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share your stream with your audience I'm going to I'm going to should I sit here until yeah maybe so let's see who is online Brooklyn speech ni of you great thank you thank you very much background oh I meant to I meant to change shirts put that shirt on okay what you've got um I got some time you can't hear can they no [Music] sound sound but there's nobody here you he [Music] hello yep I just we talked to Jamar twice uh and by the way we got two letters back from Lawnside uh both to
the young man and to the historical Association yeah yeah so I I'll bring him home so you can see them okay that's what I thought I know you had money in there so I said yeah yeah I'm not sure what address they they they they gave yeah yeah yeah so so yeah so I'm in the I'm in the library and uh waiting for I guess in NE next uh five or six three minute four minutes from the library because the books the back the this the background where the books is better yeah so uh and
n is going to introduce me so if you get a chance you know you can go to live stream and um you know how to do it all right M much love byebye for for e e e e e e e you're live greetings greetings everybody um I'm very proud and honored to be here my name is Dr nard and I'm the author of African mothers bearers of culture makers of social change so it's just so fitting the topic area that uh Dr sansy will be speaking about um welcome to the malefi K Santi Institute
lecture series uh today um Dr malefi Katy Asanti will be speaking on the black madonas of Europe which is entitled the cultural borrowings of African Originals without acknowledgement so um thanks for tuning in to live screen stream and here is Dr Santi himself thank you thank you very much Dr Dove I'm very happy to be here and I want to uh welcome all of you again uh to the malef K Asanti Institute and uh want you to know that uh this uh topic this particular topic is one of uh great interest uh to me uh
I um I have sort of subtitled it the worship of the black woman uh a European secret now I say a European secret now because it's not always been a secret about 20 years ago I used to run something called the international Shake an joke uh conference in Philadelphia and I did that from 1988 to 2008 uh I had met shik an in 1980 some of you uh this was six years before his death some of you probably know uh of this great man who I always have said was the greatest African intellectual of the
20th century uh he uh he he was very inspirational and the conference that we had and it is still going on on today uh with other leadership but the conference brought many scholars from around the world they came from South America from Europe from Africa uh even from Asia uh they came to the shant j conference and many of course from North America among the people who came uh was a woman who had got her PhD at uh the University of California in Berkeley and she came several times her name was Lucia Chola beerbom and
she had written in 1993 the book Black madonas uh that had been published by Northeastern University press uh luciia spent several years speaking and writing about the black madonas of Europe and uh she would always button hole me and try to uh get me to be more interested in this conversation because this was uh in her um uh Journey uh a the one of the most powerful uh top topics that you can talk about in terms of what has happened in the modern world uh she wrote uh in 2002 a book called Dark mothers African
origins and godmothers and uh this uh cultural historian uh said that the oldest veneration we know of of a dark mother of Central and South Africa uh was taken actually by African migrants about 50,000 years ago to the caves of all continent she she has she has really um uh documented and and and found that uh the the the the the historic nature of the black madas uh is really found in all parts of the world now this was an inspiration for me but another inspiration uh for me was the person who just introduced me
Dr nadav because Dr nadav uh is the author of African mothers um bearers of culture and makers of social change but in not only that but she is a historic theorist on the whole question of African womanism and her uh influence on me has been significant because what she has done has to help to reorient our thinking about how race uh becomes a dominant construct in the modern era and and I think that I will try to show how that has happened with the black madas now uh like George GM James you may have heard
of that name uh if you haven't heard of that name it's almost like shik an J you some people have heard the name but don't know his work but shik Anto J wrote civilization or barbarism and he wrote The African origin of civilization but George GM James the Gyan Professor who taught at the University of Arkansas in Pine Bluff in the 1950s wrote a book that uh really is uh was a dominant uh uh meme for for uh many of us who were growing up in the 60s and 70s his book was called stolen Legacy
and what he articulated after having read Herodotus and his book on the histories he articulated that uh that that Europe in many ways uh had and particularly starting with the Greeks had embraced African philosophy but had not uh uh uh attributed that philosophy to Afric AFC that in in effect he says there was no Greek philosophy there was only stolen African philosophy and so he studied the ancient Egyptian philosophical traditions and he showed how that those Traditions were at the base of almost all of the work that we have contri that we have said have
attributed uh to to to the early Greek uh uh philosophers I had not found time until recently to get into uh this whole question of the black madonas or the black virsion of Europe but with the book that was written by Dr Dove and myself called being human being uh transforming the race discourse one of the things that became clear is that uh many times we had gone down the wrong path in trying to deal with the whole question of white racial Supremacy uh that race itself as it was constructed was one of the ways
