you know I firmly believe that purpose is the you know the point of life really to be on your purpose is to evolve is to grind and I believe that being on your purpose is one of the highest ways that you can appreciate the man above that you can appreciate the universal Prime Creator God right being on your purpose means that you are doing what you are meant to do on this Earth and if you don't have a purpose right now if you feel like you're aimless one of the purposes that we all share is
to evolve each and every day and get 1% better in all areas of our life mentally spiritually physically right so that means going to the gym reading books okay and building a connection with the man above like these things matter taking care of your mental health going on walks that's all part of the collective purpose that's part of your purpose as well that's what we should be working on every day right and when you're on your purpose life just becomes significantly greater it becomes significantly better first off because your life has meaning there's a lot
of people they moving aimless they don't really have meaning in their life you know they don't really know what they're doing they don't know why they're doing it they don't know what they're doing it for but when you have purpose you understand that you're doing it for a bigger reason and life just becomes better for you you start to see things align in your life that you never thought was possible you start to have intuition you know that's how God speaks to you you know when you feel like something's wrong like you just shouldn't be
doing something that intuition kicks in because you're supposed to be doing something else with your life when you have purpose you know what's for you and what's not for you you when you have purpose you know how to lock in and get everything that you want out of life you know that you got to put the work in you know that you got to earn it you know that your energy has to match the energy that you want to attract you see what I'm saying the energy you're putting on into this world it has to
match the life that you want that's why when they tell you you want to be successful or you want to be you know a CEO or a businessman whatever you want to be you have to picture yourself being that CEO you have to picture yourself having that life you see what I'm saying I had to picture my life with a camera walking around with a camera 24/7 I had to I had to picture that I had to picture having this Sony bag around you see what I'm saying I had to picture that right and then
it became a reality for me right and it it wasn't a pipe dream no more it became my real life you have to Envision it and then you will create the actionable steps in your life in order to make it a reality you see what I'm saying so it's very important to be on your purpose because it clears all the Clutter simple like that when you on your purpose it C clears all the Clutter it clears all the distractions and trust me there's a lot of distractions especially when you're supposed to be focused and locked
in in this life when you have goals and dreams distractions are going to come to you left and right so your purpose your why has to be stronger than just uh you know it's a new day let me just do something n it's like it's a new day I have to do something you have to turn that want into a need oh I want to go to the gym no it's I need to go to the gym cuz I have to get 1% better cuz that's my purpose if not it's like what am I here
for it's part of evolving it's part of getting 1% better it's part of taking that step it's part of taking that step you see what I'm saying it's the grit it's the determination it's the hard times that you're going to go through but when you have purpose you can make it through you can make it through that determination is going to carry you through you're only determined cuz you have a purpose you you can only make it through because you have a purpose you have a reason and I also believe that purpose gives you life
you see what I'm saying fulfilling your purpose to wake up and have something to do each and every day that can make Humanity better that gives you more life that gives you more life force I'll give you an example I had a teacher in high school great teacher let's call him Mr W Mr W very older man takes care of himself though very good man he uh he retired and guess what he wanted to come back because teaching was his purpose so he came back to teach you see what I'm saying and my belief nobody
should retire right we got to stop pushing LeBron to retire basketball retire retire retire if he can still play play you see what I'm saying because that's what he that's what he's meant to do it's never no point to stop it's always evolving it's always getting better I think Tom Brady retired and he came back Tom Brady retired and he came back and he still w at the highest level cuz this is what we do purpose and your purpose may not be a sport but just like life life is a sport and you're you're the
athlete of Life see what I'm saying you're the athlete of life and every day you got to you got to ball out you got to find ways to ball out you got to find ways to get better you got to find ways to improve you got to find ways to grind and that's how you shine in this world that's how you make it through the darkness but you got to understand that you need purpose and a lot of people man they they they neglect having a purpose they neglect having that they don't see the importance
of that right it's so important to be on your purpose it's so important to lock in you got to lock in cuz what are we doing when you lock in you get all the best things out of life when you on your purpose you get the feeling of fulfillment you know some people who are millionaires they reached all these levels of success their definition of success cuz success is subjective and they still don't feel like they've accomplished anything in life because they don't feel fulfilled they touch Millions but they don't feel fulfilled I don't want
y'all to ever feel like that cuz I'm speaking to Future millionaires right now I'm speaking to people who's going to accomplish their goals and dreams I'm speaking to y'all right now I don't never want you to get everything you ever wanted in life but you don't feel fulfilled that's the importance of purpose when you have a purpose purpose it doesn't matter if you make a million or you make 10K or you make 1K if you have the feeling of fulfillment come on man then you're going to be happy for the life that you have people
