this man is Cuda buck in the 1930s he rose to fame for an extraordinary ability seeing perfectly even reading without using his physical eyes during the 1930s and 1940s he performed theatrical shows worldwide claiming that his ability to see without eyes was due to his skill in yoga after Decades of intense practice in 1945 he amazed the public by riding a bicycle through Broadway and Time Square in New York with his head fully bandaged navigating the city's dense traffic recently Netflix produced a short film based on Cuda Buck's life titled the wonderful story of Henry
sugar the film is an adaptation of R dal's literary work in the story Cuda Buck is represented by the character imdad Khan who explains how he gained his extraordinary abilities such as seeing with his eyes covered thanks to the teachings of a yogi the mind is scattered it deals with thousands of things at once things you're seeing around you things you're hearing and smelling things you're thinking about things you're trying not to think about you must learn to focus your mind in such a way that you can visualize at will a single object and nothing
else if you work hard at this you might be able to focus your conscious mind on a single object of your choice for approximately 3 and a half minutes this will take you about 20 years of diligent and continuous effort every day so spoke the great and wise Yogi imdad an cab buck in reality began practicing the power of directed attention he would meditate in front of a candle focusing on the darkest part of the flame when his mind became fully immersed in contemplation he would close his eyes and focus his attention on the mental
image of his deceased brother after months of practice he managed to hold that image for over 3 minutes it was then that he began to experience something surpr surprising he could see with his eyes closed what is interesting about this film is that it highlights the power of the mind and more specifically the power of concentrated attention in the next few minutes we'll dive into the mind's mysterious power to shape reality from ancient shamanic rituals to Modern quantum physics will uncover how everything around us is energy and control in it lies in a hidden skill
focused attention we'll explore how ancient texts like the yoga sutras and Carlos castaneda's concept of intent reveal the secret to altering reality and how the Law of Attraction and the law of assumption are tied to these same principles at the end of the video I will share powerful habits and a meditation inspired by imdad Khan to help you harness this energy and create your reality Mind Over Matter thousands of years ago people already spoke of the extraordinary abilities humans could develop as described in The Yoga sutras of patanjali an ancient text considered one of the
cornerstones of yoga in these sutras it is mentioned that by perfecting concentration and directing attention precisely and consistently the mind acquire Powers known as acidus or Supernatural Powers petangel introduces a process called samyama which consists of three stages concentration darana meditation Diana and deep absorption samadi this focused approach allows the yogi to influence the physical and energetic reality directly through this practice it is explained that by focusing on different objects or states it is possible to develop abilities that surpass what is usually understood as possible in the physical world while these powers are not the
ultimate goal of yoga they arise as a result of mastering control over the mind and energy some of the best known cids include the ability to access past lives Clairvoyance knowledge of others thoughts invisibility levitation and control over the elements this is precisely what shamans achieved when they entered a trance and concentrated their energy to invoke Mother Earth asking for reain or other favors for their people in the same way they use this power to heal the sick or locate missing [Music] people the intent Anthropologist and author Carlos Castaneda in his writings on the shamanic
knowledge of Yaki Sorcerers refer refer to this supernatural act as the intent in castan's work the intent refers to an energy or volitional force that shamans use to direct their power and Consciousness toward a specific purpose for Sorcerers the intent is an immeasurable and Indescribable Force present in everything that exists in the universe it is the power upon which the universe relies it is the force that gives Focus to everything it makes the world happen this Force manifests in each of us as intention desire will it is the omnipresent force that makes us perceive everything
that exists in the cosmos is linked to that Force by a connection Bond the great Collective failure is living our lives without considering that connection we do not become conscious because we perceive but we perceive as a result of the pressure and intrusion of the intent in this same vein we find more modern practices like remote viewing used in military research projects such as the Stargate project this ability consists of accessing information about distant places or events without using physical senses remote viewing like manic practices and petangel teachings is based on the mind's ability to
transcend space-time limits focusing attention in an extraordinary way these are just some exceptional examples of what human beings can achieve when they focus their attention and energy in a prolonged and determined manner it is not necessary to become a yogi or Shaman or dedicate years to meditation to access this power in our daily lives we may not need to develop these extraordinary abilities which as petangel says are not the ultimate goal of yoga however we can use this power to stay healthy and manifest our desires as we will see later but how do these wonders
happen and can we use this energy to our advantage everything is energy we live in a universe made up of energy everything around us from what we consider solid to the most ethereal is at its core energy vibrating at different frequencies quantum physics has shown that the world is not as solid as it seems on a subatomic level everything that exists is energy in the form of probabilities this field known as the quantum field contains an infinite number of potentials and the real ity we experience seems to depend on which of these potentials we collapse
with our attention what is fascinating about this concept is that reality is not fixed or predetermined but rather a dynamic field of possibilities as we direct our attention to a particular potential we influence the probability that this possibility will become our physical experience in other words the act of observing and focusing our energy on something has the power to modify the very nature of the reality we perceive it is as if the human Mind by focusing on something specific helps choose which probabilities materialize this phenomenon parallels quantum entanglement a fundamental Concept in quantum physics that
