Juicy and Crispy Chicken Tenders with Honey Mustard Sauce! Chef Jean-Pierre

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Chef Jean-Pierre
These Juicy and Crispy Chicken Fingers are a delightful treat! Coated with a unique blend of panko b...
Video Transcript:
well hello there friends I don't know about you but I love chicken fingers and mine are delicious no kidding there I make it with panko and coconuts give it a really really good flavor and then I also make a little spicy honey mustard sauce to go with it and let me tell you when I tell you the crunchy the juicy the delicious I'm not kidding I am glad you're here remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned we're doing them right
now together [Applause] friends okay friends I love them I love those chicken fingers I'm going to show you my way to do it the secret is to make them nice and crispy and still moist and juicy so not overcooking it but still get them nice and crispy for this I got a couple for a little secret they have a secret really they're nothing FR uh friends for um for uh bre instead of using Bank bread I use PCO it's Japanese BREC you find this at your grocery store they have them I'm also going to add
some coconut to it so I got two cup of of Peno and then I'm going to add um a 3/4 of a cup of shreded coconuts and the shreded Coconuts friends I get the um the shreded Coconuts at I get at the grocery store and whole food and it's UNS sweeted so regular panko grocery store and this year I don't know if my regular grocery store has it they normally have a coconut but it's it's sugary it's for cookies it's not what you want then also for for a little extra crispiness Corn Flakes this believe
it or not was two cup of corn flakes that I mush down to to nothing to maybe a cup is left all right so cup of a crch corn flak and also that's if you have it a a/4 cup of very fine cornmeal very fine C meal if you have it if you don't have it don't worry about it not that big of a deal we're going to mix that up oh oh for extra flavor we're going to put because we still got to give it flavor this is a quarter teaspoon of cayen and I
like it I like a little spicy but it's in the background it's not like in your face if you want that way and put a teaspoon of cayen the minute you put it in your mouth you're going to know right and then I got two teaspoon of angaran smoked paprika oh oh and salt salt because there's no salt there's no salt on anything here so salt very important okay and then we're going to mix that up and that's going to be our breakr I likes to mix them up really good in here before I put
in my put the chicken in there you see mix them up really really good see it looks like it's mixed up but it's not so take the take the time to mix it up very fancy cooking we doing today friends I love them you know you can do it for whole chicken also but I'm doing it with a chicken tender today you know and because I like the chicken tender it's easy it's already cut it's easy it's very expensive though you notice everything is expensive these days so look I put it right I'm going to
show you I'm going to take it and uh so this is going to be the last ingredient we're going to do in the first ingredient we're going to put in is going to be the um the flour salt and pepper in the flour salt and pepper in the egg it's two eggs it's about a couple of cups of flour there's two eggs and and this I gave you the measurement a minute ago so friends you can use you can use chicken tenders if you can get them you know they're a little more expensive or you
can just simply use a chicken breast then you cut in a long side and you get also what looks like a tender you see it looks like a tender and this Believe it or not the breast is less expensive than the chicken tender so uh remember just cut it like this you know in my in in strips not too thick if they're too thick they're going to take too long to cook if they take too long to cook then you're going to have a brown golden brown uh uh outside and inside is not going to
be cooked so all right so you want to put them in there like this I'm just going to do a cuple right now just to show you how I do it okay let me wash my hand a little bit now you're going to think I was is going to touch the chicken again I'm going to try to keep my hands clean so I don't make a a mess in there so what I do is I take a I take the tongue and I put it in there now uh I know a lot of you know
how to cook already you've been here in the channel for almost three years now we have't did this and uh and so you know because I've told you already a 100 times don't forget to Salt and Pepper every stages of of your doing this okay and then what I do is I put the flour why are we putting the flour because if you put the flour it dries and it makes it easy for the egg to stick if it's you if you put a wet Chicken in there and the wet just get get rid of
the excess if you put a wet Chicken in in the egg it's not going to the egg is not going to stick and you're not going to have the egg and you're going say why do I need the egg folks if you want to put the bre on in it you got to put the egg you know in a way hopefully uh uh when we do something we have a reason for it why are we doing it what's the purpose of it so shake the excess off of the flour you don't want excess of it
and also check off the excess here you see friends just make sure there is um not too much of the egg and you want to keep your hands fairly clean because if they're not clean if they full of flour or full of eggs what happen you see I don't touch it until it's completely covered what happen is if you you if you mess up everything then everything gets U coated with a flour in here too much flour in here then then the egg is it gets thick and then if you take you put too much
egg in here what happen is your breakr instead of being nice I'm just going to put them in here instead of your Brom being uh uh um uh nice and like dry like this they get all gunky that's a new culinary term you're learning today gunky so friends I'm going to do okay just make sure it's cut well and then shake it shake shake the SX off you see even if you have to bang like this a little bit shake the SX off and then put one I like to do one at a time the
lot people say they you do what happen is if you do more than one then you get a mess and then like I said earlier your break arms get all messy it's it's really simple you know I like to work clean you watch some people cooking online Mama tell you this is look very nice so friends I'm going to do them all and then I come back and I'm going to show you we're going to cook I'm going to show you how I cook them and I'm going to make a um a honey mustard sauce
from scratch I'm going to show you how to do it it's simple all right be back in a minute okay friends well I got them all done I'm only doing eight of it cuz I'm not sure how many of them are going to fit in a five pen yet so I got the oil friends you want to make sure the oil is at three three and a quter somewhere around three and a quarter okay be careful when if you're using one of those therometer my friends you don't want it to touch the bottom of the
