How To Use The Secondary Law Of Attraction In 2023

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor talks about the Secondary Law of Attraction, how it has impacted him, and how it can imp...
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this lesson is it's a subject that's probably so misunderstood by almost everyone what you have to understand is that everything that comes into your life comes by law this entire universe operates by law now the fact that we don't necessarily agree with that is is because of our own ignorance we don't know everything we don't really understand the laws in depth but I want you to look at this and really think the law of attraction is one of the greatest gifts the understanding of this now I have mentioned on numerous occasion that when the secret
come out the basis of the secret was the Law of Attraction um unfortunately not everybody that is on the law on the secret um really understands the Law of Attraction and that's not a put down it's just that they didn't you've got a lot of people there and this particular law it um well first of all I've mentioned on numerous occasions it's a secondary law it's not a primary law the primary law is the law of vibration that we will be talking about and you've got to control the vibration you're in if you want to
control what's coming into your life um when you learn how to do that you can take your pen and literally write your own ticket you really can there is no end to where we can go and what we can do now what's one of the most important things in the world there it is right there Earl n Gale talked about it he said this is the magic word thanks God and it's a word that we've got to be acutely aware of all the time um attitude is not a subject that should be taken lightly it's
um attitude is all about the Mind attitude is our position or bearing is indicating thoughts feelings and actions so you're taking in the conscious the subconscious and the body you're taking all parts of your personality and this is essential if we're going to understand the Law of Attraction now we've also got aside from our own ignorance we've got the ignorance of all um our ancestry I mean it's all into the Paradigm it goes back for Generations you know thanks God and uh so we're we're gaining an understanding of Allah that very few people understand um
although everyone is subjected to it and everyone is being impacted by it every day how often do we catch oursel pointing our finger or blaming someone something sick conditions or circumstance for what's going on in our life we have the ability to take absolute control over our life and um there's a great poem I want to recommend everybody get it write this down indictus Invictus and it's by Henley Henley wrote it Invictus it's it's a phenomenal poem to study you got to be the master of your fate all right now we've got our Paradigm that's
um it's really causing us to stumble a lot every day now what is the Paradigm let's take a look at it it is a mental program that has almost why do we say almost because you do have conscious control over it but because it has mostly control over us because we've been programmed this way we've got to take control back so the Paradigm has it's a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our habitual Behavior or almost all of our behavior is Habitual now don't take my word
for it um I've been studying this for a long time but um I want you to think on your own if you are living with someone um you're living with a person that has a paradigm and that Paradigm is in control of their habitual Behavior when they wake up in the morning bang the habitual Behavior Cuts in and there's a routine that they go through true now part of that routine maybe you don't like there's going to be trouble in River City if you try and change their routine because that's a very deeply rooted routine
it's way and and God knows how far back it goes back in their family we're really programmed and the programming is deep you've got the genetic programming right from the moment of conception that's when Mom's DNA and Dad's DNA came together and that formed the nucleus of you and then the attractive force was sent up and it kept growing and growing till 280 days later boom you made your great debut in the planet and then you started to add to that Paradigm from your en environment that you're in now the environment you're in is probably
very much like what you picked up at the moment of conception because the two people that came together that created the seed that made you um those people have habits and you're in their habit sphere and that's really what it is it's a habit sphere and that is going right into your subconscious mind so we're dealing with something pretty big now wants are spoken here they're not spoken in the Paradigm you um have heard I don't know how many times you can't have everything you want well the truth is you can the truth is you
can you can have everything you want and um and there's no reason why you shouldn't have it you're God's highest form of creation you've been blessed with faculties that would just blow the mind of a person if they can really look at it in depth and see what's there so we're saying wants are spoken here I want you to let down your guard let down get rid of all the logic and all the the nonsense that tells us you know the lack of money or the lack of wisdom lack of knowledge forget all that let's
just use our imagin here and think what do you really want because I'm going to tell you something if you want it it's already here then it's just a matter of getting on the same frequency and you're going to get it baby trust me that's where you Dream Out Loud forget about what they think first of all it's none of your business what they think so forget about what they think and listen it's okay to be silly it's okay to be silly no reason why you shouldn't be okay now what we're talking about here is
loosening up our mind let's get the energy flowing to and through us there's a pure unadulterated Spirit flowing into your Consciousness right now and as it flows into your Consciousness you can make anything out of you want anything out of it you want and all things are possible if you can think it can you imagine um well when I was a kid we didn't even have a phone we didn't have a phone and when we got one it was a a party line God knows how many other people are on the line if you don't
