If You Wake Up Between 3AM & 5AM, SAY THIS POWERFUL PRAYER! | C.S Lewis 2024

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C.S. Lewis Legends
C.S. Lewis Inspirational Prayer - In this video, we explore the sacred and quiet hours between 3 a.m...
Video Transcript:
in the quiet and Stillness of the night when the hours pass between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. there lies a mystery known to those who seek the face of the Lord for this time is set apart a sacred moment when the soul finds itself lifted free from the distractions of the world and Heaven's Gates seem closer to the faithful heart as the psalmist declares enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise Psalm 104 let us then with a heart full of reverence draw near to the Lord offering praise and supplication as I a
humble servant of Christ write to you I am moved by the depth of God's mercy and the riches of his grace let us begin with praise for there is no greater offering we can Render unto God than that of a heart filled with gratitude it is in Thanksgiving that we align ourselves with the divine order acknowled in that every good and perfect gift comes from the father above CS Lewis reminds us that gratitude looks to the past and love to the present fear avarice lust and ambition look ahead let us then dwell in gratitude seeking
the love of the almighty that sustains Us in the present oh Lord Our God you are the king of kings and the Lord of lords the almighty who Reigns over all creation you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end and there is none like you before you all the powers of Heaven tremble and all the creatures of Earth bow in adoration we lift our voices in Praise exalting Your holy name for you alone are worthy your steadfast love endures forever and your mercies are renewed every morning as the Jew upon the
grass oh Father in your infinite wisdom you devised A Plan of Salvation before the foundations of the earth were laid in the fullness of time you sent forth your son our Lord Jesus Christ who for our sake humbled himself taking on the form of a servant obedient even unto death on a cross by his sacrifice we are redeemed and by his resurrection we have the hope of eternal life oh wondrous love oh ineffable Grace for this O Lord we offer you our unending praise C us Lewis in reflecting on this Divine mystery once said the
Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God truly this is the profound beauty of the gospel God drawing us into his eternal family as we stand in your holy presence we are mindful of our weakness and Frailty we are but clay in the hands of the Potter and it is your holy hand that shapes and molds us according to your Divine Purpose oh Lord fashion our hearts our minds and our souls that we may become vessels of Honor Fit for Your Kingdom guide us in your Paths of righteousness and
let us not be swayed by the Temptations of this world Lewis wisely observed relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done thus we ask for your strength O Lord to trust in you and new each day father as we gather together in prayer Our Hearts United in the spirit we lift up to you the needs of your people cleanse us O Lord with the purifying fire of your Holy Spirit As We Lay Our Lives before you may you reveal yourself to us in new and wondrous
ways that we may grow in the knowledge of your truth and walk more Faithfully in your ways let us remember as Lewis noted that the Christian does not think God will love us because we are good but that God will make us good because he loves us now my brothers and sisters as we continue in prayer let us turn to the Lord with Contrition of heart for it is written if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9 who Among
Us can stand before the face of the Lord with pride who has not stumbled and fallen short of his glory as CS Lewis once humbly acknowledged I pray because I can't help myself I pray because I'm helpless I pray because the need flows out of me all the time waking and sleeping it doesn't change God it changes me let us too come before the Lord with a similar recognition of our need for his grace oh merciful father we acknowledge our sins before you for we have strayed like lost sheep we have failed to love you
with all our heart soul mind and strength and we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves forgive us O Lord for the times when we have chosen the darkness over the light when we have pursued the desires of the flesh rather than the fruits of the spirit yet in your boundless Grace you have provided a way of return through the blood of your son we come before You O Lord with hearts humbled and Spirits contrite asking for the Forgiveness that only you can give blot out our transgressions and cleanse us from all iniquity restore to
us the joy of your salvation and renew a right Spirit within us oh Lord may your grace be sufficient for us and may we Rise From the Ashes of our sin to walk in newness of Life CS Lewis poignantly stated we are not merely imperfect creatures who must be improved we are Rebels who must lay down our arms help us oh Lord to surrender fully to your will oh Lord creator of all things visible and invisible cleanse thou me from all iniquity for thou oh God art merciful and of tender compassion and it is by
thy Divine Mercy that I may approach thy holy Throne I come before thee in Humble repentance seeking not my own Merit but trusting solely in thine infinite grace which thou Hast manifested ed through thy son our Lord Jesus Christ oh Lord strengthen me thy servant that I may resist the Wilds of the evil one and the Temptations which beset me in this Mortal life guide my feet oh God along the narrow path of righteousness and help me to ever remember that thy love is without bounds and that through Christ the Yoke of sin is lifted
