How To Do Social Media Marketing The Right Way

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Today's video is a recent 4Ds session I had in the VaynerMedia office, I answer a bunch of very impo...
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you need to live it how do you break through by doing so much content for so long that you start to get an understanding of the thematics that work if you think that I woke up one morning and said you know what we're going to do in [ __ ] August 2023 on my Instagram in this highly competitive environment we're going to make a meme that captures the essence of the video and we're going to do a two poost Carousel cuz that's going to get the most organic reach I promise you I had no [
__ ] idea if you think I thought making photos that says that has a picture of me in it that then says the person that's sending you this thinks and then whatever the [ __ ] we've written was going to be the consistent million organic reach post I when I first posted the first one I'm like this has no shot reps attention is the number one asset all right awesome let's do it cool um uh the only piece of advice I would say here is like don't over think of this as a one-on-one meeting don't
try to over think of like everybody else in the room like everyone's individual narrowness actually usually touches everybody else in some way and then I'll use that context as I go around the room so let's lock in cool um so I've been fortunate enough to um go viral continually with the kaying business um we have over like 400 million views yeah the content is obviously so conducive yeah if you were selling concrete it wouldn't be as easy yeah yeah um part of the the thought process um you know on my daily work is like how
do I convert more of that to actual business by taking the content that's gone viral and slightly tweaking it and making it the collateral that you advertise against okay and let me say that one more time for everyone the greatest thing about organic social right now is the algorithms are not based anymore on what they used to be which is like your followers it's now based on the content so social for the first 15 years was more about like email marketing build list Market to it get a percentage of them to do stuff over the
last two years we've are fully in the process of the Tik Tock ification of all social kind of why I invested in Tumblr I invested in Facebook and Twitter for the email thing I invested in Tumblr for the content thing meaning the social graph used to be based on your social network now social media could actually be called interest media CU it's based on the interest graph the shed could have 19 followers on LinkedIn tomorrow and decide it wants to go and the first post could get a million views if the post itself was good
so you have affirmation from the world that they like this video now two things come to mind one does that equally mean that they want to buy no and then two you've got to that part you can't control the part you can control is say okay this video got 4 million views organically on Instagram Tik Tok YouTube shorts let me now retake that video and make it much more hard-hitting I'm going to put a banner at the bottom that says order now discount this let me change the copy so taking the viral creative and turning
it into an ad the viral creative is building brand the ad is building performance we call this brand formance right taking something that's gone well organically and turning it into a conversion a ticket selling app ad excuse me yeah yeah that makes sense um jumping over to like the franchise side of it the franchise or side of it um how would you go about selling franchises by making content on LinkedIn at scale okay you should be putting out three posts a day on LinkedIn saying the same seven things 7,000 different ways of why they should
work with you okay very know um yeah we put out a bunch of content on on Instagram Facebook T Instagram is impossible yeah right like everything's about day trading attention 2023 Instagram is not 2014 Instagram right Instagram is impossible meaning all that these social networks are is supply and demand the reason I'm always loud once every four years is something is starting to have a lot of demand that doesn't have enough Supply yet enough of you have been in my Circles of content consumption that all of you can probably remember four years ago I'm like
Tik Tok TI Tik Tock and I mean everyone across the board is sad that they didn't listen to me as even if they did it they didn't do it as I didn't do it as hard as I thought I wanted to like that as I wanted to it's it's like this almost unachievable game every time I remember promising myself after Instagram that the next Instagram that I was going to actually go 100% not 99 I was going to stop I was going to let them all run the agency for a year I am going to
go 100% I literally see Tik Tok when it's musically when we were [ __ ] in Park Avenue I'm like ear I got it and I went like 49% so I know all of you went 12% so it's because it's supply and demand I apologize it's like real estate like when Tik Tok popped that was like Malibu popping a 100 years ago and like do you want to buy Beach fromont property Because by the time you get to Instagram today is like buying you're not even in Malibu anymore that's how far out it's so mature
what happens is more people today more content will be produced for Instagram than any day in the history of Instagram however in the last four years 20 to 40% of that attention has gone to in to gone to Tik Tock they've lost attention today more ads will be spent on Instagram than any day in the history of Instagram ads take up more attention there's organic there's ads and there's attention very simple framework so Instagram to today is really hard the only way you hack it is the stuff I talk about best practices of the moment
if you watch my like look I'm going to leave in an hour please promise me to continue to watch what I'm doing even harder than ever before why am I doing a meme and then a video constantly over the last 60 days on Instagram and why am I doing a two poost Carousel constantly where the first one is a meme and the second one is the video that was you were accustomed to seeing me just post a video why am I doing that I promise you it's not for kicks and Giggles it's what is now
working of this moment that can give you the most upside when it's you know it's like if you're the best player in your sixth grade football team that's good but when you get to high school it gets harder to be the best player and then there's college and then there's the pros Instagram now is the pros if you're going to really go crazy you got to be the best whereas other platforms you could still be six you know what I mean LinkedIn first of all don't forget who's on LinkedIn if they're why they're on LinkedIn
