainings that will make Bruce Lee proud on the other hand arrol has just been a sack of potatoes in his room seeing the interest between the two of them arrol tries to come up with something they
can both enjoy both of their stomachs begin to rumble and arrol gets an idea from that He suggests that have a go at cooking together but cania Shivers at the mere thought of it she doesn't buy the idea of it since her cooking could probably put Nations to an end but arrol informs her that it is necessary to learn since she is becoming a knight after all Knights have to eat something when they are away on missions after pointing out this fact cania is defeated and agrees to learn now that Orel has convinced her he
wonders if teaching a sibling to cook is something a brother would do the two of them head to the kitchen and arel announces that their first dish will be a stew since it is a pretty simp simple dish how bad can things get besides AEL doesn't plan to get food poisoning on day one of training so they get to work AEL comments on Kia's knife Mastery as she slices all the ingredients into Lego bricks from there they prepare the stew when it's finally done Kia tries it and it tastes better than she thought Errol agrees
with her and adds that it's been a while since he made the recipe but it's still good either way ARL suggests that cania should try making it again but this is actually all part of his master plan to get a nap right after he finishes eating but that plan disappears when a butler who has seen things rushes in searching for AOL he was instructed not to bother AOL concerning small matters so the fact he's here means something must have happened so out of urgency he asks what happened it turns out the dwarves have arrived and
they are willing to beat The Living Daylights out of the butler if arrol didn't show up so arrol figures that his break is over normally he expected the dwarves would act normally and send a reply letter but they weren't normal people and they showed up pretty suddenly in person arrol welcomes them but Aken cut to the chase walks up to arrol and asks if he was the one who drew the plans fortunately Asha is there to break up any conflict that could have gone down she demands akin to apologize for that but he commends her
spirit even though she is a lady now the Dark Souls music begins to play but arel quietly reminds her that they generally just don't give a flip and says that they have to respect their differences plus the greater the skill the rudder they tend to be so Asha backs down seeing how things started arrol wants to finish discussions quickly before Asha tries to commit murder he admits that he drew the plans but Akin says he's capping Orel still tries to convince him that he's the master Craftsman but Aken refuses to believe him and bets that
a royal person like him couldn't even design a basic wood plank now arel is pissed and he orders Asha to make some dwarf skewer in the end the Butlers had to calm the both of them down before things could get any further now that things have finally calmed down the dwarves finally accept who crafted the plans so far that's what the meeting has been all about with that out of the way arrol wonders why such swey dwarves come to visit him in person and intended to prepare a nicer welcome but they don't care about that
they discuss the plan for the machine that arrol needs the dwarves to create because filia doesn't have blacksmiths skilled enough for the task again aen is someone who is so proud so he expects that humans are not skilled enough to create it and arrol has just witnessed the famous Dwarven Pride so he decides to Fight Fire with Fire and talk about how proud he is of his planning skill now the dwarves have received a taste of their own medicine Akin acknowledges errol's skill just as planned and they decide to talk about the main matter at
hand before ARL can ask if they will accept the task they have already decided way before that they will take the job Erol is shocked by how instantly he accepted it since they haven't discussed other things like payment but a good dwarf always has a good sense of jobs to take besides they already know that the drawings given to them are only a part of the whole design so they have to accept the job to see the rest arrol clarifies that he never intended to mess with them by showing only part of the plan they
understand but still wish to to see the rest of the plan so arrol brings it out from his drawer and presents it to them but it would be too boring if he handed over the plan like that so he teases aen with it of course he doesn't appreciate the game arrol is playing arrol uses the chance to tell him that he will give him the other plan when he successfully makes the parts of the first plan aen is annoyed by this but still he won't refuse the challenge he heads out of the room with the
other dwarves determined to gain arl's trust once they leave Errol notes how they take themselves too seriously but still he can tell that they like the plans it turns out he wanted to show them the rest of the plans but had a better idea to use the unrevealed plan as bait to keep the dwarves working so they will have to work hard if they want to see the full design fast forward a bit and the dwarves return from their endless work to present the finished piece just as agreed arrol hands them the next plan this
goes on for a few days I'm sure they have an arrol tracker somewhere because they track him no matter where he is to ask for more plans eventually they finished all of errol's requests even he is shocked by the fiery determination of Master Crafters who are extremely motivated what's even more impressive is that the entire machine took 10 days to create as expected they take the machine for a test run and the paper it creates is Godlike normally paper would take days to dry by hand but the machine makes it much easier since wood is
abundant in filia aurel already knows that he is on his way to becoming the new Amazon of paper or rather clearing the Amazon because of paper now that arrol has what he wants aen finally learns that his problems have only started when arrol asks him to make so so many machines that it fills an entire Factory now to move on to selling the paper arrol meets with a person who introduces himself as lton irest his mother's brother AKA his uncle it turns out he was looking for someone from his mother's family to sell paper which
explains how lton showed up he told his mom to send someone who he could trust since he would be selling an important product so it would only make sense if she sent someone who shared his blood he presents the paper he wants to sell to Lickton honestly he thought that the fact arel was selling paper would ruin his business reputation but seeing how high the quality and how cheap it's a dream come true apparently the merchant who trades paper with the kingdom has been raising the price of paper even when the amount of paper exported
has gone down forcing the royal family to buy it anyway so errol's intervention is pretty much a deal breaker for the Monopoly holding Merchants Lickton expresses his concern about how the merchant will react but arrol already has that covered he figures that their paper is a completely different product made through completely different means so they won't have any grounds to attack them like a wild Jeff basos in its natural habitat lton opens up a map to create a sales plan meanwhile arrol notes his uncle's Merchant senses that makes the spidey sense look like Child's Play
he believes he has picked the right man for the job and all that's left to do is wait for the money to come pouring in plans have been made about how the paper will be distributed plus the dwarves have filled the factory with machines everything is now looking good only that arrol discovers that the dwarves are leaving just a day after completing the project he was hoping to celebrate the completion with them however they have a backlog of project requests waiting for them so they have to leave aen mentions that arrol can feel free to