and true peace is found as thou Hast forgiven me so so also do I forgive those who have wronged me Grant unto me oh Lord the grace of thy holy spirit that I may walk in humility and with a heart free from bitterness strengthen me with thy mercy o father that I may Echo the words of Our Lord upon the cross saying father forgive them for they know not what they do CS Lewis once wrote to be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable able because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you may this truth
guide our hearts as we seek to forgive those who have wronged us Grant O Lord that I may bear the image of thy son in all my dealings showing forth the love of Christ even unto those who wrong me fill me oh Lord with thy spirit that the fruit of temperance and longsuffering may abound in me that I may be slow to speak in anger and Swift to listen with compassion make me oh Lord more like unto thee who art the Fountain of all Mercy heal the wounds of my heart oh gracious father as I
release all remnants of malice injury and resentment into thy hands and if it be thy will May broken relationships be restored and reconciled in the name of thy beloved Son Jesus Christ father May thy forgiveness and boundless love be reflected in my life that I may be a light in the midst of Darkness to those around me even now as I lift my voice in prayer with all the faithful I give thee thanks for the hearts that are turning unto thee for thou O Lord art the god spoken of by the prophet Micah who paronthi
equity and passeth over the trans transgression of the remnant of thy people Thou Art not wrathful forever but Delight Us in Mercy yay thou Wilt again have compassion upon us and Wilt cast all our sins into the depths of the sea great art thou oh God and great is thy faithfulness each day thy mercies are renewed and for this we give thanks trusting in the Blessed hope of eternal life which thou Hast prepared for us in Christ I give thee thanks for thy pardon and forgiveness knowing that thou art ever gracious slow to anger and
rich in love oh Lord fill our days with thy peace our hearts with thy love and our lives with the joy of thy presence in the precious name of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer and Lord I pray amen now dear friends let us offer together a prayer of Thanksgiving for it is meet and write to give thanks unto the Lord at all times the Apostle hath taught us in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you 1 Thessalonians 5:18 let us therefore bow our heads and lift our hearts in
gratitude before the almighty who is our Rock and our Fortress the Lord of hosts who Reigns eternally as CS Lewis said so eloquently we ought to give thanks for all Fortune if it is good because it is good if bad because it works in US patience humility and the contempt of this world and the hope of our Eternal country oh Heavenly Father Thou Art our sure refuge and strength in all things Thou Art faithful and thy Grace sustain with us Thou Art Jehovah Gyra The God Who provideth for all our needs with a heart full
of gratitude I give thee praise O Lord for thy steadfast presence in my life for every blessing both seen and unseen which thou Hast poured out upon me I thank thee for the breath of life for the provision of sustenance and for the fellowship of family friends and all those whom thou Hast placed in my path as instruments of thy love I give thee thanks oh lord for thy mercy and Grace which never fail I thank thee most of all for the inexpressible gift of thy son Jesus Christ who by his death upon the cross
hath redeemed me from the power of sin and death I thank thee Oh God for the new life given unto us in Christ and for the abiding presence of thy Holy Spirit who guideth and strengtheneth us to live in accordance with thy will I give thee thanks for every gift and talent thou Hast bestowed upon me and for the opportunity to use them in service to thy Glory oh Lord master and governor of all things I give thee thanks even for the trials and adversities which thou in thy wisdom has seen fit to permit in
my life for in thy Divine counsel these challenges are not without purpose but rather they serve to strengthen my faith to deepen my Reliance upon thee and to Fashion my soul in accordance with thy will therefore I bless thy holy name for the lessons that have been wrought in the furnace of Affliction for it is through these that thou art shaping me thy servant to reflect more perfectly the image of thy beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ CS Lewis reflecting on suffering said we are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us
we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be oh Lord though the road may be hard I trust that thy hand is at work in every trial perfecting me for the glory of thy kingdom I give thanks unto thee oh Father for thou Dost work through all circumstances both seen and unseen to bring to pass thy purpose in my life thou Dost not leave me comfortless but Hast poured out thy Holy Spirit upon me to be my helper my consoler and my strength in times of tribulation yay even in the midst of
Sorrow thy peace abideth for it is thou who art the rock of my salvation and thy faithfulness is from Everlasting to Everlasting thou Hast taught me oh Lord the grace of for forgiveness and Hast assured my heart that all thy promises are steadfast and sure as the Apostle hath written we are troubled on every side yet not distressed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 for as we carry in our bodies the dying of the Lord Jesus so also is his life made manifest in
US truly these light afflictions though they may seem Grievous for a time are but momentary in comparison to the Eternal weight of Glory that they prepare for us who look not upon the things of this world which are passing but upon the things Eternal which are unseen oh Lord I rest in the knowledge that thou art Sovereign over all things and I thank thee for the peace that this truth imparts to my soul in thee is Our Hope secure for thou Hast promised eternal life in Christ Jesus and thy word is faithful and true as
