AI Built Me 11 Money Making Websites in ONE WEEK

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I wanted to show my failures and my successes in this video - I managed to get some really good AI S...
Video Transcript:
hey everyone welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be giving you an overview of the websites that I've made in the last couple of weeks using nextjs bolt and more recently cursor now I've got some really interesting conclusions to draw from this video so let's get into [Music] it the first website that I made was find a tradesperson island. com and if we actually go on ahfs and just search for finder tradesperson island. com now this was released on the 19th of October so it's now the 4th of November it's about 15 16 days ago I don't know about you but I've never seen almost 600 keywords on ah refs in such a small amount of time before so this is very very exciting to me and it should be very very exciting to other people as well at least I hope um and we're actually getting some traffic as well you can see this is real traffic um you can see if I go on countries a lot of the traffic is from is Land N not all of my subscribers are from Ireland and therefore this is real traffic and not just people going to uh this website because of the videos that I've made about it so fin trades person Island this is or was a unique website in the sense that it uses server side rendering and dynamic generation of pages okay so these two concepts here I'm going to be talking about a lot in the coming weeks now I do not profess to be an expert on any of these topics okay but server side rendering and dynamic generation of pages what that actually means from my understanding of these things my very limited understanding of these things at least Dynamic generation of pages what this means is if I go and find a trades person Island and I go on plumber now these are all static Pages this is a static page this is generated at the time of building the website okay this is also a static page okay because it doesn't change the these are always the counties of Ireland and these this is always an HVAC technician although I'll go on Carpenter because it's more likely to exist this is also static page okay because this is carpenters in the region of CLA okay when I click let's go for scariff when I click scariff this is going to dynamically generate this page okay so I'm going to click it this page here is what is known as dynamically generated what that means is this page is only generated when someone clicks on it until someone clicks on it the page doesn't exist okay but a lot of them are on Google okay because what Google does is it crawls this page as if it were a user it renders the content and then it ranks it on Google according to the content that will be on the page when someone clicks on it okay so I want you to bear that in mind as we go through this process this is the only website currently there are two now because I made find a business uk.
com yesterday but there are only two dynamically generated websites on this list all of the other ones are statically generated websites okay so just remember that so the second one that I made was get married in italy. com this is a static website where all of the content is again built when we build the website I am not happy with how this is going I don't think this has been a great success or anything like that I'm not trying to claim that this has been a great success I would have expected a lot more so we'll go on get married in italy. com which been completely transparent here guys looks like there's actually no keywords anywhere really no keywords on a get married oh it's do Co idiot okay so there are some keywords right so we've got eight keywords here on um a refs not a great success guys I'm not happy with how this went I would have expected this to do a lot better we do have 184 index pages though so I mean we can expect this to kind of float around but I'm not really expecting much from this I I'm not going to be making websites statically anymore just so everyone knows that's the main conclusion from this video so let's go on to the next one so here's the big one that people probably remember the meaning of baby names this has 93,000 pages on it and if I actually go on pages there's only one indexed page okay so this is actually kind of hilar oh sorry there's 293 index pages I was on the wrong one anyway there's 45,000 non-index pages and only 300ish index Pages this is another failure guys you can see Google hates this website this is probably never going to rank on Google let's be honest um the the the all of this here this is just people going from my video searching for this website finding that it's completely failed and then writing a mean comment on YouTube so [Music] uh what is it let's do site the meaning of babynames.
com you can see this is pretty much we can call this a fail so just while we're here let's just check one of the other ones that I made uh live actually on a video so what is the meaning what is what does my baby name mean. com what does my baby name mean. com okay so again only one index page on Google this was not the best Niche by me it hasn't really worked I don't think Google appreciates having 93,000 Pages spat uh statically onto um onto its system so to be honest with you I'm going to say this right now statically generating Pages like this with massive amounts of content is not the way to go at all so let's have a look at another few examples I made a couple of websites very very recently uh using Julian's method just to see what happened uh which they are basically onepage websites you can see here the Raz calculator.