contact them for any other requests he may have while arrol never expected them to leave just after completing their work everything is now ready to start selling paper back in the Royal Capital the citizens have a look at errol's brand new produced paper and they really cannot believe it with how cheap and high quality it is no one can seem to stop talking about it from there they recognize the paper as a product of filia and even go on to speak about the Good Deeds the new Lord of the area has been performing they even
wish to support his efforts to revive filia the king also notices the different quality of the paper he is sure that the aristocrats would not spend so much money just to get paper his Butler explains about the new cheaper brand of paper that has entered the market so the king can't help but ask where it's from the moment he learns it's from filia he notes that it is definitely his son's doing and figures that he is still the same as always in addition filia is also going to start paying taxes once again and this fact
shocks the king he figures that arrol has also revived the Region's economy in such a short time even though the land is Harsh he is certainly determined to rule the land meanwhile all this praise gets to ARL who can feel the fact that someone is praising him apparently they are giving him way too much credit but it doesn't really matter the only thing that matters is that the money is coming in back at the Kingdom J has some tea with his mother and notices that the tea tastes different from the usual she on the other
hand is apparently upset but mentions that the tea and desserts are from arrol as a thanks for the coat from there J mentions the fact that filia has undergone a makeover and this fact annoys his mother with her hands shaking J notices that his mother seems off so like a good son he asks if there's anything wrong she mentions a certain ornament that she doesn't like we all know who that ornament is and it's really getting on her nerves J on the other hand doesn't have the knowledge like we do so he tells her to
get rid of it so she can't see it anymore she mentions that she did but the ornament keeps annoying her she almost lets her anger break loose before she tells jail not to worry on another topic he asks if he likes the sword she gave to her he does like the custom-made Dwarven sword and can feel his skills improving when you spend so much money that can build several manners on a sword I'm pretty sure all she wants to her is the fact his skills are improving from there she stands up and goes towards her
son she reminds him that he is the heir to the throne and it makes sense to wield a sword worthy of that status so she tells him to remember that he will become the Future King later on she is alone in the room she picks up a napkin underneath a few cookies and figures that arrol is probably showing the paper he developed she is incredibly tired of hearing about him and she tosses the deserts on the floor it turns out Elia belongs to house fresh the house that owns the only Trading Company that Imports paper
apparently paper was originally made in the mirman Empire and the Eastern continent since they were at war with the mirman Empire they were pretty much banned from importing paper from there so they turned the the trade route with the East and monopolized it now Elia is angry that people are now attached to the new paper and is determined to make arrol pay she dashes over to her room and begins to write a letter with content that I bet is comparable to a Call of Duty multiplayer lobby as she will not tolerate it anymore it's night
and Orel once again goes to the slave market Ian welcomes him since it's been a year and a half since the last business transaction as expected arol is there because he needs more slaves once again the man asks if he needs the Smart Ones again but this time arel needs ones who can endure cold weather like proper slaves this time the man wonders what arrol needs them for and he reveals that he will be using them as soldiers this time around with the infrastructure in place what is needed now are guards who can defend the
territory arrol also figures that his current status as a ruler is similar to that of an Earl he figures he can increase the size of his army to 50,000 troops but that would be a bit too much the slave master asks for the number of people that will be needed and arel answers that he will need 5,000 slaves for his new project with that amount you can bet that the slave market will certainly be booming once again the power of money is there to save AOL moving on arrol admir the design of a Dwarven sword
he managed to train the slaves provided by Ian and also got the dwarves to make Soldier gear for 5,000 people just like the last time they managed to do it in a short period originally the slaves looked pretty bad when they arrived at filia but a few acts of hospitality later they became more enthusiastic in training and have become extremely loyal to their new leader with the soldiers in place the territory will now be safe and now it's time for arrol to have some rest however a few ninja looking dudes break into the area it
seems that they are searching for the location of the paper production machines and their mission is to destroy them apparently errol's Antics have angered The Mercenaries commissioner but what's more important is the amount of cash they'll make from this job they note the two guards taking watch and they kill them in a classic ninja fashion with the guards out of the way they head into the building only to find it empty a guard uses a magic tool to Blind them before several guards show up and capture all the dudes one of the Assassins tries to
escape but gets ambushed he only expected there to be 200 troops in the territory but he was clearly wrong arrol shows up all sleepy with his guards and isn't surprised that people would be after his machines The Stranger quickly surrenders and mentions that he is only following orders but that is none of errol's concern so as punishment for trespassing and trying to cause damage arrol orders that they should be interrogated and pretty much torture them with that Asha and SAA head to work while the Lord heads back to sleep normally arrol would have forgiven them
but when it comes to things that are dear to him you better write your will even with how laidback he is he knows when to draw the line this is something he has learned after countless reincarnations it's another day in the land of filia and The Intruders from the previous night have been punished according to the law it turns out nothing was gained from interrogating them so things were left at that now Errol has some free time on his hands and he decides to test out a magic teleportation Circle he got Fon to make one
for him and it was so expensive that he thought about that fact twice his Merchant skills have surprised arrol now he's become a regular customer for his uncle so arrol decides to use his teleportation Circle to head home home since it has been a while since he last visited he puts in a few magic stones into the stand surrounding the circle which causes it to activate now that his end is set up all that's needed to do next is for his Nanny to set up the same circle at the palace he asked Canya to come
with him but she is very nervous about this she has no choice but to follow since AOL insists plus she also has a bit of free time on her hands AOL notices her expression and wonders what is wrong she unintentionally reveals that she had an argument with her mom and would be awkward to visit her after that with that fact arel believes she should definitely come along so she can reconcile with her mother and she nervously agrees with this she seems scared so arrol tells her that using the device is safe the only issue is
nausea he activates the device and cania gets scared she holds on to her brother and unintentionally squeezing the life out of her little brother making him think he will probably not make it alive with aurel potentially dead they finally arrive at the palace but aurel still has something to say about his sister's strength as he takes a look around memory of the Past come back to him and he has really missed the place he takes a deep breath before falling onto the field to relax he is definitely glad to be back from a land of