and what they're doing in there they're looking for business opportunities so your hard-hitting join my franchise is going to hit harder in LinkedIn than it's going to hit even to the same person if Zach and Jack are just in their phone on LinkedIn versus on Tik Tok in one place they're looking to be entertained or look at girls or I don't know what you know the other place they're doing business you're in you the same person or a different person so you got to you got to understand that okay and uh what are your thoughts
on Tik Tok ads versus Facebook Instagram ads for the so all the ad products are evolving by the day there's a very good CH so I'm writing a new book and it's basically jab jab jab right hook again but different but I've decided to change it and I think I'm going to call it day trading attention because that's what that's what sums up what I do for a living I'm day trading attention so like when you ask me that question it was funny how my brain paused because I have a hot take macro answer but
if I just double click a little bit it becomes a very complicated Nuance answer right Tik Tok because it's a immature younger ad product it can be highly volatile it's like a four-year-old like one day could be awesome and the next day they could [ __ ] their pants like Tik tock can have bigger variables than Instagram can but it could be [ __ ] crazy like one Tik Tok ad for you given the visual of the kayaking thing could lead to incredible amounts of consumption on the consumer level on the franchisee level I would
run LinkedIn ads you could literally run LinkedIn ads against employees of other franchisee and franchisor companies these are highly likely to you know so I think it's a mix and I think you got a taste but you got to spend like $55 on at the same ad on three different platforms to see what's brewing it's the the level of like the thing that all of you need to think about is like if you're going to get into Peak Physical shape like that's a lot of work that's a level of like diet and exercise that is
like really [ __ ] intense same in this game if you're really going to go there you have to like actually be great at it like you know this the dream scenario is like why people take apple vinegar like [ __ ] pills the dream scenario is I'm going to tell you to post one video and you're going to r one ad and you go to sleep it's just not like that so that's how I see that they all could work but I do think if you're looking to get franchises back to the joke of
you're going to run out of family members I think LinkedIn needs to become a passion okay yeah I do Post uh organic stuff on there but I want to go harder on that for sure yeah and is it hard-hitting like is it deep like like yeah this is why you should be a franchisee for my [ __ ] like that's a different you know what I mean okay you know and then like really give that thought like why should they in a world of lots of options what's the actual answer and then that will force
you to actually be better yeah use testimonials from some the other of course who's the most successful franchisee that's is not related to you in the system my brother um not in the system uh in the system not related yeah was a previous tour guy that became a franchisee right I would have that person I would do a podcast that four people are going to watch because that's where you're at just like four people watch my early [ __ ] but I would do it to get content for the ads right I mean I would
never like no [ __ ] like I love giving I I give back all the time I do tons of stuff I would never do what I'm doing right now if we weren't filming this ever it's just not I can't extract enough value from the time I enjoy it and like that's probably a little bit [ __ ] because I do genuinely enjoy this and do tons of things that are not Roi time positive but what continues to drive me besides wanting to support the Sasha group is we're filming it and it's one sentence to
One answer that might be what I was looking for right now so like thinking in those ways setting up certain things for the content for the social not for the thing I believe almost everyone should have a podcast because having guests is a very easy way to get content the shed should absolutely have a daily to minimum weekly podcast because it's an easy way to create creative I you like you have a guest they're doing the work you ask them the seven [ __ ] cliche questions God forbid the host has some improv capabilities and
can find the moment now you're [ __ ] I mean all of you live on social the [ __ ] do you think's in your feet half of it is [ __ ] podcast clips and the other half is like people on the street asking you to like rate yourself on how hot you are you know it's just like you know what I mean like like it's not complicated but it's very complicated meaning it's a whole new world create scenarios like kayaks can have two people in it great I think you should do a show
where you're doing the podcast while the kayaking is happening can you have three people in a kayak uh no but we could get multiple kayaks yeah right but it's hard to stick like three would have been a dream because then you could have one the filmer and then you could have the interview I am already working on that um I'm doing an adventurous clear series because we have the all clear kayaks and um I go and interview the franchisee of every location or the lead can I ask you something I'm sorry I'm I'm stuck right
now I think you need to build some sort of thing okay and you should literally do a podcast that is happening while the Kay like I think one of the biggest genres of content creation is podcast while other action is happening yeah like I've been dying for somebody to do a brushing your teeth podcast like I want a double sync I want the host brushing their teeth the guest brushing their teeth that's the show like brushing Through The Years or I don't know fcking cleaning up the day or like literally I want a 24 Minute
Podcast I'm on I mean this we s i uh 137 my media company I've been dying to do this we have a show now called serial entrepreneur and in the episode both people are eating cereal like hot ones did this right with hot wings right like I was on it like I think there's 3900 thank you so much 3900 more hot wings seral entrepreneurs to be made I'm telling you right now I don't I didn't even know how many people fit in a kayak if I saw in my feed a podcast where the person cuz
it you're back to back right like this right like the person's behind you right I think I know enough about that like if you're the lead if you're the interviewer and you're like all right but what why didn't you start oh [ __ ] why didn't you start the bit like that's [ __ ] amazing fair enough I'll try it like even your guys world you could literally have a podcast where both people are are Robo like controlling the Drone while you're doing like I think people are fascinated when people are doing two things at