pot because it's going to read much harder right so you don't want to touch the bottom if you have one of those they're not as precise and you want to stay in the cor but they're good okay so if you have one of those because it measures the bottom of the part we don't want to measure the bottom of the pot so we're going to see check it out we're going to go in there friends and we're going to go slowly to put them in and then we're not going to touch them until we are
ready to flip them on the other side okay so we're going to put them all in there the idea is not to have the oil too hot because if you have the oil too hot friends what happen is it uh it Browns uh the the chicken really quick and you think it's done but it's not done all right so it's very important then you take the time to check your temperature and you don't want to go you don't want to be over three and a quarter that's really that simple well guess what they just fit
in there okay and then we don't want to touch them all right we don't want to touch them we just want to make sure I oil low oil temperature is going to drop we just want to make sure it comes back to three and a quarter so now it's barely 300 and it's okay okay and we're going to leave them alone and then we're going to make a sauce the sauce is a mayonnaise base but we're going to make we're going to make our own mayonnaise by just putting egg and mustard and oil okay but
if you want to skip all this you want to make your own mayonnaise I write a recipe for you where you don't have to make your own mayonnaise I got two eggs friends and I got two tablespoon of Dion mustard but if you notice the mustard is what they call Country mustard the um uh the uh demo mustard they call it it's got the Mustard Seed in it it's it's give you nice little texture we're going to put some garlic also I have about four four little cloves of garlic you don't have to put the
garlic if you don't want to um we're going to put some honey yeah no kidding must honey mustard sauce you put the honey I I got a little trick if you wanted to measure the honey you know I have to measure but if you have to measure you take a little bit of oil you put in the in the bottom of your measuring spoon and and you see it comes right out we're going to put about four tablespoon of honey and you see with the oil it comes right out the honey so it's just a
little trick that my mom used to use years ago so I still always use it so four tablespoon I'm using an akashia honey akashia honey I don't know if you've ever used akashia honey but it's extremely delicate and and really really really nice honey all right so we're putting that on there and uh let me take everything out of the way friends and then we're going to make the sauce so I'm also going to put a little bit of of a uh uh Hot Chili Pepper it's not really spicy it's a little red uh little
red uh uh Chili Pepper not really spicy but a little bit I I cut it in a little brunoise and also cuz I like it little spicy I'm going to put a little bit of shiraa you'll have to put it if you don't have it if you have it oh no not Shira Arisa I get everything confused a little bit of Arisa so it's going to be a little spicy it's really up to you how spicy you want to make things my friends and also mustard wise I know the French people are going to go
what I bet they going to go without it what um yellow mustard is going to give us a really really bright that sauce got to be yellow and and the mustard just do so put little bit of yellow mustard it's a very um acid vinegary mustard you know that mustard yellow mustard everybody puts another hot dog all right so now friends we are going to uh uh check our chicken to make sure we're doing good with it I think we should be ready to flip it not quite just quite another second or so and then
we'll be ready to flip it okay so now friends I want to make the sauce and I'm going to use my emersion blender make sure we're all good and um I am going to put my uh my oil to make my mayonnaise if you will right and I'm using a lemon olive oil friends I'm using a lemon olive oil a r lemon olive oil if you have it if you don't have a lemon olive oil just use a regular olive oil that's all nothing wrong with that we are making our sauce our mayonnaise to make
a mayonnaise you need egg mustard and oil and let's not forget to put salt friends cuz we know we got we got pepper right a little bit more oil and now I'm going to check the chicken the sauce looks beautiful you see look look yeah we're going to we're going to put it just a little bit more oil I would say it's about 3/4 cup of olive [Music] oil all right let me check the chicken friends and see how we're doing be gentle now when you flip them be very gentle when you you flipping friends
yeah they're looking beautiful see be very gentle otherwise you disturb that bre on you see there you go I say be gentle and I'm not so gentle yeah looking good looking good friends looking good yeah all right we're going to let them cook on the other side let's adjust this let me see how that sauce tastes my friends and if the sauce is good they look good they look good they look good I'm going to check temperature in there let's see what we got that's delicious it's delicious you know what I can put also in
there just a little bit and I want to put a lot just a little bit of lemon juice little acid to upset the fat of the olive oil and the lemon juice is going to be a be careful with this don't put too much because if you put too much it'll make the sauce too too as too liquid all right friends we're good here's what I'm going to do I'm going to continue cooking them let me check the temperature and see how we're doing on the temperature friends I'm about 125 I need to be about
150 at the most 155 15 5 at the most no I think we're there yes I think we're there my friends all right I'm going to take them out I'm going to put them on the tray right there I'm going to let them cool for a second I'm going to let them cool for a second and then I'm going to Plate I come back and I eat one of them I'll be back in a minute okay friends well they're delicious they got to be delicious so look look that sauce right there friends it's still a
little hot I mean not too hot oh yeah they're hot and uh and I'm going to dip it in that sauce look at that sauce friends look at that see it's thick enough then it sticks on it that's the whole idea it's got a stick on it if it's too liquid obviously it want and if it's too thick it's just too thick well some culinary wisdom today if it's too thick it's too thick here we go friends oh oh it really is delicious but it's hot wait a little longer than I did you had a
crunch oh I want to hear you oh my goodness I wanted you to hear the Crunch and I bu myself again the chicken is be look look how moist it is look at look at that look at that look how moist the chicken is Friends the chicken is perfectly cooked it's moist the you can see the juice coming out of the chicken can you see a Jack it's amazing is it so I love those I hope you make them friends you can make it with whole chicken breast as well I hope you enjoy it remember
thumbs up you like the video don't forget to subscribe to to the channel friends and don't forget to ring the bell thanks for [Music] watching man let me tell you I burned myself again so maybe I blow on it oh yeah oh let me tell you it's Cluny M the C FL was a good ad I hope they do it m I'm going to eat another few I save it for you guys oh yeah look at that I tell you I love my life oh that was a mess I made on the store
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