it is written we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose Romans 8:28 therefore I give thanks unto thee Oh Lord for every circumstance whether joyful or sorrowful for I trust that thy hand is at work perfecting all things for my good and for thy Glory Thy Faithfulness O Lord endureth in every season and thy provision is sure Thou Art The Giver of every good and perfect gift as thy servant James hath declared every good and perfect gift is from above
and cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning James 1:17 for this O Lord I render thee praise for every blessing both great and small that thou Hast bestowed upon me Teach Me Oh merciful god to cultivate a heart of gratitude and to remember that all good things in my life come from thy Bountiful hand Thou Art good O Lord Lord and thy mercy endureth forever I give thee all glory honor and praise for thou alone Art Worthy in the precious and lifegiving name of Jesus Christ
I pray amen beloved brothers and sisters let us now turn our hearts and Minds towards the one who sustains all creation The Giver of all good things as we beseech his Divine protection and provision as the Blessed apostle John hath written beloved I pray that thou mayest prosper in all things and be in health even as thy Soul prospereth 3 John 1:2 it is meat and right that we the children of Light Lift our prayers to our gracious father whose mercy endureth forever let us pray oh Almighty and everlasting God our refuge and our strength
we come before thee hum humbling our hearts in thy presence Thou Art the creator of Heaven and Earth the source of all life the fountain from which all blessings flow we acknowledge oh Lord that apart from thee we can do nothing for thou alone art our sufficiency therefore we bow in reverence offering thee all worship and praise for thy loving kindness is new every morning and thy Grace aboundeth without measure we give thanks unto thee O Lord for the mercies seen and unseen for thy care that sustains us through the trials of this temporal life
oh gracious father thou Hast given us Assurance in thy holy word where it is written verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven Matthew 18:18 in the name of thine only begotten son our Lord Jesus Christ we beseech thee bind every Power Of Darkness that seeketh to hinder thy will in our lives bind every force of deception Every Chain of bondage and every snare of the enemy which sth itself against thy purpose cast down O Lord
every stronghold of sin lack and adversity that assails thy people Thou Art our protector our shield and our strong Tower and in thee we find Refuge we stand firm O Lord in thy promise that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that riseth against us in judgment Thou shalt condemn Isaiah 54:17 we thank thee Oh God that thou Hast given thy Holy Angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways therefore we rest in thy faithfulness know KN that thy Providence guideth our steps from our going out to
our coming in both now and Evermore in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ by whose authority we are called to be Sons and Daughters of the most high we rebuke every Spirit of infirmity poverty and want for thou oh Lord art our provider who meeteth all our needs according to thy riches in glory grant us O Lord a season of abundance that we may testify of thy goodness we declare that we are blessed both in the city and in the field for we dwell under the shelter of thy wings and thy favor encompasses us
like a shield May thy grace abound toward us oh God that we might have sufficiency in all things and abound in every good work father thou Hast given us the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy Luke 10:19 we therefore claim victory in thy name over every form of debt over all Financial instability and over every obstacle that prevent us from fulfilling thy Divine Purpose though our faith be at times frail we now stand O Lord in renewed trust in thee who art able to do exceedingly above
all we can ask or think for thou art the god of the impossible the one who divideth the sea and bringeth forth streams in the desert oh Lord we speak against all stagnation and limitation make a way oh God where there Seth no way open the doors of opportunity and provision and may every wall of hindrance fall as did the walls of Jericho before thy people we lay hold of thy promise that thy Grace will abound toward us that in all things we might have enough for ourselves and also abundance for the good work to
which thou Hast called us it is with a humble heart that I approach the throne of grace to extol the mercy and goodness of our God for his Providence is Without End and his love abounds toward his children indeed oh servant of God you have spoken rightly for it is by his ineffable Mercy that we do not merely endure but flourish and in this His holy name is exalted among men be mindful then that it is not of our strength nor of our wisdom that we are preserved but solely by the grace of him who
has called us out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light for all that is good within us proceeds from his hand in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the Conqueror of death and the Prince of Peace we Cast Away the spirits of fear and anxiety which so easily beset us knowing that the perfect love of God drives out all fear 1 John 4:18 hold fast to the assurance that the Lord who clothes the lies of the field and feeds The Sparrows shall surely provide for you and all who trust in him for he is Jehovah