once I agree by the way was that Katie that just handed you that that was I went to high school get out of here let's get her back here I grew up with her brother that's very far Ezra can you get me Katie from My Team bring her back here last quick question for you um how do I overd deliver for my franchisees by talking to them okay this is a really interesting simple see how fast that came super Insight by scheduling real time to hear the truth okay the way you can't the reason most
people don't overd deliver for their people is cuz they they don't want to hear the truth you like that one huh right and it's hard honestly as someone who's pretty damn good at wanting to hear the truth even I have 10% of the things I really don't want to know but I need to like like I fight that last 10% so I'm like [ __ ] I'm really about this life what I just said and I got to fight for the last 10% these people out here are [ __ ] in trouble yeah like how
one by one and in group settings I would do a group all franchisees call every month we do that beautiful but do real [ __ ] one of the things that I think these two can speak to you can speak to when I do all company hands on I don't set the questions I just open it up for questions and let people ask me questions that is a level like to the point where my team continues to keep asking me like to set up the questions because they're so scared of that level of transparency she's
like why did you call me because this man went to high school with you I know I want to say something but I don't how you doing good you guys can talk later all right go there okay like take that last that last one's a big deal cuz right now you're in a vulnerable spot where retention matters if you're will willing to go vulnerable and be accountable you're going to have a high level of retention on that small group right now that are not family members that will keep you surviving to when you break through
on some of the other [ __ ] we talked about cool thank you Jack awesome so kind of set up our content the way it runs so we have EP brand platforms and then my own personal our own personal Brands and then I've got my photography on the side which sense a pretty big following but strictly swimming so I sh just share photos there um but what you what you can't fear is the occasional right hook of like we interrupt these normally scheduled programming to tell you I [ __ ] with drones too and let
me give you a preview because I have to do this and it's humbling cuz nobody even the most secure at the top of the game and you know this right like you see me on the team chat I will post [ __ ] that I have to do that I know won't do well but I have to do it I want to see my normal 500,000 to a million views too but I will take my 80,000 because I have to tell you that Sasha wants you to sign up for wine text and it's not fun
to get 80,000 views but I'm in the business to help my dad get you all to sign up for wine which by the way you should all do that if you buy wine um you're right now scared to [ __ ] up the gthm you're you're picking the algo and your subconscious insecurity of hitting your numbers over getting two customers from your photography world into your drone business it's not wild and you are like one of everybody else so the people that got four things going on [ __ ] up the thing that you have
the most followers on from your ideology for the practicality of your business that's true so then stick with me on that you got me yeah like if your photography think is your biggest platform they won't love it but they love you and if you're honest with them be like you got to make the right piece of cont if you just post like a flyer and be like sign up for the Drone like they're like what if you're like hey real quick I know I'm [ __ ] up like you're self-deprecating I know like what you
want me from here just FYI I realize a lot of you don't fully know me let me tell you about myself I do this and that and I grew up like got it do you keep those when I keep those separate from is where I do all the talking head and all that or you you look I first of all and a lot of you followed me for a long time I was always the one that was challenging you like do it all in one place like I was always [ __ ] people up now
I'm set because it's all based on the content doesn't even [ __ ] matter you want a wild card start a new account it doesn't matter you want to really get [ __ ] liberated it doesn't matter perfect yeah it's a real brain [ __ ] to go from what we've been to where we're at it's the content it's the [ __ ] content so I I think if you're respectful of your audience disrespecting your audience and your photography is putting up a [ __ ] epic D like flyer like stupid like you know like
a piece of [ __ ] post we all know what that is right like a a picture that's like [ __ ] up and like sign up now like like bad you making a video you know and maybe a double setting like the camera and the Drone in your hand and just talking and being open with your audience to your photography that's going to work keeping them separate or not I'm literally agnostic I think at some level it helps people organize I'm like very chaotic I think a lot of people like like they over you
know this a lot of you are getting [ __ ] up because you care about aesthetic you want your grid to look right nobody gives a [ __ ] about your grid you know meaning I get it like I don't want to discredit people going to a grid and getting like I I I love brand but [ __ ] man 90% of the actions in feed so if you're doing grid for the aesthetic but it's not following best practice to reach the most audience in feed to what you're trying to do what the [ __
] are you accomplishing you don't get it Gary I want people when they come to my account to see it right I'm like they're not coming to your account cuz you're trying to make them look make it look right you need the first part to work awesome um so then for epic drone specifically we do a really good job of sharing our videos are dope of course they're epic and then we do really well with you like that that was good give me some for that give me all right um and then we do really
well behind the scenes so we show all of our pilots flying and um we travel across the country so we try to get as much content when as possible they send me iPhone videos and stuff but what's the I feel like we have jab jab what's the last like what's what do you want to happen let's take a big step back what would you when you post something on social what would you like to happen get customers obviously but no no no let's like this is like a good game play with me how many of
the posts would you like to do that think one one every 10 would be good so that this is a good game cuz one could answer all of them one could answer there's a lot of ways to think about this there's no right answer so let's say if you're thinking that way which in a lot of ways I think of it both ways I think one and I think in those terms too jab to jab right hook right but even when like even when I like I know that the other nine are building awareness and
