3 TRUE Disturbing Walking Home Alone Horror Stories

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In today's episode, we will share a few true walking home alone horror stories. A female spent abou...
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good evening ladies and gentlemen in today's episode we will share a few true walking home alone horror stories but before starting the video please consider giving us a like also if you have any personal experiences while walking home alone or any other scary or creepy experiences you would like to share then feel free to contact [Music] us I'm a 23-year-old female and I spent most of my life in Canada around 20 years when I first moved there from the US it was to go to college but one particular evening stands out in my memory I was walking back on the college campus the nights were really dark especially when the sky was all cloudy there was a lot of snow in the days before making everything kind of sad the truth is I spent most of my time just listening to my phone I would use regular headphones with a cord and plugg them in I had my own list of songs that I played again and again every time I came back from college I walked to the place where I stayed it was a student House close to the campus our landlord wasn't great the kind who didn't bother fixing a bunch of broken things inside our rooms making our living conditions not so great I was taking a walk back and it must have been no later than around 4:30 I stayed in the library for some extra studying I wanted to review a lot because I had tests coming up and I really didn't want to fail my whole life was kind of dependent on this plan I moved to Canada left my friends and family and now the last thing I wanted was to fail these tests most nights I would stay late with my friend Kate but on this one night she wasn't there I can't recall the reason but she had some other commitment that kept her away I packed my things because the library on campus was [Music] closing the only light comes from street lights and there's a little bit of snow on the ground from a few days ago I take my phone out of my pocket play my favorite songs and put in my earphones then I walk back to my college I've done this walk many times before I didn't have to think much and I'm really good at not paying attention to what's around me so most of the time I didn't even have to look up I just had to cross two main roads I'd stop at the sign and that's all I pressed a button and I'd take one earphone out waiting for the beep sometimes I was so lazy that i' just stare and wait until the light turned green I was halfway home and now all I needed to do was cross the big road after that there were a couple of smaller roads that just led to neighborhoods this is where the houses for students began almost every house in that area was for students some people lived on campus and it was covered as part of well I guess you could call it a debt I chose not to go for that option because I didn't want to have more student loans I was paying my expenses by working pretty much every weekend so it was hard but it meant I wouldn't owe as much money when I finished my studies when I reached the main road I pressed the button and waited to cross the light turned green and just as expected I looked left then right and walked across the icy slippery Road I think the trucks had been out spreading Grit to make the roads less slippery from the side of my eye I saw a van coming really slow as I neared the second Road I noticed it but at first I didn't think too much about it I can't remember what I thought then but it was probably something like oh maybe they're lost when I say a white van even though I couldn't be sure if it was really white more like grayish it totally looked like a van worker's used even though I tried to ignore it some red flags were popping up in my mind I put everything back in my pockets including the headphone cord the van still hadn't gone past me and now I could see there was a man inside also there was someone sitting in the passenger seat but I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman or who it might be both of them were looking at me and it didn't seem like they were lost you know that look people have when they're lost they glance around point at things act like they're checking directions all the usual things people do when they're lost well these people weren't doing any of that they weren't using a GPS not messing with their phones and definitely not checking a map just at the right moment as I'm about to cross the first of the two smaller streets the van comes almost right up to me just as I'm about to step out I stood there watching them the driver now in the middle of the road rolled down both windows and yelled something at me I can't remember what he said but it was something like hey can you help I walk over and right away I noticed this guy is Italian or something his English was not great and he sat in the van with another guy who looked about the same age both had dark hair dark beards and a tan complexion they looked like your usual Italian Guys sure they were good-looking but they gave off the weirdest feeling I'd had in a long time then they asked me for directions to a place I'd never heard of I didn't want to get too close to their van so I only halfway crossed the road and stood in the middle of the other lane now I've lived there for years by now and I know the areas I live in pretty well yes I may not always pay attention to my surroundings but that doesn't mean I haven't traveled explored or can't drive these Italian Guys mentioned a place that didn't make sense and it certainly didn't sound familiar to me I thought for a couple of seconds but I knew my answer was sorry no idea still I pretended to think about it I pointed ahead and tried to ask where is it they had no clue they kept looking at me in a really creepy way up and down I move in front of their van and step up onto the sidewalk I start walking towards home now I only have one more Street to cross I can hear the van idling behind me the engine still running I'm just listening for any doors to open or shut as I walk towards this road I see to my right that the van has now reached the end of this road from the first Road in the neighborhood you can drive straight up to the end and then turn around at the top you can choose to either come back down the same way and leave the area or go further into it by taking the second Road in the driver of the van had clearly taken the second Road in and once again had now met me halfway down but at this point they weren't beside me they were quite far away a good distance I took advantage of that and walked faster almost running across the last Road I almost slipped but I was too scared to walk slowly my heart was pounding and I could feel my body starting to go numb not from the cold but from the fear and anxiety that these guys probably weren't looking for a place they might be up to something else at the very end of it was a narrow path to turn left which leads to the house the student house I was staying in and renting faced the second road but at the very end of it just after the Narrow Path there's no more way to go cars can only turn around and make a U-turn sure enough the van starts going faster I can hear it behind me as the engine gets louder the guy must have been driving fast down the second Road almost without thinking I stepped aside turned towards them and took a few steps closer to the edge of the sidewalk to put more space between me and them as I turned around it was the same guy this time on the wrong side of the road he called out to me saying if I needed a ride or not I never heard someone talk so much nonsense in such a notb believable way it's like if a dangerous person came up to you started causing harm and then claimed they care about you this guy was talking nonsense and I could easily tell he was lying I said no I'm fine thanks for offering though