The Forgotten Gospel of Jesus the Nazarene | Know Thyself Podcast

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Aaron Abke
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[Music] what's kind of the promise you know what can we the listeners expect to you know have some light shed on in terms of uh how this can be applicable to their own life and yeah let's go from there well it's a great question to start with um because you know I grew up Christian pastor's kid and Evangelical Christan Christianity and um not a ton of my followers I think even know that I have a degree in theology from Oral Roberts University I spent four years heavily studying hermeneutics and did some Hebrew as well some
Co Greek and just like plunging into the uh original translations of the gospels new testament old testament and that was my passion at that age but uh you know fell away from Christianity at 23 and and chose a different spiritual path for while and then really came full circle like you said back to Mystical Christianity about five or six years ago and dove into a whole new understanding of who this person was this person of Yeshua and so the ases to me really have the missing key the missing secret of who Jesus was because we're
going to get into it more in the pot of course but the original Gospel of Jesus was and is so different than the Christian religions vers version of The Gospel which um you know if I had to distill it I would say you have Paul's gospel which is salvation by faith alone you just have to confess Jesus as your lord and savior and that's it that's the gospel but then you have the gospel of uh James the just the brother of Jesus and the TW disciples who writes in the Book of James faith without works
is dead your Works your righteousness your purification the way you live and show up in the world as the Christ uh shows salvation not just what you confess you believe with your mouth and that was really if you read the the red letters of the Gospel that was Jesus's message was you know he even said to one group of people don't come to me calling me Lord Lord and expect you're going to enter the Kingdom of Heaven because when I was hungry you didn't feed me when I was in prison you didn't visit me and
he says away from me you who practice wickedness but they're calling him Lord I thought that was the whole thing that's what Paul said so those are two very different gospels right and where did Jesus get this gospel if it wasn't the you know kind of blood sacrifice gospel of Paul where did Jesus derive his teachings from and when you trace back the history of the ases this kind of early um you know 150 BCE through 300 ad kind of early Christian Movement it all makes sense all the pieces snap together and you understand Jesus
was a NeNe master from the valley of kumran from a town called Nazareth and the teachings of the AES are so remarkable because they're incredibly simple on one hand and very much get us back in touch with what I would call like practical spirituality being one with the Earth uh being one with uh you know Health in your body not not negating the health of your body which was something that growing up as a Christian that was not something we ever heard taught that physical health even matters at all like everyone was sick overweight out
of shape and that was just normal because it just matters about going to heaven one day right so you get this new gospel of Jesus Through the ases and when you compare the Asen teachings from the Asen gospel of peace with the New Testament you see you know hundreds of correlations and crossovers between what Jesus taught and did in the gospels and the Asen teachings and again suddenly it makes perfect sense so in short what the listeners will get out of this PO I think and I hope is a beautiful simple path of the the
true way of Jesus that has been lost for thousands of years that only since Edmund Bordeaux zley you know found the Asen gospel of peace in the Vatican in I think 1927 or 34 and translated it that these true teachings you know hit the collective consciousness of humanity again and I think the universe is bringing them back at this time for a very important reason I I imagine I explored these convers some of these conversations ations on my podcast here and there and there's always the fundamentalist Christians that you know that come at me and
I'm sure I'm sure as well in the comment section for a lot of your videos and whatnot too and is just yeah any kind of footnotes that you want to put here in regards to how this can be a triggering conversation for so many especially for individuals that have been indoctrinated into very much so believing one one perspective on the story of Jesus and the way to God yeah trigger warning for sure on this one um you know I think Christians don't I was myself a Christian for 23 years essentially Christians don't know anything about
the scenes because it's not an interesting subject to them they're they've already feel like they've got it figured out Paul had the right message we read Paul's Epistles and stuff and uh even as a Christian I found that strange to be honest with you because you know when I first left Christianity I was having these conversations in person and online with Christian friends friends and other Christians I knew about why I didn't resonate with the Christian faith not Jesus but the Christian faith right and I would quote a line from Jesus such as forgive your