they may click the URL in my profile in theory all good content could be doing the sale but back to you saying the sale back to me saying I'm going to [ __ ] up my grid sign up for wine Tex right now do you guys go hardcore for the ask for business on every 10th post do you see what I mean I'm telling you there is a disease in marketing it's called caring about the vanity metrics over your business we're having a logical business conversation right now I'm like what would you like to happen
you answered really thought like I liked your answer think it's one of the smart places you could have gone but you're not doing it because you're caring about the vanity meaning you don't even like you're caring about the algo it's algo over everything for everyone and for me it's business over algo but then what's what's the business well I guess it's hard well how would you talk how would you talk to me if you wanted me to buy your [ __ ] that's I guess kind of what we're what we're figuring out is like we
can give the you know you increase reach by having better videos it builds a better brand for the companies because they're doing something nobody else is doing is is that enough of course it's enough what you're uncomfortable with is getting enough nose to make you question if it's enough Vader media gets 90% NOS 10% yeses so then what how CU I think the people that we've worked with so far are the capturing the demand is people that are the go-getters they're doing the new thing they I have good news for you you're not going to
convince people to be more ambitious so is there a way to kind of create the demand by I guess I guess we have a better hard time getting the people that aren't already looking for what we what we do you haven't you haven't even gotten remotely enough of a percentage of the people that are looking you're worried about convincing the non-con and you haven't even gotten 1% of 1% of 1% of the convinced that's what I looking for you got it my brother one of the great thing I you know it's I really appreciate you
understanding what just happened I would argue that I'm not sure if there's another thing bigger to my professional success than having the subconscious understanding at a very young age that you can't convince the unconvince don't convince just have conviction I've been selling social media since 2009 how old were you in 2009 12 good when you were 12 I was walking around this Earth trying to sell social media Services nobody wanted it but I believed and I found the small group that wanted it and that's why we did $1 million in Revenue the first year awesome
um so that you talk a lot about the consumer segmentations we as second kind of mentioned we have the same services that we do but a can name 20 different correct the sentence you're going to say to a hotel year is going to be different than right right that's why I say the same thing 73,000 times in a 100 different ways so how do you a feedback we have gotten is a lot of people that we're talking to come to our page and they're like oh they only do commercial real estate and they they don't
immediately see themselves then they kind of assume that we can't help them so how do you well then list them all like I don't know what the website looks like but literally it could be like we have that website and we're talking social it's like when they well then we do a cool shoot with Padre's for we have four posts on the padr well why don't you have the bio say like Drone footage for anyone and any business that's good idea well I didn't get here because of my looks uh and then last kind of
so for a while i' I've always I've been the one posting on social and being the front and which I want to do for myself but we're pretty soon going to be we are in the process process of hiring social media manager strateg whatever um what is the best thing to have them start right at the beginning like I can have them do 20 things but what well I think if you're going to hire someone I think you want to ask her or him what they think find someone that doesn't say to have a better
grid because that's what all right if somebody said like like this goes back to having a good strategy yourself that's what you're here doing correct like some of you now will actually like let all of a sudden that becomes your radar I meet people all the time I talk to people all the time like I get pitched to join Bor media at the airport while I'm ordering a coffee and I I'm weird I'll talk to them and when they're like I can make your grd great they're out because I don't agree I might be wrong
but it's my business like this is what I believe in so yeah I think you should less focus on what you should tell them to do at first you at it's such a critical hire at such a small business you need to put yourself and there's so many talented youngsters like they're just everywhere but you need to know what you believe and then you need to have them present to you you're going to pay them and then lastly sort of the future organizational structure so right now two of us were the only ones that are
like salary and work with we have two basically full-time contractors uh cont contractors we we're based in LA and San Diego but travel everywhere we shoot in Missouri next week we got two shoots here in New York on I love it um so that's kind of the model we're going towards which is having a network of contractors Mak sense for the inbound of course you're a produ yeah you're a production company rather than like franchise with offices and full-time people I mean becoming a franchise franchise you know like it's an incredible business model I'm sure
you know that that's why you went down that path it's one of those classic things that looks a hell of a lot better on paper than reality it is hard it's the reason it's so lucrative is because it's hard I always say to people like like they're like what what I want like I want to Gary I want I could be anything what should I be I'm like be a professional basketball player like that's a good idea that's a lot of money like 50 like the bench players are getting 30 like there's not that it's
not football there's 12 players right there's 15 players is like like and they're like what and the reason I always say that is like well I can't do that I'm like cool let's understand that's true across the board you have to first ask yourself if you're even a franchisor are you a full-time salesman basically good what I'm doing now yeah I understand but how good are you at it because right now getting some clients to do production of Drone footage may seem hard it's way harder to convince someone to change their profession to do you