to actually pulled the uh Veil over the faces of the world so that people would not realize that the African origin of humanity is not only real and authentic but it is perhaps the most pervasive fact in the history of the world that all uh people who living on the Earth today uh seven8 million 8 billion people all have uh African uh DNA this is the history of the world so part of what uh has happened with the rise of the so-called uh race doctrine of Europe was a disregard for and a distortion of not
only uh African life in a contemporary sense but also of the dark past uh of the rest of the world now uh we we have seen this with the Arab denial of African Humanity uh during the invasion of Africa from the 7th Century uh to the 10th century and afterwards and we we still see it today so so today though I want to discuss the black virgins and European churches mainly the Roman Catholic churches because uh I'm interested in uh where we find them their symbolism and why their relationship to classical African symbols and why
is it that somehow uh this is not a common knowledge in the world when it is uh so uh uh uh uh so uh prevalent in European uh churches particularly in churches of the older the churches are the more you discover and find that there are these images of black virgins or images of black madonas uh one one is surprised uh looking when you look at this subject how common the image of black mothers and uh and has been in in the Christian church uh in the Roman Catholic tradition uh even uh a if you
go to Italy France Australia Germany Poland Switzerland Sicily Spain portug England you will find churches in small towns throughout Europe large cities too that have had black virgins or black madonas now two actions have been taken in the last two centuries that we need to be aware of one is the removal of these statues that's one the second one is the uh attempt to paint them white and and I I need to add a third uh action that has been taken and that third action uh has been basically uh to try to uh uh beat
down this attitude of reverence for the sacredness of the black mother among European people white people throughout the world by saying that uh Africa is uh is is inferior so so basically it's a protection of this notion of white racial Supremacy is to to deny that they are African virgins or that there are African madas in these Roman Catholic Church just write out Deni oh no no no there can't be it's not possible how could this be and even if there are then you try to then say that uh you can't accept them you can't
believe in them because after all uh these statutes of these black mothers is really of people who are inferior yet the masses of people who have honored these statutes the masses of them have seen or or have believed that there were certain kinds of uh Miracles that happened with them they have seen the power that these images have given to them and so when you ask the question question why Christians tried to hide the fact of their Blackness you have to go back to understand that the origin of the black mother and child in European
mythology goes further back than Europe itself in uh 1945 Emil Salin uh published a book that was translated as our black virgins and in it what he what he did was to go throughout France and he found scores of black statues in churches and uh now it's not true that all the statues in these Roman Catholic churches are black that's not true I'm not saying that but it's significant enough of them are black to suggest that there is a history to them and this history is even deeper than the history of those that are not
black and that is something that I will point out as we talk today artists who created them didn't create them out of thin air they didn't come out of a certain uh uh you know they just say okay we just gonna create these black images and the and the congregation is white and we're gonna create these black virgins these black madas no they they didn't do it that way that this not how it came about uh Ian beg who has written about this suggests that Europeans have tried to minimize this phenomena and I I agree
with him I guarantee you that many of you have not been aware of this phenomenon yet in the 12th century if you go back to the 12th century there there were there were biblical Scholars such as St Bernard and others uh who recorded these black virgins uh and and they they they wrote list of them and I'll give you let me let me just I can't go through the whole list but I let me just tell you that in that they're found everywhere Europe has been if you go to the French uh when the French
settled Algeria they have um in in algers uh there's a church called The Church of the enunciation uh where they have a a black statue of the lady of Africa uh if you go to Austria uh you can find the great lady of Austria mariazel the most sacred place in Central Europe for pilgrimage if people go to go pilgrimage they go to Maria's hell this is the most sacred place what is that what is there a black virgin if you go to Belgium a black statue said to what people have saidwell you know that statue
has just been blackened by time it's so interesting that this is an interesting argument that people use they say it's been blackened by time but what they mean is that uh okay it's old and maybe it just got dark but in most of the cases when people have looked at them uh uh it the clothes that they're wearing don't get black the the the dress that they have is not blacker what what they're saying is that they try they're trying to explain why are these statues black and I will tell you in a minute why
