JESUS' Secret Teachings, The Lost Wisdom of Jesus (must watch)

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Beyond the Veil
In this thought-provoking exploration, we uncover the hidden, esoteric teachings of Jesus, diving de...
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for centuries Scholars Mystics and Seekers of Truth have searched for deeper meaning in the words of Jesus while his teachings are well known there are those who believe they contain esoteric knowledge spiritual truths that reveal the path to Divine Enlightenment and inner transformation many of these hidden meanings were preserved in ancient writings some of which were lost or deliberately excluded from the Bible but today we'll explore the possibility that Jesus wasn't just offering moral guidance he was imparting a mystical message about the nature of God the universe and the Divine spark within each of us
Welcome to our journey into the lost and forbidden teachings of Jesus in this video we'll take a closer look at scripture and hidden texts reexamining familiar passages through an esoteric lens to cover the profound spiritual truths that lie beneath let's begin to understand the possibility of hidden wisdom in jesus' words we first need to explore the concept of esoteric teachings but what exactly does this mean esoteric teachings Are Spiritual truths that are not immediately obvious they're often concealed in symbolism metaphors and petaphor and Parables intended to be understood only by those who seek deeper knowledge
these teachings are meant for the initiated those who are ready to move beyond the surface and unlock a higher understanding of life the universe and our connection to the Divine Many religious Traditions around the world have esoteric Dimensions from the mystical practices of Sufism in Islam to the cabala in Judaism and the meditative Paths of Eastern philosophies these teachings often emphasize an inner Journey leading the Seeker to personal transformation Enlightenment and Union with God could it be that jesus' teachings were not just for the crowds but also contained a deeper mystical message for those willing
to listen some believe that Jesus himself was a Mystic one who knew the path to Divine Union and shared it not openly but in a way that only those with spiritual Insight could understand in the next few minutes we'll explore how familiar passages from the Bible reveal this esoteric wisdom a wisdom that calls us to look within where the true kingdom of God can be found throughout the gospels Jesus often spoke in Parables simple stories that seem to carry moral lessons but could these stories hold something more many believe that these Parables were in fact
coats meant to convey higher spiritual wisdom to those who could understand in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 13 Jesus explains why he speaks in Parables he says those seeing they do not see though hearing they do not hear or understand this hints at a hidden message or wisdom that can only be grasped by those who are ready to look beyond the surface take for example the parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31 Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed Tiny But it grows into the largest of garden plants
becoming a tree where birds come and perch on the surface it's a story of something small becoming great but esoteric interpretations reveal a deeper meaning the Mustard Seed symbolizes the Divine potential within each of us a small spark of God's presence as we nurture this seed through spiritual growth it blossoms into full spiritual realization allowing us to become one with the Divine just as the seed transforms into a mighty tree the birds resting in its branches represent higher thoughts or spirit ual insights finding a home within us another powerful example is the parable of the
pearl of great price from Matthew 1345 Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls when he finds one of Great Value he goes away and sells everything he has and buys it on a mystical level the Pearl represents the Soul's journey toward Divine Enlightenment it's the ultimate spiritual truth a TR treasure so valuable that we must be willing to give up everything our material attachments and even our ego to attain it the merchant is you the seeker and the Pearl is the realization of your divine nature these Parables
and many others serve as symbolic teachings guiding us not only toward moral living but toward the discovery of higher truths Jesus was inviting his listeners to go deeper to seek the hidden mysteries of the kingdom of God that lie within us all to those with spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear these Parables offer a map a path to Awakening the divine within and experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven as a state of spiritual consciousness one of the most profound and mysterious statements Jesus made can be found in the Gospel of Luke 17 verse 21
when asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come Jesus responds the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed nor will people say here it is or there it is because the kingdom of God is within you what does it mean for the kingdom of God to be within us at first glance we might think of this as a metaphor but many spiritual Seekers and Mystics believe that Jesus was pointing to a deeper esoteric truth one that invites us to look within ourselves for the divine in the mystical tradition the
kingdom of God is not an external realm nor a distant Paradise waiting for us after death it is a state of being a Divine Consciousness that exists within each of us waiting to be discovered this inner kingdom is the presence of God the spark of divinity that resides in the core of our being many esoteric teachings from the East to the West Echo this same message the idea that true spiritual enlightenment comes not from looking outward but from turning inward seeking the divine presence within in this view the path to the kingdom of God is