know what I mean so no I think right now look I think you you guys are so young I think there's so much money in drone production companies way more than you can imagine it's every day we'll get better kind of like social 2009 and freelance is a great contractor is a great business because you're not locked in and James knows this I demonize franchise freelance I always hate it because I knew what I was building something slightly it was a good model day-to-day p but I want to build family like forever so like I
needed employees to become like I needed strangers to become employees to become friends to become family you don't do that like if I was just going for margin I would only freelance I would only contract it's smart you're not locked in you don't especially I have offices in New York California if I wanted to fire people it's impossible like you know it's hard to do business in these states so like you know no I think you got it right and I think you got a long way to go and I think we talked on some
really good stuff like like all that mind time you spent on trying to convince people Drone footage is good for them now imagine you only focusing on people that have already decided it is that's why we crushed everybody were competing with in 2009 was trying to convince everybody of social media I was spending all my time trying to find the 30 people that agreed and tried to convince them right that's good yep I talked to Juliet yesterday about it but if you want to our team is here I would love to do a fly through
through the office and show up in EXA something quick and then we'll be done okay oh yeah I guess the quick one for me is since it's just been the two of us we have a lot of overlap in our what we're doing every day makes sense and so one of the things is when we're SK Jack's doing the sales I'm doing scheduling he's partially scheduling of course you guys of course when you're a small small company you're overlapping a ton that's also good because now multiple people know the full thing and so you grow
like the first seven or eight employees 15 employees I think should at to the best of their capabilities be able to do everything because now you've built infrastructure for scale because you could truly divide and conquer imagine if for some reason Europe passed the law and like the opportunity was obnoxious the fact that one of you could just go and move to Madrid while the other like you know what I mean like whereas if you only knew 20% of it you couldn't overlap both of you get get in the dirt both of you do the
bougie part like you just over mix all of it there's really no bougie part at this small right it's the one AI think we we do a lot of AI in the copy and asking a question site what what's the one thing that you can use AI to go to I use AI to think about what's happening in pop culture like I ask AI things like why did sexy red pop you know why why are corduroy hats coming back like I like you I like consumer insights and pop culture that's why I'm who I am
so I don't think people realize you can use AI to be your thinking partner you can literally type into AI what would get people to want to like use a kayak you know insane that is I don't think right now people are asking it to do tasks I'm asking it to think with me first question kind of going off of the the messaging uh for the previous two I think as a white label agency trying to be the agency's agency it feels like we're pitching concrete not kayaks or drones right makes sense how would you
again agnostic our goal is to get agencies in the door CU we believe in I actually think I actually going to throw you for a loop I understand why you said that I actually think it's the reverse I got a really good one for you so I understand that cuz you're B to B Toc or B you're actually B to B Tob um if you made content about the way I did which is share best practices you you're going to you're going to get all you're going to get all you may even get Brands reaching
out to you to tell you to work with their current agency you you're you're you're one very great piece of LinkedIn content away from 55 medium-sized businesses sending that video to their current agency telling them to hire you because like if you just pounded again the same 15 messages 73,000 PE you know the biggest compliment I get in my comments or DMS is when like Gary you say the same [ __ ] tired of you biggest compliment I didn't think you saw that I'm sorry biggest compliment right because yeah like what do you want me
to make up [ __ ] I don't believe in I'm sorry I believe in like there's only so many things you can believe in and yes I'm trying to interject today I'll say sexy red 5 years ago I'll say the baby but I'm saying the same [ __ ] like it's like I'm going to Incorporated to make it relevant and I may pick up new adjectives or get or expand my vocabulary but like [ __ ] this stuff is tried and true this is why it's work like this is why it's like simple like yes
and I intuitively knew it when I was a kid which is why I did what I did but now I'm [ __ ] like double winning I'm like knew it and it's true right and so I actually think the reverse I think the content that you are making about operation Excellence think about this video seven cliche things that agencies do wrong you can run that ad you can make that content in different ways for the rest of your life and I think you'll actually get the end C like you're just gonna like I don't think
your shit's boring as a matter of fact I would argue something really wild I think if you pounded what I'm saying you may expand into other areas operational accellence is needed everywhere he needs it he's not an agency if you do this content you might end up having multiple divisions right what's cool about what you guys do is it's Universal it's why I like marketing the ability to communicate is universal everyone needs it I'm chill all the time I need anyone talk business I'm ready that's why I never have to prep for speeches everyone needs
communication the government from the government of Dubai to a guy selling pencils in a B2B environment in Wyoming everyone needs communication comes in different forms back to your point concrete right but I think yours is universal you selectively chose through the history of this company to be an agency of agencies but operational excellence of course you know deeper nuances of agency life but it's not hard to pick up like you spend one year with a franchisor and you'll you'll like I know that to be true cuz that's why I started an agency to figure out
how Universal what I was doing was it's Universal make sense yeah absolutely I think you got to pound that I think you just own unlimited content of operational opportunities operational fubs cliche op like pound pound Pound what's the most universal mistake you've seen agencies make like the true or a universal mistake one that is quite common every time you get involved I think focusing on Ving metrics and not sales so we are so focused on like making sure tracking set up properly because I don't give a [ __ ] about your click-through rate like it
