Teenage Bridezilla Murdered after Revealing Father's Affair with Groom (True Crime Documentary)

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True Crime Case Files
In this shocking true crime story, we explore the tragic murder of Amber-Lynn Caldwell, a young teen...
Video Transcript:
welcome to True Crime case files in this episode  we explore the shocking murder of an 18-year-old Bride on her wedding day in Burnsville West  Virginia a small isolated Town tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains Amber Lin Caldwell's  dream of a perfect wedding ended in a brutal killing after she discovered a secret that would  change everything amberlyn Caldwell was just 18 years old when her life was cut short born and  raised in Burnsville West Virginia Amber had recently graduated from Braxton County High School  in June of 2018 she wasn't interested in college or finding a job instead her full attention  was on planning the perfect wedding to her much older fiancé Darnell Ruddick a 52-year-old  local mechanic Amber had a reputation in town for being high maintenance and demanding with many  referring to her as a bridezilla her obsession with her wedding was all consuming friends said  she would spend hours scrolling through Pinterest and binge watching shows like Say Yes to the  Drss trying to find inspiration for a big day Amber was the only child of Jimmy Caldwell  a 43-year-old businessman who owned a small loving company in town her mother had passed away  when Amber was just 10 leaving Jimmy as her sole caregiver though they were close with rumors that  they shareed a small bed their relationship was sometimes strained neighbors often gossiped about  how controlling Amber could be with her father screaming at him for hours to funder increasingly  extravagant wedding plans Amber's personality was intense she was known for her volatile temper  and would get upset over the smallest details especially when it came to her wedding she once  fired her maid of honor after a disagreement over the bridesmaid dresses her friend said that Amber  had a might way or the highway attitude especially when it came to her relationship with Darnell  despite the 34 year age difference Amber was possessive and jealous often questioning Darnell's  loyalty and accusing him of being unfaithful even though there was seemingly little evidence to back  up her suspicions in the days leading up to death Amber seemed even more on edge than usual some  friends said she was stressed about last minute wedding preparations While others claimed that  Amber had found out something about Darnell that left her distraught still she kept up appearances  hosting a rehearsal dinner just hours before her death she was seen laughing and chatting with  guests though those close to her noticed a change in her mood by the end of the night Amber's dream  was to have a fairy tale wedding she had picked out an elaborate white dress with a long Veil  and had even arranged for a horsedrawn Carriage to take her to the ceremony but that dream quickly  turned into a nightmare as dark secrets from her personal life came to light leading to her tragic  death just days after her high school graduation on the morning of July 29 2018 at around 7:15 a. m.  Amber Lin Caldwell's body was found outside her family's cabin on the outskirts of Burnsville West  Virginia the cabin located deep in the Appalachian Woods was quiet that morning it was Amber's father  Jimmy Caldwell well who made the grizzly Discovery Jimmy had gone out to chop firewood but as he  stepped onto the porch he saw Amber lying on the ground covered in blood the scene was horrific  Amber's body was still in her white wedding rehearsal dress soaked in blood with deep wounds  all over her torso and head her limbs practically chopped off her body Jimmy known in town for  his calm demeanor was anything but that morning Witnesses later described him as panicked and  disoriented as he called 911 his voice trembling as he reported what he had found his exact words  recorded in the emergency call were my daughter is dead there's blood everywhere please someone help  emergency responders arrived within 30 minutes but it was clear that Amber was long gone by the  time they reached her one local paramedic who had known the Caldwell family for years said he  had never seen anything like it I've been doing this job for over 20 years but I've never seen  a scene so violent he would later tell reporters he described the body as being so brutally  attacked that at first it was hard to tell exactly how Amber had been killed he said it almost  looked like she had been eaten by some wild animal Amber's body was found just a few feet from the  firewood pile with the axe used to chop wood lying nearby it was this very axe still covered in blood  that authorities quickly identified as the murder weapon the area around her body was drenched in  Blood and signs of a struggle were evident with broken branches and and Disturbed dirt surrounding  the scene investigators speculated that Amber had tried to run from her attacker but didn't get  far in her wedding dress the discovery sent shock waves to Burnsville a small tight-knit  town where violent crime was rare news of Amber's death spread quickly with locals hearing  about it through social media and morning talk radio stations like 104.