they're black but but this is the problem if you go to league in uh Belgium you at Chevron you see the Our Lady of the hillside is black you go to Brussels if you're in Brussels right now go to the church of St Catherine's you see a black stat St uh if you go if you go to arva in in in Belgium you see the dark Lady Of Heaven shown with a curlyhair Jesus if if you all over uh Belgium you see this you you see um uh you you go to uh Walt namur where
the Virgin is on the altar that that Legend says was once occupied by a pagan goddess who is this Pagan goddess and even if you go to South America you will find uh in Bolivia the the lady of uh tiaka a dark virgin of the lake Ina even inor fisherman who said they were saved by a stor from a storm by the black virgin that the black ver these are the native people are are are revering this black virgin in in Rio in in uh in sou Paulo in Brazil Our Lady of conception the most
sacred image Associated often with Yaman and osun who are both African uh divinities uh if you go to Prague uh there are four different churches with black virgins uh all over you you can find I'm saying to you that in England downside Abbey in Somerset often referred to as the black Madonna there fearing and essc has one also the Mayfield in Sussex has two black virgins in a girls Public School in exen provance in in uh in in France uh St Bonaventure is said to have brought a black virgin from Italy in 1274 and how
did that black virgin get to Italy of course uh uh Luchia uh beer bomb has discussed that in terms of the whole relationship with Sicily and Sicily's relationship with Africa and an an uh in France a crypt of the Church of the Trinity you can see of course uh uh the black virgin uh in France also at Theo a black uh large black virgin without child looking down on the Saints uh in shart Our Lady of shart uh and in Leon the black virgin of Leon all of these I mean I you can go on
marsel or Leon in Paris uh Paris whose name is actually from par Isis we'll get to that in a minute at St gerand de pre on the site of the Ancient Temple to OAC there is a black virgin in in Athens in Greece the very black virgin uh that came down in the in the bantine museum uh from the time of the uh Greek Orthodox church so so all of I mean you go to the Greeks and you see the same thing salonica Basilica in 4708 the Greek church and the the real model many people
believe for many of the Black madonas come from the salonica Basilica in 470 ad this Greek Church where had the black Madonna the the mother and the child in Dublin Ireland in the carite church Our Lady of Dublin is a large black virgin you see and uh and with a black then there's the black Madonna who's highly venerated in Dublin uh you can go to Rome uh Maria Nova the new new Mary stood on the site of the Temple of Venus uh in Siana uh the black lady uh based on the Libyan Cil in Amsterdam
in Kaka and Lisbon and Romania Spain Russia and Moscow uh Madrid all these places I'm telling you this now I I gave you that list because it's important for you to understand and know that this is uh what is going on in terms of just the extent and yet with all of the extent of these uh different uh examples of the statues and statuettes of the black mother you don't hear any acknowledgment because people are sometime people are scared um and sometime people just don't want to tell the truth and uh but if you look
at the examples of of this you will find that during the 15 16 17 18 and 19th century what happened with the rise of uh this notion of the doctrine of race and the doctrine of white racial Supremacy was the question of how do you suppress the African origin of these symbols that are uh consecrated and are sacred to Europe how do you suppress them how do you keep the masses from worshiping these black images what do you do and one example that they did really in Austria in 1798 uh when the lady of isalon
who's a black statute was evacuated uh in Austria uh by the time she was returned in 1803 they had to the consternation of the of the Believers in the church they they had painted her white so so so so what's happening in the in the 18th and 19th century what's happening is that what people are trying to do is to say wait a minute we have enslaved African people we have we we have colonized Africa the continent and we we don't see Africans after the hegelian philosophical Revolution as being uh equal to uh Europeans so
so now what we've got to do is to we have to condemn every instance where we see the rise of the idea of African madas black madas or black virgins in these churches and and and and sometimes uh it's interesting what uh uh Lucia and Ian beg and and uh lonard moss and others who have interviewed uh priests about these things have heard they say well sometime they say well the wood was black or sometime they say well the smoke uh in the calite turn them black uh and then sometimes they say there's no explanation
it's only that the artists decided that they should be black well there there are uh it's interesting to me that when you go throughout the world where you have the Catholic Church the Roman Catholic Church whether it's in the Philippines whether it's in Mexico there images of these black madas these and the black virgins and uh and sometime people said well they are related to actually the Queen of Sheba and or or are they're related to St Maurice who was black and and are they related to St Anne or St Katherine's of Alexandria or Sarah
the Egyptian who is Black well the whatever you say I'm going to uh claim to you that this origin goes back further than that and uh some some um uh church leaders Roman Catholic church leaders said well the Virgin lived in a hot climate and that's why she was black other say the creators of the statues were black so that's what made them black well actually uh I'm going to say to you that uh they were black because the earliest mothers in the history of the human race were black that that's the reason they're black