reveals one of the most surprising and mysterious characteristics of the universe quantum entanglement occurs when two particles become entangled in such a way that their states are correlated so what happens to one particle instantly affects the other regardless of the distance between them this phenomenon challenges our traditional understanding of physics as it suggests that on a fundamental level particles in the universe are not separate but are intrinsically connected although this connection occurs on a microscopic scale it gives us a powerful indication that on a Quantum level the entire universe is interconnected and the boundaries between
things between objects and people are much more blurred than they appear at first glance quantum entanglement not only highlights the fundamental interconnection of all particles but also reinforces the idea that everything that happens is related and that in some way everything influences everything else when you focus your attention on something you are not only directing your mind toward that object or idea but you are also channeling your energy toward that specific potential giving it more strength and increasing the likelihood of it manifesting in your reality this is the power of concentrated attention although we cannot
claim that simply focusing on something will collapse any possibility from the quantum field what we can say is that through the power of directed attention and the alignment of our vibration we significantly influence the probabilities that our intentions will materialize Law of Attraction this interaction between human consciousness and the quantum field is precisely what empowers the Law of Attraction the ability to attract what we desire depends not only on thinking about it but also on feeling and vibrating ating at the right frequency which causes the universe to respond aligning the circumstances opportunities and resources we
need the Law of Attraction posits that what we think and feel attracts into our lives what we are vibrationally aligned with in other words our personal vibration which results from our thoughts emotions and beliefs acts like a magnet drawing circumstances people and opportunities that resonate with that same frequency this law is based on the idea that the Universe responds to the energy we emit a principle that can be understood in terms of quantum physics when we emit a certain frequency we are influencing the quantum field and directing our attention to a specific potential that by
the act of our observation and focus increases its probability of manifesting into reality as we align ourselves with a positive vibration our desires and goals become more tangible because the universe begins to respond to this energy that is coherent with what we want to attract however one of the challenges many people face is that despite thinking positively or visualizing what they want the manifestation of those desires is not immediate this happens because in many cases our conscious thoughts conflict with deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs that limit our ability to attract this is where the law of
assumption a concept developed by Neville Godard comes into play the law of assumption holds that to attract what we desire we must act as if we have already obtained it assume it is ours and feel that it is already a reality by adopting this attitude we are not only aligning our vibration but also also creating a reality in our mind that will eventually reflect in the physical world the simple Act of assuming and feeling that you have achieved it creates a powerful vibration that just like in the Law of Attraction attracts the circumstances that match
that assumed reality the connection between these two laws can also be understood as a process of vibrational alignment and Conscious Creation The Law of Attraction invites you to be aware of the energy you emit while the law of assumption teaches you to live in that energy as if it were already yours it's like activating an internal frequency that projects outward in a continuous flow between what we believe what we feel and what we experience therefore when we apply both laws together we are not only attracting what we desire but also convincing our elves that it
is already our reality which accelerates the manifestation process reality Is Not What It Seems this idea that our mind and Consciousness influence external reality also resonates with modern theories such as biocentrism proposed by Dr Robert Lanza according to Lanza Consciousness is the key to understanding the nature of the universe He suggests that it is not the universe that creates Consciousness but rather that Consciousness shapes and gives life to the universe these ideas also resonate with the holographic universe theory which proposes that what we perceive as reality could be a projection of information stored on another
plane or Dimension similar to how a three-dimensional image is generated from a two-dimensional projection in a hologram according to this Theory what we experience as reality is only a fraction of a vast and complex web of information and our Consciousness plays a fundamental role in how we interpret and navigate that hologram the power of attention in order for a hologram to be projected a concentrated beam of light such as a laser is required this is what allows the latent image to be revealed and given a three-dimensional shape similarly our attention functions like that concentrated beam
of light when we focus our attention precisely and steadily on a particular aspect of reality we are Illuminating that possibility within the quantum hologram giving it form and projection in our perceptible world just as a laser projects the Hologram with Clarity and detail our concentrated attention is what activates Ates and materializes certain probabilities among all possible ones by consciously directing our mental energy we are projecting our personal reality accessing different versions of the quantum hologram the more focused our attention the more defined and tangible the experience we collapse from the quantum field becomes the key
to controlling energy as we've mentioned energy is present everywhere everything in this perceptible world is composed and surrounded by that fundamental energy ancient civilizations had different names to describe it in Japan it was called Ki in China chi in India Prana and the ancient Greeks referred to it as ether these are different ways of referring to the same substance that that omnipresent life force which in its most primordial State precedes matter this subtle energy is what we can learn to control direct and interact with using techniques and practices that have been developed over Millennia in