who don't have the feeling of fulfillment they're never happy with the life that they have it's hard for them to practice gratitude when you on your purpose you're grateful you're grateful for the life that you have I'm grateful for the life that I have I don't need nothing more right now I'm locked in I'm on my purpose I want to help as many people as I possibly can I wake up with that on my mind every single day every single day and I know everything else will be taken care of as long as my heart
is in the right place and I have the right intentions you see what I'm saying that's what it's all about that's what this life is all about and we really have to be locked in it's that season of locking in you know it's that season of locking in and I really want y'all to lock in I want y'all to be the best version of yourself and I want you to understand that it's important for you to really have a purpose and when you say you on your purpose don't just say you on your purpose be
on your purpose do what your purpose requires of you to do and it's going to require you to do the work that you don't want to do it's going to require you to wake up when you don't feel like waking up it's going to require you to work over time it's going to require you to lock in to be driven but once you're driven on your purpose then you actually get to understand what life is all about and that's why we're called Purpose Driven over here right that's that's why that's why it's called Purpose Driven
you're driven on your purpose your purpose makes life easier in all areas I don't care what nobody say for a lot of people they don't love their life cuz they don't have no purpose they don't have no reason for waking up bro you got to have a reason for coming back on this tough earth bro I'm sorry you got to have a reason for coming back on this planet bro every night you sleep bro you come back on the planet when you wake up and it's like man we back here again it's hard it's not
easy we got to pay taxes and we got to we got to do real life stuff you know what I'm saying bro but you have to understand you know once you have a why for why you here and why you doing the work that you doing you know life just become significantly better and things start to flow in a direction for you to accomplish your purpose you see what I'm saying when you have a purpose things will open up doors will open up in order for you to accomplish that purpose as long as it helps
the betterment of your family your loved ones yourself and Humanity as long as your heart is in the right place you're going to see doors open up that you never seen open up before you're going to see opportunities open up that you never seen open up before and that's because you on your purpose that's because you locked in that's because you're driven and you have to be driven in order to make the purpose of reality you see what what I'm saying in order to reap the the benefits of what you're doing for yourself and for
the generation that comes after you you have to be driven there's people depending on you that you don't even know there's people coming after you that you don't even know there's people coming after you that you don't even know you don't understand the impact that you can make right now just by doing the things that you need to do if you want to be a content creator cuz I know there's people who have that in their heart watching me right now they want to create content or you're already creating content listen all you have to
be is yourself please just be yourself that's what it's about being yourself my career my life work my my entrepreneurship all I'm doing is I'm being myself and I'm speaking to people and that's my job that's what I do people ask me what do I do hey what do you do for life I'm just me and myself I'm just me you know I'm just myself that's what it's all about so again whatever your purpose is do it with authenticity do it with originality do it with self-belief lock in and understand that doors are going to
open for you to accomplish that purpose you see what I'm saying and when doors open for you it's a brand new Journey that you get to take in order to make it come true and that's what life is all about it's a beautiful thing but people who don't have a purpose they don't get to experience that they wake up every day and they do the same thing they don't know why they're doing it you know what I'm saying man my mama woke up every day man every morning and she went to work why for me
for my brother she had a reason she had a reason her reason was bigger than herself it was man I got to keep these lights on I got to pay the bills every month I love my mama always found a way and God always provided she always provided too you see what I'm saying hey man like that's what it's about it has to be bigger than you you have to do it for a bigger reason I'm not just waking up working every day for myself I do it for the people I do it for Humanity
I do it for you watching right now and I do it so I could take care of my m one day and Grant her the gift of Freedom hey Mama go travel hey Mama go do this hey mama here go your dream card every day it's adding up every day we're working every day we're locking in I don't have time to party I don't have time to do that I don't have time to hang around with people who don't want to lock in I don't have time to hang around with people who not Purpose Driven
I don't got time for that bro if y'all want to see what I'm doing go follow me on Instagram you go look at my stories you see what I'm doing follow me on social media right y'all see what I do every day y'all going to see gym work grind see what I'm saying we locked in you know you want to be around like-minded people join the Discord The Purpose Driven Discord link below everything is about locking in though everything is about being Purpose Driven everything is about having purpose because that's how you glorify God that's
how you help the world get better that's how you leave a legacy how you going to leave a legacy and you ain't Purpose Driven how you going to leave a legacy and on your purpose how you going to leave a legacy and you not on your grind how you going to leave a legacy but you not shining how you going to leave a legacy but you not out in the field actually putting in the work there's people they they either in the game of life really putting in the work and then there's people on the