ice The Nanny comes over to welcome AOL and Canya she was a bit worried she wouldn't be able to use the magic circle properly but thankfully it worked out she informs the two of them that their mothers are waiting inside so they split up to say hello to them arrol wonders if his mother raana is doing well after all he promised to visit her often he runs over to meet with his mom and hugs her she heard about how well he has been doing from lton but she is still relieved to see him in person
Errol is surprised he has been writing letters to her since the paper business always drained his soul of course he is excited to tell raana how everything has been going in filia and wishes to make good use of his time so his mom will not be worried about him he goes on to tell his mom about several things about filia like the wildlife and the daily life of the people focusing on putting her mind at ease it is not long until someone else approaches the scene and RL notices this looking at the timing he can
already tell that whoever the person is they intentionally want to interrupt his conversation with raana it doesn't take a genius to find out it's Queen ellia arrol wonders why she is acting all surprised since he already announced the fact he will be visiting still he can't help but notice that she probably has something up her sleeve so he decides to feel her out so he engages her in some fake small talk and also mentions the paper he developed which is affecting her family business the world's most painful to watch conversation on the topic of paper
production she mentions a few rumors she heard and arrol wonders what she is talking about he informs her that he has already made preparations and ellia commends his efforts still she warns him to be careful before she takes her leave on the outside arrol waves her goodbye but he believes she is starting to cross a line from the warning she just gave raana figures that she is probably having a bad day but Orel figures that he has deal with her soon the short visit to the Palace is finally over so AEL and cania decide to
head back to filia arrol waves his mother goodbye and then asks cania how things went on her end she responds that it went well and Smacks Errol on the back for worrying that she would fight with her mother again but actually arrol already asked the maids to report what was happening it looked like they were about to fight again but they actually made up this time around either way the two of them teleport back to their territory a few days later at filia arrol is already challenged with a new problem he wonders if it will
be worth it to invest in magicians since they can do a lot of things like manage the teleportation Circle help with growing crops instantly and even defend against Monsters but most importantly he needs someone who can help him deal with the totally challenging experiences of being a ruler he thinks about this because he doesn't want to end up drawing so much attention to himself now he has a territory he has a perfectly good reason to hire them but another reason is the factory attack luckily the first attack was by a few mercenaries but he is
worried about what would happen if magicians pulled up sure he does have a few Knights who can probably deal with them but they'll be as useful as a glass Hammer if an enemy magician attacked from the Shadows with all those in mind he creates an official notice that he is looking for magicians to hire he figures that he can put a request at the magic Tower but dealing with them is going to be a pain plus they are expensive but The Magicians who will respond to notices will have no ties with the tower and there
will be less hassle to deal with them which is a dream for a the only issue is that he'll also receive applications from low-ranking magicians but that is no issue since arrol can always train them with that the next thing is to distribute the notices in every city time goes on and the notice draws the attention of the crowds and wizards including this one one wizard who looks like she was out surviving in the wild with bare grills and is willing to apply from the mention of free food and accommodation back at filia arrol has
received mountains of applications from various magicians he wishes to accept all of them but that would probably be a good step in how to end your kingdom one year one arrol decides to be thorough about this process and pay attention to the applicants backgrounds after all it would be a shame if a magician became his enemy he is so willing to do this that he doesn't mind spending an extra bit of cash for this after selecting the candidates the next stage was the interviews for some reason this was more of a hassle than picking his
personal nights but it was still worth the trouble for him in the end 12 magicians passed the interview and are officially magicians of the Kingdom the average skill of The Magicians is third class and arel believes he made a good selection considering their backgrounds with that AOL announces the general tasks of The Magicians and plans to assign them to areas that suit their strengths but before that he wants to select one person to become his personal magician so he asks the fourth class magician to raise their hands there are two people who fit this criteria
one is mcoy blob and the other is dii seeing the choices he has arrol takes a long hard thought about choosing between blobfish or wizard Beauty this is a decision that can change the fate of the world and we all know that AEL is going to choose Dia putting the pretty looks aside there is a main reason why arel chose DIA to be his personal magician during the interview he asked Dia a question about why she applied and she responded with the fact that she wanted to serve him this respon response shocked him due to
how unusual it was most of the candidates were usually interested in the benefits or the work responsibilities but hers was way different it turns out she pretty much applied just because of AEL he is pretty much suspicious about this but can't sense any bad intentions from her so he decides to test it out and hire her as his personal assistant next he goes on to explain the benefits and responsibilities of being a wizard in the territory starting with the benefits he presents a massive Library which is pretty much a paradise for every wizard nerd there
starting off with the books that are magic ones certified by the magic Tower which were both expensive and difficult to convince them to certify the books now they have a place to improve their skills on top of that The Magicians he hired were all expelled from the magic Tower and probably needed a lot of money to access the magic book library of course the broke magicians will be happy that they can access all the books that they have always wanted they are in disbelief that they can use the library for as much as they want
but in exchange arrol lets them know that they will have to show their research notes to prove that they are actually making any progress well they don't seem to have any problem with that Arrangement however arrol actually needs the library too so he can Master his own magic and understand the world's magic system using their research plus the new magicians will pretty much be researching for him as well next he begins to assign the Wizards to different areas he assigns some to handle the deforested areas in the land after all there need to be trees
if he ever dreams of making more paper so arrol has to take responsibility for the damage he has done to the environment he shows a planted sapling to The Magicians and it is enough for them to head to work they all stab their staffs into the ground and chant some words I'm not going to bother with understanding then the sapling begins to erupt from the ground arrol analyzes their technique and figures that they are funneling their Mana into the tree and using a spell to nourish it with the right amount of Mana he also wonders
