Exercise Scientist Critiques Ronnie Coleman

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Video Transcript:
Jay Cutler said you were 100% beatable what do you say about that I say Jay Cutler smoking crack ain't in his right [Music] mind Hey folks Dr Mike here for RP strength I've been a longtime professor of sport and exercise science at major universities across the United States only the fire see and uh we got apps we got diet apps we got training apps we got an all RP Your solution to Fitness but what we also have today is much more important than Fitness is U more in the realm of True Religion there are absolutely
and have been demigods and gods over the Millennia that were cooled to worship hey Thor was great Odin was dope what is it Hua a native South American God of the wind after which The Pagani haa Supercar as named all valid deities but there is only one the deity King Ronnie Coleman eight time Mr Olympia the king big Ron the Untouchable the big nasty there are so many nicknames for Ron that we could just do nicknames the entire time but instead of that let's look at some of his training in advance I'm going to warn
you I have a terrible barely admissible awful Ronnie Coleman impression that I do all with love all with respect as far as value of humans ever in history Ronnie Coleman is at the Zenith and I'm an dishonorable not mention so all jokes all love and respect but we are going to get the impression going and if you guys hate it let me know if you love it let me know and don't let Ronnie see this cuz he's honestly a lot stronger than me and if he ever sees me in real life he'll choke me to
death Ronnie I love you this whole video is a tribute to you being the man let's get to it all right I already know what he's going to say in this part everybody want to be a bodybuild don't nobody this heavy ass I do it go yeah unreal 760 lbs for four reps look sport science-wise hypertrophy wise does Ronnie need the iner advanced design single ply squat suit no though that's a great suit does he need his knee wraps absolutely not should he have cut his depth like he did so that it's not super all
the way down for that deep stretch for muscle growth absolutely not but it Pace to remember that Ronnie didn't grow basically any muscle like this he grew it doing more conventional things like squats for sets of eight sets of 10 hack squats leg presses often with a very large range of motion and multiple sets of those kind of moderate reps that's how you build muscle that's how Ronnie did it that's how Grandma did it that's how Grandpa did it that's how you're going to do it this sets of two and sets of four and the
squat and the deadlift that Ronnie's really like well known for you can file this under just for swag like this is just living life and being the man there's no other context for this this isn't useful to your training and it's just a thing you do because you can and Ronnie can with a Capital C and this is just awesome so can I critique this no cuz this is swag points if you're not riding Coleman and you try to do this and you think it's going to grow you a ton of muscle versus just conventional
training higher reps deeper ranges of motion more sets not limit weights then uh you're going to be making a mistake but was this a mistake for Ronnie hell no this is Ronnie being and Ronnie let's go look at more Ronnie being and Ronnie that was that was light I remember in the same video Ronnie had that was light and then later he was like that was heavy and then later he was like that was super heavy there is no getting enough of Ronnie Coleman what kind of steroids were dudes doing back then you know you
got you know your ti uh dball it's just basic stuff you know that's funny uh I think a lot of Joe Rogan's viewers just don't know what basic stuff is so when Ry is like yeah teth and dball and what that's it basic stuff they're like is I could you give us a few more examples of what basic stuff is he's not wrong he's not wrong guys did some basic stuff back then uh they also did some not so basic stuff that's when in the 90s Trend really started kicking high dose growth hormone and in
started kicking um some guys were using some slightly more exotic compounds but definitely is a little bit more straightforward back in the day and a lot of times people kind of took the side effects to the face Ronnie Coleman is also known through a few indirect sources this is indirect information it's best I have to go on as someone who according to his coaches just handled the steroids really well what does that mean that means his blood work wasn't coming back like his blood was soup it means psychologically he wasn't super aggressive or dangerous or
just miserable on them which is more than I can say for myself for most people that use relatively high doses on occasion and he did really get a ton of physical side effects but got a ton of really great main effects one of the biggest things in success at the highest levels of prob bodybuilding is can you handle the drugs the drugs are necessary at that level and if psychologically physiologically or healthwise and by physiologically muscle growth and other side effects kind of thing and health underlying healthwise if you can't handle the gear you ain't
sticking around the sport that's true for me and uh it's true for tons of people and some of the best bodybuilders of all time are people of course amazing genetics amazing work ethic amazing dedication really good fundamentals of training and consistency but they also handle the gear well and Ronnie's legendary for being able to handle the gear well so just something for you guys to know in the background it's not just a matter of all these are the things Ronnie and those guys in the 90s took that's going to make me jacked if you can
survive it yeah and most people can't not of those Doses and back then you know because the da had come in they they they made us it legally so you know you had to go to the doctor and get all these prescriptions an old prescription for dball haven't seen one of those in about 40 years yes some doctors will write you prescriptions for just about anything you need um a lot of these substances bodybuilders use now are actually not approved for human use in the United States so they can't legally be prescribed to you but