a journey of self-discovery a journey to awaken the divine nature that is already inside us when Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God being within you he is not simply offering Comfort but issuing an invitation a call to awaken to the Divine reality that exists in every human heart it's an invitation to see beyond the material world to recognize that the true kingdom is not found in temples or rituals but in a personal direct experience of the divine within this teaching challenges us to shift our Focus away from searching for God in external places and
begin the work of cultivating an inner life a life of reflection prayer and meditation where we connect with the infinite wisdom and love that dwells within when Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you he was offering us a path to spiritual transformation a path that leads to the realization that we are in essence connected to God and that the divine presence is something we can experience here and now in this light the kingdom of God is not a distant hope but a present reality waiting to be discovered by those who seek it within
themselves Jesus life was not only a message of moral teaching and compassion but also a profound spiritual journey one that mirrors the path of Enlightenment found in many mystical Traditions from his time in the wilderness to his resurrection the story of Jesus can be seen as a model for Spiritual Awakening let's begin with jesus' time in the wilderness according to the gospels Jesus spent 40 days fasting and praying in the desert where he was tempted this period of isolation can be seen as a symbolic retreat from the material world a common step in the mystical
path here Jesus faces his own inner struggles shedding the ego's attachments and desires Mystics believe that this process of dying to the ego is necessary for one to fully awaken to Divine Consciousness in the mystical tradition this is known as The Dark Night of the Soul a spiritual trial where the Seeker must face the shadow aspects of themselves their doubts fears and temptation ations but through this struggle the soul emerges stronger more aligned with Divine Truth for Jesus this was a necessary step toward his mission a purification that prepared him for the work ahead next
we come to the Transfiguration in Matthew 17 Jesus ascends a high mountain and is transformed in a brilliant light his face shining like the sun and his clothes becoming as white as light in mystical terms this moment represents a higher stage of Enlightenment where the individual merges with Divine Consciousness the light that radiates from Jesus symbolizes Divine wisdom and the illumination that comes when one attains a direct experience of God for many Mystics this experience of light is not just a symbol but a reality an encounter with the divine presence that brings profound insight and
transformation the Transfiguration is a powerful reminder that Jesus was not only teaching about God but embodying the Divine showing us the potential for enlightenment that exists within all of us finally we come to the crucifixion and Resurrection in mystical traditions this is the ultimate symbol of spiritual death and rebirth Jesus death on the cross can be understood as the death of the ego the Ultimate Surrender to the Divine will his resurrection then represents the Souls Awakening to its true nature transcending death and returning to Oneness with God in esoteric Christianity the crucifixion is not just
a historical event but a metaphor for the personal spiritual journey we are all called to die to the ego the false self that clings to fear separation and attachment and be resurrected into our higher Divine self this is the path to Enlightenment one that Jesus walked and one that he invites us to follow through his life Jesus showed us the way the journey from inner struggle through spiritual transformation and into the realization of divine Oneness his path mirrors that of many Mystics seeking Enlightenment through the death of the old self and the birth of the
new in this way Jesus is not just the bringer of salvation but the guide to spiritual enlightenment showing us that the kingdom of God is Not only within us but that we are capable of Awakening to to it here and now one of the most powerful and recurring symbols in Jesus teachings is light over and over again he uses light to represent Divine truth Spiritual Awakening and the presence of God within but what does light truly represent in a deeper mystical sense could it be a key to unlocking the hidden wisdom of his message in
John 8:12 Jesus says I am the light of the world whoever follow follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life on the surface this may seem like a simple metaphor for moral guidance but in the mystical tradition light symbolizes much more it is the essence of divine Consciousness The Illuminating force of God's presence to say that Jesus is the light of the world is to acknowledge his role as the embodiment of divine wisdom guiding Humanity out of spiritual Darkness Darkness that represents ignorance separation and the blindness of the ego
his light reveals the truth of our divine nature our connection to God and our ultimate purpose in life mean in The Sermon on the Mount Jesus expands on this idea he tells his followers you are the light of the world a town built on a hill cannot be hidden neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way let your light shine before others Matthew 5146 here Jesus is revealing a deeper truth the light