if they are also using magic to alter its genetic makeup looking at how much the tree has grown arol commends the technique but can't help but ask if they're going to make it grow taller a wizard explains that if they do that in a short amount of time the tree will die after all trees also have to rest as well they will help it to grow once a month which gives around half a year to restore the entire forest with the environmental issues facing one of orel's previous lives he bets that this would be mind-blowing
but too bad anyway arrol leaves them to do their job for the next group he gives them the task of maintaining The Village's Fields he plans to make filia to become a place that is self-sufficient through farming rather than only relying on hunting a wizard asks if he should grow crops at the current location while that is the main goal he asks if they are willing to go around the 12 villages to cultivate them and this question sends chills down their spine considering how much work that would be of course arrol is not an evil
Ruler all he wants them to do is to adjust the field to the right conditions and the villagers will take care of the rest he scribbles a plan and asks The Magicians if they can handle it from the looks of it they are sure they can handle the task to help with their job arrol mentions the fact that he brought over some magic tools and wants to test them out they place the magic artifacts around and then they create a barrier that will allow only sunlight to pass through with that the group has officially created
the Mana house not to be confused with a greenhouse so they went ahead to install the rest of those devices in the other villages to save the villagers from starvation after that was done arrol assigned two magicians as part of the magic tool research team and another three as security lastly there's Dia who is errol's personal magician her job is to guard him and to also carry out errands she's pretty much his magic erand girl since he's not in a position to use magic but for now he wants her to skill up by reading Magic
books she is way more than passionate about this as she wishes to support arrol in any way that she can Errol can tell that she is just as sincere as she was during the interview and wonders what's up with that shortly a book drops from Dia's cloak arrol picks it up and he recognizes it as one of his Night books that the knights couldn't understand he hands it over to DIA and wonders why she has such a book when she's a magician she received it from a person she knows but got attached to it because
she found Aura and Mana are similar in theory an idea erel also shared in his research this book has pretty much been a lifesaver for her and she mutters that she is willing to go even across continents to serve the adored author of the book arrol on the other hand feels she is going way too far with her dedication all he did was write some basic theories in it and doesn't recall it being so inspirational besides Dia enjoys the food around the palace which gives the actual reason she came along even with that arrol figures
that it's probably a good thing that she is so dedicated to him but he still hopes that making her his personal magician was the right choice in the library arrol learns about how magic works now that he understood the theory he tries to remember how Dia uses magic so he can try it out with that he is now able to channel Mana as a flash of light emerges from the library now AOL is on the way to becoming a Magic Pro with the magic training in progress arrol proceeds to pay attention to his other responsibilities
he arrives at the capital of arnesia and their destination is the Dwarven Forge while they stand in front of of the factory Asha considers wreaking havoc at the main base of the Annoying dwarves she plans to annihilate the entire building if they try anything funny but AEL tells her not to do that since they're mainly there for business she tried to object but she was officially banned from doing anything shortly the intense heat of the factory breaks the conversation just as they head inside arrol already wishes to escape with how hot the environment is Ben
introduces himself to the two of them including the fact he has been an apprentice of the bitter aen for 15 long years and volunteer appears to be their guide of course Errol and Asha pity poor Ben who has been working under Ain for so long on the other hand Ben mentions that he was meant to come out to welcome them but his master didn't tell him anything he finally leads them to the room where aen is while the other two sympathize with the struggle he's going through then there's aen who is pretty impatient with his
visitor's arrival arrol mentions how impatient he is he wasn't planning to arrive right after sending the letter to him so Ain serves his guest a cup of wine and wants to get right into the meat of why arrol came to visit it turns turns out arrol has a much different request this time around this time he asks for half of the dwarves to work as his personal Craftsman in filia without a second thought he rejects the proposal and points out that Orel sounds drunk already oral finishes his request by mentioning that he wants half of
the dwarves to establish a branch at filia he adds that he will even pay for all the expenses even with that Aken still refuses the offer or to even work in a place like filia besides money is pretty much the least of his concerns so instead of that arrol offers to hand them his personally developed technique called Damascus steel Akin's face lights up on hearing this and he figures that Damon must have given him information about this fact it turns out the dwarves came to arnesia in search of Damascus steel a rare metal that doesn't
exist in their Homeland and had the dream of being able to forge that metal now arrol reveals that he knows how to craft it and even promises other exclusive techniques if they agree to work under him this is enough to make aen serious and even arrol can tell by the dramatic shift in his tone with the proposal out there aen inquires what errol's conditions for the deal are he mentions that they will have to work under him for 10 years of course Aken refuses to agree with this before they finally agree at 5 years with
negotiations made aen is going to inform the other dwarves and asks for a month to get ready this makes arrol wonder how much Damascus steel means to them since it was the thing that led him to convince the dwarves with that out of the way arrol heads back with Asha after the negotiations arrol wishes to do what he does best slack off since he now has a a reason not to do anything one time skip later and we have cania she takes a look out the window and wonders if arrol has been seen outside his
room his guards haven't seen his whereabouts either but SAA mentions that he claimed to have travel fatigue and needs to rest even with that it is still unbelievable to Kia that he hasn't left his room in over a week she rushes over to his room to check on him when she busts open the door she finds my guy living his best life he welcomes cania and figures that she arrived to have dinner with him while she is stunned by what she is seeing ARL prompts diaa to arrange the scene for the both of them using
her magic she lifts arrel into the air puts on his clothes and then sets up a dining table for both arrol and cania while Errol is being fed by Magic cania is still shocked Errol wonders why she isn't eating but she is very certain that something is wrong with everything she is witnessing however arrol thinks it's all right she figures that errol's laziness is probably top-notch at this point then ARL tells his personal magician to take him to the bath and this is enough to make cania snap as she obliterates the area so cania and
errol's guards start an emergency intervention for AOL as a start they would like to ask him a question arrol wonders if it's serious since he is unaware of his crime so he asks Dia who doesn't seem to know what the problem is either AOL begins to think it's nothing that's much of a big deal before cania clarifies that he is getting too reliant on Magic Errol is a bit confused by what she means and thinks there's something wrong with Dia however how hardworking and diligent she is wasn't the problem here the main problem is arrol