know what a party line is that all kinds of people are on the same frequency and so you pick up your phone to talk to somebody somebody else can pick up their phone listen to you they may be on the other side of town you know but they're part they're part of your party landine now can you imagine if back then I'm going back let's say um 70 years um to when we got our first phone and uh it was the party line can you imagine if somebody had talked about this phone what we could
do about this now can you imagine if somebody had told us 70 years ago that this would happen we would have said they're right out of their mind and that is because it's so far beyond the Consciousness the ious awareness of the people well let's think of it this way we can go way beyond our own conscious awareness and tap into anything we want and we're capable of doing it because you see that's how this phone came about that's how the ability to communicate to you came about now look here there's the little diagram that
serman Fleet dreamed up and God is it a beauty that's your mind and you there's your conscious mind you can think of what you want and I want you thinking of what you want I tell the story in the born rich book about my aunt Marg she said in a seminar she says when you said no what do you want what do you really want she's gone now God bless her but man I do remember that and I said what do you really want not what does your husband want you to want or your wife
want you to want or what do the kids want you to want what do you want and she said it had been so long since I thought what wanted she said there was nothing coming but she said when the idea started to come what I wanted I couldn't write it fast enough and it just flowed out of me and I'm going to tell you she and her husband's lives changed they were dirt poor at the time with a whole bunch of kids in a relatively short period of time they had a million-dollar business beautiful home
in Toronto beautiful home in Florida nice cars all that changed because they let themselves think of what they want you think what you want then by taking subjective control over what we want in other words get emotionally involved with what you want let yourself feel it this is all done with your imagination you know what you're going to do you're going to change the vibration you're in you're going to change your behavior and the results while the results change this is marvelous the way this happens and let's think you are a spiritual being your spiritual
DNA is perfect yours is your spiritual DNA is perfect in other words the essence of who you are is perfect there's no flaws absolutely none the real you requires no modification requires no improvement this is This Magnificent power that's flowing to and through us now get this this what you're made out of is a power that's all knowing in other words all the knowledge there ever was or ever will be is here right now all the knowledge it's all here the way to do everything is here we just have to tap into it all science
and all theology are Adam about this nothing is created or destroyed everything already been created all the knowledge is here you you have all the knowledge cuz you're made out of this power it's all powerful you'll run and you won't get weary now think when you're tired it's because you're violating the laws and you're wearing this thing out it's all powerful all powerful all the power there ever was orever will be is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time all the know there ever was or ever will be is 100% evenly present
in all places at the same time now get this it is ever present it doesn't matter where you go yet doesn't matter how far away that power is always with you it's always with you it's always with you now think about that for a moment that is very powerful ful you're a spiritual being your spiritual DNA is perfect it requires no modification no improvement all the power all the knowledge it's ever present now that is the real you it's important we establish this because this is what we're dealing with when you start to say I
can't do this and I can't do this you better pay attention to who you are you are truly God 's highest form of creation I know you may not have ever done anything of any consequence in your life look it when Ray Stanford handed me this book I was one lost soul I don't know what you work at but you wouldn't have hired me you wouldn't want to hang around with me I wasn't a very nice person I wasn't really a nasty person but I wasn't a very nice person I I was just focused on
me I was trying to get all the time cuz I never had anything I didn't understand any of this information and when he told me what I'm just covered here told me in his way of telling me how could I have believe that I was all powerful that I had all the knowledge there ever was hell I immediately my mind went I never went to school well I want you to really think and what we're going to do we're not going to mess around with these little goals of what we already know how to do
or what we think we can do we're going to get up on the Highwire there we're going to get up in the seag goals now to get to the seag goal it's absolutely essential you take your mind there U with your imagination that is really important you got to go there with your imagination I don't know what you really want but I would say odds are you could go much further than you've gone there is no limit to what you can do absolutely none your goal has to be something that will cause you to wake
up in the morning full of energy it's going to be something that's going to improve your life and everybody's life that you come in contact with there's something so special about you you know when I stop and think of the people that I'm surrounded by in this company starting with Sandy and then going to Mikey and Gina and Russian all the people in this company I thank God every day I am so grateful for the people that I associate with and then the thought comes to me I must deserve these people in my life I
must be like them or I wouldn't be around them we're all attracted together if you want to attract good people become a good person if you want to attract better people become a better person so you want to make sure your goal is up there in the Highwire it doesn't fall into the category of what you think you can do what you want to do it's a way up here is your goal that's your dream and you're going to find that this is how it starts you're a spiritual being you have an intellect you live