7 bdld FM people couldn't  believe that something so terrible could happen in their quiet community by the end of that day the  small town was filled with rumors and fear as the search for Amber's killer began burnsdale police  arrived at the calwell cabin within 20 minutes of Jimmy Caldwell's frantic 911 call on the morning  of July 29 2018 leading the investigation was detective Laura J Hensen a 15-year veteran of  the Braxton County Sheriff's Department known for her sharp instincts and No Nonsense attitude  Hensen quickly took control of the scene as they walked up the gravel driveway it became clear this  was no ordinary crime scene blood was splattered across the ground near the cabin's porch and the  overwhelming smell of iron filled the air Amber Lin Caldwell's body was sprawled out in the grass  her once white wedding rehearsal dress now soaked in Crimson the sheer brutality of the attack was  immediately evident the murder weapon a firewood axe lay just a few feet away from Amber's body  still covered in dried blood her limbs for all intense and proposes was chopped off her body  officer Harris bagged the axe carefully making sure not to disturb any potential fingerprints  or DNA evidence the Deep cuts on Amber's torso and head were consistent with the blade of the axe  suggesting that the murder had been both Swift and Incredibly violent not the work of a wild animal  detective Henson commented later that it was one of the most gruesome cases she had ever worked  on later calling it a crime driven by pure rage the crime scene itself was kic broken branches  scattered leaves and Disturbed dirt indicated that there had been a struggle before Amber was  killed Footprints both large and small were found in the dirt around the cabin forensic technicians  carefully took photos and measurements hoping to match the prince to a suspect blood spatter  analysis began immediately with investigators using tools like lunal to reveal even the  faintest traces of blood that might help them piece together the exact sequence of events by  midm morning the Burnsville police had secured the scene and started C passing the area they spoke to  neighbors and any wedding guests who were still in the area hoping for any leads on what might have  happened the night before there were no immediate signs of forced entry into the cabin and nothing  appeared to have been stolen ruling out a robbery as a motive the police under the direction  of detective Henson knew that this wasn't a random attack the level of violence suggested  that Amber's killer knew her well and hated her enough to kill her in such a Savage way the search  for suspects began the the first person the police turned their attention to was amberlin Caldwell's  groom Darnell reic at 52 years old Darnell was a well-known mechanic in Burnsville often working  on pickup trucks and farm equipment for the local community his shop reck's Auto Repair was a  regular stop for many in town but Darnell wasn't just known for his work he had a reputation for  dating younger women much younger than himself which surprisingly did not raise much eyebrows  in a small town where women were seen as little more than walking WS on the morning of July 29th  18 just hours after Amber's body was discovered Arnell was brought in for questioning he arrived  at the police station looking disheveled his hand shaking slightly as he sat down in the small dimly  lit interrogation room detective Laura J Hensen led the questioning Darnell claimed he had nothing  to do with Amber's murder and that he had left the cabin early the mag before to clear his head after  a heated argument with Amber he said he went to the local bar The Hitching Post a familiar hangout  for locals where he got quote blind drunk for the rest of the evening but something didn't sit  right with the police Darnell's answers were inconsistent and he couldn't provide any solid  Ali while he mentioned being at the hitching post the bartender on duty that night didn't recall  seeing him furthermore Darnell's calm and detached demeanor during the interrogation raised red flags  for detective Henson it seems strange that someone who had just lost his fiance in such a violent  way would be so calm and composed police began to dig deeper into Darnell's relationship with Amber  according to friends and family their relationship had been turbulent marked by frequent arguments  and Amber's possessiveness Darnell on the other hand seemed indifferent and some who knew him  well said it felt like he was more interested in Amber's father Jimmy Caldwell than in Amber  herself the age gap between Darnell and Amber had always been a point of Gossip in Burnsville  but now it seemed there might be more behind it despite Darnell's claims of Innocence police  continued to focus on him as a prime suspect but the evidence at this point