the ones that can some docs will prescribe them I suppose the rest just comes from your dealer and you get prescriptions for steroids yeah what kind of steroids would they give you a prescription for like any kind of test growth hormone so all that stuff was above board it was all legal yeah yeah everything was legal back then okay let me fill in the blanks for you guys that was definitely all above board and legal but unlikely at the dosages that Ronnie was running you don't prescribe three grams of test to someone per week and
have a medical licensing board not being like what theck is that so you can do trt and that's the legal part and then you get a couple extra vials from your dealer that's the illegal part but nobody gives a about that if you have a script for it you can travel the whole nine yards this is getting into borderline I'm not so comfortable saying out loud but it is what it is folks there is still more video to come but if you want the extra unrated super long uncut Edition we have it in our members
area and if you sign up for that you're going to get tons of other videos for a super low price give it some thought all right back to the video big doesn't say Ron does it Ron I love it yeah hell yeah hell yeah my man just to handle 225 like that means you're nonsensically strong it'll just do that to two plates on a side so you're getting a full range of motion from the stretch at the bottom right up to the flex at the top I bring it all the way down to my knee
and all way up and touch my belt right here yep you do a lot of high rep sets you find that's the best way to build muscle yeah yeah it's called Uh bodybuilding the only way you can build muscle is through repetition heavy weight as heavy as possible and as many reps as possible you got to push yourself there's no way around it one of the things that Ronnie did incredibly well is he pushed his sets hard was it always amazing Technique No but it was a stable technique Ronnie was used to was he really
trying yes how do I say this politely It Is by no means clear no no I take that back it is by every means clear that a huge fraction of the top Pro body builders of all time actually weren't really trying that hard on training like there's a lot of videos of various folks training and you're like can't tell if they're warming up or if it's a work set with Ronnie you could tell Ronnie sent it all the time and that is so important before we get into this crap about R and technique and r
of motion and loaded partials and all this stuff you have to have the core understanding of like I'm here to try and Ronnie had that every single day he showed up that is critical and to that end you can tell that Ronnie is wearing straps for his Ben Rose and you'll hear from lots of people usually medium-sized people Consulting small people when the small people ask about straps the medium size folks will say man that you got to like you can't have any like you can't have any crutches no weak links man you got to
grip it with your own hand now for beginners who need General development that's actually pretty good advice but as you get to be an intermediate as you get to be an advanced person you run into a really distinct systems problem here's the problem there are various muscles on your body your traps your back your hamstrings your glutes your quads and a few more that require such high reps with such heavy weight to stimulate maximally that your grip can no longer keep up that means that if you don't do anything to help out your grip like
in a bent row if you just grab raw at some point your back is so strong that the limiting factor isn't your back anymore it's your grip your grip is what's failing you and someone you get 14 reps you're like 13 like what happened like you couldn't pull the 14 like I could but my fingers were barely on the bar if you have a muscle you want to stimulate to a high degree you need to bring that muscle very close to its failure Point 3 2 1 zero reps in reserve something like that but if
you have like 12 bent rows you could have done but you had to stop because your grip gave out if you had grip not be a factor at all you could have done 12 more I don't care how hard that set felt for your forearms for your back that was 12 reps in reserve and we know based on lots of literature 12 reps in reserve is such an inefficient way to cause muscle growth it might barely cause any muscle growth in anyone other than very beginner lifters so the way to solve this problem ideally is
to get vers grips vers grips are like straps except there's only one Loop and they're made from some kind of strange material that apparently like was jettison out of a black hole Intergalactic War I honestly couldn't care about the details do they glow in the dark at night yes do my pets behave really strangely around them and Howl in the middle of the night as the Versa grips start to Glow yes but do they let me wrap them shits around the bar cinch in hard completely taking my grip out of the equation and let me
get my back and my shoulders and my traps and my legs as jacked as possible yeah hell yeah Ronnie's using straps which look pretty sweet to be honest Versa grips are really cool but straps to say big Ron on them categorically have to be cooler but godamn vers GPS get close we got uh a whole Link in there where you can buy and uh in the bottom there so vers grips is a huge Channel sponsor we love them and honestly like every single person we will ever every single company every single brand every single product
we will ever push to you guys as an option we a with you we really use it we really believe in it because it fing really works we will never lie to you on this channel unless it's about my personal life and in that case I have a 9-in dick do you believe it in any case back to R call my f veins now is that the kind of form that you normally train with and I try to bring it just past my knee so I get that full extension when I on my back when
I when I bring the waist up yeah critiquing Ronnie Coleman's technique is real tough because from a technical perspective uh Sport Science and from hypertrophy training research from inference from anatomy and physiology Ronnie's not exactly the poster child for you could consider optimized training the the common retort to that is like yeah but he's Ronnie so shut the up cuz he's atime Mr Olympia and you ain't which is totally true but an argument coming from someone should never be appraised based on who it comes from only what the argument says only The Logical structure so