who probably doesn't walk with his own legs anymore he mentions that he still walks to the bathroom but that obviously isn't enough even his guards tell him the same thing that using magic too much is bad he is only looking for a more convenient life and asks if DIA is fine with all the work she is and arrol still doesn't see the problem but the rest still see the problem as broad as daylight Canya informs Dia that she is only making the problem worse for arrol while it may seem all right in the palace it
definitely won't be okay in public arrol already knows that he won't get to that level or rather it becomes a good idea for him of course everyone is already against this before he mentions that he is joking as his older sister cania bans arel from using magic and this surprises him then Kia also bans DIA from putting up with errol's requests and this seems like her only form of life support has been cut off Dia believes that she is about to be fired but cania informs her that is not the case meanwhile arrol begins to
reflect on his actions he never thought that things would get to how they are now and he has finally realized how magic can turn a lazy slob into a more lazier slob Kya informs him that he will ruin his health if he continues but Dia reveals that she has been stimulating his muscles every time she moves him so he won get weak so easily still it is a problem and Canya suggests replacing Dia with another magician however Dia pleads that it shouldn't resort to that while she isn't sure of other things she is very confident
that she is much better than the other magicians so she refuses to step down from her role looking at the situation arrol figures that cania had hurt Dia's Pride as a magician Asha comes by to break things up and wonders why she wants to remain errol's personal magician even though the suggestion to switch roles has been pretty much Justified even arrol is curious too since there will be no difference in pay and would even work way less compared to dragging errol's lazy bum all over the place but then it hit AOL that he should be
the one who should make that decision but his opinion doesn't matter at this point so cania challenges DIA to convince her and she accepts this since she doesn't have much of a choice at this point seeing as his opinion has been rejected Errol wants to know the kind of tests cania has in store she starts off with a document test that was definitely not just made up in 5 seconds before she mentioned it and Dia completes is easily using her magic ARL has already been giving Dia his workload plus magic pretty much involves calculations so
she was already prepared for the moment next is the cooking test where Dia will have took cook all manner of stuff to errol's taste but once again she is able to do this thanks to her previous experience back at the magic Tower she prepares all the food and it is perfect for arrel it's almost scary to him about how good she is while while cania tries to bring up some more totally not made up at the spot tests arrol speaks with his guards and asks why they are all doing this he already knows that cania
wouldn't go after dia for no reason plus they would have tried to intervene but they aren't doing anything so he knows they have another reason for doing all of this from there it turns out that cania is suspicious of Dia there was an incident a few days ago where the magic security system was partly destroyed by an unknown individual while they don't believe Dia is the culprit Asha presents a letter from the Intruder to arol he reads it and finds that whoever it is wants Dia back at the magic Tower it turns out they had
also shown the same letter to DIA but she was speechless or rather unbothered by it Asha and SAA believe that her reaction was rather strange and figures that there is a reason why she is so loyal to ARL a normal person would have given up with him after around 3 days arrol has already looked into her heart and found that she doesn't have any bad intentions but there's no way he can convince cania and the guards about that to be honest cania has Loki disliked magicians after the black magician incident he can understand that could
be why cania is acting like that towards Dia but he asks Asha and SAA to hold back their judgment while he deals with the issue concerning Dia he asks the two of them to calm cania down with that settled he heads on his way to talk with Dia and find out the truth ARL goes to Dia's room to apologize for all the issues that came up earlier in the day he notes how her room looks pretty bare probably because he hasn't lived in the room for a long time DIA understands the situation that played out
and believes that anyone serving AEL should be thoroughly reviewed but let's be real here aol's standards aren't that high Orel explains that cania has always had a thing against magicians and was against him having a personal one but Dia is already familiar that this is because of the incident with the black magician it even became a pretty famous story back at the magic Tower it turns out that the incident also made Aristocrats distrust them and this cut their earnings so they were ordered to kill any Black magicians if any were found ARL tells Dia not
to worry about Kia's behavior however she insists insists that his intervention is not necessary she still holds a grudge from the earlier encounter and wants to prove her skills as a magician to cania now arrol wants to know why she insists so much on being his personal magician even though they have never met each other arrol can't understand why she is so obsessed with him from there she explains about her past Dia was taken in by the magic Tower as a poor child after a disease killed everyone in her Village her family included on hearing
this arrol figures that they must have taken her in since they recognized her potential in Mana since Tai only taken orphans once they recognize Talent even with that Dia wasn't good at Magic so she was demoted to chore girl this confuses arel as he wonders how the Gap and skill got bridged it turns out Dia was a first class magician two years ago and has somehow managed to jump up to a fourth class magician now she couldn't control her Mana through the magic Towers teaching method until she came across errol's Flagship book the one about
knights from there you can pretty much guess what happened the method in the book was just right for her and she ended up reaching the fourth class within 2 years while that is hard to believe arrol realizes that his theory seems to sit right with Dia and believes that she is a genius who can improve only by reading so who knew if it weren't for AEL she could have remained as a chore girl in the tower for the rest of time or something with that this is the reason why Dia refers to ARL as her
savior however he lets her know that it's from all the work she has put in but she will still call him what she wants to call him she's apparently stubborn after that Dia left the magic Tower and her master former master was was very angry with this however she didn't care since she improved no thanks to him but she really hates the fact that he went around telling everyone that she reached the fourth class because of him after that she went on a journey to find where her savior lived and even went to the other
side of the continent just to search for him it was then she found that filia was hiring magicians which allowed her to find arrol and consider him as her true Master after this story ARL suggests that she could have told the same story to Kenia but she doesn't want to share that embarrassing story with anyone else and also want to be respected for her skills so AOL promises not to tell anyone and heads out of her room wishing her good luck in the night arrol is in his bedroom he speaks with Fon who seems to
be aware of Dia even he admits that she had undergone an unfortunate fate and her master wasn't a very good one he also adds that she developed her skills alone and risked the penalty of leaving the tower it turns out there is a contract made to protect the secrets of the magic Tower and once it is broken the offender loses half of their magic circles and goes back to being a low tier magician finally arrol learns how strict the magic Tower can be so he thanks him and turns off his device he places it aside