has to bring the register for your end client and I mean getting access to what we need to do that is such a fight sometimes and that's almost Insanity because like in our sales process as we're working with them the focus is on performance performance performance and then we get to it and it's almost like we're being hamstrung because we're being forced to talk about cpms and ctrs we just know that it's not translated yeah what I would do there is I would title a video the reason most agencies lose a client after the first
year makes sense AB I think like like that title why agencies rarely hold on to a client for two years and then you run that that on LinkedIn on ads against agency employees Watch What Happens the P agencies have right build on that as much as possible pound as much yeah think about I'm doing I'm R engineering something that an agency owner would like to understand because what you just answered is the reason the reason Vayner X is one of the biggest agencies in the world today is because I built it to do the actual
thing not the marketing jargon thing you can have a trillion cpms it's Why Super Bowl's the best and the scariest the ad is the best you can't get 110 million Americans to know everything about you for $8 million even if you're the best of day trading attention the problem is crushing it in a 30 second video is hard I think that's part of my Fe I know that I preach that but then I see the cpms on LinkedIn and I'm just afraid to even run too much Budget on that well that's because you're a hypocrite
exactly I I love I I [ __ ] love you because what you know that I know is that LinkedIn unlike every other platform has an artificial floor on cost on ad which is high what I know that you also know but don't know as well as I know is but who gives a [ __ ] if you get the thing that you want to happen and that's what you preach on the other side I prefer to pay higher cpms almost always in anything that I own because I want the actual thing I don't care
about anything other than how many people sign up for wine text and buy wine so the cpms if I'm buying low cpms I'm getting bad inventory if I'm paying high cpms I'm getting people that are likely to buy wine we figured this out with direct mail a 100 years ago you can buy everybody in town or you could pay AMX to just send it to people who buy wine yes of course it costs more the data is valuable the customer is more valuable for you in LinkedIn than it is on Tik Tok no I just
I just want to just dive a little bit deeper we talking the franchisees just how do we cut through the noise just as partners in the BB world for LinkedIn specifically the quality of the content quality content right like notice what like I'm so [ __ ] in it that I can give you that title to a video and do the video and know it will do better you break through the Noise by the Merit of your skills that people always say that Gary how do I break through I'm like you have to be better
like I don't like you know what I mean yeah but but getting better comes back to what I want all of you to be in love with which is more reps this is why like back to saying the same thing 800 different way somebody the other day literally in comments because this is what I do I read them Gary what is it 10 times a post 13 P 23 posts a day like you say all these different numbers I reply I'm like bro it's it's because I'm just living my life it's there's no actually it's
just a lot as much as humanly possible as once and for all as much as humanly possible you're all going to be doing it with AI anyway you all in 9 years are going to have 4,000 ads a day so as much as possible you know you know that goes back to like how are you going to break through you're actually not sure but you kind of know it's the same thing that closes like things why I'm good at content is I watch what works in real life and I just make content out of it
what was the sentence I said to make the person buy it this is why I'm unstoppable I've been selling since I was five you know I've been practicing I didn't read a book on how to [ __ ] what's that book influence people and wi over what is it called like thank you I just did it since I was five of course I didn't have to read that [ __ ] I lived it I know I was popular I know why I was the fifth grade president I know that not why 94 people said no
to me when I rang their doorbell to shovel snow just like I know why the six people said yes and why the baseball card sold and why when I changed the display cases at my dad's store it sold and why when I brought small bottles of wine at the front of the register instead of peanuts that that was good because the small bottles of wine were 10 bucks and the peanuts were 9 cents that was good I saw it and I saw the 87 things that didn't work when I did it I'm living it you
need to live it how do you break through by doing so much content for so long that you start to get an understanding of the thematics that work if you think that I woke up one morning and said you know what we're going to do in [ __ ] August 2023 on my Instagram in this highly competitive environment we're going to make a meme that captures the essence of the video and we're going to do a two poost Carousel because that's going to get the most organic reach I promise you I had no [ __
] idea if you think I thought making photos that says that has a picture of me in it that then says the person that's sending you this thinks and then whatever the [ __ ] we've written was going to be the consistent million organic reach post that is the I when I first posted the first one I'm like this has no shot reps how'd you get those muscles outside of [ __ ] cheating which you can't do in business no steroids in business bro how'd you get those muscles I [ __ ] worked even the
really funny meme and culture of like you're not ugly you're poor I think about that I'm like right there's a proxy that made someone look more attractive it was called money like it one could see that cynically in the way that I think we should because I think it [ __ ] up people but there's a different way to look at it which is like nothing happens unless you do something you know what I mean like yes of course like for you know one could Envy if you put Beauty on a pedestal like somebody having
the ability to have plastic surgery and this and that and that but there's still something that happened otherwise it wouldn't have happened like there's always cause and effect we're in full control of this right you guys can answer you can all do what I do if you put in the 700,000 pieces of content that I did you won't need me anymore I don't want anyone to meet me I want them all to do what I'm saying and never need me again they know the answers before I do I think last question that that we have