uh if you know and it's very strange because because in Ethiopia for example H and I I was in Ethiopia in 2019 and it's very fascinating because in Ethiopia uh there are certain churches in Ethiopia where the Virgin or the Madonna is generally lighter complexion than the black madonas of Europe so now you gotta you you you got to ask the question what's going on here and what I think is going going on is that this race question is this race Paradigm has influence not only Europe but Africa itself and that's why you have that
and it's a big problem and it shouldn't be a problem because it's very clear to me that uh uh many of the the statues that were taken or that were refurbished uh that some of them have been in existence for a thousand years and some of them longer than that but white racial Consciousness especially with the rise of Nazism meant that these statutes were anti- Europe and and and and not only anti-europe that it meant at least for some Africans that uh if uh if white people were considered Superior in the race Paradigm then their
gods or their images should also be white Joan of Ark was raised to a level of the altars and she had a a special attraction uh to the black madonas of her day and and she revered the black madonas of her day this is very fascinating to me because we have a golden uh John dark uh in Philadelphia and and to read and study that she revered the black madonas we we we don't have I I don't I don't I I haven't seen a statue in Philadelphia of a of a black Madonna in in the
public but but but but we have Joan of Art in the public you see so and Jon of AR revered the black madas even though she was not a favorite daughter of the church at the time that she was living but no one has questioned her attachment to the black virgins and the black madonas so from the middle uh European Middle Ages to the revolution a black virgin reigned always uh in the area where Joan dear was was born now uh in 1096 in 1096 when uh uh Peter The Hermit led the first um uh
crusade to Europe uh it seemed after that time uh the uh black madonas uh really uh proliferated in in and it's partly because many people believe that the uh Crusaders brought back to Europe many of these images that they had discovered in North Africa and in Southwest Asia the real story and this is the story I want to tell you the real story is that we know that the first Madonna that we can think of was Isis are allet and her son hu and this is in classical African historical terms and some people call her
after the Greeks Isis and Horus but for those of us who study African history we call it her oet oet and heru and and look at this the name of Egypt was also so kimat Egypt was the Greek name for the African country of kimat and and that's why I'm a member of of the uh kimt society that was established at Morehouse back in the 1980s I always tell people uh this is sort of aide that for me uh you know if you have a sibling organization why not get one that comes out of a
classical tradition rather than one that comes comes out of a European tradition but that's another story I mean we'll I'll do I'll do that lecture at another time uh you know because it's extremely important for our Consciousness but Isis or oset is the universal mother she was always black always she was the first Madonna with child that we know of in history and and uh and hu was her son she's been identified with the other women that are often mentioned in connection with the black Madonna with Cil with arimus with athine with Diana of the
Ephesians and with Sarah the Egyptian uh with neath the war goddess of sais uh I identified as a black virgin um and in fact uh what we know and this is very important was that um if you go back into history even if you take the the text the sacred text of of the Jewish people where they talk about Abraham and Moses or the Christian people talk about Jesus sojourning in Egypt what do they learned from Egypt they learned from the classical ktic culture they learned uh the feminine Spirit the presence of the universal mother
the the mother God allet that that's what that was basic to the culture this was the cult of the Olympic Gods was in decline by the time the Christianity came into effect yet oret contined through all of it with her child and became the magnet for Europeans with her power because she represented in effect the mother God the mother goddess of of of humanity uh so when Rome combined the church and the state and made Roman Catholicism a religion and and a political party uh this is under Constantine uh one of the things that we
know uh he he brought a definitive masculine orientation to Christianity uh creating a decline in the feminine sentiment and the spirit of reflective wisdom so so this is in fact if you go to uh the talk about Essa in Syria the first church first church that had hymns and liturgy was in in Syria the first church and and those and you can began to see the decline of the mother in 431 Mary was declared at Ephesus to be Theus and Theus uh uh theodus meant the mother of God but that name was taken from uh
from alet you see uh uh so the black Madonna is legendary origin in France uh uh people say it was 44 ad uh that that you get the earliest one in France in 1888 in the liberation of Barcelona the little black statuette of monsurat was discovered by a shepherd and they thought that that gave them power that's 888 and uh when the when the Templars from the Crusades uh went to Jerusalem what did they go looking for many of them wanted to find the black lady they were PE they they wanted to find because she