and thinks about all the risks Dia took just so she can meet with him so he decides to step in to see how he can help the next day Kya and Dia face off with each other errel had to tag along but he never expected cania to be so serious about this she challenges DIA to a duel and looking at the Two fighters Errol already knows that this is a pretty unfair battle he tries to stop them but Dia insists since the only way can will accept her is through a battle cania on the other
hand doesn't get why she is so loyal to AOL so she wants to find out on her own terms arrol sees that the situation is going out of hand and wonders why his two guards aren't stopping them but what does he want them to do even they can't stop it so arel wonders what he can do until he notices something in the bushes nearby the battle is about to start with all the aura and Mana flying around DIA begins to float she gets ready to cast a spell but arrol notices that she isn't using an
attack spell she uses her spell to expose an intruder while cania tosses her sword sheath at them then the thing explodes after Gathering some Aura in it and turning it into a grenade after that Canya and Dia approach the Intruder and find out that it's Dia's master from the magic tower now they found the mysterious Intruder who has been around errol's Palace he claims to not be anyone suspicious so he presents his identification papers he reveals that he came to bring DIA to the magic Tower and is angry about the situation she has just put
him in however she doesn't have any plans of returning with him all he did was just assigned her to do some odd chores and starved her when he got the chance even with that he still demands that she has to return since The Grandmaster has been disturbing him Non-Stop about it arrol jumps in and figures that he's actually being pressured to raise another Apprentice that is as good as Dia and that is going pretty well so far just as arrol points out the man's lack of skill and incompetence he grabs Dia by her hand and
drags her away he mentions that he is going to file a complaint about errol's insolence and adds that Dia will be punished for leaving the tower without permission fortunately arrol breaks his grip and mentions the fact that Dia signed a contract to be his personal magician plus he also got permission from the magic Tower the man tries to tell him about the rules but arrol lets the loud person know that he made an official request and the magic tower has permitted DIA to remain as his personal magician now that everything has been resolved it's now
time for him to leave however he refuses to leave without a fight especially with how hard it is to get to the current location he throws a few magic balls to the ground and creates several Golems he is determined to bring Dia back so he orders his minions to attack he believes that if he brings Dia back and trains her the magic Tower will probably defend him so he can't afford to lose the man has probably picked a wrong fight so arrol tells everyone to fight back cania goes to do what she was born for
along with the other guards seeing that he would be bold enough to attack arrol thought he would be at least a class seven Mage but he was only at a disappointing class five the man attempts to use one of his Golems to take a rail as a hostage but that's obviously a bad idea de fries the Golem to a crisp with a lightning bolt spell and uses a wind spell on the remaining minions and The Wizard arrol figures that it's time to finish everything but before that can happen the wizard uses an emergency escape teleportation
scroll to run away Asha insists on chasing him but arel tells her not to worry and mentions that he will file a complaint with the magic Tower Dia apologizes for the situation her personal issue has caused but it's not a problem and arrol mentions that she is officially cleared from suspicion she wonders what he means by that so arrol explains that he already knew about her master's presence she wanted to see if she would confront him which would prove her loyalty to him she did exactly that defeated her master and surely no one will have
any other complaints about her meanwhile at a different location Dia's Master is breathing heavily after a narrow Escape he still has his mind bent on bringing her back to the magic Tower his monologue is cut short when a mysterious figure on a tree approaches him of course he wants to know who the person is but instead the figure roasts him with a fire spell it turns out this mystery person and his AOL who wanted to use the guy as magic practice for the Spells he learned he figures that killing him was better than letting him
receive some official punishment either way he still can't let him live for Dia's sake after that he decides to head back before anyone notices that he is missing moving on arrol is working as usual and Dia assists him by handing him a book he catches the book and tells her that she doesn't need to assist him with magic anymore even though he permitted her after that suspicion incident arrol stopped relying so much on Dia probably because Kia warned her about supporting his laziness she asks if arrol is still fine with her being his personal magician
the incident wasn't her fault so he is still fine with it with that said she commends how merciful arrol is and decides to reflect on her actions like worrying over something like that of course her level of loyalty still makes Orel very uncomfortable he also asks what would happen if he let her down however she still considers him her savior no matter what with that response arrol now has a magician who is incredibly loyal to him and is fascinated by all the people you can meet in life life it's a brand new day it's peaceful
birds are chirping flowers are blooming and arrel is enjoying every moment of it until he causes all forms of chaos with his magic in the name of practice and there goes the piece I was talking about a moment ago arrol has become a Class 6 magician already all in one month by the way all the chaos he caused was at the edge of his territory and is the perfect place for doing any secret activities since no one comes there but one thing that would have made things better for errol's practice is monsters but it's honest
l a good thing they aren't there with all that out of the way arrol finally Figures it's the perfect time to make his move arrol recalls the time he first saw queen ellia as a baby and even from that time she already hated him from the way she stared at him he planned to overlook it but she kept targeting him using politics and was even hostile to him in front of his mother so using his magic he levitates over to Queen elia's domain since he is fed up with her Antics he finds an alarm barrier
surrounding the building which allows certain Mana wavelengths to pass through but arrol passes through it because he's just that good luckily the guards aren't aware of his breaking in he looks at elia's parents home and mentions how it is larger than his but too bad because he creates a massive Fireball and is ready to wreck the entire thing the fireball explodes and fire begins to rain down on the area meanwhile the residents of the building noticed this all confused and stuff trying to evacuate the building to safety but they are unaware that this is all
arrels doing since he is using an invisibility and sound muting spell to hide himself a bit overpowered if you ask ask me but moving on arrol sees the vassel of the Duke Family of fres so he decides to make life a little hard for him by implanting a special curse in him that will give him flu like symptoms or probably covid and that will preent him from taking action after the invasion arrol is planning to take back a few souvenirs with him since it took some effort to get there he approaches a door crushes the