enemies 70 time 7 and then why do why do you think God wouldn't do that if Jesus told us to do that and they would always quote a passage from Paul to rebut me it's like are you rebutting Jesus with Paul every single time and it became more clear to me that this religion is really panity it's not Christianity it's the religion of Paul and Paul's version of Jesus who Paul never met Jesus in person never heard Jesus teach in person only heard secondhand knowledge about Jesus and uh was a persecutor of Christians you know
killed hundreds maybe thousands of Christians before his famous encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus where he has this vision and I think Paul's first vision of Jesus was probably a genuine one because when you read the account in the book of Acts essentially a bright light throws Paul off of his horse while he's traveling to Damascus to kill more Christians and he says Paul or his name was Saul at that point Saul Saul why are you persecuting me and he's blinded by this light and he's like who are you Lord he says I
am Jesus the Nazarene whom you are persecuting and then he tells Paul to go to a certain house to meet a certain guy who's going to heal his blindness because he strikes Paul Blind by the light and to me I'm like that sounds like a pretty genuine encounter with a with a light being but what happens is Paul has two more Visionary experiences with Jesus over the next few years and decades and he goes on to say oh I met Jesus in another vision and then a third vision and Jesus told me the real gospel
which is that Jesus himself was the final animal sacrifice of God and that Jesus's murder on God's behalf was the final atonement and all you have to do is just confess with your mouth I believe you died for my sins boom you're saved that's all you have to do sign seal delivered and the problem is that's very different than Jesus's gospel that he actually taught in those red letters when he lived and walked on Earth and that was one of the first things that started to rub me wrong about Christianity you know I was a
worship leader right I was a pastor son my whole life I'm around Christians 247 and I noticed we don't seem to care very much about the middle part we care a lot about the Virgin birth and a lot about the crucifixion and Resurrection but those red letters in those years in between the birth and death of Christ we don't give a whole lot of credit to in comparison and then we get obsessed over what Paul said about Jesus but he never met Jesus and he actually very much condemned and called um the apostles Hypocrites he
called them so-called Apostles he says they mean nothing to me in Galatians um so to me it it started to seem that Paul was probably jealous of the disciples cuz he wished he probably could have been one of them and he didn't like the gospel they were preaching which was um stop killing animals God doesn't want blood sacrifices really the same stuff that all the prophets in the Old Testament from Isaiah Ezekiel Jeremiah Malachi all of them started to condemn the practice of animal sacrifices in the Old Testament and Jesus shows up and he's like
yo isn't it written in your law I do not desire sacrifice but a broken and contrite spirit and then you have Paul saying but no Jesus was the last animal sacrifice so it's this total contradiction right and I couldn't face up to it at a certain point right I'm like this doesn't make sense to me I don't know this God that you all are talking about who wants blood for forgiveness I only know a god I've only encountered a God in myself who's infinitely merciful who forgives 70 time 7 who wants a righteous pure heart
and uh service to others you know Jesus was huge about love your neighbor feed the poor visit the prisoner this is my gospel and don't you dare call me your lord and try to confess me with your mouth if you're not out helping the least of these and so I I couldn't reconcile those contradictions anymore and decided to leave the faith and I'm so glad I did because that's what led me on this this long 10-year journey of actually very similar to Jesus studying all these Eastern Traditions to get a more holistic picture of who
Yeshua hamashiach Jesus Christ was he was an enlightened Avatar uh probably Reincarnation of the Buddha maybe even as the Tibetans say and seeing him through that lens suddenly made perfect sense that he actually came to get rid of the idea that God needs blood and death and violence to forgive people and that we ourselves are the ones who need to forgive not God I love parans yogananda's kind of take also and he's got a two volume series book on the second coming of Christ which is the resurrection of the Christ within and Christ Consciousness something
that far predates the physical being of Jesus or Christ or Yeshua um and something that we all have the capacity to activate and realize within us as well so what is the resurrection of Christ and it's uh in our capacity to have that and realize that In Our Lifetime well we know the word Christ is again the word hamashiach which means anointed one and there's some pretty good evidence to say that that that title was given to Yeshua by the ases they they were like he's the anointed one he's the Messiah that we've prophesied would