if Ronnie told you if you sat down next to Ronnie at the airport introduced yourself and he was as usual super nice like Ronnie and just in the conversation of the yeah I bet if I didn't do all that crazy ass I would have been uh much healthier and actually gone growing a bit of muscle would you be like who the are you to tell ronic oh wait you are ronic colan how is it any different coming from him it's just categorically true on principle that principled better more effective training is better than less effective
training on principle so the way you should be training because you are in charge of your life isn't copying the top Pros it's learning as much as you can from them that make sense and the things they did right and then combining that with some science and critical thinking to be like okay I'm going to take the stuff that seems to work the intensity the dedication some really great techniques and exercises and I'm going to take that but I'm going to also take the science technique ship because I want to maximize my ability to perform
well minimize my probability of injury and is it true to say that these guys could have in some time machine way benefited from the most effective muscle growth training app ever made get yours now yeah if Ronnie went back to 1992 and re architected his future training to be more science-based would he be more jacked yeah and as a matter of fact he already did that once in his career he wasn't so good at bodybuilding not like he could be and then he was Mr Olympia for eight years and someone asked him what was the
difference and he said I hired a nutritionist so he really hired was a gentleman named Chad Nichols who's one of the greatest coaches of all time in bodybuilding and like guys Chad does science he does dosing protocols he does nutritional protocols it's calculated it's down to the number it's phased in and out it's chemistry that's as nerdy as it gets that's way more sciency than periodization or rep ranges or anything like that getting together with a science-minded person like Chad Nichols was what made Ronnie Coleman Ronnie Coleman and so can we use science in our
own regard even though Ronnie didn't really use a ton of it in training yeah cuz we already know switching to more science worked for Ronnie and for everyone that's ever done it any case and brand let's take a look at more of this stuff uh what's Ronnie doing hey I got the whole gy to myself everyy wait oh the gym is empty today nobody want to work out empty gyms are kind of dope like the day after Thanksgiving sometimes sometimes during the holidays sometimes in the evening or in the early morning if you have a
whole gym not to yourself but mostly to yourself something's missing you don't have that tick tocker tripod fun but um this a magic to just having a whole gym almost to yourself it's quiet it's contemplative and you can really go hard that's some really cool can you go hard enough to dumbbell press the 2 hunds only if you're Ronnie Coleman stand eting and like three other people ever yeah buddy like wait [Music] y y how many Choo Cho train noises do you make before you train if the answer is fewer than five you're not ever
going to be Ronnie Coleman my apologies to you the amount of control he's exerting with those dumbbells and the range of motion and the linearity and precision of it at 200 lb each is honestly astounding astounding this is very impressive kind of on all levels not just brutal man strength and swag but even on technique and control this is dope unreal [Music] one his ability to still say things while training is hilarious you'll never hear me say lightweight in the middle of a rep but Ronnie Ronnie can do it all where rip 200 lb baby
200 solid ass PBS five weeks out that wasn't enough we go to Incline again from a technical perspective very good incline pressing is it ideal no could he spend some time at the bottom and uh stretch out a little deeper totally uh but this is really [Music] good come onab yeah baby all right okay uh one thing you guys will notice is Ronnie goes hard right he trains hard but he can still speak during his sets he doesn't have headphones in his eyes haven't rolled back into his head he's not eating a sweatshirt like Jared
feather does on some really hard sets brother no offense Jerry it's awesome when you do it but Jared doesn't always train that hard because he knows it's stupid Ronnie didn't always train as hard as he could have he trains hard he takes the sets to failure and that's in scare quotes because could Ronnie try like psychotically like extra super hard and get a few more reps yeah but the stimulus to fatigue tradeoff is dog at that point so does he reach momentary muscular failure while pushing tough and really trying yes and that's about as hard
as you should mostly train in the gym if you have to get the childhood demons going it definitely makes training more effective but it makes it so fatiguing it becomes wildly unsustainable train like Ronnie don't train like you're having a panic attack and your psychiatrist's not around all right uh guys that was super fun um I could do this all day if you guys want us to do another Ronnie Coleman critique video or any other bodybuilding critique videos we'd love to do it again all jokes all for laws all for fun hopefully you learned a
little bit of something Ronnie Coleman uh we can learn from him and we can even critique some of the things he did to give us ideas of what to do ourselves can we critique him at a human level as a champion as a person as a representa of the sport absolutely not he is beyond reproach which is why my exercise scientist rating for Ronnie Coleman is an eight out of eight that's eight Miss Olympia you dumbass mother which Ronnie would have never said but uh I like to believe there's a bit of well how do
I say it mean Ronnie in there somewhere in any case folks thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time all right that was so fun I wish all videos were this fun but not everyone's rning colan right here YouTube's going to ask you to click on another video it could be just as fun as Ronnie unlikely but you might learn something give it a click and we'll see you guys next time
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