lock to the door and reveals what's inside looking in arrol has literally struck gold since it's the treasury he plans to take everything with him through teleportation and leave a little note as a collectible much later some of the residents escaped the building but they find a letter and already know that it's from the culprit when they take a look at it they find errol's handwork but they do not know who left the message after the act the first person to receive the news was ellia all the life drained from her after she found out
what happened and she drops to the floor luckily there were no casualties after the incident only a few minor injuries even with that the question remains about who would do such an act the king also learns about this and orders that the culprit should be found looking at the attack It is believed to be caused by a Class 6 magician or a group of magicians or could even be Black magicians like the incident with Kenia someone interrupts the meeting to inform that the Nobles of the FR family are all ill after the fire incident later
Elia finds out that the source of her family's Pride the enormous wealth they had has all been stolen she orders her maid to find out who committed such a crime at all costs but also remains careful since she can also be the next Target as well back at filia Asha learns about the situation ation she reports that the FR family's status has fallen plus no one can help them because they are all afraid that they'll be targets of the next terrorist attack she discusses everything that happened with Kenia but still they won't come to ruin
since they are a greater Noble family but they still received a heavy blow then there's the main culprit who agrees that they should be careful since a terrorist attack will not be nice he then volunteers to send a donation to the fres family probably out of the stolen treasure as a sign of support to them at filia the Mana house is working perfectly and crops are beginning to grow even with a place like filia no one expected to gather anything plus the Harvest is twice as big compared to before this is all thanks to The
Magicians who have been pulling all nighters to make sure the tools are just right now arrol takes a look at the Mana house and how peaceful everything is at the moment with house fres out of the picture and the territory stable he wishes it would remain this peaceful now in the past around 50 years ago three countries came to power after a great war and they became known as the three great Nations but among the three was the kingdom of demal which was weaker than the kingdom of eresia and the mirman Empire but it managed
to gain its position by taking advantage of the war speaking of the kingdom of Dem manal they are going through a bit of trouble the king he in Lugia ltina discovers the documents containing evidence about the products being smuggled from the kingdom of eresia and he is definitely not chill about it he is worried about the future of the Kingdom but his right-hand man elisen tries to calm him down with the way things are going the economic crisis of the Kingdom will be too great to overcome in the next 5 years and obviously that is
not a good thing previously the difference in wealth between the three great Nations wasn't so bad but that all changed when a certain child came in and casually caused an economic imbalance concerning his paper the mirman Empire even tried filing a complaint concerning the paper production but that didn't work because he was producing it in a different method leaving them with no other way to bridge the gap elen suggest using Force but they are up against the arnesia which is pretty much like the Fire Nation of the world however he mentions that they will have
to join forces rather than challenge them on their own so with that the kingdom of demal sent Messengers to three different nations to request an alliance they meet up in some secret Shady meeting room in Dem Manel and elisen welcomes the participants the representatives who showed up are from the mirman Empire and the chapen duy and they both have scars for some reason but anyway it turns out the other place with the name I won't bother with saying again is a small territory but with a high military reputation then there's the holy Empire who didn't
even bother to show up but they probably want to watch eresia burn just as much as them so they will not snitch on the meeting of course the meeting begins and they discuss the fact that they have to stop arnesia because of the shift in economic power since arnesia is a pretty strong Kingdom they will need the alliance so they can put up a proper fight elen figures that they will not be able to develop any products if they are pressured with war but he shifts his attention to the youngest Prince which is arel and
how he has been developing various products plus all his Ren achievements so they figure that if they leave him he will probably continue to do several things which will lead arnesia to be unstoppable so the main objetives are to either deal some significant damage to the kingdom or kill AOL the two Representatives agree with the plan and have even wanted to go to war from the very start and now things have gotten moving between them back at arnesia the king learns about the meeting between the three nations and is sure that something is going on
so he decides to make preparations since the oncoming war will be much worse than the previous one and orders that each territory should be notified about it arrol gets this notice back at filia and begins to wonder if he went too far even when he restrained himself Dia asks if anything has happened since he usually enjoys his strolls he mentions that he has to meet with cania since something Troublesome has happened and they will have to be fully prepared so in summary eresia makes money demal doesn't like it so demal starts Alliance they don't like
each other but want to defeat eresia end of meeting with how everything played out they are probably treating AEL like some kind of a villain Canya learned of the upcoming War and the alliance between the mirman Empire and the other two kingdoms it was understandable if it was between the mirman Empire since they aren't on good terms but doesn't understand the case with the other two kingdoms since she thought eresia was chill with them so she suggests a classic cania move to attack them first for once AOL agrees with this idea but it would be
difficult to find any evidence since the meeting happened in secret after all there's no way they would leave any evidence after the Super obvious secret meeting and they are pretty much lucky to find out about it a ARL already knew that it would come to the war but he never expected it to come around so soon from all the past lives he's been in he thinks about how humans always have to resort to war and finds the reason for the current War to be ridiculous of course he believes that war isn't the answer to every
problem Kenya brings him out of his thoughts since nothing has been confirmed yet he then suggests that cania should return to the Royal Palace it turns out the king sent him a letter to express his concern and stop her from going into battle but AOL could head to the front line for all he cared AOL mentioned that this is a viable option since her status as a princess could benefit her more than her status as a knight but cania refuses to head back without a thought AOL tries to warn her that she could end up
on the battlefield if things end up wrong but she is more than okay with that besides she pledged to keep her younger brother safe and doesn't want to flee to safety just because she is a princess she believes that being royalty is more of a reason not to run away seeing her resolve even arrol has noted how his beloved sister has grown up and decides to let the king know about her decision since it's pretty much impossible to stop cania in the recreation room of arl's Castle SAA discusses the upcoming war with Asha and Dia
it turns out SAA has been to war twice but is sure that the current one will be much more serious than those ones she suggests that Asha should visit her hometown to see her brothers since he started studying at the Academy while that sounds like a good idea Asha decides to stay back since anything can happen at any time she also adds the fact that SAA has been pushing back her holidays to stay as well seeing that they can't go anywhere they just decide to have all all the fun they can have while they still