be born and uh if you read the New Testament there's a few passages where they quote um some Old Testament passage that says he will be born a Nazarene and they said look he is the Fulfillment of the scriptures he is the Messiah that we foretold and so the word Christ means anointed one and so when we talk about Christ Consciousness or um the resurrection of the Christ in you it has to be pointing to that principle right again what Christianity overlooks or takes for granted is that Christ is not a person but a state
of consciousness that again the ens were trying to to merge back with not just a being but a state of being yeah not just a being but a state of being and so what good is it to just confess a person who lived 2,000 years ago and say that's my Lord and Savior but you go on lying stealing cheating all that stuff which I've just always abhor in in like the Christians that kind of just use it as a scapegoat to say yes I've AC since I've said I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and
Savior can essentially just like do whatever I want and I'm good I'm going to the Pearly Gates you know and it's like okay fair no judgment but at the same time like how that makes no sense to me a Buddhist monk who would never kill a fly um who lives his life with so much compassion and service to others who knowingly had awareness of you know quote unquote accepting Christ into his heart and didn't now was going to burn in hell for eternity you know pretty just never made sense to me and you're not alone
in that for sure it's uh it's the universal reason that anyone rejects the Christian faith because Jesus said you know a tree by its fruit a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit so the hypocrisy of Christianity is the the thing that not only me but also my parents um had had suffered from so much that drove me to the place of this must be a bad tree if I'm seeing so much bad fruit and anybody listening even if you're a fundamentalist Christian listening to this you cannot deny
all the the rampant hypocrisy you've seen in probably every church you've ever been involved in I mean I I knew countless youth pastors getting caught sleeping with their you know youth students laundering money constant Relentless fights for power and coupet toas overthrow attempts of pastors um spreading rumors gossiping I could go on and on and tell you stories about my parents suffering these things and it's like is this the fruit of the true Gospel of Jesus who said they will know you by your love for one another that's how they'll know you're my followers it's
got to be a bad tree and so it's it's a well-intended tree you know everyone who's a Christian has great intentions you want to do right you want to follow God but this is such a nuanced topic right to understand how this original message of Jesus got diluted hijacked stolen by the Roman Catholic Church changed time and time again changed censored totally bastardized from its original intention that you can't just read this book that's been around for almost 2,000 years and expect that it's exactly what the original message was has it been tampered with that's
just ignorant right you got to do your research and say let me backtrace the whole history of this movement because if we know one thing about Mankind is that man always changes the original intention of any holy person who's ever lived through the ages the ego of man who wants to have control always gets involved and hijacks the religion it's not Christianity is not the one unique Faith where that's never happened in fact I would say it's happened far worse in Christianity than any religion in existence I would say that and this is a very
controversial statement as well but I would say that the Apostle Paul is the single most influential human being who's ever lived not Jesus Christ because he stole Jesus Christ's message and made it something very different than it actually was and now everyone Associates Paul's gospel and by the way he called it my gospel over and over again he didn't call it Jesus's gospel he said my gospel is the blood of Christ well that wasn't Jesus's gospel and that's the big problem so to get back to Jesus's message you have to study the ases and understand
where Jesus came from what he taught and this is what's really cool man if if you want to get into this is the incredible amount of proofs in the Bible itself not only with all these early historians that prove Beyond any shadow of a doubt overwhelmingly that Jesus was definitely a Nazarene aene who essentially probably came to Jerusalem to say yo these people are so lost in this Blood Cult of animal sacrificing thinking that this deity Yahweh wants blood to atone for sins I got to go help these people I got to go preach the
truth to them because they're just falling farther away from God and that was the compassion of Christ to go do that and he probably knew they're going to murder me for it at some point but what other purpose is there to be alive than to serve the Creator and to spread the good news he called it um so do you want to get into that I would love for you to go through because there's a lot of really important points I think especially on the heels of what is definitely controversial triggering kind of speech that