in a physical body and because all this is true you have the ability to think the thoughts come together in your Consciousness and build an idea a picture in your [Music] mind that image if it's held in your mind if it's loved if you're emotionally involved must move into physical form that is one of the first laws of the universe it's called the Perpetual transmutation of energy and because we are creative beings we can dictate what form it's going to flow into now you see when we fill our being with that idea that controls the
vibration and the vibration and dictates what we all trct now we're going to talk more about that as we go along here but that's really what we're talking about you've got to realize that when you you build an idea you're building it at a pure unadulterated creative spirit and you built this idea and it fills your Consciousness let yourself feel it present tense not in the future you've already got it you've got it in you've got it emotionally and you let yourself feel that inside it has to move into form and it moves into form
put the screen up for a second look at this for a moment here you are here and you've originated an idea in your conscious mind where did it come from it came from Pure unadulterated spirit and then you get emotionally involved in that idea now that is planting it in your heart the heart is the subject of mind it's what Solomon said as a person thinketh in their heart so are they see as you get emotionally involved in that idea that controls the vibration that you are in and the vibration you're in dictates not only
how you act but what you attract it attracts to you energy that's in harmony with you see mind and body are all one we just got this graphic illustration to help you understand it better so thanks God go back to the slide so as you look at this clearly understand that you are a spiritual being spirit is omnipresent spirit's 100% evenly present in all places at the same time it's omnipresent it's everywhere everything is an an expression of spirit we've been separated from everything else because we were given an intellect and through our intellectual factors
perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition through those intellectual factors we can work with the non-physical side the spiritual side of ourselves to change the physical side of oursel we're God's highest form of creation this is just such a phenomenal thing to start to understand now get this straight this is really a black and white deal There's No Gray involved yet doesn't matter how hard you work or how many hours you put in if the Paradigm does not change the results will ultimately remain much the same from one year to the next yeah there's
people listening to my voice right now their results right now are not much different than they were a year ago you can blame it on the pandemic you can blame it on the co you can blame it on anything you want blame it on your pet dog if you want as long as the blame is point is outside your toast you go go look in the mirror look in the mirror you have brought everything into your life everything there's no question about it your Paradigm controls your vibration now understanding this say if my Paradigm controls
my vibration can I create a vibration that's stronger than the Paradigm oh you can you can do anything because because you are truly God's highest form of creation and you are given those higher faculties now look here for a moment Let each of these lines represent a level of vibration okay each line we refer to each level of vibration as a frequency okay your cell phone operates on its own frequency in fact everybody's cell phone operates on its own frequency now stay with me here when you get another person's on another person's frequency you are
one with them magic happens you can look at them and they may be on the other side of the globe we call it FaceTime you can look at them and carry on a conversation you're one with them do you know you do that with your imagination you're one with your goal you see you're one with them because you're on the same frequency but when you get on the frequency of the good that you desire you've already got it baby you just haven't caused it to move into form but you do cause it you cause it
because you have the ability to execute these laws to create what you want to create I'm watching it happen every day in her own company it's you can imagine how I feel I'm just so jazzed with it okay now look it this is important this is your thinking mind okay you're creating a new self image I want you to start to see yourself as everything that I've just explained you get all sensory factors and you know something you're getting inundated remote side with old problems and you're in harmony with those old problems because that's part
of the Paradigm you got to say no more this nonsense has come to an abrupt halt I'm not doing that anymore I am going to take subjective control my subjective mind my universal mind and I'm going to let that new image fill my feelings it's going to fill me that is going to control my my vibration and control the results and I got to stay that way is that an easy thing to do I can tell you from personal experience it is not an easy thing to do but I can tell you something if I
can do it you can do it now do you know I think I was mentioning the other day girl Nale taught me once time there's a vast difference between knowledge and experience you can take this what I've just said you've got this knowledge and you can explain to somebody else you'll think wow that's powerful I think this will work that's knowledge I've got the experience of working with this since 1961 okay that's a long time that's experience I don't no wonder I know it will work because I've worked it that's the beautiful thing about experience
if you won once you know you can win it's not a Wonder can I you know you can that's knowledge and experience put together nothing like experience experience tells you you know you can now let me go through this again look here you are here you got your senses and you built a picture of this new part of you now the old problems they're going to come at you and they're in harmony with the old Paradigm but you have made a decision that is not going to control me anymore this new image is controlling me