can at errol's quarters he makes plans for the war he believes that it could happen within a year even with his experience from several reincarnations he isn't sure about how the war will turn out he also plans to intervene if it comes to the worst case scenario but that would mean him abandoning his peaceful life which is his main priority to survive the war he decides to do a military buildup to prevent the opponents from breaking in Errol rushes over to meet aen who would have almost scored an early head shot with his hammer on
arrol he mentions that the facilities in the location are pretty good but the other blacksmiths are pretty hopeless to him they worked for 2 days without sleep and they all collapsed Aken is upset about this but of course normal people would die after working like that but anyway aen has received the documents to make Damascus steel and is shocked that it could be made with such materials however the process will not be easy since he has to be precise about it to the main point arel asks for some weapons to be made and aen agrees
to it when he asks how many he would need arrol goes over to whisper which makes even Ain to be shocked then he makes a getaway since aen is out to hunt him now it turns out arrol wanted him to make 20,000 pieces of armor and he is definitely not chill with that on the other hand arrol figures that he better watch his back if he keeps doing this next he goes to meet Ian the slave dealer who has now dripped out from all the cash he's been receiving he welcomes the top customer as always
and they head straight to business since it's an urgent meeting this time Ian will be receiving the order of a lifetime and he's even contacted every possible Merchant before the meeting arrol raises his hand and requests for 50,000 slaves which is 10 times the last order and you can expect that even Ian never expected this amount Ian couldn't believe it he finds himself repeating the enormous number just to see if our Prince is kidding or not but our boy responds by asking him if they were too much that's when the slave trader sees that the
prince is truly standing on business here he tells him that the truth is that there's been an increase in Nobles looking for slaves and they've been asking for about 2,000 to 3,000 people saying they all intend to use them as troops but 50,000 people what in the world is he doing with 50,000 people he asks him if he intends to use all of them for the same purpose the prince tells him not at all as like before that number includes the slaves and their family members but he tells the slave boy that his speculation isn't
too far off the mark the slave trader dude starts smiling hard at this cash cow opportunity for sure hoping to be more dripped out after that and our boy obviously sees that he said to himself that it makes sense since it's not hard for a merchant to notice the signs of approaching War he'll definitely ask for more than the market price for the next clients our boy tells him that he expects him to keep this to himself and the slave trader agrees telling him that confidentiality is a basic part of business he asks our Prince
if he would like him to send the slaves to his territory the prince asks how long it would take to gather 50,000 people and the slave trader dude responds saying around 5 days how the hell does he even have that amount of slaves in the first place the prince tells him that he'd come for them them himself in 5 days and Ian asks him if he's really sure he wants to do that as it might be cumbersome the prince tells him that it's fine and quickly makes his way out of there standing behind the closed
doors he says to himself that he has a mountain of preparations to do when he gets back home and his lazy ass doesn't want to do any of that he figures he'll use this as an excuse to be lazy for the next 5 days his perfectly Justified life of sweet idleness awaits later on arel meets cania she's surprised at the news that they can't go back home for the next 5 days she asks him if he's sure that's all right as everyone is busy our Prince cheekily calls her an innocent child and tells her that
lazing around when you're busy is much more sweeter than lazing around when you're free but Kia insists they should ask to see if they could just head home our boy asks her if she wants to look around the capital she paused for a bit and lands in a flashback because of her position as Princess and the attack from the dark sect cania had to spend most of her days inside of the Royal Palace she'd be super serious about the outside world and definitely wouldn't be able to resist this offer so she concedes and asks the
prince of their going sightseeing arrol tells her yes and he already delegated all the important tasks to others so they can afford to stay here for a while and besides she doesn't even have anything to do when she gets back she'd be the unemployed princess she agrees and tells him that it's just this once and errol's mission of convincing cania is a success as they walk around the hustle and the bustle cania exclaims that their territory's Village is really small compared to this Metropolis arrol tells her that it's because they live in a rural area
area he reminds her to hold his hand so they don't get lost they try out some delicious snacks while cania tries out delicious snacks they check out the fountain and cania sees that it's smaller than the one they've got then Kia spots something and shows our ice cream prints some items that he had made a long time ago she remembers seeing them before and arel freaks out at the sight of the banner he's super embarrassed at it and that's when he realizes that that's one of their own shops so he stylishly pushes cania so they
can go see some other less embarrassing stuff the prin princess goes in anyway and realizes that they sell swords here the seller welcomes them and offers them a sword that he claims is just for them the seller goes sword leure mode and tells Kia about the smelters of some swords he offers her a 10% discount but our Prince quickly Cuts him off saying that it's absolutely hopeless he understands he wants to make money but shouldn't sell counterfeit products the seller tries to deny claiming that their swords were approved by the dwarves but arrol just asks
her to infuse it with a bit of her chakra she does this and now the sword made by the dwarves is now Dwarven just by a little bit of Aura the seller tries to deny it but the prince threatens to take him to the forge to check but the seller apologizes immediately for the price of forgiveness arrol takes a dagger for cheap and after they leave arrol tells the princess that the dagger is a true Dwarven made dagger and he gives it to her as a gift Canya is really happy with the gift and this
makes it boy very contented fast forward a few days later the slaves March up with the prince and princess Canya tells him that this might be too excessive but arel tells her to imagine command in 20,000 people at once she admits that would feel good the gates open and everyone is thrilled to see the prince until they aren't they're terrified by the amount of people he had gathered they tell him that they're too many and ask him questions like how they're going to feed them all and if they should have waited a little before increasing
their forces as they don't have enough evidence of War yet the prince responds by telling them that it's not doubt that a war would happen he asks them to trust him as he's never been wrong before they listen to him and he asks for their help with something they're going to turn those slaves into elite soldiers who would guard the region of filia they'll first select the promising ones among them and prioritize their training then they'll become commanders of each unit and train the rest of the troops he wants them to direct the whole operation
with a basic training guide he'll give them and he's leaving it to ashao and Sheena they're going to get real busy from now on because they're going for the leaders of the three territories Alliance and he'd make them pay for making him work e for