would be what has been the biggest impact you've seen AI have on agency life I haven't looked I mean I can give you a ton of answers to that I think first of all the biggest impact it's going to have is on the the creative product but right now there's too much copyright and trademark stuff that has to be figured out but that the biggest impact is companies are going be like 4,000 pieces of ads a day instead of four ideation I think like of course back to what I said earlier strategy is going to
use it the way I do thinking partner like why are corduroy hats cool again and you start working what will 42 to 48 year old moms in Iowa when he ready when he when he has a new franchisee in De Mo Iowa today it's not top of mind for him to go to chat gbt or something like it and say you know what will get people to buy to buy a kayak service in De Moine Iowa but in six years it will be I'm old enough James is old enough to know that people's first move
wasn't to go to a search engine in 2000 you know and now they do now everybody here is like look that up that's just normal that's going to be normal you working with AI along the way of everything will be normal so it's going to have profound effect and it will commoditize certain things if you were a designer who doesn't have a thought in her or his brain and you just sit there and someone else tells you what to make completely you have a problem but if you are a designer who ideates and thinks and
you're creative you're fine that's it either you're a commodity or you're not and I don't say that like dismissive it's just the way the world worked you know most of us worked on a farm 150 years ago then tractors came and we didn't need to I think as a matter of fact I I'm so optimistic I think someone now who is just like a non-creative non-thinking designer and just a part of the I think she or he finds something better on the back end of that so in terms of Storytelling what's one blind spot that
you've observed in Mission based organizations whether it's something like the shed or like Planned Parenthood so I'm I'm in a I'm in a lot of nonprofits and when I join the board or advisory or come in to help the number one thing I say is the number one thing that causes struggle with is audacity they're audacious to think that just because it's a cause everyone should do it's audacity like you know like I understand that you my brother has Crohn's disease I have a pretty good feeling that I care more about Crohn's and Colitis Foundation
than other people in this room unless they're affected by it it's how it works it's why we can't like the biggest problem with the world is lack of compassion same with cause like I understand that all of you think that there's a profound social impact of the Arts other people don't care and so taking that knowledge to know that people that you can't convince right focus on the high propensity correct but then focus on the micro realities an 83 year-old Widow on the upper west side who has a tremendous trust right thinking about those kind
of D she's going to be compelled with different storytelling than a young artist who's 24 who was born in Jamaica and immigrated here at five that's growing up in Queens is going to think about the shed and both can play this goes back to an right and I remember my early meetings with the shed like really early even with the board before all of you were in place I remember listening I'm like [ __ ] this is going to be a problem and not from like a bad place but I just knew that they were
trying to understand like there was incredibly good intent of bringing diversity and diversity of arts and all this it was really cool and I could see they were struggling with like how to make that connection point to like where the dollars and all these different things and I was like it's and it's and it's and you can do both but from a storytelling standpoint you've got to matter to the upper east and upper west side as much as you have to matter to Brooklyn and the lower west side and those need different stories which is
why they need different restaurants which is why they have different schools which is why they have different Parks it's different and and it's and our lack of capacity for and is hurting us across the board yeah I think we talked a little bit about dinner last night y not living in the that's right everybody humans desperation to make the world black and white when it's gray is devastating I could promise you almost everyone's anxiety here on any level about anything is based on Andor G do you think BR is more important in non for-profit world
than the business world and the only reason why I say that is because the business world we know who our competitors are in the non for-profit you're you're competing for dollars whether you know whether you're arts or whether yeah I mean you know look I I think it's it's tough in the way you framed it up like yes and no I mean like Nike would be out of business if it didn't have a brand like actually you know like I understand what you're saying um I think in some ways it's pretty universal meaning you just
want as many people to not only know who you are but be compelled to consume you right like it's just very like I think about like Smart Water I'm looking at that bottle in the right like that could be a purchase of convenience right it might have just been what was there but where'd you buy that it was it was here right fair enough why' you buy it yeah exactly but I think that you know I think about that a lot which is like why you know sometimes it's price often times it's convenience whichever one
was on the proper shelf which is why Brands pay for slotting fees but a lot of times in water we've convinced everyone you've got to make a choice I mean even I was a kid when like you for damn sure and definitely me like we didn't even sell water was in the [ __ ] sink I remember when the Poland Spring big bottles for a start I'm like that's a [ __ ] hustle they convince people to buy that [ __ ] it's in the sink I remember that now we're paying this [ __ ]
$8 right what a job brand can do brand matters everywhere brand is how you charge eight bucks for coffee brand is how we convince people to drink something that is free for most people um and brand is how someone decides to take a million dollars and give it to them versus somewhere else or to go to their show like think about the options in New York City and go to the shed tonight and check out the exhibit or I could do I don't know 700,000 other things we're not in a small town right you know
and so it goes back to ant you have 10 platforms that matter from LinkedIn to you right you have 13 to the thing you have to do is create cohorts every yeah please you got time everybody needs to create cohorts the cons yep the consumer groups you're trying to get for them they're not going to get Vayner media and they probably understand that I don't think they're like trying to get droga 5 they have a good sense they have a good sense of the range but I also bet that Coastal agencies may act differently than