was the virgin of the Crusades in all her beauty evocative power that you still find in the Cathedral of shart this is the black lady this is the power of that incredible uh uh uh symbol uh St Bernard uh who was born in Fontaine uh had its own black ver in the cathedral and for him uh the black Madonna was at the core of his faith and in the 12th century he said to receive three days of milk from the breast of the black virgin and then he went on uh in his challenge to write
the orders he wrote the orders for the temples and this is where you get the Templars he was the one who wrote the orders for them St Bernard and this is and and then what what what animated him was the power of the black virgin devoted to the black virgin at the threat of death and and the Templars they they were they said they were devoted uh to uh the black virgin uh even when they were uh going to be executed um and and some of them even wrote and recited uh The Song of Solomon
I am black and beautiful the Europeans had respect for the wisdom of of the Egyptian Africans in fact even Moses learned as I told you from the wisdom of them when he was in Africa H Egypt and Ethiopia were uh the ancient uh homes of the of the black mother and even today they have the Epiphany uh The Epiphany is the greatest Festival in Ethiopia but they have it also in Europe it's based on St melenas the black from the fifth century in Britany uh the queen of of Sheba uh the Igan woman who was
called a aab uh gave birth to menik uh because he was the son of Sheba and Solomon uh so there many many things I can tell you I just want to say a few more things and I'll be finish here that um that that that Paris itself and I told you par Isis it mean the the boat of Isis or uh in fact the ilite is shaped like a boat like the Nile Fuca uh and the city was evangelized by Deus or St Deni this is why there's an area outside of Paris called St Deni
is for Theus uh who was with uh uh uh St Michael considered uh the uh male patron of of Paris so throughout Europe temples were built to Isis to allet before Christianity I'm telling you before Christianity temples throughout Europe were built to the black madon Isis throughout Europe everywhere in fact the virgin of the catacombs of Priscilla are said to house the oldest examples of the black virgin in Italy and people say this virgin is Isis this virgin is allet the church was built on the site of the Temple of oet after the fourth Century
Council of Ephesus so so we know this we know that the Romans when they came to power renamed the Celtic and tonic Gods after their own Gods and then Christianity changed them into Saints and Angels that's why you got all these names of these Saints and Angels because these were at one time the names of the Gods so uh where an unveiled mother black as mother Knight teaches him a new degree of love we this is a poem from Robert Graves and the tongues and songs of birds Robert grave the poet you see he writes
that the black goddess promises new Pacific bond between men and women in which the patriarchal marriage bond will fade away and the black goddess has has always uh been one who's come through good and evil love and hate truth and falsehood so this black Madonna image was culturally from Africa it still Rings true many Europeans who have not experienced the consciousness of white racial domination and white racial Supremacy in their minds mainly rural folk who have held onto their faith for centuries as it has been passed down to them still have and honor and respect
the black madas of Africa because the black madonas of Africa are at the very source of their reverence and their spirituality and in fact of all of ours there is but One race and I've said it over and over again it's a human race it is this evil construction of race and racism that has really damaged this understanding of humanity and we from the malefic Asanti Institute very happy to present this to you and to give you uh our understanding and orientation of uh these ideas there will be many more coming uh we will be
talking hopefully uh about um our project uh 2025 which is the attempt on the part of the uh most reactionary forces in America to bring into existence an autocratic government uh that is based actually on the political power and will uh of one ethnic group uh particularly when you have a society that is Multicultural and pluralistic uh we will of course be exposing that we will probably also be giving a talk on the situation in Sudan which has been uh is is degenerating daily uh two Arab factions are fighting each other over the resources of
a majority African nation Sudan is a majority African nation and right now we have it have it as the uh the Locust of the struggle uh between various factions of Arabs uh to try to control the African population but this is going on all over Africa and the vigilance that is necessary is one that we will be discussing in weeks to come on August the 25th we will open up again our uh Auditorium uh for a discussion of African politics by Dr mujahed and Dr T Hira um nayuma that's October the 25th at the malef
Asanti Institute in Philadelphia uh at 5535 Germantown Avenue uh and this is 4 o'clock Eastern Standard time we will also be live streaming as well want to thank Dr nadav uh and all the members of the board of the malefic asan institute for their support and I want to also thank all of you uh who have come uh to listen to us uh please share this video with others and subscribe to the malefic aanti Lees thank you very much uh let me see there are questions okay uh if I let me see if I okay
uh Latif Davis uh okay good have a good trip Latif uh atto Oman uh thank you um uh let's see brother ciphers there's there's a mathematical okay image in oat ra a teen ra that's the name of Ramsey the second okay uh Janine thank you for this very informative lecture thank you very much all of you who have written and continue to support us at the malefic K Asanti Institute asant okay end stream okay
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