in fact I'm going to let it have subjective control over me because I'm going to saturate my subjective mind with it I'm going to feel it I'm going to walk around every time I find myself having problems I'm going to turn it off over again and I know from experience that's what'll happen now stay with me here's this power flowing into you okay controls your thoughts those thoughts you send off into the universe but you also internalize them so those thoughts cause you to feel the way you're feeling those feelings are expressed with and through
your body but you also send those feelings off out into the universe and because it goes into your body that controls the vibratory rate of the body and controls how you act so what we've got here is one 2 three that's what caus the results it's called attitude attitude is your position or bearing is indicating thoughts feelings and actions now I'm going to tell you something you are in control of your attitude put a blow up G you are in control of your attitude you control your thoughts your feelings and your actions absolutely refuse to
let anybody take that control away from you I don't care who it is you don't let them do it now stay with me here everything you want lock into this really pay attention is also on its own frequency everything you want nothing's created destru therefore everything's here everything is on its own frequency become one with it become one with it and you know what'll happen you'll become magnetized to it and you'll Attract it right into your life okay look at your present results right now you can only attract what you're in harmony with I want
you to think about what's coming into your life right now just leave that there Scott all right I want you to take a real good look at your present results you can only attract what you're in harmony with this is so important energy attracts like energy energy attracts like energy you can only attract to what's in harmony with you if you're holding bad ideas thinking bad thoughts about other people you're attracting bad energy to you you filled yourself with it and you're attracting bad energy to you make a decision to become one with what you
want this is so important and it's so misunderstood you're going to become one with it how do you do that I'm going to show you how to do it all right now listen here we go the wants are here in your conscious mind wants are in your conscious mind but understand this the wants come from the essence of who you are the essence of who you are is pure unadulterated Spirit your spiritual DNA is perfect there's Perfection within you there's Perfection within everyone and that Perfection is seeking expression with and through you because spirit's always
for expansion and Fuller expression it's such a big idea and it's so misunderstood how do we become one with it you mentally see yourself with it and you emotionally get involved with it and that's how your desire is formed you become one with it you've become you've taken ownership of it you can say well I haven't got it physically you haven't got it but you've got it here you've got it here and it's only a period of time till you have it here see that's called the Perpetual transmutation of energy energy moving into form the
energy moved into our Consciousness and we gave it form and then we turn it over to Universal subconscious mind because that's really what that is I you to stop and think of what that is here's what it is look at this sounds a little strange I'm going to tell you something your subconscious mind is a part of everything that's the universal subconscious mind that is why when you get emotionally involved and move into that vibration you are connected with whatever you want does matter where it is it's probably all over the place because it's coming
to in parts and little specs of energy that is how you become one with what you want you mentally become one with it it's like the great actors okay now stay with me let's look at this again there we are we're getting inundated no question about it the old paradigm's still there however we have consciously control to block that off just block it off and we've consciously decided to saturate our universal mind with the image that we consciously chose and we consciously chose it from Pure unadulterated spirit and we know we know because we have
done it in the past we see it work as we get emotionally involved in that vibration it changes our results it's just the way it happens now make sure you understand this you that's you touch your yourself you can create your own economy your own future from this moment on you can be totally in charge you always could have been I'm just trying to bring it to your attention now listen I'm giving you what I studied every day for 70 years I've got a pile of stuff here I'm studying I've got books here that I'm
studying I study them every day I was here in the studio very early this morning just reviewing this lesson I want to make it as good as I Poss can for you the law of vibration the secret to goal setting and achieving it certainly is now let's review a frequency is a level of vibration all right it's a level of vibration what we want to understand there's an infinite number of frequencies an infinite number why didn't we have a phone when I was a kid because we were ignorant we thought there was a limited number
of frequencies so only the wealthy or the favored could get a telephone because you need a frequency to have a telephone isn't it strange now the millions of phones there are around and we all have our own frequency there's no party lines we all have our own frequency it's such a magnificent concept now stay with me stay with me there's an infinite number of frequencies this is such a beautiful thing to know every frequency is connected to the one above and the one below there is no line of demarcation they're all hooked together like the
colors of a rainbow one starts before the other one finishes and they're all connected together this is so powerful and is so misunderstood now let that X represent you that X represents where you are take an honest look at where you are in your life and you be a to see how you got there I want you to take an honest look at where you are in your life this is so important how's your finances how's your finances how is your social life how's your physical health what's your business like yes your business growing beautifully