Gyra the Lord our PR provider rest then beloved in his unfailing promises and set your heart upon his word for the Lord has declared that his plans for you are for peace and not for affliction to give you a future filled with hope Jeremiah 29:11 let your soul be at peace trusting that he who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ Philippians 1 six let us therefore beseech the Lord with confidence sealing these petitions in the name above every name the matchless name of Jesus
Christ knowing that his word once sent forth will not return to him void but will accomplish that for which it was sent Isaiah 5511 oh beloved know that you are sheltered under the wings of the almighty for he is your refuge and your Fortress your God in whom you trust Psalm 91:2 receive then with a grateful heart the manifold blessings of the Lord who pours out his grace not only upon you but upon all those who are near to you and as you walk in the favor of the Lord lift up your heart in Thanksgiving
for he has heard your cry and will answer according to his loving kindness brothers and sisters let us draw near to the Lord together lifting up our voices in faith for the Lord is near to all who call upon him in truth Psalm 14518 remember the compassion of Christ who went about healing every disease and affliction among the people Matthew 9:35 let us call to mind also the faith of the woman who touched the Hem of His Garment and by her faith was made whole whole Luke 8:43 ver 48 such is the power of faith
in the Living God that no sickness no infirmity no sorrow can withstand his healing touch therefore let us join in prayer in full assurance that he who raised the dead and restored sight to the blind is the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews 138 oh merciful father healer of our bodies and savior of our souls we come before you in awe of your loving kindness and your Mighty works with hearts overflowing with gratitude we praise your holy name for your mercy endures forever our souls thirst for your healing and our Spirits long for your deliverance
for we have no hope apart from you in your compassion look upon us oh lord for we lay hold of the promise you have given us in your word that by the wounds of Christ we are healed Isaiah 53:5 may your healing virtue flow forth from your throne touching each one of us and making us whole in Body Mind and Spirit oh Lord most gracious and merciful I stand before thee in faith trusting in the promises which thou Hast made to thy servants as it is written the prayer of faith shall save the sick and
the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven him James 5:15 with this assurance I call upon thy boundless Grace to bring healing and restoration to every part of my being my body my mind and my soul for I know oh Lord that thou art the Healer of all infirmities and thy mercies are new every morning oh merciful god I beseech thee touch me from from the crown of my head to the souls of my feet let the Divine virtue of thy Holy Spirit descend upon me cleansing renewing
and healing let every fiber of my body every muscle every joint every bone every cell be restored by thy lifegiving power as thou didst heal the blind the lame and the leper so too I pray let thy healing flow over me making me hold in every way we give thanks unto thee Oh Lord for thy healing and thy salvation for thou art the deliverer of souls my heart overflows with gratitude as I remember thy words in the psalm bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who
Health all thy diseases Psalm 103: 2-3 thy Mercy is endless and thy compassion knows no bounds in thee alone is my hope and salvation and I praise thee for the multitude of blessings thou H has poured out upon me both seen and unseen oh Lord I bring before thee every trial and tribulation every Affliction that weighs Upon My Body Mind and Spirit thou Hast said in thy word the righteous cry and the Lord heareth and out of all their troubles Psalm 34:17 Hear My Cry O Lord and Deliver Me from every bondage every Affliction every
sorrow that seeks to ens snare me grant me the strength to stand firm in the faith that no work of the evil one may prevail against me heal the brokenhearted Proclaim Liberty to the captives and open the prison doors to those who are bound as as thou Hast promised through thy holy prophets Isaiah 61:1 I receive thy Deliverance O Lord with a heart filled with Thanksgiving by thy mercy I am freed and by thy Grace I am made whole let thy anointing rest upon me and let the light of thy truth Shine for forth in
my life that I may bear witness to thy wondrous works and share thy liberating word with all who are oppressed for thou art the source of my strength my salvation and my joy yours O Lord is the kingdom the power and the glory now and forever let thy name be praised unto the ages of Ages I offer this prayer in the precious and all powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom all things are made whole amen and now oh beloved Brethren I bid thee lift up thy voice in praise and thanksgiving that the
Lord may be glorified in all his Works give thanks to him who heals who delivers and who saves for his love is Everlasting as we pray together in faith let us trust that the Lord in his great Mercy will work wonders in our midst not because of Any Merit of ours but because of his boundless love for us if it be in thy heart offer this prayer daily for seven days days for seven is the number of completion signifying the fullness of God's perfect will as the Lord did complete his work in the seven days
of creation so too may he bring to completion the work he has begun in thee in faith await the Marvels he shall accomplish in thy life and as thou Dost witness his hand at work be swift to testify to his goodness that others may share in the blessings of his grace may the Lord bless thee abundantly and may his peace be upon thee now and forever more amen
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