disciplines such as yoga chiung chiong and Tai Chi the existence of energy centers in the body called chakras is recognized these centers act as energetic vortices that regulate the flow of energy at physical mental and spiritual levels each chakra is linked to different aspects of our life and well-being from basic security in the root chakra to spiritual connection in the crown chakra through meditation conscious breathing and concentration on these energetic points we can increase and redirect vital energy throughout the body balancing the chakras and allowing energy to flow freely as we can see the key
to this entire process lies in directed attention whether to activate the chakras or to perform healings with our hands it is the ability to focus our mind that unlocks the flow of energy when energy flows abundantly and balanced through our chakras we experience a state of Greater Vitality well-being and mental clarity this energy flow not only provides us with physical Vitality but also with a higher creative power when we learn to consciously Channel this energy we can use it to manifest our desires and Achieve our goals in fact many spiritual Traditions maintain that our capacity
for creation expands as energy flows freely through our body and mind you can easily verify this by doing some breathing s Cycles try inhaling deeply filling your abdomen and lungs and then exhale effortlessly do 30 fast and deep breaths letting the air naturally Escape before filling yourself again after the last exhale hold your breath as long as possible without inhaling when you need to breathe take a deep inhalation and then breathe normally this technique is known as whm Hof breathing famous for his life philosophy and for pushing his body to the Limit through breathing exercises
and cold water immersion if you do two or three cycles of this breathing it's highly likely that new ideas will suddenly pop into your mind creativity increases as Prana or energy circulates through your body quickly and effectively try it it's surprising prevent your energy from being drained however just as there are practices and habits that enhance our ability to channel this energy there are also factors that prevent us from using it effectively draining our reserves for example physical habits such as poor diet lack of sleep or a sedentary lifestyle can block the flow of energy
and cause imbalances additionally negative mental and emotional habits such as chronic stress obsessive thoughts or persistent negative emotions act as blockers of energy preventing it from circulating properly we live in an era where our attention is constantly being diverted especially when we spend large amounts of time on social media watching One video after another without any clear purpose or intention this overexposure to wrap and fleeting stimuli like reals or stories has a direct effect on our minds our capacity for sustained attention is weakened every time we switch from one video to another without reflecting or
deeply focusing on anything we are training our brain to seek immediate gratification and avoid any prolonged effort of concentration this constant bombardment of information is not designed by chance behind these platforms and their structure lies a much deeper and hidden purpose to weaken our ability to focus attention why because when our attention is scattered and fragile our ability to deliberately create our reality is also compromised focused attention is the means by which we direct our energy toward the potentials we want to manifest when our attention is fragmented we lose power over the reality we are
creating allowing external forces to shape our life experience instead of focusing our attention on our desires aspirations and personal growth we fall into cycles of distraction and negativity making it easier for others to implant their own agendas and shape Global reality as they see fit increase your energy when we prevent our energy from being drained by negative thoughts and emotions we have more energy available to create the reality we desire instead of losing hours consuming negative news or distracting ourselves with purposeless content or actions we can redirect our attention to project the life we want
the more we focus on this Vision the more that reality will manifest in our present by using the law of attraction and the law of assumption we project our mind toward that desired life feeling it as part of our present which allows us to align with it and make it increasingly real in our experience of course our actions must align with our thoughts it is crucial to act consistently making decisions and taking actions that reinforce the vision of the life we want to manifest the coherence between what we think feel and do is is essential
to effectively materialize our reality to keep our energy intact and the body prepared to channel it it is necessary to adopt habits that continuously strengthen both body and mind not just during meditation manifestation practice and to conclude I leave you with a practice inspired by one that imdad Khan performed in the movie about Cuda Box's life sit comfortably in front of a candle making sure the flame is about 40 cm away and at eye level observe the flame attentively you will notice that it usually has three visible Parts a brighter yellow area on the outer
part a blue core at the base and a darker Center focus on the central part of the flame allowing your gaze to fix on it until only that exists in your mind until you merge with what you are observing if you don't have a candle or prefer another object you can use anything that helps you concentrate such as a figure or a plant as you maintain your concentration thoughts may appear or your gaze may try to shift away from the object when this happens simply redirect all your attention to what you are observing ignoring everything
else little by little your mind will relax and focus completely on the flame or the chosen object when you reach a state of calm and mental concentration close your eyes and visualize yourself in the situation you wish to achieve it can be a specific goal a quality you want to develop or any other desire you have imagine that you are already there feel the emotions you would experience hear what people around you would say visualize every detail of the scene the most important thing is to focus on the emotion and the feeling of having already
fulfilled your desire take some time to recreate the scene in your mind and when you feel ready slowly come out of the visualization trying to maintain that feeling for as long as possible throughout the day return to that feeling every time you remember like someone becoming aware of something they deeply value and appreciate in their life before starting with the candle concentration you can do three cycles of whmh half breathing as I previously described to you this will allow you to do a mental and physical reset better preparing you to start the meditation and visualization
this concludes today's video created with my best intention and attention I hope this information has been useful and enriching for you thank you so much for watching Until the End see you soon