ask yourself this I'm going to tell you something you can go back and you can review how you got there because each ones of these levels of vibration you can call frequencies you can call them levels of awareness you know if we go back go back down about halfway down those lines you remember when you first moved there do you remember when you first started to work there can you remember when this first happened to you all the way up every one of those lines represent a happening something that caused you to move ahead and
get to where you are that's how it works we continually raise our level of conscious awareness and because we do we unfold greater Beauty and greater prosperity in our life now look really pay attention here you're sitting there and you're looking there there wow you're dreaming you're just taking a break and you've got yourself into a very relaxed position and you're letting your mind take off like a rocket you've got your imagination and you see something so absolutely beautiful this is how my business could be this is how I could live that's the kind of
house I could live in oh my God go back there just look and think but I don't know how to to do that I don't know how to do that and we Let It Fade I'm going to tell you something if we go back a little ways you didn't know how to do that where you are now you have no idea how to get there and just because you can't see how to get there that doesn't mean you can't go there you can go anywhere you're God's highest form of creation you got all these higher
faculties look it to move to a much higher frequency of thought you must first consent I cannot do this for you if I could do it for you I'd come up behind you with a syringe I'd stick it in your ass and you'd get it you really would I want you to get this listen this is so phenomenal God you can't find anything better than this this is life to move to much higher frequency of thought you must first consent you've got to make the decision then you have to adapt to the ideas and feelings
the new rep the new frequency represents see when you go ahead the old Paradigm saying get out of there you're going to get hurt you're going to lose everything you've got you crazy what are you doing that for that's what the Paradigm does you're taking control over that Paradigm now look it you've got to decide and at the suggestion even the suggestion of a movement mentally your Paradigm instantly is going to put up a huge battle and it'll continually fight you you've got to take conscious control over the Paradigm you got to remove and replace
it this is huge absolutely huge God do I love it there you are there there's where you want to go this is what we want to understand don't let that fade what we want to understand is there is a place that's an actual place we went there in our imagination that's how we got to where we are that's how we fly through the air now that's how we communicate with pictures going back and forth that's how everything is being done we're broadcasting all over the world from this studio there's no end to where you can
go there is a place understand that listen to what hill said there's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it nobody's ready for a thing till they believe they can acquire it the State of Mind must be belief and Not Mere hope or wish open-mindedness is essential to belief closed minds will not Inspire Faith courage or belief now look it you got to get ready and you're not ready if you don't believe you can do it hoping and wishing isn't going to cut it see our belief is developed through evaluation
and by re-evaluating and that's what we're doing in this lesson you're re-evaluating what you're capable of doing you may have never thought of this before you're thinking of it now and you're not here by accident I'm going to tell you something you've been attracted to me and I've been attracted to you it's all by law this is not a philosophy the Bob has this is by law you got to believe it just believe it and I'm going to tell you something magic starts to happen now look it you've got to remember whenever you go on
a trip you want to remember there's a place God is such a beautiful thought and remember no more efforts required to aim high in life to demand abundance and prosperity that is required to accept misery and poverty see it doesn't take any more to go there in fact when you believe that's when the magic starts the moment your belief matches with any state you fuse with it that means your whole being fuses with that state and this Union results in the activation and projection of its plots plans conditions and Circumstance Everything Changes you see you
take and you press that upon Universal m mind all right when you impress that upon the universal mind everything in the universe is affected by it everything the furthest star you say oh I don't believe that one know the beautiful truth you don't have to you don't have to do you know how I come to believe it I kept repeating it over and over and over and over again you believe and your belief will create the fact and millions of dollars today our company operates all over the world in 1973 I sat down with my
pen I said I'm going to build a com operates all over the world I was sitting by myself in a little Den about 10 by 10 I had no one working with me I was it today we operate all over the world you see I don't wonder if this works I know it works that's why I tell you if you tell me what you want I can show you how to get it this is everything make sure you're getting it thanks God now let's come back here blow it up the moment your belief matches with
with any state you fuse with it what do we mean by that intellectually emotionally physically and this Union results in the activation and projections of its plots and plans conditions and Circumstance this new state of conscious awareness becomes your home from which you view the world this is where you're living now you're not like those other people anymore they want to complain let them go ahead and do it they want to let the News broadcasters control their subjective World let them go ahead and do it you're in control of you this is the way you