you gave that I very much so am in agreeance with I think this helps solidify as well so I'd love to take some space just to go through some of those awesome so I'm going to read you six known seen Creeds actually seven technically that Jesus states in the New Testament gospels because again there's so much proof in the Bible itself that Jesus wasn't a seene and then when you get to sources outside the Bible it just becomes this overwhelming mountain of evidence um but you know you begin with the fact he was born in
Nazareth you begin with the fact that he was constantly condemning the Pharisees and Sadducees for their hypocrisy so stands to reason he probably wasn't a Pharisee or a sadducee that only leaves one other Jewish sect which was the ases and so throughout his teachings especially like The Sermon on the Mount Jesus word for word expresses aene Creeds that people like Philo and Josephus document which Pho and Josephus can you give just quick context who they are for the people that don't know yeah Josephus was a Roman historian I think he was a Jewish by birth
but a Roman citizen who was um a prolific historian most of this comes from his text Wars of the the Jews where he documented the wars between the Jews and Rome in those days um Philo was a Greek historian I believe and then there's plyy the Elder um Pho of Alexandria so yes he was Greek and Pho probably has the most um extensive writings about the Asen and and Jesus but Josephus is very close behind and the these people both lived in the first century at the actual time Jesus walked and so the first one
to me now when I found these sources of pho's uh his document called every good man is free amazing document of early first century history and then Josephus and and plyy I just dove into all these documents and reading them through and they're very lengthy but I was just shocked at the amount of crossover I saw from things that they would say about Jesus or the ases and actual statements of Jesus that I started making these notes of like this is an actual aene Creed pho's mentioning here and Jesus says it in Matthew 5 and
then I just kept cross referencing like that and pulled out about six or seven of those so the first one is Jesus forbidding Oaths this is a quote from Philo every good man is free speaking of the Asen he says they refuse to swear Oaths believing every word they speak to be stronger than an oath Matthew 5:33 through 36 Jesus says again you have heard that it was said of those of old you shall not swear falsely but shall perform your Oaths to the Lord so again here's where we have a Divergence from Orthodox Judaism
in what Jesus taught and did in Judaism they very much believed in swearing Oaths to the Lord and Jesus says but I say to you do not swear Oaths at all neither by Heaven nor by Earth but let your yes be yes and your no be no for whatever is more than these is from the evil one and it's funny the title of that passage in the Bible is Jesus forbids oath o and that was something Pho said the Asen were huge on was never swearing Oaths so there's one Asen Creed the second one Pho
says it is the asen's first Creed to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness have you heard that before somewhere Matthew 6 Jesus says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness literally word for word the asene Creed Phila says number three lay up nothing on Earth for yourselves and fix your mind solely upon heaven uh saying this is one of the asan's Creeds in Matthew 6 Jesus says lay up not for yourself Treasures on Earth but lay up for yourself Treasures in Heaven the fourth Asen Creed Pho says part of the
Asen Brotherhood Creed was to forsake your father and mother houses in land for the kingdom of God in Luke 18 Jesus says there is no man that has left house or parents or Brethren or children for the kingdom of God's sake who will not receive manifold more and what that means by the way is not like screw you Mom I'm gonna go follow the scenes you know it's uh it needs to be the most important thing to you so that if your mom or your dad says no I forbid you to follow that way then
you have to say sorry then because this is the most important thing to me you have to be willing to forsake everything is the point so that's the fourth Creed the fifth Asen Creed Pho says the ases were adamant never to call any Earthly man father or Master for we have one father and master alone they said and uh that's the referring to you know Bishops and priests as father that was something the aen said don't do that don't don't give men this kind of power like that all are equal and no one is your
father but God Alone Matthew 23 Jesus says call no man your father on Earth for you have but one Father in Heaven word for word right number six and seven are kind of in the same quote so I'll break it down Josephus says whenever an aene goes out to speak they take nothing with them they take nothing for the wants of their body and in Luke 10 Jesus admonishes his disciples when he sends them out and says carry neither purse nor bag nor sandals with you on your way and then he says in whatever house
you enter say first peace be to this house and uh that's why I put that as seven because Philo and Josephus both say that that was the the famous greeting everyone knew the Asen by was peace be with you so when you enter a house you say peace be with your house uh also a known to seen Creed so that's those are sources outside the gospels that corroborate Jesus's teachings in the gospels but the most incredible one to me and I almost jumped out of my pants when I saw this dude because uh I've had