com just a onepage website uh that's a tool to work out your row as your return on ad spend again we've got pretty much nothing here um this has not been a success either and then we'll do the best Roi calculator. com this looks like it might have a bit more hope in it but yeah it'll be very very interesting to see if any of these actually rank this is a live experiment that I'm doing in front of people I'm being brutally honest with people and I'm trying to show people what's good and what's bad now let's talk about the only statically generated website that I actually have hoped for uh which is my dog breed helper. com so people don't even know about this website which is why KAC is laughing uh he obviously didn't know that I made this website this website has 4,500 pages on it it's a comparison website for dog breeds these are all the dog breeds that we have these are the comparison Pages these are like uh sizes of dogs so we have toy dogs small dogs large dogs giant dogs and then we have temperament so friendly dogs protective dogs high energy dogss blah blah blah if I actually just go on I I I do want to show this website off just because I love this website let's just click on American Bulldog look how cool this is guys look how freaking cool this is so all of this content is AI generated chat GPT um it's a really this is the one I have the most hope for guys because there aren't too many pages it has this really cool little yeah it has this really cool little graph but also it has some very good information on it and this is all real information taken from a CSV so I took a CSV I took chat uh the response from gbt 40 mini and I created these Pages now this is the one that I have the most hope for in terms of statically generated websites you can see slowly but surely we are getting indexed in terms of statically generating website oh 105 hell yeah dude nice this is the one guys this one is actually working okay and you can see the difference you can really see the difference between this website here with 4,500 Pages good information you know a nice little graph Etc um compared to something like uh what is what is it what does my baby name what does my baby name mean.
com which it's just not very good website doesn't have a lot of information you know this is nothing special to be honest with you so I will if people want I probably will anyway I'll make a video on how I made uh this website here this is the one that I've got the most hope for um we'll leave the prompt for this in the description of this video so you can check this check it out if you want but it looks like Google does like this website as well I'm not surprised by that to be honest with you and we'll just see how it's do wow nice 15 keywords on in the US as well and look at that CLE Kai personality 1. 5 th000 searches a month 33 position this could bring really good traffic to yeah I'm excited final website to look at guys is one that I released last night and I did talk about this in yesterday's video although I don't exactly know when each video is coming out so forgive me if it wasn't yesterday find a business uk. com oh sorry find a business in oh no it's lit find a business uk.
com that's crazy that domain was available no one has ever used this domain either so did you pay for that 20 bucks what yeah it's crazy right so this was released less than 8 hours ago okay uh no 9 hours ago let's say probably about 3:00 this morning this website was released so let's just do a site uh find aus. com you can see we already have over 300 index pages on Google so this is very similar IL to finder tradesperson island. com I wanted to repeat the process however this time it has I don't even know what number to say it either has 170 million Pages or it has 17 billion Pages or somewhere around that I don't actually know between one of those two ridiculous numbers I it has a minimum let's just say 10 million pages okay just to be conservative it has a minimum of 10 million Pages the reason for that is if I just go on here you can see business category there are 4,000 00 of these and there are however many counties and then there are 43,000 in total towns in the UK so if you just do the maths there we have 4,000 Google uh my business categories and we have 43,000 towns in the UK I think at a minimum it has 172 million pages but don't quote me on that CU I'm not 100% sure how all of this works I'm kind of just you know working this out for myself as well if you're curious how I made this uh website using cursor I didn't even use bolt then watch the video that we'll leave you know at the end of this video um but yeah that's going to be it for this one guys I just really really wanted to talk about how things are progressing what's working what's not working it seems like I mean it's not surprised to me that I now that I think about it but complete trash statically generated websites don't rank on Google I mean that's been true for fcking years now websites that give some value um like my dog breed helper I mean this is valuable you can see that this is valuable it gives you all of the information about that dog breed in a very concise very easy way okay so it's helpful content so statically generated websites that offer something a little bit extra with you know a graph some really good information some accurate information about their temperament characteristics ideal owner history health considerations training grooming needs common questions all of that good stuff okay these seem to rank on Google but the ones that from my experience so far seem to rank the best on Google are things like find a business.
com and um also find a tradesperson island. com so to already have five keywords on Google already when it was literally released less than 9 hours ago sorry on ah refs that's crazy to me guys I I've only ever seen that once before and that was with find a tradesperson island.
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