want to operate this new state of conscious awareness becomes your home from which you view the world see your perception is everything it's one of the higher faculties it's a gift God give you that no other form of animal life has got perception it's how you look at the world now look at this come back okay this is your workshop and if you're observant you're going to see outer reality shaping itself upon the model of your imagination you're going to watch your world Mikey phone me about three weeks ago month ago maybe I picked up
the phone it was in the evening and she said Bob I just got a call from Betty we are broadcasting right now into every country in the world in 1973 I didn't care how long it took I just knew it was going to happen and I knew I was going to enjoy the ride but that's where I started to live then I began to walk talk and live like I was with a company and operated all over the world how do you think I attracted some of the Geniuses that work in this company I got
people in this company that could figure me right through a brick wall lot smarter to me in a lot of areas I just love this I love it now look come back when you move on to a higher frequency you will be communicating with a world totally foreign to and beyond the reach of your five senses this you get you're you're not talking you're not talking in your physical world anymore you're dealing with the universal mind you're dealing with universal intelligence you're up there you're on your freak you're on Harmony with the frequency that you're
on that's your world that's where you're living You' got to adapt to that and you can do it so now look it Steve Jobs put it very well he said you cannot connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards the dots will somehow connect in the future you just got to trust that you see the top X the bottom X go back from the bottom X you can see how you got there there the top X you have no idea how you're going to get there but I'm going to tell you
something if you stay emotionally involved with that goal and you love it things are going to start to happening chinging we did it we did it then you take a look at a lesson and you say you know Scot come on bring this up please I could have gone there I could have gone there yeah you could have but you didn't but you did go there it's such a beautiful thing now look at paradigms are so important it's a metal program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual Behavior and almost all of our behavior
is Habitual so what is the bottom line here's the bottom line go to the screen Scott you get the image of what you want and you get emotionally involved when you do that you're physically in vibration that starts to attract there's also cause us to act now look it if we let these lines represent levels of vibration we'll say this is where I am here right now but this is where I want to go here do you know what you're doing you are just jumping over all of this stuff you're going over all of that
and you're going directly to there now you going to live there you'll live in that frequency that becomes your home that's your Workshop that's how you see the world from there I saw the world from the point we were operating all over the world I was doing that for years and I'm going to tell you some of the stuff I had to go through over the past I don't know 50 years I wouldn't wish it on anybody and yet the experience has been invaluable and we did we got there now I'm working on a new
goal and I know that goal is going to unfold in front of me um I talk to Sandy my business partner almost every day and we talk about the goal every day and we talk about it in present tense it's not something that's going to happen in the future if you say I'm going to that means I am not now remember come back to the screen Scott you have to get intellectually involved with the idea emotionally involved with the idea and physically involved with the idea when you're involved on those three planes it's only a
period of time till it moves into form and we don't know what the time is it goals big it'll probably take a while I have always found work expands to fill the line of time a lot of for if you give yourself long time it'll take you a long time but when you get emotionally involved with the goal the attractive Force you set up I would go back and I would watch this often watch this often now look at this I'm going to show you something here and I'm going to recommend you go back and
read this I'm not going to take the time now we'll do it in another at another lesson but this is one of the greatest lessons I have learned here and it came from Thomas troward who is one of the greatest teachers in the world okay now you can go back and watch this over again and I want you to take and dissect what we're looking at here okay I broke it down into just lines my mind's the center of divine operation now I'll just give you one hint if I held a basketball in my hand
there's only one point in that ball that's Center just one point there's only one point in this room that's Center there only one point in anything that's centered when you're dealing with the Divine oper operation any point Center you see there's only one point the basketball center because it's determined by the UT measurements of the ball when you're dealing with infinite intelligence or Spirit there is no odor limits so any point center now just keep doing this the Divine operation is always free expansion or Fuller expression and this means a production of something Beyond what's
gone before something entirely new not included in my past experience though it's proceeding out of my experience by an orderly sequence of growth therefore since a Divine cannot change its inherent nature it's all by law it must operate in the same manner Within Me consequently in my special world of which I am the center it will move forward to produce new conditions always in advance of any that's gone before my God I love that I absolutely love it I've been studying it for a long time I I want you to come back to this lesson
and go back to that slide and I want you to study it I want you to write it out I want you to read it 10,000 times because when you understand that you're going to start to understand why you are one with everything that is and everything's operated by law
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