sidelines watching oh look what he's doing oh he's doing good things wow oh my gosh I can't believe it it's like bro come in join y'all love what I'm doing on YouTube man y' I love it I love it I think some of y'all ready to speak some of y'all ready to have you have a story of your own start your own channel let's go don't just point on look man I love his channel I love what he's doing no no he wants to empower you to do it too let's spread the message together you
feel what I'm saying you could do anything you put your mind to you got to understand that you got to have the faith you got to believe in yourself and you got to understand that over time everything going to work out so even if you don't have all the answers right now I promise you everything's going to add up like I said doors are going to open for you opportunities are going to open for you you know and you'll never see it if you don't try I never knew what was possible but I kept knocking
I kept trying and because I kept trying then I was able to see what's possible and people they quit you know they start something and then they stop I know a lot of people like that they start and then they stop but the truth is you got to start and keep going and keep going and keep going and keep going and and then you know you got to keep going you know until until you have to keep keep stepping keep walking keep going and then better things will will happen for you better times will come
into your life life will get better for you but you have to want a better life for yourself you have to want a better life for yourself you have to want to be on your purpose you have to want to be on your grind you have to want to lock in you have to want to be the best version of yourself you have to want to make yourself proud make your family proud make God proud you have to have a deeper why for why you're waking up early every single day cuz if you don't have
a why then you're not going to do it you know how the human mind is you know how our brain works it loves to keep us comfortable it loves to keep us in the same spot it doesn't understand Evolution and it doesn't understand growth it only understands safety and staying in the same spot no this life is all about risk that's what I noticed bro and you're not going to win every risk but you have to be willing to take risks in order to win you have to be willing to take risks in order to
make it to the next level you have to be willing to take risks in order to wake up and go ahead and fulfill your purpose some of our purposes are Big Dreams some of y'all supposed to be artists singers rappers you know entertainers but do it The Godly way do it the right way do it the purp driven way you know that's a huge deal that's a big dream some of y'all supposed to be on YouTube like I said be YouTubers entertainers entrepreneurs help Humanity these are not easy things to do but it's possible you
just got to keep stepping keep being original and keep being yourself don't try to be like nobody else you have to understand that the superpower that you have is is in your own identity you see what I'm saying so being Purpose Driven Man it's like it makes life so much better man I can't even describe it to you I wake up every day and I know exactly what I need to be doing because I'm Purpose Driven I wake up every day and I know exactly what I need to eliminate because I'm Purpose Driven I wake
up every day and I know exactly what I need to be you know focused on because I'm Purpose Driven my focus is 100% clear Purpose Driven clears the Clutter being Purpose Driven clears the Clutter being Purpose Driven clears the the Clutter and there's a lot of people with a lot of clutter that needs to be clear but they'll never clear that clutter cuz they don't have purpose so they really don't know what what they need to be doing with their life once you know what you need to be doing with your life it's over you're
only you're only going to win it only goes up from here it only gets better you only start to see you know newer and newer better and better levels you see what I'm saying so if you're not purpose-driven already I pray and I hope that this video will help you become purpose-driven I hope that you understand how important it is to be the best version of yourself and I hope that you understand that it's a privilege it's a privilege to be alive don't waste life ask ask yourself man why are we here talk to yourself
talk to God you know you got to have a conversation with god you got to ask God okay why are we here man why I got to wake up every single day to be the best version of myself you got to you got to ask that you can't just be mindless you can't just do things cuz it's oh I think I'm supposed to do this or I think I'm supposed to do that no you have to do it because you know deep Downy this is what I'm supposed to be doing you know what I'm [Music]
saying it's easy to get distracted but it's so hard it's much harder to get distracted when you locked in it's much harder to get distracted when you Purpose Driven it's it's easy to get distracted no matter what but like The Purpose Driven people we don't get distracted for too long we have to get back up and we have to get back on our purpose it's like our anchor it's it's a anchor you know the ship is trying to go away it's easy to move cuz there's a wave but the ship always comes back to the
same spot in the dock in the shipping dock because it's attached to an anchor and our purpose is that anchor and people who don't have an anchor people who don't have a purpose they flow anywhere and they could still live a beautiful mysterious amazing life but it was lacking purpose it was floating purposeless just in the sea just floating around there's nothing wrong with that if that's the life that you want right but life is easier life is better when you know where you're going when you know where you're going cuz you have that anchor
it's like man we going to be here we going to be locked in this is what I want out of life you see what I'm saying and that that changes everything that changes everything so let's stay determined let's stay focused let's stay disciplined and um we got to want this as bad as we want to breathe we got to want the life that we truly want for ourselves as bad as we want to breathe shout out to ET The Hip Hop Preacher shout out to Eric Thomas we have to want this as bad as we
want to breathe we have to want this as bad as we want to breathe y'all think I'm playing oh I'm Purpose Driven I'm on my purpose and then you waking up at 1: p.m. hello wake up hello there's no way there's no way you know better than that we got to do better than that I love y'all I appreciate y'all life is better on this side of to peace