was circumstantial  and police needed more concrete proof before they could arrest him the investigation into  Darnell's background continued as the police search for additional clues that might connect  him to Amber's brutal murder on the afternoon of August 2 2018 just a few days after Amber Lin  Caldwell's murder a new piece of evidence emerged that would drastically shift the investigation it  was a hot summer day in Burnsville West Virginia with the sun beating down on the small quiet Town  nestled in the Appalachian Mountains Detective Laura J Henson received a tip from one of Amber's  close friends Haley Jun Jennings Haley 19 had been present at the calwell family cabin the night  before Amber's death Haley had been too frightened to come forward earlier but finally broke her  silence after seeing how the town was reeling from the tragedy Haley told the police that on  the night of July 28th Amber had stumbled upon something shocking something that in hindsight  seemed like the motive for her murder according to Haley Amber had confided in her just hours  before her death Amber had caught Darnell reck her 52-year-old groom and her father Jimmy Caldwell  having sex in the cabin's back room haey said Amber was Furious disgusted and heartbroken Amber  couldn't believe that her father a respected local businessman and her fiance had been secretly  involved in a gay relationship with Amber had confronted both men that night threatening to  expose their Affair to the entire town in a place like Burnsville where gossip spread like wildfire  and the community was deeply conservative such a revelation would have been devastating Darnell  and Jimmy both well-known figures in the area had a lot to lose Amber who had always been outspoken  and headstrong had no plans to keep their secret hidden this new information changed everything  detective Hensen and her team immediately followed up on Haley's statement bringing her in for a  formal interview Haley appeared visibly shaken but her story remained consistent she even mentioned  that Amber had had been drinking heavily that night which only fueled her anger and made her  more determined to confront Darnell and Jimmy the police now had a clear motive for Amber's murder  both Darnell and Jimmy had strong reasons to silence her she knew too much and had threatened  to ruin them both with this explosive new evidence the police began to refocus their investigation on  Darnell who was already a prime suspect and Jimmy Caldwell who had so far avoided much suspicion  this Revelation added fuel to the fire and the investigation quickly intensified the police knew  they were close to solving the case but they still needed more concrete evidence to make an arrest  with the new graphic evidence of a secret sexual encounter in hand police turned their attention  to Jimmy Caldwell Amber Lin's father Jimmy was a 43-year-old businessman known for running a small  but successful Lumber Company in Burnsville West Virginia he was well respected in the community  but the revelation of his secret affair with Amber much older fiance Darnell reuck shocked the police  Jimmy had always been seen as a strict but devoted father especially since Amber's mother passed away  several years before however his previously close relationship with Amber had become strained in  the months leading up to the wedding on August 3 2018 detective Laura Henson brought Jimmy in for  questioning it was a blistering hot afternoon and the air conditioning in the police station was  working overtime to combat the intense summer G Jimmy arrived looking nervous and fidgety a  stark contrast to the stern confident demeanor the town was used to seeing he knew the police had  uncovered his affair with Darnell and it was clear he feared the consequences of this information  getting out during the interrogation detective Hensen pressed Jimmy about the night of Amber's  murder Jimmy tried to remain calm but his body language betrayed him he avoided eye contact  shifted in his seat and his voice wavered when asked about his sexual relationship with Darnell  Jimmy claimed he had nothing to do with Amber's death and said he was in his room at the cabin  when the murder took place he insisted that his sexual relationship with Darnell had nothing to  do with the killing calling it a private personal matter despite his attempts to downplay the  situation Jimmy was clearly shaken he repeatedly denied being involved in the murder but admitted  that Amber had confronted him in Darnell after catching them having sex together the night before  the wedding he described the argument as explosive with Amber Ing and making threats Jimmy told  detective Hensen that he was worried Amber would ruin both his and Darnell's lives if she exposed  their relationship to the town Jimmy's statements gave the police more insight into the