middle of America agencies agencies that are run by 22 to 30 year olds are acting different than right so now you start making cohorts so their cohort might be 22 to 30y Old Gary V wannabes I mean this because it's a very good cohort if I was their business 22 to 30y Old Gary V wannabes um male Gary V wannabes who are running under 10% agencies that's a cohort next is 40 uh 45 to 60y Old agency owners in Middle America who've been doing it for 20 plus years now all of a sudden when they
wake up in the morning and they have to make content they're like they look at their cohorts you can imagine they're going to make a very different video literally the opening line could be like hey did you start your agency because of Gary ve you know what we've seen from people like that's gonna if they target people that follow Gary B that's like a good idea well that video has to be very different to like hey are you tired of the last 25 years not being able to hold on to right and maybe in that
one it's a little more Midwest values then like maybe you drop an F bomb in the Gary V1 that's called cohorts a 83-year-old trustee woman on the upper west side who's a Target that tends to do really well for something like the shed versus 35-year-old you know minority in a Brooklyn townhouse cuz they made it themselves both could be in the shed and could be impactful need completely different content right the and again the end again which means your Grid's going to be [ __ ] up but if you want to protect the grid because
you have a board that looks at the bridge grid then you run ads and it never shows up on the grid we also talked about a team account on Tik Tok versus a shed account that's right there's a lot of ways to do it or you create a general account on Tik Tok that you own called New York Arts that just happens to only do shed it content right like for me I can make a if my dad was rigid and didn't want me to do the right thing for him i' be like cool I
wouldn't try to convince my dad I'd tell branded my best friend to create a Tik Tok called wines of New Jersey and just post there so my dad doesn't look at it luckily I won that battle with my dad 35 years ago but but if that was the case which it could be for all the people that have a family business where your mom and dad is about that grid life if you're about my life don't fret if you know just create Convenience Stores of Indiana and on Tik Tok and just pound your [ __
] because now you don't have to have right remember the old game uh but this account has 100,000 followers on it that we build up and I'd have to start at zero woe is me today it doesn't matter it's the individual post gives all of us a lot more flexibility did you get your question um I think my question is more General we talk a lot about like convincing is like them not to convince yes have conviction how do you navigate that as like an entrepreneur or young Prof professional when it feels like when you
are young you have to convince like you have to get people on your side by understand accomplish anything well there's two things as an entrepreneur it's easy because it's you in the market and you figure it out by realizing it's true but I think you're more talking about being an employee you know when you're young as an entrepreneur like you don't have anyone to have to comein as a matter of fact you could have a business and no one even know how old you actually are it's when you're an employee that to your point one
first of all the youth has it better than any other youth when we were all growing up like the youth today has way more respect from their Elders in professional settings than we we did because of all the technology shifts you have leverage people respect you on [ __ ] you didn't even get talked to for a decade as an employee right like it wasn't even like right now I have people here for a year thinking like when am I going to be a VP and I'm like [ __ ] do you understand that you'd
be getting coffee for the first next four years of your life you wouldn't even be able to talk in the old days like you know what I mean so a by recognizing you have it better which is really comforting like there's never been a generation that's had it better which has led to some of the friction because they have it so good two by being empathetic to them you know I think the way 20 year olds break through is through empathy they come in hot because they do know a lot of [ __ ] but
boy do they not know a lot of [ __ ] I'm sitting here saying that I don't know 13 big things in business and I'm like about that life and I have a lot of 20y olds coming in think that they got it and they don't no one does so having empathy for why your boss might think that but to your point you're absolutely right when you're an employee you are often trying to convince but I feel the best form of convincing Ving is conviction and conviction looks different than convincing convincing is when you're trying
to figure out what the board will say yes to conviction is telling them the truth consistently until you break through right agency's biggest vulnerability by the way to you is being yes men and women to clients the reason we win is we have conviction and we let the chips fall the reason agencies lose as they say how high every time they just want the money in the short term same with a board the reason I can win with boards is I'd rather get fired but I will respectfully answer the truth like for you to win
respectful conviction I have notice how I get things done I respect that you care about the grid I understand why you care about the grid now let's talk about about the truth the truth is it's an infeed game the truth is I can still do my thing ready I get a know I've reference that as well oh I can't then I'm going to run ads that won't show up on the grid got it conviction versus like these [ __ ] people don't get it that's all that I hear from everyone right that's where you go
they don't get it cool the thing that I always do to inspire youngsters I'm like if they don't get it you go do it but as long as you're taking that paycheck from it you've got to figure out how to have if you're going to convince it's going to come from conviction not compromising convincing any party so this is our first time using the 4ds to teach people sock so we're going to do some ideation around cohorts we're going to talk about brand forance we got a lot of b2bs in here that I think struggle
more with understanding how sock applies so do you have any words of wisdom go into the afternoon yep the best example of suck and cohorts I gave were a B2B environment example it was for them this is real it will work you know I would go in with openness walk in with maybe heading to yes instead of no and excuses and then during the process ask questions awesome thank you thank you [Music] yeah
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