some debates with Christians here and there that um will comment on my videos and be like there's no proof at all Jesus was in a scene and so I need to have uh satisfying answers for them to really consider to change their mind because you've got to see this for yourself this isn't like a debate you should have with someone but like well here's the evidence go research it see what you think and when you come to the inescapable conclusion that Jesus wasn't a scen master that changes everything about the type of gospel that you're
going to have to believe in because again the asene way was total opposite from the paulan gospel and so this is from acts uh the book of Acts chapter 24 where um the book of Acts is basically like a hype book that his disciples wrote about Paul to Hype him up and make him look like this amazing you know guy that most biblical Scholars don't think a lot of the stories in acts are historical but kind of like fables and stuff there's some we know that there are some real accounts different uh meetings between the
Sanhedrin and the disciples that actually took place that are in other um documents like the Clement the pseudo Clementines and the asense of James so it's not that it's all lies but like extrapolations and exaggerations to make Paul look better and so in Acts 24 Paul is before the Sanhedrin and they accuse him of being the ring leader of the nazarenes and so it says we have found this man to be a troublemaker stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world he is a ring leader of the Nazarene sect and uh by the
way um epiphanous was a second century third Century Bishop of Constantia he says before they were called Christians they were called ases or nazarin that was the first Jewish Christian Movement of that the Disciples of Jesus actually started which Nazarene is Nazar and a merge together yes you got it the word uh Nazar is Nar or netzer which means uh an offshoot or a branch so it means like the ases were an offshoot of Judaism right and uh the word Asen or esoy in Hebrew uh most Scholars who study the ases and the Dead Sea
Scrolls because they can't find any historical evidence that Nazareth was an actual town in the first century they say okay it must be a reference to the sect of the first century of the ases and so they believe that it's a combination of nzar andine nazarin uh just speculation though but but you're correct and so the the nazarin were the first Jesus movement and and Paul was going around preaching about this Jesus guy and to these um Roman officials like it was all the same to them or the the Jewish clergy like Jesus movements I
don't care what they are like it's all the same to me it's they're preaching this guy they say was the Savior we don't like it we're going to condemn you so they don't really understand the difference between Paul's gospel and the Nazarene gospel so they just hear he's talking about Jesus and they're like he's that ring leader of that new Nazarene sect and um Pho also says that they were also called followers of the way followers of the way and so Paul responds to the accusation that he's the ring leader of the Nazarene sect and
he says I admit that I worship the god of our ancestors as a follower of the way which they also call a sect so right there in the book of Acts we have Paul confirming that the early Christian Movement were the nazarians and that has incredible historical implications for what happened later to them and how they got wiped out from the church by the basically the Paul's recruits of the the Pagan Christians um but they were essentially you know a movement that lasted until about 364 ad when uh the year before the Bible was created
there was everyone knows the Council of NAA where they put the Bible together but the the year before that in 364 ad was the Council of Le oia and that's when they officially banned any kind of Naran or asine Ritual from being practiced in Israel especially the observance of the Sabbath because the Asen were very strict on on the seventh day you fast and you pray all day you commune with the angels you do no work you consecrate the Sabbath to the Lord and Paul very famously was like you don't need to follow any these
Jewish rituals don't observe the Sabbath anymore just confess Jesus and so that movement grew and grew over the next few hundred years and for about those 300 years the nazarenes and the Paul's Greek Christians who weren't Jewish um were side by side living together and the Greek Christian Movement the Pagan Christians were growing way faster in number and so you got to the Tipping Point in 364 well in 135 they were banished from Jerusalem but the nazarenes still had a lot of influence around Jerusalem and had a pretty big following and so it was another
you know hundred some odd 200 years later that the bishop uh the the pope of Rome officially said it is illegal to practice nazaran Christianity here you will be put to death if you're found being a Nazarene and so that's the last we see of the nazarin in church history seems like overwhelming evidence one would say right yeah
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