the guy called out saying it's really cold out here so you might get frostbite yeah there was something about the way he said it that made me feel really uneasy when I finally got home I told my housemates what happened they couldn't really believe me and thought I was making it all up I lived with five other housemates and two of them thought I was just being too worried my other three housemates who happened to be the three girls took it very seriously they told me it would be better to use Uber or Lyft to go back and forth from college now instead of staying late I decided to prepare a bed and go about my life as time passed I thought about it less TV shows social media texting and studying replaced those thoughts in my mind well I got a few hours of sleep maybe 3 or 4 and I'm woken up by a noise outside my bedroom window is on the second floor and it overlooks the front of the house I know that doesn't make much sense but there's a part of the house underneath the second floor well the noise sounded like car doors closing I peaked out since it was around 1:30 in the morning there was never any noise like this before usually it's only on Friday nights or weekends with the students I couldn't resist looking when I pulled one of the blinds aside I saw the same van and the same two guys they were in the van looking right up at my window I felt back almost landing on my bed right away I reached for my phone and called 911 almost like a reflex my body was on autopilot and I quickly went to my door and locked it after dialing 911 I waited a few seconds while the phone connected then with my hand shaking I explained to the person on the line exactly what had happened I told them I was being followed and there were two men outside my house the police came within a couple of minutes the guys in the van just stayed sitting there after all this the police talked to them before coming to talk to me it took maybe 3 or 4 minutes and they were standing at the edge of the van's window just talking after that I unlocked my bedroom door when I saw one of the officers coming to the front door of the house I went downstairs and got to the front door unlocking it so he wouldn't have to ring or knock and wake everyone up this is one of the scariest and most helpless moments of my life and yet I somehow chose to deal with it alone I guess calling 911 was the best thing I wanted the officer to come in so those guys couldn't see me he agreed and we closed the door behind him then he explained to me that the two guys lived in that house they showed their idea D followed all the rules and answered all the questions it turns out it was their first day and they were moving in they weren't students they were actually adults but they were renting the same house with students this made me feel very uncomfortable and for weeks if not months I took taxis and Ubers directly from my house front door but there was just something about at all that didn't feel right some might say it was all in my head a harmless situation that I tried to make dangerous but to me it all felt very [Music] real last week I went for a walk with my boyfriend normally it's just the two of us spending time together but since it's friend was already there he decided to join us it wasn't a problem for me but it meant that whatever activity we chose we all had to agree on it at first we were all in my boyfriend's house just sitting around in his room we were in our late teens and had taken a break from school so we didn't have much to do it was around 2:00 a. m. when his friend suggested that we should go for a walk in the park it was a nice evening but really late I thought I'd take a walk and then go to sleep both of them agreed instead of driving we walked to the park when we reached the entrance it was quiet while we were walking around we suddenly heard someone screaming from the other side of the park we were a bit confused about what was happening but my boyfriend wanted to check it out I guess they say there's safety in numbers but we were only three people and I didn't feel very confident because you know I'm just a 5'2 female at this time we were walking really slowly trying to hear those screams it seemed like a woman or maybe even a young boy yelling for help as we got closer to the opposite side of the park which was pretty big I should say the screams came and went maybe every 2 or 3 minutes but it didn't last more than than 10 or 20 seconds and then they would stop this made us really worried and confused by now we had reached the other side of the park we were really confused about where the screams were coming from and at this point I wanted to get out of there but I couldn't go by myself it was safer to stick with them even if it seemed like they were pulling me into a risky and dumb situation after after about 10 minutes of looking around and waiting for the screams to happen every 1 to 2 minutes we found out that the screams were coming from an apartment building on the left side of where we were standing we were unsure about what to do so my boyfriend decided to call 911 finally the police came maybe 15 minutes later it was pretty late and we had no idea what was going on I remember my boyfriend talking on the phone trying to explain what we were doing it sounded kind of weird but we couldn't just ignore the situation and leave just as we finished talking to them around 5 minutes later the scream happened again for another 10 to 20 seconds this time we were right next to it the only problem was there were maybe around 150 to 200 rooms in that apartment building so the police had the tough job of figuring out which apartment The Scream were coming from and by now it must have been 3:00 a.
m. but the strange part was that only a few lights were on in the apartment so the police thought it might be a good idea to check or knock on those doors first the issue was you couldn't really tell which apartment had the lights on from the inside so they decided to wait and listen for the screams and follow the sound another weird thing I noticed was that we were the ones who called the police nobody else in the apartments called them and I'm pretty sure those apartments weren't empty people were living there after about 5 or 10 more minutes the screams come back this time we thought we were maybe two floors away if something bad happens to me you know it's because of these guys pulling me into these risky situations anyway the police ended up opening the door when they knocked and it was was just open all the screams were coming from a young kid who was playing Call of Duty in his room his window was left open but he didn't have any lights on which made it really hard to find him turns out everyone else in that apartment was used to the screams and had complained to the local Council or government but nothing was done about it it was strange because the police mentioned that this kid was young so I think he was younger than 15 or 14 he was still up at 3:00 a. m.
and somehow his parents were just sleeping through it like it was [Music] nothing this happened in the north of England when one evening I was walking home after the gym I was 18 years old and I knew my way well as I had walked from the gym many many times before I started going there since I was 15 but at that age you join a special program for kids and you can't use the regular gym stuff they give you things like skipping ropes boxing machines and Rowing it's more about doing exercises good for your heart like cardio they don't let you use heavy weights at that age to avoid hurting yourself since I was 15 I would walk or ride my bike home alone it wasn't too far maybe about 15 minutes when walking when I cycled I could do it in under 5 minutes if I went fast I'd time myself and make it part of my cardio training on the way back but when I was 18 I got a new job and that changed my gym schedule in the winter it got dark around 4: to 5:30 p. m.
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