explosive  nature of the confrontation that occurred before Amber's death the motive was becoming clearer  Amber's discovery of her father's secret affair with her groom set off a chain of events that led  to her murder while Jimmy maintained that he had no role in the actual killing his nervous demeanor  and the explosive argument with Amber raised more suspicions for now the police were not ready to  rule him out the police next turned their focus to Colton Vance Amber's ex-boyfriend Colton 17 was a  high school dropout with a reputation for causing trouble around Burnsville friends and neighbors  described him as a hoad someone who struggled to control his temper he was known for getting into  fights especially when he was drinking Colton and Amber had dated for two years during high school  but their relationship had been far from smooth Amber eventually left him for the much older and  less attractive Darnell reic a decision that left Colton humiliated and heartbroken his jealousy  over Amber's new relationship with a much older man was well known in the small community Colton  was seen at the reception Witnesses said he had too much to drink and got into an argument with  Amber shortly before she left the event according to a few guests Colton shouted at Amber calling  her names and storming out of the reception in a rage with this information in hand police brought  him in for questioning on August 6 2018 if it was a rainy morning in Burnsville and Colton arrived  at the police station looking Sullen and defensive detective Laura J Henson and her team questioned  him about his whereabouts on the night of Amber's murder Colton admitted to being upset but claimed  he had nothing to do with her death he told police that after the argument at the reception he went  home and passed out after drinking too much he couldn't provide a solid Alibi and his story  had some gaps which made him look suspicious the police pressed Colton on his history with  Amber he grew visibly angry his voice Rising as he described how Amber had messed with his head  during their relationship he expressed frustration over how she'd moved on with Darnell someone  he saw as old enough to be her father Colton's bitterness was clear and the detectives noticed  how quickly his mood could shift from calm to angry however despite his obvious anger and the  argument he had with Amber that night the police couldn't find any direct evidence linking him to  the murder his fingerprints weren't on the murder weapon and there was no no sign that he had been  at the crime scene although Colton's outburst and violent history made him a person of interest  the police began to believe that someone else might have had a stronger motive to kill Amber  for now Colton remained on their radar but the investigation would soon take another shocking  turn hey True Crime case solvers interested in more real life murder mysteries be sure to  like And subscribe to our Channel and you have any thoughts about this case or have a case of  your own you'd like us to investigate leave us a comment stay safe True Crime case solvers as the  investigation deepened police pieced together a clearer picture of what led to Amber's murder on  August 10 2018 detective Laura J Henson and her team discovered the final clue that pointed them  toward the real killer Amber had caught her father Jimmy Caldwell and her groom Darnell reic having  sex this shocking Revelation came after Amber's best friend stepped forward with new information  she told police that Amber had confided in her just days before the wedding saying she had seen  something so bleeping disgusting it made her vomit with disgust with this information the police dug  further into the relationship between Jimmy and Darnell it became clear that their secret affair  had been going on for months maybe even years Amber who had idolized her father was devastated  and Furious when she found out about their secret sexual relationship after drinking heavily at  the reception Amber confronted both men at her family's cabin the the argument escalated  quickly Amber threatened to expose their Affair to the entire town which would ruin both  of their reputations in the deeply conservative and tight-knit community of Burnsville panicked  and fearing disgraced Darnell snapped in a fit of rage he grabbed the firewood axe that was sitting  outside on the porch and chopped Amber to death like she was a piece of wood the brutality of the  attack showed just how desperate and enraged he had become Jimmy shocked by what had just happened  didn't intervene instead he helped Darnell stage the scene leaving Amber's body outside the cabin  and the Bloody axe nearby hoping it would look like a random violent attack possibly from a wild  animal on August 11 2018 at 2:30 p. m.
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