is not his alone it exists within each of us this Divine Light is the essence of our soul the spark of God's presence that we all carry within and just as a lamp is meant to illuminate the darkness we are called to awaken this light within ourselves and share it with the world for Mystics this light represents the highest state of spiritual consciousness to let your light shine is to live in alignment with your true self Your Divine Nature it is to embody the qualities of love compassion wisdom and inner peace and to share these
gifts with others throughout the ages light has been a universal symbol in religious and spiritual practices from the light of candles to the symbolism of the sun light represents the divine force that illuminates the soul in this way jesus' teachings on light connect to a long tradition of using light as a symbol of Spiritual Awakening and divine presence in john: 15 we are told that the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it this statement carries profound esoteric meaning the light is the Divine Essence always present and Powerful no matter how
deep the darkness of ignorance or suffering may be it is a reminder that the Divine spark within us cannot be extinguished no matter the challenges we Face prayer and meditation are at the heart of Jesus teachings but these practices are more than requests for divine intervention or simple moments of reflection hiden within them lies a profound spiritual technology a means to connect with the divine within to access higher Consciousness and to awaken the presence of God in our lives throughout the gospels we see Jesus often retreating to quiet places to pray in Luke 5:116 it
says but Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed this wasn't just a moment of silence it was a practice of going inward a deep communion with the Divine in esoteric Traditions prayer is not just a way to ask for help but a pathway to aligning ourselves with Divine will opening our hearts and Minds to the guidance of God many of us think of prayer as speaking to God but in its deeper mystical sense prayer is also about listening stilling the Mind quieting the thoughts and opening ourselves to receive Divine Insight Jesus himself taught this
when he said in Matthew 66 When you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you in this verse Jesus isn't just talking about finding a physical room to pray in esoteric interpretations suggest that going into your room is about turning inward finding that quiet Sacred Space within where the divine presence resides it's about closing the door on external distractions entering the sanctuary of the soul and connecting to to the Divine source that is always present
but often overlooked in the busyness of daily life meditation though not explicitly mentioned in the gospels is an essential counterpart to prayer in mystical Traditions meditation is the practice of steing the Mind transcending thoughts and entering a state of pure presence it allows us to experience the kingdom of God within just as Jesus spoke about in Luke 17:21 through meditation we go beyond words and Concepts touching the Divine directly Jesus moments of prayer before major events in his life such as in the Garden of Gethsemane are powerful examples of using prayer as a means to
align with the Divine will in the gospel of Matthew chapter 26 during his prayer before his crucifixion Jesus says not my will but yours be done in this moment he surrenders completely not from weakness but from a place of deep spiritual connection and Trust in the divine plan for those who follow the mystical path prayer and meditation are not just spiritual practices but Pathways to Enlightenment they are tools for transforming Consciousness helping us move beyond the ego beyond the illusions of separation and into the realization of Oneness with God in this Stillness we touch the
infinite we receive Divine guidance and we awaken to the truth of who we are in Matthew 6:7 Jesus also warns against the mechanical repetition of words in prayer he says when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans for they think they will be heard because of their many words this is a reminder that true prayer is not about words at all it's about intention sincerity and the heart's deep connection to the Divine it is the quality of our attention the Stillness of our mind and the openness of our heart that allows us to
commune with God both prayer and meditation are ways to quiet the noise of the world and hear the voice of the divine within they are practices that allow us to access deeper wisdom to find peace in times of chaos and to awaken to the divine presence that is always with us as Jesus said in Matthew 7:7 ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you through prayer and meditation we do exactly this we knock on the door of our own soul and find
that God has been there all along one of jesus' most well-known teachings is The Sermon on the Mount where he delivered the Beatitudes eight simple but profound statements found in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 on the surface the beatitude seem like a call to moral virtue but when we look deeper they reveal a hidden wisdom a spirit spiritual road map for inner transformation and Awakening let's begin by understanding the word beatitude it comes from the Latin beus meaning blessed or happy but in a spiritual sense these blessings are not about material happiness they point
to a state of inner peace Divine connection and spiritual fulfillment each beatitude reflects a step along the path to Awakening showing us how to cultivate the qualities of the soul that bring us closer to God blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 5:3 what does it mean to be poor in spirit esoterically this speaks to humility not in the sense of poverty but the recognition that we in ourselves are limited and that true spiritual wealth comes from opening ourselves to God by emptying ourselves of ego and pride we
make room for the divine presence to fill us the kingdom of heaven then is not a place we go to after death in esoteric Traditions it is a state of being a realization of our divine nature when we become poor in spirit we awaken to this inner Kingdom the Divine Consciousness within blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted Matthew 5:4 this beatitude speaks to the deeper process of letting go mning not only for the loss of loved ones but for the Illusions we cling to in life in the mystical path mourning can
be seen as the Soul's longing for Union with God the Deep sorrow of separation and yet in this morning there is comfort for it is through this pain that we open ourselves to Divine Grace and healing true Comfort comes when we surrender our attachment to the material world and allow ourselves to be embraced by the infinite love and peace of God blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth Matthew 5:5 in the esoteric tradition meekness is not weakness it is the strength of the soul that comes from inner calm and humility those who
are Meek are not attached to power control or dominance instead they flow with the will of God trusting that Divine Providence will guide them this surrender allows them to inherit the earth not in the material sense but by becoming stewards of creation grounded in peace and unity with all life meekness invites us to align ourselves with Divine will living in harmony with the world not seeking to control it blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled Matthew 5:6 this isn't about moral righteousness in a conventional sense to hunger and
thirst for righteousness is to long for the divine mind to seek spiritual truth and wisdom Above All Else those who dedicate themselves to the spiritual path will ultimately be filled not with material riches but with the Deep fulfillment that comes from knowing god and living in alignment with Divine truth as we seek the higher truths of life we are filled with a deeper understanding of our purpose and the presence of God within us blessed are the merciful for they will be shown Mercy m Matthew 5:7 Mercy in this context is more than forgiveness it's a
Divine quality the unconditional love and compassion we extend to others when we show Mercy we are reflecting the very nature of God a love that knows no boundaries and in doing so we open ourselves to receive that same Mercy that same unconditional love and grace from the Divine body Mercy we become vessels of divine love experiencing the flow of Grace in our lives blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God Matthew 58 purity of heart means living without attachment to Ego desires or fear it is about clearing the heart of any barriers
that separate us from the Divine when our hearts are pure we see God not only in the sense of an external deity but within ourselves and in all of creation we awaken into the presence of the Divine that permeates everything purity of heart is the key to spiritual vision the ability to see beyond the material world and recognize the Divine Essence in all things blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God Matthew 5:9 in the esoteric sense being a peacemaker is about more than resolving conflicts between others it is about creating
inner peace within our own minds and hearts so that we can bring peace to the world peacemakers are those who have awakened to the Divine truth within and live in harmony with that truth spreading it to those around them by making peace within ourselves we become channels for divine peace in the world truly embodying our role as children of God the Beatitudes then are not just moral guidelines they are steps to Spiritual Awakening they guide us through the process of purifying our hearts humbling our OS and opening ourselves to the presence of God as we
embody these qualities we move closer to the kingdom of heaven not as a distant promise but as a living reality within as we've journeyed through the hidden wisdom of Jesus teachings we see a recurring theme the invitation to return to the divine presence within ourselves whether it's through The Parables the Beatitudes or the symbolism of light Jesus wasn't just showing us how to live morally he was pointing us to a deeper truth a path of inner transformation his teachings are not only historical records or spiritual doctrines they are a road map to Spiritual Awakening they
guide us back to the realization that the kingdom of God is not a distant realm but something that resides within us waiting to be discovered by embracing the mystical essence of Jesus words we reconnect with the Divine wisdom that has always been a part of our soul soul in a world filled with distractions and confusion the call to Inner wisdom is more important than ever Jesus teachings remind us that true peace love and Enlightenment come not from external sources but from within by quieting the mind opening the heart and seeking God within ourselves we embark
on the same Journey that Mystics Seekers and Saints have walked for centuries we are each capable of this inner transformation as Jesus said seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you the secret to the Divine is not hidden from us it is woven into every breath every thought every heartbeat it is in the Silence of our soul waiting for us to turn inward and listen so as we reflect on these teachings let us remember the path to Enlightenment to Divine connection and to True wisdom is not outside of us
it is within it always has been and it is here now for all who are willing to seek it
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